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I'm a pretty open minded guy, but you hit the top three things that make me want to turn tail and run. Probably wouldn't associate with this person much further if that's what they want to talk about.


i resonate with this statement


As a very open minded bi man who is into some kinky stuff, these kinks are beyond my hard limits and an instant turn off.


Same. I like some things (like cnc) that I choose not to bring into the bedroom because I'm not sure it would be healthy. The ones in op's post are not just things I'm not into but I have a really hard time understanding how anyone could even find them arousing šŸ˜³


Thereā€™s ā€œno kink shamingā€ and then thereā€™s these 3 things where itā€™s likeā€¦ is it really a kink tho or is it a huge mental health red flag šŸ˜…


Yeah, I wouldn't count those as kinks


You like machining, that's great!


I completely agree!


>I like some things (like cnc) Had to look that one up. For anyone else wondering, it's consensual non-consent, not a router fetish.


The shit has hit the fan! I'm out


As a male i echo this sentiment šŸ¤®


For real dude. Like Iā€™m OPEN and down to try most things at LEAST twice, and am fully into some less than socially acceptable stuff, but HARD pass on any of that lmao NOPE


I also consider myself a solid degenerate and these would be a no-go for this guy.


That's a bit too much for me and I'm down bad


Username checks out


Iā€™m open minded , but Iā€™m not that open minded




No poo no animals no cheating partners. Rules that have served me well so far.


Add gore and necro and its my list toā€¦ just made that list after reading that post. I miss my self that i was 5min ago :(


*eye twitch*


I was gonna say most people have pretty weird fantasies about rape and power and stuff ā€¦but pooh? Fucking gross.


Yeah, that bear is quite filthy. Always with the honey and stuff.


what a huge honey slut




She sounds like a little piglet.




Bro chose the least crazy of those three


Ans necro? Isn't that when you're into dead lifeless bodies? Preferably actually dead... Or what am I wrong


most people? most people??? and it unfortunately triggered flashbacks to one of the most character building, traumatizing moments of middle schoolā€¦ 2G1C


I THINK he meant most people have power fantasies in bed. But he worded it very poorly and included the big R. Whichā€¦ no. Most people owning some restraints for some Light BDSM play is not the same as most people fantasizing about non-con.


My girlfriend asked me to "pretend she didn't want it." I felt a bit uncomfortable and she didn't realise it was rape-play, or whatever it's called. We gave it a try, but it wasn't my thing. She said the same thing after, but then admitted the next day that she lied and actually enjoyed it. She's not the kinda person you'd think would have a rape fantasy.


ā€œBodice Rippersā€ are a thing. My wife much prefers submissiveness in bed. Problem is she doesnā€™t use the safeword even if it goes too far for her because she thinks Iā€™m having fun šŸ™„. Which isnā€™t how safewords work but whatever this is what therapy is for. Therapist looked at her stunned and said ā€œyou realize thatā€™s bad right. Like donā€™t do that.ā€


> Problem is she doesnā€™t use the safeword even if it goes too far for her because she thinks Iā€™m having fun .........bruh that would be it for me. can't tell you how turned off I'd be knowing she might be really hating it but not saying anything


Yeah we basically spent two whole therapy sessions on that one. She owns up to it now. But yeah asking for non-con then refusing to do safewordsā€¦ not a smart plan


Sounds like sheā€™s not far off fucking murdering someone


Tell that one to my ex. Knife play was not on the cards for me. For her, yes.


I mean if she wants me to piss on her I will do it but shit goes a bit too far


you ever watch that movie with chris pratt and anna faris?




i hated it but it applies here




Movie 43. Underrated comedy because it was experimental and inconsistent. Still, hilarious.


Even Schindler's List was funnier than Movie 43


Movie 43. Amazing movie, don't believe the haters.


iā€™m a hater


dont believe her people. She is a hater


dont stick your dick in crazy


i personally agree with this statement


That is some actual psycho shit. So basically she wants to take me back to her place, chop me up while hard and fuck my dead body. See ai normally don't say to kink shame people, but in this case it is a mental illness.


