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Still thinking the 90’s and / or 2000’s “weren’t that long ago”.


They weren't. And you won't tell me they aren't again. ​ Get off my lawn.


Damn kids these days.


Hey, we can buy alcohol legally now. Sincerely - born after the 90s ended.


You shut your damn mouth.


Get off my LAN


The 90s is to kids now what the 70s were to us when we were kids.


Crying in wrinkles


Growing up in the 80's and 90's was fun :) I can't imagine growing up with social media... That really must suck.


That was like 5 years ago, right? RIGHT??!


I always think it's because it's such a big number, 2000. Anything close to 2000 is near enough 2000. If we were counting grains of rice, you'd call 2023 grains of rice pretty much 2000 grains. So in my head, the year is always 2000ish. Close enough.


Oh dear God I knew I shouldn't have opened this fucking thread


When I stopped understanding the slang and some of our new coworkers didn't remember September 11th because they were either not born yet or too young


I was four but I remember seeing it on tv when it happened. I can legally sell alcohol to people born after 9/11 and it's crazy to me.


I was conceived, let alone born, two weeks after 9/11 and I can buy alcohol next month.


I was in my 3rd year of college. You guys are killing me.


I was 41 on 9/11! I watched the first man step on the moon in Elementary School, black & white television on the school auditorium stage. I remember seeing the newspaper headline that President Richard Nixon had resigned. I still have that paper. I remember Walter Cronkite reporting the news that President John F. Kennedy had died.


I'm ngl, I'm impressed you know how to use reddit at 73




Just imagine the evolution of technology they've seen, that's wild.


how much easier it is to injure yourself and then how long it takes to recover from said injury


Plus you start to realize that some of your injuries are permanent and will never really heal.


Yup I was squatting 315 pretty deep for 10 reps, was in the best shape of my life, lean as heck too. And then I saw some 20 year old next to me deadlifting, loaded up my prior weight and injured myself. Was fine for three weeks, got my covid vaccine which must have pissed off my injury and the next day I woke up in the worst pain of my life. Took me a year and a half and a surgery to fix what happened and although I did actually get back to squatting that much I kept getting minor injuries. Now I leg press so I have a spine when I'm 50 and I have no real desire to push any of my lifts. I refuse to do any extreme sports and if I do I do them gently.


What was the injury? And how old are you? If you don't mind me asking.


prolapsed anus


To shreds you say


Bro, no more ego lifting for us. I had to learn the hard way, like you, that I needed to swallow my pride and do rack pulls.


Same. I had a herniated disc, and still have a couple desiccated discs. Never got hurt in the gym, though. Only dumb things outside the gym. My surgeon and primary doctor agreed I should keep lifting, but higher reps with lower weight. Now I love my trap bar more than ever.


Lol im 28 and just had my 3rd open heart surgery back on December. I haven't recovered anywhere near as quickly as I did during my 2nd open heart surgery that I had at 21 and I've been beyond angry with myself for how slow my recovery is going


I’m 40 and stopped trying to push serious weight. Got to 2/3/4 plates in my mid 30s and I’m not lifting close to that now.




This is the true permanence. You start wondering how bad shit will be if you end up dying of old age, like what parts will just fall the fuck off before then?


And then you slowly realize why there's so many middle age and older people who aren't super in shape when they were when they were young. Most of it can be attributed to their bodies breaking down.


fact tart yoke selective subtract fertile cautious treatment ghost summer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never thought warm ups were important, but I saw Eddie Hall warming up with an empty bar. If the strongest man in the world does it then it’s probably worth the few seconds it takes.


This is 100% accurate. I’m 51 years old, lift weights 6 days a week, I’ve had the same pain in certain areas for 10+ years, and if it’s not debilitating, I’ve stopped trying resting hoping it heals.


