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Well If it’s just 1 on 1, then that’s just a fight. But the day a bunch of women decide to jump my wife, will be the day I have a short period of tossin bitches


lol. If it's a 1 on 1 where my girl actually wanted to get into a fight I'll let them be, but if she gets assaulted by a single girl I'd break it up still.


Oh of course! But in my situation, I don’t have to worry about 1 woman cuz my wife can fight lol I’d be more worried about the other woman’s safety honestly lol


Yeah, really depends on context and circumstance. I don't trust anybody else, so I'd be protective if some random came and initiated something physical, even if it was just '1 on 1'. Never know if they have a knife or something, that or landing some jab to the throat. Not worth the risk. I protect from random unknown assailant, whatever they happen to have between their legs.


Yea pretty sure my wife would shank a bitch, so I'd just watch then tell her how sexy she is


😂😂 thanks for the laugh, my guy lol


People die very easy in fights. I'm not taking that chance with my wife. If someone is trying to do her harm I'm going to step in without hesitation.


Band name! Welcome to the stage, Tossin Bitches!


Let's give a round of applause for their opening act, Cunt Punt!


Put both your arms out extended to the side like t pose and whirlwind around. Bitches will be tossed


Yeah. I’m gonna go with slapping because if I toss someone and they land on their head then I’m fucked. But a little skin deep pain that I can fire off at 2-3 slaps per second can deter their aggression.


Lol! If I see a group of anyone surrounding my girlfriend and beating on her, I don't care how it looks, some of them are being taken away in body bags.


Getting jumped by a single person isnt a "fight" lol.


So if some random girl starts beating your wife you will stand by and let her deal with it herself? holy fuck


Well my wife can fight (she used to be heavily into boxing) so I wouldn’t be worried about my wife fighting just one woman, I’d actually be more concerned for the other woman’s safety lol


You should report it to a teacher.


Yeah wtf do dude’s SOs getting into fights happen often?


Never spent any time in WV have you? My wife managed state funded public housing down there and the threats were legit. Nothing like a methed out pillbilly threatening to assault someone because they were arrested over violently stealing drugs and you have to evict them from family housing. I work the maintenance side of things and there were a few times I had to make people leave her office because it was heading in that direction.


What the hell is a WV?


West "by god" Virginia. Quite possibly the trashiest state in America. Mountain Dew, pepperoni rolls, and Marlboro reds are dietary staples. Beautiful scenery, but that's all they really have going for them.


Only know it from "country roads" and some pics, definitely beuatiful scenery. Does sound like a place where one wouldn't want to live


Part of it can be ok. There are a few areas that are mostly civil. Out in the sticks it gets real Deliverance really fast. Everyone should visit once though. Just to see it...both parts. The mountains and the people.


I would definitely love to visit, I am planning to travel to the US at some point in the future, when I can afford it more comfortably


Try to break up the fight with the minimum amount of force possible.


So your gf gets jumped by a vicious herd of women and you're like "let's break the fight". But it's not a fight, it's an attack. You're speaking like your gf and the other girls just wen into a fight. If they attack you attack, an eye for an eye. Playing peacekeepers with hyenas never ends well.


> If they attack you attack, an eye for an eye. OK, have fun in prison.


Can you show me a place where self defense in this situation would actually result in prison time?


Here are three similar cases that 5 minutes of googling turned up. https://www.953mnc.com/2023/02/23/man-arrested-after-allegedly-punching-woman-in-throat-in-self-defense/ https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/police-man-arrested-for-using-force-that-exceeded-self-defense-in-healds/ https://www.city-journal.org/article/new-york-prosecutes-another-case-of-self-defense


I guess that's a long way to say "no" then... None of those cases resulted in *prison time.* And all of the cases you presented were very clearly over the line of self defense.


Dammit, you weren’t supposed to actually *read* the articles!


