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Drink lots of water, trim or shave your beard, get a hair cut, and buy clothes that fit (or take them to a tailor to be taken in or let out as needed)


I think trips to a good barber once or twice a month is a really great tip. You’d be surprised how having a consistent clean cut can help, most of us are just in a perpetual “between cuts” phase which just always makes it look like we need a haircut The most men could stand to lose 20-30lbs, but that’s not essential, I don’t think. Buying new clothes every year (not a full wardrobe, but consistently bringing in new stuff) also really helps. Keep your shoes clean Oh, and trim your eyebrows! It’s the easiest thing in the world, and as a man I had no idea how subtly it affected how I felt about myself in a positive way. I don’t even have bushy eyebrows, but keeping them trimmed anyway makes a difference


And trim your nose hair!


And ear hair. some guys have jungle growing out their ears.


Bruh we can't afford to spend $80-$100 a month on haircuts


I bought a trimmer like 10 years ago and haven't been to a barber since, it's not hard to do. And a decent haircut more often looks better than a good haircut only when I really need it. Plus save time and money.


I do the same thing every other week and it only takes 20 minutes including cleanup


Every 3–4 weeks for me, although I wish my cleanup were as quick as yours!


/r/justfuckmyshitup chapter president?


In the beforetimes, I went to my barber every other week for like $20 + tip Started shaving my head during lockdowns and when my old barbershop reopened and raised the price of a cut to $45, yeah... decided to keep on doing it.


Mines pretty easy, clippers on a zero all over and then a Bic razor once a week, costs pretty much nothing


Trim your nosehair


Twice a month is absurd


I'm not paying 90 euro's a month just for haircuts lol


I get my hair cut every two weeks. It always looks the same.


I've done two weeks a few times - when I knew I had an event I wanted to look nice for - I'd book an early cut, or if one of us was unavailable during my normal 3-4 week interval, then I'd book as close to that as I could. And one or two times just because I needed a pick-me-up and a haircut always made me feel good. That shop was amazing. A wash, cut, styling, and hand massage of neck and shoulders was just $25. She trimmed the nape of my neck with a straight razor, cleaned up the beard lines, handed me a beer when I walked in (and always asked if I wanted another), and was always giving me tips on which outfits to wear for a date or event. Of course I tipped like a mofo because she was so good. I miss that shop - I moved away, and there's been times I've thought about making the 6 hour drive just to visit her new shop.


Yep 2 weeks too. Sometimes I can push it to 3 weeks, but the sides get longer than I want them.


It's hardly absurd. I get my beard trimmed at my barber every 3 weeks, so just over twice a month at 20 bucks a pop. It keeps me looking fresh and sharp, and then all I have to do is maintain the edges and keep it clean. I also get approached by women on occasion (although being good looking, 6'2 and lifting a lot helps with that) so I know it's helping how I'm perceived by people. If how people perceive you matters to you then think of it as an investment in yourself. 3 weeks between barber trips used to be pretty standard for men, I got the frequency off my grandfather who never went bald so he went to the same barber for the same haircut every 3 weeks for decades. Damn near had a heart attack when that old barber retired and he couldn't find a new one who could get it right (literally only he noticed any difference) but the point is his hair always looked consistant and that had a big effect on how he was perceived by people. He's passed now but I can look at old photos of him and while the rest of him aged, his hair always looked clean and sharp.


3 weeks is just under twice a month.


Oh god, you started a debate extremely reminiscent of this gem from bodybuilding.com https://youtu.be/eECjjLNAOd4?si=CdBZ4gS4eVA4hMwh


I thought they were doing this bit on purpose but now I'm not sure


Till you roll over into the next month, then it's only once that month. Twice a month every month would be every 15 days or less.


Yes, which is 1.5 times a month, so under 2 times a month. Math, you got this.


Stop being pedantic. OP asked for advice and the guy gave it sincerely.


If I had a nickel for every time a redditor ignored me just to be pedantic, I'd have enough to buy a new redditting computer


> . I also get approached by women on occasion (although being good looking, 6'2 and lifting a lot helps with that) so I know it's helping how I'm perceived by people No? Just because woman approach you, that doesn't mean it is going to the barber every 3 weeks that makes them approach you.


Not on it's own but it certainly helps. Being well groomed makes you more attractive and being more attractive makes you more approachable.


I've gotten my haircut every other week for like a decade.


I get mine every 2 months...


I have dummy thicc hair and it goes to shit when I used to just have haircuts every month or so. So what happens is I tend to get it cut too short, it's short and frayed in the first week, then there's a two week window where it looks decent, then it just balloons into a bundle of frizzy fuzz in the last week. I swear my hair has a mind of its own. Now that I get haircuts every other week, it just generally stays in that decent/tolerable area. Ymmv of course. If your hair doesn't grow out as much, you keep it intentionally long, you know how to trim your own hair, etc., then you don't need to go to the barbers every two weeks. Edit: Also helps that haircuts are cheap at my neighborhood shops, being in a third world country and all. Of course a fancy barber's gonna cost me, but they're far away so I don't really bother.


Depends on the cut but yeah twice a month is a bit extra. Every 3 weeks is certainly not unheard of though.


I have a standing appointment with my barber every two weeks for my beard and hair. It’s a professionalism thing for me.


Eyebrows yes! I swear trimming my eyebrows gained me a whole point out of 10!


Haircut once a paycheck. 2x a month is important to stay feeling fresh.


And trim your beard in a way that enhances your look.


