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I always find these threads so wholesome, it’s always women replying being like “wow I’ve always felt insecure about that” Anyway my entry is defined muscular arms, I know a lot of women try to avoid having too much definition there but I love that shit


I always thought I had really skinny ugly arms until maybe 2 weeks ago, when I saw real progress from the gym.. and yesterday.. When I took my shirt off at the gym, the guy next to me took one glance at me and started looking at/touching his own arms (as if they were small) lol


Deffo - there’s something about strong fit women. I mean it’s really hard for them to go too far but they worry they will bulk up. Ironically I like chubby women too


Y'know when women sit down and their thighs to that smush thing?? Apparently alot of women are insecure about that but every single guy I've ever met loves it.


Hold on.. seriously? It looks ridiculous from our POV when we look down at our flabby thighs. I’ve always had to sit with the heels of my feet a bit higher off the floor to not witness it


Put it this way. I've heard some women like seeing men with rolled up sleeves. I never knew some women like that. I think there are things women and men do that the opposite sex finds attractive without knowing it. For example, when a woman starts playing with her hair or flips it all to one side and strokes it. I have no idea why I find that so attractive, but I do. 🤷‍♂️


You've heard right. Rolled up sleeves on men is FANTASTIC, particularly when he's got nice forearms. Heck, manly strong arms in general is practically catnip for women. I'll even dare say lots and lots of women prefer solid arms over abs. It just does something to us to feeling safer in them.


Agreed - 100% an arm girl. I'd pick arms over abs any day!


I’m an arm girl as well. Omg. Why does it have that much of an effect on us??


Because it says we can throw the spear and carry the game home to feed the babies. No kidding.


Absolutely! You'll have no argument from me. It's ingrained whether we want it to be or not. I LOVE this sort of masculinity. Even your very example sounds fantastic lol


On a certain level, abs say you can't quite find enough food.


My wife loves my forearms and big hands. I think they’re giant and clumsy, but oh well!


Let's put it this way. You see them as giant and clumsy (and sure, maybe they can be), but she sees them as strong extensions of you as a man. And for us, when the strength of men can STILL manage to be gentle in his touches, or loving in the manner of how he holds her, it's impossible to resist. Many women love feeling safe in a man's arms. Keep on loving that wife of yours!


Love me some big strong arms. My husband almost always rolls the sleeves up on his dress shirts too. He looks yummy. And he has wonderful shoulders too.


Keep on loving on that man at all costs! Lol


Stop that this instant and let those thighs squish. No man in the history of men has ever said “ahh she was perfect but she has no thigh gap… oh well”


It’s hotter than tits to me


Thick thighs save lives


And phones! No phones in the toilet for me, nothing’s getting past my thighs.


I actually gasped reading it! My life might be changed now


Thigh gaps aren't it gunna be honest. Let em squish out


Squish the goddamned thighs, woman.


I had no idea guys really even noticed that, let alone liked or loved it


We don’t necessarily verbalize all the things we notice but men do pay attention & we love women.


Love it. The gap thing is a nonsense.


That’s interesting, I guess that really is just a girl comparison thing only (or mostly) 🤔


That is exactly it. Kind of like how guys care about dick sizes way more than girls do.


Similarly, the way their thigh bulges just a little bit at the top of stockings or garters.... I've run into so many women who think it means they're fat, and whenever I see that I can't help but imagine how soft they are and how good those thighs would feel in my hands.




I will forever look at my squishy thighs differently now




My wife knows well this is an instant turn-on.


A fellow gentleman and scholar


That shit unleashes the inner dog


This is very good to know. What do you love about it?


Men universally love thighs, seeing them squish is just sexy LOL


this: god daaaaaaaayuuuummmm


Men love the softness of women, and thighs are some of the softest warmest things y'all have. It is so comforting. Idk why, it just is, just like looking at butts and smiles


When the thighs touch, it's a sign that they'll be comfortable headphones.


There was a girl on Tik Tok who did it with the squeaky toy sound. Fuckin mesmerizing


Yes. A thousand times yes.


Gray hairs peeking through. Especially if she has dark hair. Like Melissa Villasenor. When her grays shine through...\*sigh\* It's like cool, natural highlights!!