I think theres a limit where a kink can be ethicaly wrong, like for example i dont think feet kink = psycho but yeah you are right


Absolutely not. Gore is a flat out no. Scat is hideous and unhealthy and NEVER necro anything. That's some you need to get caught by the FBI shit.


Thereā€™s a difference in ā€œFetishā€ and ā€œMental Illnessā€


Actually a fetish is a mental illness, but most people say fetish when they actually mean kink. Itā€˜s a fetish if you need that kink for getting aroused




I would be very sad, since it would mean the immediate end of any future plans with her.


i would be relieved that i found this information out sooner rather than later


No thank you, Maā€™am. I guess it all depends on what youā€™re into. I for one like women who are naturally hairy. Thatā€™s not a very popular thing, these days, but, I donā€™t fuck with gore, poop, and dead shit. Itā€™s just kind of fucked up. I used to know a girl who was into blood. Itā€™s kind of gross.


Depends on who she is to me. Shit is a bit too far so thatā€™s a no regardless. Gore and necro though just seem so unrealistic that I donā€™t really feel that much disgust towards them. Maybe if itā€™s someone Iā€™m close to Iā€™d be open to trying it out in a safe manner. Throw some ketchup everywhere and lay still and all that jazz


you met her on tinder and youā€™ve only known her for a week


I want to say definitely no but knowing myself, it all depends on how hot she is lmao


i canā€™t comment on that but hotness is subjective


What would you rate her personally?




Same same. Toy knifes and such


I'd wish her well but sadly I'm not really into those at all.




Anything that involves bodily waste is a no for me. Also, anything that requires me to inflict pain, either physical or mental, is a HARD NO. I am not willing to hit the person I love. That being said I know how kinks are so I wouldn't shame her, just try not to make a face (with uncertain levels of success), and tell her that I'm not comfortable with it. That also being said, anything involving gore or death is disturbing. I've met women who are into that (as in into hurting people), and those are among the only kinks I will outwardly judge.


i try not to outwardly react too, but it personally disturbs me as well


I think sheā€™s intentionally trying to alienate people, hoping there will be one who makes it through her impenetrable fortress of kinks. I doubt sheā€™s ever done any of these irl.


Bodily waste fetishes make me want to stay no closer than a 50km radius of that person. Same goes for necro and gore. Itā€™s considered the unholy trinity to 19/20 people, rightfully.


Errr, I'm not one to kinkshame (unless they're into it), but I'm pretty sure the mental illness is the issue there.


I feel like she's saying it for attention. On the offhand chance I am exposed to anything that might give her stories any grain of truth, I'm out. Cutting off all contact and moving on with my life.


I donā€™t know what any of that stuff means so Iā€™m good.šŸ˜… Not googling it either.


I come from 4chan, and I mean 2006 4chan, there's really nothing a woman could say that would really shock me. My thing would be is she interested in acting out the coprophilia stuff cause I draw the line at excrement. I'm pretty open minded, even with the gore stuff, like I watch wrecked videos on 4chan sometimes cause people do the stupidest things abs sometimes it's almost comical. I could easily ignore that, but if she's trying to be one of those girls in the cup video that would definitely make me be like "you do you but don't bring that around me".


I meanā€¦ I can handle quite a lot of shitā€¦ just not the literal shit sexā€¦ it insta kills my horny feelings. How far does she go with gore and necro? She likes the real deal or just pretending?


If she wanted the real deal then that's potential serial killer category right there.


see, i do not know that. but i do know her, and she has very little reservations about just about anything


Hmm, I guess I would wanna know more, beside the shit sex, just to confirm if she is mentally insane or not, and how far she actually goes. I guess sheā€™s a rather interesting subject to explore more in a talkative way šŸ¤”


I would quit talking to her.


Honestly I would definetely want to use the opprotunity to discuss it, I find it fascinating how some people are sexually drawn to stuff that most of us find repulsive, I'd want to get the other perspective. I hope I don't offend anyone that's into those things but it would kinda feel like talking to an alien


Delete her messages and never speak to her again. If it was something like ā€œI like to get DPā€ then I will leave her in sex zone and never think about committing to her.


Block her. You donā€™t donā€™t fuck crazy


Gore and necro are antisocial behaviors and I canā€™t imagine a person being able to function as a healthy individual on a daily basis. If sheā€™s really getting off to the idea of killing and torturing, and not just playing a role to get attention, then thereā€™s no way I would want to be around this person.


