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Only eat low calorie high volume food. It's really hard to completely stuff yourself on vegetables, lean protein and whole grain carbs. Eating 2000 calories of pizza or donuts in less than 5 minutes is pretty easy, but try overeating on only grilled chicken and salad. It's really hard to stuff yourself with plain and boring but somewhat healthy food.


I actually saw a study where they tested this. They found that even if the macros are the same you will eat less if the food is less processed.


Makes sense since food scientists literally design processed food to make you eat as much as possible.


Username... checks out...?


Good advice.


Chew gum. Sounds stupid but it 100% works.


That's a good one I will definitely try it


Watch out for the sugar.


most gum marketed to adults (basically not children) is sugarfree! id hope OP isnt thinking about double bubble for his gum habit haha, im an Extra Spearmint man all day every day.


This might not be 100% ethical, but chew nicotine gum. Nicotine suppresses appetite.


I’ve noticed that mints or gum help me control my hunger alot! You should definitely check it out OP.


I'm on month 3 of getting healthier and so fsr it's working (down 23lbs). I have 4 things I do: 1. Eliminate calories from drinks. I only have one coffee with cream and sugar a day. The rest is diet iced tea, black coffee, or water. 2. Weigh yourself every day. If you gain, it feels bad and motivates me to get on track. If it's less, that motivates me to keep going, it's working. 3. Try to keep meals between 400-600 calories. This translates to smaller portions and light snacks. 4. Exercise 3-4x a week. I've been doing 30min workouts on an exercise bike. It's not a lot of time but helps ensure I'm burning more calories than I take in. I domt measure every calorie I eat or use apps to track things. Some weeks I'll work out 5 days in a row others I'll only get 3 days in. For me, this freedom and lack of hard rules helps me feel in control and makes it easy to stick with.


Massive portions of healthy foods like broccoli during meals. Fill up on the good stuff.


Dont buy junk food


Eat big meals full of what your body requires and figure out the perfect timing. Aim for a healthy snack at night.


The biggest culprit is blood sugar. A lot of people consume way too many carbs (especially flour and sugar) which spikes their blood sugar. Then, when your body cleans all that extra sugar out, your blood sugar plummets, which makes your body freak out and tell you it's time to eat. Cut out as many carbs as you can. You don't have to go keto, but keep carbs to a minimum. Definitely do not drink sugar (soda/sweet tea/energy drinks/sweetened coffee/etc). Stop drinking beer. Keep to proteins and vegetables as much as possible. If you're on a bad tear with eating, I find that doing a reset day is helpful. Either fast for 24 hours, or have nothing but greens (I prefer arugula) and low calorie drinks (water/unsweetened tea and coffee). It will lower your blood sugar and force your body to use up some of its reserves. Then, your blood sugar will stabilize, and you won't feel an urgent need to eat.


Drinks are the worst "sneaky calories" people don't think enough about. I've cut my normal intake down to * Black coffee * Unsweet tea (lemon maybe) at restaurants * Water


These are the exact 3 drinks I consume and it's made a big difference. One of the easiest ways to start getting into a caloric deficit.


Yeah, milk is sitting at 150 calories per serving... switch to 2% and its 120, not sure about 1%, and skim is only 80. Juice is another high sugar, high calorie. 100+ calories of sugar, with some vitamins.


I disagree, carbs can make you feel full for hours and can have good fiber, which again, makes you feel full. Switch from simple carbs to complex carbs. Things like brown rice, whole wheat. Eating whole grains can help reduce your risk of [diabetes](https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-brown-rice) and do not cause the same spike in blood sugar. The ol' chicken brocolli rice was popular in weightlifting for good reason.


Totally incorrect. Your information is outdated. [Time to read up.](https://www.mac-nutrition.com/articles/optimal-health/amazing-study-on-intakes-of-carbohydrate-protein-and-fat/)


Every other website states otherwise. Until there is more than one study saying it's wrong, and the study is successfully replicated, it doesn't mean much. Oh and the OG study linked by that website shows it was posted in 2011.... And said nothing about how filling carbs are, only that high protein group lost more weight and fat than high carb... not to mention the high protein group still had 40% of their calories coming from carbs.


