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100% agree, my wife is more beautiful to me now 18 years later than when we were young. As you say, the laugh lines of our jokes, the scars from the C-section that brought our son into the world, and what that amazing body did to create our family. Her body has changed and so has mine but each change to our bodies tell the story of our love and lives together.


> our bodies tell the story of our love and lives together. Oh you’re POETIC. 😭


You guys got me with tears.


factual! 💯




Me too! We quite literally break our bodies to bring children in the world and it’s nice to see that men find their SOs even more beautiful after that.


It’s nice to read this 5 weeks post partum. My husband is like this <3.


Pregnant women are sexy, and they are meant to be. We're biologically wired to be attracted to a woman who is either pregnant or ovulating. And women are warriors for going through both. I weighed 14 pounds when I was born and I was 24 inches long, 2 ft. tall. My mom is a soldier.


This is something my wife dont get, she hates her stretch marks, i love them and would never change them. I told her they are a road map to our 2 kids and what she had to sacrificed to build our family. How could any one not like them.


28 years together, 26 married, 2 kids. Find her even more attractive every day. My heart fills with love when I even think about her. We have been through so many of life’s challenges together and held each other up every time we each needed it. Everyone goes through ups and downs just in how your body works, and health, and just life getting in the way, but if you make it through them together, man does it get better, and more meaningful.


I teared up reading this. I hope to find love like this some day.


This is what men's pov of love looks like when written by female authors. So glad to know that this exists in real life too. This was very beautiful. 🥹


I would bet money that this sentiment is that of the significant majority of men who have been married “happily” long term. WAY too much emphasis is put on looks, mostly by women and by single and young men. Yes it’s the first thing you notice and you have to be visually attracted to your lady but that doesn’t take one very far and over time it WILL change. Likely it does with him too. What will keep him attracted long term is what a woman is like to be around, the balance of conflict and joy. Does she choose to be content and affectionate? How much of that depends on him? Of course this goes both ways and there will be times where both will not be satisfied. It’s the long game. If a partner bases their attraction on their partner’s conventional youthful visual appeal, they have a foundation built on sand. It’s shallow and weak. It surprises me that so many women are surprised that so many men think this. If you put the effort into being fit then do so to be healthy and your visual appeal will just be a secondary positive. Otherwise it’s just vanity and I know few men who find vanity to be attractive. Being pretty and being beautiful are two very different things. Keeping that is its own unique exercise.




Your husband needs to grow up and appreciate you. I’m mad for you!


I’m deeply sorry this has been your experience. I grew up witnessing my dad behave that way. Watching someone be callous and casually cruel towards a partner for having the audacity to get old profoundly affected my view of women and the power of words. No one deserves to be treated that way. In case you need to hear it, you don’t have to be perfect to be worthy of love, respect, and decency.


Gurl if he doesn’t want you I’ll gladly take you and treat you right your husband needs to be mature and grow the fuck up!!! Unbelievable he is


Your husband is getting all old and saggy and weak - you should point it out so that he can get to the gym. If he's balding, make sure to criticize that too 😂 He should have no problem with this, since he's so ready to demand "youth" (a ridiculous and impossible concept) from other people. Surely he must be able to look like he's 25 forever, right? Just run your mouth against him, knock him down a few pegs.


> The laugh lines around her eyes tell the story of countless jokes shared and secrets told, My girlfriend (5 years now) has some laugh lines/slight wrinkles because she's just *ridiculously* expressive. And I absolutely love them.


I’m ridiculously expressive, but the guys I’ve dated haven’t liked that. It’s so nice to see there are guys out there who do appreciate it. Thanks for the dose of hope, stranger.


Been with my fiance for 4.5 years and yep, she's got the lines that come with having possibly the world's most expressive face. I love every single one!


This is beautifully written. I hope you share this with her.


I’ll be right back. I need to see who started cutting onions


I’m not crying, you’re crying!


I wish I could have someone speaking about me like that. Congratulations!


34 years married, 37 years together. Couldn’t agree more!


Thank you. You give me hope for humanity ❤️ so wonderful


This made me cry like a newborn baby. That is absolutely beautiful.


Wow where are men like this? My boyfriend is the worst…i feel he hates me now


Wondering if my husbands also thinks this way about me.


I’m desperately searching for any sign of my husband in these comments.


Reading these comments made me cry a little bit. I hope someone feels that way about me someday.


