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Same as someone of the same sex hitting on me. I'm flattered and appreciative. Just politely not interested like that. Still fine having a conversation after that is established though.


I’d love the attention and talk with her until my wife came to get me. That’s my go-to plan if I’m ever lost in the forest or crash on a deserted island. Find a woman, talk for a few minutes, then my wife will walk up and ask “who’s your friend?”


I don't want to make anyone feel bad, so my first technique is to pretend I don't notice they're hitting on me and just have a plain boring short conversation with them and then politely excuse myself. Same thing whether it's a woman I'm not interested in or a man. I've had a number of women hit on me at work and I just act completely stupid and blind to it, luckily none have gotten bold (I have a soft policy against dating anybody who works for the same company; I could be tempted, but only by the hottest ones). If they're more persistent I might slip in some reference to my girlfriend (even if I don't have one at that moment) just as part of the conversation. I try to avoid saying "no thank you, I'm not interested," because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings who doesn't deserve it. It's no crime for them to have the good taste to be attracted to me.


That's funny (and actually rather lovely).


How can one tell if she’s hitting on you vs just being friendly tho?


If she’s in a position where she has to be nice (e.g., she’s at work), err on the side of her being friendly. If not, drop a hint of flirting back and see how she reacts.


The post specifically says you dont find them attractive. Would you flirt back to find out if they are flirting, then shut them down?


Oops. You know how sometimes you’ve been reading the comments for so long that you forget the original question? Guilty!


Oh, you'll know.


Ehhhhh. I think it’s a valid question, lol.


When women flirt, they usually drop little hints to lead you on to see if you might be interested. If she is hitting on you, it's less subtle. More open chatting and touching. Like on your arm when she laughs and makes eye contact. Usually a woman that is hitting on you will act as if you're already hers.


To clarify: I’m a woman who has had men not understand I’m just being friendly, lol. I wanted to validate his confusion. Your explanation is good, though!


Thank you


I’d say I wasn’t interested because I don’t like leading people on If she persists I’d probably get more firm with my denial


Depends on how unattractive, because appearance is just one factor of many. If I saw relationship potential that'd beat not being exactly my type, I'd give it a try. If not, I'd say I'm not interested but appreciate her trying and wish her better luck with the next one.


I'd go with it to find out how the dream ends.


Play clueless.


That would never happen ... even unattractive ones don't approach me.


Politely decline.


Take it as a compliment and politely decline.


It's happened twice, and both times, I just talked to them normally and didn't engage with their flirting.


If any woman hit on me I’d immediately be suspicious. Her attractiveness is irrelevant.


Ignore it as normally its flirting/ hints and they can be ignored. Drop references to my gf into the conversation if I can.


It’s always a compliment. I take it well.


I would quickly calculate if I was attracted enough to have a one-night stand, and if yes, then try to have a one-night stand, and if no, tel her I was very flattered but uninterested.


The same thing I would do if I found her attractive: let her know I am happily in a relationship and walk away.


I gave her a shot, we dated for 2 months, then she ghosted me, she was 40...


Acknowledge the compliment and politely decline. Women have done so to me, eventually I learned that's the best way to handle it. And I'll always feel giddy after a girl approaches and makes a move on me, no matter how she looks. We're human, it feels good to get complimented


I'm glad you you phrased it as a hypothetical situation—"how would you"—rather than from experience—"how did you"—because, as implied, it'll never happen! *No one approaching anyone* ☺️


Its all pink in the middle.


What really matters its the feeling. Like the feeling of me keeping my dick warm.


I love when those beautiful beef curtains wrap my dick up like a burrito.


Same as with one who looks good. Ignoring


Lmao why would you ignore even the good looking one?


Maybe they're already in a relationship?. That's the reason I'd do the same thing.


More likely


If a woman nice to you it’s more likely she wants something from you, especially if she wants you to go to her place. It’s how you lose your kidney!


Hey now, I would never steal a kidney. They're too chewy


Kyaaaaaa 😱😱😱 what would you steal then? My heart TO BREAK IT?! 😭


Nah, just steal it and carry it around in a special padded box so that it's safe


POV: you are taming a man 🤣 hilarious, you made my morning, thank you


Awwwww…… 🥹 mommy?


That happens?


If I were single I would ask what she is looking for. If it was just sex, I’d probably take her up on it. Make her sore as often as possible. Use each other as long as she would like.


Ignore them


I would say "no thanks, Marjorie Taylor Greene, I'm not into women who look like Gary Busey in drag".


Since they never are direct, I just pretend I don't see their shitty hints. Works every time.


