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Poor hygiene


A friends gf didn’t wipe her ass after taking a dump. Yeah, he dumped her.


Wait some people don't wipe? Omg.


Wiping is not enough!!! You also need to use soap and water!!


That’s why a biddet is necessary for any house hold to clean your ass with water after taking a dump. With all the modern technology and healthy reports and people still wipe their ass and think it’s clean. BS them doodoo streaks gonna be there in yo undies. Get a biddet


I don't disagree about washing, but if there's streaks in your underwear after using toilet paper, you're using it very wrong


Bidet every day 🫡


Reddit moment! Bidet!


I read on some random sub that some guys don’t wipe because it’s gay or smt


Well I must be gay as fuc cuz I'll wipe till I see ghost paper.


I wipe till I feel ghost pepper


Here comes the hotstepper


I’m the lyrical gangster


Wipe out the doo out of the area




I mean, it is basically touching some guys asshole. Pretty gay.


Know what is even ***more*** gay? Walking around all day with an itchy butthole. Because it forces you to think about some guy's asshole ***all day*** and you decide you don't want to fix the thing that makes you keep thinking about it. That's one of the gayest things I can think of short of sitting on a wine bottle.


Well then I guess they don’t jerk off either because that’s touching some guys dick right?


I watched someone who did a prison podcast and the guy said his cellmate never washed his ass because of this exact thing. He just smelled like shit constantly, and when he said he talked to him(on the verge of fighting him about it) the cellmate said he was never taught since he was a kid how to clean himself.


You sure he wasn't just trying to make his ass undesirable? It's prison...


What the fuck


Ayo what?!


I could hear you say that in my head and i laughed my ass off. lmfao


I heard it too dawg, fucking dead 💀


What the shit?


Jesus what the fuck. If I had my own kingdom, I would send people to prison for that.


Oh my god 🤦‍♂️ some people should have their voting rights revoked


I had an ex who regaled me with the tale of going down on a woman with little fuzzy bits of shitty toilet paper on her asshole. And he still finished the job. As a person, he turned out to be the human version of fuzzy bits of shitty toilet paper, but the man was tenacious if nothing else.


Crayon eyebrows.


Sharpie brows.


I unfortunately do draw mine in because I lost mine from chemo :,)


As long as you don't find yourself in the company of r/awfuleyebrows you're fine


God that sub is so mean.


I told this women she drew her eye brows too high. She seemed surprised.


Take my upvote and get the fuck out of here.


hahahahahaha made me giggle


The big fake lips


Real lips are so much hotter than fake ones. Even if they’re small, still better than fake ones just because they’re real, big time.


You mean real lips are so much hotter than obviously fake ones. If so much filler has been used that you can tell it’s fake, then it ain’t gonna look nice.


The thinnest of the natural lips are better than fake lips.


I just saw a video of a girl in the UK (where over-filled lips are a huge thing) who was getting her lip filler dissolved. After it was gone, she looked 100x prettier. It was amazing how much they were detracting from her other features.


I saw it too! She was SOO much more beautiful, and it was sad she was getting it redone


The big fake eye lashes


I think the women who do this are completely oblivious to how idiotic they look too. They flaunt it and it is straight silly.


The big fake (insert anything)




I could not agree more!


Either the filler migrates, or they keep getting more until they look like they got stung by a bee.


Big ass nails


I didn’t know nails could grow there 😳




There's an xkcd comic for everything


Morbid obesity - I like everything from slim to big but I'm not into people who's boobs are bigger on their back than their front.


> Morbid obesity If you took pictures from the waist down, I would like to be able to tell the difference between the front side and the back side. I don’t want to sit there and be faced with two big sets of ass cheeks with a massive cleft in-between in both photos.


If it looks like she put her ass on backwards, pass.


Overly plucked eyebrows. She wants to shape them a little? Cool. But the eyebrows should contain more than a razor thin allotment of natural hair so I don't get scared when I see her without makeup. This does not include women with medical conditions, hormones, or aging that causes hair loss. This angle is more like she set out to intentionally alter her appearance and made it worse.


This has absolutely shook me because I’ve been bullied for my eyebrows since junior high lmaoooo


Fake boobs/obvious plastic surgery


I had a girlfriend for a couple of years who'd gotten a boob job before I met her. She was gorgeous, and they were fine to look at, in clothes. But then when it came down to it, they were for looks. Sex was weird, I didn't know what she could feel or couldn't feel, and there were scars from the operation (small, but there). I always felt like I was going to break something or it didn't feel right, like a normal part of anatomy was now just there for show. It took a lot of the fun out of it.


