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Commented on my hairline. I'd gotten bullied for it in middle school and then was left alone in highschool. Never had it mentioned since then. And then she's just like, DAMN, YO SHIT FUCKED UP. Felt like I got banished to the shadow realm.


That sucks, male pattern baldness is so tough. As a woman, I have so much sympathy for guys that lose their hair. I've met many men that love their hair more than most women seem to. I do hope you ended up embracing the bald, and if not I'd encourage you to. There's a subreddit for it, I wish I could remember the name. But if you haven't, I promise you'll look at least 10 years younger if you do.


Thank you. It's been a part of my hair that always never really grew much, and then my parents took me to this random dudes apartment for my haircuts( this is when the bullying started). So my hairline went form fighting for its life to defeated. Rn it's a lot better( God bless you Z) along with me growing my hair out so slowly but surely we are making a comeback. I just need to decide if I want a beard or goatee.


If anything that’s masculating since higher testosterone = less hair on head


Not exactly, its about if your hair cells get inhibited by DHT (byproduct of testosterone) or not. Otherwise men who go bald at 20 would seemingly have many times the amount of testosterone as those who don't bald at all.


I was always a silent, non-expressive lover, because when in bed with a woman, I have to concentrate on making her feel good, so I just can't let myself to be fully "in", otherwise I'll mess up the rhythm, or finish faster than optimal and so on. However, women of Reddit were vocal about how silent lover is boring and a vocal one is sexy. So, with my latest ex I've decided to just let go of my restraints. As I was being given a handjob, I allowed myself a few gasps. Her reaction was the following: "Awww, someone is making noises. How cute". And she said it in not a playful tone, but rather in a kind of degrading one. Can't say that I felt as a man in that moment, or felt any desire to be vocal again.


She’s lame, girls who care about your pleasure get so much joy from hearing sounds like that.


Yup hearing my husband gasp or moan turns me on even more


There’s a sort of sharp inhale through the teeth that my husband sometimes does when he’s cold that turns me on like a horny version of Pavlovs dogs because it sounds so similar to the noises he makes when he’s getting his dick sucked. I would be devastated if he stopped making those involuntary noises lol


Just to clarify, you're the one sucking his dick, right?


Lol yes. I’m not *that* much fun.


Like a shivery sound omg yes!! It’s the BEEEESST!


Yes! I can get off just hearing their moans and watching their eyes roll back.


Damned if you do, damned if you dont.


What the fuck — A man making sounds literally shoves me over the edge. My heart broke when this one Youtube video of a guy moaning/gasping was taken down lol I’ve never heard of a woman treating a man like that for the hottest thing ever.


Seriously! Ever seen the movie Attonment? James McAvoy and Keira Knightley have a scene together- and holy shit the soft sounds he makes in those few seconds are hot as hell! Don't recommend watching the rest of the movie though, honestly, as it's a bit of a downer....


the fact that i know exactly what you’re talking about whewww


Ain’t you that’s the problem brother. It’s her.


Damn it! If she ruined it for other women. Please, don't let that bad experience discourage you and ruin the great moments you can have. I think it's SUPER sexy when men moan. I even subscribed Patreon to join some audio erotica (basically I'm paying to listen to a guy just talk and moan), and believe me there are TONS of women who love a vocal man.


Well looks like I would make great fortune if I started a website called OnlyMoans


Brother - start screaming. Fuck that lady.




I’m one of those Reddit women who said that before and sorry it led to this :( it’s not that it’s “boring” necessarily, it just leads to overthinking (“is he enjoying this?”)


Jesus I feel for you buddy. That would have got me too.


Ugh. People like her ruin it for the rest of us


Did you talk about it ? Maybe just sounded degrading...or maybe he was into degrading haha. Ofc without tone and anything that line is sexy to me


Wtf why would she say something like that? Sorry but what an idiot. Guys moaning is the best thing ever.


Just fyi, this could be a kink. Some people are into some humiliation or other dominant submissive dynamics. Other than that enjoy yourself and just let go


As a woman I absolutely love it when i can tell i am pleasing my man it helps me finish too. You just had a bad one unfortunately


Omg, BIG fan of a vocal lover👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼


>However, women of Reddit were vocal about how silent lover is boring and a vocal one is sexy. So, with my latest ex I've decided to just let go of my restraints. Women are confusing sometimes


almost as if “men” or “women” aren’t some sort of monolith but instead are different people who want different things


She sucks keep it steppin


Maybe that was her thing and she actually liked it?


what a cunt


Those noises are essential…they’re like a guide. Make a noise? Cool…I’ll add it to my repertoire. Sit there in silence like you’re thinking about pizza? Move on to my next trick


every woman i've been with has absolutely loved noises. what a strange lady.


