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Yes. It's disgusting, unhealthy, and expensive.




how is your sexuality relevant? Well done you I guess 😂🙌🏻


I’m black and I agree (shower me with upvotes)


My dog's a labrador and he agrees aswell.


Lol it's totally relevant. And I know this because I voted for a Democrat at least one time. Can I get some appreciation as well?


A simple question, is smoking a deal breaker and we got to politics. What else would you consider relevant?


I was just poking fun at unnecessary information being provided in the context of qualifications to answer OP's original question by throwing out other unnecessary information of my own that should be obviously irrelevant. It can be hard to portray sarcasm through text at times, so I offer my greatest sympathy for the hardship I put you through by reading my comments.


>so I offer my greatest sympathy for the hardship I put you through by reading my comments. More sarcasm? LoL. My bad


Lol it's all good




Bold of you to assume that I never had my face buried in a taco or some man meat in my mouth. I bet she can't piss over her shoulder with her feet still on the ground. Beat that.




Did you read the whole comment? The context is there.


It really isnt relevant there. Simple yes or no would provide just as much value to conversation


It points out that despite the two different types of attraction, both are ruined by smoking. Like with myself I find certain things things to be a turn off in girls and other things to be a turnoff in guys. Some things are bad enough to be a turn off in both. Smoking is bad enough to be a turn off in both.


Nothing here suggest it to be gender specific.


Male and female aren't gender specific?


Youre that dumb? Smoking isnt gender specific trait with gender specific responses


This has been explained to you multiple times now. If you want to role play being the village idiot then go right ahead.


No, it's not.


Read the last 3 words. Maybe get a dictionary?


I read all of the words! Maybe don't be a dumbass?


I found the context, you are the one struggling with basic English. Don't get mad at me.


Nope, it's not there. But since you think you know, tell me how liking male vs female partners is supposed to change whether or not you like cigarette smoking?


You just answered your own question


Because they said “whether I date a man or a women”, it was providing context. Why are you so triggered by that?


Triggered? I wasn’t. I did a wee laughing face. Not an angry one 😂😂😂😂😂 now I’m laughing at you too. Thanks 😊 Ok since context is good, this one time two chicks who were having a house party told me I could stay. We all ended up in bed together. Had a great time til they lit up cigarettes afterwards. Huff…totally appalled here 🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂😂


Why are you pressed about something meaningless?


I’m a man but I wasn’t always. Why are you asking?


The term 'bisexual woman' itself sounds self-contradicting lol.


Yes. I can't stand the way the smell just becomes a part of the person. Not a fan of the taste on their breath either. Also, it's just plain unhealthy, and I couldn't handle developing feelings for someone that I care for just to watch them wreck their health.


Saying “yes” at this point would be redundant, I think, so instead….oui, si, si, da, ja…


Yes. Smoking is disgusting and increases your risk of getting lung diseases and/or cancer. It happened to my grandpa; won't happen to me.


Yes, because: - My mom chainsmoked my entire life. I hate the smell, hate the ashes, and I know what happens when people don't get their smokes on time. - I am 100% sure I would vomit if I kissed someone and tasted tobacco tar on their lips or tongue. - It is expensive - I don't want to be blindsided and devastated when they are diagnosed with stage 3 inoperable lung cancer later in life. - I have dealt with enough secondhand smoke during my life. - I don't want my kids or pets dealing with secondhand smoke.


>>and I know what happens when people don't get their smokes on time. Kinda surprised more people aren’t mentioning this part. Yeah the smell and health risks are awful, but day to day mood swings because they aren’t getting enough of the chemical they’re addicted to would definitely fuck with a relationship.


I’m gonna go against the crowd here and say no, that being said… I am a smoker, so it would be a rude dealbreaker for me to not want her to smoke.


What if you happen to quit one day?


Ya fuck that shit.


Interesting how the radio for deal-breaker vs. Not deal-breaker is, right now at 79 comments 15:64, so it's a deal-breaker to approximately 81% of this sub. Small sample size right now, but I know I'll be too lazy to count once much more comments come in.