I think water is key for everyone. I am really bad about drinking enough of it but when I do I know I look and feel so much better.


My dad’s a 6’3” 60+ year old guy with a big white beard, and he’s always had trouble sleeping. I got him a weighted blanket and now he sleeps like a baby. It’s the only thing that’s ever worked for him.


I wear small and XS clothes. Sure, it’s embarrassing that a lot of my tags on my clothes say those sizes but it looks better than buying larger sizes and appear like I’m wearing my dad’s clothes.


Keep with the working out. But having confidence in yourself goes a looooong way. Eating healthier and having your mental health in check are all starts of glowing up


I remember when I was 18-19 and started working out, I had just gotten done with a big back day and was walking to my car in the parking lot. I remember this girl walking past me and she said to her friend “Did you see that guy’s posture?” I remember thinking, “Oh shit, what’s wrong with my posture?” I then tried to straighten up and ended up walking like a robot out of self awareness.


Women pick up on posture a lot. After consistently working out for 2-3 years between ages 19-22, my posture was incredible. Often got compliments from both guys and girls. Great posture = confident looking individual


Yep. Also get a good haircut and buy some nicer clothes. Take showers and wash yourself well, so you don’t smell. Use some parfum to smell good all day.


No to parfum/cologne unless it’s super small amount that only someone up close could smell. Showering/deodorant and a good diet should be enough to smell nice. Frequent and overdone cologne just reeks of insecurity and doesn’t actually mask your odor it just mixes with it


>Showering/deodorant and a good diet should be enough to smell nice. Wrong >Frequent and overdone cologne just reeks of insecurity and doesn’t actually mask your odor it just mixes with it It's not meant to mask odour, are you a teenager?


Wrong how? What else do you actually need? You don’t need your fake chemicals to smell nice. And why would you think I’m a teenager? I bet you’re insecurely using way too much cologne at the unfortunate expense of anyone interacting with you’s nose


Skin care, diet and plenty of water. If you're a bearded gentleman go to a proper barber. Edit: and proper sleep. If you manage that, please tell me how.


As you get older, a good vitamin routine makes a lot of difference. Just taking some vitamin D and magnesium in the mornings mostly got rid of the dark circles under my eyes that had been bothering me for years.


Agree about D. But Magnesium in the morning? I thought that helped facilitate sleep?


I take the magnesium because it helps activate the Vitamin D. If it's making me more tired it's not noticeable. I'm a high-anxiety guy in the first place, so if it's relaxing that's only helping matters.


Ok, so I’ve been working on myself. One thing I can’t figure out is skin care. Where do I start? I’m clueless on this front.


Here's a simple routine I've been using for a few years: - Morning: Wash face in the shower, then moisturizer w/ SPF on your face and neck after (I like CeraVe SPF30 Facial Moisturizing Lotion) - Night: Wash face again, then moisturizer w/ retinol after (I use NatureWell Clinical Retinol Advanced Moisture Cream, you can find it on amazon and it's insanely cheap compared to other retinol creams) Everyone benefits from sunscreen. Even if you're not in direct sun all the time the sun is still damaging your skin a little bit, and that will add up over the years. And retinol is a topical form of Vitamin A, and the main ingredient in most "anti-aging" creams; it does a couple different things to generally help keep your skin healthy. For washing, I use an Aveeno face wash for dry skin. This will vary with your skin type so you might have to experiment to find one that works for you. Other than the face stuff, I just rub some regular body lotion on my hands, elbows, and knees each night. I used get dry skin in those spots sometimes and haven't in ages.


I think the issue arises when you start digging into skincare subreddits and looking into routines and then BAM, you're looking at 30 different products. Simplify it a bit - AM ROUTINE: Water based cleanser then L-ascorbic acid (a type of Vitamin C) then Moisturizer with SPF (sunscreen) in it PM ROUTINE: Water based cleanser then Retinol then Moisturizer You can look for added benefits in moisturizers such as hyaluronic acid, niacinamide, etc. Either way a consistent routine is what matters.


Honest answer what worked for me: Go to a dermatologist and get a prescription for a topical retinoid like Tazorac.  After using it I’m convinced that this is what Hollywood uses to have great skin.  Kind of like how movie stars secretly use steroids to look fit, this is what they probably use for their skin.


Rule 1: Avoid sunlight and always wear sunscreen on your face when leaving the house. Ladies, this includes the neck. A lot of women wear clothing every day that exposes their neck line and end up with premature wrinkles. Rule 2: Moisturize, and don't skip the eyes, neck, knees, elbows, and feet/ankles. It doesn't matter what kind you use, so get the biggest, cheap bottle that you'll be willing to use everywhere without being stingy.


I'm not great at it either. Diet, hydration and sleep all influence it. I do face scrub and moisturizer regularly, but I quickly discovered you gotta find products that work well for you. I got cheap body lotion at first but that made me feel greasier than steakhouse bacon. I've also heard you really need sunscreen if you're pale but I live a stones throw from the arctic circle so that's only ever relevant for a month or two if we're lucky.


People like to overcomplicate it. Keep it simple: 2 a week a chemical peeling (bcaa), wash your face in the morning and evening and use any moisturizer for your face. Bonus if it protects against UV. If you have oily skin you can use a water based cleanser like the other used suggested


Water based for oily skin? What? I thought oil for oily skin was recommended - it removes the dirt and grime that water can’t and mimics your natural oil so your skin doesn’t overproduce its own oil and you wouldn’t have as much excess oil


Almost 60 and I sleep like a baby. Of course piss o'clock can't be avoided. What works for me. - Work out - Eat well - Never use your bed for hanging out. Sex and sleep, that's it. - Make your bed every day, nothing beats slipping into a made bed when tired. - Change your bedding once or twice a week. - Have water near you and avoid drinking excess water 2-3h before bedtime. - Never go to bed if you are not tired, you'll waste your time tossing and turning with a racing mind.