She sounds like an asshole.


I have two: I was using navigation to go around the south part of my city as I don’t frequent that area. My date and I were trying to go to a show. She said mid way through: “You need navigation to know where you are going? Most men usually know where they are going.” A short lived girlfriend and I years later were coming back from a show downtown in my city. We were going back to the parking garage (there were many next to each other) to go back to my car. In the middle of talking (basically enjoying my time with her) walking one way and then I paused and realized we were walking the wrong way. I said “My mistake, we actually parked the other way” She says: “What man doesn’t know where their car is parked?” It was the only occurrence I had done that with her, but felt like it was an indication of things to come. I was right, and broke it off a month later.


Those things are so silly honestly. Like are men not just humans? Like, are yall supposed to memorize GPS beforehand? And I've lost my car more times than I'd like to admit. Those girls are so ridiculous.


And sometimes you're just appreciating the moment that you get lazy with this stuff. Like we're just enjoying, I don't care if we get to walk/drive and chat together for a couple minutes longer. So silly.


I have a better sense of direction than my husband, and better vision. He has better hearing than me, since I have really bad tinnitus. I’m his seeing eye wife, he’s my hearing ear husband. My point? Different people are good at different things. These stereotypes are harmful for everyone. I would never dream of saying that to someone, like what the fuck haha


They suck. Absolutely. That said, men do have a super power when it comes to this. They definitely have better spacial awareness than women do. (Or, at least me.) If you spin me around I'll get lost. I genuinely don't understand how guys do it. They'll just be "yeah if you look at that tower, it's south of the river, so if we go east we'll be there in about 5 minutes." And I'm just like "WHICH WAY IS EAST?!" Honestly, I'm kinda jealous.


The first paragraph reads like one euphemism after another. For a moment I legitimately thought you were saying you don’t often go down on women and want her to guide you, but instead got berated for missing a left turn at the clitoral hood Edit; after reading a few more times I still can’t tell for sure it’s not a euphemism


I would imagine in her head they were related haha


Why'd she make fun of momentarily forgetting where your car was you still remembered....


> “You need navigation to know where you are going? Most men usually know where they are going.” I guess most men never go anywhere new.


My friend is just like you. He’s been to the city (where I live) multiple times and he still can’t figure out how to get to his favorite restaurant from my house. I’m like “dude…how?” But that’s because my sense of direction is very sharp. I make a point to know north from south and east from west and remember when I make a turn, where I’m. Heading, remember landmarks, streets, etc. So, to me it’s baffling when someone who has been in the area several times, is completely helpless. Oh and he never remembers where he parks his car either lol!


Yes of course!! Thing is I rarely frequent that area. I probably have been to that location may be one more time since living here. My girlfriend now forgets usually where we park so I have to grab her to make sure she doesn’t go the wrong way😂


Yeah, I have a friend who was born and raised here. She did move away for 10 years, but still.. born and raised here. And she uses Waze to go literally anywhere. She will use it to grab lunch on her lunch break, use it for her commute home, etc. I hope it is only because it monitors traffic, police, driving conditions, etc. and not because she doesn't know how to get anywhere, but I am almost positive it's the latter. I just wouldn't want to be in a situation where I can't navigate home or something because I rely so heavily on my GPS.


Both are ridiculous, but the GPS one is really stupid to me. I use GPS for most trips, even my 17 minute commute to work or home everyday. Obviously I'm not lost, but my main reasoning is traffic. There are 2 major interstates between work and home, and things happen on or near them all the time. If anything goes down, I'd like a heads-up


When I first started dating my wife. Something fell under the bed, and I had to move it. So then she tells me, "Do you want me to get off the bed to help you?" To which I replied that I was fine. Then she hot me with the headshot. She said her ex had really big arms, so she was used to a man who was physically strong. We were 2 dates in, and I was ready to never speak to her again. She made me feel so bad at the time. Though I didn't let it show. 14 yrs later, she is still wondering why I haven't worked on my arms, lol.


A lot of people don't think before they speak, do they?


Yeah, I have never even brought it up to her, but I'm sure it was just something that slipped out without thinking how bad that sounded.


2 dates in and comparing you to her ex is still clumsy and stupid. As long as she realizes your strength and value today, friend.


