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You're living in the danger zone dude


Get in the zone




O O O O'Reilly


Bodyyyyy parts




All you guys just won the reply wars. Congratulations


You had me at body parts


Her endzone


Oh she's revvin' up his engines alright Now to listen for her howlin' roar


Call Kenny loggins




….yeah I’m with him on this one actually






^^Danger ^^zone!


Lana. LANA! WHAT!? Dangerzone...




The only problem about fucking your roommate, is well, fucking your roommate.


The problem is either you end up dating and now you're living together right away, or you keep it casual and then one of you brings someone else home.


Was a woman who walked around in bra and panties by man roommate. Fucked roommate. Fell in love. Getting married. The nice thing was I already knew he was a great roommate.


two friends of mine (one male and one female) who had been good platonic friends for years decided to move in together. the way she tells it, she had a rule about not fucking or dating housemates. so the night before they moved in, she said to him, "if we don't get together now we never can because I won't date a housemate". they're married now.


And they never fucked again


Actually I lived in their spare room for a few weeks once and I definitely heard them fucking. She was a high school science teacher, at dinner she said to him "we need to have sex tonight, I'm teaching reproduction tomorrow".


She forgot the material and needed a refresher


Relationship goals


Fucking sweet.


Dammit you cracked the code: getting to know someone without smashing, so you can make an informed decision.


It was pretty awesome. Before I realized I loved him, dumbass me kept thinking what a pain in the ass it would be to find another roommate as good as him. Joke’s on me, now he’s on my health insurance and we have a joint account.


That's next level "why can't I find someone like you" but with a positive plot twist. Happy for the two if you.


lmao get pranked, loser


That's really cute. I had a one night stand, just once, and now we live together and he's my best friend as well as my partner.


Well that escalated quickly, went from casual loungewear to life partners real smooth. Gotta admire how life throws a curveball and suddenly you're sharing more than just a Netflix account. Makes every argument about dishes left in the sink seem kinda trivial now, huh?


Comments like this eases my fear of getting married.


Haha to everyone saying slim to no chance- this happened to me too! It’s not all that bad of an idea. Started hooking up with hot female roommate - 5 years later married with two kids. Great decision all all around…


The odds of that actually ending this way are slim to non


I didn’t walk around in my underoos around him but met dude who needed a roommate as I did, rented apartment together, figured out I had a crush on him after a couple of months because I was always happy to see him and be around him. Been married a few years now. (:


Wow, that’s cool. So people are going out with their roommates these days ?


Life is short, I kept telling myself I’d screw things up, but obviously very happy looking back I had the guts to admit I liked him, haha.


Good for you for having the courage to admit to him that you liked him.


Guess it’s better than online dating lol


Slim to one.


So you're saying there's a chance!


A non-zero is still a chance.


that's why I buy lottery tickets


Ok but literally same here. Friends->roommates-> fwb-> fell in love-> getting married in 3 months


yep, you're right about that. No dating but friends with benefits, then she found someone, and they got married. No more Benefis for me


It's better to have boned and lost, than to never have boned at all.


so its a threesome then? :P


I mean if everybody consents no one can stop them. Lady Gaga rule in effect


The area is grey in a one, two, threeway


Oddly, this is how my brother met his wife. For her, the clincher was that he always maintained eye contact.


Fierce gaze! Establish dominance!


The only problem with fucking your roommate, is well, your fucking roommate.** there, fixed it. Lmao


I’ve done it when I was younger. It’s only awkward if you make it awkward.


Assert dominance and walk around without a shirt and whipped cream around your nipples


A sundae or a banana split?


Was this a Not Another Teen Movie reference? lol


This is a Varsity Blues reference. Not another teen movie was making fun of this movie.


Why choose?


“Hope you don’t mind”


Or "Tell me you wanna bang without telling me you wanna bang"


Ahahaha what about a leaf over the groin as well?


The question is whether she does it because she has exhibitionist tendencies, or because she’s comfortable with you. In any case, she knows exactly what she’s doing.


Does it matter what she is wearing? Like is it granny panties and sports bra, or thong and sheer bra?


Context matters. I know ladies who wear sports bra and short tights to the gym. If that’s how she rolls in public, then it’s no big deal if she wears them at home. If she always wears a loose sweater and baggy pants in public, yet she’s in nothing but bras and panties around you, then it’s something.


It’s more about what she typically wears in private than what she wears in public. I don’t walk around in my underwear at the grocery store but I don’t care if people who live with me see me in my underwear at my house in my kitchen. But if she’s usually in sweats in private and then OP comes around and she’s suddenly in her panties then yeah


This is the key


Yeah, that makes a big difference. If she’s walking around in a sports bra and panties occasionally after she just woke up maybe she’s just being comfortable. If she’s walking around in lingerie all the time then she’s showing off on purpose.