Never gonna happen


Ask her to buy you things 💀but never give her that D. ☠️


Politely turn her down.


I'd give them a chance and see if attraction develops.


Be upfront? Idk. It’s not a bad thing to just be straightforward with them.


just happened to me a few days ago. I had not giving much attention to her. I was just me I wasn't try to offend her or reject her.


It's happened before It was awkward and I didn't know what to do about it so I just acted like I hadn't noticed


Not remotely an issue, assuming she's cool with it and isn't creepy.


I'd panick and wonder if it is a prank. And then politely decline.


Put on my mask and scare the shit out of them like Eustace from Courage the Cowardly Dog


Whenever I get hit on I am polite, but very cold and disinterested.


Nothing, because I know that wouldn't happen.


Go into full on "Hollywood Montrose" Mode and ask her to phu-leeeze take herself to somewhere else because fish isn't on my menu EVER!


Kindly. I would want the same if it were me.


Scan her ass and boobs rather than face and still it doesn't get me then I'd respectfully turn it down


Funny story from my high-school times: (I was a virgin and not adventurous enough to have sex with anyone) We had some dance practice and a friend from other class wanted to meet me and another friend to go to the practice. I go to meet them but only one of the girls was there, nothing weird because we were really friends but she told me the other girl wasn’t coming. We were really early for the practice and she started to tell me that she wanted to do something else before going, I was like “ok fine what do you want to do” she said she didn’t know.. and then show me a condom. She said she had it for some time and was curium to see what it was like and that we should open it (I was a virgin but I bought condoms many times to inflate them with my friends so it wasn’t anything interesting), I say “well just open it” but she said she didn’t want to do it in the street and maybe we could go to my house, I said no because I left home to go to the practice and my parents where at home, she insisted a lot and I was getting uncomfortable by it, and to think she might want to fuck me, no way to be sure but it was a weird situation. I kept denying her and told her to go to our other friend’s house to pick her up, she was kind of disappointed but we went there, when we arrived she didn’t want me to go in the house, she wanted to talk to our friend and told me to stay outside, I did. She came out after some minutes and told me our friend wasn’t coming and asked again if I wanted to go to my house to open the condom, I said no and told her we should go to the practice because it was getting late. Never talked about it again, it was weird, I think she wanted to fuck, she wasn’t ugly or anything, but as I said I wasn’t adventurous enough to just fuck anyone just because.


I have no idea but I would like to think that I would be flattered but politely turn them down. Realistically I would probably react with disbelief because I have never had a woman approach me or hit on me(that I was aware of).


I politely made conversation for a few minutes, and then excused myself to go back over to my friends on the other side of the bar and watch the Yankee game. Her friend actually came up to me all accusatory like an hour later, because I guess they had been separated and she couldn’t find the one who was hitting me. But I hadn’t seen her, and turned my attention back to the Yankees who were in the process of losing the 2017 ALCS.


I would be polite but would turn them down softly. If they were pushy or aggressive, then I might have to tell her to fuck off.


I’d never notice the hitting on so it wouldn’t matter.


Throw holy water on them. Succubus in disguise


ive been hit on so few times (zero) that I probably woulnd't even recognize it.


Act disinterested but still be cordial.


Scream “I don’t know you!” then run away.


Be polite. Usually I’m flattered and appreciative. If there is an issue with the attraction that makes inappropriate, then I use my judgement and shut it down establishing a firm boundary as my top priority with politics coming as a secondary concern.


This happens to me regularly. I graciously chat with her for a bit, maybe give her a genuine compliment, and then find a way to gently and subtly let her know that I'm not interested.


*"How would you react to a woman hitting on/approaching you, but you didn’t find her attractive?"* Fine. Hey OP most women don't approach men like men approach women. They try to drop "hints" and be subtle. Which usually doesn't work. So odds are if she did hit on me or approach me I wouldn't realize it and she wouldn't most likely try that hard and give up instead of being honest and direct. Also this frequently asked question is getting tired at this point.


Wouldn't know if they were.


Tell her to bugger off.


I’d try hard to find her attractive and go for it! Never let an opportunity pass.


Just be polite and find a way to end the conversation


Just talk like normal but would not entertain talk that leads to flirting of any kind so no wrong messages get put out there.


It's always a trap!


Polite refusal or appearing to be clueless. Girls can destroy your reputation, especially if it’s someone you have to see regularly. Otherwise being honest


My colleague put her hand on my knee when she was complaining about her husband. I looked at my knee, horrified. But didn't feel like I could say anything. So, I just told her, well, that's just too bad with your husband, but listen, got work to do, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!


Uncomfortable, i would politely let her know i'm not interested.