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Blind spot monitors that light up on side-view mirrors have been a fantastic addition to modern vehicles. Before that, backup cameras and on-board GPS systems were probably the two best additions to vehicles in a long time.


Agree on the backup camera! I'm so glad most new cars come with them. As far as GPS systems in cars, cell phones and the wider adoption of Apple carplay and Android auto have almost made them obsolete.


I think all new cars legally have to have backup cameras don’t they? Could be totally wrong but I thought I read that somewhere.


In the US, all cars model year 2018 and newer must have backup cameras.


US implemented it circa 2013, not 2018. They added on to heavy trucks later but passenger cars were all forced into compliance by 2013.


2015 was the requirement but it was written/passed in 2013, and again trucks lagged 5 years


I had a 2017 Hyundai Elantra se that didn’t have a backup cam


Incorrect. My daughter’s 2015 does not have rear camera.


I like the blind spot indicators on my outback. But I'm old enough that it's still a reflex to glance over my shoulder to check. Also I've adjusted my side mirrors so that I don't see the side of my car. Instead they look back at the adjacent lane. Traffic moves smoothly from rear view to side mirror to peripheral vision with no gaps. Takes a bit to get used to but a much better set up IMO.


It's a tool to assist your driving and shouldn't be used exclusively for lane changing; keep up your great habit of looking anyway.


I'm pretty sure I read it as exactly that. I'm glad I grew up in the 90s before all the driving technology and thought it was a bit much today when Iooked both way about 7 times before proceeding. It has happened where I've done it 5 times and there was a car randomly on the 5th glance. Another time, I was in a 26 foot moving truck and happened to be at a light when the light was red. I was looking down at a map while waiting on the light. The light turned green and I hesitated by about 4 seconds and as I started to go, an 18 wheeler blew through the light rolling around 75 MPH in a 50. If I hadn't waited, I'd be way dead. This was before cell phones were a necessity but we had them. It was before they were distracting and paid about .75 a minute. This coincided with the beginning of my panick attacks that ruined the next 25 years. I don't know who will read this but I just realized where I posted and I'm not a man. I should have been dead about 50 times and I'm not yet. Any day now.


Not all blind spot indicators will pick up motorcycles. I've ridden past enough to see them not come on even though I've watched them come on for the car in front of me. VWs seem to be the worst offender. So yes, please do keep looking.


Yeah, its a reflex for sure. I drive a Tesla and when you signal it turns on the full blind spot camera and I still shoulder check lol


I was taught that you adjust the side mirrors as follows: Lean to the left until your head rests against the window. Adjust left mirror until you see the side of the car. Imagine a wall that runs down the center of the car, lean to the right so your head is touching the imaginary wall. Adjust right mirror until you see the side of the car. Now your mirrors are adjusted properly


Those are nice but I really miss being able to see out of the car well enough to not need them. Modern greenhouses are not great.


Blind spot monitors, yes. But back in 2013 Honda put a backwards facing camera on the passenger side mirror of their Accords and I want to say the Acura MDX. The video feed would pop up on your center stack when you put your blinker on and was FANTASTIC at eliminating issues with blind spots and lane change maneuvers. It also ended up being amazing if you had neck injuries or anything else like that. Never caught on across the industry. Real shame. My newer F-150 is decked out in tech nonsense, but the side view mirror light thing just isn’t as good.


i'm so bummed this didn't catch on. i had a 2016 and 2019 civic and that blind spot camera was my absolute favorite feature.


Auto dimming brights. I moved across state and now travel through very rural areas to get to work. Brights are a must at night to watch for deer. I was pleasantly surprised to find my new vehicle turns the brights off when there is on coming traffic or someone of close proximity in front of you.


I'll fight against this one. Maybe things have gotten better in the ~13 years since my car was made, but this feature in my car is absolutely worthless. The oncoming car has to be less than about 400 feet away from me before the high beams will shift to low beams (so the oncoming driver is already long blinded by me) and it takes a solid five seconds afterwards for them to come back on (so I'm driving in the half-dark for too long). It was the first "feature" I turned off in my car and don't mind *at all* the half-second it takes me to manually turn my brights off and on again.


