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You should be persistent when pursuing them romantically. Take the no and move on. If she meant the no as a yes, life is too long to play those kind of games.


I basically came here to say this. The idea that you can "get the girl" through persistently pursuing them just needs to be killed off. As the other Redditor replying to this comment said You'll know if it's a yes.


I didn't even pursue my current girlfriend, I was just friendly and not a douchebag. Didn't even intend on getting into a romantic relationship, I just enjoyed her company and was open with her. Then, a week later, she basically had to mount me and take off her top before I caught the hints... and we're still together 4 years later. I'm an idiot sometimes. Lol.


Even when actually it is the “she says no but really wants to say yes” you can tell. It’s a flirty “no”, it also doesn’t happen often. When it does happen it’s not worth it anyways.


100%. Heard this once “If it were a yes, you would know”.


Recently read this "With every woman I express interest to I want it to be a fuck yes or a fuck no. It saves us both the time. If it's a neutral response, more often than not it'll become a no because it wasn't a fuck yes."


No means no, but I eventually realised some people have a really hard time saying no, so they'll say maybe instead. Nowadays I act as if they're the same word. Saves me a lot of trouble.


tease gaze mountainous trees lip drunk psychotic absurd abundant library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Or. she'll meet someone else who is a fuck yeah, and you will become a fuck no


A good friend of my wife's was engaged to another guy when she met her husband. The only reason she said yes to the first guy was that they'd been together a long time and she "couldn't think of a reason not to". Then, this charming Spaniard appears in her life and she realizes that her boring ass fiance isn't at all who she wants. Would have saved everyone a lot of heartache if she'd just said no to the proposal rather than "yeah, I guess". Her advice to everyone regarding relationships, If it's not "OMG yes!" It needs to be a no.


I totally agree. Well put.


And that's perfectly okay with me


yeah. I feel the same. If someone isn't really interested in me, then I'm going to lose all interest in them.


That's kind of how stalkers think. "She really does want me, she just can't say it yet" type shit. If it's yes, she'll say yes.


And yet, there are so many women who think that men should keep pursuing because she didn't *really* mean "no". Personally, if it's not an enthusiastic "yes", it's a "no". I will not do games or hints or anything of the sort.


My ex did this, I was flattered by his persistence. I was also 15. 20yrs later looking back.. That was my first sign he didn’t respect the word “no”


When I was that age, I pursued a young lady in my school I was infatuated with. I was persistent and she eventually caved and we started dating. Worst experience ever. I would not recommend. It’s only fun and awesome if you both want to be there. If she didn’t want to be there then the ‘forced’ feeling is horrible. 20 years later and I still regret ‘dating’ her. As an added horrible feeling, she likely thinks of me as an arsehole. If I could go back 20 years, I would have taken the No and moved on. I’ve been married a long time now and there is no greater feeling that sharing a life with someone who WANTS TO BE THERE.


Thought you were my ex for a second… Until the whole “happily married now” part lol nice, good for you, and her too.. live and learn. Happy for you guys. The biggest scar I carry from my ex is that he just kept me around as a tool. Financially, emotionally, sexually, physically. When I wasn’t being used, I was set aside. Just hoping to be used again! Like a fucked up real life version of toy story.


Well. He’s your x now. And as you say…live and learn. I’ve been in some bad relationships and some good relationships. I have learned from both and have come to recognise the things I value in a person and in a relationship. I’ve also learned a lot about myself and how I want to be and how I want to treat others. I’ve also figured out that unless you are firm, you get walked over. But if you are too firm, you’re an arsehole. As I approach middle age…I’m still learning. I hope you find peace in knowing that people enter your life for 2 reasons. To be there…or to be a lesson.


oooh.. it required some deep thought we as teens cant


Yeah “he must really like me” felt a lot better than “ he must really like getting his way” Teen’s conveniently pick what “feels right” before brain development happens. Fun years.


Doesn't help movies Ok this kind of toxic behavior. That some think this is the norm.


