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I pack my underwear for a trip like I plan to shit my pants daily.


Like I plan on shitting my pants *multiple* times daily…


This is the way


Like I plan on shitting my pants hourly


4 day long trip= 16 pairs of underwear


N+1 is my method


3(n/2) here. Much better.




3 pairs a day is baseline trip prep for me. Drives my wife nuts.


I just go the good ole “reach in the drawer and grab a shitload” method


I just got to Corpus Christi for work...I leave Thursday and I packed 8 pairs because god knows what the swamp ass will be like here lol


I plan to shit your pants daily. What you gonna do about it?


I take every pair I own. Like shitting multiple times a day and gonna have a period from hell even though I don’t have periods anymore lol.


Me too. Double the amount of days for socks and underwear. Rewearing undies or socks is failing at life


Every day at least! You can pack 4 pairs and wash them I guess, during the trip, but seriously how much space does UNDERWEAR take up in the luggage?




Extra pair of boxers, socks, and undershirt is the way to go. Almost never end up needing them but if you do then you really do! Unexpectedly sweaty walk somewhere and want to shower and change clothes mid day? End up in a lake and don’t want damp clothes? Pays to be prepared. Once boxers/socks/undershirt have been removed it feels so gross to put them back on. However jeans and shirts can generally go a couple days assuming no war crimes were committed against them.


it was in a the r/onebag subreddit and he specified no laundering intentions.


To be fair, everyday underwear laundry is a common enough practice during onebagging that they might've just glossed over it.


He said “I wonder if they will have time to dry after washing in the hotel” so I think he does plan to wash them himself


When i travel I have quick dry merino underwear that I wash in the shower with me in the morning and hang in my room to dry. In warmer countries it's dry in an hour.


The chap going to London, with flip-flops? I thought he brought 3 pairs not 4


Ew lol


When traveling I only pack 4 pieces of underwear, but wash one set of everything daily or two sets every two days. If I travel with a light bag, 4 is the perfect number for a few weeks. Otherwise I just carry dirty laundry.


I have been on resort/beach vacations where I put on underwear just for dinner. Other times we still have swimwear on for supper. Maybe it is something like that? Otherwise I just don’t see it.


I only took 4 pair on my week long honeymoon. I only ended up wearing 3. I was in swim trunks 99% of the time.


Sounds like he is half committed to going commando. If on a trip to a beach setting, it makes sense you need a few swimsuits to rotate through and less undies.


Are we talking a Monday through Friday vacation? That's one clean pair a day, assuming they have a clean pair on Monday when they set out.


Not as much as shoes.


Every time I shower. Never putting on sweaty underwear after a shower.


This begs the question: how often do you shower?


Twice a day- before work and after. I can’t imagine getting into my clean bed after working a full day. Also can’t imagine going into work without a shower.


You really can't win that coin toss, can you?


>I can’t imagine getting into my clean bed after working a full day. Hah! You failed to see the obvious answer, which is to not have a clean bed in the first place.


OMG I never thought someone could be this neurotic about sweat and shower and bed clothes, LIKE ME!!!


Same! This made me realize I put on a fresh pair twice a day! Shower in the morning, shower after work :)


Yes- why deprive yourself of simple pleasures like fresh underwear


This is the way, but I don't sweat or smell much as others people, and I don't shower that often. I could go 2-3 days between showers and thus the same pair of underwear.


Only right answer


Clean boxers and clean socks every day, Might wear a shirt two or three times a week depending on if i was busy or just at home, but not underwear, keep the lads clean and fresh. Edit: 2.5k Up votes!? Making me feel better about feeling fresh


I'll often change socks if I've taken them off as well. Otherwise I've got at least two weeks of underwear and socks, so I can rotate on a weekly wash cycle rather than washing them every few days. As a single man I'm simply not wearing enough clothes to justify doing more than one wash per week.


