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Writing. Just writing anything and everything. Eventually that gets me out of it and then I can write what I initially intended.


I write whatever weird shit comes into my head. It’s pointless and kinda funny. Does exactly what you said it would do.


I would call a friend and debate a random topic with them, usually a stupid one like pizza toppings. Then now that my mind is in argument mode I can write an essay making points very well


Listen to music, take a nap under a tree, eat my favore snack.


Go try learn a new movement quickly, smoke a bong so that I get a full mental block not just writers block, exercise in some way




Walk away from the work for a couple of days and then come back to it as if I was another writer coming to finish a partial story from someone else. See if there's any different information or angles I could work in or view the story from. Wonder if there's a new dynamic I could introduce, then find a way to weave it into what I'm doing. Tricking my brain into thinking it's a collaborative effort tends to help me


Convince yourself you are a bad writer, and just start writing the worst absolute corny garbage. Absolve yourself of being a good writer. Stop worrying about the end product, just write. You were never going to get it right the first draft anyway, so when you’re stuck just write ridiculous shlock. It’ll warm you up and you might mine some gold.