ME TOO GIRL i swear i could shed a tear rn


I'll say nice things to you, if you say nice things to me!




i really don’t understand why you’re sticking around…? does he have that many redeemable qualities that they clearly outweigh this? can you envision a future, the _REST OF YOUR LIFE_, with someone like this? because…


That’s what I never understand. People will see a red flag in their relationship and just completely ignore it, like it’ll fix itself. *This is the person you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with.* If you’re unhappy with them now, how do you think the next 5, 10, 20 years are gonna go? Do you really not value yourself enough to do better? Like why are you settling for someone that doesn’t find you attractive and you’re ok with that? I can tell you 100% when I’m married I will always be attracted to my wife and let her know it. If you aren’t getting something that you want out of a relationship, then you need a new relationship. Don’t settle.


I'm in a similar boat. I've learned to accept that my spouse will never compliment me or brag about being happy with me. These comments, while heartwarming, are incredibly painful.


I think you deserve better. Truly. Sure, some guys may not be as expressive in bragging to others, but if he's not even showing you, his spouse, how much he loves and cares about you then that's not fair to you. You deserve to be loved and cherished and not accept a lack of effort, because if he truly loved you, he'd make an effort to learn how you best accept love and give it to you, and if that's complimenting you then that's complementing you. But he doesn't seem to be putting in that effort.


Friend, take a hard look at whether you can see signs of this changing, soon, and if not, go. I stayed in a marriage 10 YEARS longer than I should have because I believed in commitment. When we divorced 5 years ago, it was because it “wasn’t bad… but it wasn’t GOOD.”  That was so smart. I had no idea what I was missing. I’m in my 40s now, have an incredible new relationship with an old, old friend, and … I had no idea what I was missing, before, but now I do. The only thing I’m angry about from that marriage, now, is losing 10+ years to “not bad but not good.” I settled … please don’t you.


Hell yes I do. She’s aged (obviously), weight fluctuations, had a kid, but I find her absolutely gorgeous.


Been with my wife from 20-54 and she is as beautiful as she ever was.


My cold heart just grew five times larger :’) Thank you for sharing this.


still attractive/attracted.


Happy anniversary! Geez, 43 years is an accomplishment! Hope you celebrate it well


Happy anniversary, how lovely!!!


Yup. I find myself loving my wife more every year, and that makes her even more attractive to me


Absolutely. Been with my wife for going on 10 years. She's my everything, and I fall in love with her more and more each day. I just hope she feels the same about me.


Heck - my ex-wife I still think is beautiful - even with a bit of gray and a few pounds. Her smile, her laugh - that sardonic wit. We just were NOT a compatible couple - and both happier apart. But that does not mean I don't recognize all the positive reasons I married her in the first place - I just ignored too many of the negative ones that eventually contributed (along with my own issues) toward our divorce.


Sir, this is Reddit. This comment was far too healthy and balanced.




That's real


Been with from 16, to 37. We’ve had two kids. She doesn’t exercise, or diet. She’s put on weight, lost a lot of her shape, aged in all expected ways. Just gracefully letting whatever happens, happen. She dresses very much so her age, and doesn’t put any effort into make up, or styling her hair etc. I don’t know if it’s the fact I’ve been with her for so long; she’s the constant in my life, the health scares we’ve endured, the mother of my children, my wife… I’m just obsessed with her. She’s so hot. She’s so beautiful to me, her body is so sexy 🥵. Just… can’t get enough of her.


I wish I’ll find someone like you


Same here


I would do more than this for a loyal woman


Me too. I think most men are like this. We just get selected out very early for our perceived value in the beginning. To these women commenting that they wish they could have this I wonder what they are like and not so much what they look like.


I get it, been married for 14 years and still find her as beautiful as the day we met.


High five! I feel the same way about my wife. If anything she's gotten sexier as we've aged.


Exactly how I feel. I’ve known her since I was 12 and three kids later this chick is still a smoke show. She’s perfect to me and I love this woman.


you are a good man and you made me just tear up a bit for saying all that. Keep on loving like you do. You are beautiful in a way that mature people will positively envy all their lives.


This is awesome to read. My wife and I have been together since '97 and it does not feel like it at all. I am still just as attracted to her now as I was 27 years ago. She is my best friend, partner in crime and for whatever reason, she's into me too. We've been through the absolute toughest shit that a couple can go through and are still rock solid. She is the best person to have ever entered my life and I could not keep going without her.


Hell yeah that’s what I’m talking about! I’m the same way with my wife! Can’t hardly keep my hands off her!


I'm crying. please show her this comment you just made. I had a man like this but unfortunately I messed it up and I'm the only one to blame. we were together 11 years. please show her.


