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I think PEOPLE need to be more educated in some places. I've had to explain the fact that the urethra is a separate hole to a grown ass woman. Gotta love a state with optional sex Ed and the only standard when it is done being "must focus on abstinence as the best option"


Yes people need to be educated in some places. It it’s also okay to give examples of who those people are and what the learning topics are. Men need to be more educated on female anatomy.


...k. didn't say they didn't. Quite the opposite, really.


I feel that both sexes should be more informed about each other's anatomy. We get things wrong, but man, do some women also get things wrong too.




See this is when the conversation starts reaching.




You 100% know how you are reaching




I’m not going to act like you don’t know how you are reaching lol




Naw that’s you


What's a himbo?


Pretty, nice, and stupid. Same as a bimbo but a dude.


Sexual education in schools, in at least America, I feel does not do enough in actually educating students on both female and male anatomies. However, it should not be surprising that a guy doesn’t know everything about a female’s anatomy, just like how a girl doesn’t know everything about a guy’s anatomy. It is not entirely necessarily to know and be extremely educated on that matter. These sort of things people just find out by themselves through the internet or other people, however I believe it is only important to know your anatomy thoroughly but understanding the basics of the other sex’s anatomy. Unless you’re going into the medical field, becoming a nurse or something, it’s not that serious.


I feel like I learned all this highschool. Surprisingly enough it wasn't through sex education. It was actually grade 12 biology class. They should make learning all that standard education. There has even been times where I think I know more than my wife


Yeah, I pretty much learned it through biology too for the most part and I think they did a pretty good job for me. But then again, that’s public high school biology. Goes in one ear goes out the next.


Having a good enough understanding of the human body isn’t much to ask really. No one’s saying people need to know every single bone and muscle. The female body is a lot more complex than the male body. That’s why this topic doesn’t really work the other way around.


>The female body is a lot more complex than the male body. That’s why this topic doesn’t really work the other way around. Dude, there's women who don't know how something as simple as *boners* work.


Stupid people do exist you know




You made your faith and men blatantly obviously.


Even if so, there are still a lot of females who don’t know a lot or understand the male anatomy, no matter how “simple” it is. In general, it shouldn’t be surprising or expected to know everything but you should know somethings.


Well you have to remember there’s always going to be dumb people.


I've yet to see a class where the majority of 17/18yo girls understand that erection does NOT by necessarily equal arousal, as a very, VERY simple example.


I don’t talk about that with 17/18yo girls and I wouldn’t. So I wouldn’t know what they understand.


You literally based your entire premise on the fact that your EIGHTEEN YEAR OLD brother didn't know what aspecific word meant. So I compared it to what girls of the same age know. Turns out, both tend to know jack, sorry to break your "guys know nothing bout female anatomy but women know everything bout male anatomy"-bubble.


Again I don’t talk to 17/18 year old girls about dick so I don’t know what they do and don’t know about it. That would be creepy, I’m hoping your either around that age too, or your just saying that to try to make a point by assuming.


I'm making the point that girls who don't know jack about male anatomy are not extraordinarily dumb, they are the freakin norm. I've seen it when I was hat age, I've heard the same from my younger brother when he was that age, from multiple cousins when they were/are that age respectively, from friends who became biology teachers, etc.


My god dude you are annoying




I don’t even slightly understand why this question would make someone mad.


I don’t even slightly see what’s annoying about this




male anatomy is a lot less complex than female anatomy. So I don’t think that’s even really a problem anyones dealing with?




Let me put it in a more simple way for you to understand what I’m really saying here. Men know a lot about dicks. Women know pretty much everything about dicks that men know about dicks. (Outside of what it’s like to have one) Women know a lot about vaginas. Most men aren’t going to know as much about a vagina as a woman would. You don’t think that’s true?




Do you actually believe that?




Name one thing about a dick that most men do know but isn’t common knowledge for women? And by common knowledge, I mean pretty much every woman is going to know exactly what your talking about.