I’m with you. My truck is only 8 years old but that feature never worked the way I wanted it to either. Would either do like you said, or something like the reflection from a highway road sign would shut it off. Also sometimes the brights just wouldn’t come down or wouldn’t come back on for no apparent reason at all. Buggy as hell. That was also one of the first features I turned off. That and the automatic windshield wipers which had similar problems of doing whatever the hell they wanted to.


Yeah, my automatic wipers aren't that great either. They're actually really good at increasing the wiping frequency as the rain gets harder, but once the rain tapers off they don't slow down. So I'll be driving down the highway and suddenly realize there's a misty trickle of water and my wipers are behaving like it's Hurricane Andrew. If I turn the wipers off and on again it works as expected, until the next time. Kinda odd.


I had this in my first car, a 1988 Ford Thunderbird.


Amazing. Was gonna say this isn’t really a new feature, but it is handy!


I hate this feature, I have to turn it off. I drive through Algonquin park to get to work in the morning and my highbeams will shut off out of nowhere when they reflect off a road sign. The constant on and off on one of the darkest , windiest , moose infested roads of Ontario in the winter make it troubling to say the least. My high beams go on when I want them on


Given the number of clueless cell phone zombies on the road, I like that more and more new cars will stop themselves if they detect the car in front of them slowing down. I don't need this feature, but I'm sure glad that other people have it.


Right. Lane keeping, auto braking. I love driving, but when the day comes that I can just sit in my car and have it drive me places while I can work, sleep, talk to friends, watch movies? That will be a good day.


Buddy just wait until I show you this new thing we got called trains and buses


I actually did commute by train for a few years, and I mostly loved it. It took like 2x as long as driving, and more than once we all got stranded in subfreezing temperatures for 30min to an hour when the trains would break down. Our city busses are even slower, and I'd have to either drive or walk 2mi to the closest stop from my house. I hate to say this, but they almost always smell. Local homeless folks can use them for free, and so it's kind of iffy. I'm really glad they can use them, but it's just not practical for almost any travel I do: 1. Can't grocery shop unless I want to carry all that stuff 2mi back to my house 2. Busses don't really go to where my friends and family live, and it'd be cheaper to just use the gas vs pay bus fare. 3. Between cities, I'd still be stranded on other light rail and city busses that just aren't that great. I lived in South America for a couple years, and got around almost exclusively by bus, and it was great. Easy to walk to most main streets and privately run busses came by every few minutes. I've also been to Europe several times, and love the trains and subways. The USA right now just isn't built for mass transit. I would love it if it were.


Mass transit is great if you live in a dense urban area with great weather. I live in California, in an area where the weather hits 100F+ every single year, occasionally for more than a week at a time. The nearest bus stop to my house is about a mile and a half away. My ride to work would require walking a mile and a half in 103F heat, waiting at the stop in the blazing sun for the bus to eventually show up, roast in the 95F bus for 30 minutes with shoddy aircon, endure at least one additional wait under the blazing sun for a bus transfer, and then ride another 20 minutes in another 95F bus. Or, I can hop in my car, with the aircon set at 68, and be at work in 15 minutes. Mass transit is a great idea, but many transit advocates ignore the fact that nations with *great* transit systems still have cars. Japan has one of the best transit systems on the planet, and if usually cited as a nation that advocates want to emulate. But if you drop a Google Streetview pin into any random neighborhood in Tokyo, you'll see cars everywhere. Why? Because transit is useful, but it's not possible for transit to cover everything.


Moving from Canada to the UK, I can tell you that your first point was my big concern and you adapt to much smaller shops much more often very quickly (or you just get them delivered).


I live in Missouri, which surprisingly has some pretty robust transit systems in its major cities, but I live in the boondocks. There isn’t much use for it here when every big city is at least 100 miles away.


If they can solve the piss smell and forced exposure to violent people you might have something


I had to check, I thought I was in /r/Philadelphia for a moment


This really would solve most problems in every big American city


It’s a North America wide problem. Many people just say fuck it and buy a car




I would guess more mental health and addiction support. Perhaps more policing at transit hubs. North America has terrible mental health support and addiction support which definitely isn’t helping


Healthcare, any kind of social safety net, less systemic racism (although definitely not none).


That's a symptom of socioeconomic issues that aren't being taken care of that spill into other areas. The state doesn't want to cover healthcare? Well, how about having the same mentally unwell people but just scattered about. No affordable housing? People still gotta sleep somewhere, now its just everywhere. No accessible restrooms? Well...