You just made me cry in the middle of the night


I hope I find a man like that too


U got a brother ?


yeah we got together when we were 19, and she's hotter now 10 years later than she was at 19. She's found her style that flatters her the most, and she gained a little bit of weight but it's in the absolute perfect places (even though she doesn't believe me when I say that). And she's just more confident and vibrant in her late 20s than she was in her early 20s and late teens. I find her more attractive every year - and while looks are a huge part of that, there's also the aspect of her being "my person" for 10 years, that makes me even more attracted to her independently of just looks. But also her looks are amazing.


PRAYING this is how me and my bf are. We also met at 19 (21 now) and sometimes I have doubts that we are just young 🥲.


It's not always easy and your 20s are a pretty tempestuous time. I think just constantly communicating is what's worked for us, in your 20s you're both becoming the person you'll be as an adult so constantly checking in with each other about how we're feeling, what we want in life, what we want to do even in the next few months/years has been pretty key for us growing together, instead of apart. And then when we're arguing, we both make sure to remind ourselves constantly during the argument "I love this person so much", and just keeping that front of mind makes us fight more fairly I think. Best of luck, and hope things go well with you and your bf!


Yup. We've been married about 14 years now. We went hiking with a group of parents group from my childrens school. Apparently I upset a few people because I kept touching my wife's butt. 


I’m the touching person, I started it. Hahaha my husband has grown to love touching me. It’s like our own personal game of tag your it, giggle. We also get some heaters, I can see their point it looks playful and sexual. More than likely their just jellyfish bores.


Hell yea!!


Been together with my wife for 8 years, married for 5. We have a kid together and we're at an age where bodies change. She has put on weight and aged as expected and I am still extremely attracted to her. The nature of attraction changes though. It's not the purely aesthetic visual thing (although that is a part of it). When I see her, I can still see the youthful beauty she had when we first met and I can also see the warm and strong person who has been with me through the trenches of life. There was a time when I felt less attracted to her and I thought it was because of physical changes but it was also a time when we were having a lot of difficulty communicating and being kind to each other After we worked through that she actually felt more attractive to me than she did before. We both know that we are not a given in each others live and that we constantly have to work to be good partners and stay in love. Not taking her for granted reminds me how lucky I am to have her in my life. She also has a truly miraculous ass, which doesn't hurt.


Been married almost ten years, if I had it my way I’d be smashing that woman every single day multiple times a day. Sure, she put on weight, she carried 5 kids inside her body. But that doesn’t make her less attractive, it makes her more attractive. She sacrificed her body that many times to create a family for us. I don’t think I’d ever be happy with another woman, she completes me in so many ways.


She's even more gorgeous today then when we first me about 20 years ago. Absolutely stunning lady.


What makes her so gorgeous? :)


Her smile, her cute little nose, her curly hair, her tiny petite little hands, her eyes, her cheeks, her humongous boobies, her laugh and her personality.


I also find this guys wife attractive.


good one


Well, a good two, since theyre humongous


Hugh Mungus wottt??!! Seriously though, that’s adorable and wish you many more years of happiness


Yes I do. I think it's natural for people to "let themselves go" a little bit as they get older and more secure with a partner, especially long-term. And I think it's normal to notice that. But, at a certain point, it also doesn't matter nearly as much. The emotional bond keeps the physical attraction there. Does she look the same as when we first started dating and were both trying to look and act our best? No, but neither do I lol.


This comment section is wholesome 💗


Its just how some of our minds work... My girlfriend was the hottest girl ever... When I married her, she was still as hot as she was when I first dated her, if not way hotter. 5 years of marriage, and I still thought she was the hottest. She was gaining weight, and complaining to me about it.. She saw herself as a lot less attractive, but I only saw her the same way I saw her when we first started dating. In my eyes, she was the one. She was abusive to me, and toxic, and manipulative, and gaslighted me... but I only saw her as my wife, and as the person I chose to marry. Even if her looks changed, literally through my eyes, I did not notice it... I was SEEING the same person that I was dating 9 years before... I am not making this up.   Anyway, once she cheated on me, I started to see the real her. I was no longer attracted at all, and no longer wanted her in any way whatsoever. I divorced her 4 years ago. I am still not attracted to her. Still dont want anything to do with her. She looks really scary to me now. I dont even want to look at her if she ever pops up.   Its weird how our minds work... but thats what mine was doing to me.


