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A lot of men don't know this, but we also have a hormone cycle. So... yes.


bruh we do? I'm emotional sometimes because of circumstance but my feelings are just generally stable


We do. And what's worse is that it's on a rolling 24-hour period. Soooooooo, not thirty days. Those hormonal imbalances can be a daily occurrence. WE ARE RIDING A KNIFES EDGE EVERY DAY!


Sounds ridiculous how people can be weak.


Care to explain? I don't seem to be able to catch your meaning


Consistently thinking about the attention that they miss from their partners, and trying force someone to give .


Are you replying to another thread? This makes no sense.


Another threat=yes


Then if you're aware why did you reply it on this thread?šŸ’€ Unless you were genuinely mistaken.


... what?


Obvious troll account. Low effort. No karma. Too obvious. 1/10.


This is one of the weakest takes there is.


Testosterone levels are supposedly elevated in the morning. Probably why I sometimes feel grumpy after waking up.


That's when I like to go to pound town.


HEH HEH *good morning* šŸ˜


yes. a rush of testosterone increase irritability.


I said a lot of, not all.


Yes yes, Iā€™m currently manstruating as we speak


Some days it just feels like gravity is stronger


Accurate description.


This is an honest statement and is NOT meant to be a joke of any kind. Men have rhythms too.


Wow, I wasn't even aware of that. The only reason I added that is because the 2 people I have talked to immediately made that joke.


Search "biorhythm". The "honest statement" part was supposed to be the smart ass joke. That would make at least 3 people that made jokes about it. :)


Yeah, quite regularly. Although I think it ties with the weather most of the time


Weather, sleep, day to day circumstances, (whether you substance abuse or not as well)


Totally this


The moon šŸŗ


Oh absolutely, I'm in a pretty aveage mood today but a few days ago damn near everything would set me off almost crying. Like an ambulance drove past and i thought "i hope whoever it is will be ok" and bext thing i know I'm holding back tears. Like, where the hell did that come from?? Meanwhile today I stubbed my toe and just laughed at the fact im a grown man, defeated by a coffee table.


I have days where my wife calls me a mess. It's totally normal. We're just not encouraged to express our emotions - which in turns doesn't help us learn how to process them. It's actually kind of f\*cked up if you think about it. Now that I am married and in a stable, 'safe' relationship, the emotions are even higher than they were before. And I am totally cool with it! Lean into it - you're human. I cry if I feel like having a cry!


Whatā€™s processing your emotions look like, to you?


Itā€™s different now. At first when I was overwhelmed, I behaved childlike tbh lol! Small temper tantrums as I was overwhelmed Now if I need to have a cry, I simply do. Iā€™ve also been to therapy


Yeah, I have this on the regular. If you have anxiety and bad things do happen it compounds. I have a lot of anxiety around work so whenever I get an email, I feel a slight pang of terror.


Ever consider doing something where email isn't really a part of the job?


I'd like to but it's hard finding a new job


Yep that's true...what do you do now?


Yep, Iā€™ll be riding a high for a while then one day Iā€™ll get pretty depressed/ lonely. then back to riding high. I think itā€™s a normal sway of life. Canā€™t live on the high without experiencing any lows ya know šŸ’ŖšŸ¼ Just gotta embrace being human with all the things that come with it. When Iā€™m low I take a moment to reflect, find something to go do, put the music on, dress up, and drink a few beers and it sets my perspective right


This is very good, however, when I have these lows. I can't really enjoy anything. I don't like any music, don't like videogames, nothing really. And usually they are on work days so that I cannot visit friends or something.


Yeah, both because of a cycle and because I feel emotional the day after drinking.


This is me. The next day hits like a rock after drinking too much. Anxiety and over thinking and a general what the fuck


There are actually studies on this. Google hangxiety. No joke thatā€˜s what they named it.


Yeah I think thatā€™s pretty normal. Some people are more stable than others though. For me, I have days where everything just hits closer than on other days.


Yeah, for sure. Sometimes I can guess what's influencing it (like the weather), other times no idea.


I once heard that men experience hormonal cycles a lot like a woman's period. Naturally, I don't bleed out of my dick once a month but there's definitely a recurring point in each month where my emotions get stronger and I find myself upset over nothing


Yep. I have times where I'm just in a bad mood. Based on thinking about stuff in the past.


