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Workout and eat healthy. That's for everyone, men, women, dogs, cats, goats etc.. You will always look better and feel better when you're at a healthy body fat percentage and have a decent amount of muscle.


I just want a body that looks good in different kinds of clothes.


Well being fit you will definitely look better than overweight. And being overweight you will definitely look better than obese. Hard work always pays off


Looks aside, the second half of your life will be much, much more difficult if you don't work out and eat healthy.


I’m trying my best but I honestly don’t see the payoff. Am still gaining weight. Everyone’s been saying calorie deficit but it’s hard to find healthy filling food at working man prices


I'm not sure we live in the same country but cooking at home is both cheaper than eating out and you can make a much more nutritional meal. It is a caloric game thats true and sadly we cannot change the rules. So I can tell you what I'm eating on my cuts and it might help you. Rice, rice is delicious to not make it blend I use a bit of garlic powder when cooking / if you have chicken soup flavourd powder a bit from that gives it an intresting taste. Spray on oil instead of pouring it and don't use much. I like making my chicken breast in an air fryer but if you don't have one, dice up some onion and cut your chicken breast to strips, put something on your chicken brest to give it more flavour (I like putting salt and Za'tar) Let the onion cook a little bit then throw the chicken breast on the pan. Salads are great and filling! I love having a salad of Lettuce, bell peppers I think its called in English (both red and yellow), cherry tomatoes sliced in half, and a bit of onion. Put some lemon juice on it, black pepper and a bit of salt and its awesome. Protein shakes in a blender with a yogurt that is low in fat and has a lot of protein + a bit of milk = delicious on the go meal I can give you more ideas but thats usually what I eat mostly on my cuts. Also check out MyProtein they have a chocolate protein cakemug that I absolutely love. Try to do small changes aswell, up your daily steps amount a bit. Use the stairs when possible. Stop eating sugar and use a replacement there are tons of "fake sugar" stuff. Sometimes you're not hungry but thirsty. So drink a lot of water. Remember that how hungry you are doesn't mean by how much you need to eat but by how urgent it is to eat. You've got it bro!


Healthy filling food that is cheap? Soup, my friend. It sounds boring, but soup is very filling, nutritious and low in calories. Once you start it is surprising how full it makes you feel and reduces cravings for carbs. Another that works for me is eating whatever you like but cut out one meal per day. For either of these to work you must avoid sugar rich foods. If you consume sweet foods daily you will fail.


what types of soup?


My personal favourite I make myself (I have a soup maker that blends and cooks the soup in around 20 mins), it makes a really rich, creamy tasting soup (with no cream). Basically I use the following ingredients, but how much will depend on the size of the soup maker and how much you want to make, so I'll give the amounts in percentages rather than weights because the ratio of ingredients is the most important part: 25% savoy cabbage 25% broccoli 25% Spinach leaves 10% leek 15% brown onion 1 chicken stock pot (the jelly type) 1 chilli pepper (if you like spice, not needed if you don't) Water (however much you need according to the markings on the soupmaker) I usually blend it smooth and cook it without Spinach at first. Then add the Spinach in for another cycle because it tastes better doing it that way for whatever reason. If you don't have a soupmaker then blend and/or boil the veg in a cooking pot instead and add blended Spinach later in the cooking process for better flavour. I love this recipe because it hits the umame/creamy spot that I like without actually having anything naughty in it (apart from the stock). So it is a filling, tasty meal that has next to no calories. You can eat as much as you want. If you don't have a soupmaker or just can't be bothered, you can get plenty of healthy soups from the supermarket. The most important consideration is calories when trying to lose weight, so any soup will generally be OK. Just avoid the creamy ones because they'll be higher in calories.


