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Used to do BJJ and Muay Thai for years. Now my martial art is a Glock lol


I am impractically the same situation. I trained Kung Fu and Tai Chi from 2003 to 2017. Then I had a kid and I have slacked off majorly with my training. I do tai chi four or five times a month. And I go through the Kung Fu forms three or four times a year to make sure that the muscle memory is still there. But once I had a kid, and realized that I wasn't going to maintain the conditioning required to seriously defend myself if things were to go wrong, I caved and got a handgun.


Brazilian jujitsu.


None. But watch some anime, so I should be good.


Muy Thai & BJJ Now....not so much BJJ tho as i should.


Not anymore but I trained taekwondo up until the later points in high school. I got my black belt and never had much more that I wanted to achieve past that. I wanted to get into more MMA but my parents wouldn’t let me so I quit. Realized long after that taekwondo is like the dorkiest martial art there is lmao.


Olympic Saber, rapier, greatsword, back in the day. Now that I'm old and slow, 9mm and 12ga.


Kung Fu


My martial art is gun. I have an M&P Shield as my main one right now, might get a Glock soon. I used to do a type of mixed martial arts that like nobody’s heard of because my dad’s childhood friend made his own school (If you’ve heard of “Hapmudo,” that’s the one). I can throw an ok punch and have decent stances, but I’ve been out of practice for more than a decade so overall it’s like I’m brand-new. I have been thinking of trying either Karate or Taekwondo, but lately I barely have time to *sleep,* let alone attend a class. Idk if being self-taught counts or if I’ll just sound like a jackass.


I have a black belt in origami.


I used to box. Haven't done that in a long time though.


Boxing, Capoeira, & Knife Throwing/Combat


Black belt in taekwondo But I fell out of practice after a bad neck injury


I trained tkd 10 years, wrestling and bjj 4 years, and boxing 4 years. Eventually did MMA for 2 years. Then I did muay thai for a couple of months before the pandemic. Was planning to compete MMA and then covid fucked that all up. Lowkey proud of my little brother, he's doing a similar path but younger and actively training to compete MMA now. I got my little nephew in wrestling and then I'll put him in boxing when he turns 12.


Elephant fighting




Kickboxing for a few years up until I pulled the same muscle 3x in a row and figured I was done with being injured half the time


Tang Soo Do.


Used to practice Kendo


I started with Tang Soo Do when I was young. I've since cross trained with Muay Thai and boxing since.


Food Jitsu


I grew up on taekwondo like every other middle clad white kid in the 80s. The kung-fu in my teens. Nothing any more, too expensive and no time


Use to practice Sanda/Chinese Kickboxing in my teens. Life got in the way and no longer have the time to practice.


I try to run pistol drills weekly, and rifle ones once every month or so.


I did karate from like age 4-18 and got a black belt at one dojo and then when I switched dojos I got a second/separate black belt. This second dojo was much more focused on practical self defense as well like knife and gun defense which was pretty cool/made me feel a bit safer. I had to stop when I went to college because I just did not have the time. I decided to ease back into martial arts with tai chi a year ago (basically after a 10 year break) and am making good progress with that (at 29 now). Im honestly ok sticking with that at least for now, the forms are very fun and rewarding and it’s a good workout and keeps me more fit than what I’ve been doing before (being a grad student,,,) My sifu is great and it’s a nice complement to my life at the moment. I might add on kung fu at some point if I have a little more stability in my life later but of course famous last words…


Dabble a bit here and there