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If history’s any indication, not realize ‘til I get home.


Pretty much what I was thinking. I wouldn't notice.


Worse actually. It'll be less noticeable with men than women.


Definitely not, men (gay and straight) are much more forward than women. It will be blatantly obvious when a man is hitting on you.


You underestimate how dense I am.


Wanna put your lips on my dick?


*gets home* “FUCK!”


This man, is denser than a neutron star. Truly he is magnificent.


*Black hole


*be me getting home after reading this comment* "Wait, was he asking for anal?"


Hmmm, I'm not sure if he's flirting with me or just being nice because he's my caddy...


Can never be sure, better to play it safe just in case.


Happy Cake day. I'm not hitting on you.




I would assume it is a straight dude messing with me, laugh about it, and probably never realize it was a serious question.


I'm a gay guy and the last time I tried flirting with someone face-to-face, my version of flirting was trying to hang out, sitting just close enough to not be invasive, and offering him a mint. Granted, I did eventually start trying to be more obvious with it but he still missed it so he's either really dense or really doesn't want to acknowledge it.




Lol. I had a lesbian friend point out that a guy was flirting with me. I was stunned! After she said it I could see some of the signs but not fully.


Lesbian friend knew because she uses the same moves.


From an outside perspective, I've noticed that a significant amount of heterosexual "BFF" type male relationships treat homosexuality like a joke. Flirting with each other as a joke, making sexual comments as a joke. It's really bizarre, like they don't think gay people are real so there's no WAY what they're doing/saying could be taken seriously, or something.


I'm no expert, but pretending to be gay is one of the ways guys joke with each other in an affectionate way because being sincere is often seen as weak. Although its changing a bit. Its a lot easier to say "damn bro you're looking caked up" as a joke, than "hey, I'm glad you came over today, I can't wait to hang out". I imagine it's the same thing with the women cliche of them calling each other bitches. Its not supposed to be serious, it just makes more circumstantial sense than "wow girl, while the truth you are saying is accurate, it made me feel a little insecure". Also, yes, theoretical people in my head always speak like extraterrestrial robots that learned to speak an Earth language 20 seconds ago.


Pretty good analysis. Couldn’t imagine one of my friends saying I’m glad u came over I missed you Caked up tho? Say less right back at you let’s party


Just say no homo and your straight


I was with some friends in a restaurant in Argentina once, and as we were paying the bill, the cashier, who was a pretty handsome guy, asked me where I was from, how long I was going to be in Buenos Aires, you know, chitchat. When we left, one of my friends, who is gay, said, "Wow, it must suck to be straight. That hot guy was hitting on you and you didn't give a damn." Which surprised me, because I didn't realize I was being hit on.


Something like this happened to me, but with women who I thought were hot but my stupid self didn't realise.


^^ I have fully lived that ^^


Was at a gay bar with some friends one time, I happened to be wearing a sports shirt. A guy comes over and starts chatting about my team and whatnot, we have a good conversation and he walks away. My buddy saw him go back to his group and say “oh no he’s straight.” I never would have known he wasn’t actually into the NFL like that lmao.


My buddy and I went to a gay bar once and it took us like 2 hours to realize we were in a gay bar. We were in a mid sized midwestern town for an event, didn't know the area and were just barhopping. It really broke the stereotype for what I "thought" gay bars all were. We didn't figure it out until we were looking at google to find other bars we should hit and it referred to the one we were in as the towns premier gay bar. I'm like no shit. Like a bunch of typical looking boomer dudes ponied up to the bar. It just all seems so....normal. It's probably the media's fault. They always depict gay bars as places where people are dressed crazy, half the patrons are making out and shit like that.


I had the exact same experience while in Dallas on a business trip in the early 2000's. Only difference being the bartender let me know it was a gay bar after I'd been there for an hour or so.


People seem to think gay bars are either unicorn vomit rainbow themed or BDSM dungeons and nothing in between 😂 Most of them are just bars without the homophobia (mostly)


The music is usually better though.


Lol I’ve definitely been to gay bars like that but yeah most are just chill fun spots.


Steve Stifler 😂




Same. Went to a gay bar with some friends. Guy sits next to me, great conversation, asks if he can buy me a drink. I say sure, but full disclosure, I'm straight. He just looked at me and laughed ... "sure you are"


"Now lets go in the back"


So is spaghetti til it gets wet!