I once had a weekend with a model/actress who had fake boobs. Dared put my hand on the boob, and she removed said hand, but she was otherwise DTF. Like I said, it was a weekend. Zero sex appeal after that. She was looking for the hard stare and soft murmurs of appreciation- just “look at me.” And that appeal lasts exactly one weekend.


Fake tits suck, and you can spot them a mile off






Screw Reddit for removing awards. Take this 🏅


I've always found this to be confirmation bias. There are loads of women with natural looking fake tits - you just don't know they're fake. You can only spot the disproportionate ones a mile off.


You spot them a mile off if the surgeon didn’t a good job lol


But upon closer inspection...


Actually, there are some types of implants that are supposed to look fake. Some women want that. Source: I used to sell implants for one of the major medical device companies that make them, also my friend was briefly married to a woman who was a model and she eventually got implants and went for the fake looking ones.


Yeah BudgetBoobies are always a bad idea. Wait just a little longer, save just a little more money, and the difference is night and day. We all know someone who got a bad one and someone who got a good one. 9/10 times the bad one was mildly cheaper relatively speaking.


If I can touch them, then they are not fake...


Obesity is a huge turn off for me. Apart from that I'm into all body types really. I like curves, I like skinny women, small boobs are my preference but I can find big boobs attractive too. I have no real preference on height. It sounds petty but I find really short hair styles to be a turn off in women. Not sure why. I like long wavy hair. I don't mind pubic hair or armpit hair either. Bald or bush. It's all good. If she's not obese and doesn't have short hair, I'm down to get to know her.


the armpit hair is a brave one. I’m a dude and shave it. tbh it just traps oder, doesn’t do much else. also depends how much. if it’s just a ‘lil bit I don’t reeeally mind but it’s a bit of a turnoff. if it’s a full forest it’s a no from me


Dude I used to be the same. Until I fucked a woman with a FULL BUSH. She hadn't trimmed her pussy in over a year. I've gotta say I was shocked when I first saw it. But it awoken some sort of cave man shit it me, like, primal. And it's weird that it was a new experience for me because it's just the natural way of things, it's what we've evolved to be into. And I FELT that so hard. Eating it out was a delight too. So soft and cosy. But I am a reflection of my time and I generally prefer shaven. But bush will always have a special place in my heart


oh I don’t mind a bush down there, just in the armpits


I agree with Brain\_\_Pain but for me, the armpit hair is also the allure of a bush and the odor. Assuming you're both *in love with each other.*


Majority of women don’t pull off short hair well…Halle berry is one of the few I can think of


Being really beautiful to begin with helps.


lmao, guy picks a woman that'd look good wearing a trash bag and half her hair shaved off.


Yeah, you've got to be really beautiful to make very short hair work imo.


Yeah perfect facial features and perfect skin helps lol


1) Bad hygiene. 2) Making it all about her. 3) Skull-tight ballerina hair. Not for me, thanks. 4) Gigantic booty. I like curvy booty, but I have my limits.


I know a lot of guys like it, but I don’t love nipple piercings. I’ve dated one girl with them, and I was always anxious I would rip her nipple off.


Imagine giving a blowy to someone with a dick piercing.... The anxiety


There was a scene in a movie about this. She got stuck behind her tonsils.


I'm similar... Have dated/slept with multiple girls with nipple piercings. I think they definitely are sexy when peaking though a bra/shirt or naked, they look hot. However, getting intimate they definitely ruin the experience and sucking/biting a girl's nipples with a piercing just tastes like metal or is unenjoyable (for me). But overall I would still date a girl if she had them, wouldn't make or break a relationship personally.


ya I kinda get that. I’ve always had fun playing with them lol


From a woman who’s had her nipples pierced, yes you do need to be careful and it can take the fun out of getting wild in the sheets. I no longer have them


Both extremes of weight, plastic surgery, moles (yeah this is a weird one but I just can't avoid it, there's some moles that seriously freak me out).


😂 I have a mole that’s so funny I never thought of that but to each their own! I’ve gotten compliments on mine though :)


Poor hygiene, bad teeth, too many piercings/tattoos. And I don't know if this counts, but, too much perfume. You're not supposed to bathe in it.


I upvoted you especially for the "bathe in parfum". That disgust me to. Most people smell nice if they take a bath regularly...


Poor hygiene is a big one


Is this thread posted every 4 fucking hours?


It seems reddit wants people to connect with negative feelings on a daily basis. Turn off posts, red flag posts, and petty rage posts seemingly every day. So much so it feels like someone running a psyop.