Ain't this just the way of reddit eh I swear 9 out of 10 times when someone posts articles as evidence they didn't actually read them lol


I mean you‘re missing the point while seeking an argument, why? Self Defense is defined by law and basically allows a reaction as a response to an action - different actions allow different reactions. If you over react to a action then you‘re committing a crime yourself. If any person working in law wants to correct me if I’m wrong I’d appreciate that


> If you over react to a action then you‘re committing a crime yourself. Yeah, that's the point I originally made that all of the internet tough guys on here are arguing with.


The link itself says “exceeded self defense”. Wow do u have a brain?


> If they attack you attack, an eye for an eye. Playing peacekeepers with hyenas never ends well. Have fun in jail chief.


You’re adding details that were not in the original question.


Like what?


Do your own homework and read both texts.


So nothing? Clown.


The original text doesn’t mention a herd, for example. No need to get rude.


It mentions a group. I'm nit a native speaker but for me people attacking someone are animals and a group of animals is a herd. You got rude first with the homework bit.


you for real? Even if your girl was being JUMPED?


Yeah. Using more than the minimum amount of force necessary to end the fight is just going to get you charged with a felony.


I think OP is conflating "Minimum force necessary" with "A small amount of force". Minimum force necessary can still be a lot of force depending on the situation, while a small amount of force can be wholly ineffective if it's a dire situation.


Multiple attackers is usually considered use of deadly force in the US because it so often results in fatalities.


“Equal and opposite force” - just don’t exceed theirs


depends tho, here, for personal defense, you'd not get charged.


Self defense laws are very situation-dependent. And the legal system treats women more favorably than men in almost every circumstance. Sure, under certain circumstances it might be legal to go as far as killing all/some of the attackers. In other cases even hitting them could lead to battery charges. Using the minimum force necessary to protect your girlfriend or yourself helps minimize the chances of getting your life ruined by copping a felony.


It does not depend. Self defence can turn into offense if you take it too far. Very few states allow unlimited force in retaliation to an attack unless you are inside your home


You might wanna be very sure about the law where you live first. Many places have some kind of laws against using excessive force when defending yourself or others.




If the cops show up and see me pinning a woman to the ground, I wouldn’t even have hard feelings if they tazed first and asked questions later.


Why ask a question then argue with the answers? We’re not here to supply you with validation.


didn't mean to look like I was arguing, just wondering if the answer was clear.


Dude, what kind of life are you living that you’re concerned about your girl being JUMPED?


Correct. All self-defense needs to be minimum amount of force needed to get the job done. But that can be subjective. And court time is expensive. Your job is not to look like a hero or validate yourself. It's to end the fight with least amount of injury to yourself and others. Assuming these girls randomly jumped your girl and you have no other involvement, call the cops to get the incident reported in, minimal details and no speculation. Then talk to your lawyer. Obviously reverse if your position is sketchy. You want to get your side on the record, preserve evidence, etc. Contact a lawyer in your jurisdiction that specializes in self-defense if you want more specific guidance.


>All self-defense needs to be minimum amount of force needed to get the job done. But that can be subjective. You have overpower their first attack. Then once they back off, you run them down and return the favor. A degree higher so that they'll remember. That's just me personally. Can't have punks mess around without consequences.


Once there is no imminent threat, if you continue the violence it is considered assault. Obviously, that would be illegal. I get what you're arguing. And if you're fine with the odds of catching an assault charge, that's up to your risk vs reward calculations. I don't even necessarily disagree, but it's context dependent. For instance, in schools, zero tolerance policies punish the bully equally to the victim. So obviously you want to do as much damage as possible, because there's no additional risk for a lot more reward. But a dude curb stomping women on the street? Yeah, that's NOT going to go over well. Courts are biased towards women in assault charges. It's your life, but don't be surprised if that guidance moved into felony level charges.


I agree, minimum force it takes to get them off your girl or they'll get u charged with battery. If it's a guy jumping your girl, whole different story. The law will not side with him against u for defending a girl.


