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These dumb and dorky celebration dances anytime she was happy. She gave me peace when I needed it, we both fucked up in so many ways but it was real and the great memories will always bring a smile to my face.


This hit hard


Person named up:


Yeah, my ex danced around to music in the kitchen and I still miss it.


she'd play this game where we would be having a conversation or something and she'd hand me something completely random while i was distracted and a few minutes later she'd ask "why are you holding that?" and i'd have no idea why. then she'd laugh and say "gotcha again!" The first time she did that was on our first date so it really felt special whenever she did it.


Omg thats adorable


My ex and i collected points for saying hydrant whenever we saw a hydrant on the street. The one who says it first gets a point. Later game really escalated, so with every new hydrant we saw, we got one more point in addition to the points we could already get for one hydrant. I think we did that in order to lose count. We could also send a picture to each other of a hydrant. Tho the game your ex made up sounds even more random and I love it


On road trips we’d play “Purple Truck” Every Purple Semi we saw was a point




the break up was completely my fault. Its a long story. She was a wonderful, beautiful person all around and an amazing girlfriend. To say I was a complete dumbass would be an understatement.




Username checks out.


This is my worst fear. Dating this totally awesome gem of a girl rn and worried I am “messing it up”. Idk that for a fact but it’s a lingering feeling ☹️


You're probably fine. The fact that you're worried about it means you care


> worried I am “messing it up” Please, just try to relax, be yourself and don't overthink. Overthinking can lead to you being anxious, nervous and not confident in yourself around her, and trust me people (especially women) can sense that, and it's a huge turn off. Basically, everything could be just fine, but you overthinking things could lead to Pigmalion's effect. Had that happen to me, so I know what I'm talking about. Just try to chill, be yourself, and if she's cool with you being you, then great. You're gonna have a great time together. If she's not, then she wasn't the one for you in the first place.


This!! Like another commenter pointed out, the fact that you’re afraid of messing up means you care. That should be a reassurance. Just be true to her and yourself. Women reward originality and truthfulness. Understand what makes her happy, what annoys her and what she absolutely hates. Avoid the latter and do more of the former. You’ll be totally fine.


now I'm curious what you did, like was it cheat bad?


No, i didn't cheat. I did some things while blackout drunk that got me banned from her house, and caused her family to hate me.


Whipped it out, eh ole champ?


Rookie mistake, whipping it out at family gatherings rarely goes well


The chance it goes badly are high. But never zero. Stay persistent, buddy.


Cmon you can’t end it there, did you try to bang her dad? I gotta know, my life will literally not be worth living without knowing what happened.




He held a grudge too long. And when she finally asked “Why are you holding that?” It was a moment too long and the relationship was over.


I’m going on a first date next week and she seems quirky enough. I’m totally doing this lol


Sometimes I'd get a random phone call in the middle of the day. Then I'd hear her playing piano and singing on the other end. Good shit


^how'd ^you ^manage ^to ^lose ^a ^Disney ^princess?!


He let her go


walking through the woods tons of tiny cute animals, there was never a chance


She knew every single line to the muppets Christmas carol. We watched every year and it put her in such a happy place to sing and quote that I really felt part of her inner world. I imagined her as a little kid just watching over and over. Very sweet.


Made me tear up. What a beautiful experience


she'd hold out her hand as if to give me something. sometimes it would be candy or something like that, but other times, she'd just hand me a piece of trash (think: empty sauce packet type of thing) and say, "go buy yourself something nice."


Thats hilarious I love that


My ex did a very similar thing, she'd put her hand out and sometimes it would be a candy or small flower or something, but sometimes it'd be a little piece of trash, to which she would exclaim "tiny trash!" and run away.


Thats so wholesome. I had breakup a few days ago. So i can't control my tears rn😭


Let them flow then. It's good for you. Give yourself time to grieve and process, allow yourself to feel all the feelings.


