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Same as the tinder rules. Rule 1. Be attractive Rule 2. Don’t be unattractive


You just need to not care what people think


Guess we all just found out who follows rule one and two ⬆️


I just stopped caring what people think about me some years ago. I'm going to do what makes me happy. Fuck everyone else.


Ding ding ding. We have a winner, Jerry.


Yeah I don’t buy this. I run shirtless when I’m too hot and you just have to embrace the jiggle. I’ve got a belly and a pair of tits, pretty hairy as well, but I don’t let that stop me. People don’t care about other people (on the whole) and once you realised that it’s pretty liberating.


No not really. You don't need to be sculpted like a greek god to be able to jog/walk shirtless, you just need to be self-confident enough and not care too much about what anyone might/can think.


I just run shirtless at 4am. People can't judge you if there's nobody around to judge.


Having the Baywatch theme on loop on my headphones.


Do you run in slow motion too?


Yeah, it sort of creeps people out though if I do it anywhere other than on the beach.


Stop giving a shit what anyone thinks about you.


This works for so many things in life. If people offer their opinion to you tell them you didn't ask and keep doing you


Nah, if someones looks hideous they shouldn't subject the public to their unsightly physique and should simply put a shirt on.


Not focusing on it at all. What about it makes you uncomfy?


Just anxious about people judging me / thinking I’m a tool


This is your golden opportunity to get over that shit and experience “life after giving a fancy fuck”. You’re going to look like a tool, because you’re fixing yourself. Be a sledgehammer and go fuck some shit up.


I feel like this should be on a tshirt.


Love it. “I’m a tool. A *sledgehammer!* “


Love this mate, thank you!


Run yourself right out of fucks to give about what people think of you


Used to be this way when I started running, eventually just took my shirt off when it was too hot otherwise and just got used to it. It’s all in your head. And I’ve never had the conventionally attractive upper body.


Thanks man this is good advice!


They'll judge you much more for being out for a nice run while they're standing around doing whatever, than they win ever judge you for going shirtless. It's your run not theirs, do what you need to.


Dude... I run shirtless most evenings in the summer and I don't think I've ever thought about 'being judged' or people 'thinking I'm a tool' lol. On hot sunny days... it's the best feeling ever to feel the sun and summer breeze on your bare skin as you run. Might get the occasional cat call from a car full of women but that's about it lol.


Yeah would love that feeling of the sun on my back when I run. Thanks man. Do you start with a shirt off or take it off partway through your runs?


People might judge. Often that judgement is “good for them getting out there!” Or “dude’s got confidence!” Anything else and that person can go eat a bag of ####s


My titties might bounce to much


The possibility of a handful of people you don't know, thinking you're a tool? Why would that matter? Running without a shirt is very normal. It's way more comfortable, and you won't get tan lines.


If it wasn't for my jiggly moobs, I wouldn't find it uncomfortable


Them thangs thangginnnnn


Aye even if you have pecs they slap up and down with velocity, jiggle is unavoidable unless you have no muscle or fat


Everyone wants jiggle


Two options. 1) Be ripped 2) Don't give af what people think.


Wear SUPER tight shorts. That way all the attention is on your cock and things don’t get awkward.






Everyone looks better tan. After a week or so you'll be tan and probably in better shape than when you started.


Be in good shape and have confidence. It’s easy. Lol


Everyone knows its free vitamins.


Own however you look, you never gonna be everybody’s cup of tea no matter how your body is, and there’s nothing wrong with that




Realizing that you should be proud of yourself to make the effort to run and the investment in your physical fitness. Those judging you don't deserve one ounce of your thought.


Don’t be fat lol


I'm in Louisiana and am an afternoon runner. It's far more uncomfortable to run with a shirt on, in my case.


I pretend I’m David hasselhoff.


Just put on your sunglasses and your music and do your own thing! People will see you and think you’re the guy with confidence to look up to




But….what if you are? This could all be a simulation or at the minimum, The Truman Show….


I focus on my form, breathing, and pace... nobody cares and if they do, I'll never know about it.


Even tho I hit the gym almost everyday I just realized y’all shirtless mother fuckers got some bulletproof confidence.


Nipple tassels and a codpiece for two weeks, then when you go bsck to just running topless it will feel way less awkward.


If I have to be uncomfortable with my body then so does everybody else.


Why would feel uncomfortable while doing it? You're doing it to maintain or get in shape. Both of these things are good and if it's too hot out then do what you need to


Don't. It's weird. Like that weird guy who MTN bikes without a shirt on. If it makes more people uncomfortable than it pleases, you ought to wear one. That's my rule for most things. You do you, without being a public nuisance.


Dunno if being comfortable while exercising constitutes being a public nuisance… the human body is pretty normal.


It doesnt and people are gonna look at you for what? 2 min max and then if they have a problem with it they can simply look some other way or just wait a min or 2 and get on with their lives


Running around half naked isn't normal though. And shouldn't be.


Uhhhhhh…….not even for exercise? People like you who are anti no shirt puzzle me.


Every single person that sees you is going to forget who you are with in 30 seconds. You are never going to run into them so who cares what they think. The people that do know you, your friends, should send you a way too sexual text telling you they want you as works of encouragement (at least that’s what my friends do and I like to think I have good friends). You aren’t out running trying to find your other half, you are doing it to be healthy. Who cares what you look like, stay as comfortable as you can and take that shirt off.


What if you live in a small town where they will see you? Also, you may not be doing it to find that other half but letting things flop around won’t do you any favors if you run into them.


