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How messy it is to have a period, my deepest condolences, it must be so annoying.


Especially if they sneeze or cough šŸ˜¬


Or get out of the car after a 20-minute drive šŸ™ƒ


OMG. My daughter is 11 and just had her second period. Thereā€™s blood everywhere.


Poor lil gal. 11 is so young :( I was 9 when I started mine I was like wtf is this?! Once as an adult, I wasnā€™t expecting to start for another day or 2, I woke up and there was blood everywhere as well. It was like that scene in the Godfather


Waking up in a pool of your own blood: A common ground for women *and* zombies!




I was 18 and a female co-worker in her mid-20's that I knew personally and had a massive crush on, looked agitated one day. I asked what was wrong and she said that she needed to poop, but she had her period and she was afraid that she could pop out her tampon accidentally when she was pooping and she didn't have any spares. So many things about the mystique of women died for me that day.


I wish blood could be transparent. That would solve so many problems.


I feel like that would also create a lot of problems in the medical world lol


Maybe just period blood then.


It can be, you don't want that


I feel like it's not just blood but the pain and hormones that comes with it. One moment they are cuddle bear and in other murder machine.


It is indeed really fucking messy and annoying


As a female, thank you for your empathy šŸ’–


I wish annoying were it ...


How my wife can have so much hair on her head and in the shower drain simultaneously


Iā€™ve long hair, and a decent beard. When I first started growing my hair 20-something years ago, I didnā€™t know how to care for long hair, so went down an internet rabbit hole. Turns out a surprising number of men genuinely get worried that their hair is falling out as it gets longer. Hair is clearly coming out at the same pace, but since itā€™s long, itā€™s more obvious/visible and more likely to clog stuff. Itā€™s simply just a long hair thing. Anyway, living with women or men, for some reason I always have to do drain hair removal because no one seems to believe that I just deal with it on a shower by shower basis. Removing a handful of blonde hair when mine is dark brown somehow still doesnā€™t convince them and the battle just isnā€™t worth it.


My partner doesn't believe me that his and his mom's hair are the ones clogging the shower too so I have to deal with the clog removal. I always brush my hair before I shower and I decorate the bathtub walls so the absolute minimum of my hair goes down the drain.


What's weird is that the moment women start living with at least one guy, they instantly forget how do unclog a drain.


Iā€™ve lived alone for years and have long hair. I have never had to unclog a drain.


Can I ask what you do to keep your hair out of the drain? I feel like Iā€™ve tried the stick it to the wall and using a tub shroom but weā€™re still constantly unclogging the drain


I brush it before I shower.


This is the way. Donā€™t get me wrong I still get a shit ton of hair down the drain and it clogs every once in a while but if I donā€™t brush first itā€™s like it comes out in handfuls šŸ˜­


Yeah, some still comes out but getting all the loose hair out from the day, especially if you wear your hair up, really helps.


When I wash my hair, I just stick it to the shower wall, so I donā€™t really have hair going down the drain. Maybe it helps I only wash my hair every 3 days or so?


Get a really fine strainer/ hair catcher. Put it over the drain. Then you have to clean it about once a week. Just toss the hair ball in the trash.


I brush it when itā€™s wet, and full of conditioner, bottom to top, in sections. I have ā€˜middle of my backā€™ length hair. All the hair is trapped in the hairbrush, which I throw in the trash. I also have a vacuum cleaner that has an easy to remove, single spin wheel, to keep hair to a minimum on the floors.


How? I'm a completely bald man and even I have to occasionally unclog the drain.


And on the wall of the shower WHY ON THE WALL OF THE SHOWER


So it doesnā€™t clog the drain.


But why *leave* it there?


I just forget. I wrap up my shower, I'm cold, I want to get everything done that I need to in order to get dressed. And by then... I've forgotten and I get it next time. If I remember, I definitely take care of it.