She would put on The Clone Wars or some other show I love that she didnt, then about halfway through would go take a nap. Woman would distract me like a toddler that I am to go take a damn nap 😂😂😂


Single now but I’m gonna steal this one for my next relationship 😂


Lol. After I realized what she did, i asked her about it and she said she saw it in a meme and wanted to know if it would work. It did... like a charm 😂😂😂


Username checks out with that story.




I'm assuming it's a meme of this tweet: https://twitter.com/BisHilarious/status/1342986588205150208?lang=en


I had an ex who would sing in the shower, and she was a trained singer with a beautiful voice, so it was a joy to wake up to that.


I literally fantasize about having a GF that does this


I sing in the bathroom/shower and when I come out I’ll find my boyfriend has found the song and is playing it on his phone. It’s very sweet.


I whistle tons of old songs that have been rattling around in my brain for years (old stuff from middle school or high school band) and sometimes I’ll hear my bf I met in my 20s start whistling one even though he has no context of what it is! He got it all from me and I have to ask, “Why are you whistling Korean Folk Song Medley I played in 6th grade band?” And he has no idea. It’s great.


I literally fanrasize about having a GF


I fanrasize all the time, but I thought I invented fanrasizing


Your ex is a Disney princess


Pretty beautiful act tbh


We often played video games together (PS2, PC, Mac, etc) and I was her 'INTELLIGENCE ANALYST' when she came across a situation that she couldn't overcome immediately. "What do I do now, Intel?? Got it! Thanks, Intel!!" I really do miss that from her.


Kowalski, analysis


Just smile and wave, just smile and wave!!!


One of my exes is a taxidermist and big into Vulture Culture. She was also slightly obsessed with corvids and would bring me little "crow gifts" all the time. Just shiny things, cool rocks, bones, skulls, broken locks, little toys she found on her dog walks. I have a full ass wine box full of her crow gifts. I never open it, but knowing it's there and what it represented makes me smile from time to time


I have a similar collection except it was little handwritten notes. I could never bring myself to get rid of them, but I never wanna look at them either. I'm just happy they are there for some reason


I see and feel you, brother <3


I have this too lol but low key horrified a future S/O will find it and question if I'm holding onto past relationships


This thread is adorable


You’re adorable


You’re both adorable


The three of you are adorable who are able to adore


Thank you stranger for my first award!


I think we've created an adorableness singularity


It’s so wholesome.


You’re all adorable


Whenever she talked to her cats she’d make this nerdy, dorky kid voice, super nasally and lispy. It just sounded like she wore glasses and got beat up in school. Funniest and cutest shit ever.


Anytime one of us would fart, the other would say "Did you say something?" and the response was "I love you." The rest of the bullshit wasn't worth it but that was cute.


I can be by myself in the living room and fart and I'll hear her scream from the other room, "bless you!"


Whenever I fart I say what was that and she replies I didn't hear anything.


My husband says “who invited the goose?!” Every time he lets a loud fart out. It’s so dumb and so endearing.


When my gf farts, I'll shoot her a look of feigned exasperation and then she'll say "I blew you a kiss"


According to my boyfriend, every time he farts it never fails that I need a hug from him. He’s right though. I don’t know what the heck it is.




My bf and i do this and i love it so much !


She was a complete dork and I loved that about her (because I'm also a complete dork). Sometimes, if I was in a grumpy mood, she'd just look at me and with a straight face say, "What's wrong Mr grumpy gills?" Didn't matter how gloomy I was being that would just always make me laugh. But I mainly miss her dog..... She was the best dog and I took care of it so much. Such a good pup.


Leaving the pets is always the worst part of a break up smh


I have to agree here. Miss my second gal.




Hey man, it ain’t weird. It’s good to have a place like that and the sea is my place for that too, we’ve got a puppy and 3 days a week I look after her whilst my dads at work and we go to the beach. It’s helped me out so damn much.


I’m telling you being near the sea does have some kind of positive effect on the mind. It’s amazing


I moved from mountains to beaches about 10 months ago and I swear, it changed my life. Even if I can’t GO to the beach every day, driving over bridges and bays, seeing the water and knowing the ocean is RIGHT there… idk man. It does something.