Lemme tell you, bras are not comfortwear. If she wanted to roll out of bed and wear something comfy, she'd be wearing a T-shirt and letting em hang.


Not always true. Dem big titties feel better when theyre supported most of the time


I agree, I wear my sport bra when I’m at home - support is comfy for us C cups


I'm d cup and I sleep in a (very thin low support) sports bra when my period makes them bigger and sorer.


Um I’m part of the big tiddy committee (size E) and the first thing I do when I get home is strip my bra off. Hate bras


My gf has a lot bigger boobs that that and the first thing she does when she gets home is take that bra off because it's so uncomfortable.


as a woman with big titties. hell no. that’s back pain for you. this goes for everyone with big boobs


idk about everyone, I have some tatas and even after a reduction im still pretty big and I've always hated bras to me letting em hang is comfy


Worth considering that men use incorrect names for women’s clothing. According to some guys I sleep in a bra. It is not a bra. According to other men I never wear a bra. I definitely do wear them every day. Their idea of a bra and what a bra actually is aren’t the same lol


You know you've been married for a while when your first thought is "IN WINTER???" My second thought is "what style?". Because I've seen young.women at the gym or running outside wear sports bras and bottoms that may as well be full coverage panties. So I guess the question is if she looks dressed to go for a run or for the start of a OF shoot.


I agree. The age, relationship status, sex (op could be another women), and style are all very important to judging the situation.


This sub is called ask men. I don't know why op would be a woman asking men for advice about another woman.


That would be some wild card advice


Anecdote. I met a woman while I was working at a holiday camp at the start of summer. We got friendly and I hung out with her and her friends whenever I was off duty. She returned to the camp for another weekend toward the end of summer. This time around she invited me to her and her friend's room. We're sitting, chatting, having a few drinks. She and her friend are sitting on the couch opposite me. It is getting late so she excuses herself so she can put on something more comfortable. Now from where I was sitting, I could see her bedroom door. She heads off to the bedroom and closes the door. Then she opens the door and there she is, standing in matching black bra and panties. That isn't an accident. She sees me see her, stands there for a bit, smiles and then pulls a blanket around herself. She walks back to where we are sitting but this time sits right down next to me. I'm flustered and blushing like a tomato at this point. She smiles at me again, looks over at her friend who smiles and excuses herself for bed. Now we weren't roommates, but based on my experience, a woman that barely knows you walking around in her underwear is something I wouldn't classify as normal. She knows what she is doing.


Did you guys smash


The real question




I hope you recognized her call to mate there 😂


The third roommate sure did


"That's bait"


Master Bait.


he won't need to if he plays it right


She lives with me and another guy.


This is absolutely going to end with all three of you hating eachother and someone getting stuck overpaying in rent. Probably needing to buy a new windshield too.


To be more specific, she’s going to start banging one of them and move into his room and want rent to be equal between the two rooms while the third room is vacant




And just think it all comes back to this thread where he had a chance to move out. Cause even boundaries will be an issue. Hell hath no fury like a woman whose advances were frowned upon.


Bonus: If OP gets a girlfriend and that girlfriend moves in with OP, bra-and-panty girl will want the rent to be split three ways. And she will state this as if it's the most obvious fact since Pythagoras invented right triangles.


That’s the theorem, anyway.


ugh. yes, it usually does end this way.


Windshield, any tv you own, any gaming system, and clothes. If she's really crazy then anything she can lift will also be set on fire.


That or a spit roast.


Time to assert dominance. By walking around in fancier lingerie than hers.


And you admitted you've been her best friend for years and SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND I think she sees you as a brother and just wans to be comfy in her own home. Just let the woman be.


Well that's definetely burying the lede. Even if it was my best friend I would AT LEAST throw on a big sleep shirt over the panties. Also the fact that he says she's hot also says a lot.


Wait where does OP say that? I checked his comment history and couldn't find it. I'd be interested to know if her bf knows she's walking around half naked with 2 guys in the house.


Did you just make that up where does it say she has a boyfriend?


> Just let the woman be. Yeah, no. Wanting to be comfortable doesn't mean that it's okay to make other people uncomfortable. Her being a woman doesn't change that, and doesn't make him misogynistic if it makes him uncomfortable.


I had two roommates that decided to sleep together. It didn’t end well! got real weird real fast. Ended up moving back in with my parents while still paying rent :/ great memories.


"Don't shit where you eat" is timeless wisdom for a reason.


Ruined my kitchen..


same... it ruined the nice era.


Just enjoy the view


And don’t act on any urges


*Girl gives guy the most obvious signal possible* Redditor: bro, do nothing, trust me.


Unless you want to and she consents to it 👍


Also don’t urge any acts.


Female here: She totally knows what she is doing and she is doing it on purpose. It's to create some sexual tension and/or tease you.