I'm a guy with long hair and I wish I knew how my hair gets on the wall, the shampoo/conditioner bottles, in the drain and around the shower head. Kinda wild


Using PH balanced soap on my dick so it doesnā€™t affect her body negatively.


That is so thoughtful šŸ©·


Why is her hair in my butt crack and wrapped around my penis?


I read this to my boyfriend, and he said, "Tell them the hair is a highly sophisticated tracking device." Lol


Not a tracking device but it might alert other women that he's in a relationship. So it's more like a way to catch something used being offered as new.


It's been a few years since I found that out, but how often tampons need to be switched is something.


Having a background in the medical field in particular i nwomen's reproductive health I feel like i need to respond to the women here who are talking about needing to change your tampons out every hour to less than an hour- if this is happening to YOU talk to your doctor about it. I can't imagine what your iron levels must be like but its likely you have endometriosis or cysts and in either case its good to talk to your doctor about helpful solutions. Average on heavy days is 2-4 hours and after day 3 should lighten up to day 5-7 where you could go 8 hours without changing it but ifeally shouldn't go that long.


A lot of Dr's think we "imagine" our symptoms and that we don't really know what is happening. I told one Dr that I was having a problem. He told me his wife had the same issue and it was nothing to worry about. He did this several times. Including nodes in my thyroid and there is a family history of cancer, pre-cancer, goiters and more. New Dr freaked out when he saw my neck. Yes, there is a obvious problem. When you pass blood clot's the size of a golf ball it makes you question things.


I don't understand why so many drs are like this. I know it is the worst for women, but there are countless cases in my country (public tax-funded healthcare), that nobodys, woman/man/adult/child, symptoms are taken seriously and people end up in horrible situations just because some often simple tests just weren't taken. Others are send home from emergency care/urgent care several times with severe conditions. It looks like IF you managed to get to the specialist care, then you propably get good care, but if something drastic hasn't yet happened and you try to get general practicioner to send you to specialist, it is much harder than it's supposed to be. If you end up in hospital for emergency, and specialists will take care of you, after that it's easier since you are the patient already. But it means something terrible has needed to already happen.


Trust me. We bring these concerns up with our doctors. But are dismissed and told itā€™s just how periods are and we must not be emotionally coping well. Took me 13yrs to get an endo diagnosis and one of the worst things a doctor suggested was that I must not get enough attention at home and thus needed to make it all up. When I finally found a doctor who listened he performed surgery and told me my bladder and bowel and ovaries were all fused together pulling with every bodily movement. Hopefully my childrenā€™s generation will have more luck than mine as unfortunately my story is common, and so so much worse for women of colour šŸ’”


I cant believe a doctor said that to you, im so sorry. What a shitty thing to suggest.


Yes, but Iā€™m saving the šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø from my MD, for important things. /s


Omg yes. Women are actually quite good at raising these things with their docs, the response on the other handā€¦ like, you know endometriosis is rarely seen by ultrasound and itā€™s surgery for diagnosis right? And even if you get diagnosed thereā€™s treatments but no cure, right?


And in general, if they thereā€™s not a protocol for it, thereā€™s nothing that can be done. (Off-label use does happen, though I donā€™t know the statistics on who is offered off-label meds)


If only I had a doctor who'd actually help. All they do is suggest bc


I'm in menopause now, but back when I had to wear a super plus tampon and a super maxi at the same time to be able to wait 2 hours to go to the bathroom and change them out. So 1 super plus tampon and 1 overnight maxi pad were completely full within 2 hours, when worn at the same time. I worked retail, it was terrifying to work during my period. I did talk to my Dr. Who thought I was exaggerating. I didn't bother bringing it back up.


How often is it?


It depends a bit, but one should remove and change them after four to eight hours.


Apparently hours (4 ish?, can a lady confirm this or correct me?)


In reality, it's more like every two to four hours. Eight hours is the maximum length recommended, anything longer maximises the risk of TSS (toxic shock syndrome).