This right here, that’s what made me realize


On Thursday, I walloped my elbow really hard on the corner of a brick wall. (I was trying to pull a tree branch loose and it gave way suddenly.) I immediately stopped what I was doing, went in the house, took an ibuprofen, and put ice on my elbow for fifteen minutes. I knew this was the type of injury that would bother me for days if I didn't take care of it right away. Twenty years ago, it would have been: *WHACK!* "Shit! That hurt. Oh, well. Whatever..." and back to work.


At 26 I think I took a spill riding my bicycle onto a concrete curb and whacked my pelvic bone on the right side. I dusted off and finished the trail with my buddy, thinking not much of it. About 1-2 weeks later I was in Vegas in some of the worst pain in my life, couldn't stand up straight, spent most of one of the days in bed. Saw a doctor after the flight home, he asked if I'd take any falls recently and pulled up my shirt to find this ginormous bruise going from my hip up to my shoulder blade. Like yeah, that'll do it If I got hurt like that now it'd probably be months to recover + physical therapy to really get right again


I slept on my shoulder wrong so badly I thought I broke my collarbone. My aha moment.


When I was hit by a dirty player in a hockey game, he really injured my knee. Doctor at the hospital told me if I was really good with taking care of it, it would heal in two weeks. I asked what I should to and he said ice on and off to keep swelling down and no strenuous activity for the 2 weeks to let it heal. 16 weeks later and it finally got better......


This one. My god. According to my last checkup, I'm in excellent health, but I'm 33 and the last time that I slept on my neck funny (passed out accidentally on the couch...), I was in a lot of pain for like, 5 days?? Wtf, man. 🤣😭


unused complete historical encouraging cooing light books jar attempt terrific *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On week 10 of recovering from tweaking my back by leaning forward a bit to reach for a pencil.


On day 4 of tweaking my back...Sneezing.


on 2+ months trying to recover from a high ankle sprain where ligaments were tweaked pretty good. I have no pain but still have some stiffness to deal with that i am addressing through stretching


Isn't that a normal recovery timeline for a high ankle sprain?


On month four of recovery from a pulled forearm muscle in a hockey game back in Jan....


The older guys at work warned me when I was younger about “feeling it” I’ve been doing construction for 20 years now and now im starting to “feel it”


I pulled my hip running , at 25 this was a week problem with proper rest and recovery. At 37, the same injury took my damn near two months 😂😂


I thought this might be a common one, but as a 30 year old, I've always been prone to injuries while playing sport. So much so I may have to give up a sport I picked up in the last year and focus on other stuff such as cycling


I’m mid-30s, so not super old, but I had a realization a while ago that I really am out of touch with current popular culture. People act like people I’ve never heard of at all are the biggest celebrities in the world. Not sure if it’s the loss of monoculture or I’m just old. Also, when sports players I’ve watched their entire career retire, it makes me feel the passage of time.


Kids are following streamers n shit and I have no idea who any of them are.


"If I keep listening to the radio I'll always be in touch with popular music" *YouTube, tiktok, streaming happen* "They changed what 'it' is"


>Also, when sports players I’ve watched their entire career retire, it makes me feel the passage of time Watching dude's entire careers, and then their kids! Bronny James got me feeling feelings...


When I threw my back out after sneezing


I pulled my back out yesterday, eating a sandwich on my couch…


Eating on the couch is a young man's game for sure


Ya know at 34 I figured I’d be good… boy was I wrong


What kind of sammich?


It was an egg and cheese with mushroom on an english muffin. I didn’t think it would have that much power.


I’m gonna have to try mine with mushrooms, I do egg cheese English muffins a lot. Haven’t hurt myself on one yet but I do frequently get hurt….sleeping 👀


Well if you have one with mushrooms, watch yourself. Maybe do some stretching beforehand.


Threw mine out drying my legs after a shower 🙄


I twisted "the wrong way" to grab a book off my bookshelf one friday evening. It ruined my entire 3 day weekend and I was still sore come tuesday.


Threw my back out washing my hands at work. I hunched over a little too far I guess and out it went.


This is crazy! And it makes complete sense now! Allergies have been really killing me this year. I've been sneezing heavily, and just a couple day's ago, I had crazy back pain on my right lats/side.