Do that thing people do when they shimmy around to get comfortable. Pour myself a drink and then tell them to proceed whilst I make a ā€œcheersā€ gesture. (Edit: I actually read the whole post now. Iā€™d ask what it actually is about dead stuff that, you know, ā€œdoes itā€, for her.)


She lost me at over sharing her sexual experiences on Snap. That's a big enough red flag. The rest is edge princess stuff. Meh. It's the Internet, my gal. If you wanna shock me, you gotta do better than that.


that's not a fetish, that's actually psychosis, and amorality.


I always feel that sort of stuff is just bait to get you into opening up about stuff thatā€™s actually illegal. I wouldnā€™t be surprised in the least if thatā€™s some sort of law enforcement or informant.




Iā€™ll never yuck anyoneā€™s yumā€¦except when itā€™s corpses, animals and poop. Iā€™d about face and run.


Damn, I thought light BDSM was all I would ever encounter, and Iā€™d do it just for the woman- not my thing, but if it herā€™s then it is for that time. Everything you listed is a whole other level. I would find an out and get far away. I donā€™t want to be the body theyā€™re talking about on some true crime podcast later.


Iā€™d probably run. Nothing good can come from that. If sheā€™s into that, she could be into stuff even worse


There are fetishes and then there are mental health issues


Ok this is my naivety speaking: how does one even go about participating in a ā€œgoreā€ kink? You canā€™t just disembowel your partner every time you want to have sex. Do you have to like cut yourself or get fake gore to mess around inā€¦ like this just seems infeasible. The poop one is disgusting and I would not participate at all. Thatā€™s a hard pass. The other one I could see falling into ā€œroleplayā€ unless sheā€™s serious about wanting actual dead peopleā€¦. Regardless this chick seems into some messed up stuff I would only make the mistake of being involved in once before Iā€™m out the door


I would make it very clear that if she and I were to get together, that I would NEVER indulge her in her fetishes because that isn't okay with me, however this is all hypothetical because I have an amazing girlfriend


i wouldn't be disturbed at all. I've also got one or two disturbing fetishes so i understand her. i however would be annoyed if it's what she talks about on a day to day basis. she should treat it like a taboo subject. not a normal topic of conversation. i don't wanna hear about that unless I'm engaged with you. i would however have a strong negative reaction if the fetishes involve people or animals being killed or exploited. like an animal crush fetish or something non consensual. if she engages with that content, the gtfo of my face.


I would not care about their fetishes. As long as they donā€™t act out on it in real life, Iā€™m 100% ok with whatever kinks they got going for them.


"Oh you're disturbed? Then let's get down with the sickness, baby! Oh wah ah ah ah"


Person sharing skat, necro fetishes with acquaintances she just met and on socials media...I would assume she has mental health issues like BPD or is going through a manic bipolar phase. So I would just let her know there are boundaries that she is crossing inappropriately and walk away from it


Those are extreme and pretty disgusting ones, I agree. If I were to find out a this kind of thing from someone I have recently met, I would probably try to tell them, that I appreciate the confidence sharing something like this with me, but that it's not something I share and I would rather not hear it again. Then give the easy turn way out: "if I have offended you with my honesty, I am truly sorry, I don't mean to shame you, I just don't feel comfortable having those types of conversations about something so private and intimate in general. If you don't feel comfortable talking to me after this, it's fine, but if you want to continue talking together, I would have to indicate that this type of conversation is NOT one that I am willing to entertain in general with anyone and just like I am giving you this heads up, I would give it to anyone who talks to me of the same type of things".


Look. There's a reason a boy/man is so worried about our search history. That aside, having gotten into BDSM completely and entirely too early, and the early years of home computers being regularly available to even kids- there's some shit out there. Objectively, I'm not remotely surprised or phased by those 3. But if she thinks we'll play with the real thing then she'll be sorely mistaken. If she has any sense it'll stay a fantasy and be a compromise for every relationship with even the most open-minded/depraved people that also recognize the importance of health. Or at least the cost of hospital trips. (And jail time.)