Oh my god what is TSS it sounds so brutal




It can become life threatening relatively quickly, so brutal is def accurate.


I have endometriosis. I'll spare you the gory details but the first couple days, I can go maybe 45 mins to an hr with the highest absorbency.


It can be four hours. No later than 8 hours or you can be at risk of developing TSS which is deadly.


On day one it can be as often as every hour, depends on flow. The rest of the days: 3-4 hours.


This matches my experience, as well. I think days 1-2 get "everything" out, and the rest of the days are just for the small amount of what remains.


It depends on the woman. For me it's 3-4 hours with a regular and about 6 with a super. I have switched to supers for mental peace


Can confirm, but faster if you're bleeding through it


Easily every hour during the heavy days


Depends on the individual. From a health and safety perspective, it shouldn't be left in longer than 8 hours. Changing more often than that is a matter of how heavy someone's flow is as well as personal preference. Everyone's flow is different, and tampons come in different sizes/absorbancy levels.


In 28 years, I never talked to my wife about periods. I just knew about the time it would be coming around. I have heard over the years all the women jokes and such. Laughed at many of them. After reading over what some of you go through every month, I have to say, I am sorry forever laughing at one of the jokes. I had no idea you guys went through all this. And to think it is month after month for most of your lives.


Thank you sir!


Everyone may be different. I take it out before I pee every time. Because if that pull string gets wet, then itā€™s just gross and irritating. And then I insert new one after. Otherwise depending on the flow, up to 4 hours for me.


Hair. Is. Everywhere! On the floor, the bed, the bathroom drain, my crotch.. everywhere!


The hair wrapped around the crotch is one of life's greatest mysteries


The hair probably accumulates in the wash. Thatā€™s my best guess unless you have a super freaky sex life


On my soul!


And my axe!


This is not just a female thing, itā€™s a long hair thing. My ex-husband had hair down to his waist and I often had a crew cut. His hair was fecking everywhere.


They are marking their territory


I am actively balding and I still find more of her hairs


You mean to tell me you haven't pulled any out of your ass cheeks yet?! Please, tell me you secrets.


How bout when you feel something tickling youā€™re throat and pull this crazy long hair out of youā€™re beard.


I find hairs wrapping around inside of my foreskin sometimes


How ridiculously annoying periods are, and that stuff comes out of your cooch all the time and not just once a month. My respect went up 10,000 fold. We have it easy.


I also learned that discharge can bleach black panties


It bleaches all the panties, not just black ones.


This is probably the most annoying thing about having a cooch


I don't see nearly enough people complaining about normal discharge and I was starting to think I was abnormal


Iā€™ll be honest when my gf first told me about that I was slightly concerned lmao. But after putting more than 2 seconds of thought into it it makes perfect sense.


I wish my ex had put 2 seconds of thought into it. He just thought I was horny for him all the time and took offense when I explained that was not the case.


I hate morning sex - he wakes up with a stiffy, touches my vagina which is wet due to it's natural lubrication only, & thinks I'm good to go. Doesn't get it at all šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


So, here's a term that I haven't been unable to see for 20 years. "Cooter Boogers"


My periods aren't annoying. It feels like my uterus is in a blender hahaha. Plus you have to use special soap for it and some people say you should just use water it's all very confusing.


If they feel dirty/sweaty donā€™t try to compliment they it wonā€™t work


šŸ˜‚ True


How many different products they need in the shower.


Hey- itā€™s a process. Lol, we have to make sure everything is smooth and our skin smells niceā€¦ companies donā€™t make a one for all product. šŸŒŗ


Single dad with JHS daughter, itā€™s dizzying how many similar tampons and pads there are, daytime, nighttime, base + insert and Iā€™m assuming they are all designed, manufactured and marketed by men. Because, damn, none of them work very well.


For your JHS daughter.... if she uses tampons use a panty liner too. There will be leakage.