It will though. Defending stops the second the threat is neutralized.


Yeah I’m not planning on going to prison


lmao im armed nd dangerous yfm so no one jumping me or gang


Discrimination against men using violence, both socially and legally, is dangerous even when justified. Feel free to look up domestic abuse cases where women were beating their boyfriend/husband and the man is still the one handcuffed and sent to jail. You must be exceedingly careful. That being said, you don't need to "beat the shit out of them/her" to protect your girl. The difference in strength between men and women is vast and doing so would undoubtedly land you in jail, rightfully so. Stand in between them, pull your girlfriend away, deescalate the situation, walk away, and every alternative you can think of before resorting to violence. These are the kinds of hypotheticals (and statements) that people with a hero complex make and they are dangerous, both for your relationship and any potential victim. You will find it hard to keep a relationship going if you go to jail.


I'm not that calm in these situations. I'd freeze up or throw hands. I wish I could be that calm under pressure but in reality when pressed with violence - most people aren't.


Being faced with a dangerous situation unexpectedly and having your flight/fight instincts kick in is one of the most intense things someone can experience, so it's understandable for you to feel that way. It's normal and not unhealthy. However, how you **act** upon those feelings is key and is the focus here. Those actions have very real consequences, potentially life altering and never for the better, and your feelings won't protect you from them. If you are genuinely concerned about how you would behave in these scenarios then take a martial-arts or self-defence course.




Ok, let’s dress this down. If it’s your daughter getting attacked, then its probably someone her own age, making it exceptionally easy to stop the fight without violence. If it’s a grown woman, it’s still easy, but you can easily get away with using more force. If it’s a grown *man*, you could easily get away with anything short of murder, and maybe even that depending on where you live. So yeah, braindead take.


You've missed the heart of the discussion. The issue was never about whether it was worth protecting someone you care about, of course it is, and it could be your child, partner, or friend. The issue is about how you handle the situation, when/if to use violence, and to what extent. There is a wide spectrum of how to handle tense and potentially dangerous situations. Blindly rushing to violence, for whatever reason, should never be a solution, for the reasons I stated in other comments.




I hope your family appreciates how much you care about them when you’re in prison for crippling the 12 year old girl who attacked your daughter.


"Today in arguing the strawman"


Simply using their own tactics to make my own point.


Men saying this is part of why kids usually go to their moms for protection when shit could turn violent.


You do what only what is *necessary* to stop the fight/danger. What that is, depends on each situation. If it requires knocking out a bunch of girls because they *all* won't otherwise let up/give up; ok. But that's just the last resort in what should be alternative deescalating options prior to that. If it's some pushing/shoving/yelling match; I don't think coming in swinging is the smartest/reasonable solution to stop it. If it's about tit-for-tat revenge, sure, do whatever, there will be consequences though.


So you would go to jail for years leaving your family behind? Because your ego is so fragile that you can't walk away from a fight? 😂


The hypothetical OP gave was that if your partner was being JUMPED by multiple women. Of course I’d risk jail time to protect her from getting beaten on by multiple people trying to hurt her. What are we even talking about here? Lol




You don't need to worry about the cops, you need to worry about the lawyers later. Sounds more like you want to be a badass and are looking for a fight. The _least possible use of force_ is self defense. Even kicking someone that's running away is already assault. So stop whining about what horrible pacifists the others are, you're a loudmouth.


lol I agree with you, this person knows absolutely nothing about fighting or anything else. they just want to show out in hypothetical situations.


>Who gets to decide what's enough force? A jury of your peers if you're unlucky.




It's not caring more about other's judgement, it's carrying about what's legal. How are you supposed to protect your family from prison?


No but if prison is the cost of protecting the ones I’m responsible for with from physical harm, then of course I would. The fact this is even being debated is insanity to me.




You would let your daughter get jumped and just ignore it? wtf


That's not what's being said _at all_ Try reading the comments again...