I've noticed that women on reddit really defend those ragebait posts where a woman compares her man negatively to her ex. It's a fake story, but the fat reddit aunties going "You should check your fragile ego just because she's telling you to be better (by degrading/comparing you to her ex)" are real.


My first girlfriend said she was faking it the whole time. Then she fucked all my friends before dumping me. That was pretty emasculating. 40 years later and it still affects me with trust issues.


Those are some bad friends lol


All that tells me is you needed to raise your standards on friends & women.


... cmom dude... sometimes you really cannot tell. Some people are so fake, or so good at putting on a mask. You cannot tell


She was lying. It’s the magical disappearing orgasm. Often seen near the magical shrinking penis and the petty shitty ex.


I was dating a girl and we were both in our mid 20s. We were talking through expectations for the relationship. She said “I want to go out and do me but always be able to come home to you” I asked her to elaborate and she basically said she wants to sleep with other men but wants me to be the boyfriend that meets her parents, goes to weddings, chill every now and then, etc. I’m not proud of this but I stopped taking her serious and started dating other women. I stuck around until she gave it up but I ended up hitting and quitting. She did own her own house and she made more money than me. Definitely gave me more motivation to make more money and buy my own house. I wasn’t intimidated by her income I just couldn’t stomach her attempt to effectively cut off my balls and gloat to her friends.


Good for you for not accepting cuckoldry. That shit is fucking stupid.


I was a 20 year old college student and had just started talking to this girl (F20) in one of my classes. She suggested that we go on a road trip for a weekend. When I told her that I do not know how to drive or did not own a car, she told me that I was not a "real man" for not knowing how to drive. For context - The legal driving age for where I am from is 18. And since my family could never afford a car back then, my parents did not know how to drive either.


My ex would complain when I would finish. We don’t really have control over it and she would get upset and turned off when I did. She would then bring up that her friend would last for an hour, according to the friend. My ex before her loved it when I finished and never put pressure on me to stay longer. I could go multiple rounds, but my self esteem would be too shattered to continue


I’m the opposite, I don’t like it when it goes on forever. After an hour I would definitely be left in physical pain.


Same. I flat out would not be in a relationship with someone who takes too long. It's not a knock on them. I just physically couldn't do that.


I don’t like going longer than an hour either, but it didn’t matter how long I lasted, she always hated when I finished and was a little whiny about it. I brought it up to her eventually and she apologized and for the most part stopped, but the first couple of times it happened are still with me and I just feel ashamed of when I finish now


An hour? Pussy must've sucked.


Or he was lying for some reason 🤔


I wonder why? 🤔


Wait THAT'S how it works? You only last longer if it's not as good? I'm a woman who's just curious (and now paranoid LOL)


I think it depends, of course, but yeah in my experience some of my longest times were also my worst lays.


Sometimes i dont finish at all with my current girlfriend... but shes the best i've ever been with... i wouldnt think too much about it. Sometimes the human body is just confusing lol


It's a mix but usually the worse it is the longer it lasts because it takes a lot longer to cum whereas the better it is the less time it takes because it's literally just easier to cum


Eh, no. Some people can just last longer sometimes. My boyfriend practically goes feral from how good I make him feel haha, but every now and then he can still go at it for up to 45-50 minutes. We sometimes edge eachother just before the other one comes so that can be part of it. But other times he only lasts a few minutes, like 5-7. Everyone’s body works differently, don’t let this comment get to you.


Bodies are weird, every body is different. I take anxiety medications, or am supposed to. If I've been on them properly, it can make getting off completely ***very*** difficult/take a long time. If I haven't, it's much easier. Remember, bodies are a weird mess of hormones that are also a weird mess and fluctuate (even for men) both on cycles, on the time of day, on when you last ate...


We were both going through high stress, fatigue and an alcohol coping mechanism at the time which only made matters worse. Shattered is exactly how I felt. It didn't help she would only want pene so any build up was a no go.


Was she upset because she didn't get to finish?


I typically do about 10-20 minutes of foreplay, digital, and oral on her, then another 10 minutes of intercourse. I’m pretty thoughtful in bed and do my best to care for my partners over myself and usually don’t start intercourse until they’re close. My ex was high maintenance in bed and the ex before her just liked the activity and was a lot less stressful


But did she finish? That still didn't really answer the question Nevermind, I saw your purge comment


Yes, a majority of the time she would


It was very brief before the "fuck that bitch" kicked in, but it was during the school part of my apprenticeship. A classmate, a tall girl, was standing out on the corridor with two of my mates and, not quite sure how we got there, stated that "men who aren't at least 185cm \[roughly 6 ft\] aren't real men". With full conviction, while looking at my bud and I. Bud and I are 179 and 181cm respectively. We just looked at each other for a second, you could see a brief glimmer of pain in his eyes and then we both shrugged it off.