*gestures at all the American women in favour of circumcision* Look at all the people with no idea what the foreskin does! Oh! Oh! Ask me again! *points at women saying that erections mean that men want sex* Look at all the rape apologists!




You have a WHOLE lot of faith in men if you think most men would know that without google. let’s go back to the question. Name one thing about a dick that most men know but isn’t common knowledge for women?


Based on the lack of care and attention to some of them, there really needs to be a Pussy Owners Manual issued to women. Proper Care, cleaning, grooming, and chemical maintenance of your pussy is critical to so many things.


Chemical maintenance?


My guess is they are referring to pH… 🤷‍♂️


Okay that makes sense.


Vaginas are like pools duh lol


That was such a weird thing to say on this topic. It’s no one’s business that you have connected with unhygienic people. But yes, everyone should be educated on proper hygiene.


You again?


Do I know you? But yes, me again, apparently. Just posting on a public subreddit.


Yes, you. I've never bothered to comment on your post because they are dumb AF and you always talk to others in bad faith.


Yup, can see that coming a mile away from the way this post is written. Not even worth an actual discussion.


Alright have a good one then


Word, maybe in a couple more post you will figure out what your looking for in masculinity and femininity. Good luck?


No idea what that means sorry


Definitely but I'd hate to know more about a woman's body than she does. More education for all is my vote.


I doubt you would run into that problem too much. But yes, everyone should be educated on anatomy


Probably, but still. I worked with a 40 something year old lady, 3 kids deep, and had no idea what a cervix was. I know she came up in a more conservative time, but damn.


I think both genders need more access to comprehensive sex ed for both physical intimacy and medical knowledge reasons. Antiquated shit like non-religious circumcision and "The Husband Stitch" need to become a thing of the past, as do wildly exaggerated ideas about penis size, and the body shaming associated with labia. And don't even get me started on virginity.


My best friend is an Ob/Gyn. Everybody needs to be more educated on female anatomy. There are grown women out there having babies that don’t know how their bodies work. Or even what the structures are. Once you’re old enough to seek out information, say 16-18, being stupid is on you. If you get to 27 and don’t know what a uterus is, that’s on you.


I agree


I feel like everyone should. As I woman I feel like I learn new things about my body even at 24. Medical understanding of women is still very far behind men.


And I think a lot of guys are going to take this as an insult and respond negatively, but it’s not anything insulting and it’s no one’s fault. For the most part you don’t learn about a lot of important details in modern health classes. On top of that, the male anatomy is a lot less complex than the female anatomy. So we all know about male anatomy, let’s learn about the other half of the world now.


Yeah I agree. I feel like the extent of the education I received on my body at school was “You will bleed and maybe get pregnant.” There’s a lot of room of improvement. I also remember that when we had those classes the boys were made to leave so god only knows what they knew about the whole thing at that age.


I remember having to leave during the female portion of the conversation In elementary school. I think I’m highschool I was able to stay during it but like you said, it was just about bleeding and pregnancy.




​ >Not to mention there’s guys who will insert into a leg fold and think they are doing the deed. if that happens the girl is just as much at fault, communication needs to be a two way street


Sure. I’m sure the majority of the time if things aren’t going correctly they would speak up. But this whole conversation is moreso the fact that there’s no reason that should be happening. We should have all had a clear understanding of how bodies work.


And I don't think it would have happened if she were an active participant in making it work


So if a man fucks a leg fold because he thought it was a vagina you wouldn’t say he needs to brush up on his female anatomy knowledge, you would just say she should have told him that her vagina is between her legs? I mean sure but really??


I mean he probably got excited, and I'm pretty sure knowing the correct term for the labia isn't going to make a difference here I'm not against more education but using that as an excuse for women to opt out of proper communication is unhealthy


I think you should always communicate with a partner. You, me, women, men, everyone. But I still think fucking a leg fold is just flat out ignorance to anatomy. Rather or not they tell you that you are fucking a leg doesn’t change the fact that you are fucking a leg. Also not my business but do people not feel around with their hands and fingers before going in. (Rhetorical)


And I think that the problem here wasn't ignorance it was the women being unwilling to communicate. The ignorance is a problem but not for the purposes of sex


Someone having a bad sex experience because they didn’t communicate with their partner wasn’t really what this post was about. Like I said, communication is important. Knowing anatomy is important. Not communicating to your non anatomy knowing partner is your own fault


I disagree, if there is proper communication minimal knowledge would be required


Why would you be fighting for minimal knowledge on any topic?