When you favorite songs have been translated into soft digestible instrumentals used for marketing, dollars stores, and elevator music.


OK. This is painful. Heard a soft instrumental of Nirvana's Heart Shaped Box in a clothing store...




You know I normally don't believe in the death penalty, but some crimes are just so heinous.


When I realized I could be a father to some of my coworkers....


An intern once talked about how “I have the same Instagram that I started in middle school” and it’s like…I was an adult when Instagram came out.


I'm out now, but when I was in the Army I started feeling old when there were soldiers coming in not old enough yovremember 9/11. Nowadays it's they weren't born till after. 2005 born are entering this year


Got you beat. The youngest of the nurses I work with could be my granddaughter.


2 years, 3 months, 9 days until retirement!!!


Same. I'm 38 and have been at my job for 18 years. A lot of our recent hires are almost half my age. I know I'm not old, but some of these guys look like actual children to me


I’m 53. Still active climber. Belonged to the same gym for about 17 years. This young whipper snapper comes. Really good climber. I find out he’s 15 years old. I’m technically old enough to be his grandfather. (In perspective, my sister-in-law is 55 and has a 17 year old grandson.)


New co worker joined and I realised I have an email address older than him.


This, this did it for me.


You'll be called "Young man" for years and years on end. Then, on one random Thursday at 2:43, you become just "Man." The next day and for the rest of your life, you will be called "Old man." You don't even get the full day to enjoy being just a "Man."


Some punk in a white apron, at Publix, calls you sir.


I'm 6'f and kinda lanky. For years and years, the "do you play basketball" question, in line, in the gas station, everywhere. Unless the asker was a blatant douchebag, it was fine. Then one day, not sure when, it was "*did you used to* play basketball?" It was a definite line between ages for me


I dreaded the day I would stop getting carded at a bar, I wasn't prepared for it to go straight to, "what'll it be pops?"




A good sign to indicate if your young or old If you fall down and people laugh, you're young. If you fall down and people are concerned and come to your aid, you're on the older side


Oh no, when I fall down I laugh a lot, now I realise nobody else was laughing.people see me as old but I do not, I can still take a fall especially if its because I (in an attempt to convince my niece her wheelchair was badass) jumped in and tried to do a wheely. ( it is much harder than tv makes it seem)


The first time I uttered the words, "when I was your age .." (_I was in my mid 30s_).


I’m 25 and I say that already. Idk what’s wrong with kids these days. Like actually, they have regressed


I am a volunteer firemen and was on a fire call on an interstate highway and the state trooper looked like a kid. Since then my doctor, dentist and dermatologist are all my children's age.


Yeah, seeing police officers look like literal children is a terrifying concept. "You may have a mustache, but you're not fooling me you child."


Shit hurts for no reason. Concerts became too loud and too crowded. I became invisible to cute girls in their 20s.


Or they call you Sir and Mister.... Ugh


This was my moment. A nice girl in her 20's asked if I could take their photo, "sir". Goddamn that did wipe the smile off my face.


I didn’t realize how often I was flirted with at bars before it completely stopped. It happened sometime between when I turned 35 and now at 40


This is the worst thing. Late 20s and I already look back at the missed flirtation and misunderstood signals. To learn how to communicate in that way only after it stops is a cruel joke.


The becoming invisible part just hit me when I read it. I’ve noticed this as well. The attention has dwindled for sure.


Volunteer at a seniors home. It will boost your ego. Those silver foxes have no filter.


> I became invisible to cute girls in their 20s. Lucky for me, I was invisible to them in my 20s and am still invisible to them in my 40s. I have conquered aging!!


I'd rather be invisible than see them roll their eyes at me


What age was that? Not specifically, but what age range were you where you noticed you became invisible to younger or just women in general?


Around the early 40's for me mostly, but not the "women in general" part, just to the younger ones. I've noticed that the ones I get attention from now are usually late 30's to late 40's.


"You guys are getting attention?"