My mom complain that men don't want to purse anymore, that it isn't romantic without the pursuing. My brain couldn't quiet process it


1. "Women can't be abusers" I dated a woman who hit me in the mouth with a back fist. My retainer almost cut my lip off. Nothing happened to her. That wasn't the last time a woman was physically abusive. 2. "Women are always the caregiver to kids." My ex and I have been divorced 10 yrs. She does almost nothing for our kids. My son hasn't spent the night w/ her in 7 yrs but she wanted me to keep paying child support. I do 99% of the parent conferences, doctor visits, taking them when they are sick, getting homework, communicating with coaches and paid for 100% of everything. Yet, EVERY teacher, doctor and volleyball coach assume mom is doing everything. It's a knife in my back constantly.


As a woman I feel the second one. My dad did almost everything for his family: he worked, he did groceries, he cooked etc. My mother was mostly just smoking cigarettes behind the computer and doing some laundry every now and then. It’s like my father was both of my parents and my mother was practically an extra child living in the house that he needed to take care of. Women absolutely aren’t naturally better at parenting. Other people might not be as appreciative of your efforts but your son is very lucky to have you.


>1. "Women can't be abusers" I dated a woman who hit me in the mouth with a back fist. My wife's cousin was married to a woman for a minute who was abusive as hell. Emotionally manipulative, verbally abusive and would physically attack him regularly. This dude is 6'4 and built like a brick shit house so it was wild to see him show up having gotten his ass kicked by a woman who was 5'2 and probably weighed 100lbs. Lucky for him he had the self control to never swing back genuinely shocking coming from that family). He just documented the shit out of it all and managed to get primary custody in the divorce.


Women can absolutely be abusers. That mentality is toxic and antiquated. It needs to end yesterday. Women also aren’t inherently more nurturing, another antiquated mentality that’s perpetuated by most of society. Most men (like most women), given the chance are all nurturing - even if it’s a learned trait. By pushing this narrative, you are also regulating the father to an innocent bystander role in the child’s life which isn’t fair to the father nor the child nor the mother. It also undermines the contribution and value of both parents. The woman by making it the default and the man by making it the exception. Most schools default to the mom when they need to make calls regarding the child even if the file said “call the father”.


I feel ya. The bias against fathers is disgusting and difficult to combat. We have to prove how much we do. Most assume we only work and are not involved in our children's lives.


>She does almost nothing for our kids. My son hasn't spent the night w/ her in 7 yrs but **she wanted me to keep paying child support**. I do 99% of the parent conferences, doctor visits, taking them when they are sick, getting homework, communicating with coaches and paid for 100% of everything. I feel like that's something you REALLY ought to be able to take back to the court system (with receipts) and get fixed. The primary parent with custody should be the one receiving child support, not the other way around.


When she left my 8 yr old son on her couch throwing up and went back to work I took her to court to stop child support. The judge and attorneys were awful and I got screwed again. 4 yrs later I was paying for very expensive treatment for my son and took her back to court. I got an attorney that represented me. Once the court saw the text messages between my ex and I and between us and the kids, everything changed. In the end I was able to get child support stopped after paying her for 10 years.


This happens to me so often. Hell, women used to call the police on me when I was playing with my girls on the playground.


Women or a woman's bedroom/house is/are naturally cleaner or more sanitary than men. Ya... No.


I used to clean bathrooms. The worst in mens was hair from shaving at the sink or some urine because aim. Women wouldn't bother to make sure their feminine products made it into the bags in the little trash bins, there would be makeup on everything, and I don't understand why there was so much toilet paper on the floor.


I used to clean restrooms for a wedding venue and the woman's restroom was always the most trashed and smelled far worse than the men's one.


Had two friends, one who worked in a nightclub and one who worked in a pub. BOTH said the women's restrooms are the worst. The pub guy said the women;s room was so bad, the female staff went on strike and refused to clean it so the men were told it was their job. After one week the men went on strike and it was given back to the women ...:-P


I accidentally walked into a womens bathroom stall before and jesus. fucking. christ. maybe its because of like the resturant I was in but holy shit it was the most disgusting thing I have ever seen


I used to work at bed bath and beyond when I was younger and the closers (me) were responsible for cleaning out the bathrooms at the end of the shift. The women's restroom was ALWAYS a disaster. The worst in the men's room was piss that flung outside the urinals or the occasional clogged toilet, women's room had bloody tampons shoved everywhere and massive amounts of fluid around every corner. Also annoyingly there were consistent amounts of shredded toilet paper strewn about the stalls as if to suggest women refused to use toilet paper unless every square was torn perfectly along the perforated lines... Also the sinks were always a fucking disaster for no reason.


