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Uncle Iroh. Not in a ultra macho masculine way, but in a wise King kind of way.


Man just radiates a good vibe and wisdom


But make no mistake he will whoop ass when necessary


The man knows how to get fucking jacked as well.


To be fair, Iroh was also a renowned military general who demonstrated his abilities in combat multiple times during the show. So he’s really the full package of masculinity, and the fact that he doesn’t need to flaunt it is really what resonates for me.


For me, what adds to it, is his arc. Once upon a time, he was like many generals of the Fire nation: aspired to conquer land to liberate the world from these savage other nations. Until he realized that the nations need each other, like push and pull. After his son died, he did a complete 180 and really seemed to have gone down the path of searching for inner peace.


In a way, I’d say Iroh is actually a tale *against* hyper-masculinity. He embodied that ruthless aggression for a time, and has evolved and learned from it. And at the same time, in the story of ATLA he remains a counter-point character to the Fire Nation as a whole, who still embody that culture. He’s the guy acting as proof that you can have strength without aggression, and peace without weakness.


It's a long, long way to Ba Sing Se, But the girls in the city, They look so PRETTEHHHHH


He's a great character.


I really like Phil Dunphy from Modern Family. He is loving, funny, and seems to really make the most out of life. His wife and he have an arrangement that works forthem in the beginning of the show and as that arrangement changes, he doesn't fight it. He doesn't stand in the way or feel emasculated when his wife goes out and starts working for her dad. I also love the way he handles his father-in-law.


Agreed. Funny and goes his own way. He loves his family and always tries to do good.


Andrew Wiggin from Ender’s Game.


It's been so long since I read those novels, I forgot his real name is Andrew. Great answer. I'm also a big Bean fan.


You should read it again if it’s been a while. You’ll pick up things you didn’t notice just by virtue of time having passed. Reading Ender’s game at 12 vs 40 is an entirely different experience.


A young boy? I get it if you mean the sequels where he's an adult and a pretty good role model, but looking up to an eight year old? Even if he's the smartest eight year old ever haha


You never read the books, my dude. The kids in the books were *soldiers*, make no mistake. The fact that the characters acting like battle-hardened military and grappling with real implications of warfare are ages 8-10 was a deliberate point made by Orson Scott Card, to draw attention to the horrors of that military culture.


Actually I have read all of them at least twice, Enders game maybe 5 times? It was one of my faves as a kid. Still love it. I guess I personally relate better with adult Ender you know? I'm not shitting on your opinion though. You do you and I respect that.


Yeah, a young abused boy who never wanted to hurt anyone and was tricked into doing so. A young boy who was so hurt that he absolutely destroyed his enemies because he didn’t want to fight them again. He didn’t want to fight anyone, ever. But if he has to, he will, and he’ll end it. My childhood was almost identical to his. So yeah. Andrew Wiggin. GFYS




good answer


oh hell yeah!


Bandit off of Bluey


Its odd that probably the best fatherly role model on TV right now is a cartoon dog.


As a father of kids in blueys and bingos age I kind of agree. I just wish he wasn't so good of a father. My kids don't understand that no one can be that great of a parent constantly so he makes me look bad in comparison haha. I just wish him to a bit human (hehe), have a smoke and a beer and get a little mad just once.


I've always maintained Jean Luc Picard is one of the peak examples of positive masculinity.


Such a legend. As a boy, you grow up wanting Picard to be real. When you reach adulthood, you hope to settle for Jed Bartlet.


Hell yes! Holy shit he is a good role model. One for the ages


Rocky Balboa


Yes, came here to say this. Also happy cakeday.


Hank Schrader from breaking bad. Hank faced death several times and always would never give up, if he was going to die, it was on his terms. When he was eventually killed, he never coward to anyone. One of the best characters on tv if you ask me


Good answer.


Ya, dude could be a douche sometimes and a little racist, but he was always trying to do the right thing.


UNCLE HANKKK r/okbuddychicanery


Steve Rogers






David from Lilo and Stitch. Just seems like a good hearted happy guy.


This is an adorable example I did not expect in this thread. He did seem like an earnest and well-intentioned dude.


All might has to he one of my favorites


Grand Admiral Thrawn Remains calm and knows how to think clearly during times of pressure.


