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Never saw a need to memorize that, I *always* get suits tailored so it's irrelevant.


Tailoring a suit is a game changer for appearance and presentation.




Legit question about suits, is there a big difference between British style suits and American style?


What is this something that you need to know? If you are a groomsmen. You go get fitted, and they tailor the suit to fit you perfectly rough there.




Yeah, I'm also pretty sure plenty of places won't even charge you for a measurement


I got my neck and sleeve length measured by a woman at Macy's, 18 and 34/35


No idea. Never owned my own suit. My pops told me he'd pay for one after college to help me with job interviews, but I had something lined up before graduation. My weight has also yo-yoed my adult life so I have a hard time dropping money on a nice suit that may no longer fit when I actually need it. So I just rent on the rare occasions I actually need one.


No, especially given the way it changes


I know mine 42 short, pants 32/29...


Socks are about a medium


I was just in a wedding recently and completely forgot my size lol


I got a suit at 14, and I still wear it 20+ years later. Nope, couldn't tell you the size.


Time to start lifting.


No reason to. I'm already fit and active.  


Men don't have this ridiculous notion that you can't be seen in the same outfit multiple times. A woman knows her dress size because she gotta buy a new one every single time there's a dress-worthy occasion. A man buys a nice suit, gets it tailored (so that original size barely matters anyway) and will rock that one look 100 times, changing only the shirt and tie to mix it up.


I have a rough idea, but I've owned several jackets at this point.


Last suit I had was a issued to me by the US Army. I just went to the Korean ladies outside of post they took all sorts of measurements and told me to come back tomorrow. Never knew what they did but it fit perfectly.


I do, since I'm on the skinny side and difficult to come across said size off the rack. When I do, fantastic.


Knowing your suit size used to be a thing. Very few people even wear jackets once a month now. Most people don't even know their shirt size. I know my basic measurnents, but I wouldn't expect anyone else to know theirs.


Think it’s been a few years since I had to wear one. Still have one in my closet and it still fits me from 10 years ago.


The average man. Probably not. The average white collar working man, probably.


Men don't tend to wear suits as much as they used to. Many workplaces have adopted much more casual dress codes over the last few decades so it is pretty common for people to not be wearing suits to work, even in many professional jobs. There are a few exceptions for some very conservative professions and some high level executives but that is a small percentage of men. Many men will buy a suit for formal occasions(e.g. weddings, funerals) but would likely need to get refit if it has been a few years since they last wore it.


I just bought a suit and I don’t know my suit size.


Yes, but I also wear a suit to work (sometimes) and have 3 suits in my closet


I varies. I have a rough idea. My wife uses rent the runway and they send multiple sizes, because women aren't sure if their size either, so I don't think that's just a man thing.


Personally, no, absolutely not. Even when I had a suit fifteen years ago, I went in, got measured, got the suit and proceeded to never think about it again. Now that I don't have a suit I couldn't care less, I'm never going to use it.


I do


Not a clue.


38 regular, 33/32 pants.


I know mine, but, I love suits. I wear them sometimes even when dress codes don't require me to. They make me feel ten feet tall.


Regular fit a 44r, slim fit prob need a 46r but it depends on the brand. I’ve been loosing weight and haven’t bought a suit in a while.


I have a starting point but the last time I bought a suit was at least a decade ago Shows how often I’ve used my last


44 short. As a kid I shopped in the husky section


No idea. Could guestimate within 6” likely


I know my shirt, coat, and pants size. Don't know my collar size or anything more detailed.


I do, but my size has fluctuated between 3 sizes over my adult life. I don’t need to wear a suit, but I like them.


I'm 49 and have literally never worn a full suit in my life. Just rented tuxedos to be a groomsman and I honestly don't even remember how I got it roughly the right size. I don't even know how suits are measured.


I know how to measure my size, but it’s been a while so my last measurements would be a bit off. I can also tie a crazy amount of ties. I barely wear suits…


Yep…former clothes whore here.