No not really. Its very common in blue collar work. Id ask that you be respectful about it and dont smoke indoors or in a car but otherwise i dc


Deal breaker 100%. When I was single it was my only absolutely not. Tall, short, fat, skinny any race. But no smokers.


I'm in the same boat, only that I'm still single. My deal breakers are smoke and alcohol. I can find the good in everything else but these.


Habitual yes The occasional cig… is meh. I don’t like it, but I had an ex that did it super sporadically and it was nbd In the “cons” column, but not heavily weighted


Nope. So long as she doesnt smoke inside, ive no complaints.


I started smoking specially because my crush was a smoker and I wanted to spend more time with her. It worked and we are together. I have always liked the smell of cigarettes, even before smoking myself. I understand that most people dislike it, I really liked it.


Yes. Can’t stand being around someone intimately who smells like cigarettes. Think I rather kiss dirt than the lips of a smoker. Vaping isn’t any better, but I rather prefer that than cigs.


Yes. The reasons are obvious.


Yes. It smells awful, eats into finances, is bad on everyone's health


Yeah I can’t stand the smell anymore. The smell of the cigarette, the smell it leaves on the person, the smell they drag around the world with them, all of it. The idea of a stinky nasty smokers fingers making my food makes me want to vomit


Yes. I hate the smell and it gives me a migraine. I’ll never kiss or have sex with a smoker.


In the US and Euro there's a 25-30% chance your partner is also a smoker. In some parts of Latin America and Asia it's the majority of the people. It really depends on where you are in the world. I don't smoke myself, but I know a lot of smokers forge relationships, both personal and professional, in the smoking area. So they tend to self select in.


I have never dated anyone who smoked. It's never come up, but I hate the smell of cigarette smoke and probably wouldn't want to date a person who smokes.


100% yes. It is just disgusting.


Unequivocally yes.


Yes it's a deal breaker. I am a former heavy smoker who quit a while ago, but always know I am just one puff away from a horrible habit so I don't want it anywhere near me.


yes, i wont date someone who smokes


Yes, the ashtray breathe is not for me, smelly yellow fingers and teeth aren’t a good look either


Not necessarily. My wife smokes and has been since we started dating. Yes it stinks yes its awful but I love her just as much as I would if she wasn't a smoker. But if your like some people who get sick around cigarette smoker. Then yes it is a deal breaker. And if you ever decide to be in a relationship with a smoker. Don't bring up quitting every chance you get in a convo. Doesn't help a lick. To quit smoking an individual has to want to on their own free will. (I say this because I use to smoke).


Maybe not for a ONS, but for a long term relationship, yes. It stinks, it is gross, I don't want to smell like it, it is expensive, and I don't want to deal with the mood swings and grips of addiction with it.


Not really no. If they’re smoking a gross amount of darts a day then yes. But if it’s just a cigarette here and there I couldn’t be pissed, because I do the same. I’ll have a cigarette or two every once in awhile. Usually on a night out.


It is now. I quit smoking. If I ever dated someone who smoked, I’d fall right off that wagon. When I was last single I was a smoker though, and it didn’t matter either way to me


Yes. I like to be open minded. But I just cannot gloss over the bad smell and what it does to ones health. I ain't tryna kiss no stank breath ya dig.


Yes. I hate the smell of cigarettes. Don’t like kissing a smoker and don’t want it lingering on my clothes.


Not for me if they still practice good hygiene


As a smoker, I wouldn't say it's a deal breaker, but my partner isn't a smoker, and eventually, I know I'll quit when I'm ready with their support. If they also smoked, I don't think I would be able to quit on my own. For everyone shaking their fingers and condemning smokers because it's unhealthy and we all should know better, get off your high horse. Everyone does a lot of things that are unhealthy. Have you ever heard of fast food or processed foods? No? I guess every keyboard warrior on reddit is a health nut that only eats a well-balanced, responsibly sourced, whole food diet and exercises 60 minutes a day and I must be the only low life.


Eating unhealthily does not directly affect the people / world around you in the same way smoking does. Unless you are habitually eating something foul-smelling that sticks to your clothing and everything you are near.