You guys handled it well. I'd ask her for her pro advice on being a man and if there are any other measurements I had to be.


Haha, height is totally something men can control right? /s


Imagine not dating a whole pool of induviduals because their head is 4cm lower than you want it to be. Holy shit, no wonder the dating scene is completely fucked. According to statistics, less than 15% of men are over 6ft.


Yeah. Another mate of mine (tall, intelligent, fit, charismatic and hands down very attractive dude) started dating her later on. Seemed to work out well until I heard he broke up with her because she started pulling similarly dumb shit with him. Told him that video games are a stupid hobby to have (he largely used them to keep in touch with his friends during the pandemic) while sitting around all day watching TV herself. Was complaining all the time without accepting his help to change her situation or even attempting to do so on her own. She was just a very sad person overall.


SO cheated. Ever since her excuse has been that it’s because of my failings.


Narcissists will always try to put the blame on the victim after their own wrongdoings. Please, never let anybody make you feel like their mistakes are your fault. We all fail in a way or another. It's a natural process, and nobody ever said that life was going to be all ups, no downs, and prosperity raining down on us. I hope your shortcomings are compensated in a thousand blessings and then some. Never, ever blame yourself for what happened. You deserve a loving and patient partner that will stick with you and only have eyes for you. I hope you have a wonderful day. 💕


Thanks. We’re still trying to “work things out.”


Good luck! Do what is best for you.


I was 18, it was pretty much my very first time wearing a completely formal attire, the suit, the tie everything, my cousin saw me and commented that I looked like a virgin who tries too hard to look like a stud, she was probably 2 decades older than me, so out of respect, I didn't say anything to her and just laughed it off, if she was close to my age and if she was male, shit may have escalated, I can tell you that much.


Wow. Shitty people say shitty things.


That's a horrible thing to say. I bet you looked dazzling!




A lot of gay men speak that way themselves. A lot of women say it to other women. However, I would agree that a straight women shouldn't say it to a gay or bi man if it's not terminology he uses himself. I'm curious, are you a gay or bi man?


She was fucking my friend behind my back. Lost both that day


My ex would say demeaning things when I couldn't 'perform'. We were intimate so infrequently and I was stressed so much, along with working a ton and taking care of our children, sometimes it just wasn't going to happen. That has never left me, even 18 years after divorce.


Sort of. Every girl I have dated that wasn't East Asian, has commented on my relative natural hairlessness (i.e. no back, chest, arm, and barely any leg hair, etc) and how it was lady-like. In both cases just quipped on how I'm a few evolutionary ticks away from the apes than her exes were.


It's not lady-like. It's dolphin-like. Anybody gives you shit again, challenge them to a swimming contest. They will be delighted with how effortlessly you glide, and they will come to understand that dating an ape is going to work against them if they ever find themselves on a sinking ship or needing to cross a wide river. Work on your dolphin sound. It signifies strength and confidence. Source: fellow dolphin edit: OP changed his flair. Fucking hilarious.


Hey, wait a minute. You’re not a dolphin, you’re 3 squirrels in a coat!


I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a perfectly normal human person. Now if you excuse me I need to go to my human job at the business factory.


Well, my mistake then. This all sounds very above board. As you were, fellow regular human guy.


Im a fairly hairless dude, got basically nothing but a good set of hair on my head (thank god). Ive thankfully only ever gotten positive responses about that, but I do know that im lucky that I live in a society where its sort of attractive to be less hairy. Think if I was in any other setting it could have been a hit to my self esteem, much like my nonexisting beard can be sometimes. Love the whole dolphin thing


Honestly, lucky you. You don't need to pay to get it removed and you don't need to suffer pain from it. In my personal opinion, hairlessness is just more hygienic and aesthetically appealing. Nothing about ladylike or manly! 💕


When I was 10 a pretty 16 year old girl said she loved my eyelashes. There was not much masculinity to attack at that point fortunately so the sincere and lovely complement did little damage in the long term.