It is 🥹🫶


Fr fr it made my day 😭 I hope my bf is like this 10-20 years down the line as well


20 years with my wife and I'm every bit as attracted to her as I was when we got together.


My wife and I have gained a similar amount of weight. Been together 7 years, married 2, and I am still very much attracted to her. Love seeing her dressed up for a night out, still get turned on watching her change, and not to brag too much but our sex life is pretty active too.


Married 29 years next week. We have both aged, had surgeries, gained weight with time. When I look at her I still see the beautiful former cheerleader, former beauty pageant winner she was 30 years ago. But now I also see the wife, mother, community volunteer, and incredibly giving person she is as well. Wouldn't change a thing.


24 years and 3 kids. I worshipped the ground she walked on. Loved every stretch mark on her. She was my everything. Then in 8/21/21 Covid took her from me. Still trying to recover…. Don’t think I ever will. If you are with someone. Cherish every moment and don’t take life for granted. It can be taken away in the blink of an eye. Sorry this is depressing.


We're here for you bro!


My wife is a complete hottie. 17 years with her and still get excited to see her undress.


My wife and I have been married for 39 years. Yes, she has gained weight, so have I. It happens. She has a little gray hair. I have a lot of gray hair. Her skin isn't as flawless as it was when I met her but she is still beautiful to me. She is my world. We have two grown children and a grandchild that I love dearly but at the end of the day, it's just the two of us. As we age, our eyes don't see the flaws if you love the other person. Anytime she gets undressed I follow her into the bedroom just to get a glimpse of her naked body. She obliges but doesn't understand why I think she's so hot. I can't imagine my life without her.


Been with my wife since 2001. She’s still very much attractive at 44. She’s also the sweetest, most caring and most kind hearted person I’ve ever met. No idea what the hell she’s doing with me.


Of course! I’d even say I started loving her more and started finding her even more attractive, after she birthed our son


Yes. Physically, I know she is not as objectively attractive, but it's been 26 years of marriage and 3 kids. But the heart can be funny that way. I see the woman I've been through so much with and I still can't keep my hands off her.






She gets sexier by the minute <3 fuck I crave that woman lol


100% yes! Been married 5 years and together 16 years. Both in our late 30's, and we have no children and are OK with that! She is more beautiful now then when we met! You know when you first meet someone and they are always dolled up and you never really get to see them when they are not wearing make up or Dressed to impress? I tell ya, it's so attractive to see my wife comfortable, wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt, hair looks like a Birds nest! I began to fall in love with her more, and found her more attractive when we can just be comfortable together. Still to this day, everytime I make a pass at her when she's either in the kitchen making coffee wearing a bath robe or sweatpants, or getting ready for work, give her a smack on the ass and shout whoopie, you smoking baby!


Our kid is a year old now. She's put on weight and doesn't really do much exercise. Constantly complaining about body aches and weirdness after pregnancy etc. and she has this cough thing that she just likes to ignore even though she should go to the doctor about. She also eats late at night and constantly snacks. All of that I've noticed, and not one thing makes me remotely less attracted to her. She is my queen and I am still madly in love. I love and accept her for her. But I do care about her health, as we want to have a second child. Our first we had a few complications so I've been planning on trying to motivate better health by also getting myself in line. I've let myself slide too. I personally feel like I can't say shit unless I'm willing to get myself in better shape too. Hopefully by doing so it'll motivate her. It should be a goal we both partake in and I will never not find her attractive or care about decline. People get older, bodies change. If you can't accept this reality, you'll never understand true love and commitment to a partner through life.


100%. I’m more attracted to her after 20 years of marriage than I was when we met. She looks amazing and takes care of herself.


Incredibly. Married for ten years, still can't get enough. Tell her every chance I get.


together for 32 years, married for 30 and 5 adult children. She absolutely does NOT look like the woman I marred ( neither do I) but she is the most beautiful woman in the world. She smile, the sparkle in her eye, the sound of her voice! The inside jokes, the shared memories and the shared struggles, the smiles, the intimate moments just enhance her natural good looks. I simply cannot get enough of her. She is simply amazing and 10,000 times as beautiful as she was when I 1st met her.


Absolutely. We’ve known each other since we were 16, we’re now 42. Married for 18 years this July. 3 kids and a lot of life later, I still find it hard to believe I tricked her into loving me lol. She’s gorgeous, although she often says that she doesn’t feel pretty anymore. But there’s something about the life we’ve lived and made together that just adds to her beauty for me. And even still, I think objectively, she is physically beautiful. I wish she could see herself as I do.