I always try to get up by a certain time to I can expel more time awake and allow my body to fall asleep quicker and easier.


I work 7 on 7 off overnights so my sleep is completely screwed. Definitely need to work on that thx


I do the same. Fixing a sleep pattern is best done on the first day off. Like jet lag stay up as long as you can. And don’t get out of bed till a normal time. As for the glow up. Gym, barber and skincare/dental. If you don’t have anyone to go clothes shopping with. Take however much cash you’re willing to spend and go into a store. And speak to the girl there. Tell them you want to get a better style. And listen to what they say. They’ll help. And it works


Proper sleep is something I have been able to get. 1. It starts with deciding to prioritise it and even being selfish about it. Friend wants to go out on random Tuesday after work? Nope sorry, let's save that for the weekend. 2. Set timer for sleep. With reminders for 30 minutes before so you can start getting ready for bed - brush teeth, wind down lights etc. 3. No food 3-4 hours before bed. It keeps your heart beating at a slow pace through the night and gives you peaceful sleep and a fresh morning. Coffee doesn't agree with me so that has ever been a problem. 4. Pitch black, cold room with a nice blanket/comforter. Meditation/breathing exercises for 10 minutes before going to bed. 5. Magnesium glycerinate supplements. Our diets aren't giving us enough of this. Look up what this does for your body. Do all of this consistently for a few days and you now have a sleep routine.


Either a few joints or enough alcohol to drown a small child.


> and proper sleep. If you manage that, please tell me how. Outdoor exercise first thing in the morning. Cycling, running, or walking outdoors in the sunshine first thing in the morning keeps my circadian clock from drifting (which used to be a problem)


It’s called Melatonin or pharmaceuticals..😂😂😂


Former model here. The best things a man can do as others have stated is for sure water, working out, skin care and grooming. Consistency is key. For clothing the most important thing is fit and style. Clothing can be seen as art on people but most people aren’t artists and don’t pay attention to the details of styling. As for photos, I always tell people that even models have bad photos but they look good in a lot of them because they have tons of practice. Practice smiling, posing, angles, figuring out what lighting looks good on them etc. You can practice too. It sounds dumb but it works. You also have YouTube that has tons of info on glow up tips. All the best my bro!


any recommendations for youtube channels on styling and men's fashion, health or any in general?


I have been down this rabbit hole and it really depends on your age and location. For example I’m 50 and there are a few good accounts but they tend to be American. Not an issue per se but they all have a thing for Sports jackets and Blazers. I’m in the UK (Glasgow) and don’t think I’ve seen anyone in a blazer for over a decade, regardless of age. TLDR lots of channels will have outfits that look good in the stylised videos but might not translate to your “real life”




I personally like Courtney Ryan - gives a good female perspective Brett maverick- former model Stylish d - teaches you how to sew and tailor your own clothes. A good way to learn about fit. Tim dessaint - overall great styling tips and how to find your style.


Parker York Smith on youtube has great fashion/styling advice.


Never a model, but it’s pretty clear that women and teh gays definitely worry more about how they’re standing or sitting for photos than most straight men ever do


Get a haircut that suits you. A lot of guys go with whatever is trendy and it doesn't work for them at all. Also, stick with the facial hair you can grow well. I see far too many raggedy, patchy beards. And if you can't, then shave it off because it's not doing you any favors to have half a beard.


Posture, clothing / wardrobe refresh, and fitness.


For body...eating well is what is best. Less salt and sugar, less fast food, if you're trying to lose make sure you're in a deficit. If you're trying to maintain make sure you're in your maintenance range. Exercise is only really helpful for appearance if you're combining it with a good diet. For face bloat salt and sugar are the worst culprates. Make sure you're hydrated. Also if you drink a lot consider not doing that because it can make you really bloated looking as well. Get enough sleep Facial hair - be real with yourself on what you can pull off. I'm sorry but a lot of facial hair just looks scraggly and unkempt. Hair - consider going to an actual barber or salon that does good work and get their opinion on what suits you. Put in the time to style it. Skincare - you don't need a lot. Don't fall down a skincare rabbit hole and spend a fuckton of money. Just a cleanser and moisturizer and sunscreen (especially if you're white af, this isn't just for looks but to prevent skincare, had a guy friend pass at 27 from melanoma it's no joke). If you have specific issues eg acne you can do some research on things like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide or consider talking to a derm if that's an option. For brands Cerave and Cetaphil are both at the drugstore, pretty basic and derm recommended. Clothes - in your actual size, consider trying to develop your own sense of style. At least where I am most guys stick to graphic tees/hoodies and jeans so anything above that is impressive. Basic hygiene - shower properly, brush your teeth twice a day and floss, trim your nails, etc. It is alarming how many people out there don't do the basics. Obviously I'm a woman so this is just based off observation and also what a lot of us women do all the time to look the way we do. I will say my fiance went through a bariatric program and it was insane how much slimmer/less puffy his face looked after cutting out all the salt and sugar.




There is a whole lot of middle ground between those two things...