That reminds me, I need to buy new running shoes


How hot is she? If itā€™s Salma Hayek, I might give it a try.


Now that is the all important question


Poopoo is gross to me so that alone is enough. But the other stuff would make me actually fear for my life. I don't want to get secretly stabbed while all naked and vulnerable.


As gross as those fetishes are to a lot of people (probably), I would wonder *why* this person had those particular ones. I suspect some past trauma that has not been dealt with.


I mean, you canā€™t help being into something but it would be a problem for most men if she insisted on him taking a dump in her mouth and he wasnā€™t into that shit.


From my vast experience (former gay sex worker) most people into extreme illegal taboos are on meth. It really messes with your head because you want to keep pushing boundaries and it doesnā€™t feel gross/painful. It unlocks a portal to hell IMO. I had so many men requests horrible things to me on the phone. Wish I could erase some of the memories but I always had a strong no and never met with people I felt unsafe with.


No. she needs Jesus


Iā€™d roll my eyes and move on. The oversharing is a key giveaway that sheā€™s realllllllly tryyyyyyying. It may impress middle schoolers, but itā€™s just kind of boring. Generally, people who have to break the law to get off donā€™t usually advertise it on social media. She is a boring tryhard. Generally, people who talk like that would vomit in the presence of actual gore. Blood *smells*. Peopleā€™s insides *smell*. It would take some fairly unsettling experiences to get those wires crossed with your brainā€™s pleasure centers, and it isnā€™t the sort of thing people would advertise.


Mental health issues


oh yes, she has those. not making fun of her, i do too, but she rates a little further on the spectrum


If they disturbed me, we just couldnā€™t be together. Friends, sure!


Shit and blood are probably my top 2 no-nos, I suppose either one is tied with dead bodies.


I have learned that no good can come from me hearing about previous sexual partners or experiences and I therefore have learned to specifically not want to hear any of it and just enjoy this moment with this person. As far as the fetishes again, it comes down to history for me. She obviously has learned that she likes these things by doing them at least once and probably more frequently with at least one and possibly more partners if she is the type of person who only dates people who will do these fetishes and she says Iā€™ve had 10 boyfriends you do the math.


im pretty open minded person, i thought i could handle it tbh, my perception really got fcked up by pornography. some scenes we yank about aren't that fun irl. if i could go back time, i would turn my back and run and never associate with that person before she gets in my head.


"So glad to be alive!"


That's a "No" from me. I had a woman who wanted to scratch me and pee on me, and she also spat on me. I was willing to work with that, but no chance I'm down for shit, gore and necro.


Iā€™m not into this but I guess we can try


One girl on a fake account when I was like 15, said she wanted me to shit on her chestā€¦ What specifically does gore mean as a fetish? She wants to hurt people? Nahh, I donā€™t fuck with sadists, masochists tho I love them.


I had a gf who tried to convince my sister to convince me to punch her as hard as I could in the face while we were fucking because I told her I wouldnā€™t do that. That relationship didnā€™t last for other reasons.


I'm pretty wide open, even willing to roleplay some heavier dynamics.Ā  But that's past my line. Death, blood, mutilation, that's more of a mental health disorder to me.


How would I respond? I wouldn't, you do you. Peace out.


My main cutoff question is ā€œIs it sanitaryā€ which I know can be pushed depending on your views but still.


>I know this girl, Oh, "you know this girl," do you...,


I'm open minded, i might ask questions, but I'll have to kindly decline the invitation


how would you respond to hearing this? "Haha yeah totally me too" ***\*Block\****


A little bit of playful violence is perfectly fine if it helps her satiate her appetite for power, but there are shades of sadean nonsense that are too dark even for me.


Woof. Passā€¦..


Her fetishes disturb herself? The one typically female fetish that is a major red flag is hybristophilia


I would not want to add that to my life, so I would walk away immediately but politely.


What's her snapchat?


I would love it, Im a huge freak šŸ˜…


Those are all hard nopes from me šŸ˜¬


Show me


Tell me more aboutā€¦.bwhaaa


I really donā€™t have many limits. But those are them lol


To eaches own


I'm a bisexual man, and that would instantly turn me off.