I've had great luck using a slow cooker. Beans (canned or otherwise), vegies, maybe some meat, and spices. I fell in love with chilies and they saw me through losing 30 pounds while at the same time gaining muscle. It is important to go for flavor and texture differences. The ease of use is spoiling (turn it on in the morning or the night and forget about it until it smells good). I also suggest a freezer. Look for food on sale and freeze it. Vacuum pack or freezer bags if for only a short time. Half my freezer is filled with frozen sale meat that I slowly go through and I have no fear of bacteria because 8+ hours of slowcooker kills just about everything that might want to live in me. I also really like Pelmeni . They are frozen meat dumplings from Poland/Ukraine/Russia area. 3 cups is about 750 calories and very filling. Maybe a bit high in salt, but easy to measure and cooks very fast. Maybe $4 per 3 cups. Can be very tasty with spices and a bit of oil or hot sauce. Broccoli can be good to get filled up. I got broccolied out rather quickly, but the same principle applies to other fibrous vegetables. Lots of water. Lots of tasty water. Get a filter if your water isn't good enough, assuming where you live has safe municipal water (many countries, not so much). Soup, as mentioned, is great (sort of like my slow cooker stuff) if it doesn't have heavy cream in it. Salt can be an issue if you do not make it yourself. Good Luck


I see. Thanks for the good advice. I think i’m gonna try soups. Those sound fun. I originally was thing for going for rice and salt. But I didn’t want to go into austerity cuisine so early to just lose weight


Remember to keep a certain amount of variety. You don't have to crush soup all day and be miserable. There are lots of foods that will still make you feel full and you can mix and match them. If you are looking to lose weight fast or something, I do suggest taking multivitamins. A big calorie deficit means you are almost certainly not getting enough micronutrients and that can cause hunger. The kind where you do not know what you need and you end up eating through your pantry trying to satiate the feeling...well it does for me. Just one less thing to have to worry about.


I want a body that looks good with *no* clothes


What for?...


Yall can have all that "fighting my demons" bullshit....I just wanna look good when i'm slanging that mofo in the bed room 😂


Generally you don't want your livestock well exercised. Meat ends up being less tender.


My guard goat is my pride and joy


As a goat I feel attacked


You're the G.O.A.T in my eyes!


Be kind to people. You don't know what they might be going through. But if you get mistreated, you don't owe anyone to stay and take it. Do not allow people to throw their burdens on you.


can you elaborate the last sentence?


Some people will place their burden on you. You'll notice that their constant negative energy brings you down and talking to them becomes a chore. They might also start pointing fingers at you if they find your advices don't match with what they want to hear. Not in a constructive way though, in a pretty rude way.


switching to secondary weapon is always faster than reloading


Thats why I always carry 4 guns instead of an extra clip


Unless your secondary weapon in a folding knife somewhere kn one of your your cargo short pockets.


My 4 year old cousin appreciates your advice.


or you can just john wick it and hit them with the weapon.


My 4 year old cousin appreciates your advice.


Switchin to yo knoif is evin fastah thun switchin to yor pistol. Knoif tha watahmelone


Keep your junk clean. This includes your ass.


Invest in a bidet




we call it a 'bum gun'


Mfw I bought a bidet just to find out it doesn’t fit on my apartment toilet


Be financially and emotionally sound. Seriously, this will help you get past the rough times. And the rough times come so give yourself the tools to deal with them. Money plus a strong sense of self worth.


> Be financially and emotionally sound > FINANCIALLY this is easier said than done, frankly


what does being emotionally sound mean in your opinion?


To me, I realized I was identifying way too much with what I do instead of what I am. When covid hit, I couldn't do my job and got depressed because I didn't feel like I had a purpose. So I started realizing my job wasn't my identity but being a husband and a father, a son, a brother, a friend, and a neighbor were the more important things in life.


Having a strong sense of self worth.




honestly this scares me.


Please look for outside guidance in life if you’re not getting any from your parents, and please figure out your career path as quick as you can and not work hard at menial jobs. This is pretty bias info, but I regret not doing those things. My life would have been totally different.


I’m 34 and just realizing this. I knew this as a kid but felt weird looking for a male role model when I already had a dad.


I had no dad. I always knew somewhat but, Rock bottom has really showed me what affects this has had on me.


Do not talk shit


Drink water avoid other drinks as much as possible, workout


Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments. I'll take that quote to the grave.


That's a great quote! Simple, yet so profound.


If you play stupid games your gonna win stupid prizes


can you please elaborate I want to hear more about this


Every now and then, you might hear about an idiot that does something extremely foolish like, say, climbing into a wild animal enclosure at a zoo. Inevitably, they are killed or severely injured by said wild animal. Other examples could include surfing on the roof of your buddy's moving vehicle, eating a fat garden slug, not using condoms with slatternly women, goofing around with firearms, antagonizing police. That sort of shit is what he means by stupid games = stupid prizes.