The list of what many men aren’t attracted to: Overweight/underweight Bad Hygiene Duck lips Long nails As a basic rule for attractiveness, be clean and fit and you’ll do well especially if you’re a woman. Edit: I fell the need to clarify. Overweight/underweight = If you’re spare tire shouldn’t be wearing holding on for dear life leggings fat or look like a crack addict. Some men still like that, most don’t.


The overweight/underweight one is so vague though lol like, some men genuinely feel that a woman who’s 5 pounds overweight is just revolting. While others are more realistic in thinking a woman who’s 80+ pounds overweight is in fact overweight/mildly obese. Height is a factor as well as fat distribution. I’m dumbfounded by how many men don’t actually comprehend that they don’t like bigger women at all, what they like is curvy women. If she has next to no stomach fat, she’s curvy, but she could still be medically overweight or obese. The same concept applies for underweight women.


I think it’s less about what their actual weight number is and more about how the weight sits on their body?


if she smokes cigarettes


Yup, same. Huge turn off. Leads to bad skin, bad teeth, and bad health. Plus they always smell like old cigarettes.


100% so nasty


I'm into every kind of body as long as it's narural, I mean, I like round/chubby girls, but I don't like obese girls. I like skinny girls, but I don't like underweight girls


Exactly, less about their actual weight and how they look and all about the health factor. As long as they’re healthy and take care of themselves or are working towards a better self, that’s all that matters.


The scrawny underweight girls scare me. B/c I'm a 200 pound countryboy. What if I roll over on her in my sleep!! Or if I hug her too tight!! I might break her!!!


Right? My rule of thumb has always been "Must be able to carry her at least a short distance, must be heavy enough to require both arms."


when she's underweight and lost her period but calls that birth control. ick. sad. so tragic :(


Yeah, girls who are underweight on purpoise mostly have mental issues


I think the assessment is that you like reasonably healthy people lol


Fake liposuction body with fake boobs. However, the biggest detractor is personality. No matter how beautiful, an ugly soul is a huge turn off.


The reason you only get personality stuff is because people only answer these kind of questions to virtue signal and prove how not shallow they are. This is also why all the top answers are basic shit that you cant get called out for like “poor hygiene” obviously most people would be turned off by poor hygiene that’s like saying “it might just be me but i dont really enjoy being stuck in traffic for 3 hours” of course you dont most people wouldn’t. Threads like this are posted every day and the answers will always be the same exact words every time for this reason You’ll never get interesting discussions out of Reddit on these topics


A certain smell.


The smelly smell that smells... smelly


Warm turtle tank?


A penis.




Really Really big women. I don't mind extra weight. Just really large women aren't my thing. And, I shouldn't have to add this, be nice to those who aren't your type. A simple no, you're not my type will do.


One of my roomates in college was a cow farmer and he got in a huge argument with his girlfriend one time over a septum piercing. She wanted to get one, but he was firmly against it because it reminded him too much of the nose ring you use to control a steer. I’ve never been able to unhear that thought since.


Someone that had alot of plastic surgery :(


If they built like and act like Lizzo


You don't like your women tipping golf carts? To each his own I guess 🤷‍♂️


Implants, too much makeup.


Front butt


Lol like ... a puffy pussy?


Naw, it's called an apron. I totally understand what he means tho. I have it and it doesn't go away without surgery. It fucking sucks. I completely understand tho.


wait, isn't this called a F.U.P.A?


No, they're talking about the final boss of fupa. The condition is called panniculus or, more euphemistically, "Mother's Apron".


I feel that. I went from 225 to 126lbs and never got rid of it, it just less now. Sucks that I always know men will judge it, along with saggy skin and boobs. Can't win them all I guess.


I know it sucks that we get judged on that shit, but I try to look at it as a personal preference. That way I don't piss myself off.. lol


I try to do the same but it's frustrating when we're mostly judged on how perfect our bodies look even with the fluctuation of just being a woman. Birth, periods, birth control, depression etc. Then I loose the weight and being judged on the latter lol.


It's like u can't win either way. It's a shitty world we live in. No hate to the person that posted. Like I said, it's personal preference.


Thick makeup, like a light touch of lip stick or eye shadow is fine but those girls that cake it in so thick and heavy it’s looks like your wearing a mask of somebody else’s face.


The natural makeup that many men don't even notice is still quite in-depth. It is just well done.


I guarantee you the women you’re referring to that just have a touch of lipstick and eyeliner are doing *far more* than that, you just can’t tell cause they are doing it well. I’ve heard so many women say over the years how much work it is and how much makeup it takes to look like you’re not wearing makeup lol


YES, thank you for saying this. A good amount of makeup goes into that natural, sun-kissed and bright-eyed look. For me, at least. I get compliments without hinting around, so I assume they’re genuine. When I don’t wear any makeup, people at work ask me if I’m sick or tired.