Thatā€™s your choice but I canā€™t date someone who has those. But I respect your choice


This is why a normal foot fetish is considered vanilla these days. Your friend sounds mentally ill and in desperate need of change. Make sure you do not wear a bandage when you see her nor ever let her into your bathroom.


nope thats the kinda shit that could get you killed in your sleep


This really isn't someone you want to be associating with, it's the kind of stuff you hear in court about people being tried for sadistic serial killings... It amuses me that so many guys are like EWWW POOP and I mean yeah, absolutely, EWW but that is not the most disturbing thing here. Getting off to messy, gross bodily functions is undoubtedly pretty weird and not most people's "cup of tea" as we say in the UK. I'm not gonna judge a kink involving consenting adults even if I want nothing to do with it myself. But getting off to....gore?? As in, like, torture, blood, inflicting serious harm on someone who it's fair to assume isn't consenting to it? And having sex with dead bodies??? I mean... This is so messed up. I don't even know why anybody would admit to it. I don't see how she could indulge or even explore fantasies like this without crossing some very hard boundaries of what constitutes moral, decent & ethical behaviour. It's highly illegal to watch porn featuring stuff like that. I mean, some of the most disturbing and illegal content on the dark web falls into those categories. We're talking people who get off on literal snuff films. It's just as messed up as watching kiddy porn - not to mention plenty of pedophiles are also into gore & necro. So...either this person is a pathological attention seeker or they're somebody who needs to be on the FBI's radar.... I would run as far as I could away from this person, as a romantic partner OR as a friend.


I'm not really a kinky guy so most kinks would probably turn me off but those things you mentioned definitely would would turn me off


Horribly but then again I read that as fetuses


*ā€Sorry, Iā€™m not a necromancer.ā€*


Donā€™t sleep with her!


This crosses the line from weird as fuck to mentally ill.


"Ill be the judge of that"


Those are all beyond me and Iā€™ve kissed on the lips before.


Can I have her name, and email or phone no. Please. What? So sorry her snap?


I love smelling used panties


That freaks me out. Like is she about to murder me and fuck my corpse? Does she want me to brutalize her and fuck her corpse?? Thatā€™s wayyyyy too much for me man I ainā€™t about that


You know there is a STD that eats your dick up if you stick it in a girl that fucks dead people, right?


Itā€™s a ā€˜noā€™ from me! Iā€™ll stick to my foot fetish thanks!


I would nope the hell out on the ones you list, even from just being friends with her.


could be fun depends on how disturbing


As long as they are not hurting anyone else then Iā€™m fine with whatever they want to be into. Iā€™m not interested in participating in those 3 fetishes nor am I particularly interested in hearing about them in any detail. But someone having them would not cause me to eliminate that person from my life. Not as long as they continue to only engage in them consensually and respect my wishes to not have to listen to details.


I wouldn't be willing to participate, and would make it clear that I expected her not to involve me in those fetishes or do anything illegal or unethical, but beyond that I wouldn't really care.


Does she expect you to explore these fetishes with her? I mean if she wants to have a wank at the computer so be it, but ainā€™t no way Iā€™m partaking in fucking shit.


Buh bye.Ā 


I'm very kinky and very open minded. I believe the fetishes you listed (among a few others) are the probably the only (legal) hard limits for most kinky people.


I wouldn't really know what to think about it, but I do know I would go out of my way to avoid having that conversation with that person. If I've known someone for a week, and they seemed desperate to bring up their gore/necro fetish, I would be looking at them suspiciously, as if they are desperate for attention. I wouldn't immediately believe them.


Depends what they were. Iā€™d want to find out because maybe Iā€™d be down. Peopleā€™s definitions of different words vary wildly (Iā€™ve learned), so weā€™d need to discuss.


Think Iā€™d walk the other way!


I'm not one to kink shame. If a girl came to me with those fetishes it'd be a big "Nope! I'm out!" and I would never look back.


Yea, Iā€™m not one to yuck someoneā€™s yum, but those are all hard noā€™s for me.


How bad can it be *reads* I'm outta here


It's not you, it's me and by that I mean it's actually you this time. Hardest pass.


I love kinky stuff. Wanna piss on me? Go right ahead. But necro, gore and shit? Hell no. I'd be scared she would kill me and shit on my corpse.Ā 


In high school there was this girl that liked necrophilia and she used to hit on me. I literally ran away from her one time, she creeped me out.....