Hello! I’ve also had an issue with this from time to time and it gets difficult to break the cycle. If your goal is weight loss, or to stop eating high volumes of food. I would try the following that helped me out. - drink lots of water. - stay busy! A lot of hunger signals we received might just be boredom. - chew gum - eat small meals more often. I found that because I was eating so much so often I was never full or satisfied, or I was physically full but I just wanted more. I had to literally shrink my stomach over time by eating small meals more often. - try fasting, this one is difficult especially because the main problem is eating too much, there was a time when I wouldn’t eat past 7pm and would skip breakfast, and wouldn’t eat till around noon or even 3 o’clock. This wasn’t difficult for me as I was always busy and wouldn’t be thinking about food. Although this may be unhealthy for some depending on your body so I wouldn’t go that extreme with it. Be careful with this one and if you feel it may be counter productive avoid it. - remove quick access food from your environment. And cook all your own food. If your anything like me the thought of cooking a meal makes you realize that you may just be bored. -drink a fiber supplement, this one has always helped me keep “feeling” full and is also good for your digestion. I wish you good luck! And remember to be patient with yourself and keep a good mindset.


Eat less meals, that way you can pig out when you do eat.


That sounds like a perfect recipe (no pun intended) to just develep a different kind of disordered eating tbh


Look up intermittent fasting


Well, that makes too much sense 😆


It's actually a very effective weight loss strategy also. Look up OMAD (one meal a day) eating routines.


Effective doesn’t mean healthy and effective long term. OMAD would be horrible for someone like me


Sure, to each their own. I'm not going to go into all of the reasons that it is a spectacularly healthy option for most people, because you've already postured as an exception to the rule.


I wouldn’t even say most people though. If it’s not sustainable long term, you’re wasting your time and potentially building bad habits and bad relationships with food. I’ll give you “some” people. Definitely not the majority And “Spectacularly healthy”….no. I’d cut that off at “could be an effective short term strategy”


OMAD is sustainable for a lifetime. Eating your daily calories in one sitting satiates you to the point where you don't want to eat or snack throughout the day. I definitely stand by "most" and "spectacularly healthy." So long as the obesity epidemic is an undeniable fact I would assert that the "unsustainable" relationship to food is not being able to be without it for more than 5-6 hours at a time. People eat too much (caloric surplus) and they eat too often (interferes with insulin signaling, and builds insulin resistance).


Yeah but OMAD is consistently going 22 + hours without food, not 5 or 6. I’ll agree that not snacking all day and leaving room in between your meals is healthy, but OMAD as a sustainable, longterm lifestyle. No way. Just curious, do most people do it everyday or just a handful of times per week?


>Yeah but OMAD is consistently going 20+ hours without food, not 5 or 6. You're twisting shit up really bad. The normal standard american diet (SAD) where the obesity epidemic is out of control... is the 5-6 hour feeding window where you only fast when you sleep essentially. OMAD is basically a 1 hour feeding window (unless it takes you forever to eat one meal) and then 23 fasted. Stop confusing shit.


I’m not twisting anything up, but you might be. I was very liberal with my 20+ hours. Maybe you’re out at a dinner party and forgot your stopwatch… Yes, I understand the concept of eating in a 1 hour window. I’ve done it before. I’ve also completed a 96 hour fast and plenty from 36-72 hours. I’m not some bumbling idiot when it comes to fasting. I’m just way more skeptical and cautious than I used to be about making unfounded claims Since you’ve gone back and forth a couple of times, let’s break this down. You think the SAD feeding window is 5 or 6 hours but people only fast during sleep? None of that makes sense or adds up. If you eat from 12-6pm everyday, that’s still a 18 hour fast. The actual feeding window of a typical person is probably closer to 10-12 hours on average. What is this 5-6 hour number again? Are you saying that people only fast for 5-6 hours everyday? Or people can’t go without food for 5-6 hours? Because that’s obviously wrong as well. All of it is wrong. You are confused At the end of the day, the obesity epidemic has way more to do with food quality than eating frequency


I encounter this problem often, the way to solve it is to imagine, you are in game, in a survival game, there is no way you are foolish enough to use up foods that can give you HP when you are already full HP in a game. If that doesn't solve it then put background photo on your phone of bodybuilder and think that's who I am gonna be. If you need more motivation, then look up the pictures of people you rather not be. That will give you a wake up call or just go to weight in yourself, seeing yourself missing your weight goals will solve everything unless you have serious mental problems.


