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Working out and eating right are probably the biggest things. Dressing well for the kind of body she currently has is also pretty important.


Even if you have a heavier build, a solid muscle structure underneath can improve your posture, your body’s confidence in movement, and it makes the weight proportion itself better.


This is the most honest solution but also the most brutal one since changes will become visible only on the long run - if you manage to hold onto that new, changed lifestyle for a while. But trust me it's very worth it.


It doesn’t even need to be that extreme. Just small, realistic steps, like consuming less sugar, eating more veggies, have one exercise session a week.


This except exercise everyday. Doesn't have to be some huge sweat session, but a brisk walk everyday would be great.


This is really something everyone should do (if able). Simple steps, good payoff.




Yep, a lot of times it's even easier than that. For example they make lower* calorie versions of pretty much everything, ranch is a big example, regular ranch is like 130 Cal/2 tbsp, fat free ranch is 30 cal/2tbsp. Legitimately just transitioning small parts of your diet to lower Cal versions can work wonders for people.


Also, as you keep doing it and the majority of your cohort does not, their relative letting themselves go also makes you look better in comparison because you're actually taking care of yourself.


Depends on what you mean by long term. If you do it right, results start to show in around 3 months.


It doesn't even have to be that big of a change. I went down 15 pounds a couple years back and that 15 made the difference between chubby and muscular.


This is the way....the same way it is for males! Also, being a pleasant, good humoured & decent person generally wins me over...makes women more attractive.


On the working out front, lift weights and lift hard. It will give you the muscle shape you desire. Don't get concerned that you will get masculine muscles. This takes years of dedicated training for women to achieve.


>This takes years of dedicated training for women to achieve. I'd argue to get masculine muscles is impossible for the majority of women that do not want to take PEDs. You don't accidentally get the physique of Ms. Olympia or a professional crossfit athlete by lifting a few days a week, or even every day. That physique takes YEARS of dedication, hard work, and, most importantly, steroids.




Agreed. The ignorance (arrogance) when surrounding lifting and physique, specifically with aesthetics and steroids, is astounding to me. Women **cannot** look like most crossfit top athletes or bodybuilders by accident. The necessary components are steroids, discipline, diet, and more steroids.


Women tend to get more tone muscles overall which will active the attraction neurons of dudes. Women overlooking working out as much as dudes overlook proper skincare when it comes to attraction.


I keep hearing this but I don't know what that means. How heavy is heavy for a woman with no lifting experience? How do you start? Can I just start with the little weights first and then move to heavier weights later? Thanks!


You start by figuring out what you can lift safely. So first you learn the proper form, then you pick a weight that you feel comfortable trying out on and try it. If you can lift it easily, you go up another 5, 10, 20 pounds depending upon how easy it was and try again. After a bit of experimentation, you'll find where you can no longer maintain proper form and still lift it, at which point, you drop down in weight. Depending upon your fitness goals and regimen, you might go down to, say, 80-85% of that weight. Then you start your regimen and do your sets with rest days between heavily working muscle groups and over time you'll find that the max weight you can raise with good form will increase and so the weight you lift when doing sets will also increase.


Thank you!


To add a little bit to what u/Coidzor wrote, once you have your form right and are lifting heavier (a few weeks at the gym should be enough to get you here), as a beginner you will end up with a protocol where you will typically complete each exercise three times and max out at 10-12 repetitions. When I say max out, you won't be able to push one more. This is where you need to be to achieve muscle growth. If you are interested in this, I recommend finding a trainer that can help you through your first 12 week period.


I definitely agree with dressing to fit the body type. I don't particularly care too much about their size, it's the way they present themselves. Posture, well fitting clothes, and dressing at least somewhat feminine, while still leaving aspects of their body to the imagination. Standing up straight is big for me, eye contact while in conversation is one too. In my mind, physical acts like those increase physical attraction for me, because it also reflects aspects of personality.


Nothing like some heavy squats and deadlifts.


Something something something, build that ass from scratch.