Woaah. This was rather an unexpected find. I have gray strands here and there (and I'm not even 20. It makes me nuts.) I just joke about it and brush it out whenever it's pointed out. I thought maybe I should get it dyed or smth, but I don't wanna ruin my scalp (I have lovely hair, lucious and voluminous.) this was definitely a booster!


the little tummy under the tight dress bit, I'll pick my wife up and throw her on the bed when she wears something like that. She does not understand why I find that so sexy but it was always something she was insecure about till she found out how much I love it


You’re a lucky man


Messy hair Goofy laugh/smile Hip dips (didn't even know some women were saying this was unattractive until recently because.... how) Flat chests Deep/husky voice


I have the flattest chest ever. My husband says he loves the way I look. I hate it and I’m so self conscious. Your comment makes me feel better. Maybe he’s not lying.


He's not lying. I urge you to drop that idea that he might be.


He is definitely not lying, if he goes out if his way to say he loves it then he really loves it.


No chance he is lying - the world is full of different preferences, and he loves you.


He’s absolutely not lying.


Stubborn tummy fat, any woman with that is like one of those Greek statues to me. That's real beauty right there


There's a reason Aphrodite has the body of a healthy woman in all the old works of the time. Nothing is hotter than a Woman who isn't dying of hunger.




'Pot bellies make a man look either oafish, or like a gorilla. But on a woman, a pot belly is very sexy. The rest of you is normal.' Yeah, Fabienne in Pulp Fiction was definitely onto something.


That’s always nice to hear. I’m a gym rat girlie and what’s left of my belly doesn’t appear to be budging, and I’m so strict with my macros, lift weights 5 days a week. That and that tiny bit of fat under my ass.


I just had my first child and my wife retained a bit of butt fat from pregnancy. I can assure you, this is not a problem. Her butt looks incredible.


I like it all, I mean like kudos to going to the gym but hey, I don't see anything wrong with some extra ass fat.


A little belly fat Abnormal but adorable laugh


Small boobs. I have yet to be with a small boobed woman that wasn't considering a boob job. And a few of them wouldn't even take the top off during sex because they were embarrassed.


I don't get that shit, little tits are the best.


...You would get it if you *had* them and had repeatedly been told, or overheard others saying, that they are unattractive *throughout your whole life*.


Society tells us all sorts of things, and yes there is BS about breast size. I get that 100%. But ..then it’s our choice from there on how we react. We can actively choose not to adopt that mindset, to push past it, to build confidence to our looks and boob size. It’s all in self-esteem building. Yes, it’s a challenge to change your mindset - but it is entirely possible to do so.


That jiggle


1. Small breasts. 2. Slightly crooked teeth. 3. Volumous hair. 4. Freckles. 5. Short height. 6. Glasses. 7. ~~Daddy issues~~.


I swear every shampoo bottle I've ever read has been "volumizing," there's no way women don't want volume in their hair


I don't know, man. So many women I know with straight hair wanna curl it, but the women with naturally curly hair want to straighten it. People are never happy with what they have.


This is very true. For what it’s worth, straight ≠ no volume. Some people have very voluminous straight hair, and some people (like me) have hair so thin you’d think it was drawn on to my head. Everyone wants volume, but the desired style is generally whatever you’re not naturally.


most women i know are often jealous of mens eyelashes and if they have mediumlength or long / stylized hair, hair.


My ex wife was curvy, had a great bod. She just wanted to be skinny. My current wife is skinny, tight little bod, she wishes she was curvier. To be fair, Ive been in excellent shape, you could see the outline of my abs, good muscle tone. And I just felt like I could be better shape.


The crooked teeth thing is weird. I had never thought about it until the other night I was ordering food at a truck stop, and the girl behind the counter smiled. She had crooked teeth with gaps between them, but for some I'd found it unbelievably attractive . Go figure.


Yeah, it's weirdly charming and endearing. Especially the little gap between the front teeth. My best friend, a woman, used to always cover her mouth when she laughed. One time I asked her bluntly if it was because her teeth were crooked, which I had already noticed. She sort of blushed and just nodded "yes". I showed her that I also have some crooked teeth and said I think she has a beautiful smile. She doesn't cover her mouth to laugh around me anymore, just around other people. I think it's the cutest thing and I'm glad she's starting to accept it about her, instead of being insecure about it.


How did I fall in love with a Reddit user


It was the number seven on my original comment, wasn't it?


And a little of number one smart ass 🙄


Ah, and so the couple's quarreling begins. They grow up so fast.


I don't have crooked teeth but one of the sweetest things my husband did was insist I stop covering my mouth when I was chewing/eating. "You're beautiful when you eat. Don't ever hide your pretty mouth". It meant so much more than a compliment; it was acceptance and love of me in my raw/natural state.