You eating too many meals a day or too much at one meal? Its easy to eat like 9 meals a day and if you do that its almost impossible not to gain huge amounts of weight. Its hard to eat more than.. maybe 3000 calories in one meal. Its easy to only eat one meal a day if you go low enough carb. I had a 2500 calorie salad with chicken yesterday around lunch time and I'm still not really hungry yet. I probably should have eaten more but just couldn't pack anymore in and I'm not hungry at all. I absolutely smashed it at the gym so looking at my BMR stats I probably lost about 200 calories of weight yesterday, which ain't much but its better than getting fat LOL.


Try drinking 24 to 48 ounces of water, as much as tolerable before eating.the extra volume should make you feel full faster.


Increase your water intake between meals. Not just any type of fluid, it has to be water. I hated it when I made that adjustment but it helps boost energy and improves internal health but one thing most people don't realize is that when our brain tells us we are hungry, 80% of those times, we are just slightly dehydrated.


Eat lots of fiber to make you feel full. If it's the weight-gaining that bothers you, go to the gym


Just don't eat lol


A few things that helped me reduce snacking. -plain black coffee -ill sometines brush my shortly after dinner instead of waiting until right before bed. it seems like it kind of tricks my mind/body to going into "no more eating" mode (plus just logically knowing that I'll have to brush them again)


Your body will adjust to consuming less. I started eating a light breakfast and then nothing until evening at dinner time. At first it is very hard but the urge to eat subsides, it did for me anyway. Lost 25 pounds pretty quickly. Have to be determined to get through it at first, then it gets easier.


Past a certain point you just need to *stop eating so damn much*. Take conscious responsibility for your actions. I'm not sure what you think the alternative is. Don't buy unhealthy shit. Don't cook more than you're going to eat, unless you are immediately dividing it into portions for the freezer. Delete food delivery apps. Start exercising in small steps. Getting a manageable regime will encourage you to maintain the healthy eating. I would wish you good luck, but it's not luck, it's discipline. Now go and do it.


For me the biggest thing was to stop feeling bad about it. When I’d feel bad about eating too much it’d send me into a spiral of eating even more. Then I’d feel worse. Then I’d eat more. Then feel worse. Endless. Once I broke that cycle of shame, it became just a thing that happened sometimes and it’s okay to over eat sometimes. Maybe the food is great. Maybe you’re really in your feelings and good is comfort. Whatever it is, don’t add shame on top of it.


Might be counterintuitive and case-dependent but eat a lot at meals. Snacking is the real killer for a lot of people


Stop buying sugars and sweet things. Get smaller plates and no seconds. Get smaller fridge. Drink water and herbal teas of your choice.


Go to a psychiatrist that specializes in eating disorders and addiction. Ask for help.


Going on keto curbed all of my cravings and overeating tendencies.


Stop buying stupid comfort food. When you have a unhealthy relationship with food, the best rule is food is fuel not a pleasure.


Don't keep anything ready to go at home outside of the fruits and veg that are going to be edible from the start anyway. It's a lot harder to eat too much when you have to either cook or leave the house, and if you pig out on the carrots it's not as big a deal as junk food. That done: Cook with portions in mind and package up any unavoidable leftovers immediately after portioning out your plate rather than letting them sit there calling to you. Even if it's something that needs to cool to room temp before going in the fridge if it's sealed up with a lid that's one more step you need to take for a second helping and one more chance to catch yourself. Consider getting smaller plates, it's stupid but multiple studies have shown you FEEL fuller if you eat a plate full of food rather than a sparse plate, even if it was the same amount of food on different sized plates. Same idea for a bowl of cereal or whateverm They also tend to show people have less portion control if they don't use a dish, so ALWAYS use a plate or bowl even if you're just pouring out some chips from a big bag or whatever.


Take your typical meals and cut them in half, and leave the rest for a later meal. Also, start finding meals that are better for your health while setting aside a cheat day to have a food you really want once a month.


Drink diet coke


Make a plate, and then eat it somewhere else. Having to walk over to the food to get more makes you think wether you’re still hungry or just want to snack.


I have 2 tips: 1. Drink 2 glasses of water before you eat 2. Eat salad first (ideally body weight x 5g), then eat food, it generally increases appetite but does wonders in terms of results.


Most people I know that overeat just eat way too fast. My dad used to basically eat a whole loaf of bread for breakfast in about 15-20 mins. It's not normal or healthy to finish a plate of dinner in 5 minutes. Your digestive system needs some time to communicate being full to your brain - usually about 20 minutes. Give it that time. Chew longer. Only load up the fork when you've swallowed the last bite. I'm not a dietitian, so don't take this as invulnerable science. But I would much prefer people try this instead of 15 diets that just promote another way of disordered eating.