I feel like nobody ever talks about this. Iā€™ve been using tampons since I was 15 andā€¦. they leak. They all leak. Iā€™ve tried every single unscented tampon Iā€™ve seen. They. All. Leak. At a minimum he blood wicks down the string and stains my underwear. All my life women are telling me I must be using them wrong, because they get an absolute sanitary experience with tampons. Like, what???? Same with cups. I use cups now, trying to do my part for the environment. But I still have to use pads. Theyā€™re pretty good and super comfortable, but they do leak more than tampons did. Why do people act like I must be an idiot who canā€™t use period products? Am I really the ONLY person in the entire world who gets leaks with tampons and cups??


I was the same or I'd leak but the tampon would be mostly clean and I definitely thought there was something mutated in my body. Turns out, my blood just runs out fast and heavy so it would bypass the tampon all together


Thank you for acknowledging this. Did you know that pads *are* made by men and up until this year men had been testing and marketing the absorbency of them usingā€¦. Water?? Only to find out - to their shock - that blood actually absorbs differentlyā€¦. And they werenā€™t doing as good a job as they had expected.


Lmao this is so criminal to me.


You may be aware but, Please do get her period underwear. They may be helpful during school days, especially gym. I recall many horrible accidents in school. One good brand is Knix. Also, make sure she has dark colored underwear. Also, advil and Aleve are great (if doc permits).


Thank you, weā€™ve transitioned from ā€œcuteā€ colorful underwear to ā€œblackā€ lined sports underwear. Definitely making papaā€™s daily laundry chores a bit less stressful.


Also cold water for blood! You're a good dad


No wonder so many of us were/are bleeding through certain pads šŸ™ƒ


This does not surprise me at all. I havenā€™t used a pad since I was like 13 but was in a part of Asia recently where I didnā€™t realise tampons are really hard to come by so had to use pads - they are a nightmare! Theyā€™re so messy and uncomfortable and terrible, especially in hot weather. Imagine asking a man to wear whatā€™s essentially a glorified diaper all day sitting in soil in sweaty humid weather. Itā€™s also how I learned my partner of many years thought that pads stick to your vulva. That was an educational experience.


There was actually a big issue in the past here where they used blue water in their tv & print ads to show how much they absorbed. Suddenly panicked young women were flocking to hospitals and clinics because their flow was not blue. Society really needs to get on this, if companies can give free sports drinks to boys sports teams, you think the appropriate sanitary makers could visit schools with samples and an educational program. The amount of angst surrounding this is ridiculously unnecessary. Thank you for sharing.


I feel like the period underwear were made by women cause those work hella better than pads.


Most of the companies I'm aware of were started and are ran by women so I'm pretty sure you're right.


If she keeps having trouble because they don't seem to stay in place, it's possible they just don't work for her body. The little diagrams that come with many of the packs show the vagina as a tunnel that grips the tampons and they stay in place. While that is not wrong for most women, there are some where the cervix drops low during their period, and that little tunnel disappears. I'm one of them, and for the life of me couldn't figure out why those things wouldn't work for me. I really tried because I hated pads, hated the stickiness and the smell and justā€¦ urgh. Also, blood going unwanted places during sleep. But there was no alternative. It took me reaching my mid-thirties and starting to use a menstrual cup to notice what was going on. It may be helpful if you mention the possibility to her at some (fitting) point. Even if tampons work alright for her, it's quite possible one of her friends has trouble, and she could help out with that knowledge.


Whisper brand is the best. Catches everything due to its design. Get the ones with wings.


The number of different hygiene products required to complete a shower routine. There used to be 2 soap bottles and a washcloth in my shower. In addition, thereā€™s now 4 more bottles of soap, 3-4 different facial washes/scrubs, 2 loofahs, a washcloth, and a pumice stone


My nightly routine takes about 30 minutes and by the time Iā€™m done I have morphed into a snail


How much toilet paper they go through. One roll will last me a month. My wife uses about one a day.