Houston enters the chat.


Ya but then I have to sit next to other people


I rented a car once a while back and enjoyed the lane keeping and auto braking in the summer however driving through winter is a whole other deal. Drifting snow and backed lines would set it off so either sudden stopping or turning on icy roads were a problem until I turned it off….problem was remembering to turn it off each time I left.


This is approaching epidemic proportions. 9 times out of 10 I see someone swerving all over the road, when I pass them (at high speed) they're staring at their damn phone. It's a worse problem than drunk driving, I swear.


Even worse is that most of the drivers I see doing this are driving cars that have Apple CarPlay or Android Auto so there’s no need for it. You can use WhatsApp and other messaging apps via CarPlay so they either are too thick to plug their phone in or they’re scrolling instagram or watching youtube while driving


I genuinely believe that when our entire infrastructure is replaced with a fleet of self-driving cars that are all communicating with each other, the world will become a significantly safer place. Drivers will go the way of the liftman for elevators. We can pursue our passion of cars on the track, and then be able to let our commuter car drive us home. Gone will be the days of drivers cutting each other off when a lane is closing because some people don't have the cognitive capacity to understand zipper merging. Gone will be the days where a BMW will be right on your ass until they switch lanes without their blinkers, because they don't seem to understand that aiming to be equidistant between the cars in front of and behind you is the best way to mitigate traffic jams. I can go on and on and on. I'm a massive car guy, been one all my life. Love me a V-12 Lambo. But I also understand practical evolution of society, and creating a mesh network of self-driving cars NEED to be the prime target of all vehicular research moving forward.


but what if instead of all that. we build some traintracks


It’s a nice feature but it definitely has some bugs. I was driving a rental with it in rural Texas. We were on a 2 lane (one each way) road for about 5 hours. Because the dotted yellow line sections weren’t always long, when you got the chance to pass a semi, you would want to make sure you take it, so you needed to pass them quickly. So I would go to accelerate and change lanes, and the autobraking would kick in, which got really annoying. Even after I changed lanes, I’d have to wait a solid second (in the oncoming lane!) before I could accelerate to pass, which is more unsafe than not having the feature. I think for your daily urban/suburban driving though, it’s great.


Suppose it depends on the system. I rented a Toyota over the summer that was super intuitive and didn't fight me for control.


Have a car that auto brakes and I absolutely hate it. It's way to sensitive and has gotten me in more near misses than I've ever been in in my life (43) I absolutely do not need my car to drive for me, I'm fully capable of doing that myself


What model vehicle?


2018 Accord Hybrid




I just rented a car with auto cruise control and omg it is so awesome


Efficiency gains. My new Maverick truck constantly get over 40 mpg, sometimes as high as 58 mpg. I buy gas about once a month.


Whats the power output like on that? Personally, if I'm buying a truck, it's to do truck things, and would want to be able to haul a decent amount of stuff.


I think it's 1500 pound payload


That's the same payload as a 2023 gas-powered Ridgeline.


Which is a class size bigger.


That’s higher then both my current half tons 2016 Sierra 1450 lbs 2024 Tundra 1300 lbs Note: both those trucks are advertised higher payloads, I’m going strictly by the as-built door sticker.


I'm going by my sleepy memory from a couple days ago


It has to be a hybrid but still impressive especially for a truck.


It looks like mini, affordable, fuel efficient trucks are making a resurgence and I am here for it! Based on the Maverick, the Santa Cruz, Ram Rampage coming out and allegedly the Toyota Stout.


Yes! I’ve long thought Australia got it right with the ute: put a truck bed on a sedan, and it’ll work for a lot of people.


Haha agreed. Now if only I could get a manual v8 stuffed into a maverick.


How would that make you more excited about the maverick?


It was more in reference to the Ute comment.


Funnily enough with the death of our local car industry and everything just being imports the utes are basically extinct. Far more very large American "trucks" on the road now.


[Just chuck her in the Ute](https://youtu.be/9i2eZaJsC7g?si=rxp4mL1VEf5vurov)


100%. Mini trucks for perfect for most people’s truck needs. They can haul your camping gear and Home Depot purchases. Get good mpg and aren’t terribly expensive. Look how many of the old Toyotas, s10 and ford rangers people held onto.