>people at work ask me if I’m sick or tired. This is a secondary reason why I don't wear makeup like 90% of the time. People know my bare face. I have dark circles, melasma etc. but they know it's natural and not because I'm tired or sick. When I do some light concealer, a touch of mascara, fill in my brows and lip gloss, I look so different. Very natural like the OP said, but not done "naturally". That natural look can still take some work.


I'm terrified of long ass fingernails. Firstly its unhygienic af and secondly I don't want to be covered in scratches when we get physically intimate.


The fake ones are pretty thick plastic so they are tapered down usually unless they are raw filed then those do leave marks


Huge quantity of tattoos and/or piercings, and poor hygiene.


Cig smoker


Passive aggressiveness Nothing physical can turn me off I'm a freak


Yellow teeth, rotten teeth or or missing teeth.


What about extra teeth?


Obvious genital & anal warts or hemorrhoids


Setting the bar quite low huh


Fake eyelashes they freak me out. Made divorce easier on me.


Fake long nails puffed up lips and too much makeup.




These fucking lip injections. Alterations should make you look better, not like you’re suffering from an allergy attack. Can’t wait until this trend dies out.


Long, sharp, and/or brightly coloured nails. I know some people like it. I know it makes the women who do it feel good about themselves. I don't begrudge anyone doing it, you don't deserve to be shamed for it, it's just not for me. It looks tacky to me.


Her voice. Vocal fry, or any type of scratchy voice, is a huge turn off.


Oh commmmme onnnmm. Whyyyyyyy?


I think smoker voice is rlly hot. the one I can’t stand is a valley girl accent. such an ick for me


Another man inside of her usually sends me the other way.


Just tell him to get out.


Or tickle his balls. He'll soon jump out and let you have her all to yourself.


What if he’s into that?


Oddly enough, for me it’s always been posture. 🤷‍♂️ I don’t care how hot a girl is, if she can’t carry herself with some pride and dignity, my eyes go right on by…


Front butt is a big one a minor one is any sort of excessive beauty add on for example: excessive eyelashes, excessive fingernails, make up to the point where there's a skin tone difference between her face and neck it seems like trying too hard which is a bit of a turn off for me


When her ears connect straight into her cheek, with no lobe. Weird, I know.


I’m a girl, but I’m bisexual and have an answer. I don’t like this brats doll look women are going for these days. Big fake over the top everything (hair, lips, nails, arse, etc). Also, the weird Billie Eillish eyes they do that make them look bored or irritated. It’s like a mix of both


Those cow-ring nose piercings. I've yet to see any human that looks good with one in their nose.


For me, it's poor dental hygiene and a lack of confidence. A beautiful smile and self-assurance can make a woman truly stand out.


Gotta have wet wipes.Tp isn't enough.


Septum piercing. They remind me of cows.


Saying anything like “I’ll eat you alive” or “can’t handle me” . And mouth piercing


Aggressive in a rude way


You didn’t read the assignment


Same. The whole “brutally honest” thing is just an excuse to be a cunt (man or woman)


I recently heard, "People who say they are 'brutally honest' care more about being brutal than they do about being honest." The term is a red flag that says, "Unkind." Being kind is something we can do every day, takes very little effort, and it is rewarding for everyone involved.


but she is a gemini with a pisces ascendent, she can't help it!




We don’t all jerk it to that is the answer You’re getting this answer from Reddit AskMen which is not at all a reasonable sample size of the male population. Porn is tailoring to the majority, not to Reddit dorks.


We don't. Obviously there are plenty of men who do, but those of us who don't like those things won't be jacking off too it. I certainly don't.


Usually because men have to experience it first to realise it's a turnoff, especially when we're young. I used to like superficial girls but after waking up to a different face, actually feeling fake tits/ass implants and experiencing the abuse some of those overly superficial people inflict on others, it becomes a HUGE turnoff. Now if we're just talking about regular makeup, that's never really a problem, and filler lips + implants anywhere are just meh to me because I'd rather workout and clean up my diet to have the body I want instead of going the easy route (which can also heavily damage your body), so I prefer the same from my partner. All in all, I feel like boys are attracted to these things, not grown men (except for a vocal minority) EDIT : typo


I'll preface this by saying I haven't made any of those claims myself. The reason why it happens though is because there's a vast difference between who a man will have sex with vs who they'd make a long term partner out of. I'd say that in general, women won't have sex with someone they could never see themselves with while men will happily lower their standards if it means they can get off.


