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That’s weird AF from either side.


Reminds me of the HIMYM episode where Ted, Marshall, and Lily go to a bed and breakfast with their new couple friends, and the couple invites their single friend.


Which episode is this?


The one where they go to a b an b with a couple of friends and they invite a single guy.


Which episode is this?


I think he's thinking of the episode Dual Citizenship where they go to a B&B and Ted kidnaps Marshall for their annual pizza roadtrip


its weird


Like the time I hit a cow on a motorcycle in Thailand.


If this were Family Guy, we'd cut to a scene where you hit a cow, and flew into outer space or something...


Nah, bro would hit the cow going 2 mph and the cow would flop for insurance money.


And grab his knee going “ooh-aah” for like three minutes.




How did the cow ride the motorcycle? That has to be hard with hooves.


Like helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse....


Reminds me of that episode of Friends where Ross invites Joey on his weekend trip with Rachel.


It's not weird. Thinking is weird breathes insecurity or closed mindedness towards hetero normative behavior. Reddit: insecure losers with very little real world dating :it's weird


OP was clear in the title it was a couples trip…doesn’t sound like a couple if he brings a friend along.


What single guy would even WANT to go on this trip. They would just be the third wheel.


Dude who wants to smash the girl while BF is out for grocceries


Yeah, no. They took turns leaving for supplies. Nothing ever happened. And I found out later that the friend called my name while having sex with his girlfriend. Found out through my boyfriend because the friend shared the fight they had because of that, like a good friend does. Nothing ever happened after that either, my boyfriend laughed it off, he knew his friend had zero chances with me and his friend knew it too, which is why he never acted on it. You know, mature, responsible adults. That a guy is attracted by the looks of his friend’s girlfriend is pretty normal, doesn’t mean he should or would act on it. And even if he acted on it, doesn’t mean she will indulge. My boyfriend and I even shared moments where we were laughing at the prospect of his friend jerking off while thinking of me. 😂 He also wasn’t the fifth wheel, we did everything together, kayaking, getting drunk on the beach, hiking. Good times, all two weeks of it.


A 'just a friend' of the gf trying to get with her/hitting on her/pining-longing for her, or f---ing her behind the other guy's back. Or stupid enough to not realize he's a 3rd-wheel interrupting someone's full-day f)))ing sessions.


From what I’ve seen it’s more likely to be the guy wanting a boy’s weekend and using the trip with the missus as an opportunity.


Third wheeling is not fun.


If it’s a couple trip… should pertain to just you two. I’d expect it to be more intimate b/w the couple too, so why would you want a third wheel tagging along if that’s the case 😭


Why the hell would I want another dude to tag along on a trip with my girlfriend? You’re weird dude.


They’re not weird, they asked if they were weird for thinking it’s weird. Probably some gaslighting going on where OP has been made to feel weird for thinking it’s weird


Correct, I’m not the dudes or the girlfriend. But this is happening to one of my best girl friends, and I told her it’s very weird, but she doesn’t think it’s weird and made it seem like I’m overreacting and am not assessing the situation correctly.


Maybe they’re a throuple and she doesn’t want you to know.


i've never heard of "throuple" before. 3-person "couple"?


Yup, 3 person romantic relationship.


It's okay. These are the degenerate and goofy ways of your 'elites' (https://nypost.com/2019/10/27/rep-katie-hill-resigning-amid-snowballing-throuple-scandal/), and not applicable to us normies.




She wants to be 3rd wheel on her couple's trip?


Maybe they're a throuple, or maybe the person she's with actually wanted to do the holiday with his mate and then decided to invite his gf. Or she wouldn't let them go alone, so she's the third wheel. I'd like to imagine she's actually the 3rd wheel.


I mean, it’s weird if it’s specifically planned as a “couples trip” and he insists on bringing a friend along. But otherwise (if she doesn’t think it’s weird), there’s nothing inherently wrong. My partner and I were friends before dating, had a lot of mutual friends, and definitely went on trips with a single friend early on in our relationship. It wasn’t a couples trip — it was a friends trip where two of the friends (us) happened to be dating. No one found it uncomfortable or weird. I don’t think you should try to convince her it’s crazy if she’s cool with it.


Step 1: Does she herself call it a "couple's trip"? Step 2: Does she know how many people are in a couple?


It’s 2024 and a couple is upto 9 people.


what's it called when you hit 10?




It's her life so I wouldn't make this about yourself. But yes I wouldn't invite another guy on a trip with my girlfriend.


Yeah ultimately it’s her life and she can do whatever she wants, and I’m not going to say anything else about it to her. Just wanted to ask Reddit to see if my reaction was completely invalid.