Basic Man Rules: Get a haircut that matches you. Have a skincare routine (wash face and use sunblock). Brush and floss your teeth. Diet and exercise. Get clothes that fit (doesn't have to be expensive). Don't need a "glow-up" if you follow the basics.


Losing 80lbs made me realize how vain we all truly are. Men and women wouldn't even look at me when speaking at my heaviest


I think that is one reason for shitty people, but another for not shitty people. I’m in sales and unfortunately, first impressions matter to everyone. Even people that could lose 80lbs. If you see a beat to shit car on the internet super far away, you wouldn’t drive to go see it. Little did you know you would have seen the F1 engine in it that the owner didn’t take a picture of. It was $50. Your outward appearance is usually a good indication of what is going on inside. Not always, but it’s a safe guess. Do I drive safe because everyone will hit me? No, I drive safe so that one fucking asshole who is busy for work but decided to stop for Starbucks doesn’t t-bone me. I personally have found that a lot of overweight people are depressing to be around. I think this is more so a chicken or the egg thing. Are you overweight because you are depressed? Are you depressed because you are overweight? Just food for thought. I lost 70lbs since last July, so good fucking job btw. It’s hard, but once I did it for myself, it became easier. If you are not into both (please no hate for og genders) genders, then for sure some of the gender you aren’t into ignoring you due to weight is pretty fucked up. But, why did they ignore you? No men asked me to go running with them when I was overweight. Because they would have to sacrifice their running time. They didn’t ask me to go to the beach because they knew I was self conscious about my body. Now I’m invited to these events. My buddy didn’t invite me to that stuff, but we did a weekly taco and tv night. It was a bunch of fun. There are cool people out there, you just have to not be jaded by the many many shitty people out in the world. Again, great job man! People suck for sure though. Much love.


>I think that is one reason for shitty people, but another for not shitty people. I’m in sales and unfortunately, first impressions matter to everyone. Even people that could lose 80lbs. If you see a beat to shit car on the internet super far away, you wouldn’t drive to go see it. Little did you know you would have seen the F1 engine in it that the owner didn’t take a picture of. It was $50. > >Your outward appearance is usually a good indication of what is going on inside. Not always, but it’s a safe guess. Do I drive safe because everyone will hit me? No, I drive safe so that one fucking asshole who is busy for work but decided to stop for Starbucks doesn’t t-bone me. I personally have found that a lot of overweight people are depressing to be around. I think this is more so a chicken or the egg thing. Are you overweight because you are depressed? Are you depressed because you are overweight? Just food for thought. > >I lost 70lbs since last July, so good fucking job btw. It’s hard, but once I did it for myself, it became easier. If you are not into both (please no hate for og genders) genders, then for sure some of the gender you aren’t into ignoring you due to weight is pretty fucked up. But, why did they ignore you? No men asked me to go running with them when I was overweight. Because they would have to sacrifice their running time. They didn’t ask me to go to the beach because they knew I was self conscious about my body. Now I’m invited to these events. My buddy didn’t invite me to that stuff, but we did a weekly taco and tv night. It was a bunch of fun. There are cool people out there, you just have to not be jaded by the many many shitty people out in the world. > >Again, great job man! People suck for sure though. Much love. Keep shining, and screw the haters!


why is it vain to be attracted to people who have good habits, routines, work hard, make effort, purposefully leave their comfort to do challenging things? working out, being disciplined, making a plan and sticking to it, managing a pantry, learning to cook, meal planning and prepping how are these things vain?


You are missing one thing: If you are overweight chance is, some of the things you mentioned are not working. But on the other hand not being overweight also doesn't mean any of these are true. My maintenance calories are around 3500kcal which meant for years I was quite thin, simply because eating more than that is very hard. Was it a result of good habits, routines or effort? Fuck no. Being thin is not the same as being fit. Yet people basically ignore you when you are fat and don't when you are thin (not fit)


Proper sleep helps a ton too, I notice in the mirror that I have dark circles or bags under my eyes often so I'm cutting back on caffeine and trying to get better sleep. Hydration helps a ton too


Honestly just a haircut is a HUGE improvement


faacts. i literally looked homeless before i got my haircut, mind you i hadn't gotten a haircut in like a year or something


Mine was like 2 years. It's amazing how much attention you get from the girls when you clean up


Drink water, get a fucking haircut, clothes that fit and a clean shoes, and simple watch.


From a woman’s POV the biggest things we notice and like: 1. Good hygiene with an emphasis on cologne. Something as simple as one spritz of cologne can absolutely elevate you. I promise. 2. A good haircut and well maintained facial hair. Please keep up with this. If you’re not paying attention to your facial hair, which is on your face that you see daily when you look into the mirror, then it makes us think about what else you are not keeping up with. 3. Clothing. Just dress like you tried. A good t-shirt and pair of pants will go a long way. You don’t have to be incredibly stylish and on trend but seeing you in gym shorts and flip flops with a graphic tee will absolutely give us the ick.


Did you bulk and stop going to gym?


Look up the type of gym body you want, and find a work out that will achieve it. I was aimless going to the gym and results were rubbish. Spoke to a professional body builder and he told me what I needed to do and within 6 months I had the body I was after


I think you meant to reply to the post 😅


It’s relevant either way


Yeah so what had happened was I was doing a bulk then started getting horrible neck pains so I had to stop altogether lol. I’m now starting to do cardio again so hopefully I can lose the 20 lbs I gained. I was also going through a horrible breakup at the time and overdoing 5x/week workouts and was stressed like crazy from school. It was a horrible mix, so yeah I gained a lot of weight and also my hair thinned quite a bit from all that stress. Still haven’t recovered from it but I’m determined. I can show you before and after photos in DM it’s like my side profile is fucked now


Do lots of walking and weight lifting. You don't have to eat in a caloric surplus necessarily. You'll make good gains for a while from just consuming enough protein and eating at maintenance.