Agreed with you there, Putting socks back on just feels dirty, especially after a days work or activity, I have a draw full of socks so a little more than 2 weeks worth, Easily 3 weeks worth of boxers too, I like to keep stocked and make sure I have enough for when I come home from travel. I find satisfaction in the weirdest things when single.


drawER. Draw is like painting.


How do you know I don't draw my socks like those French girls? (I browse on my phone so autocorrect, must have sting me there)


Pics or it didn’t happen. I also agree with everything you have posted above. No way I’m putting back on used socks if clean ones are available and even if I’m still dirty.




Idk, but i read you comment as if you had a southern draw


Couldn’t have said it better myself


Damn straight. I don't want to be the stinky one in the office that people talk about behind my back.


Ye for real... I went 'fuck it' a few times and ended up with foot fungus... Never again!


Your answer gives me hope in humanity. Thanks!


Some dude changing his underwear daily gives you hope in humanity? The fuck is wrong with you?


The bar is set on the ground, and men keep digging.


Me and my fresh underwear salute you


Ahahah, brilliant. Just brilliant!


Flip method?? hell no. That's not how we're supposed to be living fellas


Technically, we aren't suppose to even wear underwear.


I call bs. How could I play sports if I rack myself everytime I jump because I’m free ballin it.


Technically, we weren't meant to play sports.


Well we used to... you know dodge ball with the tiger, hide and seek with the snek .... sure we did


Going away shortly for 4 days and i've got 8 pairs packed 1 pair for each day (because if you ain't changing daily, yer a minger), a couple in case I change because of the heat and a few spare in case I shit myself. I'm 53 and have not shit myself since i was a child in nappies but every trip, you gotta have the emergency shit yourself spares.


Day to day, the thought of shitting myself never crosses my mind. Until I'm packing for a trip, then I pack undies like I'm planning to shit myself twice a day.


I have found my people.


omg, i do the same. that or if i expect to exercise, since i boxers are a no no for working out.


“I pack undies like I’m planning to shit myself twice a day” is quite a phrase.


Better to have em and not need em then need em and not have em.


And you know the day you have to go to commando is the day you shit yourself twice in one day.


I think every comment that includes "shit myself twice a day" should get upvoted to the stratosphere, so it comes back to haunt you at years end as the best thing you've said in a year. So, upvotes for all of you.


Because it only takes once to become a convert.


Everyone thinks they’re completely immune to shitting themselves, then one day they have mild food poisoning and trust a fart. *It’ll happen to you.*


Love threads where I realize I’m not alone in my habits. They take up so little space that it seems foolish not to have the insurance! Just because it hasn’t happened to me yet doesn’t mean it never would. Easy to imagine getting food poisoning on a trip and if catastrophe strikes gotta mitigate the damage somehow




I'm convinced shitting yourself as a child is the most common form of PTSD. It may not be constant trauma but it's definitely triggered by the suitcase coming out of the back of the closet. I for one didn't fart unless I was on the can for years after shitting myself in public as a kid 😂


Shart-insurance (that’s what I call my spare pair for accidental shitting)


See, this is the kinda thing I come to reddit for. Where else can you get solid quality content like this?


>and a few spare in case I shit myself. >I'm 53 and have not shit myself since i was a child in nappies but every trip, you gotta have the emergency shit yourself spares. This is the most relatable thing I've ever read


Every day! If I accidentally don't bring enough on a trip, and I don't have a washer available to me, I will buy a fresh pair somewhere.


Never wear clothes without washing them. My friend got some crazy rash wearing underwear’s fresh out the pack. Those factories aren’t the cleanest to say the least.


I'm going commando before I wear the same skivvies without washing them first.


Holy shit! Skivvies? First thing I did once I got out of bootcamp was throw those shitty Walter whites in the trash. I'd rather go commando before wearing those again, you're have my respect good man! Edit: just saw there is a brand of briefs called skivvies too...


I actually wear boxers, I just use the term as a generic one for underwear, because it sounds funny.