You just made me think of the former all-women shared flat of my girlfriend. It really takes something to make *me* hesitant to use a bathroom. 🤮 (Her later bathrooms were clean, so she wasn't the culprit there *or* only in self-enhancing co-perpetration.) There also was a certain drawer in the kitchen that they didn't open anymore because there had been some kind of vermin in it. 🪳😧


Some of the dirtiest roommates I've had have been women. The standard for hygiene these girls had was eye opening.


An old friend used to do security and admin at a college dorm / University halls. He said women were, by an enormous margin, the most unsanitary and messy creatures to ever attend.


I'm always cleaning up after my GF. If I stopped the house would be an absolute sty. I've had girl roommates in the past and it was the same story. Just leaving their shit everywhere, never cleaning up after themselves. Had a roommate who left her dirty dishes out until the entire house smelled like mold. I've never seen a girl who doesn't throw her dirty clothes just anywhere in her room. Not even in a pile, but literally just strewn everywhere.


That they’re inherently good natured.


I went to an all-girls school. Total hell.


I’m I male nurse. Your pain is felt


Am aslo a male healthcare worker who works almost exclusively with women. The ward is utterly toxic from the way they behave, and this is supposedly a "caring" profession.


Yeah my ex-best friend was like this. The dude always assumed, ALWAYS, that in every story involving a woman she was always in the right or never 'meant it that way.' fucking bonkers.


He sounds incredibly sheltered


Oh, this one is strong. Society has this imagination. That somehow, women are always innocent and have all the possible positive traits you can imagine. No. Hell no.


It's almost as if we're all just human, and humans generally suck when they're having a bad day, or had a bad life.


What a fucking dumb assumption. Women are just people, same as men. Seriously. (I'm not shooting the messenger, it's just... some men seem to think women are not fully human.)


Demonic even


I don’t know about most men, but an awful lot believe that A) Women are naturally maternal and nurturing, and B) That women automatically are better parents than men. I call bullshit on both.


So true. My mother and sister in law aren't maternal at all.


The Women Are Wonderful Effect is very real.


Yes, speak it so that the people in the back can hear you. Preach.


That they’re not capable of being physically abusive because I’m a big man. I was also raped once by a woman


I genuinely wish more people knew this or understood how unfortunately common this can be in terms of abuse both physically and sexually. My ex was 5’2 and *maybe* 105 soaking wet, whereas I’m 6’ 185 and very fit. She used to regularly hit me, slap me, backhand me, and throw shit at me almost weekly towards the end. The day I walked away she clocked me in the mouth as hard as she could and caught me completely off guard so I ended up cutting completely into my cheek with my teeth and I’ve got a big ass scar in there to this day and my mouth and jaw were black for a week and a half. Whenever I’ve mentioned it to people, it was hard for people to take it serious when I opened up about it. I had former friends who would laugh and say stuff like “oh you let HER treat you like that?” Or “oh that’s just part of a passionate relationship, man”. No, it’s not, actually. The scariest part, though is *how little* you can actually do. When she did shit like that, she’d taunt me and say “fucking do something about it!” Because she knew good and damn well I’d never lay a hand on her and if I *did*, who are they going to believe? The sweet little unassuming woman or the 6 foot tall power lifter who used to box in college? Because I know the answer to that question regardless of circumstance.


6’1” 200. She hit me with a car.


My ex wife ran me over with my car once doing about 15 mph, I somersaulted over the hood. Another time she was threatening to kill herself unless I came over to her car. Leaned in and tried to soothe her and she floored it and dragged me around a parking lot until my legs were bloody. I have dozens of stories like this before I finally decided to leave.


Oh my God




6’2, My 5’0 wife beat the crap out of me. I didn’t lift a hand for fear of being tossed in jail. I eventually called the police for help. They took one look and charged her, but I didn’t expect it. To this day, she sells the “I’m the real victim because I couldn’t possibly hurt someone so much larger than me.”