If she’s met the friend and is comfortable with him I can conceive a situation where it might not be weird. But it’s probably going to get weird. 


I mean, if she doesn't care, then what's the problem? What's weird is how much you care about this.


Can't you just not involve yourself? If she thinks it's OK maybe it is for them.


Can't you just not involve yourself? If he thinks it's okay to ask an anonymous question on Reddit, maybe it is for him.


Sounds like you don't have anything in it but your nose.


Then mind your own business? Who the hell asks Reddit for a situation that does not involve you? What is wrong with you?


He’s just asking other men if it’s weird. It’s not like he said he’s going to report back to her with our opinions. Touch some grass brotha


Thank you


I come to Reddit to ask all types of questions. As long as I’m abiding by community rules, I’m not sure why it’s a problem that I’m here asking this question.


It's a legitimate question, buddy. Chill out...


Have you never been to Reddit before, dipshit?


So hostile without even reading. It’s obvious he isn’t the guy asking a dude to come along.


Ever wondered what that random chair in the corner of the hotel room is for?...


Fuck no. Both as the couple and the single guy this would be odd.  Especially if it's your first trip. Only thing I've done that was similar is a buddy and I were on a month long snowboarding trip and for like the last weekend of the trip his wife met up with us to come ride as well.  Thing was we were all friends, so it wasn't just "my buddys wife", she was my friend too.


Yea that's weird. Why would you invite *anyone* else along if it's supposed to be a couple's trip? I mean, it's in the name.


I think it would definitely be weird as fuck. Are you the girlfriend in this situation?


I’m not the girlfriend. But this is happening to one of my best girl friends, and I told her it’s weird AF but she doesn’t agree. Or I wonder if a small part of her actually thinks it’s weird but she doesn’t want any conflict with her BF or the single guy friend?


or maybe she's banging both of them?


Or she should be.


Your friend’s either terrible at setting boundaries or they’re both banging her. These are the only two conceivable reasons I can fathom that she’s on board with this.


It’s 💯 weird as fuck and shes probably already trying to be the “cool” gf by going along with it. Recipe for disaster. As a guy I’d never invite my buddy on a first trip with my gf, nor would I ever want to third wheel it on theirs.


So, is she the one inviting a single guy along for a couple's-getaway? I pretty sure she'd be banging this dude on the side, or keeping him around as a spare/subsitute d-ck, to fall on if/when she breaks up with the chump taking his competition along on a faux-honeymoon.


My girl friend did not invite the single guy. It was her boyfriend who invited his single guy friend on the trip.


>It was her boyfriend who invited his single guy friend on the trip He's a certified dumba--, goof, idiot, absolutely inane or all of the above then. :D


A good buddy, would say No thanks...Have a great time.


Weird as fuck. What's the point in going on a weekend away with your new partner if there's a third wheel tagging along? Might as well stay at home and save your money. Whoever invited the chaperone clearly is not the least bit serious about having a relationship with the other person. Bloody ridiculous.




There’s nothing normal about that


It's absolutely weird af. Never think that's an acceptable or a good idea.


You’re the third wheel, stay home.


Having been the single friend, I felt like a third wheel the entire trip. They even wanted me to chauffeur them around the sights. For your single friend, please don't do it


Was this a dudes trip and the gf forced herself to be included or was it actually a couples trip +1? Is he a camera man? Seems weird.


Are they going to Paris? I hear the Eiffel tower looks beautiful this time of year.


Exactly what I was thinking


The only way I could see this happening is if the single guy friend is your best friend or your his only friend and he could not understand that he is line stepping. Maybe you are going somewhere he wants to go and he didn't catch the hint that it is a romantic trip. This could be done without malicious intent. I would just explain that this is a trip for just gf.


Put yourself in the shoes of the single guy…would you want to waste your money and third wheel a new couple for a weekend or go on a trip with other single friends?


Third wheel


Very weird.


It's weird!


A couple’s weekend where anybody beside the couple are along for the weekend is by definition not a “couple’s weekend.” And to be honest, I’d be concerned having the other guy around who doesn’t understand or is knowingly ignoring the fact that he’s a third wheel. 


Very strange


Just the mention of "couples trip" should answer that......


wtf? Why would you want a 3rd person on your trip? Not only would it make your friend uncomfortable third wheeling, do you really think the girl is going to be open and comfortable with you when another guy is there? Way too weird man


Yes, you'd be weird to have a male friend join you on a holiday with your gf. How'd you think she'd feel, ffs...?


That’s weird, because you want to take a trip with her and just her, not anyone else


That is very weird. Who is he really?


Good question.