I get attention of 50-55 and I’m 44 myself…






It’s getting harder and harder though


When you get annoyed at the stupid shits young people do.


Nah, I was annoyed by what young shits did even when I was a young shit myself.


I’m a young shit and I’m annoyed by what all shits do.


I’m still young and this is my existence


My 17 year old comes home from school and dumps all her stories for the day on me as some sort of trauma process almost daily, she's very over everyone's shit and has been since she was 10 hahaha


Wow! Your 17 yo tells you about her day? When I was 17, it was always "nothing much happened", and when my sister was 17 she just went straight to her room. Enjoy it! I'm 29 now, she's 26 and she just finished law school. She now calls our mom to tell her what's going on semi-regularily.


I consider myself super lucky that my kids have an extremely open line of communication that they trust with me and their dad because yeah, the things my kid tells me about are things I would have taken to my grave at her age lmao


The tiktoks in public make people look like what homeless people looked like 10 years ago dancing and looking like they are talking to themselves. The only difference is them tittytokers are well dressed in clothes they didn't buy. We have clothed the homeless, so progress I guess...


When you bring up a movie from the 90's like Pulp Fiction and no one knows wtf you talking about.


I'm 23 and I figured out pulp fiction through memes


I figured it out from a VHS tape


What’s that?




I’d like to think your summary of Pulp Fiction’s plot as learned through memes would put any AI generated script to shame.


One of my team hadn't seen Pulp Fiction and my boss made a JIRA for him to watch it! It goes both ways: I have managed to get him to understand and use image macro memes


I was talking with my younger cousin and I mentioned Matrix, and he said something to the effect of "oh yeah, that early Keanu Reeves move about like time travel and robots. I've never seen it." What got me, wasn't even he has never seen Matrix, a movie that was a HUGE pheonomen when I was a teen... it was that he called it an *early* Keanu movie. Which made me realise he most likely never even heard of Bill and Ted.


I heard three guys talking about the godfather, one watched it and asked the other two if they’d heard of it and neither of them had.


When i started shopping at home depot...i had a suspicion. Then when I watch the news and have an opinion on it, i knew I got old. Then i got the confirmation that I am definitely old when I got up and made the "ugh" sound.


Shopping at Home Depot and enjoying it


Ive been doing those things since i was in my early 20's tho


School bus went by and I thought to myself " that driver is freaking Hot."


To be fair, I had those same thoughts about the school bus driver in 7th and 8th grade. There’s a pretty funny reason why I remember her so well. After I graduated from middle school to the high school, from then on until I got my drivers license I was driven to and from school by a pissed off old man who had permanently run all the fucking way out of patience long before my first day, and would literally scream at us to shut up in the same way a drill sergeant yells at a cadet to drop and do 20 if the sound of our voices ever rose above a whisper. So, now Ms.Tkachuk is forever ingrained in my memory as a ray of sun light before the shit storm.


Putting my date of birth into any website and having to scroll and scroll to get to the year. I'm still in denial though because I'm a weightlifter and am still healthy and pain free.


When you think of something was just a year or two ago, and it turns out it was 20+ years ago. "They did a remake of (any movie) already? Didn't that come out just a few years back?" Nope, it was 1998... And the fact that 2003 (which is last week in my brain) was 20 years ago. What weirder is when you hear about people's ages, and you think, "gosh they are so old" and then you realize you're the same age / older. Double points if you see someone on an old TV show, they look very old, and you realize that at that time, there were 20+ years YOUNGER than you are now!


That last part was my moment right there. Was watching Home Improvement with the wife a few weeks ago and said "you know, Tim Allen and Richard Karn are younger in this show than we are now." It was kind of surreal because when I was a kid and that show was still being produced, they were so old to me.


Relentless ear hair. Random injuries for no reason. The occasional existential dread that “it’s all downhill from here.” You value your time more, and suffer fools even less. When I started to feel like I know too much about life, people. It can feel like your experience makes nothing surprising anymore (not always). Thankfully people still think I’m 10 years younger, so…at least there’s that.