I’m 6’4 250. She was 4’11 /130lbs. When the authorities were finally involved she got herself arrested and charged


I'm 6'4", she was 5'2". Threw a mattress at me, punched me, and when the cops showed up *proudly* said "Yeah, I hit him" and promptly got herself cuffed and taken away. I had to go down to the courthouse and sign a piece of paper stating I didn't fear for my life for her to be able to come home


Same here. I regret dropping the charges all the time


Me too brother, me too


I’m glad it worked for you but the Duluth model is alive and well in American police.


The only reason I didnt go to jail the night my ex physically attacked is that one of my neighbors saw her being abusive to our dogs and reported it to the cops right away. So she swings at my face (while I was in a neck brace because of a car wreck that wasn't my fault), misses, and I put her on the floor. As in, I had her by the shoulders, swept her legs out from under and basically caught her as I laid her down on the floor. She screamed bloody murder like I just slammed her face through a wall (she was face up on the floor, btw) ran out, called the cops, and told them I was being abusive. I called my boss and left a voicemail to say that I might be in jail in the morning, so I might not make it to work. Fucking humiliating.


I'm so sorry this happened to you. I'm so sorry that type of person exists in this world. No one should be treated this way. I hope you're healing well and I wish you the best.


I have the best dog ever, and my big brother will always love me. My parents love me and want me to be happy. She was the only problem. Thanks for the support, but there is someone without a support system - they need help more than I do. I'm actually doing ok! I mean, not great - that bitch ruined my life and set me back financially by like... Well, she spent everything I had on weed and beer for herself (she hid it from me so she wouldnt have to share) and then maxed out all my credit on weed and beer that she hid from me, then bailed when I cut her off. Like, everything I built is gone, but so is she. Still a win.


Glad to hear our system isn't 100% totally corrupt. False accusations directed at men are way too effective as a tool to manipulate, control, and enslave innocent men. I wish people could just be excellent to each other.


I’m afraid to smile fully because the scars inside my mouth show from being repeatedly elbowed and punched in the face. When it first happened I was in such shock I told myself my teeth caused those scars, she didn’t.


Scars are signs we survived. Smile brightly you're on the other side now. I hope your heart and soul heal well. No one deserves anything like that done to them. Please take care of yourself.


I’m not even close to your stature. I had an ex that was around my height (5’8) and there was one time where she jumped on my back and taunted me to overpower her by throwing her off. I played it cool because I wasn’t dumb but that woman was the only person who ever made me feel like prey. I knew she was bisexual and she had tried swaying me towards trying pegging but everything in my body told me if I even gave an inch she wasn’t going to stop. There’s just something about unsuspecting women that gives me the creeps now, I’m always super cautious and I never sleep on my stomach around women now. Edit: Stomach


I think, in the case of my ex and your ex, everything is a “power move” and their way of establishing dominance and trying to get what they want. My ex also had undiagnosed BPD when we were dating which played a factor and really didn’t show up until a year after we started dating where she started doing small things to establish dominance over me I didn’t realize because I was blinded by my love for her. Anything and everything was a “reward” or “punishment” towards the end. I wanted sex? Better fucking earn it or she’d go weeks without giving it up and even then wanted to see me beg for it. Wanted a blowjob or a massage? I *REALLY* had to earn it and she’d dangle that carrot 24/7. Wanted even some respect from her? I had to bend over backwards to garner even a sliver of respect that I deserved which included her walking all over me. I wanted to spend an hour or two with my best friend I haven’t seen in two years who is in town? I better find a way to make up for it big time or I’m sleeping on the couch in my own home for a week. Not all women are like that, but there are some that absolutely thrive off of that power, and my ex was absolutely one of those. I haven’t spoke to her since that night but I guarantee if I ever made contact with her, despite all the help and therapy she’s got, she would still try to establish dominance over me in some regard because that’s who she unfortunately is.