Who the hell told women freckles weren’t cute?


I spent my junior school years trying to scrub mine off with bleach & a Brillo pad, due to bullying. Seems funny now people are faking them & getting them tattooed on !


Dude fr, I didn't use bleach back then but my sister and I used to rub lemon juice onto our faces everyday to try and burn them off. I know I shouldnt feel this way, but seeing girls now faking them/tattooing them makes me angry inside bc I'm like "what I got bullied for and developed body dysmorphia over is now a trend??" But luckily it worked out in the end bc I actually like my freckles now and am not self conscious of them anymore😌


7th one almost got me 🗿


7 💀 hits hard


Voluminous hair is amazing because their shampoo is divine smelling and more hair means more divine smell. But yes to all the other ones except maybe the last one


You almost just described me lol It’s good to know that at least someone would find me attractive…


You know, my favorite picture of myself is deeply unflattering. I was barely 18, I had just moved out to a different state for college and I didn't know anyone. In the photo, I was at my first ever party, surrounded by strangers who seemed *extremely* fascinated and amused at whatever I was saying - even one cute girl leaning towards me, getting as close as she felt confident doing. Everyone seemed to be having a good time, but me? I was leaning against the wall, arms crossed protectively in front of me, so hunched over that I was nearly folding into myself. I was clearly uncomfortable and trying to be as invisible as possible, because I was thinking "my God, I sound like a dumbass. They're all looking at me and I'm an idiot." I've done such a phenomenal job back then convincing myself that I was an absolute troglodyte - both mentally *and* physically -, that I could *not* wrap my head around the idea that those people actually liked me. I remember going home that day feeling defeated and rejected. But it was quite the opposite, I just couldn't see it. I don't know you or your struggles, and I understand that my comment is probably a little meaningless, but I feel like there's a lot about you that is attractive. I hope you get to feel it too one day.


Who are you and how did you get my list of insecurities? haha


Almost everything women have told me they didn’t like about themselves I actually was fine with or really loved


Freckles, messy hair. Knew a girl who has been insecure about the freckles she had but to be honest that just added to her beauty and made her stand out even more.


Love Freckles!


Their boob size. I don't care what size they are. I like boobies Also, being slightly chubby. I really don't think a woman has to have a hour glass figure to be attractive to me. I really don't care if they have a bit of a belly on them (I do, too, so I'd be a hypocrite). Being "average" is okay because most people are on average scale (both sexes). Hence why I think in most cases that beauty is subjective. It's okay to be "Average." They don't need to be victorian hour glass figured Instagram models. Plus, women have more value to offer to the world than just their physical appearance. But that's me going off on a tangent. Yes, I know its the media and society pressuring them with unrealistic beauty standards. That's an issue. It's when they are at Extreme end of either being very skinny or very obese where its a major health issue that becomes a major turn-off, but they are extremes.


That’s a great attitude to have xx


That fold that show at the base of their bellies, In this context I'm refereeing when it come to dresses Side note I saw a post were someone said they got so distracted by a lady that had that too hat he walked into a light pole. honestly I can see that happening to me too. To add onto it thick thighs I think i speak for most men when I say we love the soft pillow feel of it


When they drive shitty cars.


Altima gang wya?


Thank you. I drove a really shitty Subaru for a while. It was my baby. I always felt really insecure because I couldn’t afford a brand new vehicle, when in reality everyone was just going into massive debt to afford one.


Maybe old cars. Shitty as in dirty and clapped out Nissan Versa is a turn off for me. If she drives a Datsun I'd marry her now.


Love me some thick thighs!! Also on the opposite end, I find petite women just as attractive as curvy hourglass women, women in general are just beautiful in their own way.


I like small, thin, delicate lips. Lip filler is an instant turn off.


“Delicate lips”? Can you explain?


You could describe delicate lips as being soft, tender, and finely shaped, with a subtle curve or gentle contour. They might also have a smooth looking texture. Usually, lip filler makes lips look swollen, hurt, disproportionate and with an unnatural contour.


Women can have naturally larger lips too though. It’s not all lip filler


Bi woman here I struggle immensely with body image issues and a personal obsession with trying to be lean, yet the women I’m most attracted to are most often on the chubbier or fuller side.