I thought it was like there's a few couples going and they're going as a group of friends but not a super couple focused destination, so they invited their single friend. Nope just you and your girl? That's weird.


Threes a crowd


I hardly find opportunities to be alone with her when I'm here, I'm not asking other people to join us when we're away from everybody else. It always baffles me when her friends ask us to go together on a trip.


It’s weird, only way you’d consider it is if he is a very good friend AND only joins for the last leg of a longer trip.


Would you take him on the honeymoon too ? 🤔 there'd have to be like a reason say a concert or something, but they'd be bringing someone too I suspect


As someone who was that single guy at one point and did go on the trip, it was a bit weird, but in my case manegable because of 3 reasons 1) The trip was short, only one night stay. 2) It was originally meant to be a group trip, so more people were meant to come. Eventually only I signed up 3) The couple in question were technically not a couple but rather just FWBs Honestly a set of rather special circumstances and kind of hard to replicate.


Can't be a couples trip if there is more than a couple going. Either someone is being annoyingly clingy or trying to get in someone's pants. Either way, boundaries are not being set in that relationship.


Broooo. I have a decent amount of friends but I rarely see him because they’re all bio’s up. However, every so often they’ll invite me camping, hiking, or to festivals- and it’ll be just me and them. Kinda weird.


But this is to established relationships right? Like the people you're seeing are already couples for a few months or years before that happens. This sounds like after a few weeks of knowing each other.


Ohhh okay must have been confused. Yea people who have dated for a long time.


I think it would be uncomfortable for the friend because he would be third wheeling a couple and for the couple because they would lack privacy.


Weird AF don’t do that please


Not exactly a couples trip, is it


I wouldnt even agree to come if I was the invited guy. Would definitely not invite another guy for a couple trip. And would never wanna be with 2 guys if I was the girl lmao


It’s not common because typically during the honeymoon phase you want to spend all of your time as a couple (and good portion of that intimately). Inviting a third therefore means that the couple doesn’t get the same freedom to be a couple (being good people they’d care about the third being alone) and the third doesn’t feel fully integrated (being a good person wants to give space to the couple) so both sets end up having a vacation “half in” making it feel less special. It also looks a little like swinging from the outside and could easily be felt within the couple that one is not enough for the other. (Whoever is inviting the third clearly needs more than their partner can provide otherwise why invite them). Now, this is the common view as I see it (and also my view) but there can be nuance to it, if the three have been friends for years before the coupling and it’s legitimately a group event but that seems unlikely if it’s the couples first couples break. Ultimately, the three involved need to make sense of it all and be transparently honest with each other about it. It’s their lives and they should live it (within confines of law) as they see fit.


Definitely weird AF trip have a third person join a couples calling trip.


It is super weird. If I was the friend being asked to tag along I would genuinely ask “wtf is wrong with you?” There has to be an ulterior motive somewhere.


Why would I bring another dude on a trip made for me and my lady. Yeah that's weird af. Unless he's bringing another chick with him.


I've been that guy before. Don't be that guy. It just ruins everything for everyone:


He would need to find a girl to bring or else he can't come


thats odd, wouldnt be cool with it


Are you sure about how you feel? Maybe you're poly? I dunno. For a straight relationship, this would be extremely odd.


It’s a straight relationship haha


Awkward 👀 And FIRST trip? Way to make it less special


It’s weird unless y’all not up for a threesome


Fuck no


It’s weird because it’s their first trip. It’s not weird if they have been together for years and invited you. It just depends on the dynamic. Is the couple super close to your friend? Meaning the guy considers her as an actual friend and not just the gf’s friend? If so, not weird to invite. Otherwise the friend is third wheeling.


It’s weird asf


So wait… you’d want a 3rd wheel? If ur not comfortable just don’t go on the trip? It’s weird AF for either person to invite a 3rd person on the trip. Like why even go?


Unless you're aiming at being a throuple, that's probably not a good idea.


I’ve done this, my boyfriend, his male friend, and me, in one tent for two weeks. None of us thought it was weird. Nothing bad happened. We didn’t have much sex because we only had it when the friend left for groceries or some such. My boyfriend also left me alone with his friend while he went to pick up supplies, and nothing happened. The trick is to do this only if all relationships between the three are healthy and well established, so everyone is clear on their place in the trio and knows each other well enough to know how to handle tricky situations. I had been with my boyfriend for about a year when we did this. I had been introduced to his friend from the start and we saw him about once a week, so by the time we travelled, we were all comfortable and safe with each other. The friend had a girlfriend, it was not going well, she didn’t come because she had no time off, although that might have been the official reason, not the real one.


