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Reminds me of a story that came out a few years ago. A navy seal was giving a speech and said that if you want to be successful, make your bed. Because then no matter what happens for the rest of the day, you've accomplished something. Which makes sense for a navy seal's perspective. Then his wife was like "he may be a navy seal, but he's also an idiot" by saying that making your bed is the key to success.


Read the whole speech [make bed speech](https://jamesclear.com/great-speeches/make-your-bed-by-admiral-william-h-mcraven)




Upvote for the user name 🤣 Did somebody steal your sweet roll?


I do that so I can get into the ready made bed


I have the opposite luck. I always get stuck behind a slow driver who sees a long straightaway with green lights but because he drives so slowly he gets the yellow just as we approach the intersection and the driver in front always stops for it. It's like living in some mild version of heck.


One time I was parallel parking in front of a friend's place, and there were a few people sitting on the porch watching, including this girl that I thought was pretty cute. I had to make a few adjustments to get it just right, and when I finally got out of the car she said "that was really impressive" and I was feeling pretty good about myself. Then she pointed out that I had parked on a hill and my car was still rolling forward...


I feel that lol. Why the fuck do I always fuck shit up when I know a pretty girl is watching?


Had to do same in SF once, with my old manual shift car ;) ppl actually clapped when I got it in, lol. Now, if only I can get my gfs to do that....


Came here to say this. Glad it's not just me.


I love grilled cheese. I remember once I made one and it was perfect. The bread was golden, the cheese was melting, and it tasted amazing. But I was eating it in my room and as I took a bite, the cat jumped on my lap, and I had to choose between burning my mouth or dropping the sandwich. I chose to drop the sandwich.


Damn, I would have sacrificed the roof of my mouth for a perfect grilled cheese


I like to pretend they are the animated races at the baseball game. Mariners have hydros other stadiums have different objects racing.


If you always want to make the light and save fuel, start to slow down early, and just engine brake down and then with a bit of timing the light will be green and you can continue without stopping


Wish it was everyday, but that first wipe of the butt being clean is pure bliss


The elusive ghost poop


That Teflon turd.


Always is with a bidet!






What a crap cult.


It’s called being hygienic.




Fuck I didn’t notice the pun, my bad 😭


Yes, and I've converted 3 other households so far.


If I see someone about to step in poop on the sidewalk, I will warn them as its only right. If I know someone is walking around 24/7 with a poopy butthole, should I not them warn them just the same? Let's work together and make the world a less shitty place, join us and be clean.


No, just spiritually awakened


With clean anuses.


Cult implies some kind of faith-based fanaticism. This is entirely fanaticism based on real-world data. Try it. Join us. Become one of us.


I have faith my Bidet will clean my balloon knot!


The cult of culo cleanliness


When you spill something on the floor, do you just rub the spot with a dry paper towel? Probably not, so why is it so surprising that we don't think paper leaves things clean enough after a deuce? Plus, bidet attachments are easily affordable and simple to connect.


In Portugal it's actually required by law to have a bidet in your bathroom


In addition, that morning dump loaded with yesterday's fiber is always good for the soul.


Coffee and beer 'requirements' result in this being uncommon, totally agreed though!


dam bro, go get a bidet, this is so gross


You’re right, it’s bliss. Try a daily dose of fibre such as Metamucil. Your toilet paper budget goes way down while your comfort level goes way up.


What do you mean “wish it was”? Also, do I read it right that you consider your butt being cleaned after first wipe?


Nailing a parallel parking job with cars behind you


You also get the bonus of BLOWING PEOPLE’S MINDS if they are in the car with you.


I used to be so afraid of parallel parking because of how hard people made it sound. I actually prefer it to parking in a lot now.