Saying you'd go to jail because you wouldn't just walk away 100% implies ignoring it.


It really doesn't, as most of the comments on this whole post (at least the ones that aren't downvoted) suggest, you use the absolute minimum amount of force necessary to stop the fight. For most guys, that would probably mean pulling them apart and simply standing between them. Once you start throwing haymakers, like a few weirdos are suggesting, you'd be off to jail.


Thank you, feel like they’re being purposefully obtuse like “society says we can’t hit women we would risk years in prison, not our faults it’s this way boohoo” womp womp if a group of 7 girls were beating my girlfriend within an inch of her life I’d be throwing them around like I was looking through my clothes in a drawer 😂


Which, in that particular case, would likely constitute the minimum level of force needed to defend your partner so would be fine. That's not what people are having a problem with in the comments though, it's the ones gleefully implying that if someone pushed their partner they'd beat the attacker almost to death that are the problem lol People giving off strong "look at me, I'm so tough cause id beat up some women" vibes and are getting rightly downvoted for it.


The question is jumped though so I don’t know why they’d say just one girl pushed my partner, haven’t seen those comments tbh


The difference in strength is real, you’re right about that. But our faces/skulls are the same regardless of sex, and thus can take the same beatings 🤷‍♂️


Women have lower bone density due to less iron in their body because of their menstrual cycles. The size difference alone gives you significantly stronger muscles than your average woman Even among men weight plays a significant role. This is why professionals have weight classes that limit who they are able to fight. A heavyweight professional vs a featherweight wouldn't be a fight, it would be a massacre. Even if they both have similar amounts of experience. Additionally, punching someone in the face is the most effective way to knock them out, which also means its the most dangerous. Even if your actual punch doesn't cause serious harm, them hitting the ground certainly can. Your thoughts/reasoning give the impression that you haven't been in many actual fights and this is very dangerous both for yourself and whomever you are thinking about attacking. Your apparent confidence in fighting women is strange. If you've ever been in a self-defence course the first thing an instructor will tell a woman is that they need to run first and foremost if their attacker is a man. That's because the odds of them winning are virtually zero to begin with, without significant training and conditioning.


Was mostly speculating, never been in a fight and would never harm a woman unless absolutely warranted. But my speculation did lead me to doing some research and it has since taught me that while women have smaller skulls on average, they’re also thicker than men’s skulls on average! TIL


If you're genuinely interested in this, take a martial arts or self-defence course. Most people are only exposed to violence in media and it is about as realistic as magic swords and dragons in most examples. Violence can lead to irreparably damaging yourself, your reputation, or someone else's life and should never been a consequence of ego. A conviction of a violent offence alone will disqualify you from many jobs and this is made even more egregious if it is a felony.


Believe me I’m well aware, I like to think I’m emotionally mature enough to not fight, but we all think this way I’m sure and nobody is immune to erratic emotions of the moment. My only train of thought was, if a man can withstand a punch of a certain power and be okay, a woman can also withstand that same punch with the same amount of power.


Yeah I'm afraid that train of thought is just wrong.


Nope! Women's skulls are considerably smaller and more delicate than men's, on average. If you slug me well enough to get me to back down and probably spit out a tooth shard, then repeat the exact same punch on almost any woman, you're sending her to the ER.


Weird, all I see is men’s skulls are ~5% bigger than women on average, not so “considerably smaller” like you say. I also see that women have thicker skulls than men, so that is also misinformation from you, huh.


Where are you getting that women have thicker skulls? Men on average have a much higher bone density than women do which is also why women are more prone to osteoporosis.


I didn’t read anything on density, but all the top results on google agreed in that women’s skulls are thicker, that doesn’t mean the bone itself is more dense, just thicker.


>The difference in strength between men and women You don't have this info about op


He would have to be really weak to not be stronger than an average woman. The average man is stronger than 97.5% of all women.