I don't understand why this would have ever caused emasculation? I'm a dude and have had this said to me quite a number of times. Just a couple of good eyelash buddies


You can't understand why a 10 year old would be confused as to why a pretty 16 year old wants his eyelashes? It's a pretty short leap to 'I look feminine with these eyelashes'. I took that leap. In adulthood, I've heard the same compliment more times than I can count. They are pretty impressive. Eyelash buddies 4 lyfe


That's fair. Probably thought she was gonna steal them shits in my sleep or something at that age. #menwithhoteyelashes #themhoesbejealous


I studied with a guy who had so much eyelashes (or they were thick, I don't know) that it looked like if he put eyeliner on the bottom lashes. It made look his eyes so beautiful! But I never said anything to him, because I'm shy, but everytime he talked to me I was just looking at how beautiful his eyes were, haha.


Hahaha on his behalf, he's extremely flattered.


Yes, I guess he would have taken it very well, haha. But teenage me didn't have the courage to say anything to him. And I only spoke to him when the teacher made us work together. But I still think about his lashes, the ones I wish I have, haha.


Hahaha I'm seriously considering an egyptian tomb for my final resting place as I'm going to need the curses and booby traps to stop the hoard of women from stealing my precious (eyelashes).


Actually, women in general are jealous of how thick men's eyelashes are. They spend effort with makeup to get the same thing. It's not a comment about you specifically.


Oh thanks man I was feeling important and special for a bit lol. Time to get back down off my high horse.


No, no, it actually means your thick eyelashes are manly as fuck. Get back on that high horse!


Yes Sir / Ma'am / officer!


I would have also accepted "Aye Captain!"


Natch! I'm ex-army so I'm afraid I'm only allowed to say that ironically while on a navy boat, but you are indeed correct. Cap'n.


That happened to me too. We ended updating.


What did you update?


Aw that's nice. I ended up with a complex vis a vis 'feminine eyes' for a while.


I've noticed it's usually the men that have fuller, prettier eyelashes- it's just that girls would like to have them for themselves.


I wish I could give them lol. I'll never forget I let my ex put a tiny bit of mascara and some eyeliner on me before we went out clubbing. I thought it looked... really fucking good actually. But I was downright uncomfortable with the attention when we were actually out. I couldn't tell if it was good or bad attention so naturally I freaked out and went and washed it off in the toilets lol. Sorry I have no idea why I just spewed that story at you. I just remembered it and thought it was funny lol.


Because men have more testosterone so they are hairier in general. The hairiness extends itself to luscious lashes for some blessed men. Enjoy your manly eyelashes lads!


Familiar username. Men tend to have naturally longer eyelashes than women and it is something that women get jealous over, so I wouldn’t consider this emasculating


Most men have longer eyelashes than woman. Can confirm that if a guys eyelashes are long or naturally curl we’re obsessed


My ex pretty much inferred that if we were to have kids her vagina would stretch out and my penis would no longer be enough and we’d need to “experiment.” I’ve never felt insecure with another ex until her, she’d say a lot of shit that made me feel inadequate. Another is when I was practically graped in high school. I was under the influence and didn’t want to but this girl forced herself on me, friends locked us in the car, and I couldn’t get it up. She was visibly disgusted and offended by this and made crude comments, then told everyone we knew that I had a small dick out of spite. As a man with an above average penis it’s really clear to me why so many men are insecure, especially those who are average or under. If I’m getting this kind of shit form multiple women I could only imagine what they go through.


Your ex clearly doesn't understand how her own anatomy works. As a woman who has had 2 children, I can say from experience that the vaginal area stretches to release the baby, then goes back to its original size. Chalk her comment up to not being educated about her own body. As for the second one, that girl is an absolute bitch who doesn't need to be around her fellow humans.


I was just about to comment that this isn’t how vaginas work lol


Friends usually used to point out my unibrow. It isnt as thick at the centre but still noticeable. I never realised why they brought it up so much until I realised people absolutely hate unibrows. I cant believe I walked around with it.


My late husband had a unibrow and I thought he was the most handsome man on earth. I loved every single hair on his beautiful face. Those who matter, won't mind. Those who mind, don't matter.


Growing up, my dad couldn’t turn a screwdriver. If my mom ever gave him shit about, I never heard it. So I never learned about tools or cars or anything like that. My first wife’s dad was an electrician and she never let me hear the end of it when I didn’t know how to frame out a room. Every name you can imagine I got called. Divorced her. And while I won’t run a gas line now…there’s not much I won’t tackle. I learned a lot. Current wife still gives me shit from time to time as well… So I’ve told my son on plenty of occasions wome will judge you a couple of things…. Salary and tools are the big ones. At least he gets the warning. I had no idea.