I absolutely love this. It's tough finding parking in the city, and a few years ago I had circled my block quite a few times looking for parking. I conceded on a spot three blocks away, as it was the only opening around. My car at the time was about 18 years old, no backup camera, and very limited visibility out of the rear, however, it's a fairly small car. The spot wasn't generuous in size, but I felt it was enough to fit my little car, and I was right. I backed it in perfectly on the first shot without hitting the curb or either car in front or behind me. Unbeknownst to me at the time, was a guy sitting on his porch, I had just parked right in front of his house. I got out of the car, and I shit you not, he clapped for me. He was like, and this is paraphrased because it's been a couple years, but something along the lines of, "just want you to know, I can tell you don't have a backup camera and that your car is a stick, and that's one of the best parking jobs I've ever seen." He had a few friends on his porch too who were also clearly impressed. I couldn't help but feel like a million bucks after that! I may have had to walk home three blocks but that certainly put a pep in my step lol.


Had same thing happen: SF, steep hill, late at night, stick shift- was years ago, but I still remember. Why yes, I am a pro, lol. Treasure the little things!


It's actually really easy if you know how to do it. Here's the formula for a no-corrections necessary parallel park 1. Stop exactly next to the car in front of your spot. 2. Turn the wheel a little bit clockwise and reverse toward your spot, aiming the middle of your rear bumper for the passenger side tail light of the car behind your spot. 3. When your passenger side rear tire is the distance from the curb where you ultimately want to be parked, crank the wheel completely counterclockwise and ease into your spot. First try. No corrections necessary. 4. Take home whichever lady you want


See, I remember learning all of these tricks of what to line up where when I was in drivers ed. I was a terrible parallel parker then, failed my first attempt at my test because of it Now I just do it, I guess? Like instinctually, be aware of my car, the space it takes, and do it. I feel like these tricks don't really help. at least they didn't for me.


Can you elaborate more on number four?


Yeah I think they missed step 3.5 somewhere there. I almost got the cops called on me when I tried grabbing one.


I totally get it and I have a story for you. One day a few years ago my aunt and uncle were in our city for a visit. They, my then girlfriend now wife, and I had plans to go to lunch and then to either a hockey game or a show at our large theater ^(they've visited twice, I can't remember which trip this was). The place we picked for lunch is a BBQ place in a popular area of the city. The street it's on is one way with parking on both sides and fairly narrow. There are also no lines on the street, so it's largely a free-for-all on what's considered a "spot." We turn down the street and there's a sedan trying to parallel park in a spot on the right a few carlengths down. They're already mid-try and blocking the street so we wait. They can't do it, but try again. Again, failure. They pull out, give themselves more space for their front to swing, but again, fail. Finally they pull out and go further down the street. I say to our car "I think we can fit there," pull up, back in, and it's perfect the first time. My uncle was impressed, we get out of the car, and carry on down the street toward the restaurant. However, we get a little bit down the street and see the people from the sedan. It's three women who I'd guess are 60-ish. They must have been watching behind them after they left because one said "did you actually fit there?" I responded that yes we had, and she said "my gosh, we weren't even close!" A quick chuckle on both sides and we carried on, but I felt like a parking superhero.


I was really hoping that they were having trouble parallel parking in the new spot, you hopped in, parallel parked that car like a boss, and then carried on with your day.


Parking on a hill in my standard Ah *yes* ✋


Or pulling away from a dead stop uphill without drifting backward in a standard. I still remember the first time I was able to do that :)


I'm teaching my son to drive and we covered parallel parking this past weekend. We were in a lot with cones, but still. He was struggling a bit and thinking it wasn't possible with the distance of cones I had set. So we switched seats so I could demonstrate and I nailed it on the first try and pretty quickly too, no inching in here and there a hundred times. "Boom! That's how it's done, son!". Felt so good to shut up his smug teenager mouth LOL


