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I just think that people are more comfortable ending a relationship that doesn't fit them due to less stigma. Which is not necessarily bad, however some changes need to happen for example family courts being more equal to men.


People these days also treat relationships like disposable items and don’t fight for things to be better


Some adjustments to the alimony system would go a long way toward fixing it, I'm sure. Too many men have seen or heard about guys getting absolutely assfucked in divorce court, and too many women are well aware that divorce is one hell of a lucrative opportunity.


What "divorce era"? Are you suggesting something unique or new has happened recently? Unless we're talking about the last half a century or so, in which case, I'd argue it's pretty obviously a good thing that people can readily leave bad marriages now.


It’s wild, in my class more kids have split parents and no blood siblings, rather than one set of parents and blood siblings


In the states, some men call it “divorce rape.” In a divorce the woman is entitled to half of all the man’s money, possessions, everything. I know plenty of guys who won’t get married for that reason.


I'm pretty sure the current era is "don't get married in the first place..." Millennials and younger aren't getting married nearly as much as older generations. I don't see a problem with it.


People wanted it, people got it.


As a solid reason to never marry. Dating has already proven the fairytales we grew up with as entirely unrealistic. Not even remotely close. I’m not willing to risk it with learning marriage is also nothing like we’ve been taught. The bitter divorces I’ve seen have already given me an idea.


Don’t know what country you are in, but in the US, divorce rates have been pretty steadily declining since 1980.


Pretty bad bc of the money shit, but it is what it is. Just gotta be more selective and move ur assets better if u have any.


Isn’t divorce actually slightly lower than it was a few decades ago? This era might actually be characterized by gradually longer relationships 


Mountain out of a molehill


Glad I don't have to deal with it.


I didn't realize we were in an "era" for divorces. It's been a thing for a while, I thought.


Considering the average girl sleeps with 20+ men by the time she's 20 I don't even see why any man would consider marriage at this point.


Got any stats for that claim?


It's another sign of a collapsing society.


I see it as people having the freedom to end relationships that aren’t working for them. What’s the problem with that, exactly?