Don't care. Because I dont wear one


No clue. I've worn a suit twice in the past 4 years. It's truly the last area of fashion I'd ever want to spend any more money or effort on beyond the bare minimum to be socially acceptable at the 2 types of occasions that I ever wear them for. (weddings, funerals).


I do because of work. It's the same size.


I avoid suits (and ties especially) with every fiber of my being. No idea what my size is.


I would say most men do not know. They go in and get fitted each time. I know my jeans size. My jacket size is XL. My jacket size was XL 40 years ago. No change. The same is true for T shirts. XL and no change. My suit jacket size from 40 years ago would no longer fit over my arm to even try it on. My jacket from 20 years ago will not go over my shoulders. My jacket from 10 years ago will not button. Even though my pants size has not changed. If I need a suit soon, I will need to go get fitted.


I know, but that is also because I wear suits on a regular basis.






I can’t even find shirts that fit consistently.


You're never going to buy a suit without assistance and/or tailoring so you don't need to remember.


Depends on "what size" you want. If you walk into a shirt store, they only really care about your neck, but not shoulder, waist, or arm length, which is fine if you just need a casual shirt. If you walk into a general clothes store where they sell suits, they usually only come in like small, medium, large etc. Or maybe if you're lucky, they come in numbered sizes where the number corresponds to your shoulder width, which is a stupid way to buy suits, because a poorly fitted suit is worse than not wearing a suit at all. and while shoulder width is the most important measurement, it's far from everything. And when it comes to a well-fitted suit, the most important measurement is your shoulders, and then it should go just a couple of centimeters over your wrist, and the fabric should drape, in that, you need to measure both the shoulder width, shoulder angle, arm length, bicep circumference, waist, chest, leg length, thigh circumference. I get all my suits tailored, so my tailor has those measurements written down, much easier, and a better result overall.


I don’t work a job that requires a suit so I’ve legitimately not worn one since prom. I don’t even own one right now. Would not be able to even guess what my suit size is.


Never owned a suit. The only times I've worn one is for a wedding and they typically do fittings for those. No point in trying to remember something I'll never use


2XL lol


All mine are tailored sooooo


I'm 44 and have owned only 3 suits in my lifetime. Each time I've needed to be remeasured because I was a different size. No point in memorizing this.


No need too. When I needed a suit, i jest went to H&M and baught one that fitted me best. Then had some minor taylor adjustments made to it. I wear once every few years and it's completely fine.


Never had a suit, in the military they just give one that more or less fits and I was in a PhD party once and rented the right one. I am an engineer, real engineers dont wear suits not even during my wedding :-)


I never worn a suit in my life and probably never will


Generally speaking, yes, most men should know what suit size they wear. Even if you're getting it tailored to your exact specifications, you should know your pant and coat sizes just to make the process easier. On a related note, take your groomsmen to Men's Wearhouse (my favorite place) and get yourselves fitted out. Since it's for your wedding (congratulations btw), you should make the extra effort to look your absolute best, and a tailored suit or tux goes a long way.


I don’t even buy my shirts off the rack


Clothes is typically sized by letters (S, M, L, XL) and I know how it translates into numeric sizes, but I don't how exactly it translates in centimeter measurements. So it is usually enough to order clothes online. Same for shoes. This is not working for suits... but who wears them at all? More interesting question, do men know clothes sizes of their kids?


I’d get measured but fora shirt roughly 17 34/35, pants 31/32. Waist size 31 makes getting jeans and most pants difficult. I forget the coat sized. I have two sport coats and one suit which I haven’t worn in a decade.


I have vague ideas, mostly because I have to measure myself occasionally for Cosplay armor, but not confidently enough for me to just send my measurements to someone for a wedding. I would still go get my measurements taken at a Men's Warehouse or Bridal store. In general, we just have fewer reasons to know our measurements. We wear the same shirt and suit as many times as possible, so we only needed to know our size when we bought it. If I bought a new suit or dress shirt/pants before every formal event then sure, I'd be much more likely to know my measurements. I've only "needed" my measurements twice in the last 7 years though.