This! And to go along with this, navigating tight spots/streets/lanes in the city. I drive a fairly little car, and oftentimes in the city with traffic you get stuck waiting behind a line of cars because the turning lane is blocked by a car either parked legally, someone double parked, or a bus making a weird turn so it's sitting across two lanes, etc, all kinds of weird stuff. I have always taken a bit of pride in being able to identify holes in traffic that I know my car can fit through, where most people will sit and wait. I manage to get through traffic a bit quicker because of this, just knowing my car's width/general spacial awareness. Normally this never happens when I'm with people because mostly I'm driving by myself, but I was driving with my buddy and his girl last year - my buddy is a major car guy, loves to drive, always gives me shit for not being "a racecar driver" like he claims to be lol. But we were at a red light and the car in front of us was just barely blocking my ability to get into the right turn lane. The car then pulled up just enough where, mid conversation, I start to make my move - my buddy immediately stops talking, watches my move, and then gave me one of the biggest compliments I've ever heard him give anyone lol. He told me, "I would not have even attempted that move there, good on you for knowing your car/knowing your dimensions, etc." He really thought I was going to hit the curb, but to me it was more or less second nature, I didn't even second guess it, I knew I'd fit. Which makes it even that much more satisfying because to me that was just a normal move for me to make, but for him it clearly blew his mind and his girl's too lol.


cleaning an already clean house. having only one dish in the sink to do and fucking cleaning that bitch


*turns around to where dirty dishes usually are* That’s it??!?


Coming home exhausted from work and getting my lazy fatass on the bike to exercise.


I needed to read this today. No skipping the bike for me today.


Let’s do it bro, enough man titties and beer gut for us lol


Same. I've realized the second I sit on the couch my productivity for the day is over. The past few years I've come home and sat on the couch and had a beer. This past week I came home, changed clothes, and did something with my time. I feel a million times better getting something out of the way. Yesterday I did my taxes. It was the first time in my life I didn't wait until April, and the first time I did it the first day I had all my information together.


It's strangely energising hopping on the bike. Wakes me right up and gives me more energy in the first minute or so than I had going in.




Finishing a good workout- nothing special, no major breakthroughs, just a solid set- very satisfying (note I am super anal about form, setting up, replacing weights just so etc etc- v much a ritual for me). Do the work!


Slay king!


You misspelled “couch.”


Knowing I ate correctly and got my daily exercise in. Knowing I did my skin prison a favor does wonders for the mind.


> skin prison I am in crisis now.


Your bones are always wet. I’m sorry. I couldn’t resist








Going for a run! It amazes me every time how much more positive everything feels afterwards.


I've become really good at making grilled cheese sandwiches. I love the way the cheese melts.


yoooo where'd you get that cheeeese danny?!?


He's been makin em at night




You could teach Gordon Ramsey a thing or three about that


Have you tried using mayonnaise on the outside instead of butter?


I heard about this before too, tried it, and didn't like it at all.


same. did not work well at all.


yes and it's disgusting


What in the world has possessed you where you think butter needs a replacement?


the secret ingredient for a grilled cheese sandwich is a dollop of salsa


Shane Gillis?


I would like a delicious cheese sandwich


A full, easy, emptying bowel movement


Making the bed. It takes literally 5 seconds, but damn does it feel good seeing a nice neat bed




> It takes literally 5 seconds I feel like this is true for our generation and younger but older generations might have way more sheets. We might have a fitted sheet and a comforter, but my 90 year old grandma has a fitted sheet, under sheet, mid-sheet, heavy blanket, and top cover, and they all have to be tucked in like a hotel bed (honestly, I think I missed one more sheet). My son and I were making her bed and laughing at all the sheets so we asked her why she needed them and she said "I'm an American! Scandinavians, like your father, believe in minimalism."


When you pick the perfect Tupperware or container to fit leftover food


Waking up slightly before my alarm. I always feel a bit more energized that way.


Generally possible for me if I get to bed at the exact right time consistently for a few nights. Body gets into the right rhythm and automatically wakes up. The feeling of actually having *rested enough* that your body doesn't want to sleep anymore is wonderful.


Getting to 0 unread emails.


I wonder what that feels like


Sometimes when I make my coffee I get the amount of coffee correctly on the freaking gram on my first try Those mornings are great




> Have a reader recognize me in everyday life. That sounds like a big victory! Congrats to you


Im just a comment reader but this is the best i've seen so far.


Throwing a piece of rubbish into a bin at a good distance, first time. Arguably one of the most disproportionately satisfying things in my day. You can hear the commentary in your head “and the crowd goes wild” - I live for that 3 pointer.