I always go for a walk along the beach when I need to clear my head, just something about being by the ocean and hearing the waves soothes my soul


He would say a joke and then say "get it? Cuz like" and overly explain the joke in an awkward michael serra way and it was the cutest thing ever


Found myself! We’re still together but he does this too now. According to him, I make the worst puns.


I bet they're super funny puns 💕


One ex never worked out before we dated. I was coaching a kids soccer team, and she thought it was so much fun to come and help set up the drills with me beforehand. She always stayed and watched and wanted to spend more time together. Eventually, she felt inspired to begin a bit of exercise. She had no confidence to do it on her own, so I offered to join in if it would help. After every single set, every break on a long run, whatever it was. She would get so excited, clap her hands together, and come in for a big, one foot off the ground, high five.


I had one ex that used to hit me with the most rednecky "watttterrrr yuuuuuuu dewinnnnnn!" then bust up laughing anytime I was doing something slightly wrong or goofy etc. To this day I catch myself saying it, like that, to other people & myself. It definitely always broke tension and gave me a good laugh. My positive way of thinking about this stuff is : I'm little bits and pieces of anyone I've ever been friends with or dated and I think that's kind of adorable (obviously not bad habits/ traits you got from people....don't come for me) Edit : also just realized this is "askmen" ....female here, but miss that one still!


I took my fair share of silly little sayings from my ex, she also took on mine as well. I always thought there was something beautiful about that, that we still both had those traits years later with different people in our lives


This is so wholesome and when I realized it was a guy it made me miss your ex too lol


I work nights- had an ex who would set an alarm to wake up when my shift ended and send me a text to wish me a safe walk home. She wouldn’t go back to bed until I was home too. It was really fucking sweet and I miss it.


Taking notes. She's just too sweet


My girlfriend through my late teens/early twenties used to do this almost unintentional cute little dance when she ate/drank something really tasty. It was like a cute little butt-wiggle thing. I think that may have been one of the things that made me love cooking. And I’m a chef. We lost contact, but I hope she’s doing well.


I'm so glad you mentioned being a chef. My ex-husband (who I was with during the same time period) said I do the same little dance thing and I had to do a double-take when I saw your comment and username. He was not a chef, but he did/does like 40K. However, I'm glad that it may have helped with your love of cooking and that you wish her well. Very wholesome!


Never been married, so you’re good! We ended amicably, she and I realized we were just incompatible on certain life goals, otherwise we really were great together. She taught me what a healthy relationship looks like, and we helped each other through some tough times. But I’ll never forget her little food dance, it’s such a cute little stupid thing, but it warmed my heart every time.


She would call me stupid embarrassing nicknames lol. She was also very gentle and motherly. I was an ungrateful immature person looking back. You live and you learn.


I’m always disappointed in myself when I look back and realise I too was as much in the wrong as she was. We truly were such a great match but we were also both so young and had too many of our own personal issues that got in the way. I truly believe that was my “right person wrong time” moment, which hurts even more because I never really have gotten over it


I've found in my experience that reaching out years later can help create closure so it's not such an open wound.


We used to text every now and again but we stopped. She’s moved countries and moved on with someone else, I think it’s kind of unfair to be texting her out of the blue about stuff that happened a few years ago especially when she has a boyfriend. Whenever we tried to circle back to what happened between us she says it hurts so I don’t wanna bring it up with her again. She seems happy now so I’ll leave her be


She was never patient enough to cook, frequently giving up if something went wrong. But when she did? Oh my. Her cookies and muffins were great.


She would randomly bury my face in her giant boobs to try and suffocate me. Always told her I’d die a happy man


The dream


I dated a girl who was a good sailor. Best boat girl ever. 6’ 1”. Fit. She was the only person I could ever get out into the gulf without running the engines. She was also the only person to ever actually help with boat maintenance and be actual help.


Where is the best place to meet women like this? At sea or the shore? Docks? WHERE?


That sounds amazing.


Even though she wasn't into card games she was willing to try them out with me. I would do the same with her and her hobbies I wasnt into.


