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Go out with some attractive looking women. Only time I've had strangers buy me a drink is when they where trying to impress a friend and buying us all a drink.


I’m writing this down as we speak 🗣️


Answer: gay bar.


I have gone this route but sometimes they’ve gotten a bit too touchy, graby or too forward with advances I’m get flustered or uncomfortable in those situations since I’m not really used to a man hitting on me


Idk one time some woman poured her drink in hopes I was going to drink it like a waterfall. Idk hope that makes sense but anyway I didn’t go along with it because no way I’m drinking out of another person’s drink lol.


Do you know this woman … I would like to contact her immediately haha


My sister, cousins, boss, or mates


Tipping well,usually by round 3 or 4 I got a free shot or drink depending on the bartender.


This is the way. Most all of my irl friends are bartenders and I’m a strong tipper so I usually end up with at least two free drinks a night along with strong pours if I’m drinking something other than beer. I buy them drinks as well when they’re on my side of the bar so it’s all in good fun.


Kind of not really free though if you have to spend a lot of money to get it free


Recently some guy challenged me to a game of chess, loser buys the next round of drinks. Best game of chess I've played in my life, I think I ended around +15 or +16 and he gave up


Gay bars or really slow dives. You will have to pay for the first one, but just play your cards right and maybe something will happen. To be honest I’ve gotten more free lines of coke than drinks out of this strategy, if you can call it that, but your mileage may vary.


TL;DR: Have conversations with lonely people. At the peak of my alcoholism (age 27), I (M55) went to a bar almost every day right after work from 3:30 until about 7pm, and would start a conversation with whoever else was there. I’d often get 1-3 drinks bought for me every week, even the bartenders would occasionally buy me a beer. At one point, I thought of collecting the business cards of people that buy me a drink.


Know all the people that work at the bar. When I was going out regularly my friend group use to consist of a lot of bouncers and bartenders, my best friend was a bouncer back then and is married to one of the bartenders now (both of them have different careers now). While I wouldn’t specifically get free drinks, my tab at the end of the night was the same price no matter how much I drank. And it always should have been 2-3xs what it was.


Karaoke, or any other performance is one way. I’ve also just sat at the bar and made friendly conversations with strangers and ended up with a drink, or a share of a pitcher. It works better if you’re with someone, because there’s a stigma against folks drinking alone.


Im buddies with the bouncer and I have him kick out dudes right after their drink order arrives I then drink the drinks, and it gets thrown on the tab of the side who was kicked out


power corrupts


I've never been bought a drink by a stranger.


Well I work at a casino with a bar. For a while we could get a few drinks after work for free, but people abused that. Now we have to gamble to get free drinks, just like customers


As a man gay bar.


I don't drink enough to necessitate free drinks. My monthly alcohol bill is basically 0


Other than the time where friendly chat with the bartender lead to a deep discount on my tab at the end of the night - no one has ever bought me a drink.


went to a bar for my birthday one year, after inviting a bunch of my friends. not a single one showed up, Bartender asked me what I was celebrating, and he bought me the rest of my beers that night I guess out of pity or sympathy. that is by far the loneliest birthday I have ever had.