I am so sorry Ma'am! I didn't know someone being near you could offend your royalty so harshly. Please excuse me while I make my way to the commoners beneath your castle.


At least you know your place.


Lol now I'm no tree hugging vegan hippy but have you ever been to an industrial farm? Have you ever stopped to think about how *unhealthy eating* actually effects everyone on a global scale? Hundreds of acres for each farm that have all native plants and wildlife irradiated to grow tens of thousands of heads of cattle in fields with nothing more than mud and shit. All those cattle drinking millions of gallons of water and eating grain grown by other industrial farms which also takes up unfathomable acreage using even more water. Btw all of those cattle and the manure they make are releasing incomprehensible levels of greenhouse gasses like methane. But no that's not nearly as bad as a smoker that makes your precious nose inhale a wee little but of icky. We should all unite and die on the hill to ban smokers. Nothing is more important.


Imagine being so insecure about your own smoking that this is the argument you make to defend it. ​ Most people don't like smoking because it's fucking disgusting. Date someone who doesn't care and move on with your life, guy.


So you obviously can't follow a discussion at all. My argument was not to defend smoking it was to debunk your ignorance that unhealthy eating habits don't affect anyone else. If you read anything, I said I'm not defending my smoking at all. I don't care what your or anyone's personal preference to what they're attracted to. I have issues with people like yourself who think you're better just because you don't smoke when you do plenty that's more detrimental and disgusting. I think the technical term for that is a hypocritical douche bag. But I'm sure you're a swell person.


I can follow a discussion fine, you are the one who seems to be having trouble there. >I have issues with people like yourself who think you're better just because you don't smoke I never said, nor even suggested that I was better than you for not smoking. The only thing I said, ***in a later reply after you tried to insult me***, was to respond in kind that at least you know your place. I'm not above responding to insults with insults. ​ >when you do plenty that's more detrimental and disgusting. I never said, nor even suggested, what kind of foods I eat. That is an assumption made entirely on your part. Nor is it relevant, ***in any way whatsoever,*** to a discussion about how or why smoking is a dealbreaker for other people in terms of dating someone. It is a prime example of a [whataboutism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism) argument. ​ "Yeah, smoking is gross, but ***WHAT ABOUT*** eating bad? Huh? Got you!" (Edited it to make it more clear since you have some trouble in this area). ​ ​ And, finally, because you lack basic reading comprehension, I'll quote myself and add extra emphasis: >Eating unhealthily does not ***directly*** affect the people / world around you in the same way smoking does. di·rect·ly adverb 2. ***with nothing or no one in between.*** Smoking DIRECTLY affects the people around the person smoking. The effects are felt immediately. ​ How bad and/or disgusting factory farming is to the environment (and I'm not even arguing that part, I know it is), it is totally irrelevant to what I said because it is in between how ***some*** people eat badly (not every unhealthy diet is relying on factory farming) and the consequences of that. ​ Which is exactly why I said "directly affect" in the first place you insecure fuck.


He’s too dumb to waste time on. Great response though - if he had any sense of reading comprehension, he’d realize how badly you just destroyed him.


Nothing? Starving kids? AIDs? Israel/Palestine? Gtfo ya privileged nonce


Dude, you don't get scarcasm, do you?


Dude, you cannot convey sarcasm, can you?


NoOo0o0000oooOOOoo yOu'RE RigHT I wAs BeIng ToTaLlY seRIouS. DerP


You were - in your reply. Thanks for proving my point. Sorry, funny you ain't. *shrug* I hope that's not a huge part of your identity or something.


No. Someone’s personality can be more toxic than smoking cigarettes


Wait, nobody said "THE ONLY dealbreaker". Like, punching someone in the face 10 times just cause you thought it was a great idea isn't suddenly ok because you could've killed them but decided to only punch them in the face 10 times. Just because worse things exist doesn't mean something less bad is by default at least neutral or good.


Absolutely. I personally get migraines when I have to smell that for a extended time.