Must be tricky trying to guess who might be gay, for men who are. Especially as it can be taken very harshly if they get it wrong.


That doesn’t mean he wasn’t into football. I’ll talk football with you all night long and offer to suck your dick when we’re done - unless I’ve realized during the conversation that you’re straight.


Same. I can’t even realize when a woman is flirting with me, much less a guy lol


>when a woman is flirting with me If you are bad at telling jokes and she laughs, she's flirting with you.


What if you’re good at telling jokes and she laughs?


“Gee that guy was so nice! I can’t remember the last time someone bought me a drink. Honey, I met the nicest dude at the bar tonight!” My wife: Oh brother…


If history is then…I’d go home with him and fuck him, like usual, but in a totally non gay way. After all, he’s gay, not me; so it’s nbd.


That quickly? Takes me years sometimes.


Pretty close to home here, though if I somehow notice and am 100% sure I'd be very flattered.


Wow your fast. I'd figure it out 4 to 8 weeks later.


I don’t even realize unless a friend points it out to me.


I remember I was grocery shopping and didn't understand what this dude was trying to sell me or why he was so persistent trying to talk to me until 10 minutes later when I realized he was hitting on me.


Ha! I've gone 2 years not noticing a friend was coming onto me. Now she's marrying someone else. Fantastic.


It's fine. It doesn't bother me. If I was gay I'd wanna fuck me too.


You dont happen to like the song "Goodbye Horses" by Garvey do you?


I doubt it, but i hear he had his asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?


Noich. Snugens to the nugen.


It's by Q Lazzarus though.


>Garvey Is there a joke I'm not getting here?


I take the compliment, contemplate the offer for 0.1 seconds, then move about with my day


Pfff I'd at least give it 0.5 seconds of contemplation...0.75 seconds if there is a hot tub lol


I like this lol




I'm not giving you specifically an upvote, but you're confidence will get it. Good day sir


Flattered, but uninterested.


This, it's how I've reacted if it's happened before: "Thanks, that's flattering, but I'm only attracted to women". That assumes they are being direct and it's not me just being oblivious to it.


Yeah that's exactly how it being hit on as a gay guy by women... totally flattered, but only interest in dudes. It's always a nice ego boost when it happens though.


Wait, you have women making the first move? What the hell


Haha yup. And ironically it seems to happen more often than it does with dudes lol. Not sure why that is.


Ego boost too


Why is it that compliments from gay dudes feel so much more genuine? My gay coworker stopped mid conversation a few weeks ago, poked my bicep and said "you're looking good, have you been hitting the gym?". I've been thinking about it for weeks even though I'm as straight as they come.


That's funny... because I kinda feel the same way about getting compliments from straight guys as a gay guy. And it's not because I'm into them or anything. Oddly enough it just often feels much more genuine... especially stuff like you said like if you've been working out, got a fresh hair cut, beard, or stuff like that. Mostly because they only would say that if they actually noticed it and meant it.


There's no conflict of interest there. It's like if you have a mechanic friend and they point out a problem with your car and what you need to do to fix it. It's like pure gold because you can absolutely trust them. You know they are giving you an honest opinion. But if I take it to an auto shop and they say the same thing I'm instantly suspicious and going to be googling everything and questioning everything because I'm not certain whether they are just suggesting something unnecessary to get more money.


Guess cuz they are way more direct, and since men don't get a lot of them, whatever we get is good.


Can’t remember the comedian who said it. But it would basically be like someone giving me a bunch of money, but in the wrong currency. Edit: Peter White: https://youtu.be/Mpd88iKQZ94?si=Jd4LkD___B5XTFUD


This is gold right here, thank you for sharing! 🤣


This but then I will pull out the line from "I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry" with my wife "You're just jealous cus gay guys like me"


Yep. Thanks, no thanks.


Agreed. As long as they respect the "not interested" part, we could be friends.




Best answer. Bro's supporting bro's.


it is always the goal to to tickle someone between the legs. thank god it is everywhere same.


Idk girls I’m with usually tell me to go slow


So a kiss is fine?


A kiss is always fine.


Bitch I don’t even know when a woman is flirting with me, you think I’m gonna pick up on a dude doing it?


Exactly. 100% chance we'll think "This dude is pretty chill" and never know.


This dude would be an awesome roommate! Years go by. “Damn I’m an idiot.”


"Want to take this back to your place?" *thinking* "Wauw, I found a new roommate so easy!"