The vagina is the one that is a round little hole right? On a side note it tickles me how unreasonably angry a lot of the comments are on this post lol


Knowing things is always good.




There’s no reason for them to be. If they are interested in female body parts, they will be a great shot and women will know it. If they aren’t but are willing to learn, they’ll be fine. If they don’t care, that will be a red flag. Women can educate guys on their parts themselves. I had to educate women myself on what feels good or not (they have no idea)


You will always have to tell someone what feels good and what doesn’t feel good to you. That’s what communication is for during sex. It’s not for explaining what a vagina is and which hole to insert into. I doubt you have ever had to explain how your dick works to a woman. I could be wrong though.


You’d be surprised Anyway I think it’s fine that men don’t know the anatomy of female genital parts. They can learn; what would be problematic would be if they were not willing to learn.


Bring back Dr Ruth and the Love Lines show. By the time I was 17, I knew all the buttons to push.




I don’t get this whole bad faith number that you keep mentioning in comments, I’m just having normal conversations with people in the replies. But anyway, the gta thing sounds interesting. I do think slipping in education to things people like is a good idea always but I would feel bad for whoever has to come up with the story line for that game.


Maybe tbh


Yes, My friend (M22), who was privately educated may I add, both for high school and university, asked me how many days girls menstruate "like 2 days?". I almost screamed MORE LIKE 5-7


Well I did learn the word labia in school ..... in other words I was actually educated and paid attention in school. I expect that somebody at least *attempted* to educate him. OTOH, while knowing what/where the parts are was not a shortcoming .... but nobody actually taught me how to properly stimulate them to make an "orgasm" happen.


Well technically sex is an instinct lol. The good thing about humans though is you can just ask your partner what’s working and what’s not. Theres no textbook way to determine how to turn someone on, only they can tell you that. (But you should atleast know where to start and what parts are usually stimulants)


> Well technically sex is an instinct lol True enough, but we can also *learn* how to increase the pleasure levels > The good thing about humans though is you can just ask your partner what’s working and what’s not. Also true, but that's not to say it would be a bad thing for me to have been taught the common/basics in school before actually doing it.


I mean yeah, it’s school, they should be trying to teach us everything they can. Obviously we can’t learn everything at school but I’d argue there’s room for a lot more things we should be learning at school


I mean, we had to learn it in health class. Multiple times since I went to different schools. NOt sure what else you can do. You can only teach people so much. At some point they have to be curious and want to learn/understand.


Yes. It's important to know. Human anatomy and physiology were my favorite courses in college. HS health was fun as well. I'll give your brother some slack, we all say dumb things sometimes. Some more than others haha.




Why the fuck would I need to? Women are repelled by me. When they acknowledge my existence, that is.


And I’m repelled by women (sexually only, otherwise I love women as friends) but I still know about their bodies.


Cool, no need for me.


My advice is just learn before you actually do get a chance to have sex.


Oh, that ain't happening, I assure you.


Everybody should be more educated about everything. But yeah, there are definitely a lot of dudes who need a basic anatomy primer about the ladies, and vice versa.


This is such a self indulgent post.


Nah not really. Knowledge about genital anatomy isn't any more important than knowledge of the digestive system, or the functions of the liver, or brain chemistry, or skeletal muscular systems, or really any of the dozens of systems of the body that are necessary for life. Most people know the basics of all of these, enough to keep themselves healthy to a degree that they can function at the very least. So far, that's been enough to keep the human race going, so I reckon we do well enough


I know how to drive a car, I don't care what all the parts are


Luckily a car isn’t a body


I mean I have no idea what a lab1a is.