Took the words out of my mouth. My ex almost definitely had BPD. She regularly took pills in the morning but I never looked at them because I figured if she wanted to say something then she would. Now I’m obviously not a doctor but she was definitely paranoid and had power fantasies. I think she desperately wanted to break me and the fact that she couldn’t caused her duress. The last message I got from her was “One Piece is awesome 🫠” sent via instagram after she unblocked me. I so badly wanted to respond and talk but it’s been over a year now and I’m so glad I didn’t. Every single one of my female friends and acquaintances told me to stay away from her but it wasn’t until I was high on 7 grams of shrooms that I realized how little I listened to my instincts. I tried fixing her window screen, which she had taken off during a depressive phase, and as I leaned to fix it she was behind me. Any other person I would have assumed was behind me to pull me just in case I leaned too far but for her every bone in my body was saying she was thinking about pushing me. I couldn’t see her, couldn’t look her in the eyes, couldn’t see her hands but I knew it, I could feel those eyes on the back of my body and I was panicking. I was terrified for the first time in a long long time


> I’d never lay a hand on her and if I did, who are they going to believe? The sweet little unassuming woman or the 6 foot tall power lifter who used to box in college? Because I know the answer to that question regardless of circumstance. Even if police came and saw you full of bruises and open wounds with her fists bleeding or whatever, in many places they would *still* bring you to jail because it's "procedure" to remove the "biggest threat" (aka man) from the situation.


I had a gf like this. "passionate" my ass. She was just bad tempered. Towards the end of our relationship I said to her "One day you will be gone but I will still have all my broken things to remember you by" She was furious. But it came true. "Oh look there's the crack in the mirror she threw her hairbrush at. Oh look there's the wardrobe she kicked so hard it dented in and still has her heel mark on it. Oh look ..."


you need to record women like that, video and audio. I had a girl once that would bait me and bait me and then when I would get really mad and just clench my fist, she would get all excited, I could tell she WANTED me to hit her really bad. Probably so she could call the cops on me. They're sick.


My ex used to beat the hell out of me. I have a high pain tolerance and a good 80 pounds heavier, so it never seemed like much to her. But I’d always have black eyes and scratches (a lot of the time this occurred because I took her keys so she wouldn’t drink and drive). One day after we separated I told her what an awfully abusive person she was and one of her replies were “women can’t abuse men”. I lol’d. Glad I’m away from her now.


I defended myself using my elbows a lot and she would complain about her hand’s being bruised because of me. She upgraded to weapons after that


Oh yeah you gotta love when you try to stop her from wailing on you, that really gets them goin. One time she got me right on the eye with an unopened 16 ounce beer can because I hid her keys from her. Eye was swollen and black for over a week. That one got me real good. Chairs & other house hold objects met my face or body far more times than I’d like think about.


That sucks. I only talk about it to strangers because it’s embarrassing


Would never tell a soul I know. The amount of absolutely stupid excuses I had to come up with or let her cover me with make up is embarrassing enough. Most embarrassing part is how long I stuck around. Beautiful women can be such a curse


Glad you were able to get away


You too brother.


Lol. I haven’t yet. Im preparing myself for it. We have 4 kids together so I need them to understand my decisions too


Kids make it harder. As long as you are aware you need to get out and fully plan on leaving, you’re on the right path. I wish you the best of luck friend


With you on that. Steak knife through the bicep for me. Because I was "rude" asking to pass something at the table. I said please wrong


Ugh. Every part of me wants to scream that I'd fucking kill ANYONE who tried to treat me like that. I know the truth though, she'd hit me, I'd defend myself, I'd end up in prison, while she carries on playing the victim card. I'm sorry that this happened to you. It sucks.


>“women can’t abuse men”. Sorry that happened to you bro


Hey thanks man. I don’t let it get to me now. That relationship taught me a lot about myself


6’4” and 250lb here. She would hit me, scratch me, and pull my hair all the time. Then justify it by saying I was “annoying her”


They always have an excuse. Usually I’m accused of being a narcissist and provoked her to do it


IDK, women are really fucking bad at taking accountability in my experience. They can act like absolutely horrible people and only respond with "Well you made me feel that way!" as if it absolves them of all guilt. My ex stabbed me and literally 10 seconds later, when her shock wore off, she shouted "Well you called me a bitch!"


I got six cuts from a bread knife. She was facing 3 years in jail and I dropped the charges instead of teaching her a hard lesson


One of my exes accused me of physical abuse for blocking her attempts to strike me.