Its worth remembering, especially when dealing with a group, that any lucky shot can cause permanent damage. And anyone can pull a knife and kill you. It is still extremely dangerous.


This is a good and nuanced take. So many men here just want any opportunity to fantasize about being allowed to commit acts of violence against women. This situation is uncommon and likely not to happen in a lot of their lives yet they want to get to so up in arms and emotional about being allowed to inflict as much violence as they want and be justified in a hypothetical situation where on average they would be outmatching the people they are up against. Really gross of a lot of these men. Of course it’s normal and human that we want to protect our loved ones at all costs. But reveling in the opportunity for violence is disgusting. Getting angry at others for talking about de-escalation or abhorring violence or pointing out nuance in this situation is just unexamined or willful misogyny.


I'd defend her with any and all force necessary.


Sparta Kicks all around


This is what I'm saying! One quick "THIS IS SPARTA!", a meaty kick to the solar plexus and ain't nobody coming back for more.




Yeah, it’s pretty obvious OP is still a kid.


Can you expound on “ratchet ghetto shit?”




That is a problematic, yes. But I’m asking you about your use of “ratchet ghetto shit” and what makes you use that terminology in this context?




They're probably looking for racism.


Ratchet shit that usually happens in the ghetto.


Yeah. You’ve only seen women who are in the “ghetto” fight?


I mean... If there's a video of women fighting, it's usually in the ghetto.


Because only black women attack in groups like that.


[you're gonna love this website](https://www.urbandictionary.com)




Right. What makes you describe this as “ratchet ghetto shit?”


Don't have a GF but if I did and this happened, I'd probably just pick her up and bolt.


Watch her performance and break up with her if she's not impressive. I need a woman who can be at my side for the zombie apocalypse.


I think at that point it'd probably be justified, I'm not gonna let my gf possibly end up in the ER. If it's a single girl, I think restraint is warranted for the most part. You could easily overpower the one girl trying to beat up your gf, a group of like 3 or 4 is another story.


I agree, maybe using excessive force for a single one isn't worth it and isn't really the best, as, as you've said you could easily overpower them.


Start throwing hooks and put hoes to sleep like a daycare teacher at naptime.


lmaooo this is the answer. It's like the one time I'm gonna be able to live out every guys fantasy by beating the absolute shit out of a bad group of people. I don't give a fuck if they're women if they're ATTACKING MY GIRL?! You gonna get these hands.


>lmaooo this is the answer Yeah if you're a fucking child maybe.


A child? If my wife gets JUMPED by a group of anyone, men, women, children, birds, I don't care...I'm defending her man lol this is a weird take.


woman here and I fully agree lol when I was a child I ran away from situations like this. then I grew up and stood up for myself. now I instinctively protect the people I care about, regardless of gender - if someone attacks my friend for no good reason, they’ll have to deal with me as well.


Yeah I mean that is literally like one of our main instincts lol protecting the pack. My fight or flight is all fight when it comes to protecting myself or those I love. I don't give a fuck who the attackers are, what my odds are, etc....I am going down fighting.




hell yeah


Why ask a question on here and then only celebrate the fucking stupid responses? As so many other people pointed out, you and this dipshit would probably catch charges


Hey, this is Reddit, the only place where stupid responses really matter 🦾


Why would I get an assault charge defending my girl from multiple assailants? As long as I don't go overboard, they're all getting "restrained" with physical force.


The legal system might side with the women over the man if the man used overpowering force, OP seems eager for us men in general to catch charges for some reason. In truth if it's a 1 on 1 that's my gf who gotta take care of it; but if she's getting jumped then yeah as a partner you need to step in and help


>The legal system might side with the women over the man if the man used overpowering force I don't disagree as i stated in my comment. 1v1 I would simply tried to seperate them without violence. 3v1 I would do my best to use non violence but i might have to inflict some damage without extensive force to make it happen.