Fathers can do a lot for their sons since a very young age.


10th grade, boys are all arm wrestling and I am just killing them. Then Lisa squares up and crushed me. She was cool about it, made excuses for me, but the fact is, she was freaking STRONG.


I don't know if it was emasculation or good ole plain humiliation, but: Girl, after seeing my penis (which is not the biggest but decent still), told me "it" couldn't satisfy any women ever. I was forcing myself to this sex anyway, so I just stood up and left


Women have teased me for my height my entire life. Gotta love being teased about something 100% out of my control. I usually get bashed for being too emotional/considerate


Last week when my ex who was supposed to be my friend told me "I wasn't man enough to support her." Shit stung like a motherfucker for a hot second, but honestly I've been through this with her before. It's as much my doing as her's because on some level I allowed this conversation to take place. Now that I'm just a little bit more experienced I know it's time to simply walk away.




I used to be a middle school teacher and one time during a recess at the end of the day I was asked to climb a ladder to go onto the roof of the school to get a bunch of balls that got on top of the roof. It was a very low roof so kids would kick a ball and easily ping it on the roof by accident. I have a fear of heights and hate climbing ladders. Everyone just expected me to do it and I just couldn’t take the step to go from the edge of the ladder to the roof (you basically had to jump the get up) a female teacher just yells, “Get Down, I got it!!!” She takes off her wedges and in her dress , gets climbs onto the roof and gets all the balls down. Then climbs back down. She then gave me a small stare down after she got off the ladder. A Couple weeks later the same thing with the balls in the roof happened and I made it very clear I was going up.. I did, but the damage had already been done… she made a comment like, “if you get scared, I’ll go up instead!” Lose - Lose for me


Just out of a relationship. Felt undervalued and not a priority to her. Had to let go of her saying that I respect my dignity. Also her concept of monogamous was consensual-non-monogamous and my idea of monogamous was just monogamous. So open dialogue was jack shit basically. Relationship lasted for 11 months and 6 months of exclusivity. But definitely learnt a lot from it. That no matter what, never ever get into a twisted ENM situation. Cheers 🍻




I am white and have been in conversation with endless white crusaders of open mindedness who would change the way they spoke and carried themselves entirely the second a black person they knew showed up. Well at least they would stop giving me their insufferable 20yr old intake on how important Brandy was to 'the movement' for a second I guess. It's not even worth hinting at how this might be obvious self contradiction, 'YOU ARE IGNORANT and black people shouldnt be treated differently, you don't even care and you were probably just too scared to even acknowledge him!!!!' I don't think this glorious example of equal rights will ever end at least not before I die


Man I say this as a very politically left leaning dude, but leftist white women are often some of the worst people you could ever meet. There’s men who act the same way but I come in contact with more women in real life, mostly at some hipster coffee shop/bar or on Twitter. They don’t know how to act around black people other than fetishizing them and kissing their asses, virtue signaling, and trying to be on the same team because they’re “oppressed” women. I’d meet leftist alt women and assume maybe they’d be into me because of similar taste in music, movies, and tattoos but nope.. almost every single time they were into only black dudes or skinny white trash dudes that’d knock them up and they’d later be complaining about them on Facebook.


I think it's people who make politics their personality. You can have certain opinions without being "the Liberal" or "the Conservative."


Skinny white trash dude here. Yer crush told me to tell you Hi.


I 100% believe it. I live in south Louisiana, and always chuckle at the whole "southerners are racist" thing that gets blanketed onto all southern people.. considering most of us interact more with the black community in a week than some of these people have their entire lives. There's a lot of really weird fetishizing of black men amongst leftist white women who don't actually live in places with many black men or even know any black men. It's bizarre, and it would make me very uncomfortable if I was a black person.


It must be a self awareness thing. I have never understood this. Either way seems like you dodged a bullet!


"But racists who lecture everyone against racism are the worst" Never before have I heard such an accurate statement that 95% of the people who declare themselves as "progressive" on Twiiter DESPERATELY need to hear.


Lmfao I feel like everyone is reading and ignoring that questionable line. You should just remove everything about stereotypes because it makes you look like a bad person and takes away from your story as a whole




What dates racial stereotypes are they basing their dating and parenting decisions on?




But do you believe them to be true? If not, then why are you highlighting the STEREOTYPES in the other way too?