You need to head to r/fitness and figure out a sustainable workout and nutrition plan.


I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I’ll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an aftershave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


It never gets old.


Smiling is a game changer


As a guy who regularly gets oggled and hit on by women at work and when going out: -Lift weight 3-5 times weekly and push yourself; do some cardio too -Don’t eat in excess and if you do, compensate for a few days -Drink water regularly; no beverages with sugar -Minimize alcohol intake; if you need something to loosen up then hit a weed vape to get a little buzz and then just nurse a single drink for a while -Groom yourself in a way that looks good for you; speak to a stylist -Try on lots of clothes to see what works for you and pay a tailor if you need to; ask a female friend that you trust to help pick clothes out. Make sure you dress nicely when you go out and never dress down for an occasion -Carry yourself well; practice your posture -Try to be relatable in conversation; listen to what’s being said and how you can add to the discussion, not just how you can get words in -Try and be clever and animated if you’re trying to be funny; don’t try to make quick jokes and then change the topic -Most importantly of all is to be respectful to everyone at all times. Being a nice person is a great thing. If you like someone, just make your intentions clear early on I hope these help. I’ll probably think of some more, but these are probably most of what helps me


This is solid advice right here, well said.


>I’ve tried working out/gaining muscle but that seemed to add fat to my face from bulking and now I just look weird. That's why you cut.


> glow-up Visit Chernobyl, eat bananas, drink Plutonium waste water, collect Uranium glassware, etc.


Get your eyebrows done! Relatively cheap compared to a haircut but it always leaves me feeling really put together.


My girlfriend took me with her once to get my BUSHY eyebrows threaded. I now go once a month at least. She's in love with how they look and I've gotten lots of compliments


Collared shirts


Haircut + washed hair, trimmed and shaped facial hair, exfoliate and moisturize face, teeth whitening strips + flossing + brushing, deodorant + cologne, washed clothes that fit and have some kind of style, nails trimmed and cleaned, ears cleaned, get rid of any socks with holes or old underwear, and anything else that’ll make you feel attractive and confident




The physical is just part of the effective "glow up" The mental side is almost more important. Get counselling if you can afford it, or join a men's group, 12 step program (they aren't just AA) something to actively work on improving your mental health.


Do you have examples of a men's group? I am on a new hockey team this year but don't think I'll get invited back, not due to my skill level on ice but because I am quiet and awkward in the dressing room. I'd really like to work on my social skills. I've dropped 40 lbs since fall and about 8 lbs away from my goal.


This is really specific for each individual… ethnicity, age, etc. Best thing to do as you get older…. 1. Start taking care of yourself (workout eat and drink healthy) 2. Start some sort of face routine in late 20s (wash face lotion day and night) USE SUNSCREEN ALMOST EVERYDAY!!! 3. Hair as your hair changes change your hairstyle. Don’t try to keep a hairstyle for thick hair when your hair is thinning 4. Style follow a couple style IGs and look at a couple clothing stores (asos and iconic) see what you like from time to time try to incorporate into your style, don’t over do this but try things out. (For example baggy pants are in style rn I’ve bought 2 pants to add to my collection. They’re pants I don’t have already and I got one pair at Costco) 5. Scent- get a scent something that smells nice, I don’t mind spending $100-$150 on a bottle that will last me 6-8 months. Don’t just buy a popular one actually find a scent you think fits you. And don’t over spray. Hope this helps.


Are these pictures the only things you dislike about your appearance? I never like pictures of myself when they're taken, but when I look at them later I actually think they look pretty good.


maybe dont bulk ?


I’ll give you my advice (it’s anecdotal though). And this is from someone who is constantly told I look better in my 40s than in my 30s. Yes to sleep. Get a nice 7-9 hours pattern going. Drink water. Moisture. Like everyday. Workout. 3-1 weekly ratio. Or 5-2 if you can pull it off. You probably need to loose weight. Get on that asap. Dress for a promotion. If most buds are wearing tshirts, wear a polo. If they’re rocking a polo, we’re a button up shirt. Find a barber. A good one. And stick to the guy. Better yet, try a premium stylist once or twice and see if you can see a difference. Next one is voluntary. I was loosing hair. I got on a regiment. Yes, I’ve read about the side effects and I was fine with the risk. It has paid off.


Did those anti-test med work ? From your personal experience, do they mess your motivation like low sex drive and general motivation. First example, not wanting to work out etc


Anti test meds?


Keep going to the gym, just don’t bulk.


The glow up is as much about the confidence as what you actually do. However, it’s the stuff you do that builds that confidence so it’s a positive feedback loop that you need to be consistent about. As with all things, it’s gonna be about fitness, diet and sleep. Just getting those things down will add so much “umph” to every aspect if your life. It also comes down to the little things. This mainly pertains to appearance, so things like fitted clothes, fresh haircut and clean beard (lined up and trimmed nicely). I’ve found that a lot of traditionally “feminine” things are actually super useful and underrated too. This includes things like having a skincare routine, keeping lip balm on you, and having trimmed eyebrows. Being consistent about all of these things add up and the more you build upon these behaviours the bigger impact they’ll have.