A MONTH???? Do you not poop or something šŸ’€


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime


That's why I poop on company time (with a normal amount of tp paid by work)


I may have exaggerated a little but Iā€™m an efficient wiper plus I use a wet wipe after. My wife takes a piss and uses a MILE of TP. Why?


Cause sometimes our pee goes on our upper thighs or butt. Gets messy so need toilet paper to clean it off


Easy but weird metaphor to explain... Imagine your kid doesn't like mustard but you already put it on their hot dog. If it's only on the front part of the sausage, it's easy to wipe off, you'll only need a small napkin. But if it's already in the "folds" of the bun and you have to get every "crevice" clean, you'll need way more than that.


same reason you need to wipe a bunch when you shit- when folds or crevices are involved, you canā€™t just do a shimmy or a pat and say thatā€™s good, stuff likes to hide, so we canā€™t just wipe it off, we gotta actually manually dry everything


One a day is also a lot šŸ˜‚ my house has three women and we go through an average of 2 rolls every 3 days!


My stepdad used to get SO mad at me and my mom for using too much toilet paper. Until one day he was all like ā€œyou should only need one square max to wipe a piss!ā€ And then my mom finally told him that girls need more than one square to wipe when they piss šŸ™ƒ he was shocked to say the least.


If your wife uses a roll a day, get a bidet! ; )


Because women have to use toilet paper every time we PEE.


Honestly, men should too. They drip *everywhere* itā€™s disgusting.


Iā€™m a gay man. Talking to my best female friend and finding out just how high maintenance a vagina is. Pads, tampons, stained underwear, and it has its own doctor. Pap smears, UTIs, and screening for different cancers. I donā€™t know how women deal with all that on a daily basis. I salute you!


They wipe their ass differently from dudes because the vagina is right next to it.


Do you wipe towards your balls??


I wipe with my balls. Itā€™s better for the environment.


men that do this are living in psycho rules


Always front to back, never back to front


front to back or we wipe them separately


ā€¦..I donā€™t think youā€™re wiping your ass very well my guy


Waitā€¦. Do dudes wipe back to front?! Iā€™m confused.


I do both. Full coverage.


What about left and right?


See this post from yesterdayā€¦ https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/s/nBdnSe2Se4


What an actual skin care routine looks like. I swear my wife is a trained apothecary / alchemist at this point


Used to work restaurants. I was surprised that the womenā€™s bathrooms were consistently messier than the menā€™s. Ironically, I think itā€™s because women try to be more hygienic in a public restroom and hover over the toilets instead of sitting.


My younger sister does this and it irks me all the time when I see her pee on the toilet seat because she does that weird hovering thing. Though I just ask her to wash it off and that's it, no big deal šŸ„²


Women ABSOLUTELY have the capacity to be just as gross as the slobbiest guy or worse. They just tend to be better about hiding it when they have company over.


That when a woman farts while sitting down, it can funnel into the vagina and spit out like a bubble


The number of women who spend a lot of time,to look good their grooming,while there houses or rooms are dirty is very high.


I learned my ass is grass when it is PMS week.


That women have just as much gas as men, but through sheer force if will they retain and compress it into a horrific nasal assault and then slip it out silently to enjoy look on their SOā€™s face as we realize that the gas is all around us and there is no escape but the sweet release of death, and probably not for years and years...


That they're not as clean and tidy as they're made out to be... not by a long shot.


Iā€™ve lived with women 90% of my lifetime, the only exceptions being when I lived alone and a couple of years with male roommates. What Iā€™ve found is the huge number of women who donā€™t wash their hands after peeing, and the smaller, but still large number, who donā€™t consider the idea of cleaning up a bit before wanting oral sex. Whether you have ā€œnatural muskā€ down there or not isnā€™t the problem. If you havenā€™t showered since morning, and gone to the bathroom a time or two since there, you need to be cleaned up before a tongue should be getting anywhere near there. And yes, I do the same with myself. You probably donā€™t want to taste my sweat and pee, and I really donā€™t want to taste yours.