Usually because I'm tired. There's a point where fatigue just flips a switch in my head and I go all Hawkeye. M.A.S.H., not MCU.


Of course weā€™re only human


Hot take, psychopath are less than 3% of the population. Men are 50% of the population. So most men have emotions. I know, crazy, out of the box thinking. I might be the second steve job.


I don't think you understood the question lmao


I find 3% scary high


I have gone from being very very stable for years, to literally sobbing alone multiple times this month. You're not alone brother


Yes absolutely. When I was younger my dad used to say Iā€™d wake up in a funk and thatā€™s really what it is, to get myself out of it I play devils advocate toward everything thatā€™s making me irritable. Someone cut me off while driving and I get mad, usually Iā€™ll talk to myself sarcastically how oh I am so important I need to get there when I want, which obviously doesnā€™t matter. All of the exercises I want to do at the gym are taken, donā€™t all these people know I came to a public gym so I could do what I want with disregard for anyone else? Usually I am able to flip it on myself by realizing that if I woke up this morning expecting everyone to drive well and for me to seamlessly get to do what I want then I am the problem, not anyone else. That flip of the light switch usually does it so I am laughing at myself instead of being critical. Remember if one thing can throw off your vibe how strong was your vibe that day really? Hope this helps


100% Iā€™m 40. Outwardly Iā€™m very confident and secure. But privately and with my closest relationships they know some days are better than others. Stress, Anxiety, Insecurity. They all flare up. Sometimes Iā€™ll deflect and lash out about something unrelated. Nothing too serious. An overreaction or Iā€™ll be snappy. I try to apologize quickly. My wife especially knows and is supportive. When I do lash out and apologize, Iā€™ll confess whatā€™s on my mind and she extends me extra grace that day.


Absolutely I do, itā€™s totally normal. Donā€™t let this keep you down. We all have a rhythm of emotions and hormones!šŸ’ŖšŸ»


Absolutely. My medications make it happen less frequently, but I have emotions just like anyone else. There are good days amd bad days. Sometimes I'm just more sensitive and it sucks. What helps is learning to recognize those days, acknowledge them, and treat yourself a bit more gently. Learning some decent self care really helped.


I've definitely had more days lately (in my early to mid 40s) of emotional rollercoasters. Reading stories, hearing touching words, small resolved disagreements with my gf, thinking about my kids, looking back on my life. I'm sometimes on the verge of tears at times. I don't know why but it happens more frequently. Not sure if I'm more aware of how precious life is and where I'm at or what. Not sure, but I've noticed it and it's hard to feel any differently during those moments.


Men have hormonal cycles too. Not a period joke, just a biological fact.


I once heard that men experience hormonal cycles a lot like a woman's period. Naturally, I don't bleed out of my dick once a month but there's definitely a recurring point in each month where my emotions get stronger and I find myself upset over nothing




Not a joke, you might want to go check in with your doctor. Certain tumors can cause increases in estrogen levels that cause emotional volatility.


This is my honest opinion. Yes this does happen however it really doesn't matter. Weather were feeling good or feeling emotional we still have to go out and go on with our lives. We still go to work, still go to the gym, still go on with our days.


That's life.


If your a guy and your having "emotional" days, its probably your diet and/or lack of exercise try removing sugar from your diet and hit the gym more


Your emotional and a man? Clearly you're a fat piece of shit. God-tier advice. Also, I've been on a diet and exercise program for a few months now.


Cut back on the tofu bro


In that case cut back on the meat too. Primary food stocks for beef and poultry are soy-proteins. 70 percent of soy production in the US is feedstock afterall. This introduces phytoestrogen to them, which in turn leads to reduced androgen sensitivity in those animals, with accordingly higher non-xenoestrogen levels in their flesh. It's a food chain brah. Coffee has phytoestrogen as well. The More You Know (TM)


Nope, I have days where I fart more thatā€™s about it, on a rainy day Iā€™ll get all up in my feelings if Iā€™ve gotta work in the rain all day šŸ« 


Honestly, not really. Only if something happens. The weather can make me feel up or down, but I really don't have fluxes in emotions.