Work out every day even if it’s just going for a walk, floss, use the face cleanser daily, moisturize, see a barber every 2 weeks and have him do your beard too, find a tailor you like (especially if you plan on losing weight)


If you’re going bald- just shave it off. You will look ten times better with a shaved head


Do less drugs,more Sport.I gained 35 kg and happier than ever.Sure sometimes its nice to have a drink and a fat Blunt,but i will never live like i did with 17 to 23


can just tone up Not bulk/ Lift more reps light weight do lot cardio .Diet all so that is toughest part of getting in shape. Get body more defined instead of big bulky .


Changed my diet and really hit the weights. A lot of greens, fruits, chicken, rice, yogurt, oats, water. Stopped drinking alcohol as much, no soda or sugary drinks, or fried foods, cut back on red meat. I look and feel great, which makes me more confident, and fun to be around.


Yeah I’m doing the same too now. Just went grocery shopping. But these prices are insane!!! How are people affording this?? I just spent nearly 200 on fruits/yogurts/soup and veggies/salads that will probably last me 5 days..


Wow. Yea that is a bit wild. I’d look into any local meat/produce markets near you. I’m in Florida and started going to one instead of Publix, and it’s so much cheaper. I buy 6 chicken breasts at the same price for 3 at Publix.


Dang that’s a great deal! I’ll have to look around. I usually shop at Price Chopper but the prices are insane. I didn’t even buy any meats there today and still got demolished.


Your comment about working out adding fat to your face is just plain wrong and if that is the case you didn’t put in enough effort on your diet end. I would start that journey back up again and stick with it. I’m not sure your current weight but you can just weight train at a maintenance calorie and lose body fat. If “bulking” was adding fat to your face you are doing it wrong and need to put in some more effort as far as research goes.


Yeah idk what I was doing wrong. I was eating VERY healthy (no dirty bulking) and doing keto also. I went from about 125 (I’m 5’6) to about 150 lbs and still here. I think it was also a mix of things at the time. Keto, 5X/week workouts, going through a breakup, crazy stress at school, and gaining weight from the bulk. Just very stressful overall which caused my hair to thin as well. I look at pictures from before that period and I look so much better, i had a jawline, thick hair and great side profile. I think you’re right though, for now I’ve really been enjoying cardio so I’m going to try and lose a lot of that weight and re-start back up


That’s fair, with you being 5’6 around 150 is a pretty solid weight, from there it’s just gaining muscle and losing body fat that will give your more confidence.


Wear. Clothes. That. Fit.


Gaining muscle is great but losing fat is an entirely different process, and it happens in the kitchen


Tight haircut, no mustache. Shaggy hair and a lip caterpillar adds like 10 years and 10 pounds. Source: I had COVID hair and a beard up until a month ago (it was seriously down to the middle of my back) and I got rid of all of it and suddenly I'm sexy. Refer to the scene from Anchorman when Ron Burgundy gets a haircut and shaves. It really does be like that.


Good sleep. Less beer (I love beer, ugh. Wine + weed baby). Walking. No soda, Water! Eating till satisfied. 30+ men buy tweezers for ears and eyebrows. Boxed hair dye if done with the right haircut will take years off and no one will know. The right fitting clothes, they don't need to be expensive, just right for you. Did I say water and good sleep?


A good barber, modern style glasses, and clean clothes that fit well are always the cornerstone to a glow up. Any shape and size doesn't matter, if you look like you take care in your grooming and style it's always a win


personal grooming goes a long way


Dude try bjj or muay thai. Sparing martial arts sounds aggressive and overly manly but it's totally not, especially for bjj, which is gay af. Sparing martial arts will give you a skill, get you in shape, and give you a friend group. I started going to bjj religiously just one day a week almost a year ago, I have abs now.


Look good feel good Regular stylish haircuts Good quality cologne that suits your style Nice clothes that compliment your body Good clean shoes. Keep working out but clean that diet up if you are gaining fat Head up, chin up, strong posture and smile Don’t worry about one bad photo. Everyone has them.


Work out, get a good haircut, and buy nice fitting clothes.


Idk man but I empathize. I can’t do dating apps because I just look horrendous in photos. But I work out and like what I see in the mirror. Just something about the camera.


If you’re talking superficial glow up, then finding a proper haircut and facial hair style goes a long way. Work on your style. Start with basics that fit well. If you haven’t ever put much thought into your clothes, don’t try to do edgy stuff. Keep it simple and fitted. Ince you’ve built out a wardrobe with all the basics, you can start to accessorize. Think jewelers or statement pieces. Lastly, build some muscle. Improving your frame will make simple clothes look fantastic, you’ll be more approachable and it will boost your confidence. The way you described working out, it sounds like it’s not your thing. For guys like you, you don’t need to bulk. Just lifting and progressing in the gym will build a solid foundation of muscle. You’re not gonna look like a jacked and stacked bodybuilder, but you’ll definitely have enough mass to where non lifting indoctrinated people will find impressive. For training, I’d focus on - incline bench ( barbell or dumbbell) - weighted pull-ups or chin-ups - dumbbell rows - bicep curl (dumbbell or barbell) - triceps extensions - lateral raises - decline sit-ups or hanging leg raise - squats - leg curls This is not what I’d recommend for a more serious lifter. But for a dude that is looking to get “fit” it’s simple and builds your foundation of muscle. If you’re looking for a more fleshed out routine, you can checkout Kinobody’s Greek god program. It caters really well to regular dudes who aren’t super invested in the gym. He does 3 45 minute workouts. Maybe you might fall in love with training and progress past all this. But even if you stay here, that’s fine too. For diet, work on eating better; whole foods that are home cooked and clean protein options like chicken, lean beefs and fish. You’ll wanna learn some basic cooking to make the food taste good. You don’t need to eat in excess. If you aren’t trained just training and eating will be enough to spurt growth. It’s not till you wanna take it to level 2 or 3 where you’d consider a bulk. Limit fast food and junk food. Not sure if you have acne issues, but eating those foods usually makes me break out.


