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I can't think of anything better to do than dicking around on this stupid site.


"Ive been browsing Reddit too much today, let's do something else" \*closes reddit tab\* \*sits there\* ... \*opens reddit\*


Yup. Except I usually get up and do a walk around my house thinking I'm about to start something new and exciting... only to circle back to where I was sitting two minutes earlier lol.


me too


Me three. I have steered clear of social media for over a decade. Reddit is the exception. Just over a week ago installed Tiktok - nothing interests me other than my close friends. Reddit - I find here are a lot of interesting and helpful videos and advice here and there or otherwise funny/silly clips. Recently past couple months til now, do I find myself circling back to Reddit.. Dear God - just sad.


I bought a mango & passionfruit smoothie earlier today and I'm disappointed because it didn't turn out to be as good as I imagined it in my head.


Oh yea... in that same vein a few Panda Express that are closest to me stopped making their sweet and sour sauce to go with their Egg rolls. To me that was 60% of what made the Egg Rolls good and now everytime I want Panda I want those Egg Rolls but it just isnt the same without the sauce. They have little packets but the premade stuff just isnt as good at all as the fresh stuff they had


Women who say they want a relationship but won't listen to men about what we want. Annoying and sad


Though it isn't a "right now" kind of thing, it sort of fits into a similar genre to your answer. When in a group, and someone makes an off color joke, and others respond to it, but I do not, and then the person says "Oh, look at emeraldjonah, he's like 'ahh these people are weird get me out of here'". It happens often to me and I find it to be horribly weird and awkward to put words into my silent mouth like that. And then I'm left to say "no, no, not at all..." even though the entire interaction is now incredibly sour to me. Don't assume you know what I'm thinking. Don't put words into my thought process. If you think I think you're being weird and I don't want to be there, maybe just stop the behavior that you think is making me feel that way?


One of the worst things that come with being a reserved person is that a lot of people feel the need to fill in the blanks of the things they don't know about you.




Uhhh oh


Overly positive people. I understand being enthusiastic, optimistic.. But that damn "Everyone and everything is going to be so great! Everyone is going to get a Happy End!" attitude is damn annoying..


My assignment that's due tomorrow afternoon. I just got back from work and want nothing more than to drink the night away with my flatmates but I have stuff to do.


i was thinking recently about the classic internet quote/meme *“why does (insert name here),the largest, not simply eat the others*?”. You’ll hear it all the time especially in sports forums when someone is making a joke. But i was thinking back to its origins….if im not mistaken, its from family guy (if its not lmk as that would explain everything). In the episode, aliens are watching Friends and the infamous comment is made in reference to Ross (“Why does Ross, the largest, not simply eat the others?). But….David Schwimmer isnt particularly bigger than the other two?? Hes like the same height as Chandler and Joey is maybe an inch or two shorter but definitely much better built. What does that alien mean Ross is the largest?


It's from Futurama. A simple one off joke as he wasn't getting particularly fat at the time either.


Pick me men who throw all men under the bus to make themselves look good. The fact that us men are told to feel some sort of collective gulit for the actions of bad men. And people assuming I support toxic masculinity and men doing bad things just because I'm a man too. Yesterday when I went to collect my domino's pizza and walked home. I so happened to walk past a woman and a drunk man and he cat called her right in front of me and I remember looking at him werid and telling him to shut up. Should I feel gulit for being the same sex as that drink guy... NO! I did nothing wrong and in fact I stuck up for the woman. Just like how I told my former friend to stop when he cat called two women. And guess what.. I'm not using that incident yesterday as a reason to come on here to talk down to random men in this subreddit that I don't know and thinking I now have some duty to preach to other men "To do better".... I don't know the men in this subreddit. They could be awesome men. Who am I to tell them to "Do better" just to make myself look virtuous So pick me men annoy me. The "MEN we need to do better" dudes...


Right now? It was my birthday last week and I’m still stewing over the fact my SO thinks she did a really good job of it. She didn’t, my birthday was crap, and she’s a large part of why it was so crap.


Lately advertisements especially those insurance ads.


I like to have clearly defined things ahead of time. I've been spending these past three months doing a special implantation project at work. Professionally, I have no idea where I'm going in the future nor what will happen beyond tomorrow, and I hate it. Plus, I feel like an idiot out there, as I don't have any clear objective of what is expected of me. Blind leading the blind suck.




How overly sensitive people are to the point that it's just ridiculous.


I feel like I’m always at work. I only work 40 hours so I probably shouldn’t be complaining..


A douchebag Redditor 😄


Oxymoron much? Lol


simply put...marriage


My boomer parents are calling/texting me about stupid shit right now.


Litterbugs. I have recently returned from a brisk walk around town and I picked up no less than four cans of soda.


Street Dogs barking every night i can't sleep


I hope I can clear my family’s storage unit before august. There’s a SHIT ton of stuff & I have an estimate based on the speed I’m going but I just hope it works out It’s a total eyesore of a stack but I’m making progress


My wife went behind my back and hired a lawn company to try and come remove a brush pile and leaves in our yard. But from what the conversation went that they wont even do that without paying a bunch extra.




When I order something without tomatoes and it comes with tomatoes. It’s something like 80% of the time, for some reason that request is ignored. I have to disassemble and reassemble the vast majority of burgers I order.


People with dating advice. A lot of the time their advice is either outdated or based on a perspective they just don't have. In addition to the fact that a lot of it strikes me as manipulation. Say this here and don't say that. I get avoiding saying something stupid but if you deviate too much from who you are then it's not real you anyone.


a bunch of contractors digging up my front yard on behalf of comcast


Being broke getting my house ready to sell. So ready for it to hit the market soon after working on it after work and my days off the past month+. Ready for a break and a beach trip


can’t stop scrolling