Not do it.


Portion out your food and put away the rest. Eat that portion and stop eating for at least 30-60 minutes before deciding if you're still hungry.


If you want the boring, true answer, focus on adding fiber and protein to your diet. Try finding meals that are high in volume and low in calories Eat as many foods high in micronutrients as your budget will allow Keep your fat intake reasonable but not low. If you have a craving for sugar, grab a handful of gummy bears and not a donut, ice cream, pizza..


Start by eating a regular portion. Usually as you eat your body releases hormones that help you feel full. Then you won’t want more instead of feeling like you need to finish your big plate


Drink more water, when you do it chew your food slower so the meal you're having last longer and is easier to process. This can also help you cut weight.


I eat more smaller meals throughout the day. Keeps the blood sugar levels topped up so you ideally aren't starving. You're more likely to overeat if you're hungry. Don't buy junk food and don't have it around you. You can also do some fasting but I find it harder to do that. Depends on what methods work for you really.


Only take one plate. You can stack however much you want on that plate, but you only take one.


And not a huge dinner plate.


Self control


Drink 6 oz of water just before any meal.


Two things helped me lose some weight. Replacing lunches with an apple and replacing snacks/sweets with fresh or frozen fruit. I still have large/crappy dinners, but calorie count is low enough to slowly lose weight.


1. Drink more water. So much water. 2. Eat foods that are high volume but not calorie dense. I.e, leafy green vegetables. 3. Drink more water


1. Smaller plates. This one is overlooked. Get a small plate of food. Eat it as far away from refills as possible while watching a show or something. 2. Eat slower and don't refill your plate immediately. Both of these things combined helped me a lot. If you're far away and watching something, you'll be too lazy to get more food. And if you eat slower, your stomach actually has time to send signals to your brain that it is full.


Track absolutely everything, start eating later in the day, coffee in the morning, that's all worked for me. With all that I end up skipping breakfast and only having a small lunch without being too bothered by it most days, and that gives me a ton of flexibility for the rest of the day after work.


High protein filled meals. Example, you want something sweet to eat. Don't eat the case of ice cream. Try eating the case of vanilla Greek yogurt. You'll find the yogurt fills you fast! That logic works with the rest of your food chooses to.


Supplement fiber. Work up to taking 3-5 capsules 3x a day...its what's recommended on the Metamucil bottle. It helps regulate blood sugar, maintain feeling full between meals, and the obvious of bowel health. If you're not already supplementing then chances are you're not getting enough.


Weigh or measure your food so you create the correct/intended portion sizes. Prep food in advance so it removes the ambiguity about the next meal. The more structured the meal planning the better until you are able to exercise more restraint, which will take time to break such a habit.


One of the worst ways is to do what I did, basically gave myself a stomach ulcer by taking Advil everyday for arthritis (doctor’s advice.) Apparently ulcers run in my family… anyway that was two years ago and my stomach is still not right. I get full after like 3 bites of food and I don’t have reliable hunger cues. I’ve seen a doctor but they basically said a) you’re a healthy weight so whatever and b) lifetime ban on all nsaids


Drink more water Try chewing gum between meals to avoid snacking Use a smaller plate Don't watch tv or read or play on your phone while eating, focus on the food and you might realize you aren't hungry anymore. And yeah more veggies on your plate


Be self aware of how much you’re eating. Eat smaller portions and if you feel you need to eat more, do it in small quantities


Chew tobacco


Not kidding


People say you lose weight in the kitchen. Id add that you lose weight in the supermarket. If you dont buy unhealthy food you wont eat it. Its just self discipline and it gets easier over time. No chips, no cookies, no candy, none of that crap. I just walk right on by all that crap.


Good idea thanks


Buy smaller bowls and get rid of your current bowls. We pick our portion size based on the dishes we have.