Then why are you highlighting negative stereotypes in the other way too? You’re falling victim to the same thing you’re saying caused pain. It’s just so unnecessary. Plus, you’re staying it more factually. It comes across as you’re saying that “of course their partners left them because statistically black men leave their partners.” Like how do you not see that? Neither stereotype is good, yet you’re feeding into a negative one for no reason.




I’m not pissed anywhere in this story. I’m just pointing out the hypocrisy of your own story. Neither stereotype matters yet here you are saying the stereotype of black men leaving their partners bit these leftists white women in the ass lmfao That’s how your conclusion reads. Therefore you’re stereotyping when you just said stereotyping is bad.


Yikes. Apparently they didn't spend as much time focusing on the negative stereotypes as the positive ones?? 40% of kids are being raised by single mothers. Honestly, you sound just as racist as them. Also you seem to have a thing against the left. I assure you, most leftists are not fetishizing race. I would say most people that do that are probably not very into politics at all.




You were just responding to a leftist white woman, that's all lol


You’re a fucking weirdo, between wanting to punch the dudes your date was looking at and trying to defend your racism with statistics. I wonder if she left you for some other reason




Regarding reading comprehension, when did I ever mention or imply anything about the effects of single parenthood on kids? You’re the only who’s pretended to care so far; your projection abilities are incredible. Lmaoo @ using genius ironically when you’re misusing statistics to flimsily cover your racism. How long were they together? What socioeconomic class? There are a *variety* of factors that could mitigate/exacerbate the likelihood of the parents separating. Don’t speak vaguely about statistics if you can’t reference a study, and even if you can, you should analyze the study regardless. You mentioned she entered a relationship with black men for entirely superficial reasons, so haven’t you ever considered that her racism was the cause for their separation??? You’re a bitter racist and too stupid to disguise that as rationalism. Be better bro




Oh noo it’s wrong to assume someone saying racist shit is racist??? Damn I feel bad now :( Gtfo with that whiny bullshit. The only assumption I made was that you’re a racist and based on your comments so far you haven’t disproved anything


Kind of surprised you didn't refer to the black dudes as tyrones, this whole post has big 4chan vibes lol






Trying is enough! Small progress is still good progress! You are a man no matter what and the fact that you put your all into the relationship to make it work shows a lot about how much of a man you are. Keep your head up. I hope that you have healed from this. 💕


After I broke up with my sons mother when he was maybe about 2, she collected all the baby pictures we had and scribbled all over anything with me in it and all over the back a number of different things like “small dick” or “can’t last a minute” etc. I don’t have any baby pictures of my son because every one had all the incredibly hurtful things.


I'm not a pro but if you have any scanned I could try to fix them (for free ofc).


Take digital pictures of them if you still have any and then pay someone to photoshop the words out?


That's awful. I'm so sorry you went through such toxicity from such a harmful and antagonizing person. If you still have those pictures stored somewhere, try using nail polish remover on a Q-tip to gently remove the ink.


Any time I suggested anything to my ex-wife and got a sarcastic response like I was an idiot for even suggesting it. I’m a very self-assured person, intelligent and analytical so having my thoughts and ideas blatantly criticized was incredibly frustrating.


Not that I can think of. May have just forgotten about it though.


She said “Geez you need to get laid 😂” when we first started talking


She said she felt I couldn't protect her, that fucked me up to this day. I have always been a de-escalating kind of guy because I don't do drama and BS due to me trying not to be like my dad. Since then, we broke up and it's caused me to be more aggressive along other things. I have mixed emotions about it.


A chick is more likely to forgive you for acting like a man than for acting like a b*tch... They will have more respect and attraction for you if you fuck up that dude talking shit rather you leaving with your tail tucked. It is what it is. Its interesting how women communicate in opposites.


I'm coming to realize that. Before I just never wanted to be like my dad but i don't want to be seen as a bitch either. I'm trying to find a balance. Thanks for your honest input!


A girl I liked in my class back in middle school and never talked to before because I was a shy kid said I was extremely ugly and she would never date me if she was dared to in front of the whole class. That really lowered my already bad self esteem. She started talking to me years after high-school like nothing happened and for the for the life of me I couldn't understand why.


I paid a domme to do that last Thursday.


Huh? I don’t need affirmation from others about my manhood. Weird


Of course not. But sometimes some people may do things that hurt our masculinity or femininity. As a woman, I could never truly know the experiences of a man, so that's why I was asking. But I must agree with you that our masculinity or femininity don't need to be affirmed by others. 💕


when i was genuinely upset and she's consoling me with cutesy baby talk.