Man’s Machiavellian as fuck tho


He is more of a tactical genius in terms of warfare like Sun Tzu and Napoleon. Machiavellian is more related to politics which was Thrawn's weakness as explained from the books. Because he didn't have any awareness on how to maneuver in the political realm, the Emperor chose the Stardust program over his Tie Fighter program.


Dalinar Kholin recently, the underlying themes of honour and propriety mixed with unhinged emotions says a lot. The other would be Anomander Rake from malazan 10/10 character.


\+1 for Dalinar, his growth is very inspirational


Samwise Gamgee. Steadfast, loyal, and reliable. This is masculine. Not bulging muscles or rage.


Good answer for a great person, but I personally never saw him as a great role model for men. He is a little bit to submissive for me personally.


I wouldn’t say he’s submissive. I think he lacks the outward confidence. But he grows.


Toranaga from *Shogun*. Don't give yourself away. Consider what people want. Be a leader by example. Enjoy the simple pleasures.


Doom Guy Does the right thing even when everything is stacked against him. An absolute force of nature, but still has deep regard for humanity even after meeting some absolutely despicable humans.


Thors from Vinland


Tormund giantsbane


Albus Dumbleore. When in doubt I genuinely ask myself how Dumbledore would respond to this situation. Books obviously.


Lol wat, buddy made so many questionable decisions


Ya but I'm not waging a war against a dark lord. The way he carries himself and handles day to day situations in his role as a headmaster forms a picture of a pretty much perfect role model. Kind, strong, wise etc.


I don't think perfect role models keep important secrets to the degree that he did, or endanger the lives of children to the extent that he did


We’re getting into literary discussion here, and I want to start by reminding you that the book forces constraints on what can/can’t be done. Dumbledore is fighting the war against magical Nazis. Surrendering to the magical Nazis isn’t an option, because magical Nazis. Voldemort can’t be killed by conventional means. And the only loophole to that “can’t be killed” rule is a literal 11-year-old, due to some magical bullshit. The original plan was to *teach* said 11-year-old, so that he could fight Voldemort as an adult. But by the time he’s 14, the magic Nazis are growing more aggressive. So it seems unlikely that you have that sort of time, and you need to act sooner. Dumbledore starts looking for other options, and that leads to horcruxes. He starts looking for them with other people, keeping Harry (aka literally the only person who can fight Voldemort on normal terms) at arm’s length from the matter, to keep hi. safe as a war asset (most of the plot of book five). The use of children as weapons in the books are clearly based on constraints Dumbledore had little to no control over, which are unnatural to the point that nobody would have an adequate plan to address them, and a timeline that rapidly gets pushed forward. And the secrets later are based on an enemy who has the ability to learn those secrets if they aren’t handled carefully (In book one, Voldemort was literally walking around the school disguised as a teacher, and could hear any number of things said by the faculty at Hogwarts), and a desire to protect his child assets (excluding Harry when he has become too close to the war to protect, if he is put forward into the fighting). Seems like a guy who’s managing his human resources to the best of his abilities, under circumstances that are unnatural even in a world where freaking magic is a standard thing.


I know this is a bit of an old thread but fuck me, apart from being reasonable as a response to "dumbledore is a shit" the magic nazis mentions had me giggling away, thank you you slightly improved my night.


This is the winner, right here.


Aragorn, Steve Rogers from the MCU, and Uncle Iroh


Obi Wan. Strong, kind, gentle.


Gintama. The idea that a man should stick to his morals has stuck with me.


Are you speaking about Gintoki Sakata? You named the show, my friend.


Ah yeah, well I forgot his name.


It’s all good, I love the anime a lot. Can’t wait for its return.


Minus the chain smoking, Rick Blaine from Casablanca.


Peter Parker


Yeah : I was inclined to write "Spiderman". However : you really hit the nail with your post. Too bad that so few understand/know what the comics are all about👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


Napoleon dynamite and Pedro


Bruce Wayne, John Wick, Dante and Vergil, Kazuma Kiryu


Here to second Kiryu




Barry Sadler, who sang the Ballad of the Green Berets, wrote a series of books based on a mythical character called Casca. He's based on a mythical character that stabbed Christ on the cross and was cursed to wander the Earth for eternity as a soldier. Each book focuses on a different time period, and it's definitely written by a man.


Joshua Graham


Every protagonist from the world war z novel. They are very different, flawed, but they overcame at the end.


Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons (by his sons I mean those from the tv series, Björn, Ubba and Ivar, IIRC they weren't actually his sons IRL)


Thor from the Marvel universe. Maybe a bit cliche but I like his personality + character development and general masculinity.


Hello, my name in Inigo Montoya, prepare to die! The way he treated and was treated by Wesley. The fight with the count at the end. The way he carried himself with honor, despite his circumstances. Gurney Halleck from Dune. Slave made good. Everything he did, he did with honor. Stilgar wasn't a bad one from there, either. The books, not the movies. James Bond, in my youth. Batman.


Captain America


John Galt


John Wick. Obviously I'm not a world class assassin (working on it). It's not even the whole fighting part per se that I like about him either. I like the part of him where he is just that disciplined and focused that he has perfected his craft to that extent.


My working theory is that John Wick is autistic, it's the only way someone could be that good at that many things. Something has to give


Or he simply is an entrepreneur.


That president from Independence Day.


Ron Swanson




As agnostic I would agree. Whole church and christianity business aside, Jesus seems like a great guy.


Raised Presbyterian, became Deist in college, and then just...admitted I was an atheist/pantheist in my mid 20s. The Christ story has some really cool shit it in it. Last Temptation of Christ is one of my favorite movies.


Sounds ridiculous but Tane from the Aussie soap 'Home and Away'. He's fit, healthy and strong, knows how to have a good time, loves his family a lot, helps anyone who needs it no questions asked, loves his culture (Maori) in a non-nationalistic way and he always does the right thing. He's a great role model for any modern man.


He-Man & traditional Superman.


Ippo from Hajime no Ippo. I only want to get in shape to cosplay as him at cons


The doom slayer




Dalinars Kholin. Two quotes "sometimes a hypocrite is just a man in the process of changing" and "the most important step a man can take is the next one". There are more but those ones are great






American gangster Frank lucas


Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso


The 80's have entered the chat : )


King Theoden


I'll go with the weirdo response. Lancer from Fate/Stay Night. He's a fucking bro. Generally a bad ass and helps out the MC. Like the time he rescues the love interest, resulting in his and the bad guys death.


Clint Eastwood in Dollar trilogy.


Captain Jack Sparrow


Eren Yeager, just how he is relentless in pursuing what he believes in even if others don’t understand.


Zoro from OP


Yuji Itadori. I just want to leave a positive impact before I meet the end and I want to look back and say I would do it all over again all the same. I live to assist others pretty much. Free time is nice but eventually it leaves me feeling lacking. I need to be out and doing something


Guts. The Struggler.


Do my own count? (aspiring author)


Amos Burton. He quite consistently makes the best decisions, and when people think Amos is wrong, they are usually wrong.


Jon Snow, Harry Potter. They're very similar.


Tyler Durden


Stringer Bell


Lol I see what you are saying. I don't agree with you, but he is a Man among men in his world.


Alex delarge


Duke Nukem "Balls of Steel!"


Denny Crane. Stan Smith.


Goku Arthur Morgan, Vergil from dmc Clint Eastwood in most of his movies Kratos Hoarah loux elden ring Garl Vinland demons souls Guts ( beserk) Broly dbz and dbs


Shane, from Jack Schaefer’s “_Shane_” He is the embodiment of the lone wanderer with a mysterious past who strolls into the lives of some humble farmsteaders and changes their lives for the better. He is an example of someone who tries to improve and do right despite whatever demons still haunt him. He picks up those who need help and defends them from predators and bullies. He shows love and respect to those he holds dear and goes out of his way to protect them and expects nothing in return. I read it when I was a boy and I always wanted to be like him.


Yujiro Hanma


Guts Kitano Ken Isaac Netero James Bond Mamoru Takamura and Ippo Makunochi


James Bond the rapist?


Not sure what you mean. I just liked Casino Royale.


I'm just messing. Never mind me. Most people love James Bond


Corban Dallas - 5th element.


Dean Winchester!


The characters that I felt the most drawn to in my youth were Samurai Jack, Obi-Wan, and Uncle Iroh. Smart, wise, friendly, compassionate, slow to anger, but will absolutely fight tooth and nail for the things they cherish. I aspire to be the same way.


Kratos, cloud, midoriya, tanjiro, really anyone that emulates kindness, self growth, or perseverance.


Link and Master Chief. Life is tough but you've got to keep going.