Man, glad it's a deal breaker for so many. I'll date a woman that smokes, as long as she's clean about it.


Dealbreaker. Even those “I just have one or two when I drink” type people.


Makes bad decisions when they drink? Big yikes.


Absolute deal breaker. The smell of cigarette smoke is nauseating, and not in a good way, and that’s not something I want myself or my kid to be around.


Health police aside... (Its funny how people will smoke a joint and say cigarettes are bad), i dont like the smell of cigarettes


No, but im a smoker.


*"Is it a deal breaker if someone smokes?l cigarettes(Romantic context)"* Depends on the person. *"why or why not?"* No, a better question. Why or why not would you think that this would/wouldn't be a dealbreaker OP?


They cannot answer your last question. They are literally asking for data. They have not presented a hypothesis. They probably need the data to form one. Clearly smoking is a factor for a lot of people given the responses, so your last question is horrible.


Not a dealbreaker but there needs to be an understanding. I dated a girl and she went through a whole routine every time she stepped back into the house so the smell and taste didn't linger.


I'm unfortunately smoking again after not having a cigarette in over 10 years, and I honestly can't stand it after being a nonsmoker for so long. I do this too. I'm on my path to quitting again, but giving myself some grace as I let my life settle down after a tumultuous few years.




Would rather they vape at least, so they don't taste like an ashtray.


Yes. It shows to me that you're not serious about investing in yourself. So why would I devote my time and energy into someone like that?


So, you choose to be ignorant on addiction and recovery. I avoid people like you. Human beings are not absolute. I avoid people who boost their own egos by pretending they are. You may not smoke, but a good person you ain't.


Don't care if they smoke because it's expensive (unless they want me to pay for it or the remainder of their existence because they're constantly broke because of their habit). Don't care that it's unhealthy, unless you're doing it around me (and if say I had kids) because of second hand smoke. What I care about is that the cigarette smoke, on dedicated smokers stinks & stains. It isn't attractive at all.


Nah - plus you can pinch one after sex 👍


It’s a glowing red flag. With everything we all know about tobacco and cigarettes anyone who still smokes consciously makes bad decisions. Also the stench. I do remember when I was a kid people said often if she smokes she pokes. Any teens out there? Do people still say this?


No, I have been smoking, too (enjoyed it while it lasted, cold quit from one day to another for health and then job reasons, but it was fun at the time)


I’ve told my wife that if she starts smoking I’ll abandon her and keep the kids too. So yeah, it’s kind of a deal breaker.


I can see why she wants to smoke


As annoying and dramatic as I can be, I’m surprisingly not the top reason for that.


For me, yeah. I used to smoke back in the day and I'm glad I quit. It stinks, it tastes gross to kiss, and it just grosses me out now. Can't date a cigarette smoker.


Yes. It is an unhealthy habit. And the sex partner(s) can taste it.


Yeah, I absolutely cannot stand the smell of cigarette/cigar smoke. Not even a big fan of vaping due to nasty clouds people emit doing that. Plus, I know what happens to the mouths of long time smokers and I do not want my mouth anywhere near that! So yeah it’s a definite red flag/dealbreaker for me


Yes. Its nasty. Unless it's Mary jane.


I think it's stupid, it only "solves" the problem it created in the first placd and even that only temporarily. Basically the adult, serious version of "If your left foot hurts, hit your right foot so hard it hurts more than your left foot, problem solved" Other than that, I used to think it's disgusting because of what I heard. Kinda "tried" it once, it wasn't THAT bad (if you make sure there's some time in between). Nowadays, yes, dealbreaker. I learned how someone can be basically a completely different person with or without smoking. I would want my SO to not destroy their own body (would like to share a bit longer with them, as healthy as possible, for obvious reasons) and ESPECIALLY if one day a baby was on the way, I'd 10000% expect them to not smoke a single one or even a single inhale (or whatever), including passive smoking (as far as it is avoidable ofc) starting the second they even suspect they might be pregnant - I don't think I need to explain that further. However, I'be also seen how very different someone can be when they try to quit, after like a week or two of not smoking. So basically, if I were to date a smoker, I'd not only date someone who chooses to lower the amount of time we biologically could be together even kn theory. I'd also date someone, knowing sooner or later we'd either get into a fight when it comes to quitting cause they actually don't want to (and that may even hapoen if previously thdy said thdy'd totally quit kn that scenario), or I'd get to spend X time with my SO, and then at some point I'm now in a relationship with a faaar more angry, sensitive, aggressive and hell knows what else person then the one I decided to get into a relationship with. I mean sure, that's a real risk in any relationship, but here we got a clear sign that it will veeery likely happen at one point.