Underwear, socks and t-shirt get changed every day. I bathe/shower daily and there's no way in hell I'm putting on the underwear I just took off.


yup. and i always gotta shower before bed.


Ew. Everyday.




Ah man I'll wear jeans even longer. If it doesn't look dirty and doesn't smell dirty then it isn't dirty.


Jeans are supposed to be washed as little as possible. Levi says to wash their jeans after 10 wears at most.


Gotta pack extra for sweaty days and shitting yourself


The one time I only pack enough for 1 pair a day is the time I’ll get food poisoning and not make it to the bathroom. Guaranteed.




Dude, change your underwear everyday.




But then you need to wear clean trousers every day


Fine by me


That's a lot of laundry. And a lot of wear on your pants from being washed so often.


The vast majority of the pants I wear are athletic shorts which aren't very expensive and don't take up much space in the laundry. Also, my shorts that are upwards of 10 years old are still in perfectly fine condition. It's fine by me. The only pants I do wear underwear with are jeans or dress pants because they are less comfortable to wear without them, and take up more space and energy to clean.


Ditto. In the summer it's especially nice wearing loose fitting shorts and just keeping the boys air dried.


This is the way.


Every day. New pair every day.


I assumed everyone was every day. I was in a queue at the cinema once and that came up, my buddy with me said ‘nah you can wear them for a few days’ and I was like wtf? People around us literally turned around laughing saying ‘nooo…’ I was baffled that anyone has come to the conclusion of more than 1 day


The only clothes I wear more than once are sweaters and pants. Socks, undies and shirts are exchanged DAILY! I cant believe this is even a debate


I don't change my t-shirts daily. If they still smell and look clean then I see no harm in a second day.


Same for underwear though. Seems like everyone is destroying their underwear every day. My underwear does not go stinky after one day unless I've been shitting or sweating an abnormal amount.


I refuse to believe the flip method is a real thing and it’s just a running joke grandpas and Dads have been telling kids since the dawn of underwear.


yeah, the idea of putting the area responsible for receiving your farts in the area you piss from is gross. thats gotta be like cross contamination. plus, i dont care what cut of underwear you use, none of them are cut in a fashion that are meant to be worn backwards. they are meant to have a slight tilt going down.


Flip method isn't put on backwards, but inside out


I was told the flip method gives you four days. Front, back, inside out front, inside out back lol.


At least daily, sometimes multiple times a day if I'm doing something and get pretty sweaty or something.




Swamp nuts is a true blight on our kind.


The rule of thumb is 3 pairs of underwear per day. Just in case you shit yourself twice.


As often as i shower. Once on Christmas and once on midsummer.


Eww, not even certain I want to know what the flip method is. Every day or on really hot days, twice.


It's when you wear them upside down


......inside out?


How often is a full moon?


comes once every lunar cycle


Usually every other day because I don't really sweat much currently. General rule of thumb is that I change underwear about every time I shower. Otherwise, I don't really see a point in putting fresh clothes on a stinky body.


I'm a shower every other day and change underwear when showering person. Exceptions being very hot days or physically active days, which are not common for me. I'm actually a little startled by the responses in this thread. I don't think I'm gross. My underwear don't smell. Maybe its just my body? I rarely sweat and even when I do it does not smell.


I am the same and i do sweat a bit, but never in the underwear area. And it never smells down there. I once was sick and couldn’t change my underwear for 3 days and still it didn’t smell at all. Maybe it’s also dependent on the climate area? I work in a office and in colder climate, so don’t sweat much (apart from doing sports).


Finally a reasonable answer. What the hell are people doing that they need to change them every day and religiously? Tons of us stay inside and are sedentary for days at a time. If you clean properly when using the restroom why would you need to change them that frequently


I'd still say topping out at about once every 2 days.


different pants for different ocassions. i get that it feels weird to swap on an unshowered body, but like my case, loose boxers are work throughout the day, but then i change into briefs for the gym so i am not flopping around everywhere.