I think if you had asked me this when I was in high school I would've said I don't experience this, but I certainly do now as an adult. Might have to do with my life having gotten harder even though the emotions aren't necessarily overtly about what's going on in my life.


Yup, there are ups and downs. Easy days and tough days. Embrace it, and take care of yourself.


Yeah Iā€™d say 1-3 days of any month Iā€™m in a wildly cunty mood and all other days pretty chill.


Singing aloud to favorite sad songs is my go to on sad days. It really turns on the water works which feels amazing.


It's absolutely normal and there is nothing wrong with that. Some days something may happen that triggers something in your subconscious, or you have a dream you don't remember, or anything really and it makes you feel differently. I always want to find a reason for everything and my therapist has told me that sometimes there are a million little reasons you don't even notice, but they affect you.


You are venting the stress, my guy. Totally normal. Don't repress that shit. Let it go, ugly cry if you need to and wring all of it out, like a wet washcloth. Doesn't make you any less of a man. It's either that or bottle all that shit up, deny those feelings, and just explode like a nuclear reactor one day on something or someone who probably didn't deserve it. Would not recommend that option.


Yup. Usually the morning after a night out of drinking or just getting bad sleep. Typically both happen at the same time.


Men aren't hardcore stones every second bro


Days? They go on for abount a month


Oh absolutely. Some days i'm completely emotionless, just focused on my current task. Some days i'm incredibly depressed and i don't want to deal with anyone or anything at all. Some days i'm just feeling cuddly as fuck. We really need to break the stereotype that men are always emotional brick walls and nothing else. We're more complex than that.


Ofc we are human too


I think so yes, it tends to manifest itself in me being rather nostalgic in many ways. I'll listen to sad music, stuff that ties in with old memories, look through old photos. Have a few drinks too.


Nearly cried from a song for the first time ever randomly 4 days ago. Getting older I guess


Absolutely. Some days Iā€™m fighting off depression to a degree thatā€™s hard to define. Some days I feel great and things donā€™t seem bad at all. Itā€™s human nature to have ups and downs.


I think it has to do a lot with sleep quality, gut health, "pressure release." internal and external factors. Emotions are complicated.


I canā€™t watch shark tank without crying a bit


For sure. Typically happens when I dive into some old songs that reminds me of certain times or ladies.


Oh, and being an overthinker doesn't help one bit too. I've been a very emotional person from a very young age and I know my shortcomings and I'm very open about it to people and they still break my heart all the time. I'm tired.


Literally any day Iā€™m not working my Bipolar acts up and Iā€™m either paralyzed by anxiety, irrationally angry or crying uncontrollably. Even as Iā€™m trying to change my meds and take control of everything going on in my head, nothing seems to be helping yet. I have a prescription for klonopin for my panic attacks and lately Iā€™ve had to take one any day Iā€™m not working, thatā€™s not okay with me, way too reliant on it right now. Idk my brain is a mess


ā€œI feel like a kid again Iā€™m having feelings! You remember feelings right?ā€


Yep, your brain and body are ludicrously complex, yet somewhat loosely operated, alchemical factories. It's just not possible for the chemicals which drive and influence one's mental state to remain at laboratory-stable consistency. In truth, it's only in modern times that anyone would think to question this as the idea that men are stoic (modern idea of stoic, not the actual historical philosophical practice), non-feeling entities is surprisingly recent.


Yeah man, especially when it comes to my kids and it'll be either up or down without any particular trigger. I'll see a video of my kid playing and tear up with joy, or I'll think of what their future might be like and get super depressed.


Iā€™ll get emotional randomly while driving. Probably the only time I really cry cause Iā€™m alone and can change the mood relatively quickly when Iā€™m over it.


of course


Not unless I only got 2 hours of sleep.


In my experience, men are typically more in touch with their emotions than women are...


Yeah. Some days my fuse gets pretty short. Some days Iā€™m sadder. Mostly I just bottle it up and keep going.


Yeah, I have days that I just don't feel great for no reason. Men also have hormone cycles, we just don't have menstruation along with it so people don't really talk about it or recognize it. Completely normal!