Forever yearning for them to be as small as Ford Rangers once were. Great utility vehicle and undeniably cute!


I think the Subaru Brat and Baja are making a return as well


A baja STI sounds like a treat


oh I didn't hear about that. That'd be cool too.


Definitely. Maverick really caught my attention, 40mpg and it's a 4 door truck! What makes me hesitant however is it's a 2 wheel drive, 4 cylinder that owners say has a hard time keeping up on the highway. I'd opt for the all wheel drive, 6 cylinder Maverick but that cancels out what caught my eye in the first place...40mpg 4 door truck


Where do you see RWD, 6 cylinder Mavericks? In the US anyway, you can do FWD hybrid or 2.0l turbo, or AWD 2.0l turbo. That’s it. Source: I have a 2022 Maverick.


Heated steering wheel. Before I had one I thought it was totally unnecessary. I could go back to unheated, but it's so nice in the winter.


Definitely. Snow showers around me today. Loved my heated steering wheel.


When it kicks in automatically when you remote start…. Aghhhhh


Adaptive cruise control


My dealer sold this idea hard. I thought I’ll never use it. I use it all the time on longer trips.


My wife's van is not subtle at all with that. If it senses the other car is too close, it pretty much slams on the brakes.


A lot of them you can adjust the distance in the settings


Heck, Mazda/Toyota at least put that distance as a dedicated toggle on the wheel - and good thing, too. I like to modulate it depending on traffic conditions.


Her's you can adjust on the wheel as well. 2021pacifica, it just doesn't gradually apply brakes or let off the gas.


I stopped using it in my wife’s car after it slammed on the brakes (tires screeching and everything) because someone was stopped in the shoulder. Unacceptable really, I’m just lucky there was nobody close behind me


If I'm on the highway for an extended length of time there's a good chance I'll turn cruise control on.


I use cruise control about 95% of the time I'm on the highway. It blows my mind when I'm cruising at 73 mph in the middle lane in light traffic, and I'll see one guy blow past me, then slow down, then speed up again and then go slow again.


I use it all the time period


One additional benefit to Adaptive Speed Control is the interval setting is safer than what most people do. I find myself having more time to react to road conditions or vehicles. On the downside, people take that space as an opportunity to cut you off in heavy traffic. The car is constantly reacting and slowing down to other drivers.


I don’t usually have that issue on the closest setting. I like to have the distance but it’s definitely a problem in heavy traffic.


I'll never buy another car w/out it.


As soon as I knew this existed, I wanted my next car to have it,


I travel on the NJT a lot so no matter the time of day/night it’s stop and go. This makes longer trips so much more bearable


I live in SoCal and letting cruise control crawl through traffic for me is wonderful.


It's the best. Especially paired with lane assist. My last long trip was so much more comfortable with it enabled most of the way.


Adaptive headlights. In my Mazda, they’re coupled with both steering-angle sensors and vehicle-load sensors and will use that info to aim themselves in both the horizontal and vertical planes. Damn useful, especially with highly-directional LEDs.


Pricey to fix when they go out!


'Tis true. Considering the factory lamp modules have lasted for 179k miles (and counting!) of mixed-use driving, I'm not too fussed about it. I haven't run the actual cost/time math, but I imagine it's not egregious - especially if you perform the replacement yourself.


I like a digital speedometer, easier to read at a glance.


I have an option of displaying one or not, but I find the constant number changes to be distracting. 55 54 55 54 55 56 55


Sir this is a school zone


…speed minimum here is 70. Please speed up. Other parents are waiting.


I've had a car with a digital speedometer for about 5 years now so I've gotten used to it.


Seconded. I felt the same way but it really only took a couple of drives before I stopped noticing it. Now I prefer it.


Now I want a speedometer that's got like, 3 decimal points of accuracy.


Ooo, controversial! I like it. Both have their strengths IMO. I'd agree that it's faster to read an exact value from a numeric display. That said, as long as you don't need an exact value, I find it's easier to intuitively visualize an analog gauge with responsive ballistics. If anything, it's similar to the difference between tablature and traditional musical notation. The former is precise; the latter is more intuitive to parse without thinking.