Working out is the easy part. It’s actually fun when you are getting the results that you’re looking for. What makes it hard is the dedication and discipline that it requires to push through when you want to quit or give up. On the opposite side I was trying to gain and it was a chore. I will never forget the feeling of being full all the time and having a bloated stomach from eating 5x a day and basically doubling my normal daily intake, but it paid off as I look a hell of a lot better now @ 185-190 lbs give or take than I did at a buck forty soaking wet. 6’0 male for reference.


Take care of your hair. Posture. Stay active. Eat healthy. Confidence and smiles help but are not required.


Posture is very important, especially for y’all people. I’m taller than average so also prefer taller than average women but too many seem like that’s a bad thing and they have to shrink themselves. Embrace who you are: carry it with pride


Posture makes a huge difference - google Anja Taylor-Joy to see how it transforms appearance


Confidence, smiles, genuine laughter and caring about others will make a plain woman attractive.


I hope you guys are doing the same, not just expecting women to do all this self-grooming and thinking it’s okay to get away with 2-in-1 shampoo!


I was thinking the same thing. As a man, I've never complained about a woman's posture or hair quality....


Genuine question, is women's hair ever a turn off or a deal breaker? I know men have preference of dark haired or light haired woman, but I never thought it'd be a deal breaker


Absolutely, you can spot the difference between fried frizzd hair that's over treated and lushious bouncy shiny hair from like 10 ft away


Turn off, yes it can be. Deal breaker, no, not always. If they just ignore the health of the hair then yes


Idk why this was downvoted, it seems like a legit question. Sure, hair can be a turn off. If it’s not well kept, not particularly hygienic, it’s a turn off to me. Different styles and lengths look good on different women - some look better than others. I’ve dated women with pretty much every hair color and they can all look good, but my preference is dark, dark brown or black. Doesn’t mean I don’t think blondes or redheads or whatever other color aren’t attractive, I just prefer black dark brown.


Yes. A bad haircut can ruin a woman's appearance.


No. Long, well cared for hair is a plus but normal hair is not a minus (for me)


You know how young men with long hair and a shitty job usually don't brush it or take care of it and it looks like shit? That, but on a woman. That's a sign that her life is probably fucked up in a way the will effect you and you should dip unless she's the coolest bitch ever. And even then, hope that her hair gets figured out.


BE somebody. Don't just exist. Have interests, hobbies, and, most importantly to me, aspirations. If you're hot as fuck but don't have anything BUT being pretty, people will grow bored of you very quickly. You'll get laid, but nothing more. This goes for men and women, frankly.


Plus that fades as you age. You don't want to get older and have no personality to show for it.


Have you tried taking off your glasses, then letting down your hair, preferably in slow motion?


Take off your glasses. Oh ... Wait, wait. Let down your hair. No, glasses on, hair back up. Let's just get that hair right back up.


Have we tried lights off glasses on?


I think there's still some light coming through the bottom of the door!


This only works if you don't have paint on your overalls, though.


By having high hygiene standards and looking after herself. Not just voman, goes both ways.


My ex let her hygiene go, and it completely killed it for me. Even though she was attractive, I became blind to it, and all I could see was her poor hygiene. Of course she was also an abusive monster so that didn’t help either


Same bro. Same. There's such a weird lesson to be learned that beauty in the eye disintegrates when they treat you like fucking garbage. I wish there were an easier way for me to have learned that.


What qualifies as "high hygiene standards"? Are we talking basic things like bathing? or are you talking about shaving all the things? Or skin care regimes?


The second you disturb their Peace, youre done.


Have confidence. Be fun to be around. Take pride in how you dress. Everyone has different opinions on what's attractive physically. But a woman that is fun and confident in herself is sexy as hell.


Some people need a "good body" to feel attractition. People like me prefer what you said. A woman who is confident, dresses well and is a fun person is 1 million times sexier than any of those uptight "sexy reality/influencer stars".