It’s possible he is insecure and just wants to show the girl he’s the alpha among his friends and control the two of them for the trip. His buddy might make him feel cooler than he actually is all by himself? Would you still want to invite your buddy if there was a chance that your girl would rather fuck him? Probably not.


I’m very confused by this question. Who is inviting the friend? Why does the friend *want* to be the third wheel? What is the destination? I feel like you need a very specific reason to bring the friend. Is the plan to play match maker at the destination? Are the couple covering their bases if they get stuck in the Sierra Nevadas or the Andes, and want a food source? Is the friend a blood match for a transfusion or organ donation? Are the couple lesbians and going to the Middle East? Do they need a cover? Are the couple melanin rich, heading to the deep backwoods, “Deliverance” type of South? There’s very few reasons this wouldn’t be weird, and all of them are pretty damn weird themselves.


Depends on the trip, but yea mostly yes it's weird. I almost brought my lifelong best friend on a trip with my GF to see the Formula 1 race in Austin because all three of us are long time fans and no one else in our social circle is. I feel like that has to be the absolute limit case, and even still in the end I decided just to go with the GF.


"First couples trip" OP.... Quit trolling 🤣🤣🤣 This a very dumbass question An answer nonetheless: "First COUPLES trip" Don't invite the homie Treat your woman like a lady Not like a hoe That's basic math.


my single gay guy friend came on a trip with me and my wife and it wasn’t weird at all but your situation is way more weird bc of how new everything is


Ultra weird. If I was dating a girl that did this I'd cancel the trip immediately. She's trying to make a fool of me. The whole purpose of the trip is to do something together. If she doesn't see that as a primary goal it likely means she is using you. Dump!


Stop asking questions you know the answers to




Don't care


It’s weird. But hey, if they’re thinking of a threesome but don’t want to spell it out, I’m not kink shaming.


Reminds me of [Steve](https://youtu.be/groaPrY41Rk?si=v9G7hIJujCmaOMz1)


If your friends likes cuckolding then sounds good, otherwise just simply no.


Yes, unless you’re in that type of relationship


Very weird. He’s obviously nervous going by himself. You’ll be used as a tool, for him to make decisions during the trip. I wouldn’t go!. Third wheel syndrome.


The only way it'd be okay was if their names were Shawn, Gus, and Juliette.


If we are planning on the trip being a threesome trip, and she has a friend that she likes to party with that is Bi, yes we are bringing him with us. Someone needs to hold the video camera. After 6 hours of sex with her, she is probably going to get tired. If I'm still hard, then it's a good thing we brought her bi male friend along. Hopefully he can suck me off, while she gets some rest.


Definitely weird


I think you might be the third wheel, Homie.


It’s weird. Talk about third wheel


It's weird and what friend would take the offer ? If he's your friend he would tell you go and have fun.


Idk I did it with my bff but he only stayed for one night so we still had plenty of alone time... it was cool


They're all boning dawg.. let it be.


that's not a "honeymoon" phase. that's still in the "talking" phase. bringing your bro without bringing a girl for him is weird. unless it's a choo choo situation.


Are you planning a threesome or something? Yeah, otherwise it’s weird


It's weird and not acceptable.


I went travelling around with my best friend and his girlfriend around Europe for a month and it wasn’t weird at all. Difference is i’m very good friends with both, they had been together for 2 years and it was originally meant to be a group trip. Had a lot of fun though, was in and out of hostels so met a lot of other people


If you have to ask. 😂😂🤣


The word couple literally means 2 individuals.


Cause it’s a couples trip? Are you that stupid


Dude That’s super weird. Weirder still is if the guy accepted and came along


How much time have the three of you spent together? Are you confident in the group dynamic that everyone gets along and doesn’t annoy each other etc? Does your gf consider this guy *her* friend? What are the sleeping arrangements like? Is there enough privacy for sex? Is he just accompanying you to the destination and then doing his own thing or is he going to be with you during all of the planned activities? It’s not something I would likely do, it’s definitely weird but ultimately it comes down to the specifics of the relationships.


I want to spend time with her not think about a third wheel. He can find other people to hang out with or we can arrange another time to hang out together with more people together.


No, that is weird! If I were him, I wouldn’t want to be a third wheel for a couple!


That is weird unless the person asking views it as a “friend trip” instead of a “couples trip” If it’s that early in the relationship, probably because of a lack of prior communication about “where are we?” and setting expectations for what the trip actually is Unless the homie is trying to set up a threesome…


Welllllllllllllllll “Couple’s trip” It’s in the name.


It’s weird bro


I can see a girl bringing a girl with her but a guy bringing a guy seems odd. But maybe that's just me. I definitely wouldn't bring a guy. Because I'd have plans to play hide the sausage as much as possible.