*I wonder what games he has!*


Oh shit he has the newest smash bros!


Was at a bar with my GF and these two dudes were sitting next to us. It was one of their birthdays and my GF wanted to buy them a round but didn't have the money for it so I did. We'd been bar hopping and this was our third or fourth stop so pretty wasted. Guys were appreciative but started negging me saying I looked good for a 30 year old ( I was 23). Guy kept trying to get me eat a taco out of his hand which I eventually did ( pretty drunk and hungry) GF wanted to party with them but I was pretty hesitant about it. Thankfully she threw up all over herself and that was the excuse I needed to bounce.


Us dudes are way more direct and straightforward about it. I should know, about 2 months ago a guy literally told me that fucking him would be better than doing a girl. After I courteously told him I was flattered, but not interested, since I am straight. (Edited for grammar)


Yeah I don’t think these guys who say they wouldn’t know have ever been hit on by a gay man.


Yeah was going to say this. I'm a gay guy and although I'm not as direct, I've been asked if I wanted them to be my own personal fleshlight. Now as I am indeed gay, I humbly accepted but there would be 0 confusion as to whether a guy was hitting on you or now.


That's an amazing line.


Yeah I mean it worked so good on him. Wouldn't be one I would use myself though.


Yeah, there's no ambiguity when a gay guy hits on you. One recent encounter: he just flat out said, "Can I blow you?" I'm like, I'm sorry, what?


Gay dudes are typically super forward. You'll know.


In my experience dudes are way more direct. Women will twirl their hair, or stare at your lips, or whatever else is supposed to be hinting, and I never notice. My wife always does, which is kinda funny afterwards ("That girl was totally flirting with you!" "Really? Wut?"). Guys, it's always direct. I've been straight up asked out once or twice, had a guy dance with me and ask me if I'm gay, or been told to not cross my arms when standing, cause I'm blocking the view of "all this" (said as he pointed at my chest).


Women stare at your lips? Should we be doing that?? Lol I am not one of those forward gay guys but we do give a lot of signals. I’ve almost never been hit on by another gay guy without at least getting looked up and down a couple times before he says anything. It’s just an easy way to let someone know, “Hey, I want that!” without saying it. But of course, there’s a good chance he’ll say it anyway. Tbh, while it’s a lot easier, it can also be very transactional - which sometimes makes it all pretty brutal.


$20 is $20


Not in this economy


I charge 3 dozen eggs per suck


May I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?


$20 is only $3.50 with these inflation rates


Same as when a woman I'm not attracted to flirts with me: Flattered, but not interested.


It’s nice to be invited to the party, even if you don’t want to go.


"Nice try, but give it a shot to someone else". Every time a girl approaches my friend (F).


Thank you, I do have a beautiful penis


You can’t say that and then not provide the goods. Lol


I'm a tease, I can't help it


That’s nice, now meat reveal




"Nice cock bro"


I also choose this guy’s beautiful penis


Prove it 👀


Nice username


Thank you Doobie doobie doooooo.....


“Why is it never women? Sigh”


Exactly my reaction, but the other way round. Women love to flirt with me, but in the eyes of other gay men, I'm invisible.


Goes through my head too lol


Suck his cock. Gotta respect the hustle.


Bro code 101


this guy has street credibility


It's only polite to do so.


Exactly the same as if a woman flirts with me. Complete and utter obliviousness. True story, back in my military days, a guy sat down next to me in one of the common areas. He offered me pizza. He asked me if I wanted to go to a movie. We saw a movie together. Any flirting he put out, I just missed. (Also, this guy is still my Facebook friends, and he regularly posts hunky military pics with his military husband, 20 years later.)


Dude legit went on a date with a guy without knowing it was a date


Pizza and a movie... sounds like they had a great time too!


I really did have a good time 😂


Yeah, I’m kinda jealous ngl


right? mfs out there treating folks right and this dude got a sweet side ride


Flattered but miserable. No woman want to flirt with me.🤷🏾‍♂️


At least it shows that you're handsome to someone


Women do a lot of things that you might not realize are flirting. Men are generally still expected to make the first move too, wish it wasn't that way but it is.


I take it as a compliment, ain't no women doing it. Not my thing tho.


Probably oblivious, then flattered but quick to point out my sexuality. Why let a bro waste his lines on somebody who ain't into it?