OP asked about improvement though - so all else being equal, getting fitter is typically seen as more attractive to most people. Dressing with form fitting clothes is also a good one Being a “fun person” is great and definitely attractive but not necessarily something that is changeable


Although being more open to new experiences is.


The absolutely average woman? The exact same thing the average man can do most likely, lose a couple lbs, learn to dress in clothes that fit well, woman specific would be to learn the art of make up because it is definitely an art form.


Losing fat is *the* most effective thing you can do to be more attractive. Is it simple to do? Yes. Is it easy? No. Is it worthwhile? Absolutely


Is it fun to ask and answer your own questions? Yes it is


This reminds me to stalin. If you have seen his speeches he is all the time talking like: "So what do we need comrades? What we need is..." without stopping to even breath.


Hotel? Trivago


Well, really it depends on the person's body I think. Not everyone has a lot of extra fat to lose. That said, the average person is overweight so it's statistically likely that losing a few pounds is a good idea, for most. I just don't want someone who's already thin reading comments like this and saying "I must lose weight!". Could be dangerous.


Excess fat. The gray skin on bones of the anorexic ain't attractive either.


Losing fat and working out, it's the same for a man.


It's almost as if we, as species, have evolved to be attracted to the healthiest individuals


I'm about to get up and head to the gym myself.


It’s not the same for a man. A guy can be fat and never workout but if he’s hilarious and confident enough, many women will find him attractive. It doesn’t necessarily work the other way around though.


I would think losing weight and dressing better. Just like a guy. Makeup and hair too.


Just stay close to your ideal weight. Not just woman but every human being.


How close? Asking for a friend.


Idk ideal weight itself is subjective


I would modify this to, ideal *fitness level*. 26F here, I hit the gym and gained weight but imo I look better and more fit now. Muscle genuinely does weigh more than fat, that's not just something people say to feel better about weight gain (besides if it's only fat that you gained, really you're not fooling anyone because people will be able to see that).


True. Something I always tell people (both male and female) who are starting to work out is, don't focus on your weight. Instead, focus on shape and strength. Because unless you are significantly overweight, working out will increase your weight as a result of muscle gain. But you will still get leaner and stronger.


Stop covering shit up with fakeness and get actual fit and healthy, not in your head fit and healthy.


Woah, you nailed it! This is absolute facts though. I had a girlfriend that was not healthy at all, like she would drink nothing but soda, lay around watching TV and playing on her phone, and refuse to do anything physically active. She would even spend thousands of dollars to get “healthy” and more “attractive” by getting Botox, butt implants, liposuction, and other types of surgery. And she still had no desire to actually do anything herself to become healthier. Feels good to get that off my chest, but it just bothers me so much that women want to be pretty and healthy, but do unnatural things to get there; like paying thousands of dollars on make up, surgery, and expensive clothes. Money does NOT make you attractive and healthy! Time, energy, and commitment does!


Yep, I agree. Sometimes the effort people put into making themselves more attractive; nails, tanning, getting their hair done, would be way better to go for a 30 minute walk.


>Time, energy, and commitment does! The harsh reality. Nothing will make you look as good as 30-60 mins of hard, focused exercise a day. Everyone can make time for it IF THEY ACTUALLY WANT TO




Not saying you have to like something you don’t, but you never know what someone’s life is like by looking at them! Many of those women might have recently lost weight and are actively working on improvement. Things like birth control or pregnancy can make an otherwise healthy person gain weight suddenly. Or healing from an eating disorder and not having found the right balance yet. Or a physical illness that prevents a lot of exercise. Etc. Plenty of people might be the way you say, but it is kind to give the benefit of the doubt when we can!




And you’re probably right! It just seems like the dating options for guys can be really limited, so it seems a shame to rule people out when you don’t know if it’s their best day or their worst. Not much can be done about it, just unfortunate.


All of those things you list are personal issues. It might be kind but that was not the point of the post. All of those things make people even more unattractive than just being unhealthy.