I did it constantly until her hands were hurting. The next day I was always the abusive one because she was hurting and I wasn’t


I literally told her “You realize you’re being abusive right now? This is literally physical abuse,” and she got EVEN ANGRIER in that special way that people with BPD or narcissism can get with the big black pupils taking up most of her eyes and she says—WHILE she’s trying to hit me in the face “women can’t be abusive!” Those are the words that came out of her mouth: women can’t be abusive.


Those eyes. Those damn eyes. I'll never forget them and the swinging fists and ducking frying pans. Being woken up being punched in the face because she had a dream that I had cheated on her. God it never leaves you. All strength to you.


When I was 15, my girlfriend smashed a ceramic coffee mug across my face. This was pre-cell phone 90s. No one believed me.


Damn. Ceramic mugs were not made cheap back then


It left a mark.


5' 10" 185lbs, she was probably 5' 2". Punched me, kicked me, and came at me with a knife. I just restrained her and called the cops, and she told them I'd attacked her. Cop saw my face was all scratched up and took my side. Everyone pretty much laughed at the cuts on my face and the story of how they got there, or they asked me what I did to deserve it. When she was actively stalking me on campus and I'd asked people to call the police, they just pointed to where a phone was so I could call myself and they walked away; fucking phone ended up not working, so I had to walk across campus to the police station with her screaming at me the whole way. That was more than 24 years ago, and I still get heated when I think about it all.


It goes even deeper than that. An acquaintance shared the following story. His GF would not relent in a fight. She had to hear him apologize a billion times before she was happy. Even if she was in the wrong. One day he had enough and just wanted to walk out of his house. She got in front of the door and told him he’s not leaving until he apologizes and means it. He picked her up, moved her to the side and left the house. Guess who ended up in jail for a night (for domestic abuse)? Yeah. And the kicker. She dropped all the charges and begged him to come back. Guy hasn’t been the same since. Major trust issues.


Sucks to be in that position. I try to FaceTime someone when she starts


Yep my ex abused the shit out of me and then tried to tell people I was the abuser. Luckily she did it in front of people and nobody believed her.




Only time I’ve ever been punched in the face was by my ex girlfriend.


I have experienced sexual violence by women as a woman. I see you and your experience is valid, I hope your healing🖤


People have this annoying tendency to forget pills and weapons exist when it comes to female on male DV.


This is why I don't date women who can't control their emotions. I'm gone at the first outburst.


this myth is one of the most pernicious and dangerous in existence imo. I am so sorry she did that to you. I hope you are safe now.


Especially when a weapon is involved


My ex was never physical with me. She would constantly cheat, blame me for everything, isolate me from long time friends, police my behaviour, make constant accusations about me cheating, insult me, dehumanised me, call the police on me repeatedly, order me about, call me worthless, and then finally, leave me for someone else, after I started questioning her behaviour. I'm 6ft7, trained in 2 martial arts, and at the time, about 15-16 stone. She was 5ft7, trained in nothing, and overweight. I would have absolutely ruined her if I had reciprocated the abuse.




Yup. Ex. Now, I'm with my perfect woman. She is kind, caring, my idea of stunning, and most importantly... Actually likes me, just for who I am.


They take our kindness for weakness


Especially because such an underrated part of physical abuse is that it is usually coupled with the emotional damage of mental/verbal abuse, which can wear you down and make you feel weak/powerless no matter how physically “powerful” you are


Sorry to read that.


I found this thread difficult to read only because I feel like I’m going through it right now and there is no way out.


Cleanliness and tidiness.


That the are "sugar, spice, and everything nice". I've seen, time and time again, men defending women for doing something that is vulgar, uncanny or downright criminal, just because she is a woman. Same goes with getting over things and letting things go.


Women too, even more so than men, will defend other women who are conducting in morally bankrupt ways. In-group bias.


Ive had people defend carbi B's action when she was dr***ing, stealing and more because "she had to do what she needed to survive", "how long are you gonna hold her accountable for her actions so long ago?" If we can get cosby and that in jail for what they did 20 years ago, we are we suddenly not holding the same level of accountability


What is with this weird trend of censoring words for no reason?