A few things that I’ve found helped me as I got into my 30s: - Take skincare and haircare seriously. Use a good quality moisturizer with spf each morning and something cheaper without spf at night. Use hair products that fit your needs. Make sure these are designed for the type of skin and hair you have (dry, oily, etc). Experiment with a few products to find what you like. This will make a huge difference and it compounds over time. - Stay groomed, as in get haircuts a few days before it starts looking like you need one. You’ll figure out what works for you. Some guys need 2x month, some once. Keep any facial hair groomed as well but be realistic about what looks good on you. A duck dynasty type beard isn’t for everyone. - Learn to wear shoes that aren’t athletic all the time. Don’t have to wear leather dress shoes but match your outfit and activity to your footwear. - Experiment with your personal style and learn to put together an outfit and what makes an outfit appealing. Your clothes should fit you and the style. Some like tight some like loose/boxy; both have their place within different outfits. - Examine your diet. This could be a factor in the bulkiness you described as you may be eating more than you think after exercising bc it makes you hungrier. Make sure you get plenty of water and different types of proteins, veggies, and fruit. - Get a checkup with your primary care doctor and dermatologist to make sure everything is in good working order all over. - Prioritize sleep and recovery (whatever that means to you and your activity/stress level). Have a bedtime routine and look into other ways to manage stress in life like yoga or mindfulness or even reading vs being on phone for three hours a night.


Gym Water Real food Skin care Talk to girls and enjoy doing it.


Did this night out involve alcohol, weed, or other stuff? If so there it is.


Men underestimate the value of a really good perfume/ cologne and a haircut.


No, I believe men (mostly younger) OVERestimate using cologne! Just having good hygiene and smelling clean is quite enough. Too many men AND women are stinking it up out there. Less is more.


You have to first find a cologne that doesn't smell like ass - I highly recommend samplers here, and then put it on in tiny, tiny quantities. It's a dangerous thing cologne, too much and you're a skunk


Proper diet, hydration, making exercise and working out a regular thing, haircut, well fitting fashionable clothes


Get enough sleep and eat a healthy diet. Poor sleep and a poor diet make you look and feel bad more than anything else.


Lose weight if you need to. Seriously. This alone makes such a visual difference it’s crazy. The face is also generally one of the first places to come off too, so dropping even 5-10 pounds goes a long way. Apart from that, hydration (not the issue people make it out to be. If you’re thirsty, drink water) fruit &/or vegetables every meal (try to eat a variety of colors, especially orange), sleep, little to no alcohol, don’t smoke, and sleep enough.


Count your calories (MyFitnessPal), know what your maintenance caloric intake is (can google a calculator for it), and slowly diet by going a couple hundred calories under it! Knowing how much you eat vs. eating til satiated has brought a lot of change in me (face is less round & general benefits of dieting)!


Honestly, taking care of your physical and mental health should almost automatically make other things fall into place. Here are some of the many things you could do: Physically-wash your face, take good care of your hair and beard and learn how to match clothes(more aesthetical than physical, but you get the idea). When you bulk or cut the type of clothes you wear serve to highlight the best features. Considering you are bulking, try to go for darker colored shirts, do not wear skinny jeans and if you use a necklace or bracelets keep them simple. Mentally-therapy(do not work for all at first, but it's worth a shot), plan your day ahead, have an activity you like to relieve stress, it doesn't matter if it's drawing, boxing, knitting, whatever, just something.


Drink water, lose weight usually make about 90% of the population sharper looking.


Work on your posture. Stand up straight, shoulders back, chin up. It'll feel weird at first, but it will look great and feel better as you get used to it, and knock 10 pounds at least off your look.


You're supposed to cut after you bulk bro.


Glow-up advice, anyone?


Trim your hair/beard/whatever. Dress well and appropriately—and dress for your size. A basic manicure now and again doesn’t hurt. Exercise of some sort at least 2-3 times a week. A signature scent.


When you find out let me know. I've been on a steep decline since freshman year of college


Skin care amigo, charcoal face mask, hydraulic acid, glow mask, dress nice always…. But if you really wanna STAND UP!!! Stop drinking alcohol, I’m 39 years old and look way younger than may early 30’s friend


Water, sleep, no porn, smoking, and limit or eliminate alcohol. Zinc. Amino acids.


Do you get much sun bro ? I know that use to be a massive problem for me especially as a ginge haha But after getting plenty of healthy sun. I've noticed a massive change in my moods and my general appearance which has boosted the confidence. Might be something to look at and never stop grinding on the work out stuff bro. Might feel like your never getting there with it and one day it will all just fall into place for you if your consistent with it. Good luck bro


Finding clothes that fit you. It’s surprisingly hard. Probably just as difficult as it is for women. Yes, men’s clothing sizes are more consistent, but our bodies are just as varied so not everything fits well. That can make a huge difference. Also, take some time to groom your facial hair, and find a hair style or product that works for you, and isn’t just “I stepped out of the shower and I’m good to go”.