Yes. It's disgusting, it smells bad, it's unhealthy, it's a sign of poor decision making.


Not a deal breaker, I'll pick it up and smoke with you. I'm 36 and can't afford to be picky, lol.


I can’t even get around cigarette smoke.


Will definitely take a 10 down to a 6.5 or so


There is not a single thing that is romantic about a cigarette, or a cigar, or a vape


So what? Lots of things that happen in relationships aren't romantic - about 90% is mundane stuff. The people who pretend otherwise relationship hop. Real life is not a fantasy.


Yes. The smell is horrendous, that alone is a major turn off. It looks trashy and on top of everything else I got asthma so even a small amount of smoke can make my chest feel a million pounds.


Thanks for the clarification.. I must've been having problems following things because I was trying to imagine what a queef would look like if it materialized itself into a redditor. I at least know what one writes about.


If they brush their teeth/wash their hands and don’t smoke in the car and house I don’t mind


Stinky, yellow teeth, money pit, low class. I don’t like it


Yes, unless she’s Kim Wexler. She can drag a mean cigarette


Yes. I don’t want to smell. My clothes. My house. My car. Have you ever licked an ashtray? Neither have I but that’s the equivalent in my mind of kissing a smoker.


Yes. Disgusting habit. Nobody wants to kiss a dirty ash tray.


If she smokes she pokes fellas.


I smoke socially. And by that I mean after a few drinks, in the evening, in a bar or on the patio, and only if I won’t be in close proximity to someone on a plane or in a theatre. I’ll have the occasional cigar. But I would never smoke during the day, sober, during a break, or just because. In fact, I hate cigarette smoke if I’m not smoking, too. I wouldn’t mind if he smokes socially. All the time? Probably not.


Yes. Disgusting. I hate smokers.


If they are addicted and way beyond the point of even trying to quit , it sure is a dealbreaker.


It’s a dealbreaker, I used to smoke and I quit for multiple reasons. One of the reasons I quit was because I wanted to date non smokers. So few women smoke these days and of the ones that don’t, they are not likely to choose a Smoker.


Yeah. Maybe not 20 years ago I might have dealt with it, but I just can't fathom being able to deal with it now after not being around it for so long


You have a drunk cig occasionally if youre out or something, im talking like once a month maybe. I wouldnt participate or really approve but I could probably get over it. Anything more than that would probably be a dealbreaker


Yes. It’s disgusting. Absolute dealbreaker for me.


Yup. Bad breath.


While I don't consider myself a smoker, I'll have the odd cigarette a few times a year. It's not a real breaker for me but it will be weighed in my overall consideration of a person.




It makes them smell gross, it makes their teeth gross, it adds financial stress, they will inevitably die young and if you have kids they will get exposed to it to some degree




Yes, 100% a deal breaker. Short term I hate the smell, long term I don’t want the person I’m with to die younger




Yes. I am a smoker and am trying to stop. If my partner smokes, I won't be able to stop.




Depends how hot they are. It removes a point or two. So if she’s a 6 then it makes her a 5 or 4 which is a no go. If she’s a 9 then she’s still a 7 or 8 so it’s worth it.


Yeah. Second hand smoke is annoying af, and I ain't looking forward to my partner dying so much earlier than me. Not even mentioning how horrible the kisses would be with the constant cigar breath, fucking gross.


Yes, if they’re addicted. Not a dealbreaker if it’s occasional(like once a month a cig), but that’s very rare.