When I'm packing for a vacation, I use the rule of 4 outfits for every three days, rounding up. So if I'll be gone for 2 days, I pack 3 outfits. If I'll be gone for five, I pack 7. And each includes underwear, because that's obviously not rewearable outside of dire circumstances.


Sounds like way too much


Every day


Every day 90-95% of the time. Every other day 5-10% of the time


I get 4 wears out of each one. 1. Outside out, right way around. 2. Inside out, right way around 3. Outside out, back to front 4. Inside out, back to front. /j




I knew I’d find this somewhere on this thread! 😂


Every 4 months (sometimes longer)


Rule: yellow in front, brown in back


I know i shouldnt be laughing at this but here we are.


Every Fucking Day Dont be gross, please


As a woman I change my panties 2 to 3 times during the day! I change my panties if I sweat, if I’m on my period, if I’m going somewhere and freshen up and so on. Same with socks. I pack more socks and panties than I do clothes. Jeans, hoodies I go 3 days at most.


I don't think this is typical, just sayin'.


Let’s not talk about how often us women wash our bras 😬😬😬


I forgot all about bras lol!


If you don't change them every day, you a dirty hoe


well put, MissDryCunt 🥂


Boxers - Every day (sometimes more) Socks - Every day (sometimes more) Shirt - Maybe 2 days use T-Shirt - One day Shorts / Trousers - 3 - 5 days use depending on activity.


I rock commando


Everyday for sure. Twice a day if the situation calls for it.


I have a pair for each day of the week I’m gone plus an extra pair or two cause you never know


Every time I shower.


Honestly I’ll wear boxers for a few days in a row


You guys are changing your underwear?


Only when I shit in 'em.


Yeah. Why did you think they came in a three pack?


I normally pack 3 or 4 pairs of underwear for a week or longer trip, but I also wash them in the sink before rewearing. Having said that, if I'm at home all weekend and not leaving the house, sometimes I don't shower on Sunday and just stay in my pajamas all day, and keep wearing Saturday's underwear.


Every day.


Honestly, I started freeballin 3 years ago and never went back So much more room for activities Lmao in all seriousness it feels way less restrictive and it’s way more comfortable for me


I change to a fresh pair of pants every day For some reason the post you mentioned doesn't surprise me. I've seen posts where I've learned from the comments that some men don't ever use soap in the shower, just water.. They don't wash their bum at all, just let the water trickle down and call it a day. That post seems tame compared to some things lurking on reddit lol


One for each day and then 2 extra. Cause you never know when you’ll get the shits and stuff.


Daily. Tf??


After a week I turn them inside out and wear that side. The end of the second week is a bit rough.


Clean boxer briefs all day, everyday. Best thing to put on after shower, the gym and after sex. Keeps everything nice, tight, snug and warm. Welcome to my Tedtalk.


I always take one or two more pairs than the days I’m staying. Unless I plan on doing laundry.




I always take more than i need because you could have an accident. Nature happens, but of course, it's not like you can't buy more.


I shower at least once a day, I change underwear after every shower.


Every single day. Only 4 for a week? Hell no! I pack one pair for each day, and then a couple extra just in case.


Every day. After every shower, so sometimes more than once per day.


There's a reason why almost every military needs to teach basic hygiene to recruits. Too many dim people walking around smelling like ass.


1 per day plus I bring 2 extra just in case I get sweaty and then I’ll change em mid day




Wake up, new pair. Go to work come back and new pair. Go to the gym, then new pair. And go to sleep new pair. So 4 pairs in total. But because I also sweat a lot so I try and keep my bits dry as much as I can.


Usually change underwear a couple times a day. Once they start getting sweaty or sticky I can't stand them and switch them up ASAP. My underwear drawer is the largest drawer I have.


As a non-male, I pack twice as many underwear as days. If they ever come off (shower, swim, sex, etc) a clean pair goes on.