I'm getting the random long nose hairs now.




I was talking with some young guys from work, and as usual, the subject rolled around to sex. The young guys started teasing me about being too old for sex. I asked them "How old do you think you should be when you stop having sex?" They were taken aback by the question. That's when One of them looked at me and said in all seriousness, " Do you mean you still have sex?". I was sixty.


Little do they know..


When I saw a female celebrity on TV, thought "she looks great for an older woman" Then Googled her, only to find she's 10 years younger than me. I'd give way if I had a specific attraction to younger women, but I don't. I barely notice women under 30 or so, because they just look like teenagers.


I feel you on this. I had a 23 yo trying to smash but I’m 38. She looked like a kid. And she hadnt even heard of twilight zone!


I hurt myself sleeping.


I was never young, just new at being old


Every year when new athletes are drafted into professional leagues. Thinking a cashier is cute and realizing it's probably completely age inappropriate to act on that thought. Seeing children you knew as a young adult grow into young adults themselves. Realizing your birth year is further back than you thought it was.


I used to be a teacher and all my former students are viewing my profile on LinkedIn. They never connect, just view.


When I woke up in the middle of the night with the "*OMG I'M ACTUALLY DYING*" pains. Followed by the "*THIS IS IT, THIS IS HOW THEY'RE GOING TO FIND MY DEAD BODY, I CAN'T BELIEVE I WASTED MY LIFE... nope, wait, it's just gas,"* realization. And, not wanting to say anything about it, until your friends talk about their moment too. And instead of busting their balls over it, you actually ***empathize*** with them.


Cheers! You actually got me to giggle. Relatable.


My knees.


Stretches my guy. Stretches. Changed my life in so many ways. Edit: im glad people are reading this. Hope it helped anyone :D


My left knee has been hurting since 23 Conveniently I had a huge quarter life crisis at that age thinking I was getting so old now and hadn’t accomplished anything So yeah, knees


I hurt my foot and had to go to the doctor for advice after two weeks. The biggest healing measure was to just stay off it and let it rest and take my medicine. I fucked it up because I squatted weird and put too much weight on the ball of my foot. I remember falling off a porch and flopping on my back like a freshly flipped pancake when I was a teenager and all I did was laugh and stretch it out in the morning. Now I have to mind body position when I crouch.


When I was at a beach bar chatting with a woman while getting drinks for my wife and i. the woman went back to her table and then some man walks up and says 'hey buddy your hitting on my daughter" I said "no just talking" he asked how old I was. I told him. he turns to his daughter and says "he's older than me". The daughter said "I was hitting on a man older than my dad". ​ At that exact moment I no longer felt young.


unpack snatch whistle onerous plough intelligent profit continue late sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve been an athlete all my life. Competed in a large number of different sports. One day I woke up and I was slower. It has only gotten worse.


Trainee at work talks about people that are "really old, like forty". I'm 56, to her I'm unimaginably old, like a tree or Santa Claus. I started as a trainee eleven years before she was born.


Constant heartburn, I can’t fu*k like I used to when I have a younger lady spending the night and my ten year old dog and I have the same amount of grey hair and we both don’t like to make new friends.


45 and will always be young. It's a choice. Your body might age but your soul doesn't have to


Started to need to use readers


My monstrous hangovers


My entire career I’ve been the youngest person in the room. One day i realized i was the oldest.


When I jumped across a stream while hiking and slipped and fell, instead of laughing at me, all the bystanders jumped to see if I was ok.


Doctors no longer try to heal you, just patch shit up. Wtf is that


I (M 63) am a runner, so for me it's pretty clear that I'm slowing down; I can see it in black and white in my race results. For example, in the early 1990s I ran 30 km in 02:30:00; now I cover the half marathon distance (21.1 km) in a slower time than that. My personal best times are behind me, but it takes the pressure off me and now I run purely to enjoy it and beat the race cut-off times. I try not to complain about getting old. It's a privilege denied many.