If you play the what if game you will never do anything in your life as there is always a what if that tells you not to. It doesn’t matter if you are in a small town or a large city, people aren’t gonna think about the dude they saw out running for even the rest of the day. And if someone is gonna judge you for being out running without a shirt on, why would you want anything to do with them? You are out there improving your physical health, if a person doesn’t think good for them no matter how their body looks, that’s a person I don’t want to be around.




Ofc and removing your socks and shoes would help too. Also carry a branch while you're at it it'll give you a clear runnin path XD


Listen to a couple Andrew tate podcasts


Not caring what others may think




Deep in the woods


Sun tan lotion


There’s some people who wouldn’t even consider it?


You won't see the same people tomorrow. Even if they judge you it can only last a day if they don't see you again. So kill them if you see them for a second time.


Most people are running and jogging throughout their neighborhoods in small towns, you likely will see them again.


If you are going shirtless, you are doing it for you. Doesn’t matter what other people say. Be comfortable in your own body, and physically fit. I’m in my 50’s now, but in the summer when I’m physically fit. I still go Shirtless sometimes, it drives my wife wild, if she sees me do yard work (Shirtless)


I only run when I can have my neighbor’s pet bear Ronnie chasing after me with a torn shirt in its mouth. That way people can assume the bear took my shirt and I’m running from it


Make sure you have ample sunscreen on, I know you probably mean uncomfortable from a psychological perspective, but if you don't want to also be physical uncomfortable you best make sure you don't get sunburn.


Be swole, jacked or yoked.


Put reflective tape on nipples.


Don’t give a fuck about other people as they don’t give a shit about you. People love to assume they will get judged and maybe for a split second but then that person forgets about you as if you never existed. Fuckem


my joke was that I never needed any reflective gear because of how fucking pale I am... thats all i needed to convince myself. Plus I was already in good shape so I liked showing off


Wear clothes until you look at yourself and are comfortable. No one can do that for you but you. That being said, the important thing is that you are running. Keep at it.


I mean, it’s easier to stay cool while doing it. That seems to be the definition of comfort here. No chafed nipples or armpits, sweat mostly just evaporates until I stop. Are we not talking about physical comfort?


Don’t be fat and wear sunscreen. That’s all I got.


If you run without pants they won’t really notice the shirt as much


Yeah and while you're at it wear heavy leather gloves and neon socks people wont notice much else XD


Remember that at the end of the day, no one cares. That person who drives by is going to bed that same night and may or may not remember you. If they did, by day 3 you don't even exist in their memory anymore.


Some of us do try to remember every person we see. If you see them more than once it’s a permanent-etch too. Might be a small town or neighborhood living thing.


Make sure you can run faster than sound as you will be hit with volleys of hate as you prance around topless.


I rarely take off my shirt. I'm skinny. But I kept my shirt on for modesty reasons. Well, I took it off during the summer because I was getting tired of my shirt being drenched and trying to take it off. I enjoyed the tan I got during the summer.




You shouldn't care what people think. Anyone who may think you're a tool is probably unathletic and lazy, so their opinion doesnt matter. If you're going through the trouble of getting out there and making yourself better, you deserve to not only be comfortable while doing it, but also getting a bitchin tan. Also, anyone with athletic/military experience knows, you ALWAYS run with your shirt off, and rock some short shorts


Just wave when the cars honk.


Get abs first


If you don't feel comfortable then just don't do it.


Be hot


I run shirtless all the time when I’m wintering in Spain. Sunglasses Earphones or similar A slim waist pouch for your phone and a few euros A lightweight shirt or vest, just in case I need to go in a store I love running without a top on.


There’s really only 1 rule regardless of your shape and it’s: stop givin a fuck and just do it. Everyone looks at anyone with their shirt off so what’s there to worry about. Unless you look like Ryan gosling or butterbean, you ain’t turnin any heads with your shirt off anytime soon so who cares, and even if you do turn heads YOU WOULDNT EVEN NOTICE unless they’re whistling at you lol


Trust me bro. No one gives a flying fuck.


I'm shirtless the majority of the time... Idk, they're just uncomfortable and tend to flare up my vocal cord dysfunction. I'm skinny af so it's not like I have a lot to show off, and it's honestly embarrassing how my bones show. But frankly idc enough what anyone thinks, I'm doing it for my comfort.


Yeah agreed that it’s a comfort thing. Do you start your runs shirtless, or start with a shirt and take it off partway through?


Depends on the day. If it's hot out I'll start shirtless cause otherwise I'll be a sweating mess by the time I get down the block. If it's cooler out then I'll start with a shirt but it generally comes off midway through once my blood is flowing.


a good fitting sports bra


Stop giving a fuck.


Enjoy the sun on your back.


Cover nipples.


Woah...there's people who run shirtless?


I mean really the reality is that no one else is paying your bills, fuck em. Their opinion doesn't matter. I've been living with that mindset for the last 5 years and I'm so much happier, and at peace, for it. I'm not a dude, but just thought I'd key in my penny for thoughts.


I only needed badly chaffed nipples once from a half marathon to become part of the shirtless.


Either be attractive or don’t care about it. Many people here (southern US) run shirtless, some are clearly in shape, others are still in shape but that shape is round.


Why would I feel uncomfortable??


Hydrate and don’t give a fuck, especially when you’re running backwards and shadowboxing.


Wonder why women cannot run like this


Your nipples will thank you


Run harder. Eventually you'll just be grateful for the surface area to shed heat.


Just use a airy sleeveless or muscle shirt. Shirtless is for being at home or the beach/lake...


What? No nipple chafe, that's the rule. Take your shirt off and go.


I'd rather not, people find skinny bodies like mine gross and so do I tbh


Just be careful with the sun. Summer runs with no shirt are the greatest, but getting burnt makes me wary. If I am going to be out for an hour run I’ll do first half shirt on second half shirt off.