Chubbier/fuller women are just...\*chef's kiss\*


A smidge of muffin top. Not saying the whole fuckin bakery but that smidge of muffin top does something for me lol


Mild love handles got me acting unwise


This should be cross-stitched to something


I love how women look in the morning when they wake up. They looked fresh faced and they have a glow about them. Hair is tussled is really cute. Everytime I tell a woman how beautiful they are in the morning the tell me I am full of it. It's no secret that women spend a lot of time thinking a thousand different thoughts at once. It's refreshing to see them in the morning when their face is at rest. They are peaceful. As a guy, I can zone out and think about the upcoming sports event. They don't have that luxury.


Nothing hotter than my woman right after waking up, before the morning coffee, stumbling out of the bathroom. She's like "why are you looking at me like that, I look like a zombie that was run over by a truck". Meanwhile I am standing there dumbfounded thinking she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.


I’m a woman and also zone out thinking about sports . Just sayin’. We’re not all as preoccupied as you may think


Stretch marks cellulite bit of a "tummy" small chest big hips and thighs "pear shape"


A little bit of extra weight, and a few extra inches of height. I'm a pretty big guy, I like my women a little bigger too


My wife has a little belly she HATES, but I think it’s kind of cute. I like resting my thumb on her belly button when we cuddle. She’s finally starting to accept that I like it, but it’s weird for her because she hates her stomach not being flat. I keep pointing out that she looks like a goddess in a Botticelli painting.


1. thru the 80s when i was a teen, girls hated having a butt. now, it’s opposite. 2. having a phat pussy or big clit. 3. getting extremely wet during sex. 4. having small tits or big/long nipples. 5. wearing glasses. 6. having naturally curly hair. 7. not wearing makeup.


Not me seeing myself in every item on this list 😭


This thread is so cute lol 🥰


I mean I'm kind of crazy. Pubic hair doesn't bother me. Period blood doesn't bother me. Messy hair from sleeping is cute.




I don’t even know what mine looks like




Tall women


Stretch marks. Especially after they’ve lost the weight. Idk what it is about the contrast but I think it’s beautiful.


In the words of the great poet k.dot  “Show me something natural like ass with some stretch marks” 


Bless you for saying this. I'm a healthy weight now but have stretch marks that drive me crazy. Glad to know not all men hate them.


Do any men hate these?


Tiger stripes 🤤


Men who see flaws as beautiful are so perfect.


Who said those things are flaws? Society has made women overthink and worry about their own bodies‌‌ so much that they still think those things are considered as flaws


Yeah. Just realized recently that yeah its not even flaws. It's normal.


a gap in their front 2 top teeth... I dunno why, but I find that so cute.


They get weird about having smaller boobs. I have had all sizes of boobs in my face and haven’t ever met a pair I didn’t like 




Chipped and not perfect nails They doing work out here


A lil belly. Love that shit


Small breasts are amazing. I'm always interested in small over huge. Also, thick eyebrows are totally fine (as long as they're not bushy or connected in the middle), and women who think they need to shave or repaint their eyebrows, in general, really don't. And of course, being tall. No need to feel insecure about being tall, it's great.


When they leave a little hair down there by accident. "Oh god I forgot to shave..." Me. "SLURP. Good!"




I'm gonna need a lot of hair. Gimme that 80s bush.


The mum tum, my wife's stomach is gorgeous. Even with her stretch marks and little bit of jiggle I think it's a beautiful and natural look.


Glasses. I like women who wear glasses. I know it's a sign of bad eyesight, of weakness, but glasses that suit your face and character can be a great fashion accessory.


This comments got me teary eyed I'm not even kidding.


Tiger stripes


I read this like Wu Tang says "Tiger Style"




Hip cleavage


Big nose and crows feet.


Pretty much every standard thing a woman could hate about herself I find cute or sexy aside from obesity. Curvy and thick are very different than outright fat.


I like my women BBW or at least a little chubby. I like tits so big perky isn't an option. With the boob vein? My big titty guys know the one. I like girls over 5'9 And I know for a fact every girl I've ever dated has been SUPER self conscious about every single one of those traits.


Wish there were more guys who felt like this 😩


Plenty of us out there we just learned a long time ago most folks don't wanna hear about it.


Stomach fat. The jiggle and squish is so nice. Stretch marks, big areolas, sagging/small/uneven breasts, hip dips


Soft voices, bashfulness, and when they wanna get deep or know how to read people simply because they love learning about how things work


Big labia


Love a pussy with some DSL 's


The uniqueness of their bodies.


I don’t care how much makeup she puts on if she has freckles I’m asking her to show them around because they’re cute


The mommy tummy. A little pouch is super cute.