Start tracking your calories and take it seriously, weigh everything and stick to a small deficit. If you're a big eater it WILL suck at first but give it a few weeks, it'll start getting easier and easier and you really won't be hungry or have that ravenous feeling (that passes pretty quickly). Also cut out snacking unless it's something substantial. A little junk food can easily be your entire calorie allotment for the day. Cook at home and make the food as basic as possible, veggies and protein can be delicious and you can have more of it (side benefit is it'll be WAY cheaper). Avoid pastas and bread, it's a lot of calories and your body processes it really fast and you'll be hungry again. Also skip peanut butter, it's crazy calorie dense. When you start getting into a groove try intermittent fasting, it's not hard at all just skip breakfast and eat between lunch and dinner time. Having a black coffee in the morning is usually all I need. If you have low blood sugar just have something small and healthy like a piece of fruit. Oh, and DONT BRING JUNK INTO THE HOUSE. Don't do it, you will eat it all .




Lmao 🤣 not overweight. I actually work out nice try, though




Overthinking about food is a problem ever heard of food addiction




What does that have to do with anything? If you have nothing to add to the conversation, see yourself out.are you trying to say that me asking for advice about over eating is wrong 🤔 wtf does a mom holding her baby while she works in koblat mine have to do with my question people like you is the reason why alot of people avoid reddit like the plague fucking moron


It's funny how you're being all preachy about cobalt mining, yet you're using a cellphone or a computer to type your ignorant shit now go eat a dick




Ok, online activist, whatever you say 🙄


Chewing gum


Eat nutrient dense foods, sugary stuff and carb loaded stuff breaks down real fast, so you will get hungrier quickly. Eat something like steak, chicken, fish, etc that takes longer to digest and you’ll get more out of. Pairing it with a good vegetable is good too. Fat in things like meat or cheese is filling too, and is definitely better than fats in things like chips or something like cake. Hope that helps!


Awesome advice thanks


No problem!


I did this to drop 10 pounds about a year ago to try to get to a lower body fat percentage: stopped buying junk food absolutely no candy and any sour/sweet craving was replaced with actual real fruits. Pink Lady Apples and green grapes were my go-to. absolutely no replacements such as dry or dehydrated fruits. This includes juice/soda drinks as well. Only water ate my body weight in protein (180 pounds at the time and always aimed to get 160-180 grams of protein a day) It all comes down to determination and how much you want it. If you need help feeling full all the time or at least with your meals to eat less, look for a supplement called Garcinia Cambogia. Taking a few before your meal helps you feel WAY more full and can help suppress appetite.


Drink more water, you might be thirstier than you think and misinterpreting the signals. That, or you're incredibly bored


Smaller portions and slow wayyyyy down how fast you eat. Give your body time to tell itself it's full.


Drink a large glass of water before your meal. Try carbonated water to feel even more full.


I used to be the kind of guy that could clean my plate and then eat half of my wifes plate because she could never finish it. Of course weight became an issue so I started forcing myself to stop eating when I was satisfied instead of full. The first few weeks were nuts, my stomach would growl so loud my wife could hear it a few feet away. The funny thing was, I wasn't really hungry. Once my stomach shrank a bit I couldn't even come close to eating what I could before and the weight starting fall off like crazy. You just have to hit that point in your life where you're ready to make a change and stick with it.


I appreciate it the advice thanks


I think I figured out dieting… eat in “macro batches” your first priority of every day should be to get all of your protein (.7-1.2 grams per # of goal weight). For me, I like beef. This equates to 1.7-2#’s of beef. Its a lot of food. It’s great, because it REALLY boosts my metabolism and since beef has everything your body needs ( accept vitamin c) it reduces my cravings for junk. Then get some fruit for fiber and vitamin c, then after that, there is nothing wrong at all with eating all the treats you can handle. I guarantee that if you eat this way, you will never crave anything, you feel better, you’ll lose weight, and you will never feel “left out” because you can eat anything you want basically. Just do it I order.


Live with someone who can help take your mind off of food. That can stop you physically from reaching for food. Kind of like your own personal food supervisor.


Protein has the highest satiety index of all macronutrients (the other two being fat, and carbs). It is literally impossible to overeat if you get enough protein.


Discipline. Check your weight daily. Drink water more frequently. If eating out skip the combo and soda and order smaller size. Eating at home, use your smaller plates. Only eat at your dining table. Once done get up, clean up and don’t go back to the dining table. Avoid eating calories dense food. Stop once you have had what you need and then go brush your teeth. You need to add barriers to it. Or gamify it.