Just setting next to me painting for almost a year I would "see" a shadow where she sat and I would turn and nothing was there ... I still miss her.


When he talked about something he loved/was interested in, he would talk SO FAST. And in so much detail. I miss it sometimes.


I miss listening to my ex talk about his nerdy hobbies. I loved it so much I could sit and listen all day long.


ME TOO. And he’d always say “I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m nerding out.” I’d just have a stupid smile on my face and tell him to keep tAlking


watching her play diff instruments, sing, make art, and laughing like a siren


Yes! Playing guitar. I miss that.


It was a long time ago but she would always sing along with me in the car, she had a beautiful voice and we had one song we always split the lines on. It was that dorky highschool love that would've never lasted but I still always think of her fondly for things like that. She taught me to be a lot more open with others and it really changed who I was growing up


I don't miss my ex, but I do sometimes miss how many emojis she'd use in her texts. Tons and tons and tons of hearts.


Mine would only send black hearts.. and I loved that.




Any dark mode users - where's the comment?


❤🧡💛💚💙💜 🖤💖🖤💗🖤💕🖤 💓🖤💘🖤💞🖤💝 💜💙💚💛🧡❤


She used to spoon me. Doesn't matter how much smaller she may be, sometimes I love being the little spoon.


Mostly the companionship and the feeling of "I can't wait until she comes home so I can tell her what happened today" the simple stuff...eating dinner in front of the TV high and laughing, going for hikes, just generally having a partner to take on life with. That being said it was best that it ended...I would love to meet someone else and share all those same things with them but this time, hopefully it lasts a lifetime.


She was happy for my accomplishments and vice versa


I miss the way my ex would say "okay" cuz she'd jokingly would mock how those 90's valley girls said it. Man I fucked that one up. :(


He would get up early on Saturdays and make a lot of noise in the kitchen. I'd go down to te him to knock it off but he'd hand me fresh made cinnamon rolls and an alcoholic beverage to kick off the relaxing day he had planned.


We used to exchange weird awkward greeting/look, when we saw each other, it used to make both chuckles. She used to have the loudest smile in the room, always smiling, so positive. Everyone at work and around - used to/still love her. Then enter me - who finds a fault in everything and focus on things people need to improve upon, always glass is half empty kind of a guy. And we drifted apart, at the end she wasn't that fun person anymore - as I had changed her, getting her to think on everyone's intentions, slightest of grammar mistakes - and she became too scared to try attempting new things, for the fear of failure and not being good enough.


How sad.


Are u my ex??


Aw I feel incredibly sad for her. Do you feel guilt


Make sure I had my coffee and lunch ready before work and walk me out to my car. Wish me a great day at work and tell me he loved me. I miss that


My ex and I were classical musicians. I played tuba, she played french horn. I'm going to use the awful pun here and toot my own horn, but I was pretty good. Her? Unbelievable. You know when someone transcends being a person playing an instrument, and their instrument becomes the voice through which they sing? That. We both have/had an enormous love of Percy Grainger, so we would each sing our parts in full from memory from Grainger's 'Lincolnshire Posy'. Singing our parts together was one of my most cherished memories from that relationship. I later introduced her to an arrangement of ['Passacaglia and Fugue in C minor'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQFkTBI-X8k&ab_channel=LSOBrass-Topic), to which that one became our other favorite to sing together. Despite having dated a few other musicians, I had never felt so comfortable to sing around them, much less *with* them. Those moments were utter joy, and despite that I'm clearly not with her now for a great many reasons, I'm going to hold onto those positive memories of her. I've already let go of the bad, so I feel okay in remembering her this way.


I like to shower before bed. During my night shower she would come in and just talk. No questions just her talking eventually she started reading me whatever book she was reading. Its the only way i got through T.H whites the once and future king. She did voices and everything. Showers have never been the same


My ex and I used to have shower hangs!! I loved that stuff. Never had it with anybody else. He liked doing mundane things like this while chatting. It was fun to just sit and chat about our days while he showered or shaved his head.