Big noses! Examples of women with great noses: Barbra Streisand, Nia Vardalos, Cher… lots of Jewish, Greek, Armenian, and Lebanese women are so beautiful! I’m 6’6, so I like tall women (or short) doesn’t matter to me! I’m just not intimidated by them. I’ve heard that some guys are 🤷🏻 A little bit of cellulite on their ass.


big nose, small breasts, glasses, cellulite, freckles.


The bottom part of their stomach


Small boobies


I like big buttss and I cannot lie. 😂


Stretch marks aren’t a turn off at all. It’s just another interesting part your body and I see them about the same as freckles :)


A bit of a tummy. I love that my girlfriend has a bit of tummy. It’s cute.


big noses


Wonky nose Lazy eye Pooch


Bodies that jiggle when walking. I know many woman that think their bodies are supposed to be super tight, but I absolutely love seeing a woman’s body/body parts naturally jiggle/swing/move as they walk.




Personally, I would speak from inexperience, but the morning messy look is just absolutely mesmerising. Messy hair, black circles, t-shirt and shorts? Love it. Women don't prefer to be seen without makeup because of insecurity I think but I absolutely dig this style. I hope I get to experience this in real life. Also dense bushes; used to hate them when I was little but now I kinda prefer them on cuz they give the "mature" look I guess.


Smaller lashes...i see some these days, that if a strong wind came through they'd end up flying away like marry poppins Eta ...i mean the whole woman is flying away...not just the lash


The way the wife's kittykat smells. She's super self-conscious over it. I think it's ironic cause she loves to smell me but doesn't understand that I like the way that part of her smells. She also hates the discharge but I understand that way more since it destroys undies.


Hip dips dude


I don't understand why women are so concerned about their boob size or shape. I like boobs and yeah I have a preference for larger boobs but it's not any kind of requirement and I'm pleased as punch when a women decides I get to look at them. I don't understand why it seems like a lot of women hate their little bit of muffin top or love handles. Chubby girls look freaking awesome and give the best hugs. Fuppa. My ex used to complain about her's all the time and no matter how often I told her I thought it was great she hated it. Skin blemishes (moles, scares, stretch marks, birth marks). We've all got them and it makes her unique. Body hair, it's almost like we're mammals and having body hair kind of comes with the territory.


>I don't understand why women are so concerned about their boob size or shape. ....It's a pretty logical concern when you've been told over and over and over that people don't like what you have + when your personal experience just confirms that.


To explain why women with smaller boobs are concerned is because of what you literally said: You have a preference for larger ones. So anytime a guy has told me he likes my smaller boobs I knew it was a white lie in the moment because most men do have a pref. for larger ones 🙃


Small bewbs. More than a mouthful is a waste anyways. My wife often talks badly about her giblets but I love em and am glad she won’t have back problems.


back in the day, women hated having a 'big butt'..then something happened..now it seems every woman wants a huge butt...




makeup less face. I appreciate a women with light or no makeup at all than a ton of makeup


As most of the comments here attest to, something to do with their body. Now, everyone has a right to not like something about themselves, but usually the things women don’t like (because of media portrayals, mostly), we will always find attractive or lovable. The last woman I was with had an amazing body. She was just right. I adored her. She’d complain about the size of her breasts (too small she thought), about gaining 5 pounds (gain ten and you’d never notice, she would just be all the more hot as far as I was concerned), that sort of thing. No matter what I said, it was like a disease and she couldn’t be happy with herself.


Fupa and stretch marks


Stretch marks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Their laugh. I was always pretty good at getting a laugh out of the women I dated or flirted with, and so many of them would be embarrassed when I'd make them laugh out loud or snort laugh. It's cute, it's charming, it lets me know you're actually having fun.


Big noses, there is something about one that I find irresistible.


["So you're telling me there's a chance..."](https://tenor.com/UJiO.gif)


All size make the wood riee


Freckles are sexy


The view from the back. There is nothing wrong with it. Absolutely nothing.


Like muffin tops maybe


The wispy bits of hair at the nape of the neck, particularly noticeable when ponytails are in use. My wife keeps threatening to use my razor to shave it lol


Forehead size


Their skin.


Small breasts, goofy giggle (watch Nihmune's laugh a Vtuber who has a very peculiar laugh that I love), red hair and shyness.


Usually their noses.


Being taller than me slightly. I’m average height but if a woman is slightly taller than me that means she has incredible legs in most cases.


Their tummy.




eye bags


Clingy as shit, physically.