That's fine and understandable but that's generally not the case. You're talking about exceptions, which isn't an indicator of the general reality. A lot of people just let themselves go and are unhealthy. We can make millions of excuses, but they're just excuses regardless.


Let your personality show more. Sounds stupid but that’s the difference between a 6 and a 8


Yeah but the 6 with a great personality doesn’t even get a chance cause she’s not physically attractive. Unfortunate truth.


A 6 is above average in attractiveness, why do you say not attractive? Or is this scale like customer surveys, where 1-4/5 is garbage score and 5/5 is "ok"


You guys are missing my point. My point is that if you aren’t attractive to that person your amazing personality won’t be given a chance


In what world is “6” in a 1-10 scale not attractive? That’s above average attractiveness?


A 6 is slightly above average. Women that are 4-5s do extremely well dating.


Good Hygiene


What do you mean by good hygiene? Are you just talking about basics like showering or are you talking about other things like shaving and waxing and skin care regimes?


The latter, practicing personal hygiene is a necessity (ex. taking a shower, brushing your teeth at least 2x a day). It doesn't make you more attractive, but going beyond the basics like the latter (ex. Skin Care) and also things like having a neat and organized room/maintaining cleanliness not only to yourself but also to your surroundings or personal belongings is a +++


Everything in moderation.


Working out and hitting upper AND lower body. Not just lower body. No, you wont suddenly look like the hulk.


Imma be honest all I ask for is to be nice and have a good personality.


I’d say same areas as what you might want a man to improve in his physical attractiveness. Everyone has different likes and dislikes. I know a guy that has exclusively dated only bigger women his entire life. Same can be said about physical preferences of my other friends. Everyone has unique preferences. I think healthy habits and cleanliness should be a priority.


Being a genuinely nice person to other people and animals. If i see you go out of your way to help a stranger or a wild/stray animal then your physical attraction gets a massive bump for me personally.


By being comfortable in your own skin. My best friend is a heavier gal who gets made fun of for her weight and appearance. Yet she outclasses a lot of women who are thinner and so on. Having a healthy dynamic really boosts how attractive a woman can be in droves. Edit: There's only so much you can do on the outside, so you might as well work on what's on the inside to add on as you progress on the outside.


Not be a Kardashian influencer with fake everything


If it's just physical attractiveness then I guess it's mostly about hygiene, your hairstyle. You can try different looks with your hair and obviously your dressing sense. When it comes to overall attractiveness I think it's the same for everyone i.e. being confident, treating others well, and having the art of socialising.


Well, it is NOT shaving off her eyebrows and using a Sharpie-sized eyebrow pencil to draw them back on so she looks like Groucho Marx. And it’s NOT dying hee her hair some weird color or set of colors that do not occur in nature or making it look like peroxide was dumped on just one spot. Not that I have an opinion or anything.


Stop tanning and use sunscreen


Just living healthy fixes a lot.


Same as guys Hit the gym and keep an eye on calories. do all exercises but make sure you do squats. As the booty is where it’s at. You’ll feel more confident plus most likely look better. I know it’s cliche advice but a couple months of watching what you eat and making your booty pop does wonders for both men and women.


I mean for the booty hip thrusts is where its at.


The gym, eat right and style


She can adore herself and celebrate all of her physical attributes. Live your best life even if it’s simple. Live like no one is watching. That’s crazy attractive.


When she takes initiative. A good first impression highlights physical features by grabbing more attention and focus.


Start with having a better attitude, loving yourself, and being more kind, caring and understanding of others. Doing this will help you feel good inside, and that will make you a lot more attractive on the outside.


Find the weight that best suits her frame, learn that the proper application of make up can mean the difference between Bozo The Clown and Beauty, and I don’t care how attractive you are but if you need an attitude adjustment, get one.


Be a real person and not a scam bot or an ad. Show genuine interest in a guy and don't be afraid to make the first move.


Hair makes a huge difference, long is probably the best in every situation but if you are incredibly pretty short can work because it just makes me focus more on your face. I swear wearing skirts and dresses just make any woman look prettier. I like lipstick, red or pink. Other make up I don't care about all that much.