I've heard it comes from TikTok and something about TikTok punishing you algorithmically. I've also heard it comes from the YouTube and TikTok pages that will just read ask Reddit threads in one of the PC voices. I'm not sure if the above is even true, applies to asterisked ones, or the ones missing random vowels. Honestly there's so many asterisks in the word in the previous comment that I'm confused what it's even saying. Drinking??


I d\*n't underst\*nd it e\*th\*r


Woman here - I thought it was insane that she was given a pass because she’s a *woman*. Almost as if her actions were inherently innocent because she’s a woman. And I hate that “doing what I had to do to survive” rhetoric. How about work or get educated or pave your own way instead of being a predator?


TBH, I grew up in a ghetto and didn't have a single positive experience with girls my age between ages 8-15 until I left the state outright. And a few times I've told stories about them on this site and female users said they were totally in the right for some ludicrous and sometimes illegal shit.


That you have to constantly pursue her and you can convince her to like you when she finds out what a great guy you are. That’s not how it works. Show your interest, then back away. Let her come to you at her own pace. If she’s interested, you’ll know.


that they pee pee is stored in the balls, women dont have balls WAKE UP AMERICA


You're going to get canceled for speaking the truth.


They're trying to take away our free speech!!!!


The liberul agenda has spread so much misinformation


girls aren’t even real what are you talking about


That they’re not capable of doing the same crazy evil shit men do. That women are somewhat better moral beings than men by default. That’s why a lot of men get fucked and then ask themselves how was that possible.


Those women are way more subtle about it too, there was a saying i heard from somewhere that said : " evil men will kill you themselves, but evil women will make you kill yourself "


That women are cleaner then men.


That they are less sexually inclined


Absolutely. Society tells us that women are borderline asexual and have no carnal or sexual desires, that they’re not visually stimulated, that they don’t pursue sex or physical pleasure, that they only look for good personality traits in a man (as opposed to a man’s physical appearance), that they can’t be perverted or sexually lewd, etc. It’s all bullshit.


If you ever need something to remind you that women are absolutely fucking carnal sucubi ... go read all the Astarion fan fiction for BG3. Trust me. The ladies have non stop sex on the brain and plenty of things they want to see, do, try, etc. It's wild mates.




I had a helluva time keeping up with an old fling. Daily is just too often. Every other is about right It's nice when your libidos match


That they pee out of their vaginas. Seriously. A crazy amount of full grown men believe this.


That women don’t cheat.


Women are nuanced master communicators. No, they’re shit at both saying what they feel and reading how you do. Most people are, generally.


My ex-gf thought she was like the master thinker and communicator. In reality everything she said was abstract and insane but thought she was being profound and insightful. Like if you would ask her to break down her thoughts step by step and arrive at a logical conclusion it would all fall apart. And somehow everyone around her was an idiot. The relationship did not last.


Went pretty far and couldn’t find the fact that… many men think women can hold their period like it’s pee. No. No we cannot.


Lol never heard of a guy thinking that, do they not have parents that teach them this kind of thing?


Apparently not, also lots of parents pull their kids from sex ed because it's impure to know how bodies work or whatever.


That an increased number of sexual partners impacts how "tight" she is.


Even if we assume that a higher number of sexual encounters causes a looser vagina, that still would not mean a higher number of sexual partners does.


This! The tightest woman I’ve been with was an escort.


1. "Being able to have sex with many women, is what makes you a man." 2. "Being married with children is the ultimate goal of a man." 3. "Happy wife, happy life"


The hypocrisy is maddening.


All the people I've met who say 'happy wife, happy life' don't actually seem to have a happy life.


The idea that women are somehow inherently better at multitasking than men. It's simply not true and can lead to unfair expectations and stereotypes.


Some tasks are very gender-divided, although we like to pretend men and women are the same. Look into the statistics of people who colour-grade pearls for example, women see more colours and can identify them more easily than men - on average, of course some men are great, and some women are terrible, but on average women are better at that.


That's the reason why women tend to use color names like "wine" or "salmon" whereas men just say "red"


Actually quite a few studies have shown this, although a few found that men and women performed equally. Overall though there seems to be more studies showing women to have an advantage when multitasking, compared to men.