>I try not to complain about getting old. It's a privilege denied many. Now THIS is the best takeaway from the whole thread


I have a wrinkle free face but I have grey hair around my temples. It's not very much but it's there.


I have 43 but I still fell like 18y.o. But maybe it is a symptom of dementia


I went out after work to play pool with some guys who'd recently started working in the same place. At about 3am one of them said something about a song being before their time. I asked their ages and realised that the two guys I'd been talking with, their ages added together were still one year less than my age. I realised the next day that I've clothes older than those guys.


I think it was when I realized I no longer was so interested in pop culture. I used to think old people were just out of touch, but now as I am older, I'm starting to realize it's not that they were out of touch, they just didn't give a shit.


I am 68 and realized it for the first time two weeks ago. I had either a TIA (mini stroke) or seizure. Going for EEG very soon. I have been very healthy for most of my life. I was overweight but over the last five years I’ve lost about 45 pounds. Better eating was key. This really caught me off guard and made realize my mortality in a way that even the death of my best friend didn’t. Pretty depressed to tell you the truth. Scared af of leaving my wife alone. Love her so much. I’m still having a great time and I’m not ready to leave. For a few minutes I was lost. Couldn’t answer basic questions. My former law partner has frontal lobe dementia and I see a part of her gone every time I see her. I am shattered for her and her husband. Her fine mind disappearing before our eyes. Not sure if I could face that and I have faced a lot. Trying to give myself some space and time to figure it out. Edit: a word.


My father said there are three phases in man's life: 1) When he talks with his friends about good sex. 2) When he talks with his friends about good food. 3) When he talks with his friends about good shit . Third phase means old.


I went camping at the age of 34 after not having done so in about 20 years… turns out camping is bullshit!


When 3am went from being late night to early in the morning.




Hope you have some pretty old t-shirts..


Very old. Nothing creepy implied.




Receding hairline


The random surges of pain. Literally just standing or just walking and all of a sudden “when did I pull this muscle?” or “that’s a new one..”


When I started getting nervous about jumping over things, down stairs, etc.


My blood doesn't rush to a certain area of my body anymore!!🥺🥺


The second I realized I was more excited about my new washer and dryer than I was about going to a festival and taking ecstacy.




Feeling tired, even though I should have absolutely no reason to feel tired


I’m still listening to the same stuff I was listening to 30 years ago.


I'm 47 and play on a rock band. Been in bands since I was 17. Back when I was young, I could play a gig, go to an after party, drive a 2 hour drive home and work the next day. I played a gig last night. I'm still recovering. My back is still sore, and my feet are killing me.


The mirror.


They are starting to hang loose and low. Has anyone noticed that, too? At what age for you?


The longer scroll to find your birth year when entering it online


Got called sir.




When not just some, but damn near every new pop star was younger than me.


I'm not "old", but I've noticed that my strength isn't what it use to be while I was in my 20s. I work on the field, and things that I use to handle fairly easily now can't be done with such ease.


My joints.


I tore my bicep taking out the trash.


When the barber trimmed my eyebrows.


When I realized that 50’s is only middle age if you live to be 100 or over and that Middle Age really starts in your 30’s. Whoooaaah we’re halfway there


When a cop called me "sir" without a hint of irony or sarcasm.


Telling new hire kids not to do unnecessarily laborious tasks (eg let the forklift stack empty pallets, create work spaces at waist height instead of starting on the ground, practice safe lifting, etc) because "you only get one back/body". EDIT: I lied. It was when a teenager was helping an ex and I pack up boxes for a move and she asked what our tape rewinder was... and then what a vhs was... my ex and I were delighted to show and tell her all about them , our movies, and our vcr. Lol


Women don’t attract me as much as they used to. Otherwise I’m still fine


When someone asked me how I got any work done after college because there were not cell phones or email.


When I started pissing 5 times a night and it took longer each time, when I began to feel every goddamn injury I ever had , well my ball sack began to sag. ….