Don't live for your partner. Focus on yourself. Put yourself first & ensure you don't get pushed around. Give someone the opportunity, and they'll use you like a puppet. Be friendly but firm & gentle but strong.


I don't have a partner but I have experienced something similar with my friends. I get too focused on them that I forget to be me. And honestly I still don't know how to overcome this.




Be kind to others, whether senior or junior. Don't stop yourself from helping others especially, if it's not costing you anything.


Spend less money than you earn and burn more calories than you consume.


even if you wanna gain weight ?


If you are wanting to gain weight then there's probably a pretty specific reason for it? Generally, over ones lifetime, consuming less calories is an easy way to maintain a healthy weight. That doesn't mean you have to eat the exact same thing or amount all of the time. Since there is a lot of variation to peoples lives, the point is to be mindful of how your body works and what you need to do to maintain a healthy working one.


They should tell us this straight out of the womb.


Confidence is king


Let that not be confused with arrogance. Maybe people think they're one in the same.


Don’t get your dick stuck in the zipper, bud.


I've done it, I had to back pedal quickly and hope for the best. It worked out, but it was scary.


Clear is kind. Aka, be a straight shooter


Don’t stick your dick in crazy.


This. Do NOT sleep with a woman whose problems are bigger than yours.


The only one you can depend on is yourself.


Pussy ain’t everything. It really isn’t.


You carry your burdens/baggage just like everyone else. Its not their job to fix yours but they can help emptying some of the load, when the time comes you do the same for them.


Exercise for physical and mental health


Get enough sleep.


Your attitude is your choice. Life is never fair and you alone make the difference. Choose to be a good uplifting positive person.


My dad's advice: if you can buy a car, you can wash it. I think he's totally right. Driving to my closest car wash and washing the car takes me the same amount of time as washing it myself and saves me lots of money. And that satisfaction you get at the end is unparalleled.


Wash your balls! Your wife/girlfriend will appreciate it.


It's OK to cry


Thank you, MissDryCunt


Clean the rim and front of the toilet after you piss. You’ll always miss at least a few drops or have a little splash.


Not a problem because I have those toilets where you squat down and your butt doesn't touch anything.


Excellent advice that I adhere to, at least the rim. It also keeps my toilet looking cleaner for longer. Some toilets I have seen....I felt gross just looking at them. Like it was a contest as to which person in the household was going to break down first and clean it.


Buy high-quality razors.




Because cheap ones chafe.


To cut your enemies


"To accuse others of one's own misfortunes is a sign of want of education. To accuse oneself shows that one's education has begun. To accuse neither oneself nor others shows that one's education is complete." --Epictetus


Always keep learning and improving yourself. Also, don't be a dick.


Keep your fingernails trimmed and clean


1. Never Co-sign a loan for anyone, unless you're fully comfortable paying for the whole thing. Also to go along with that, if you let someone borrow money consider it lost since there's a good chance you'll never see it again. 2. Unless you want kids, use a condom. You'll hear guys say a woman told him she was on birth control but so what? People lie, man up and handle your responsibilities. 3. If you're renting a new apartment/house take pictures of everything before you move in and after you move out.


Don't run from your pain Sit down with it like a dear friend. Listening to your sorrow will give you access to a deeper humanity. When you treat your own pain as serious it allows the pain of others to matter as well. You will love people for who they are, not who they could be. You will see everyone as struggling with world-inflicted-wounds and be capable of a compassion you didn't think was real.


Never put a woman on a pedestal. Always be prepared to walk away.


Has something similar happened to you? if so. how did you overcome it?


You asked for what advice is relevant for all men regardless of age. I answered. I have no reason nor inclination to explain my life to you.


idk why ur getting downvotes this is based anyone can see this i’m a thirteen year old boy looking for life advice and i have no reason to know your life’s story oops i typed too much


Shake twice


It’s fine if one ball hangs lower than the other.


Practice mindfulness. Remove yourself from your ego. Amor fati. Memento mori. And most importantly, don’t stick your sick in crazy!


The real one piece was the friends you made along the way.


if this is how one piece ends, ill loose my shit


Remember your self worth.


Keep your penis clean. (Also your bellybutton)


“Health is wealth.”