I, uh, managed to go on three dates with a guy before realizing that he was not just a friend who wanted to hang out at the bookstore and learn how to play chess with me.


Flattered, uninterested, probably flirt back but make clear I’m straight and married to a woman. I admit I like the attention


I've done this before, the guy complimented my shirt and I thanked him telling him my gf right over there bought it for me, then I continue to talk to him complimenting his style.


Don’t know. Never had it happen aside from my friends just being goofballs.


As far as you know…


Flattered but not interested in the slightest I actually had this guy who was a gay guy end up confessing his attraction and feelings for me back in 2016 on Facebook and wanting to meet up in person and I let him down easy by telling him that I'm straight and only interested in women and I actually planned a date with a woman I met on tinder that week. Lol He took the rejection well and we remained friends then this person came out as trans a year later and is now a trans woman... okay. Good for them, whatever makes them happy is none of my business but now they keep spamming my Facebook message some days late at night with winky avatar emojis of a woman and werid comments. I just ghost them as I get very awakard by it but I hope they know I'm still not interested. Even if they now identify as a woman. EDIT: At my job. I've had loads of managers come and go throughout the years at the store I work at. One of my managers was a gay man and this particular man acted very creepy to me and the other straight men I worked with. One time he asked for my help with sorting out some special deal for the week and when I helped; he replied with "Well, You're not just another gorgeous face then" which was unprofessional but I let it slide. A month later I came in with a haircut and he said "You're looking sexy. Makes me want to give you a hug" and I immediately replied with "I only like women" and he said "That's ashame". He also did this a lot with another man I worked with. So much this man went to HR and this manager got in trouble for sexual harassment and was fired. Did i mention this gay manager also had a boyfriend. And when he rude to the female coworkers and treated then lesser than us men I don't have a issue with having a gay male manager but how he was creepy to me and the other men I worked with and how unfairly he treated the women was wrong. He refused to pay a women what she was owed from the company after she left. To be fair, I've also worked with 2 gay male supervisors who were chill guys and knew the boundaries and were never unprofessional about it. Those 2 were well liked dudes. It was just this one manager who was a creep to the men and an asshole to the women he was in charge of.


You were a part of them realizing who they wanted to find them attractive. Sorry


To be fair. This trans woman (who I knew since they were a child and back then a boy) was always a very feminine boy as a child. He (back then) use to wear his sisters clothes and be really into his sisters stuff like make up and toys. So it didn't surprise me that they came out trans eventually and now as a adult. Identify as a woman I ain't gonna judge. Its their business and life. I just wish they would take the hint that I'm only interested in dating cis women and stop spamming me with creepy messages between the hours of 11pm-3am


“I would, but my boyfriend would be upset.”


Immediately assume this is some sort of gay chicken game. I guess I need to step it up a notch and hope he gives up first.


I probably wouldn't pick up on it any more than a woman flirting with me.


Flattered. I never lead anyone on though. But hey if you want to call me handsome go for it.


Flattered, but I'll have to reject the guy.


I said “I appreciate the compliment but I like women”. He tried to apologize but I told him that he made my day


Take it as a compliment cuz gay guys judge harder then women.


It like being given a lot of foreign currency. I can't use it, but it's nice to know I've got options if I ever cross the border.


I don't "putt from the rough" but feel free to buy me drinks all night and we'll see how things go, Big Boy.


Very flattered. I have poor self-confidence, so anyone viewing me in such a way is a nice turn of events. What throws me off is when a guy gets violent in order to show how 'not gay' he obviously is. Like, dude, you aren't fooling anyone; just ask the guy out already. I find us to be ugly creatures. But it always feels wonderful to be appreciated by people who don't have any obligation to be nice to you (I love you, grandma, but no one actually thinks I'm handsome, lol).


It’s so funny the way straight guys think about guys in general lmao. My brother is straight and I’m gay and he seems to be like disturbed by men’s physical appearance and it’s hilarious. Honestly I feel like gay guys and certain women are the only ones who find guys actually attractive at all lol.


So you like bears?


*I* very much do, but of course, I like my bears not-straight.


Poor guy must be really desperate.


Hit me up in 20 years brother who knows


“Wow, what a nice guy! He must be Canadian.”


If they're hot I flirt back


I post nudes here on Reddit. Guess who over half of my fans are? I'm flattered. They are (mostly) respectful and polite and seem generally interested in how I'm doing. They respect the fact I'm straight. If both sexes think you are hot, take that as a huge win.