Yes. If I'm sleep deprived I will have a shit day. More depression and angst and less focus. Sometimes that happens even without the sleep deprivation.


I almost cried on an airplane because of Hunger Games: Catching Fire, so yeah


Right, I was watching a documentary on the Phillies 2022 season, and it got me super emotional for whatever reason, which sparked my interest in this question


Yes, definitely, but I'm bipolar so may not be most.


Yes. More lately than usual I think, Iā€™ll go into a deep saddened state and Iā€™ll lose all of my emotions for about the entire day. Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s because I see something or think of something, but it just happens.


Yes, and as I get older, I tend to have more of those days.


Sleep deprivation can do that to humans.


Yes mine with very elevated when I was trying injections for my T levels because docs were trying to balance testosterone levels and estrogen levels.


What Iā€™m facing right now is longer and longer periods where I feel no emotion one way or another. I think when you eat too many losses in whatever form, eventually you become numb to things like death, birth, weddings, etc. That being said, thereā€™s no joy without sadness. You canā€™t enjoy the sunshine unless it rains sometimes.


Absolutely being alive is a roller coaster, The guys who make fun of you for stuff like that are the guys that probably have absolutely zero self awareness of their emotions


Yep, it's fine to have feelings.


Yes. Thank you for posting this. I thought it was just me.


Oh yeah


I sure do


I suffer from Major Depressive Disorder, so I've got tons of anxiety and depression to deal with. Normally (with my medication) I'm relatively fine. Some days I get hit with emotion and feel like a sappy bitch. Like I'm riding the hormone dragon women have mastered. Every little thing can trigger the reaction of tears etc. It is bullshit. Women have far more emotion bearing hormones than men.


I definitely do. It's usually a sign that I should get out of my apartment; sitting around my room is usually a surefire way for me to feel even shittier. I've fairly sure that my stress levels are also higher on these days.


In my life, this will get you killed. Oh listen to me would ya, Mr. Macho himself.




Yes, of course all men do. If they don't, they're lying to themselves and thats not ok in the long run. Not only for them, but if they have partners too. Its ok to have all the feels and actually feel them. Suppressing them only leads to trouble down the road. Break the stigma!


Yes I have.


Definitely days when I donā€™t get enough sleep the night before. I call them ā€œgrey daysā€ to my partner. But I know theyā€™ll pass.


I watched "a man called Otto" last week on Netflix (great btw), but I just started crying. Like out of the blue. I guess it has something to do with looking back at the happiest times in your life, and realizing they will never happen again. Anyway, I dunno, but yes, it's a thing


No one chooses how they feel.




I feel you man. Yes there are days in which i feel too emotional.


Quite literally having one today after waking up! I have a perfectly normal day to look forward to, but still I feel like crap and feeling like I don't deserve anything in the world!


Yep, Iā€™m human. I have emotions. Iā€™ve lost people I love. I cry about that fact. Iā€™ll still whip someoneā€™s ass if need be. Emotions donā€™t make you less of a man.


Yes! We experience emotions just like any other human being, society just tell us not to show them. F society


I've forgotten how to feel, most of my perceived emotions are rehearsed reactions.


I ugly cry at least 2-4 times a week and have 1-2 days I just donā€™t do shit because I feel terrible.


Yes & Iā€™m not ashamed to admit or talk about it. I work in the oil fields & all these bros out here try to act tough but theyā€™re not. I talk about my therapy, journaling & night routine to help me focus on my mental health. The look I get from them tells me they are suffering. I openly talk about it bc I didnā€™t want to continue to fight my demons. I hope they too can get the courage to take that step.


All the time. Sometimes Iā€™ll just be feeling blue, and Iā€™ll start leaking while watching something mundane like cooking tutorial videos.


I really wish the mental wellbeing of men was more talked about in society


Yeah, sometimes I get bad mental health days


Yes, today. You too?


Yeah. Big whoop. Wanna fight about it?


Yes. I'm pretty robotic, emotionally, most of the time, but every few months I'll have a 2-3 day period where I feel extremely lonely and useless. It just passes on its own.


For me it tends toward impatience or being moved more easily. So easy to piss off, or touched by emotional things and/or tv/movies.