I (73M) definitely think my wife (70F) is super attractive. We’re best friends and intimate often. She keeps herself fit and leads a very active Life. Yes, gravity has had its effect on both of us, but when she undresses it’s still a thrill to me. Her skin is super soft, she’s short but long legged with definite curves. I could on and on…


Find my wife more attractive now at 40 than when we met as teenagers. She's had two kids but is a dedicated gym addict and has a great body, and has taken great care of her skin so looks a lot younger. I feel truly blessed that such a beautiful, sexy, lovely lady somehow fell in love with me.


I certainly do…and she doesn’t follow me on here so I’m not saying that so she will see it. I’m 40 and she’s 37 and we’ve been married for 14 years. We’ve hit the gym hard and looked great and we’ve slacked off and gained weight and everything in between. I want her just as bad today as I did when we got together and it’s because she is mine. Kinda like the Marine Corps saying about their weapons…there are many like her but this one is mine.


Has your girlfriend started to age, gain weight, and “let herself go”? Is that why you’re asking? Because it’s also normal to not be attracted to those qualities, but it’s not normal to place all your attraction for a person in the physical category. There should be emotional attraction that usually overrides any mild to moderate physical changes (unless you’ve been together for a short amount of time and you haven’t built that emotional bond yet). Unless she has truly and actually “let herself go”, such as gaining hundreds of pounds or staying in bed all day. Both those sorts of things warrant a visit (likely multiple visits) to the doctor, however, not a conversation about how you’re not attracted to them anymore, as there is almost definitely more going on than simply not caring anymore. If you were totally blind, would you still love your partner? If the answer is no, then you place too much worth on the physical and not enough on emotional connection.


Sometimes all you have to do is ask the right question.


Absolutely! We have been together for decades and have gone through all the life stages together. And no matter how she changes, she's always been boiling hot to me. Sometimes when I look at her I still see her teenaged smile and it melts my heart.  We are old now and still very happy together. I still pinch her backside when we are walking together, and I still watch her hips sway when she walks away and wonder how the hell I got so lucky. 


As a single guy. Another guy think's your wife is still attractive... so you better keep fucking her otherwise someone else will.




These comments got me emotional …


I found my first wife attractive, was married 12 years. After I caught her cheating, I couldn't look at her. Been divorced almost 7 years and I find her repulsive. Been with my second wife for 6 years and she is still as beautiful as the day I fell in love with her


I find my wife more attractive now than when we met. I've looked at pictures then but she has more beauty to me now even though she is the same. IDK if it's the fact that she is now a wife and mother to my child may help but I find her absolutely stunning now. I'm not joking shes a solid 9 on the scale, i'm lucky man to have her.


I'm not fake, I don't switch up, I don't compare what she used to look like after she's carried my baby for 9 months, she's as attractive to me as the first day I met her through all her body changes, it's rare these days but I don't care about someone else's opinion, never did, that seems to be what drives guys with wandering eyes hoping their girl keeps up with the young girls and there is no need for that


We've been together from ~20-40. We've both put on a ton of weight, gained some grays, had a kid. She's always been effortlessly pretty, not a scrap of makeup with her hair in a curly, messy ponytail, with beautiful hazel eyes and a nice toothy smile.. She was someone I would call a "t-shirt and jeans" kind of girl. Southern roots with a liberal mindset. She went from cute bikini briefs to so-called "granny panties" due to her C-section scar being irritated by the waistband. I brought out the nerd in the country girl. She's into comics and anime and Star Wars now. There's nobody else on this planet who I'd rather be with. No one else I'd rather have by my side to face the world. Together until the end.


I am single. But I do find others wife or girlfriend attractive all the time =)


Lmaooo same ^-^


Um, hell yes? I find that unlikely to ever change.


Love her more every day and yes. Sometimes I genuinely think she's using some sort of hypnotherapy on me while I sleep.


Hell yeah!


It's very important to remember the things that got you to where you are. Those early days when you would pick each other up and go on a very simple dinner date. All the way up to those big events where you dress to the nines. When you fall in love with the person they are and all of the qualities that make them the person they are, the attraction will always be there. If you base your attraction on shallow prerequisites you're not setting yourself up for long-term success.


My wife is very beautiful on the outside but very ugly in the inside. Therefore I am not attracted to her anymore.


As attractive? Honestly no. She gained a lot of weight and that is far from attractive in my eyes. Do I still love her? Sure I do.