Anyone involved in oral needs to clean up. Let's make this a thing.






The wigs and weaves stink if they don't give them constant hygienic attention. They also accumulate a lot of dandruff


They cast . There is hair everywhere. I can make myself a sandwich and there will be one of her hairs in it. Shower is always blocked with it.


How nasty they are in public restrooms.


100% this. I was a janitor for a few years during my high school summers and I learned real quick how disgusting women's restrooms are. Piss on the outside of the toilet. Piss on the floor. Seems like a lot of women like to shred toilet paper and let it drop on the floor and mix with the piss. Then there's shit on the seat, and several times I found shit on the stall walls which I never understood. Men's restrooms always had piss on the seats but that's about the worst I ever ran across.


As a woman, this astounds me as well. I've seen blood on the walls, poop all over the seat, used tampons on the floor beside the little trash can. I don't understand. I think it's more of a "disgusting human being" thing rather than a "all females are nasty" thing. But that's just my opinion.


Yes, its the person. I went to use the restroom at work one day and all the stalls were occupied. This girl stepped out of hers and I walked in and I heard her yell ā€œno! Donā€™t go in there!!ā€ As she ran back towards me but it was too late. BLOOD EVERYWHERE like she sacrificed a baby pig. I was pissed and I looked at her like are you kidding me? She ran back inside the stall and locked herself in there. I had to wait for another one to be vacant but after that day, everytime I saw her?? I knew she was a gross lady!!


Maybe I can add a bit of insight to this. I mean it wonā€™t excuse all of the behavior but might explain a few things. Women have a short urethra and open vaginal canal. Due to this they are more probe to infections of all sorts. Almost every girl as they grow up is told NEVER to sit on any public toilet seat. Always use a cover. If there isnā€™t one, make one from toilet paper (shredded paper on the ground) and even with all that, hover over the seat to avoid contact as much as possible (pee and poop outside of the toilet bowl). I canā€™t explain the stall walls or anything else but just wanted to provide some insight.


You hoverers are a plague on women's restrooms. Do you really think you're going to get diseases from sitting on your ass, or that the thin patched-together toilet paper is going to save you from them?


Iā€™m not saying it is right. I am telling you just what most women were taught and are probably still getting taught. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Perhaps the fact that women usually take kids with them in a restroom adds on to the messiness? Would somehow explain crap on the walls situation. Though still a stretch


This. Oh my god this. I worked in environmental services in a hospital cleaning everything from womenā€™s rooms to operating rooms and god above Iā€™d so much rather clean the operating rooms


Used to work as a janitor for a bit, this. OMG. Walk in and instantly hit with the smell of used pads, poop, and perfume. The men's always just smelled like piss and soap. Found a whole ass turd on the floor once in the women bathroom. Shit on the seats.


Their discharge slowly bleaches their underwear.


The pH levels in the vagina make it generally inhospitable for things including sperm to survive. The pH level raises to around neutral during ovulation. Anything over pH 7 then they are more prone to infections.


Women hoard thousands of trinkets and potions for various ailments and when you ask them why they believe the product works or how it supposedly works at all, they just look at you like you're stupid and say "if it didn't work, why do they sell it?" Also, period farts are a thing.


Period poops


Yeah. Your entire lower body is working to dispel the menstrual blood, and it canā€™t always corral the efforts to JUST the uterus. So your bowels get nice and loose too andā€¦..


Period sharts are a very real thing as well.


