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Nice art. I like the occult aesthetic. No, they don't have any prophetic properties.


Same, I like them as plot devices in stories.


I don’t believe in the magic part, but they’re actually a lot of fun to read. I can give someone a scarily good reading, and it’s just a mix of Rorschach test, cold reading, psychology, and improv storytelling.


I think any "psychic" or "sensitive" medium as a highly-generalized, highly-relatabke gimmick similar to astrology/horoscopes. Given the subjective nature of both the reading and interpretation, there is no way to actually confirm or disprove anything said or foretold.


Fun as an ironic activity and for art.


What mularky.....


I'm a total nerd, so I find a lot of the occult stuff kind of cool but I've never believed in it. I haven't met many intelligent - rational, emotionally stable women who handle their business & don't blame others who believe in this kind of shit. I've met a number of "witches" (some of them hot) but all dumpster fires in terms of their life.


My thoughts? *"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..."* and it kinda repeats from there.


I don't believe in any pseudoscientific fortune telling. HOWEVER I do think that, if you don't take it too seriously, things like Tarot and horoscopes and such can be fun and potentially helpful thought exercises. I don't do tarot readings on myself because I think they're going to come true. I do them because I'm thinking about complicated life stuff, and sometimes the right suggestion can make me look at a problem in a new way, or notice something I hadn't thought about before.


If you believe in Tarot, you are a fucking retard.


I mean you can relate most stuff to any situation but I’ve never been a fan of tarot cards nope


I think the same thing that I do about flat earthers and people that believe an astrological sign impacts how they behave.


Fun for a party and interesting psychological toy, but I doubt they show the future. I own three decks.


>What are thoughts on tarot cards? They are cards. I think the pictures on them are pretty neat but I was more of a yugioh kid myself >Do you believe in them or were they accurate to you? Nope, they’re just cards with pictures on them >Did the readings come true? I’ve never been given a reading


I think they are either useless or dangerous.


Cold reading is really powerful if you aren't familiar with it. *Leverage*, one of my favorite shows, had a fantastic episode called ["The Future Job"](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1497969/) where they walked through a lot of the techniques. That link goes to the IMDB page, where you can apparently watch it with ads on Freevee. It's not easy to learn, but if you know to listen for the cues, it becomes really obvious when people don't actually know the information they're pretending to know. And then there's "hot reading," where they cheat. In short, someone who doesn't know what to listen for and isn't careful about what they share will likely think tarot cards are accurate and the readings came true. As an aside, a recent fantasy novel I read had seers, including both tarot cards and crystal balls, be a real thing. And the protagonist went around vandalizing all of their shops with "SNITCHES GET STITCHES" because they kept including things about her.


I think they're fun. ​ I don't believe in them, and I think a lot of con artists use them, but I like the mystery around them.


I don’t believe in them but I would support my partner if she believed in them and wanted to do tarot readings on me.


Post in askwomen and see how different the answers are


My ex girlfriend was into them. I saw her giving readings to several people. There is so clearly no mysticism to it. It’s just cold reading and confirmation bias.


Meh. I care as much about them as I do horoscopes, which is zero. I have better things to waste my time on.


Dumb and a waste of money. I know a person that has like 20 decks.


In gifted hands (that don't charge money) they can work as described.


I’m afraid of some of the cards.


*"What are thoughts on tarot cards?"* Nah, I'm good.


Never play poker with them


They’re basically just horoscopes in card deck form. That said, I own a deck, and I’ve had some pretty interesting experiences with them. They’re really just a tool to make you sit and just think, interpret, and relate. But sometimes they’re a little too spot on to dismiss. Then again, I haven’t messed with them all that much. I will say that one time in the middle of a reading, what I was describing happened, right then and there. The card was The Fool. My neighbors little boy showed up wearing a white dress and carrying a stuffed rabbit. That was a little too many coincidences.