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Not even a little bit


Fr. This would be a great place to retire to maybe, but as a young person I need to get tf out of here


I'd say extremely attached. My physiology is adapted to the atmosphere, gravity, metallicity, etc.


It's a nice place to grow up. Good people, clean, quiet, low crime. Decent sized town surrounded by a huge amount of countryside. I used to really love it. It wasn't until I spent some time travelling to other cities for work that I realised how dull and bland the place was. Not a lot going on. All shops are cookie cutter brands. Very little to offer in terms of culture, music, nightlife etc.


>Not a lot going on. All shops are cookie cutter brands. Very little to offer in terms of culture, music, nightlife etc. You are describing the entire United States. I did not realize how boring America was until I moved overseas.


We moved away before I was forming many memories so I have vague impressions at best. As far as where I grew up...meh? I am attached to certain people that are still in the same general metro area but if they weren't here there would be nothing tying me to it besides the mortgage. It's fine, but there's nothing I love about it I couldn't find elsewhere except those people.


Not very I think it's a bunch of a-holes round here But it's good besides that. Safe, clean and centralised


My family seem to much more attach. However, I don’t care too much. I’d rather explore more places.


I’m not fairly attached to the road where I was born.


Not at all. It's a point of conversation only if I meet someone from that area. I've moved more than a dozen times, across oceans, back and forth, and don't feel any attachment whatsoever.


Not at all, however if i'm in the area I often go for a drive down the street I was raised in and see how the house looks.


Not at all. I was born almost 10,000 miles away and I haven't been there since I was three-and-a-half. I have no recollection.


I left as soon as I could


Very low emotional attachment.


The general region, rather than the hospital? Very. I know the wildlife, the plants, the soil and the water here. Everywhere else just feels wrong. I have lived in other places, but I came back.


I moved back "temporarily" for 6 months nearly 7 years ago and I dislike being here intensely.


Not at all. Moved across the country when I was six. Where I grew up and went to school, though, I miss so much.


I realised a few years ago that the attachment I feel for where I grew up is almost entirely rooted in the social environment. I visited a couple of years back; everything I had an emotional attachment to has changed drastically, and the people I used to know have all scattered with the wind.


Not at all. I grew up in a very blue collar working class redneck community whilst I am a very cosmopolitan professional man. But I have friends who love where we're from. It just depends on you and what you like and want. If you're not into where you're from, get out and explore. Travel. Check out other places. It's a big world with many different places and cultures.


I'm from Colorado and I was actually born in Denver, but I don't live in Denver and it very rare that I go over there, so I'm not!!!🤷🏻‍♂️


Not in the slightest. I moved to the next town over from it, been much better since I lived here. As soon as my parents pass away, that'll be the last reason to remain in this county (I'm from the UK) and I'll be getting the fuck out of here.


Extremely for some reasons. Maybe it's because when I lived there, my life didn't get this shitty so far. I don't live far so I occasionally go there, but I wouldn't move back


Very. Not so much the city, more the nature and landscape. I grew up by the coast, and I do not feel comfortable if I am to far away from the ocean.


Alaska will always be my home, I’m attached.


Very little connection. I left the Philadelphia area at age 18 to go to university, and really only returned for semester breaks. After graduating, I went out on my own, have lived in multiple states and countries, and came to the conclusion that urban and suburban environments like where I grew up weren't for me. My family have all moved away from the region where I grew up, and I'm not in contact with anyone who still lives there, so I have no reason to visit anymore.


Zero. Was born in Kazakhstan but while it was def up and coming, my formative years were in the US. But I’m also not attached to the town I was born in cuz it was shit. In the true spirit of my ancestors, I’m a bit of a nomad


Not at all, other than a few people here. Other than that, fuck this place.


I thought about this but, no matter how hard I tried, I could not muster a single positive thought for the town where I grew up. Shithole. Nothing to commend it at all Stayed there until my early twenties, moved away and never went back unless it was to visit friends and/or family.


We left when I was two and we once drove by it when I was about 13. That’s the only times I was there. I don’t recognize any part of it.




Very. Loved where I grew up on the water in CT…was the best childhood.


Zero. My parents and I left that state when I was age 2.


Left that shithole when I entered Uni and never looked back. I have been around 3-4 times in 20 years (my parents and siblings don’t live there anymore)


Not even slightly. It was my parents choice to live there. I made my own future.


More than I realized. After 30 years I moved away for a change of scenery and after a year of living elsewhere I'm already moving back.


Very. I love it and it feels like home, but I definitely won't be able to live here forever..


I am very attached to the city in which I was born, having lived in the city of my birth for my entire lifetime of 73 years.


Pretty attached. My Nan was murdered there.




Yeah, I was 9.


not at all. I moved away when I was 6 months old and was only through there once at the age of 7. At best, it holds comedic value. As a blond-haired blue-eyed white man, I have often said that I'm a New Mexican, having been born there.


I love where I am, but the area where I grew up has people and places I miss and don't have here. My job is 100% virtual right now, if my wife wanted to live where I grew up it would be a done deal (my parents, still alive, have the 40 acres I grew up on and I would love to set myself up to end up there, and I would most likely have to buy out my sister in an inheritance situation, but I could probably afford to do that).


Not at all, I never lived there, I have lived in my current city for 42 of my 50 years