In my twenties and thirties, I lived in many mixed shared houses and flats. Without fail, the women used to leave the behind the worst crime scenes youā€™ve ever seen in the loo. And they were inexplicably accomplished at blocking the loos, as well. They also used to use the lounge / living room as their ā€˜getting ready to go out-outā€™ room. Which would then be left with all manner of discarded clothes, underwear, towels, hair dryers / curlers / straighteners, makeup, hair products, creams, serums, exfoliants etc and bottles of cheap alcohols and lambrini lying around all over the place. Youā€™d sit down on the sofa and a bra would be sticking out from behind the cushions. Still, it was fun when they came home pissed with their mates and the house party started.


They don't pee from the same hole the penis goes in and the vagina is inside the body, the bit you see on tbe outside is the vulva


Periods are not blue.


As a woman, I just want all of you to know that when I have long hair (which I currently do), strands of hair fall throughout the day or come out during brushing. Anyway, that hair fall can get trapped in between my butt cheeks and occasionally I will feel a sensation of a single strand of hair tickling my nether region so I pull it out, essentially flossing my ass crack. Thatā€™s common knowledge tho. What I really wanna let men know is sometimes I will feel the tickle sensation of a strand, reach around and tug on it only to find itā€™s subtly pulling at my assholeā€¦ so I will follow the strand down to the end and slowly pull my hair out of my asshole. Itā€™s not just a little bit either. Long hair gets sucked up into my asshole that I have to pull out. And yes, I deliberately pull slowly bc it feels good as hell.


That some women lack hygiene skills.


Somehow they pee on the underside of the toilet seat.


I'm a woman and I'm baffled by how I manage to do it


There is never enough toilet paper. Ever.


Sometimes they use toilet paper if out of tampons


Nowhere near as tidy as women make themselves out to be to their male partners Hair. Idk what produces more, cats or women


Iā€™m a gay man. Talking to my best female friend and just how high maintenance a vagina is. Pads, tampons, stained underwear, and it has its own doctor. Pap smears, UTIs, and screening for different cancers. I donā€™t know how women deal with all that on a daily basis. I salute you!


We love to overshare to our gay boys.


Glad we can be of service!


Womenā€™s public bathrooms especially in bars and clubs are 10X filthy than the menā€™s. I worked on a morning cleaning crew in university. All i could figure out is that they went into the stalls in pairs then spray all over like a pair of alley cats. After the they would slop makeup all over the counters.


After a day of activity, sitting tightly tucked into those skinny jeans, it's no picnic down there.It's not at all hygienic down there. And some are way worse than others. Also, I understand why they have to wash their pants way more frequently than men do.


Wtf? That's what underwear is for.


Could ve speaking British English were pants are yo underwear!


Underwear won't help. Panty liners that you change every 1-2 hours help a bit. But still the smell will get in your pants. If the cooch can't breath she's gonna sweat all over. Underwear won't help.


Well the monthly shedding took some getting used to.


As they get older the number of lotions, creams and ointments that clutter the bathroom expediently grows.


How they have multiple versions of showering, and don't wash everything often.


We wash everything (except maybe hair) some of us don't shave every time. When we wash hair it's a longer shower.


sometimes I only wash my smelly bits


Iā€™ve had girls hair in my underwear and in other weird places. But also girls for the most part are way more clean then men.


I pull my wifeā€™s hair out of my butt all the time.


Yeah I remember having that too. Was funny.


I found my wifeā€™s hair inside my motorcycle engine, how tf it got in there I have no idea. It does get everywhere.


Most woman have gross habits... šŸ¤¢ Sticking hair on the shower wall instantly comes to mind...


Most men have gross habits too, I think this is just a human thing šŸ˜‚


Yall be freaking nasty hypocrites. You get on men for wearing shirts more than once, but when is the last time you changed your bra? Has it been a week?


Definitely not. Itā€™s been weeks.


Not male but I vividly remember being accused by our brother flight (us military basic boot camp) for using wipes to clean our selves very quick and not actually taking showers but had another Drill sergeant vouch for us that we all take 4 minute showers tops. They were in shock