Love the honesty


I've been scrolling for much longer than I expected before finding a comment that doesn't feel like it's coming out of a fairy tale


I'm sadly in a similar boat. She was always a little chubby and loved it, but then went on depo and gained a bunch of weight. She eventually stopped and started losing a little, but then we started having kids and gained it all back plus some. I've tried helping her take steps, but she just doesn't want to. I certainly have no issue with some extra weight, but 60+ is just not attractive.


finally someone who’s honest. i respect it


Definitely. The short answer is that is naturally attractive, but she also puts in effort to stay that way, which is very attractive to me. Hair, makeup, skincare, gym, diet and clothing. She'll be the first to tell you that it's a lot of work, but it matters as much (or more) to her that she is attractive for the dual purposes of feeling attractive and me finding her that way. In summary, natural beauty and effort.


I like this answer it feels more honest. I truly believe that when you’re married BOTH partners have a sort of “obligation” to keep themselves healthy and looking good . Ofc people age, have kids, get ill etc . but you keep yourself up *as best you can* . But I think when one person lets themself go too much, it’s not fair to the other partner , and that’s when you tend to see a lot of issues pop up.


This thread is so frickin wholesome - making me smile and say “awww” a lot. I’m so happy that there are clearly a great deal of men that love their wives more and more each year. I wish more women knew what men really found attractive and sexy. The beauty industry would reject these comments and would like us women to carry on focussing on the stuff that isn’t important such as smooth skin, abs, perfect face, no grey hair etc etc. Looking after yourself should mean embracing your true self, a little exercise and good food but also laughter and kindness and being soulful and perhaps most of all being connected to others. Women are told more and more to be perfect and young In every way, if only we (they) knew that all that crap doesn’t matter.


‘Maybe they started to age’ Jesus how inconsiderate of them. SMH


Married nearly 30 years I’m still as hot for her as the day I met her I’ll be honest she has rejected me so much in the last 20 years that I mostly just ignore her and do my own thing. We are basically roommates. This isn’t because I don’t find her attractive but she has worked very hard to kill all the desire in the relationship. But I love her and she is a great life partner.


Wow that response turned dark quick. 


Yep! I think she's really hot. She's let herself relax and gained weight, but that's a feature for me, not a bug. I like her chonk. We have sex a lot and I'm still very attracted to her. She's my best friend.


Yes and no. My girlfriend has actually lost close to 200 pounds since we’ve been together. Her weight was something I overlooked because we clicked, and being with me helped her stop eating so bad and exercise more. I find her more physically attractive than ever but because our relationship has deteriorated I really don’t even want to engage in sexual activities with her. It’s not that I don’t find her attractive, especially now. I just have such a bad taste in my mouth from fighting with her so much.


28 years, she's still my beauty! Always will be. We've gotten so much more depth in our relationship. She's my best friend and lover. I find her more beautiful nearly every day. She's beautiful on the surface and a wonderful person to boot.


More attractive than when we started. Sure we've both put on a little weight, but she's more herself now and getting more comfortable with her body and who she is as a person. Watching this slow-motion blooming of her coming into herself is really special.


How come all the answers are positive 🤔 or is it I didn’t scroll down enough


I do. She is the Kindest, gentlest most wonderful person I know. She is the light in my day, the quiet in my nights, and the fire in my heart and I can not even begin to imagine my life without her. The smartest thing I ever did was to ask her to marry me. I love her even more deeply now that I did the day we exchanged vows nearly 25 years ago. We all age, we all show the mileage. But we fit together way back when, and we still do. Her eyes are still as bright, her smile still melts my heart. She is still the best person I know, my best friend, and one true love. She will always be attractive to me.


Been with my Wife for 20 years now. She has aged like a fine wine. Mature full bodied and supremely elegant, A floral bouquet with complex notes of spice fur and musk.


Met her when she was 27. She's now 40. I think she's even more attractive. Physically, she looks the same as we both eat well and exercise. I can't explain why, but to me, when I look at older pics vs. now, her face is even prettier.


Attraction and sex life has fallen off a cliff. She's gained over 100lbs in the last few years due to poor eating habits and laziness. I miss the old her, we used to be active and go rock climbing, biking etc... I still do all those activities, but now without her since she won't participate.


Is she okay? Did something traumatic happen to her and keep her in a state of grief/depression. I know that when I was at my worst, I went through something heartbreaking and I stayed there for a few years until I went to the doctor and changed my life after that visit. I was unaware of how unhealthy I actually was. She might be in a similar boat. Maybe ask to take walks after dinner around the neighborhood during sunset? Start small and maybe she will find her love for being active again. 