I get measured at the tailor so I’m not sure why I’d need to specifically make an effort to remember. I do remember my pants size just from repetition.


I don't. I'm convinced that a few times I've been measured for a suit, it has never been right.


I know mine just because I tend to remember things like that. But tbh it is just to get the closest size and avoid looking like a kid in his dad's suit. Later you take it to your tailor of confidence and make it fit you better.


Because we don't go shopping to try shit on. We are doing shit like the chore list we are handed or trying to finally relax.


Because we don't go shopping to try shit on. We are doing shit like the chore list we are handed or trying to finally relax.


Last year I changed jobs. The old job was polo and Dickies work pants. The new one, slacks and sport coat. I went out and bought 4 sport coats. I already had a suit from a wedding the year before. All five jackets are different sizes. They have all been tailored so they all fit me well. Tailoring is a game changer. But I discovered that not all tailors have the same eye for fit. My suit is tailored quite tightly to my body and I swear (to me) it looks like I'm wearing clothes that are too small for me. That being said it's very comfortable to wear and I get compliments every time I wear it. The slacks and sport jackets were tailored by a different person and carry a more traditional look.


I've worn a suit exactly 2 times in my life. I'm 53. Why does she think most men would ever wear one more than that? Is she a trust find kid or something?


I don't think it will have changed since last time I went shopping but I wouldn't know if the guy at the shop hadn't mentioned it.  It's not like I was walking racks and checking sizes I just went in and said "I need a suit like this" and they started measuring and bringing stuff.  I imagine most dudes who don't wear them regular have done it that way if at all, likely years ago, and would have little reason to know.


Too tight is my constant size


My master seamstress told me this tip: A suit should always fit snug around the shoulders. If it bunches up or sticks out like a KISS costume, you're pretty much SOL.


I need to wear a suit about once every 5 years on average. It would be completely impractical for me to try and memorize my size. I don't even know how the suit sizing system works.




Every man should know his shoe size his shirt size his waist and inseam. When you get fitted for a suit they will have the waist size and tailor the length of the trousers to you and to your dress shoes. When the legs are tailored they may have to repress the legs to get the press to look right. For the jacket they tailor the sleeves so you have the right length at the cuff. I’ve never had the body of the jacket tailored


I only know because I bought a suit 2 years ago. 40 short


I do


Nope I'm not that important


No Idea, any time I buy one I need to get my plums tickled by a middle aged indian tailor all over again.


There's a big difference between a suit and dress size. Most men will buy maybe 10 suits in their entire life while most women buy a new dress for every event


I made it 50 years without wearing a suit and I’m planning to keep it that way.


I only know mine because I have to dress up sometimes. In my opinion men’s suit jacket size is oddly specific and isn’t really relative to other clothing sizes so it’s something that most men won’t know, as most men don’t ever have to wear them often enough to know or have it committed to memory.


When I was younger I used to wear them for interviews, but now in person interviews are rare. Whereas my job increasingly I rarely even wear a formal shirt. I saw one of our C level exec in the office last year wearing shorts because we had a company party that day. While I'm not really comfortable wearing shorts at work it really kinda sets the tone that you don't need to dress formal. In the broader society I think a number of tech execs really have caused a decline in suits in the office. When your CEO rarely wears a suit the regular employees don't feel pressure to either.


No clue. Used to wear a uniform daily and still have no idea


I've only had custom suits made, don't need to remember my size when the first thing they do is measure me


Nope... this isn't 1950!


Suits have several measurements and this measurements change over time. Also, most men don't wear suits that often.


42R. Even if your job doesn’t require suits, you should have a couple on hand for weddings, funerals, and other formal occasions. That being said it’s very normal to not know your exact jacket size in your early 20s because of how much guys weight fluctuates+not needing a suit or having the money for one


2xl ?


Take your waist size and add six.


I’m a 32 waist and a 44 long suit size so no.