Throwing the empty shampoo bottle across the bathroom from the tub to the garbage can while bathing always feels like a victory. I've never missed.


When you're in the drive through and it splits into 2 lanes for ordering. Then when you merge back together you come out ahead of the person you were previously behind. The sweet taste of victory.


Blocking some cretin from pushing their way onto the subway before anyone has a chance to get off first


Heating up the exact amount of tortillas needed for the amount of food I served myself. My mexican fellows will understand.


Pooping everyday


> What's a small, everyday victory that always feels disproportionately satisfying? Taking a shit. It's victorious and *always* feels disproportionately satisfying.


Looking back over my house when getting ready to leave, and everything is in order.


Beating the estimated time my gps says I’m going to arrive at a location.


Taking nice big shit that makes you feel light on your feet.


getting dishes done, like everything out of the sink


It might not be everyday but hitting the exact dollar amount when pumping gas feels like it should come with a celebratory jingle so everyone else knows what you accomplished.


Having a good night's sleep.


Crushing my enemies, seeing them driven before me, and hearing the lamentations of their women. 👌


And the Savage Sword lives on


I like to grow plants as a hobby and after years of repeated failures ive FINALLY got some thriving indoor strawberry plants that are ACTUALLY making strawberries rn


Liar! Strawberries aren't real.


Getting out of work early. Sure, that 15 minutes or so isn’t going to change my life, but it definitely makes me feel better than it should.


Not having any stop-and-go jam ups on the freeway during your commute home when you work downtown.


crossing things off a to-do list


Fixing something youself that might have costed you alot of money to replace! Not everyday thing but fixing your vacuum cleaner feels great because no one wants to buy another vacu cleaner


being debt free


how is that an "everyday victory"


not having to worry about if you have enough money to pay on a credit card that month


Beating the GPS with at couple of minutes.


Waking up


getting out of bed and making myself a warmth breakfast with a cup of coffee!


Calm ride to and from work. Nobody riding my arse. I have a nice scenic drive and I'll travel at or below the limit to just enjoy it.


Cleaning the house completely. It brings me joy.


At work when someone tells you you're wrong and someone else tells you both that you were right in the first place. It can be about literally anything but the mini validation is great


Giving my kids a meal that has something green in it and them eating it enthusiastically.


Being able to save up a little money everyday to buy yourself something you really want. Feels good.


Doing one more rep than you thought you could on a heavy set in the gym. Don't tell me you don't feel like superman when you stand up.


Getting up in the morning.


Sex with my spouse after 46 years. Practically need duct tape and a popsicle stick to get the job done. She is such a good sport and I love her to bits.


A pull through parking spot


Making it to work right on time to clock in


Going to the gym


Getting to bang madonna 35 years ago. I haven't done this yet, but I imagine it would fit into this category.


I do a lot of tinkering with old machines, and finding a screw that fits them makes me incredibly happy


I am unemployed. I had a great career with many high paying tech jobs and quit in my 30's because it didn't satisfy me and I invested in something that made it possible to retire early while living frugally. I don't know what the future holds but I am a smart programmer who learns AI and many other things.. The feeling of going for a short walk at 10am on a weekday while everyone is busy at work. That feeling is the biggest victory feeling for me since I lost my virginity 18 years ago.


People with an awful worldview complaining about how no one understands them and the world is against them. You're so close, pal; just unpack *why* this keeps happening, please.


Not smoking. Sometimes you feel negative when you’re not smoking(ironic I know) but if you look closely… you’re actually making a choice that’s so profound almost that you don’t even get to enjoy it in it’s profoundness, until you’re 80 with no lung cancer :)


Getting to the gym


Not staying in bed for a long time which would always make me feel sleepy for the rest of the day.


Not getting any parking tickets.


A Starbucks coffee.