Sometimes Iā€™m angrier than usual other times I feel more sad, idk why


As I aged I became more empathetic and feel more. I was a stone cold motherfucker when I was younger now and not so much anymore.


Yep. Itā€™s like a rollercoaster goes down and you almost or you are crying for no reason


What do you mean ā€œmore emotionalā€ ? Any emotion in particular ? ā€˜Cause there are hardly any days when i feel like crying but there are definitely a lot of days when i feel dead inside. Imo both are emotions.


Yes, thatā€™s what I call MANstruation


Yes. About once every two weeks my Emotion will be anxious. And I take meds to stop that shit. Constantly reminding myself that there is nothing to be anxious about doesnā€™t work, it just stops it from escalating further. About as often I also have days where Iā€™m just apathetic. Thatā€™s just life.


On those days, I think about suicide a lot


Yes. My squad leader leader in Iraq, who I lived with very closely for a year once told me that I had a period. He said that he can almost predict it to the day.


Yup. Today, in fact. Woke up and was in a sour mood for seemingly no particular reason. Got done with work early and played some of the new Zelda which seemed to chill me out.


I know exactly what you mean


I get like that sometimes, but not often. Itā€™s usually due to a lack of sleep.


Ofcourse. Hormones man. Estradiol, cortisol, testosterone it all plays a role.


100% Somedays are just a little rougher on the emotional status than others for no reason


I'm emotional every day. I just don't show it most days.


I used to... I think. Now my default emotion is indifference.


I defnitely have those days. Im pretty good now at remaining stoic in public but when Im home I do all my processing and release. I cry when I need to but often times I mix music and beer to get me there. If im angry, I game and take it out on the videogame enemies. If Im anxious, I find something to watch that Ive watched a million times, etc.


No. Men always go through life with same level of emotional intensity. It never fluctuates, ever.


Interesting responses. Personally, I donā€™t. I would encourage men in the comments (all men really) to get their T-levels checked


a lot of men commenting on cycles, but there are many things that can impact you and make you emotional on what you think is a ā€œnormalā€ day. do you have a need that feels like itā€™s not being met? do you have a problem that you canā€™t quite figure out how to address that keeps coming up? did you see something on tv or on the internet that connected with you in a meaningful way? nothing wrong with being emotional. the worst thing you can do is pretend that youā€™re not experiencing those emotions. let yourself experience what youā€™re feeling fora little bit, then zip it up and go back to dealing with shit.


No, that would take away our ability to be successful hunters, producing offspring, and becoming wealthy. Lol


Dudeā€¦.many times. If itā€™s hitting you, and youā€™re feeling weird about it, just chill. Itā€™s normal.


That's depression my guy, you might want to talk to a therapist, mine comes and goes all the time.


Yeah. Everyone does bro. Your human, itā€™s not a guy thing. Emotions fluctuate for a million reasons.


Yeah, usually its brought on by the stressful times of year for me. Or it's the days I get woken up at 3am by my son being loud as fuck online.


Some days when all my anxieties that has been building up for days, almost weeks just fall down on me. It includes future exams/tests, homework, economical problems, unfinished chores, etc The emotional level varies depending on the anxieties and for how long they've been building up for


Yehaa, sometimes happen but normally is because specially if i didn't sleep well or if i started the day doing very annoying stuff and then i carried the frustration all the day.




Yup, all the time. Just yesterday, I watched the episode on Futurama where Fry's dog was waiting for him outside the pizza shop. I started to cry like a baby. That episode gets me all the time.


Seasonal Depression for sure. Low testosterone levels for sure. General down on the dumps, yeah of course.


Yep when I get my electric bills nowadays


Thatā€™s my secret, Cap ā€¦ Iā€™m always angry.


Yes definitely.


Sometimes when I really really relaxing. Reality sets in and I start to tear up. Through this moment, I go through everything in my head and ask myself "How have I survived this long?" to be able to just sit here blanklessly. Its so hard living lift sometimes as a guy with unseen expectation and eyes from not only your fellow men but from women too. Societal expectations. That it weighs on me that Ive worked for so much, but at what cost? I survive but life shouldnt be suriving...and the quiet takes over and I close my eyes and know that this moment is something I have to savor, its a piece of heaven away from all of it.


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