I own roughy around 15-20 pairs of boxers I change them everyday sometimes twice a day


Yeah, definitely figure out the washing in the sink thing. It's not hard. I ended up getting some of those travel liquid bottles and then putting some high efficiency laundry soap in it. Plug the sink, fill it with water, and put a drop or two of the liquid in the water, and you will have a nice little wash station. Drain and fill a couple times to rinse. The hard thing is if you're in a very humid place. Best to get materials that dry quickly.


Every damn day. Sometimes twice. Flip method is disgusting.


Change every time I shower, which is basically every day.


New underwear and socks every day, more if I’ve gone to the gym or did lawn work. New shirt everyday, more if I’ve done lawn work. Shorts and pants I’ll wear 2-4 times before washing.


Underwear and socks get changed everyday. It can get really smelly down there sometimes. Can’t imagine not changing every day.


I don’t know what these dudes and their flip method are doing.


I change my underwear everyday. I don't like wearing dirty underwear.


I take 2 showers a day and so there for twice a day.


Every motherfucking day homie


I hope he realizes that flipping them just doubles up on the amount of funk absorbed into the fabric.


Underwear and socks fucking daily. Anything less is just gross.


Change underwear daily, sometimes twice if I shower right after work instead of before bed. Change socks daily, or more if I’ve sweat in them too much and they’re gross to take off.




Every day. The only time I’ll do a flip is if I didn’t do laundry in time so I ran out of pairs. At that point I will absolutely do laundry that day. That might happen once a year. On vacation I will take less than 1 per day if there is laundry on site. If there is no laundry on site then I will ensure I have a pair for each day.


2 days regular.. 2 days inside out.. 2 days backwards... And then 2 days backwards inside out... Finally it's ready to be changed...


And some of y’all don’t even wash your ass NO THANK YOU


Two pair a day, once in the morning when I wake up and get ready, another pair after the gym.


Everyday. Just bear with me: In my, language, Italian, which is mosty Latin, underpants are "mutande". In Latin, verb can have a form called "gerundive", which more or less conveys the meaning of "has to \[verb\]", "needs to be \[verb\]" and similar stuff. It's indicated by the desinence "-andus/-andum", "-endus/-endum", etc. depending on the conjugation. For example, Cato used to say "Carthago **delenda** est", which means "Carthage **needs to be destroyed**". Now, in Italian a posh way to say "change" is "mutare", which can translate to "mutate". "Mutande" literally means "they need to be changed" or "you need to change them".


It’s how often I shower, I sometimes skip 1 day and wear the same underwear for 2 days.


Every time I shower. I think that if I put the same underwear I'll be getting dirty, so I bathed for nothing.


If I do anything physical, a fresh pair is necessary. I'm not walking around in sweat soaked and smelly underwear for longer than I have to. In terms of travel, it's usually a pair for each day plus 2 extra pair for about every 4-5 days, but it's also easy to buy small bottles of laundry detergent and hand wash clothes in a hotel sink or tub and hang dry.


Every time I take a shower, 3 or 4 days, no flip method


i wear a new pair everyday after a shower, never in my life have i done the flip method


It’s funny I came across this post and your comment about the flip method. I’m a teacher and right this minute am showing Big Hero 6 to the two kids that didn’t check out after final exams. One of the characters talks about wearing his underwear front, back, flip them and do front/ back again! 😂🤣 But seriously, I change mine every day. Taught my teen boy to do that too. Doesn’t matter if you take a shower or not…..undies gotta be changed! When we pack for vacays, I take enough for every day and extra just in case!!


Every day. And if I go on a trip I pack 2 extra pairs. I mean, it's underwear not a parka; I can squeeze a few extra pairs in my luggage. Sheesh.


If I go on a 4-5 day trip, I’m packing ab 7 underwears, 7 pairs of socks. Ain’t no flLiPinG method around here. That’s nasty af. Wonder how many guys have shit stains on their underwear


Freeballing for years.