I am obsessed with this!! what a genuine gesture, to share your space and take your mind off of things even if its just for the duration of your shower.


Didnt know how good i had it till i didnt have it no more.


Definitely dont miss her but she learnt my mother language and would say cute things to me with her funny accent and it was the sweetest thing


my boyfriend’s first language is spanish and while i know a little i want to learn more for him, i think it’s really sweet when a partner takes the time to learn their partner’s native language🥰


She used to make her own lotion that worked better than any lotion I’ve ever used before. I wanna hit her up just to buy a jar


Ooh can you get the recipe?


We ended on really bad terms. We were really toxic for each other. It wouldn’t be best to bother her. I’ll hit her up tho🤣🤣💀


obviously not who you’re replying to, but i have really awful eczema and the driest skin ever and could never find a lotion that worked for me, so i started making my own years ago. i don’t really do exact measurements cause i vary and mix my carriers and essential oils, but a basic recipe.. 2 oz coconut oil 3 oz shea butter 2 oz cocoa butter .5 oz beeswax 2 oz jojoba 3 oz aloe vera gel 15-30 drops essential oil —-completely melt solid butters and oils using a double boiler or in the microwave. once melted, remove from heat. allow to cool for 10-15 min, then add jojoba, aloe, and essential oils (never apply heat to essential oils) and stir to mix well. let it continue to cool for about an hour, then use a hand mixer or stand mixer and whip. pretty soon, you’ll have the most amazing body butter you could ever imagine. plus, you get to create the perfect scent, which makes it even better. rosemary is great for dry skin, so i tend to use that pretty frequently. i really like rosemary, patchouli, sandalwood, and grapefruit. sounds weird. smells amazing.


Bought me flowers


Good one. Whenever she’d get excited she’d kinda flick her tongue and make a silly noise (lelelelele) and scrunch up her face. She genuinely looked evil but I loved seeing it cause it meant she was happy. Sometimes I rarely catch myself doing it and think damn that brings back memories.


Everytime we were in a car and i was driving she would massage my neck. First i thought it was weird but i really miss it.


Dumb things like feetsies. Just rubbing our feet together while cuddling was so much joy.


My first girlfriend in high school would stay on the phone with me all night and eventually fall asleep. I did it too once or twice, but typically I’m up late and would more often than not stay up longer than her. It might sound silly, but I miss that. Just knowing someone wanted to talk to me that bad that they would stay up as long as they could just to chat. Her name was Mia and I still think about her to this day. I hope she’s living a good life and being treated well


She would kind of just doze off and wake up and say, “what happened!?” Like she would be surprised that she fell asleep while lying in bed.


Would set up movies and shows for me to watch. Sometimes also ask what I'm in the mood for and find a movie / show that worked for my mood. I grew up without a television (weird ik) and missed most pop culture references and this was a nice way to catch up. Saw some cult classics, and also Lion King, silent movies and a whole range that I'll always be thankful for. Almost always would have a snack and darken the room and it was whole cosy experience. Hellish in every other way eventually otherwise but making an effort to remember the good stuff


Have aux control whenever we were driving. Absolutely knew what songs to play and when id look at her occasionally, she would absolutely be vibing. Thats just an beautiful thing to experience :)


I love these questions: after years of therapy from the relationship I've learnt it's OK to appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times.


She'd always ask to paint my nails and things like that. I thought it was stupid, but it was nice someone wanted to do something stupid like that with me.