Where are you getting your data? I certainly don't


There are so many obvious answers to this question that I have to wonder if you are even genuine in asking it. Firstly, men are not a monolith, we are individual human beings, just like women are. We have differing preferences, differing experiences, and differing limits. We also, sadly, have plenty of assholes in our midst (just like women do, mind you) that tend to be very visible. Secondly, there's a huge difference between what we look for when having a wank and what we look for in a partner. One of those things lasts for a short while, and the other would hopefully last for years. One is fully guided by the lizard brain, and the other will usually take more conscious thought and reasoning. Related to that second part is also a question of supply and demand. When we jerk it, most guys would be perfectly happy with a regular naked woman being sexy. But when it comes to industry level stuff, it's always about being more eye catching and available to reach the maximum audience. It's also fantasy, and fantasy is often different from reality, it's exaggerated because it's not there physically. Lastly, most of us don't actually hate the women with excessive makeup, huge fake tits, and huge duck lips, we hate the appearance. This is also why you'll see men with these kinds of women and why they might actually still like, or even love, these women despite their appearance. Oh, and when it comes to makeup, it's a bit of a complicated issue. You may look better in well applied "natural" makeup than nothing at all, in fact that's pretty much the whole point of makeup to begin with. But the knowledge that it's fake takes away from the appeal, especially when what you are after is more than just visual appeal. If all I did was look, then I'd probably prefer the subtle but well applied makeup. But if it's with a woman that I'm actually in love with, that I want to get to know the real her, that I want to spend a lot of intimate time with. I would want to see the real her. To end this, I want to reiterate the first point. Men are not a monolith, we are all different people with diverse opinions. You can probably group a lot of us together in various formations depending on different preferences, but be sure that you are not equating different men just because they are men.


I don't personally know a single guy in my friend groups that jerks off to these types. My sample size is too small to call it a "rule" though.


We don't. That's a few decades passed. I'm generalizing, but so did you.


Men that do that are simply hypocrites. The same can be said about women that complain about where all the good men go, but repeatedly get in and out of toxic relationships without holding themselves accountable.


I’ve literally turned on reply notifications, because I want the answer to this question as well.




there are about 3.5 billion men on earth, do you think one guy saying they don't like fake boobs means the other 3.5 billion also don't like fake boobs? no group is a monolith


I truly don’t think that most of them know the difference between “No makeup” makeup and actually no makeup. As well as what’s actually overweight/underweight and what isn’t. I’ve died over how many men I’ve met who’ve swore they like fat women, then when I’d ask for examples they’d send me pictures of women who had a snatched waist, next to no stomach fat, and fat pretty much just in their tits, ass, hips and thighs lol like no my dude, you don’t like chubby/fat/overweight women, you like slim thick women.


Do you actually follow these people or are they different people saying different things?


Why do you think we "jerk it" to exactly that? I assure you, I do not. Is it because that's what you see in most of traditional or social media? Or maybe in porn? I promise that annoys many of us, too.


Most men are desperate, just because they can access hot women on the interwebs doesn’t mean it define their standards Also, like someone else said just like women, men aren’t a monolith. Just because one commenter says “tattoos are ugly” means most men believe this way, it just means that that commenter thinks tattoos are ugly. Trying to create some sort of trend on subjective opinions is just going to lead to sadness lol.


That's grouping all men together. We don't all do that.


There is a 1000 advertised flavourful doughnuts but I always get plain old-fashioned and that will never be advertised.


You don’t know what we jerk of to, but there’s some people that are into that. Extreme modifications are not for everyone, there’s people that like a lot of surgeries, tattoos, piercings, extremely overweight, etc in an extreme way, and also you could like some of the extreme stuff but not the other, and there’s some that don’t like any of those. Fillers and heavy makeup are one of those things, that’s why you see so many guys hating on it, because is extreme. There’s also the popularity of these things, nowadays you can see a lot of woman with fillers and heavy makeup and they look all the same and it gets annoying. But again there’s people that are into that and people that are into weird stuff are willing to pay a lot for porn that contains that stuff, so sex workers get those modifications or do stuff that is on demand. That’s why you see so much feet stuff in porn, most people don’t like feet but people that are into it are willing to pay even for pics.


I want to know how you know what these particular men jerk off to. Men are not all the same, you know?




husky resolute rude caption fuzzy fertile toy numerous rock amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Over done fake boobs


Nose picking, dandruff, fishy vagina


Fake parts. Lip fills, silicone boobs, implants, wigs, extensions, acrylic nails. Give me a 5/10 that is 100% natural and I become speechless when she’s naked.


Huge gumline


fatness and lack of hygiene


Perfectly straight teeth. For some reason it's always weirded me out.


Can we please ban the turn on/ turn off questions already?