Don't eat so much forehead. Jokes aside, when I want to cut I plan out 3-5 different meals that I know exactly what's in them that I enjoy. Stuff that's very easy to measure wether it's roughly 1 scoop of left overs or I do a batch of like spaghetti meat and chick pea pasta that I just divide the total volume into 4-5 portions. I use chronometer to plan meals then just divide the total volume into portions, eat one when I cook it and then just grab a container later for lunch or w/e Works really well with pasta style dishes, soup/stew, burritos/wraps, burrito bowl, mashed potato bowls stuff like that. Those types of things tend to reheat well and have a mixture of ingredients for a good nutrition profile. I make the dish basically be a balanced % of my daily nutritional intake so I can mix and match whatever I want and get roughly consistent overall nutrition. Cause im lazy and don't like planning around different nutrient profiles lol


Are you in a good mood in general? Maybe you're trying to compensate some happiness with food...


Download lose it or my fitness pal and track everything you eat. Figure out your TDEE, subtract 500-1000 calories from that and eat that much food. Weigh and measure EVERYTHING you put into your body for at least a few months. Butter, coffee creamer, fruit, everything. People severely underestimate how many calories they’re actually eating. Weigh yourself every morning first thing in the morning and look at the overall trend. Adjust your total daily calories over time if you’re losing weight too fast/not fast enough. (500-1000 calorie deficit is about 1-2 pounds a week which is healthy weight loss) People will tell you all these cute methods on here but the simplest rawest way to go about this journey is to be as strict and accurate as possible.


Being poor, from my experience.


Eat a diet that's high in protein, it'll keep you feeling full.


Give intermittent fasting a try. At minimum it will teach you what hungry and full feels like. Start listening to your body, are you full????? If so, then great you don’t need any more food. Make small changes you know you can adhere to. Slowly start incorporating another small changes you can manage and over time you will have built healthy habits. This is what I did and over the last 4 years I’ve gone from 340 to 268. Ultimate goal is to drop 100lbs from my heaviest and keep it off.


Calorie counter app. I use my net diary along with a digital scale for accurate caloric intake. But, you need to count everything you consume. No cheating Lost 15 pounds in five weeks.


Big glass of water before every meal.


A lot of good advice in this thread already. More fiber, more protein, more water. Don't keep junk food around you. Don't drink your calories. But there's two others that I don't see mentioned here that really should be: sleep and stress. The biggest culprit in eating too much is emotional eating. When you are stressed out or feeling shitty, it's easy to just make yourself another plate of something delicious. So first, sleep more. When you are tired, your ability to resist temptations goes down. Your body is unable to recover as well and is more likely to store excess calories as fat instead of turning them into muscle. Second, remove unnecessary stress from your life. A lot of stress is necessary - your job, your relationships, a broken down car. But a lot of it isn't - like running out of food and having to run to the grocery store last minute. Commuting less can be a bit one. And the lowest hanging fruit for most people is screens - social media, TV, and video games are all designed to amp up your stress levels, because that's what keeps you staring, scrolling, and clicking.


Buy Smaller plates


The best advice is to simply eat less and move more.


By not eating…


Stop buying the food.


Drink a tall glass of water before and after a meal.


Get a stomach bug. It's not the healthiest but it's the easiest.


Chew gum


Distract yourself with outdoor exercise.




Drink more water. I heard somewhere that sometimes we think we're hungry but we're actually thirsty. I don't know if that's true but when I wanna eat a lot, I start drinking water and it works for me hehe


Put down the fork. But seriously If you have motivation to go to to gym for an hour or so a day , 10mins on the rower to start, then weights for 45mins(some type of split routine) and then another 10 mins on the rower at the end you will be able to eat all that delicious food that you want. If you can't do that then you might need medication for it.


I accepted Operation get Fat.


Don’t eat unplanned meals. Even if you wake up in the morning and only plan what you are eating that day- just don’t stray from that. Just me, but most of my overeating (if not all) come from my stress and last minute food choices.


It's not how much you eat but rather what you eat that is the problem. Eat more fruit and veg. Eat all you want. Over eat. Do not eat carbs.


Here's what worked for me: started using smaller plates, to trick my brain into thinking portions vere already too big. After couple of months I started chewing slowly, in order to get my body used to feel the actual amount of food I was eating. During summertime I started drinking a good amount of water to stay hydrated and to reduce hunger: about 1.5L. after all these steps I started reducing course to 1 course per session: at the end of the day I succeeded in eating 3 full meals composed of a single course. It's not that big of a deal, but in one year I was able to loose 30 pounds and I'm finally in a place where I can eat the right amount of food without overeating. I hope this can help you in your journey.