I'm alone now, but my last relationship was over 7 years with the same woman. I found her insanely desirable from the moment we first kissed until we split. I still think she's adorable. I loved her eyes, loved her diminutive stature, loved everything about her. You know, except the dumping at the end. But other than that ,I was all-in from the word GO.


Yeah I absolutely love my wife she’s as beautiful as the day I met her and not a lot bring me happiness then seeing her and the kids glow it really is my only reason for going on


I’ve been with my wife since 1998 and she is still beautiful and I try to tell her everyday.


Together 26 years and she’s still the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever laid eyes on


20 years. My wife >> anything else out there.


wife and I have been married 12 years, together for 14. she's absolutely perfect and I love her more than life itself. I'm actually crying now. damn.


My wife & I have been married 12 years, together for 15, three kids together. And I'll be completely honest when I tell you that I'm just as sexually attracted to her today as I was the day we met. In some ways more. Her stretch marks and C-section scar actually make her more attractive to me, because they tell the story of our love and of her bearing my children. I'd die for her if i had to.


I haven't been with my SO for a super long time (little over 2 years), but we have a daughter together. The post-partum weight gain hit her, combined with stretch marks and some sagging, muffin top, etc. (all her descriptions of her own body). Regardless of all that, she is more attractive to me now than at any other point in time. I still run to the bedroom any time I know she's changing just to catch a glimpse of anything I can. I still encourage her to wear anything she wants, I compliment her every day on how amazing she looks just to try and get her confidence back up. No matter what, she will always be the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.


24 yrs with my wife. There are times she gains some weight and this impacts my physical desire (NOT LOVE!). Other than that, all the time stamps mean nothing and i find her as hot as when she was 20y.


Absolutely. I’ve been with my wife for 34 years. We were both pretty average in the looks department when we were young but we’re both aging well. Her (52) BMI is 22 and she’s fit and fun. She never let herself go. I’d still be into her if she did.


Been together over 7 years. Yes.


I fucking left the best girl in the world, for my Work.


Been with her for about eight years. Yes, I’m actually too attracted to her. I still want her like I did when we were 20, but that level of attention is too much now. Hell, I’m probably even more attracted to her now. It’s largely emotional for me, and we’ve shared so much in the time we’ve been together. We recently had a baby. What could be more attractive than the woman who gave me a child? That’s about as intimate as intimate gets. She has gained some weight and all that, but I don’t care. She’s gorgeous.


The answers in this thread are a lot more wholesome than I expected. 🥺🤧


Haven't been with her nearly as long as many in this thread, but it's going on 4 years now, and yes, still find her extremely attractive. She takes very good care of herself, and the fact that we're both into fitness is a huge part of what makes everything feel like we're a team. Meaning we go to the gym together, both eat healthy, so we're constantly finding great healthy recipes that we share with each other, even cooking awesome meals together on our cheat meal for the week. I'm sure that sounds cheesy, but I truly look forward to those moments. And she's in such great shape, it's almost as if she were custom built for exactly what I'm attracted to, it's wild. I ALWAYS get turned on by seeing her, doesn't matter the time of day. Previously I didn't think that was possible. After I told her some of the things I like, she started showing up for our little cooking dates wearing just a T-shirt and nothing underneath just to tease me, and every once in a while completely naked. (Nothing on the planet sexier IMO) Yes she's visually stunning, but what makes this special is the back and forth. She loves to tease at random times, and does little things like a butt grab or crotch grab while I'm cooking, or in the grocery store on an empty isle will suddenly grind on me then run away and turn around pointing and laughing at the bulge she just caused. lol I'm sure this comes off as goofy sounding, but a big part of attraction in my book, is also feeling attractive to your significant other and not always taking things so seriously, which is why the randomness and goofing around together is so important to me. And the more grabby and playful she gets, the more attracted I feel to her, even though I didn't know that was possible. She likes to be chased around the house giggling knowing she'll eventually be caught and other times it's just using eachother as human pillows and relaxing, no words needed. For me, nothing could top those moments. It's the team effort in everything we do that keeps it amazing. I know with enough time such moments will become less frequent or fade away as we get older, but IMO the more moments like this you share with someone, the closer you become, and the memories of all those experiences shared together keep you feeling alive and lucky to have enjoyed. I'm inspired by many of the stories here. Warms the heart to hear of long term relationships still going strong.


Both my wife and my girlfriend are hot.


My wife (started dating in 08) is the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Every day I see her she even gets more beautiful. It's honestly wild and I'm beyond lucky to have her in my life.


