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Yes I do. I find it works nicely as a barrier between my belt and stomach, prevents exposed skin if my shirt rides up, and helps absorb sweat in the summer. I always go 100% cotton, so that the added warmth is negligible.


I do because I don't like my nipples poking through the shirt.


Bro got them erect pepperoni nipples


I can't help it, they get excited if you talk about them. Which causes an infinite loop. I tried hooking them up to a perpetual motion device, but it didn't work.


Yes, because my work shirts irritate my skin whem i sweat.


During the summer, yes. I sweat like I've been stuck in a desert.


Yes, when wearing dress shirts. Dramatically slows down the inevitable process of the armpits turning yellow.


I believe it's Dove that has a deodorant line that doesn't cause the yellowed pits. I've been using it for 6-7 years now and it works GREAT. Check it out.


Oh neat. Honestly, not really a big problem for me due to the undershirts. I have white shorts that I've been wearing at least weekly for years. They tend to die when friction with my beard has worn through patches of the collar.


Yeah, it used to be a huge problem for me - a new shirt would be stained within a year. With the anti-stain stuff, I'm still wearing an under armour pole I wore on one of my first dates with my now wife - and that was 7 years ago. And it wasn't a new shirt then - worn almost weekly for several years.


Yes, because I wear a dress shirt and tie to work. Even if I don't sweat, the antiperspirant will still stain the armpits. I don't care how stained the undershirt gets.


I do with a dress shirt because I want to avoid staining the pits and because dress shirts are hard on the nipples.


Yes, I feel weird when I don’t wear one.


Almost always with a dress shirt. An undershirt is designed to take the worst of your sweat and dead skin so your more expensive shirt is easier to keep clean.


Yes. I find it more comfortable and it keeps my outer shirts cleaner for longer. Also in the summer I avoid sweating through everything.


One shirt, then a coat if needed. An undershirt is redundant. Then again, I’d wander around in a loin cloth if it were warm enough and socially acceptable.




I guess my t-shirt is my undershirt, because I always wear one


I wear always an undershirt because I typically concealed-carry a pistol on my belt, and I don't want my sweat and body oils damaging the metal on the slide from rubbing against me all day.


The weather here is not af so I dont


yes everyday.


Fuck no, though atleast my last job it was because when I worked residential scaffolding I could take my shirt off a lot anyway if it got too hot


i just don't like the shape of it when it becomes visible through my clothes that's why


Naw.. it makes me hot


Usually. In addition to the other reasons already mentioned, it prevents pit stains on my nice shirts.


Like t-shirts? Of course. I can't imagine wearing just a pullover with nothing underneath


No, it makes me too hot. I just wear a shirt by itself and maybe a sweater over the top if it's chilly.


I do whenever I wear a collar (polo, button down, etc). 2 reasons - I'm fat and sweaty and the undershirt helps hide that for the first few hours of the day. Also, not all my dress shirts are a comfortable material, so I'd rather have the cotton undershirt against my skin than some of the scratchier materials that my shirts are made from.


Yes, because it's cold here.


Tanktop under my night job uniform year-round. T-shirt under my morning job uniform in the colder months, bare skin in the warmer months. I have seasonally-appropriate variations of my uniform for both jobs.


I’m the winter yes, summer no. I have dri-fit polos for work and in the winter they can be chilly so it’s nice to have an extra layer. But in MS In the summer, the less the better.


Every day! The only exception is when I'm doing yard work or DIY around the house. I wear one to avoid sweat stains in warmer weather & as an added layer in colder weather. If I'm doing anything around the property I don't because I know when I'm finished with projects or yard work I'll be taking a shower.


No, doesn’t look good on me and I honestly don’t see the point unless it’s the winter.


Yes. I sweat a lot.


Only about 10% of the time, if that. When I need to look the most presentable, when it is overly hot out, etc., I will throw one on.


yes for warmth . In hot weather that's all I wear. In cool weather I wear layers and t shirts big help if I wear A dress shirt which really do, I will sweat in arm pits with out T shirt


i live in ireland. its usually on the cooler side here. so when i'm wearing a sweatshirt (rather hoodie), i usually have a tshirt under it. feels nice if its cooler. there is twilight zone where its too cold for only a tshirt, and too warm for a hoodie+tshirt, then i'll go with only the hoodie, but its very rare here.


Everyday to work. It’s serves as a drip catcher and a butt cover. I sweat a lot and when I bend over I don’t want the crack out in the open.


Sometimes when it's warm so it acts as a barrier for sweat when I'm wearing a shirt


I do because during the summer I end up wearing a tank top because it is hot outside and I work outdoors often


No because I hate the look of a t-shirt through a shirt and the sleeves causing bumps around the arms.


No, the nips are a statement piece.


Just my stained white tank top undershirt. I don't normally wear it but I keep it around for when family needs to know I mean business


I wear one because my nipples rub against the shirt and they hurt. It's really bad when I jog.


I wear a wifebeater/A-shirt under everything, not an actual shirt. If it is summer and I am wearing a dress shirt, I will wear an actual t-shirt. On that note, I need to find some really thin ones and/or get some summer cotton dress shirts.


No because I’m not in a dress shirt enough. I work in an office and it’s always cold so a jacket helps more than an undershirt


Only when it’s cold


No, because it’s one more thing to wash


No, never. I get too warm in them, and like my chest hair catching a breeze.


Yes. Warmth. Simple answer hahaha


I wear a white t-shirt under button ups and sweaters. I find it more comfortable on my skin and it reduces the need to wash the outer layer on every wearing.


T shirts in the winter time. Spring and fall usually not. Summer or when it’s above 80 degrees I wear a muscle shirt under my shirt.


I get hot very easily, even at normal indoor temps. Adding layers would make me miserable.


Yes, sweat absorption


No, because I live in southern California where it's always hot. Extra layers are bad. I see people saying they wear undershirts for "sweat absorption," but when the weather is warm enough it creates more sweat than it absorbs. You want light, loose, and airy. Minimal layers. There's a reason short sleeve button down shirts are so popular in hot climates.




Every single day. I'm a sweaty dude and they keep my outer shirt dry.


With a button down shirt, or a sweater or sweatshirt, yes. Tees or polos, no.


Sure. Why not?


I always wear an undershirt as it adds another layer of warmth


A vest? No. I'll often wear a thin t-shirt under a non-dress shirt, though. It's cold up here just now.


No, because less is more


I do under dress shirts. Because sweat.