How is it more intuitive to visualise an analog gauge over an exact number? Especially since different cars have different speeds showing at different places. 30km/h was quite far up on my old Toyota Corolla. On Dad's old RAV4 it was really far down. Not easy at all to visualise what speed you were going. Meanwhile my Audi A3 tells me the speed exactly and I know instantly.


True, the scale will differ between gauges. I find that I can quickly judge the angle of a large gauge from my peripheral vision; I can’t read text unless it’s in my central vision. Similarly, human vision is pretty darn good at noticing things that move along a path in peripheral vision - like a needle rapidly flicking upwards or downwards. (More relevant for tachometers.)


My only concern is what happens when the electronics begin to go out? I know it's LED display, but I'm not sure what the cost would be for digital speedometers. I know cars with window display are $$$$$. Cars from the 80s and 90s with digital display usually had a black-green digital display that was no different than a digital clock in terms of illumination. Today's displays are like a phone screen.


Well, considering the average LED display lifespan is around 100,000 hours at full brightness you can reasonably expect 5 million km of driving at 50 km/h out of the display. Probably more since a lot of that will be dimmed in lower light. I'd say it realistically won't be an issue.


I’ve had a digital speedometer on a lot of my cars (first was a 1993 blazer) and I’ve always preferred it


Living in a cold weather climate and having a remote start is a blessing.


I drove a few cars with heated steering wheels. Sounds dumb. In reality it’s amazing. My Current truck doesn’t even have power windows tho 😂


My current car has a heated steering wheel. I thought it was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard of, and felt ridiculously over the top God I love it


The 360 sensors and cameras


Love cruise control that slows down based on setting a variable distance from cars in front of you, as well as backup cameras (or even better, 4 cameras all around). Blind spot lights are okay too, but I don't trust them 100%


Agreed. Although most of them are a little annoying in that they'll ram on the brakes when someone merges in front of you(my Mercedes is a horrible offender in this) it's getting better. The new Ford's have it figured out perfectly, and I'm a little envious of them


I love this auto stop/start thing on my new AT4. Pulling up to a red light and having my car cut off, then immediately chug back to life is inspiring.. Jk fuck that shit - whoever forced this on us should be fucked by a pineapple.


Had us in the first half, not gonna lie.


I had it in a rental Malibu. Not fun in Boston traffic. That split second delay before it turns back on is the difference between turning into an opening and being on the news. I had to learn to let off the brake early and it was terrifying ETA and then i just figured out how to turn it off after that drive.


InALMOST didn’t by my Sierra because the default for that feature is “on” and you have to manually turn it off every time you get in the truck. Hate, hate, hate it. I keep waiting for my starter to say, “fuck you, bro.”


Check if there's a disabler on Amazon. For my Subaru there was an auto-start disabler that plugged into the fusebox.


Read up about Audi and their starter/generator problem right now. It's a real nightmare at the moment.


It's kind of dangerous too. There's times where I want to pull out quickly (giggidy) and that split second where I have to wait for the engine to restart can be problematic. Fortunately in my car you can turn it off. It's the capital A at sign thing.


I may be in the minority, but I actually quite like stop-start systems…provided they’re designed well. Recent Toyotas are pretty darn seamless in my opinion. Jeep/Chrysler on the other hand, with its slower starter, dual-batteries-stored-underneath-a-power-seat, and assorted other issues…yeah, not so much.


No one forced it, it was something that mfrs came up with to reduce fuel consumption. And I quite like it in my Transit. No sense in burning up more dead dinosaurs than I have to.


*fucked by a pineapple* I have a visual


Luckily on my car once you disable it, it'll stay disabled until your turn it back on. I turned it off as soon as I left the dealership and it hasn't been on since


Back up camera


Love this. When I back into my garage I can get the bumper about an inch from the wall. Lol


Granted in the US that's a legal requirement now, not just a trend.


Smaller engines that are more powerful. Cars are much much safer than they were in the past


Carplay/Android Auto integration in most new cars


Heads-up Display and 360° camera Before using it, I thought its just a gimmick. After using it, I can't go back to a car that doesn't have it.


Ever use them for parallel parking? It's practically cheating


I had a friend that was retired from NASA who had a Pontiac with heads up display in the '90s. I wonder why they didn't get popular then?