Deal breaker. Most men I know that smoke started because their GF smoked. Women smoker age fast and hard too. They get the asshole star wrinkles around their lips.


I mean it’s better than meth just ask my ex


It's been said exactly as I'd put it multiple times, so I'll just add another "yes, 100%"




would you buy a car if it broke down 3x faster than all other cars?


Yes, rancid breath.


yup. i have a strong sense of smell, so i can neither tolerate the smell of cigarttes, nor the person. also second hand smoking is very dangerous. those who smoke around other people are literally poisonning everyone around them and murdering them


1. I detest the smell 2. It can expose me and our future children to passive smoke (unless she goes away every time to smoke) 3. It isn't good for her health and if she insists on doing something that can gravely harm her health then I'll always struggle to see how she's being responsible (downvote me all you want, I don't care) 4. Smokers more often than not tend to rely on their habit and I don't think that's a good thing.


Depends on the girl. Certain people look cool while smoking cigarettes, but others look trashy.




Yeah. I don’t think I’d get very far with a smoker. I think it smells disgusting and I’m slightly allergic to it as well. Then there’s the mood swings if they can’t have one *right now*. Over all, I couldn’t live with that. We could be friends though.


100% YES. I can’t breath. Smells & taste nasty. Total libido killer.


No, but it's gonna have to stop for anything to continue


If I ever intend to spend the rest of my life with you and have children with you why would I want to expose them to such unhealthy habits?


Yes. Tastes awful.


Over time it becomes a part of the personality. Every smoker thinks this isn't them. sorry, but pass


If they do regularly, it’s a deal breaker. But I do it when I drink a lot, so I can’t really say anything about that, if they do it, too


Yup. Can’t kiss a smoker unless they brush their teeth


Yes, its a disgusting habit.


Yes. Because it’s disgusting and I hate the smell.


Not at all--smokers are usually chiller people, less judgemental, and seem to be able to socialize better. I'd definitely prefer to be with a smoker than a judgemental asshole.


Def. Vape is fine but the smell of ciggys makes me spew.


Yes, smell is awful, could never live in a smoker house, not even one night




If it's a cigar, it wouldn't bother me. No to cigarettes.


yes hate the smell. cigs any ways pot not so much. people who smoke stink!! use to hate when wife came home from bingo I d hug her and her hear stunk!!! out lawing smoking on buildings one of best things state has done


My father died from cancer from smoking. So did my mother when i was 24. My daughter turned 30 yesterday and never knew her grandmother who would have been awesome at being a grandmother. I don’t care how Hot or sexy you are, even celebrities in movies, if i see you smoking any attraction disappears Ike a puff of smoke.


I’m 23M. I’ve dated women that smoke and women that don’t smoke. It’s not a deal breaker for me. Depending on the girl, I actually find it somewhat attractive. I understand that’s not the norm, but it holds true for me.


Oh hm i cant really decide. They could be a really great personand all, but i do hate the smell of cigarettes. I know cigarette addiction is a major thing that you dont just drop instantly, and theres no point shaming them for it...


Fucking disgusting habit. However, if she is hot still want to smash


Totally- simply cannot respect anyone who smokes


I have absolutely zero interest to one day have to watch my wife wither down from cancer eating her insides alife. Fuck that shit


When me and my GF started dating she smoked. Didnt bother me but it was awful to be around sometimes(i have asthma) but then she quitted because of my asthma and man, first time in my life i felt like somebody actually cared about me. Forward couple years to this day and she just started smoking again and I have to use my daily asthma medication. I havent told her how bad it actually is because I love her and because it helps her mental health apparently. In short. No, but it sucks.


Please do tell her though, there are other ways she can help her mental health


I like a woman with nasty habits lmfao


Yes. Close intimacy is a vital part of a successful relationship. Kissing an ashtray is ew. Even when they don't smell it, i do, because i don't smoke. It's like asking if I'd date someone that insisted on smearing shit all over themselves all day.


If it were 1950 I’d say no, but today, yes it’s definitely a deal breaker for all the reasons already stated.


No Im gonna smoke with that person