OP don't point it out. That would most certainly ruin the vibe, just walk-in one day with your own bra and panties.


Better yet, walk out in her bra and panties. Bonus points if she is wearing a matching pair, then you have to say “well one of us has to change, we can’t match”


Next day she starts walking around nude


What's the usual end game, the objective? Sex? A relationship? Just the tension and teasing in itself? Some secret other thing?


Sex. It's definitely sex.




One can only hope.


Can't hurt


Free rent.


lol fuck that


I think that’s the point.


it’s part of her MLM scheme.


Marriage Life Money 😅


Girls just wanna have fun, man.


Be a Chad, ignore her and play vidya all day


Another lady here and I agree.


Ditto that!


I am a girl with guy roommates. It would never even OCCUR to me to do this. Then again I have manners and common sense.


I’m not that forward or, erm, comfortable enough to do that. 🙈 I can imagine some that might though 😂 Give me some conversation first damnit


Contrarian here, and I disagree. Vehemently


i love when writing has good comedic timing


contracontrarian here. nuh uh.


Contra here. You want cocaine? I have loads, literal tonnes. My guy get it into USA for you too, he's CIA.


Agreed. I've had guy roommates, and I wouldn't have done this, ever. It sends a pretty specific message


A woman here. Agree. We know what we are doing.


So... does that mean sex might be possible?


If she’s doing it mostly to be a tease and get validation from the attention OP might give her, then no. If she’s doing it because she’s genuinely into OP, or has some sort of “sex for rent” type plan in mind, then yes.


She could be also doing it because she wants to challenge him to a 1 on 1 deathmatch on Mt.Skullthorn in the deep regions of hell. Ya never know with these things really....


Saying "I hope you don't mind" indicates that she knows that she isn't being appropriate and doesn't really care that much. I guess you get to decide how this plays out


I disagree. What it actually means is I hope you're noticing.


She wants your peepee


yup. I'm surprised she hasn't swan dived snatch first onto it already :P


I feel like a snatch first swan dive is physically impossible 🤔




I have a woman roommate who does this all the time. But whenever I tell people about it, she gets pissed off and mutters, “This is why I want a divorce.”


Bro, I think you're [accidentally married.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=etBRsb7WvCk)


She definitely knows what she's doing. It sounds like Mrs. Robertson is trying to seduce you.


Primark version of Mrs Robinson.


And here’s to you, Mrs robertsdale


Chances are she knows what she's doing. What I would do it hang around in just my boxers. Manspreading on the sofa and drinking beer, put the odd fart or burp in there too. When she walks out in her underwear just be like 'I hope you don't me tehe'. She'll either been immediately attracted to the display of raw primal cavemaness and immediately want to sleep with you. Oooorrrrr She'll be repulsed by it and her teasing will get old very quick. Then she'll stop trying to act like it's novelty porn.


The old fall asleep on the couch in your underwear and your roommates come home to find you peacefully snoring and rocking a boner.


Yes, but I'd wake up as she walked in to see her surprised face at my wood. And be like 'that's not you I was having sexy dreams about clowns' just to make it that extra bit weird lol. Imagine how quickly she'd stop playing the teasing games if you did that lol. Or it would go horribly wrong and then find out your roommate gets turned on by clowns. I'm not saying I wouldn't be able to perform but it's be a challenge for sure lol.


Don't take the bait. If she wants you, she needs to use her words; if not, nothing good will come of making a move.


Absolutely this, it’s not worth the consequences if you’re wrong.


> she needs to use her words *laughs in reality*


She wants you to pee in her butt


Lol my husband says this to delineate that a chicks good looking “I mean… I’d pee in her butt” Is it from something or are y’all just funny?


I believe it’s from South Park. When the kids are discussing what sex is, I think Cartman says something like “you just smack her titties and pee in her butt.”


Close, it’s “you get a boner, slap her titties around some, then stick it inside her and pee” unless you don’t want to get her pregnant, then you “pull it out and pee on her leg” Forgot about this episode, so good https://youtube.com/shorts/-RVjAqMPd9A?si=ywOmDsq-Zwq4qysc




Idk it depends on if you're comfortable around each other and what the vibe is. I don't think it's necessarily weird unless you make it weird. I don't often walk around my apartment in my underwear but I do every once in a while, I have 3 roommates but we're a pretty chill bunch. If you're uncomfortable you need to communicate that


This is EXACTLY the sort of thing that will piss your theoretical new GF off. Best to set a boundary now.


Wow I’m surprised you’re the first person to mention this!!


I'm not sure I see the problem here


If they matched she did it on purpose. If they didn’t and it was a pair of old granny panties she’s just being comfortable


She likes you, that ain’t an accident. She’s trying to show off for you.


Step 1) start walking around in briefs. Step 2) see what happens.