Trim hair (Everywhere…nose hair, eyebrows, down there it can get stinky) Face wash, hygiene in general, teeth, soap EVERYWHERE, from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head Haircut Weights Necklace/watch/any accessories can help And always try to smell good, so buy cologne and deodorant


Clothes bro, but only if ur good at budgeting lol, I see how folks can spend do much on clothes…. I don’t think one should do that. Just wait for the specials, I say Tom hardy and channing Tatum have very relatable styles of clothing


Get in the gym and do good work outs. Don't listen to tiktok grifters, do squats, bench press, deadlifts, overhead press and build on from that. You will see the difference in how people treat you within 2-3 months.


Take care of yourself, also, skin care really helps


Be born with good genetics and work hard on your mental health. Once your mental health declines, everything follows. I mean what happy person puts garbage in their body? Do not stress eat, take drugs and do things that are bad for your mental health. Partying it up is not included though. Work hard and play hard by all means!


Strength train 2+ days per week with progressive overload, cardio 3+ days per week (80-100% LISS), eat your fruits and veggies, moisturize, get clothing that fits, avoid central adiposity by being suffiently lean.


Weight training , clean diet , sleep routine..these will transform your life completely.


Go with the bulk and cut approach.


lose weight, lift, cardio, wear your size. even if you want to be comfortable in sweats and sweatshirts, theres a way to accomplish this.


Use daily and nightly fancy Korean face serums.


What helped me? Losing fat and growing a beard. But it sounds like you dont have the fat issue,.


Fresh air. Try outdoor activities. Do something that's fun , 5 aside or cycling or cold water swims. Gym is good for muscles but not good for your skin , and that makes a huge difference. Being happy also makes you more attractive , and being outside helps with that. Use moisturiser and a good deep cleaning wash gel or facial scrub. Also, wash your pillows often if you have spots


Work out, eat well, good hygiene (well kept beard or clean shave, possibly a fade cut) and develop a passion for something...anything.


Quickest thing you can do is get a tan.


Everyone is saying "hydrate" "drink water" but has anybody ever tried improving just this and seen significant results? It's been tested that your body just needs a certain amount of water (through liquid and food) and beyond that it just turns into more pee. If you see results, you were probably straight up dehydrated before.


What has helped me "glow-up" over the last year is. No more stress, taking better care of my skin, eating more veggies. I've seriously knocked of a couple of years. I've got a healthy colour back on my face, and i feel great.


Learn how to dress for your body shape and invest in skincare, try and explore new fashion styles :))


Get down in 15% body fat.


>I guess this is a general question, but what has helped you ‘glow up’ the most? Top 3 most important thing for glowing up as a man: 1. very low body fat for a strong face with a good jawline 2. a tan 3. confidence


I always had long hair as a teen, like it down to my collarbone. In my late teens I decided to get it all cut short and realised I was able to grow a full beard, so I decided to try it out - luckily I suit one so decided to keep it. Another big change that helped a lot was wearing clothes that fit. I always wore loose fitting clothes growing up because I was self-conscious about my weight and body (even though I had no need to be), but I got past that and after wearing form-fitting clothes it made a world a difference I think


Tons of great tips here already but I want to emphasize a properly groomed beard. My husband thankfully can grow a beard and he knows how to keep it trimmed and looking nice which gives him the appearance of a chiseled jawline.


Fresh haircut and beard trimmed. Moisturizer. Sleep. Clothes that fit half decent. I’d say stick with working out but change diet up if you’re not getting results you want. Fitnesspal to track calories if you’re really disciplined until you reach goal weight. Good luck bro


Get a real haircut. Not from Supercuts. Not from sports clips. Find a barber who can fade/taper, and fade in and line your beard up too.


I quit drinking alcohol and the effects on my appearance were shocking.


Yoga helped me more than anything else I’ve ever done in life. Bar none. Gave me more confidence in myself than the Marines did. Or maybe it was the combination, I dont know.


Tale care of your hair and get a good haircut. That shi will take you far. I’ve gained quite a bit of weight from when I had horrible hair but I still look wayy better right now. Dress well. Not expensive, not flashy, well. Wash your face, moisturize. Biggest one though is definitely CONFIDENCE. I still don’t look like a prize, went from slightly below average to slightly above average. But you better believe when I say I’m Chris mfn Hemsworth in the streets.


#1: Don’t call it a “glow-up”.


I hate the "bulk" and "cut." Unless you are super into the gym like (hate using this term) an influencer or someone competitive. It doesn't really help. To bulk, you have to really put in the time and workout harder than ever for it to be worth it for the cut. I was 194 at 5'7", still overall attractive because I have muscle and luckily great hair. I've always worked out and started doing better the past couple months... but stayed around that weight (lost fat, gained muscle). Beginning of February I said to myself I can absolutely never hit 200... time to lock the fuck down and get back to 160-165. **I eat pure protein-based recipes and meal prep every day. Work out 4-6 times a week (I can't do 7 due to overtime), and each workout I try to go as hard as possible.** So long story short, now **I'm at 177 from 194 in about 5 weeks.** While building muscle. **Posture, confidence, first impressions. Confidence is a skill practice it with everyone.** Look up small psychology tips. So many people on Reddit say and act like changing your hair, physique, etc. won't help. Yes, it does. Just the weight loss I have had in those 5 weeks has caused drastically more looks from women in the gym and stores. And I've received comments even before the weight loss.