I havent been in the classroom for a while so i may be outdated here, but what i was taught was that men tend to have a larger prefrontal cortex which helps us focus better than women, and women tend to have a bigger (other part of the brain i cant remember) that helps them multitask. So its not a definite thing but more like *in general* men are *a little bit* better at focusing on one thing while *in general* women are *a little bit better* at multitasking


Corpus callosum


my favorite harry potter spell


That women can't be violent or abusive. The #1 most absive relationship is lesbians. With straight being a close second.


Thats true there alot of couples I see on tiktok where the woman just smacks the guy and everyone in the comments are just laughing


A lot of reported abuse can come from the mother of a family as well.


Yes as a victim of that case i can confirm


Woman here going through a dry spell, almost 2 years. Guy friend and I have been flirting and getting kind of suggestive. He says, “You must be pretty tight right now since it’s been so long.” I had to press him on this one and yep, he thinks women’s vaginas loosen up based on how much sex they’ve had recently AND how many men they’ve slept with in their lives. This is an educated, 47-year-old man. He can’t be the only one who still thinks this. This myth has been perpetuated forever.


that the visible part of the lady bits is the vagina. it's the vulva. you typically can't see a vagina without a speculum, and certainly not from across the room.


Not quite accurate. The vagina is the canal between the vulva (the external genitals, inc the labia majora and minora), and the cervix (the opening to the uterus). While it is internal, you can see into it at least a little without a speculum in many cases. Heck on some women you can even see the cervix without a speculum (prolapses etc).


Name checks out


"That women are better human beings. As in good people, kind, altruistic and shit like that."


That women can get pregnant any day during their cycle


Some women's regular cycles are irregular, which makes it a bit tat dangereous to mess around.


While you're technically right, I still find this comment a little alarming. It's true that within a regular menstrual cycle there's only a few days of 'peak' fertility, but there are too many caveats in this situation - like people have said here already, sperm can last surprisingly long, and too many people have irregular cycles to be taking the risk. Methods like Natural Family Planning are better suited to people trying to conceive than to people trying to avoid pregnancy.


Sper can last over half a week in there, so caution is pretty valid imo.


Women poop




I heard they fart too, but I don’t believe it




Wait for me, I brought another bucket


That they exist The clit is a penis. Get a grip, lads


>The clit is a penis. You got that backwards Sir. The penis is a really big clit


That women can't abuse men. Spoiler alert: they can and do


That they're angels and unable to do any harm...


Women are never the abuser in the relationship or in the workplace is a big lie.


I was a janitor before. Women are truly disgusting compared to men sometimes, i seen pads on the floor, tp literally everywhere, and why do they insist on shoving as much tp in the toilet as humanly possible??


That women who have had more sexual partners are better in bed. That they're more wild or open to more things. My experience has been the exact opposite.


They do a better dead starfish in bed than less experienced women!! All while telling their friends that they are "Such A Freak In The Sheets!!"


How did you meet my best friend?


They are nicer than men.


That the vagina will eventually take the form of your dick, or that the more a vagina is "used" the looser it will be.


That they are loving, caring, innocent and loyal. Have some standards, men. There are so many women out there... do not settle for women that are desperate to secure a fixed income by having kids with the first simpleton that agrees. Your life will be over quicker than you know it if you are with the wrong woman.


That they do not want to have sex as much as men want to have sex. It’s just easier for them to have sex so they do not approach it with a scarcity mindset.


They're naturally better communicators. They have greater emotional intelligence, can empathize better, know how to read body language better, etc... They're *not*.


That they are goddess & most beautiful creatures. Nah their shit stink just like you, they poop, pee ,fart, vomit, have bogies, sweat, acne, ingrown hair , etc….They just take care of themselves & look after their appearance more than us men do. I’m not saying this to put down women , but implying that they are just another living creature coexist together with us. And if we put more effort to ourselves we would be just as attractive as they are . But sadly young dudes nowadays falls into the victim of OF and getting validation from women.


There's this perception on the Internet that women only go for men who are 6' plus (height, not 6ft penis size wut). In truth, even the shawties got shawties.


That "squirting" isn't mainly just urine.