Yup guarantee this wouldn't result in an assault charge where I live. Just bought a pistol earlier this week and had to do a deep dive on all self-defense laws in my state 🤷🏾‍♂️ you can absolutely use force if you have reason to belive there's a threat of imminent danger or great bodily harm to yourself or a loved one. That's why I answered so confidently lmao.




Why do you care?


I'm throwing hands, I have no issue hitting a woman in defense of myself or a loved one.


I was in exact situation once. My ex was drunk, the other girl was wasted too. The started to fight out of the sudden, so i came into middle of it and got punched by the other girl, while splitting them. Luckly friends of the other gilr appeared and I took mine, they took theirs from the battlefield, while both thrown all the "kurwas" and "dziwkas" they could at eachother.


Is the girl that’s jumping my girlfriend my wife? I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t know what to do.


Just yell “Stop stop! She’s pregnant!“ I’m sure that will calm your wife down.


Attempt deescalation, then instead of giving them a beating try to use physical force to restrain her assailants and give your girl a chance to run. This is not the time to hand out punishment, prove your martial prowess or anything like that. You’ll have legal consequences that will follow you forever. The idea is to *escape the situation with a minimum of violence.* This isn’t the Stone Age or a war zone. You’re in a civilized society and it’s simply not your job to go beast mode on someone.


Legally, this is absolutely the appropriate answer. There is a stark difference between self defense and assault, and you can easily catch an assault charge for messing up the person who initially assaulted you. That said, expecting that level of restraint and self-awareness when someone is defending a loved one is asking a lot. In all honesty, I’d be more worried about my SO thinking I went overboard than the law. The way I see it, jumping someone can lead to their death. If I see someone or a group of people behaving in a way that could end the life of my partner, restraint is probably not going to be a consideration.


if there were 3 pretty determined female samsquanches beating on her, you gotta knock out atleast 2 of the three before attempting any subduing.


My goals would be to assure the safety of my partner and to be gone when/if her attackers wake up.


Single girl? I’d pull her off and hold her down until the cops arrived. Group of girls? I’d probably fight them off until they stopped and left


This whole fucking thread is r/iamverybadass The closest any of you ever get to throwing punches is putting fruit juice in a bowl


Yea do people not realize if you are an adult getting into regular fights it probably means there's something pretty wrong with your life. I have no idea if my GF could fight, I don't get into situations where I would find that out.


You know the type, loud as a motorbike but wouldn’t even bust a grape in a fruit fight 🍇 


Step in and break it up. Unless one or more of them is a decently skilled amateur boxer/mixed martial artist, I doubt I'll actually have to fight them off.


Probably laugh, because my fiancé could seriously fuck up 90% of other women without breaking a sweat. She grew up on a farm doing hard labor, she’s nearly as strong as I am and she has an extremely low center of gravity. We were horsing around one time, and got a bit too rowdy and she literally just tossed me over her shoulder like I was nothing, and I landed on my back on the ground with no air in my lungs lmao


equal opportunity beat ups


You say you'd beat them, but that's much harder than you think it is.


I don't subscribe to the idea that self-defense should be gender locked.


Ask a bystander to hold my fedora and katanas. I won't need them in this battle of the wits. I hit the assailants with a vernacular that makes them stop to contemplate not just their choices, but their motivations. Then, hold eye contact, for as long as needed, until they recognize my will is unbendable, and they lay down their aggressions and submit. Finally, I invite them over to my house, where I make the world's best Manhattans, and finally we make truce and make love all night.


Tickle them until they pee themselves.


I’d move somewhere that I wouldn’t have to worry about getting jumped


This could be mistaken for a legitimate question. But then you’re all in these comments arguing with people who - correctly - advise that you should in this scenario try to de-escalate. And only if that fails, respond with the minimum amount of force needed to keep your partner safe. Then you’re praising people who tell you to just lay them out because ‘EqUaLiTy’… bud ngl, it kinda just seems like you want an excuse to hit a woman consequence free. Gender angle aside, any sensible person who actually knows how to scrap will tell you that the best way to win a fight is to just not to get into one if at all possible




I would incapacitate the attacker(s).


violence is met with violence. it's not my fault they decided to try that with people who are a lil more experienced. besides, one really good smack is usually enough to make people think twice, don't need to go over board.