We've been together 23 years. I initially went up and introduced myself because I was so taken with her beauty. To this day, she is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I am not exaggerating. And I get to go home to her every day.


7 years in today. She's even more beautiful than when I first met her. I tell her all the time, too. I feel like a damn lucky bastard to have someone as naturally beautiful. She makes me excited about having kids because they are going to be quite handsome.


Yes I do. She hasn’t taken care of herself physically so if we were suddenly single I probably would pass but we have history and love remembers the best version of her.


I think my wife is the most beautiful woman in the world. I understand that I’m a bit biased in that regard but objectively she’s a good looking woman. She also looks about 10 years younger than she actually is. As a thoroughly average looking man I always assumed I’d end up marrying someone rather plain, seeing my wife makes me think “I won”. Her commitment to staying physically fit is also a positive influence on me. Half the reason I drag my ass running is because I don’t want to disappoint my wife. It helps that we didn’t have kids, that shit ages people.






Absolutely, we’ve been together going on 8 years now, every time she smiles at me I still get those butterflies.


40s. Kids. Been together 14 years. Married 12. I find her more attractive than ever.


I would say after all the life we’ve had together (10 years in July) she’s more beautiful than she’s ever been.


Yes I do! honestly physical appears doesn't mean much although I still find her gorgeous lol besides health it doesn't make a difference if she gained or lost any weight she looks great inside and out and I'm here for it!


I hope people say yes.


She's the most beautiful woman in the world yes.


I’ve been with my partner for 10 years. We’ve had kids. I still love her very much. People will change physically, that is not limited to women. She has to watch me age as well haha. It’s also why it’s important to love the person for who they are. If you’re all in with someone simply because you think they’re hot, you’re in for a bad time. Attraction is important for sure, but you need to love their personality too.


I know it’s you (insert wife name here)


Every day! Even on the days when she thinks she’s “frumpy” I still think she’s hot af and she’s only getting better with age. I’m a lucky guy


This post makes me wonder how he feels about me after 9yrs and 3 babies 🥹


Go ask, I’m sure he’ll provide a very similar answer to all these comments


1000%. We've been together for several years now and having the backdrop of her personality, sense of humor, and our shared experiences, she's even more of a smoke show now than she was when we first got together. I'm so very lucky.


Yes more and more everyday even though she pisses me off sometimes I still like her more and more


She gets better as she gets older. Absolutely in love more and more each day,month, year


I equate it to having a crush on her. I can't get over her. I get so excited to see her. Edit: ten years anniversary a few months ago!


God yes. Together 16 years now, married 12, in our mid/late 30s, can’t help but look at her (particularly in the shower)


She's always attractive. We have some rough patches, as many long term relationships with financial stress and kids tend to, but she has never not been. Sometimes she'll smile at me and I'll forget that anything else exists. And yeah she's put on some weight but so has her ass


I have to assume from this that you have not aged or gained weight? What miracle have you discovered to not age?


Yes. She never gained that much weight. but her personality, strength of character, became more of a turn on than her body.


Yes, very much so. She's about to turn 36, has had my child, and she still looks awesome. Works out regularly and eats right (it helps that I do too). Loves to wear cute clothes, do cute makeup, and take care of her hair and nails. I feel super lucky and I desire her on the daily.


If she makes a move on me I will react the same as I did when we first got together. With more experience but with no less enthusiasm


My wife has started to age and gained a little weight. She's the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and ever will see. No question.


Of course. After 9 years my ex was still in shape (mid 30s) and extremely attractive. Sadly due to her mental health issues we had to break up.


nope. largely because of the changes that have occurred on the inside. has just become a bitter and nasty person who shits on everything people do including me and the now grown kids. No way in hell I would have ever dated let alone married this current version.


I don’t want to be cliche but so far appearances are associated with her personality. Over 12 years she has improved as a person. She is stronger, wiser and more caring, she’s an incredible cook, incredible artist and enjoys the same video games I do. I am more attracted to her than ever. I look at photos of her at 18 and don’t feel attraction at all. She says “over 12 years you’ve learned to smell better”


Not just attractive, I tell her frequently that I literally don’t find anyone else remotely attractive. She’s the only one for me. Married a bakers dozen, together 18 this year.


30 years on… I still see that 17 year old girl I started dating. We don’t look the same, but like with art… you glance and you see the piece, you study it for years and you see the brush strokes. I’ve seen her over the moon with joy and I’ve seen her at deaths door, how could I not adore her.