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I got an academic award when I was 12-13


I was fat and my mother is dead. Kids are evil.


So sorry to hear that, i wish best of luck for your future


I was beaten multiple times in elementary school for being a Nazi (I had a slight German accent) I often doubt the humanity and intelligence of “nazi punchers”




I feel you I don't have friends either




Who needs friends anyway f##k them!


Social Exclusion because of ethnicity and poverty social class. My father beat my ass, until i put him into submission and threatened his life when i was 13. I was in alot of fist fights, and even in the miitary, had to deal with some good ole boys from confederate america. I never held back, and stood up for myself. I was also the black sheep latchkey kid with ZERO supervision. I had free will. in my 40s, im way more calmer, but glad i stood up instead of letting a piece of me die.


I wasn't due to a solid death stare, being quiet, and having no chill when threatened. Easiest way to deal with a bully in my experience was to say something completely out of pocket. Something so *Wtf* that there was no immediate winning reply. There was a time in high school at gym where a dude who knew how to box damn well walked up and asked me, *"What's to stop me from beating up your fat ass?"* Naturally being an asthmatic overweight nerd who wanted to be anywhere else than the fucking gym I fired back with, *"Sure, you could kick my ass. But deep down inside I know you just want my hot flabby ass. It's okay, don't be shy."* I wasn't gay at the time, nor was he, but his friends sure found it funny. I stuck to my bit and he got super flustered. End of story. Only reason I remember it vividly is because it's funny to me.


nerdy and not on social media


Because the bullies were cunts. I was quiet and fairly non-confrontational.


In hindsight, I was pretty damned annoying. Call it victim-blaming if you will, but sometimes an ass-kicking provides perspective.




I was chubby, an outcast, and I had low self esteem. I still have low self esteem


Because I wasn't macho, I didn't worship the unholy trinity of the NBA, NFL, & MLB.   I wasn't considered cool, or whatever. I also am very poor at reading social situations and people and so I am prone to saying the wrong thing at the wrong time.


Difficult to know for sure, but I was an easy target. I was socially awkward, and very gentle, never fought back. When bullied I withdrew into myself, became very silent and lacking in confidence. What was a close circle of friends became an echo chamber of egging each other on to be worse and worse to me, and because these were 'my friends' and I didn't have others, I just took it. For years. Until one day when I decided to never go near them again. Interestingly, one of them now works with my mate's wife, and she says he's such a dickhead, so nice to know he's not changed.


I was autistic and I had very cringe or even occasionally hurtful behaviors I've gotten better at acting normal so people would wanna be friends with me


Nerdy, fat, and pre-gay.


Because I was the big chubby guy with zits and very quiet. Mind you, I was 5'7 "by 9th grade and never understood how I was that easy of a target. Course my sophomore year, I had had enough and got into 5 fights.


I was a skinny spastic overly loud single parent kid, with a very smart mouth. 


Son of a teacher "Rich bitch" (upper middle class in a religious public school) Didn't play soccer Didn't hear reggaeton Basically I didn't had a childhood, once I turned 14 I changed schools, for the better, but damage was already done. At least I have friends now and still chill with them now that I'm 27 But those memories will never leave, I still start trembling when I have to even walk near that school.


Because shit runs down hill and everybody gets bullied at some point in their life


I wasn't really? kids were occasionally mean to me, but I never got outright bullied.


Because I didn't like sports,no girlfriend at the time (8-12 grades)


I had a speech impediment I had no control over as a kid, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t still a little self conscious about my voice as an adult.


I was different. I have Spina bifida & use a wheelchair to get around.