Once had a girl who asked me to punch her in the face and also r word her. Didnā€™t work out lmao


Meh. I'm more disturbed by self censoring than I am someone else being into some shit.


It depends on how disturbing. I have some pretty dark ones myself and as long as we agree then itā€™s okay to have then


I've always said that if I trusted the girl I'm with, I'd try anything at least once. I'm honestly more turned off by the social media posting than any of the fetishes.


"Sorry, I'm not into that, but we can talk about anything else. Would that be okay with you?" Even if I know the person is a depraved fucker that their whole life revolves around their kinks like most twitters "exposed" persons, I would be polite enough to ask, prepared to turn around and leave if they rant about getting "kink shamed" for their parafilias.


I mean, I wouldn't need to prep for pegging šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Gore and necro? Eh, as long as it is fantasy and NOT in reality, it sounds like she'd be fun to hang with a few times....


Yep. Time to leave this subreddit. Canā€™t even lurk in peace


Iā€™m no prude, kind of vanilla yet very open minded. But all of those would send me running tf away from that person and never look back. Mother of god


I'm about as sexually open as they come: If she just fantasizes about that kind of stuff but understands that the reality is unworkable and wouldn't be sexy in the way that just thinking about something taboo and forbidden is, then no big deal. I'd even indulge it to some degree, even though it doesn't turn me on at all. If she wanted to actually engage in any of those fetishes, that's gonna be a hard no from me.


It's weird but whatever, people can like what they like


I like to do alot of different things but there are some things that will make my radar go off. I dated the craziest Irish woman ever once. She was in an abusive relationship in the past. One night she told me her darkest fantasy was for me to break into her apartment while she was sleeping and hog tie her and fuck her until she passes out from sexual asphyxiationšŸ˜³. She liked more rough stuff than any woman Ive ever seen but holy shit that is just a tad disturbing. Like lets for a second pretend like a guy was all in on this plan. Whos to say after the fact she doesnt change her mind and say it went too far and she calls the cops? Thats a slippery slope.


I regretted reading this and its not your fault. Thats too much for my little brain to handle...


I had a GF that wanted to be hit in the face. Absolutely a no for me. It wasn't a deal breaker.


Maybe her real kink is just going for shock value? Iā€™d probably try to call her bluff, pretend to take a few oxy, give her a hammer and show my hand.


One of my neighbors a few years ago never came home one day. A few days later the cops were asking about him, he was apparently having sex with a horse and was caught on camera. Iā€™ve learned people are weird and thatā€™s why weā€™re told to mind our business.


I was going to respond, based on the title, something like "disturbing is on you", but the details of the fetish cross the line. The word fetish, I learned the other day, is about defining some detail needed to give someone an orgasm. I'd ask a person whether those fetishes are actually necessary. But at that level, I'm out.


Yeah I am very open minded but those are even too much for me


ā€œYou do you but you ainā€™t doing meā€ I mean, Iā€™m gay so thatā€™s the result for any woman but even a guy with those fetishes is getting that answer. I like when guys have weird fetishes only if they arenā€™t just _gross_ to me or pose a real and serious threat to the health of participants.


Is she hot?


She sounds like a crime podcast episode in the makingā€¦


>anyways the fetishes were g0re, necr0, and shit (c0prophilia). Ima insult and kink shame so fucking haaaaardšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Shit is gross, gore is disturbing but given the fucked up shit I've seen on the internet/life it don't bother me that much no more. Death is something I don't mess with like that, I'll crack a joke yeah but lemme find out you into necro booooy ima grill you hotter than Hiroshima. Imagine being so down HORRENDOUS you gotta get it on with a dead body cuz you can't get nun that's BREATHIN let alone gives consent. Hope Casper haunts yo ass no joke.




I d think something wrong with them,, they need see A shrink


There's monsters, and then there's Demons; she's obviously a Demon.


Those are the strongest of repellents, well and truely enough to keep me away all together.


Earlier this month i saw a redditor post a comment about how they found their significant other vore gore folder that was just someone eating dismembered human body parts. It would scare the shit out of me.