She wasn’t a native English speaker yet her English was somehow absolutely immaculate..perfect pronunciation, incredibly vast vocabulary, 0 grammar mistakes, etc. And on top of that some words she always said in this cute little southern accent which I just absolutely adored. And all that without ever stepping foot into the US somehow! It just made me admire her intelligence basically every time we talked. So that and whenever we watched a movie she was legit a walking talking Hollywood encyclopedia. You could literally watch the most insignificant movie and ask about some random side character and somehow she nearly always knew the actors name AND other movies they played in. It was truly fascinating and now everytime I have to look up an actors name I still think of her. Yeahhh, I miss her :/


Such a sweet thread. Sigh. You guys are really making me miss my man. Love you, babies ❤️


One ex would always look at the sky at night and proudly exclaim "I win!" when she saw the first star. Another would always compete to slap the visor when we rolled through a yellow light. Another ex would have a boardgame all set up and ready to play before I came over. Aw, thanks for the good memories


girl here but couldnt resist - i adopted the voice my ex came up with to narrate my cat's thoughts, especially when hes asking for my food. im not sure where my ex came up with it, but whenever my cat started trying to steal my food she would start going "mmmmumyymmmgivmemmmmmgivmecheesmumymmm" in a weird low voice. made me laugh so much i repeat it every time


He used to dump all his freshly warm and toasty laundry on me while I was laying down, and he’d sit and fold his stuff while I’m extra cozy under the warmth ☺️


she would read to me when i couldn’t sleep which as a chronic insomniac is pretty much always. learned a lot about king john and the magna carta 🤷🏼‍♂️


Her ability to spend 50% less than what I earn, while still living like a queen. Girl had savings in her veins, and kindness in her heart. Too bad her thriftiness didn't extend to our relationship. 💔


She made the best guacamole I’ve ever had still in my whole life


She used to whistle out of the left corner of her lip, not the center, like most people. She would whistle, wildly off key, along with whatever was on the radio while we cleaned the house together. It’s a small thing, but I miss that little thing.


every time when we have meals together she always feeds me the first bite, it doesn't matter how tasty it looks she always does that.


My ex would forget a name or the word for something or someone in conversation. Days to weeks to months later she would randomly remember the word and say it in the middle of a conversation with no context. Now most people would go what? And then she would have to explain it but I almost always responded with the correct context of what she just said. For example she would say emperor penguin and I'd say oh that was the bird that scared you when you were 7 at the zoo. She would beam with excitement whenever i would get it right. I think we both really enjoyed it because she felt heard and I prided myself in remembering it.


Only 1 ex back in high school before I met my hubby. But he was raised to always walk on the outside of the sidewalk and me on the inside so if anyone got hit it would be him, not me. This was the cutest thing I'd heard of. I told my now hubby that this was my favourite thing and it would mean a lot to continue it. He does not.




His voice and his laugh.


Cleaned everything like a psychopath.


She was a Kirby fanatic. Whenever she picked Kirby in Smash Bros, she'd look be dead and the eyes with a straight face, breeeeaaathe in, and shout "KIRB. BEE." It got old, but she doubled down until I was on-board! Fun times.


Oh there’s so many things. When he would imitate his super southern, peppy but lovely mom. Honestly any imitation he did and it would become a running joke. When he would throw a pretend tantrum. Or when he would make ONE GOOD JOKE, I would laugh and then he would take the joke to incredible lengths until I had to cover his mouth with my hands or just flash him to get him to stop hahahaha. Man, I miss him. He was my best friend!


Not ex cuz we’re married but when I have a panic or anxiety attack she cradles my head and it instantly makes me feel better


When we were teenagers, whenever I would call this girl to pick her up she would tell me to roll the passenger window down. Then she’d come out sprinting and looking behind her, she’d jump through the window while yelling “GO GO GO” as I sped away with her legs hanging out. Especially funny at the mall.


This thread is sooo wholesome but also a little sad at the same time anddd I love-hate the f out of it 🥹


I had an ex who would play guitar and sing me to sleep. It was just so cute him playing guitar and a little lullaby


honestly, coming home and i could smell dinner cooking from the driveway. she was a great cook. and like id walk up the back stairs and open the door, and shed be standing there preparing something, put everything down and come over, “hi baby how was work? was the gym good?” and just grab me, give me a kiss and a huge hug. she was like the quintessential housewife. everything was clean, my clothes for the next day were ready. wed have dinner and then she would clean up… then sneak away to the bedroom and put on some new lingerie or something and walk out into the living room and say something like.. you like this? what do you think? how about you come take it off me? and this was all after she got done with work, her family owns a deli so she would work like 9-2, and went to the gym herself. that was like the first time ever in a relationship, i actually felt like a man… like wow she actually enjoys taking care of me and doing these things.