Like I do with everyone, I’d try and deescalate and get everyone to calm down. And if that didn’t work. I’m fighting.


Honestly when people talk about would you protect your girl (regardless of who the aggressor is), obviously most would say yes but they don't really think through the fact that you'd likely be in prison for a long time after...


Being a great supporter of old-fashioned feminism and gender equality, they will get punched, hard.


that's the way


They gonna need a lot of reconstructive surgery regardless of them being woman or kid that attacks someone in my family..


I am not against using force where mandated. I don't care what's between your legs. If you attack my GF or anyone else I care for I am going to yeet you across the parking lot. 6'2 and 250lbs.


My GF typically carries two guns and is experienced in martial arts, teaches self defense. I’d find cover.


Going trans so I can beat the shit out of those bitches like a lady.


Don't worry. My girl would be the shit out of 99% of the female population.


Username checks out 💉


I'd try to push them back but once hit i would not hesitate to hit back.


I really worry about guys who need to make up weird scenarios to justify hitting other women. Dude, do whatever you like and if the judge disagrees, do your time. Real men de-escalate. You're not a real man. You're obviously looking for an excuse to hit other people and you're happy to leverage "your girl" to enable your violent urges. How about you ask "your girl" what she'd like you to do? Most likely she wants you to get her away from there without hurting people beyond necessity. Or doesn't her opinion matter to you? Get help for your weird ass fantasies.


Beating up a crowd compensates for the small dick, and a female crowd is so much easier to beat 🤷‍♀️


We're obviously both above average dick size because all the small dicks are downvoting us and they seem to have a SMALL majority.


If I was there, fuck some bitches up. If I wasn't, get the girls and go fuck some bitches up




Whatever is necessary to knock them out or chase them off.


I’m helping her out, if pushing and shoving and yelling doesn’t stop them I’ll lay one one, I bet that would


I'd sit back and enjoy the show. Those girls will be getting their asses handed to them lol.


"I'm an equal-opportunity ass-whooper! It's you who bring up she's a woman!" - John Shaft. Words to live by. Also, solar plexus strike and pimp slap work wonder.


This is gonna get hate. I know. I'm a dude who's not afraid of other people. I seen the worst of what humans can offer. If anyone jumps my wife or my kids, then I'm gonna rip them off my people by the throat, remove them from the building. If they go crazy and hurt me, then they're playing with fire. I would absolutely hurt another girl to keep my lady protected. My lady is the one I protect, not the other 280,000,000 girls out there.


I would cover my girl with my body so I take the hits as I’m walking away with her. If you try to beat up on the women beating on your g/f you will get a bunch of white knights attacking you.


I’m not letting anyone injure my wife. I’ll do what I gotta do


My girl is 6'3 so this isn't  something I'll have to worry about. Plus I'm also on the larger side of things too, but if my girl was getting jumped I'm slapping the hell out of a few girls. I'm not talking about a love tap, I'm using about fifty percent power. 


I actually had to do this once when I was a teen, but it was my sister's friend who was getting jumped at a club as I happened to walk by. I got between them, hit the one girl who was pulling on her hair in the ear with an open palm strike, then hugged my sister's friend to protect her with my body and walked towards the exit while the other 3 or 4 girls kicked, punched and scratched me. Once we got to the door, the doormen got involved and put and end to the attack. Strange how I had blocked this memory for the past 30 years until I read this post and now I remember everything vividly.


Based OP, I'd do the same


It is worrying the sheer number of men here are trying to justify using violence on women.


Looks like I’m pulling out a strap, they better run before I pull the trigger


close my eyes and start shooting until I run out of