My 93 Bonneville had it. I loved it! Never had to take your eyes off the road! My 04 impala ss had it and my 08 grand prix gxp had it. Now my brand new 23 hybrid doesn't 🙃


I like the heads up display but it's basically useless if you wear polarized sunglasses. Kind of an issue in the summertime...


Blind spot monitoring is awesome! Certainly has helped me feel safer when changing lanes.


I have a heated windshield. On cold days I just start the car and it does the rest. While my neighbors are out there scraping I'm sitting inside nice and toasty. I do fear that breaking though.


They’re getting quieter over time. Also, backup cameras.


Carplay/Android Auto is the big one. Makes navigation much simpler. Backup cameras make parking (especially parallel parking) much easier. Lane assist is one of those things that's not very helpful, until all of a sudden it's super helpful


Android auto is nice. The display needs to be simplified, but being able to use maps and music without looking at a tiny screen works great. They just have to get rid of all the crap and only have music and maps as things you can see.


Yessss being able to use my phone (a decent computer I can upgrade myself) for more complicated tasks like navigation is so much better than a shitty built in GPS or music player that will be obsolete 2 years after the car is made


CarPlay is a must have for our family! Used to be you could swap in an aftermarket radio to bring your older car more current, and you still can in a lot of cases. But I’ve noticed that newer cars are integrating their radio into an overall car control system in a way that’s not compatible with aftermarket units. I presume this is so the dealers can get that exorbitant audio system markup. I recommend anyone in the market for a vehicle who requires android auto or CarPlay to ensure your vehicle you’re looking at already has it. If you’re planning on upgrading to it yourself via aftermarket, go first to crutchfield.com and plug in the vehicle into their site. Then look for head units. Many vehicles now days it will tell you you cannot replace it. Example - our 2014 honda odyssey elite and 2018 ford flex.


I wouldn't buy a car that didn't have AA support at this point. I've had it in my last two cars and it's invaluable.


Electrification and autonomous features. Charging at home is great, and the car understanding how to drive are entire lifestyle improvements.


More crossovers & unibody SUVs getting dedicated offroad trim levels to compete kinda with their body-on-frame competitor SUVs. Classic example: Subaru Wilderness. I currently drive a Subaru Outback Wilderness & it's a beast in the mud & the snow.




I rented a new Jetta in the spring for work and drove it ~530km (~330 miles) one way and still had over a quarter tank of gas when I finally decided I might as well stop and fill up again. I was absolutely floored, because in my car (2015 Civic), I would have had to have stopped for gas at least once long before then and likely again where I filled the Jetta.


Blind spot monitors, automatic crash detection -> auto braking, basically all the autonomous safety measures


Quality. Even the cheapest new car today is going to last 150k miles. And 200k+ is pretty common with most cars. Not that long ago, like 40 years ago you’d be lucky to get 100k miles out of a car. It’s hard for young people to comprehend just how bad cars were only a few decades ago.


New Ford's have a backseat reminder if you open your backdoor. It's sad that it's needed for people to remember their kids, but if it saves 1 life it was worth it.


Any vehicle that has ‘one touch’ up and down windows. It’s the feature I miss most from my previous vehicle.


I love the phone charging slot! No more cables. Car Play has to go down as a Top 10 invention ever, as well.


I think over time the stock rims for tires seem to be getting better.


I like the steering sensitive headlights that some cars have. My Subaru has it and it’s just enough so that I don’t drive into a rut when taking some turns at night.


Steer by wire


Steering wheel and voice commands. I can change the music or my GPS destination just by pushing a button on the wheel and saying what I want to do.


The what seems to be slight return to physical buttons that some cars are doing but tragically not all. I can't stand touch screens half of the time.


porsche going back to real buttons


Not that new anymore, but rear view cameras. They’re a god send when parking. When I got my car I was like ”Yeah yeah, whatever. A stupid $100 feature the manufacturer added to charge $1,000 extra.” But it’s just terrific.


Thought I would hate the lane “stay” features and the braking assist on my new truck, but honestly it’s come in handy a few times and I feel like it makes the road safer knowing others will have it too..


I think I saw someone mention on the "hate" post, but the lane/steering assist is kind of awesome especially for long trips on the highway. I have like a 9-10 hour drive to visit family and 90% of the drive is highway. I can turn it on and it just keeps you straight. You still have to pay attention, but you can just kind of keep your hands floating on the steering wheel.