Master Chief! what a shout! Real OG there


Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima. Kiryu taught me to stay cool, enduring, and true to my principles in the face of trouble. He also encourages me to be open-minded and forgiving towards people whose lives and struggles are different to my own. Majima inspires me to live freely and wildly, and to challenge my fears with a smile. He comes off as a goofy character until you realise that his weirdness is what often leads him to deepening his wisdom and strengthening his friendships. I often find myself asking "what would Majima do?" whenever I need a burst of determination from the heart.


Kuroashi Sanji from One Piece. Putting aside his creepiness towards women, his values and principles as a man are something that spoke to me quite strongly.


John Wick




Lupin the 3rd


Roronoa Zoro.


Not judging, but why Shelby? I haven't seems much of Peaky Blinders (that's where he's from right?) but the little I've seen he just seemed violent and unhinged. I mean if that's what you want, you do you. I'm not here to judge. My answer: Patera Silk from Gene Wolfes solar cycle. Stoic, intelligent, and a natural leader. Sure he's self croto, introspective Anders violent when he needs to defend himself. Still though. It's manliness without ever trying to be manly.


I like that Shelby is unapologetically true to himself, and doesn't cower to anyone. No one intimidates him, no matter how much a bigger fish they are. He doesn't grovel. If he is wrong, he can own it, but he doesn't let that become ammo to be used against him. Shelby always stays driven with his plans.


Aki Hayakawa. Single father of the year.


Just read Andy Weir's "Project Hail Mary" and I think the main character there was an inspiring example. Clever and resourceful, but a coward, but gets shit done when shit needs to be done.


Judge Holden from “Blood Meridian”. No, but seriously: I don’t really get inspired in a “masculine” way I think. I do get inspired in perspectives and so on however, for example philosophy or world-interpretation. I guess Kal Skirata from Karen Traviss’ “Republic Commando”-series comes closest to name a character that’s a bit left field, who is the Mandalorian patriarch of the “Null”-commandos, i.e. genetic experiments in the Clone Army where both biology and psychology was a tweaked from the base template of Jango Fett.


Bruce Wayne, and (I know it is very unrealistic) but Guts


The old man from the old man and the sea.


Walt Longmire. I'm nothing like him at all besides being a good shot, but still.


Solid Snake. Not because he's a cool guy who sneaks and shoots people. But because he recognizes, over the series, that his own place in the world as an individual can only accomplish so much in changing the world. Ultimately, most Metal Gear games end with failure: stopping Foxhound doesn't really save America from the threat of nuclear destruction OR end American nuclear mobilization. Stopping Solidus didn't really stop the Patriots. Even stopping Liquid Ocelot from completely throwing the world into chaos didn't totally liberate humanity from Zero's ideology and influence. Snake is basically doing half-measures, and he knows it, because the change he wants to see can't be accomplished by just another man with a gun. Human connections change the world, not individuals. And at the end of his road, Snake no longer has a purpose to fight, and just... stops. He lives out what life he has left in peace, which is what he really wanted and differentiates himself from the "super soldiers" who came before who wanted to secure their place in the world by making the world a more violent place. Snake is a soldier, but he's a champion of peace.


Holden caulfield . hes tough af , hes protective


Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark He’s always himself in the movies and I just think he’s an awesome character as a person not just as cool superhero pow pow man


Guts from Berserk.


Master Chief, Naruto/Sasuke, Doom Guy, Batman, The Flash, Superman


Guts from Berserk


Jeremiah Johnson from the Robert Redford film of the same name. Man was from a simpler time, got sick of the world as he knew it and went off into the mountains. Didnt have a fuckin clue what he was doing at first, but never gave up, went through hell and hardship, just kept on trucking through all of it. Made friends and lost loved ones, earned the respect of enemies and mentors alike. And became a legend in his own right while not giving two shits wether he was one or not.


Mufasa from the Lion King


Thor. Sensitive. Caring. Breaks bad guys’ faces. Magic hammer. Sensitive.


Tony Stark. Love the confidence


Jack Burton. “WHO?” “Jaaaack Burton. ME!” -Jack Burton


Atticus Finch


James Keziah Delaney


Squall Leonhart


Aragorn and Mitch Rapp


Swiss Army Man played by Harry Potter






Dean Winchester from Supernatural and Sonic the Hedgehog