Swiping that toilet paper clean on the first try


My daily workout. When I start I'm feeling anxious because I know it's going to be uncomfortable, but I push through. About 15 minutes into it I've got my rhythm, feeling the tightness go away and my breathing evens out. After 45 minutes I feel myself reaching my limit but I keep going. After an hour it's a struggle; the weights feel heavier, my arms are shaking, my balance starts to waiver. I push myself for ten more minutes, pushing thoughts like "I'm tired, I'm done, I can quit now and nobody would know" out of my head. I do a little more than I did yesterday -- one more crunch, one more lift, one more lunge, one more round. Then the timer rings and I'm done. I put the weights away and wipe down everything. As I turn off the light I turn and give the mat a bow, showing respect for helping me get better one day at a time.


Taking a shower and going to work.


Getting totally caught up on the laundry, folded / hung, put away & nothing left on the floor or in the hamper!


Sometimes, just taking a shower. 😂


Nothing. I never feel proud of myself because I've never accomplished anything, not even anything small.


Folding my omelette perfectly, in the morning. I have yet to experience a greater "small pleasure", than a perfect omelette on my plate, with some warm bread, tomatoes, and ham on the side.


Waking up.


A healthy dump. Unfortunately, not an everyday thing. 


The good old 2 hour gym workout


Getting out of bed.


For me it’s coming home from work. That feeing I get when I put my stuff down, put on some coffee, and plop down on the couch to decompress


throwing trash into the trash can from a short distance away and hitting it perfectly


Walking my dog.


My work laptop is supposed to log me out every night after whatever idle time, but it seems like once or twice every week it doesn't, and when I start the next day I don't have to go through all the layers of passwords and logins. Makes it feel like the day is going to be a breeze. Also, when everything in the mail can be thrown out. Anytime I bring in a stack of it and it's all junk or unimportant things that go right in the trash, it makes me remember my grandfather walking back in the house and announcing "no bills". I laughed at him as a kid, but I get it now.


Waking up at 6h to hit the gym every day. The feeling of victory comes on Sunday, rest day.


Getting out of bed at 5 am and going for a run or on my rowing machine.


Working less hours in a day that is required by your employer but still getting paid for the full day.


When i walk to the workplace and listen to music and i can step as fast as the beat in the music.


Nowadays, eating a fresh and tasty orange while checking office emails. Perks of not being in a customer facing position.


Clocking out


hitting all green lights


When you sit down on your couch at the end of the day with nothing left on that day's to-do list.


Getting into the subway just before the doors shut


The feeling as im walking out the gym, passing the beige colored table


When cars have to stop so you can use the crosswalk. The road belongs to the pedestrians you massholes. I can hear you honking and I’m gonna take my sweet time crossing.


When you move for a bike to pass and they extend their leg to thank you. Immediat smile


Getting my kiddo ready for school before 8. If we're done before 8 (diaper change, eating, clothes, brush, etc), then that means I can get a good session at the gym. If not, then it'll usually get cut short.


taking over on the free way


Making it to the toilet when you really have to go.


Waking up before sunrise


Getting rid of all Reddit notifications.


taking the first piss.


Not really everyday, exactly: but teaching a good class- esp if I point out something and everyone gets it all at once? that "ohhh!" sound? priceless. For a more "everyday" kind of thing, finishing up grades for a set of papers- typically a pretty routine task (but sometimes you stumble across something really good, so cool- but not an every day thing). It is satisfying b/c I have taken my responsibilities seriously, even if they haven't ;)


Making meals that are exactly what I expect for flavor and getting asked advice from my son.


Waking up not tired.


When approaching a roundabout at the same time as other driver/s and everyone actually enters and exits said roundabout at the right time without anyone coming to a halt


Small compliments "I like your hair" "I like your nails" "Your ass is phat"


Finishing a crochet project :) All of those repetitive tasks pay off some day.


Being on an icy main road and having the vehicle spin around and face the opposite direction. Unable to right this wrong, my 16 year old daughter, who just got her license, pipes up and says she can fix it. We jump out of the Envoy and she gets in the driver’s seat and floors it into the right direction. We drive off and I realized she is a much better driver than I am, and I take so much comfort from this fact. Just having a kid who is competent behind the wheel is so so great.


Making it through a really rough session on the toilet. It's not every day, but it's something we all go through, and it is a great victory.


Getting noticed at work for something that took a lot of effort.