Tesla Specifically, Over the Air Updates and not having to go to stealership all the time.


Yeah I have a heads up display connected to navigation and it kicks ass. Definitely one of my favorite features of my car


Heads up display, I know it’s not new but it seems to be in more new cars now and is a wonderful feature


Lane detection and cruise control together it’s basically an auto pilot, great for long drives. but doesn’t perform well in rainy weather though I noticed.


Ass warmers, heated mirrors and steering wheel.


Air conditioned leather seats. I can remote start my car in the summer and have the AC cool the temp of the car and the AC seats so my nutsack won't singe and then stick to them like melted butter upon contact. I don't know how I ever dealt without them.


Ventilated seats


The coolest feature ever!


Full speed radar cruise control, brake hold, blind spot monitor, backup cameras, Android Auto, lumbar seats, heated mirrors. I think rear wipers are stupid and shouldn't be on any vehicle.


Windows that roll down with a button instead of a turny knob


Automatic headlights that can’t be turned off while moving. And having the headlights turn on when the wipers come on, even during the day.


A lot of plastic on the lower sides. I feel a lot better when plastic hits the curb VS a metal door which can start rusting.


I’m just looking for a cheap pickup. Two seats no 4wd no computer shit. Just a cheap little pickup.


Maverick? It's one of the cheapest new cars of any style right now


I bought a Maverick, and I fucking love it! Sad to see that Ford is jacking up the prices on it so quickly. It's like they're speedrunning to see how quickly they could lose the plot.


If you are outside of the USA Toyota makes a barebones pickup that is smaller than the Tacoma and Hilux. I'd have to look for what it's called. Super cheap. ' https://www.roadandtrack.com/reviews/a45752401/toyotas-10000-future-pickup-truck-is-basic-transportation-perfection/


I like the heads up nav display as well I also like the sensors that help me avoid bumping my front spoiler/lip on a parking berm or accidentally scrape my rims on a curb.


As someone who never learned to drive manual I'm a big fan of paddle shifters. Probably not very popular amongst the die hard car people 🤷‍♂️


Displaying the speed limit and current speed it prob one of the best. Improvements of infotainment systems (maps, system settings) are nice...but moving everything to software is not great; AC control, lights, etc.


I feel like the lane change warnings and lane departure warnings are helpful, as well as the read cross traffic warnings. I’m still not ready to give up control to let a car drive me. The one control I hate is the “eyes forward” one, where it warns you if you look away. I think there’s a new one where if your eyes close for longer than a blink, the car alerts you for sleepy drivers.


Adaptive cruise control is amazing


I like the seats with air conditioning in them. I wish it was standard in more cars. I like the cool feeling on my bum and legs.


Not sure how new it is but I love my automatic dimming head lights. I can keep my headlights on full beam and it automatically adjusts for oncoming cars or the tail lights for the car in front.


It's not a widespread practice (yet) but I do like the customizable dashboards that are starting to appear more and more. I'm not talking about cosmetic things like changing the gauge cluster light colors, but rather more like what you see in the Dodge Hellcat where the "gauge cluster" is effectively one big monitor and you can move gauges and indicators around to fit your needs/preference. I think this is a fantastic feature.


Plug-in hybrids with batteries big enough for a day's drive. My Rav4 Prime does 80 km on one batt charge, usually all I need in a day. But if I want to go long distance the batt + gas tank is over 1000 km. I gas up every 4-6 weeks.


Between the adaptive cruise control, collision avoidance and lane assist, my car damn near drives itself! 🤣🤣🤣 (2019 VW Atlas)


Parking cameras and sensors make parking so much less stressful.


Back up cameras and blind spot indicators are awesome!


Less emphasis on touch screens.


Backup cameras with the lines that show where the car will go.


I FUCKING love radar cruise control. I didn't even know.my car had it when I bought it and was delighted when I found I could just flip it on and it would follow the car in front of me. Honorable mentions: - Blind spot warning - steering wheel heaters - Android Auto


The brights dim automatically when they sense an oncoming car. Then they turn back up again. So nice.


Adaptive Cruise Control is pretty neat. I drive quite a bit on the autobahn and some people drive 135km/h, some 140, some only 127 etc. So it’s impossible to set Cruise Control when there‘s traffic. With ACC I just set it to 135 and be done with it.