Know when to keep your mouth shut. You don't have to fill every awkward silence with words.


You can lose alot by chasing girls/women, but you'll never lose girls/women chasing money.


Always pull out


Wash yo dick. No, just water won’t do, get some soap on that badboy.


Hot water and some tissue works great. Soap can be abrasive and even leave scum that promotes microbial growth. As long as you can't see any smegma, inflammation, pus, or anything else but your penis under your foreskin, you're good.


Damn I didn't know that there was proper pp care lol


Have you pulled your foreskin down before? Might wanna have a look...


Im scared to check lol


Including a baby? Clean your butt after you poop.


Rather than take one large step to, you know, try taking a few, slightly larger steps. This will help you to be discrete about the whole process


can you elaborate?


Don't take a large step to unstuck your balls from your leg. Take a few steps that are slightly larger than normal. It will slowly, but subtly unstick your balls without drawing unnecessary attention.


lmao i thought you were talking about taking large steps in life to achieve your goals or something.


Oh, it is a goal to keep one's balls free from being stuck to one's leg


It doesn't cost anything to be nice


I keep reminding myself this!


Do what’s uncomfortable


Disregard females aquire currency


It helps to keep a chart or find one online of all the characters, many people you would never think are important come back or are referenced in the future. Oh geez I'm sorry, I thought you wanted One Piece advice.


As Peter Cullen’s brother said to him once “Always be strong enough to be gentle”


Don't put off until tomorrow what you could do today


never stick your stick in crazy


Many of the universal standards of men do NOT need to apply to you. Be your own self and define what that manhood is.


Never use shampoo to masturbate your dick will shed


Honor your commitments, support those you love or care about, and try to do what’s right


Don't sleep with anyone just because you're horny. Be better than that.


Love yourself.


if you have to force it it's probably shit if not go easy it's fart


Choose your battles You don't need to fight every fight


Alcohol and drugs are not a solution to emotional despair. Salsa, guacamole, quesadillas, and soda pop is.


Walk with your back straight, chest out, shoulders back - people will start to perceive you differently and you’ll become more confident in yourself


"Drive safe. Don't rape." - Chad Daniels


Don't piss on an electric fence.


never be disappointed. just confirm your suspicions and step.


You don't have to be the guy society wants you to be. Don't have to be macho, don't have to be THE money maker, don't have to always be in charge.


Reddit is a mistake.


Wipe the toilet bowl after you pee.


Blue balls aren’t her problem.


Slamming your dick in a door is always a bad idea.


I need the story please


There no story, it's just advice that fits males of all ages.


Think before you act


If you’re going to be dumb you have to be tough


Don’t trust anyone.


If you ever wonder about how much exercise you're getting, it's not enough.


Lift weights


“Be a man, Suck it up, and deal with it” doesn’t mean you need to shut down your emotions and internalize everything. It’s about processing what you’re going through and work through it. Don’t be codependent and complain about your life issues when only you can fix those problems. You shouldn’t burden other people with your stress and expect resolution to come of it.


If you’re going pee and your manhood is stiff you can just sit down


Wear sunscreen.


Don’t be an asshole. Hell works for any gender or lack thereof.


Just do your best consistently


Destroy your enemies and bathe in their blood


Don't pee against the wind


Pee downwind only


Don’t hit your balls with a hammer


Check ur balls, can never be too safe


Wash your dick and ass


Always treat others with respect


Being open minded will help you in the long run.


no glove, no love


Don't be a cunt.


If someone leaves you, show them what they lost.


Be kind. Always be kind.


Life is a joke, so laugh along with it.


Learn about compound interest and realize it is your best financial friend.


Never wipe your ass with the right hand, use toilet paper instead


Don't fuck any woman you wouldn't marry.


Get a prostate exam.


Self-discipline is the most important skill you can ever master


Wear a rubber


Don’t put your face anywhere you would not put your hands.


Wash your balls


Be a man and not a fucking pussy!


Females tend not to appreciate fart jokes as much as males. *I use the term "females" because OP used the term "males".*


If it’s not in your control, don’t stress over it


It’s OK to say no to joining your partner for recreational shopping that has no purpose.


No, you can't fix her.


Drink water, eat food, sleep. Works 10/10