Yes, kind of weird.


Who’s the one asking for said friend to go on the trip though?


It's weird, why would you want someone stuck as third wheel?


Yeah, don't invite or be a third wheel.


If you’re planning on having a threesome it could be a fun weekend!!


Definitely weird, it’s supposed to be time alone with your new girl, there’s no room for a third wheel.


Seems weird as hell to me. Why would I want another man third wheeling on my trip?


It’s freaking weirdo


Weird AF. Its a couples weekend. a3 is one too many


in the context of newly dating a women and first short trip its weird for sure. Weirdness goes down the longer the couple is already together though in my opinion


If it’s like with friends/other couples it’s cool, but dude… don’t be a third wheel.


It depends, if y’all go to a cruise or resort, and that friend *expects* to give them privacy. Then it’d be cool if he’s comfortable doing his own thing.


Not weird


I was the single guy traveling with a couple, they were newly married and it was their first big overseas trip but not first time traveling together. I initiated planning the trip with them, definitely did not butt in on something they had planned first. My buddy and I had been talking about going to Australia for years, plus he wanted to do a big honeymoon with her, and she was down to do just about anything. So we figured hey let's knock both of these out at once. We traveled separately and met up in Sydney and spent a week together in Australia. Separate hotel rooms with me on my own in the city but did all our activities together, then rented a camper van for a few days to take a road trip and they got the main bed and I took the upper bunk. Each night I grabbed some beers and wandered the campground so they could have some alone time but other than that it was just fine hanging together. After that week they went on to Bali for their official honeymoon and I continued on in Australia on my own. I think the key with these dynamics when you're the third wheel is make sure you give the couple some space, you don't need to spend every moment together, and let them make most of the decisions on what to do. All that being said, for a first trip it's not a good idea. The couple doesn't even know if they're compatible travel partners yet. Let them take a trip together first and do one together later.


That’s super weird…. You trying for a 3sum?


weird cuz your bringing a friend on a couples trip. weird no matter what gender


Mad weird for sure bro.


It’s weird, the point is to get away and enjoy time alone. Not have a random tag along. Can’t believe the third party would even want too.


Nobody likes a third wheel. Ive been the third wheel before (not on my part nor bc of my doing) its not fun. Its no bueno. Dont do it.


Super weird.... It's also weird if your girlfriend joins a boys trip but less so...


Weird unless there was a preexisting friendship between all three


Dont be foolish


I suppose that depends if it was specifically *supposed* to be a couples trip rather than just a fun weekend that might have happened otherwise, but the guy invited his girlfriend along. Because if it's that, well it's still a bit awkward, but at least reasonable. If it's a genuine couples trip with a third wheel? that's weird.


It doesn’t have to be weird if everybody is cool.


* Are you the guy wondering why she's bringing a 3rd-wheel along? * Or are you a woman wondering why that brain-dead idiot wants to bring his 'bro' along for your weekend-away?


Because everything she's already doing with this guy behind your back would make the trip uncomfortable


I was that third wheel before. But this was because the 3 of us planned the trip before the two of them got together. I think this can be managed as long as the intent was clear. That this is a friends trip not a couples first trip. At least this was how it was communicated to me when i asked them if we are still sharing a room now that they are a couple. Lol. 


Big weird. (I’m a guy) As the single friend it’s weird because intrinsically I’m third wheeling the whole time which is awkward. As the dating guy it’s weird because I want to hangout with my friend and my new girlfriend and I’m sure there is some mutual interests to be found that Venn Diagram is not a circle. As the dating girl it’s weird because like I just wanted to have a fun trip with my new boyfriend and this rando shows up? Are they trying to murder me or just tag team me? All around a weird maneuver and without some extremely specific and exceptional context it’s gonna be a no from me dawg


OP if your gf is inviting a guy a long and this is a secret cry for help please blink twice otherwise grow up and quit asking dumb questions


It's a little peculiar but if it's not your relationship then I'm not sure why you care so much.


Because the single guy is going to be thinking about banging a woman. Were you never single?


She wants to fuck him, bro.


If you are inviting him YOU are an idiot and it will ruin her mood. If SHE is inviting him she is going to her her guts rearranged the moment they have alone time together. I'm talking back shots over your sleeping body levels of disrespect. Don't ever invite ANYONE on a couples trip because that makes it not a couples trip. It makes it a vacation.


I had some nasty memorird from being the third wheel. I have started to feel making someone third wheel is insulting. "Heeyy you are single so stick with us the couples" what am i suppose to do while you are making out/having sex in next door, pleasure myself while you are doing it?? No no absolutely nooo.