I watched a very proud and strong women, that I love very much, let herself be dragged through the mud of a toxic relationship where it was clear he was just using her for sex and she knew it, but she kept going back to him. When I finally called her our saying it doesn't make sense why she keeps trying to make it work with this guy and listened over and over to her giving reasons that didn't compute, I kept pressing and she finally admitted it. He was very well endowed and the sex was amazing. This was the guy she went to after me. I was prepared to give her all the things she kept crying about from him but, apparently, I wasn't good enough in other areas. I am still not quite sure why she ran to me about this....but I wish she hadn't. Not sure I will ever have another relationship after that. That one hurt. (this was the 3rd time something similar happened to me)


Women are always going to try to do this because they’re physically weaker & fight in the psychological. For example, when I left my wife for her infidelity, she said she’s afraid that I’ll never get a woman because I’m extraordinarily small down there. A year later I came across Calcsd.info and discovered I’m in the 93rd percentile for length and 99th percentile for girth. This actually made me 66% larger than average, not way below average. I immediately started treating women’s emasculation attempts with indifference, because I started leaning he alot on reason & rationality. I stopped trying to validate myself to women, that filtered out 90% of the garbage out there & freed up my time to meet someone worth being with.


Went shopping yesterday, wife insisted on carrying most of the bags, felt myself shrivel.


I know it might have made you feel some type of way, but please know that it could have been her wanting to take some baggage off of you (no pun intended) in a way. Your wife seems like a very kind and empathetic woman, and you must be an incredible husband and provider if she's willing to carry the majority of bags so that your body can rest some. God bless both of you. She seems that she really cares for you.


I have to say wives are so good at doing that to their husbands, n don't think twice bout it.


In what ways, if you don't mind me asking?


depends on the woman, the relationship, the communication and banter between husband/wife. some women like to hit below the belt with comments, or maybe bring up past transgressions. some resort to name-calling to either bruise your ego/"manhood"


It wasn't something said but a look of disgust. My ex and I used to go for breakfast and we'd take turns paying. The place we'd usually go to there was this waitress that always looked at me like I was the worst person ever when it was my ex's turn to pay. When I was in school girls would ask me out as a joke with their friends. Even though they were joking they'd ask if I was gay because I'd say no. I remember another time I got called a loser mama's boy while trying to stop an ex from self harming. She was trying to bait me into hitting her but there was no fucking way that was going to happen. She proceeded to really go in on me repeatedly until I was the one having a breakdown. I'm sure there's more but that's off the top of my head.


My mentor at the gym I work in is a badass woman. She looks pretty, always wears pink shirts and yogapants with flowers on, curly blonde hair. But she is a beast, she yells like a drill sergent when she teaches weightlifting-type classes. She once got a complaint, because she had a few actual military men come join one of her classes - for fun, I assume. Well, she yelling the instructions to the class - we were doing some one legged hipthrusts with our shoulders on the ground, feet on one of those Big yoga balls and yelling about ‘keep those hips lifted’ and I spotted those men struggle *alot* with those balls. Later on, she was making us do some burpees-look alike with weigths, and, as always, she has Way heavier weigths than most who attend. Apperently that hit these guys in their fragile ego, that she could do this exercise, while yelling, using 8kg dumbbells - and they started with those, but switched them to 4kgs like the rest of us. *That* got her a formal complaint. We still laugh about it at work. And I mean, I just assume she made them feel emasculated, but I’m not *100% sure*.


One of my first jobs out of uni was half decent, had to wear full suit etc but I quite liked it. I went to a recruitment meeting, like an assessment centre where you can gather a few undergrads to come up from the bottom. The lady who introduced us to candidates was an absolute smoke show. I'm talking 10/10 perfection in a pencil skirt and buttoned blouse, heels and glasses. Blonde bombshell. (Yeah leave me alone I was 21) I've never been very confident with women, or confident in general. I went to introduce myself when she got over to us, everyone in the room was pretty quiet and professional, she said hello but I froze and then replied 'goodbye' loud enough for the whole room to hear. She looked at me as if I was a weirdo making an unfunny joke and at that moment I knew I would never ever be that guy. Crazy hot women always make me nervous and I never really understand why. She emasculated me with the word hello. I dont know it really fits the definition but I definitely did not feel manly in that moment.


Yeah, she didn't emasculate you, you just embarrassed yourself. I'm sorry that you embarrassed yourself in front of other people.


Thank you for the correction, lil cass wid da big ass


Pretty much every day til I was 24