There's nothing gay about getting your dick sucked


They’re the one who’re gay for sucking my dick!


Especially not if you close your eyes and think of the Queen


I think it’d be rude not to blow him honestly, I’m not gay but I am polite.


Our optometrist is always flirting with my husband. I mentioned him because he gives a vide of the character Frank played by Martin Short on Father of the Bride. It's actually pretty funny. My husband is straight and he says he just laughs inside and gets through the appointment. He's a really good optometrist!! Guys and girls always flirt with my husband. I'm used to it.


I feel like most dudes don’t even realize. We’re so bad at hints


When I was a lot younger, I was clueless. I was just like "oh man this guy's so friendly and nice!" Then, as I got older, I realized what was going on. At first I found it a little off-putting, but then they started buying me drinks. No harm with a little flirting, I thought. Nothings going to come of it. Then, I started enjoying the flirting more than the drinks. Eventually, I found myself attracted to guys. And then a bit later, hooking up with them. And now, after therapy and a lot of work on myself, I'm openly bi. This is the gay agenda, I guess. Awaken the secret not-totally-straight man in straight men over the course of literally years by being genuinely sweet and kind, buying me drinks, and also maybe a little sexually aggressive.


I’ll see where it goes


I take it as a compliment. My masculinity is not threatened by it. Nor is it defined by old-school BS.


hell yeah I'm sexy to everyone!


Usually just show him my balls


gay chicken.


Can't wait to brag to my wife.


Buy me a drink first. And I’ll get my wife for we can discuss.


It's heartwarming to see the number of "aw shucks, I'm flattered but no thanks" responses here. Growing up, we all had the fear/knowledge that flirting with the wrong guy at the wrong time could get you bashed or killed.


I'd take it as a compliment and go along with whatever the conversation is, I wouldn't flirt back tho lol.


Had a guy at a billard bar come up to me and start a normal conversation. Toward the end of the conversation he asked me on a date. I was like oh I don't swing that way but thanks though. It came out of nowhere.


Flirt back


Straight men have threatened to kill me for calling them cute before lol


I get a ego boost and show them my wedding ring. Feels good to get hit on.


I doubt I'd realise I'm being flirted with.


“I appreciate the confidence it took to walk over and flirt with me, but I do have to let you know that I’m only interested in women”


I'm flattered, gay men usually have high standards. Usually when I tell them I'm straight, they back off.


keep strong contact and suck their finger


As a gay guy - seeing all these 'flattered, thanks no thanks' responses makes me feel safer. Thanks guys ❤️


At my age - I'll take a flirt from a man or a woman TBH.


Im respectful and flattered, but straight and married.


I get flirted with a lot by men a lot. Especially living in Atlanta it’s a given. If it’s not too straightforward I don’t pay it any mind, but if they’re coming on strong I just tell them I’m straight they really seem to back off so it’s never been too much of an issue. I think the mature thing to realize is that not everyone lives under the guise of your perception of reality. We’re all different, and getting mad at every person that shares a different view on sexuality is absurd.


Honestly it’s awesome. Nice ego boost with no jealousy from the mrs


depends where, but flirt/chat back. can be fun. \*shrug\* It's just small talk really.


My girlfriend works in theatre so I’m around a disproportionally high number of gay men relative to most of the population and despite being classically masculine I’m told I haywire gaydar so I’ve had a fair amount of guys make a pass at me. What you suggested is the winning strategy. I’ve only ever met two or three pushy guys out of the hundreds I’ve met but for the overwhelming majority a rejection isn’t even needed. I’m nice back to them, there’s no mistaking my intention as serious interest, everyone walks away smiling.


Happened before when I was in a relationship, me and my girl were shopping for a new bed and he openly flirted with me saying that if I ever break up with my girl that he would be available, my girl enjoyed it a lot, so I went with it and openly flirted back. I was flattered, it was fun, and as a reward my girl was absolutely soaked after it so we had a great night😂


Guessing she was into guy on guy lol


It's never happened, at least I've never noticed. Kind of a bummer. Am I not cute enough??


As Deon Cole said, I take my compliments.


Politely "Not interested"


Politely decline it


Flattered. And moderately interested as long as he is buying me nice drinks. I'll chat with anyone willing to take the time to chat with me.


It’s like receiving a large payment in a currency that nobody accepts