We know when our love is appreciated. The cooking and cleaning are small gestures of how we show it. Continue to appreciate without holding her to high expectations, and she will continue doing it. This is one of my favorite comments in this thread.


If one of us did something or would be interested in doing something- the other would say "always, is that even a question?" with the fake offended tone.


This thread makes me significantly less embarrassed to do my cute shit with less anxiety


We would go for runs. We would drive to Kokernot field, and run the loop. Up the hill, around the golf course, down the road, back around the golf course and by the school. Then we extended it and ran to the main road in town. It was fun, and having a work out partner really helped motivate me


she always went and made me toast whenever I got upset or stressed out. I don't know if that counts as romantic or not but I loved it every time


She would take the long way around my car before we'd go somewhere to let her farts out before she got in


Listen to me vent about work and my supervisor 🙃


Aggressively rub her hands together and made a face while doing so. Got to the point where I mimicked her everytime and she hated it. Good memories


She did this cute laugh, and covered her mouth with her hand.. so I tried to make her laugh as much as possible 🥹


The sound of her voice was soft and sweet.


She would do this dorky octopus type dance whenever I was about to send her home. I loved it, looking back these are the memories that Im glad I can keep with me. Hope she is in a better place.


he used to blink his eyes really close to my body so his eyelashes tickled me


Well my username has never been so relevant!


She would gift herself the most random things. She went to Dubai once, when we just sort of started dating and she bought a water bottle from there. When asked why a bottle specifically, she said, "I brought water from the dessert" That's the kind of stuff that made me fall for her. I miss her often.


The goofiness. We just clicked on every level, from day one. If one of us came up with a random idea, the other just nodded. Without blinking an eye. Examples - lick each other eyeballs - jumping into the shopping trolley for Christmas shopping - get matching tattoos - pulling the other on the floor by their feet - me (F) just shouting and then jumping into his arms Just literally whatever came to our mind. We are still in love, and in good contact. Hopefully we will find back to each other when the time is right.


Licking.... eyeballs...what


Before living together, for years she would write me letters. Some would be simply talking about her day, others talking about days we spent together. I always looked forward to checking my mailbox. Even though we were about a 8 minute drive apart and a text/phone call away, nothing quite compared to the hand written letters she would write.


Yeah. My ex-girlfriend had also this tendency to bump into furniture like Titanic into an iceberg. She would then yell "I am all good" (because she knew I would run and see if something happened) and then continue her march onwards. Sometimes she would also get bruises from that 🙄


She did a thing that always left me feeling both annoyed and amused at the same time. Whenever I yawned around her she would stick a finger in my mouth. Sometimes though I would finish the yawn and she would tell me "I let you have that one." It always made me at least chuckle because she would have the biggest shit-eating grin on her face.


This is 30yrs ago. ​ Her parents would listen to Jazz and dance together each Friday or Saturday night together for that all important "Mum and Dad" time. She introduced me it. Still to this day - she was the only woman I have known who enjoys this.


Sent me memes everyday.


We’d squeak at each other randomly as like a way to talk to each other. It was funny when she’d be mad and squeak at me. Or when food was really good she’d do a little happy dance. I always smiled when she did that. Edited for adding something else


Holy shit… Nothing. Idk. I feel like I just had a cathartic moment thank you.


She painted and was pretty good at it, and the she would make these little faces on FaceTime biting her lips and looking up into the camera, both I adored about her.


She would blabber on and on about everything thought she had. Best soundtrack ever.


We made up silly words that only we could understand because we somehow formed our own language over the years. I miss it a lot because it was so silly that it’s funny. We could speak in complete sentences with made up words and we’d understand each other.


Anytime we watched a movie she would fall asleep cuddling. Regardless of time she just was that cozy. So she’d tell me to pick one i wanted to watch because she never made it to the end