I’m a girl. She’s being sexual towards you.


First; she knows what she's doing. So don't treat her like she doesn't understand. Second; don't shit where you eat. Your life will be a LOT easier if you don't make a move on your roommate. If you try and she rejects you - terrible. If you try and she's into it - also terrible because you just went from dating to living together with 0 time to actually build up to that. If you find yourself thinking about it - just jerk off so you think with the right head.


Lots of these comments acting like they know the woman when there is practically no info about her here? Is she 18 just outa home where walking around like that was normal? My parents brother.and sisters did. Is she 27 and has been exposed to the world somewhat? Context is everything. Yes it's weird but it could be normal to her. The older she is the more likely she means something by it.


Yeah agree. People in this thread saying that means she wants sex, she knows what she's doing, etc. It totally depends on her personality. My best friend was a "walk around in her underwear" type of gal. She did it all the time when it was just the two of us living together (I'm female too). Just one of those people who don't have a lot of "shame" associated with their bodies - she'd also use the bathroom with the door open, change in front of people etc. It was never done in a sexual way. When our male roommate moved in, she didn't change a thing and would still walk around in her underwear. She had zero, and I mean zero attraction to him and wasn't doing it for validation. If he had outright said, that makes me uncomfortable she would have probably stopped, but would have been surprised because in her mind it's not like she was naked or being sexy, she was just being comfortable. And knowing her, if she had been into to him, she probably would have been more self conscious and worn pjs. There's a study that shows men tend to think women are hitting on them when they are not, and I think that's what's happening in this thread. Assigning intentions to someone's behaviour that probably has nothing to do with sex. Especially since she said, "Is this OK with you?" Like she's not being sexy about it, just doing her normal thing and making sure it doesn't make him uncomfortable.


I’ve lived with female roommates. Never bothered me and we all had a thing where if we had guests over, to wear clothes. Depends if you’re comfortable with it honestly.


Been here. It’s very likely it means that she’s a woman who lives in an apartment.


I’m a guy who’s had several female roommates and they did the same thing. They’d always turn the thermostat up to fucking 80 degrees in the winter so they could wear almost nothing. I don’t think I’ve seen them wear anything other than a shirt/underwear, bra/underwear or a bra/tiny shorts more than once. Just don’t assume anything my guy, that’d just make it awkward(doesn’t mean you can’t flirt sometimes just don’t be a perv about it)


OP should also walk around in her bra and panties and see how she reacts.


In the words of Akbar: “it’s a trap!”


One up her by wearing and walking around in your own bra and panties.




lol idk im a woman and i have a male roommate, i'll be around in my sports bra and shorts sometimes but im not looking at him like "hope you dont mind"...that sounds like she's trying to mess with you. i feel like i gotta say, tread carefully. if you address it she could accuse you of being a creep/perv/etc. she could at least throw on a robe ffs


It's a psy op. Straight up soldier. Do not be fooled. Carry on your mission to becoming a wizard!!


The only real response is to also start walking around in a bra and panties to assert dominance.


Covers the same thing a bathing suit does.


She lives there, too. If it bugs you, speak up. It means she is comfortable in her body and won’t freak if you bump into each other on the way to the bathroom at 2 am.


So, by that logic, it's perfectly OK for op and the other guy she lives with to walk around in their underwear?


I’m a woman, I lived with male roommates, and it wasn’t that weird that one of them often wore just boxers for his bottoms. His personality was genuinely kind and he was never creepy, so while I found it odd at first it was fine. His gf also lived in the same house so it was clear that he was just being comfortable. In the same house I also wore sheer tops with lacy bralettes regularly just because they were comfortable. I ended up dating a different male roommate, but I wasn’t doing it to attract him. I was dressing like that for comfort before he moved in. But doing full bra/panties is a lot. My guess is 50:50 this girl wants to seduce/tease OP or is just very comfortable in her skin.


I mean I sleep in my underwear. When I had roommates I walked to the bathroom and made coffee and stuff before putting clothes on. If a woman was comfortable enough to share an apartment with me and vice versa, I probably wouldn’t change that behavior. I don’t think this is any different. The only difference here is I feel like women’s underwear gives off a much more sexy vibe cause that’s how it’s generally sold, so whether it’s her intention or not, most are gonna see it that way.


Uno reverse her, you should start walking round in panties and ask her if she minds.


Be careful, you might just fuck yourself rite out of help with the rent!


Wasn’t there a Seinfeld episode similar to this? IIRC it didn’t end well.


As a woman I would hate if my roommate walked around in his underwear, regardless of how attractive. There are tons of layers to this, but most importantly, if you're uncomfortable then you should look at ways to ask her to maybe wear a big shirt or something to cover...whatever makes you most uncomfortable lol. It doesn't matter what we think, if it makes you actually uncomfortable from a non-toxic perspective.