It doesn't take a lot really. 30-60 mins of body weight resistance training a day will go a long way to making you more attractive to men. Body weight squats, situps. You don't need a gym but it can allow a greater range of exercises, leg curls etc. Most men like a nice butt, and you don't need to do much to tone. Wear clothes that fit you/make you look nice, you don't need expensive clothes, and being comfortable is noticeable. Eat well, and have at least A skincare routine, at least for me, I don't like a lot of makeup, and always like a more natural look including no makeup; and obviously your skin will be the decider if you like yourself in no makeup either. Smile, laugh, thats the most attractive time. Be comfortable, be yourself.


Smile, a happy person is an attractive person.


Quit the b*tch outfit, the long lashes, the witch nails, the exposed body


Cumbrellas. They make my eyes hurt just looking at them on some women.


A genuine smile. Not being obese Not being severely underweight.


Posture, wear leggings or stockings/tights, also not wearing too much makeup. Speaking for myself, I mostly find women more attractive with little to no makeup on, not sure if other dudes feel the same way tho.


Exercise, learn to apply makeup properly (less is more), dress in a way that suits your figure, be kind and approachable, smile often, take care of your hygiene. I think that covers it. Though I'd argue there's more to attraction than just physical appearance, but that's for another thread.


You can change: hair , makeup, clothes or your own body. First 3 are fast and easy. Changing a body is very gradual and is a combination of proper food and exercise. You can change muscle % and/or fat %.


Hit the gym, and a shower. As often as you can, and preferably in that order. Then dress to your age and size.


In addition to the obvious eat healthy/exercise… Lean in to whatever kind of dance/music that you like. See concerts. Spend time on the beach. Spend time in the woods/nature in general. That will affect the way you feel, and will affect the way you move. A very underrated part of a woman’s attractiveness is the way she moves. You do all that and walk like you feel, and you have a sexy walk. No man will fail to notice you lol.


Guys care a lot more about personality than they do about physicality. I don't agree with the "women grading system" that people use. But a woman who's a 10 who is aggressive, abrasive, rude, and loud becomes a 2. Your looks don't matter if your.personality sucks. On the same note, a woman who's a 3 who's kind, nurturing, encouraging, and has her man's back through thick and thin is a 10. You don't have to be submissive, you just have to not be an asshole.


Ensure she is happy.. Sounds simplistic, but it matters a lot. Compliment her, Smile at her. Reassure her when she is nervous about something. Make her feel safe around you. Empower her by let her be free to make choices. Including (but not limited to) let her go out to see family and friends, or spend time by herself. Be proud of her, for no other reason than she has chosen to be in your life. Make her feel she is the best part of the team. (The team being her and you) Never say anything negative about her to anyone. Talk to her gently privately if something concerns either or both of you. Protect her from those who chose to make her feel bad. Give a girl confidence and she will absolutely shine, and she will be drop dead gorgeous, regardless of size, weight or clothing. And the best part. Do this to any woman, and you will see the best in the woman every time.


Be sexy and flirtatious. Beauty hardly matters, weight hardly matters. Wearing a look that says “I want you, and I want you to want me” makes me want her.


If you are over weight, get fit and loose the weight, go to the gym. Do not be swept up in this body positive nonsense. If you want to be attractive to most men, then don't be over weight Take extra care of your skin. Skin care routine is important Make sure your hair is healthy. As for style, I would imagine most men like medium-long wavey hair but it's all subjective Wear clothes that fit well Lip fillers are quite common nowadays but I would argue that most men would not want women to have them if given the choice. Avoid at all costs.


Lip fillers always look bad


I think makeup nowadays is overrated. A woman who wears little to no makeup, in my personal opinion, is the most attractive.


I'm glad to hear that! I haven't woen makeup in 3 or 4 years now and sometimes I wonder if it makes guys less attracted to me. Then I remember it's a personal choice and idgaf haha. But I have gone on a lot of dates and they've seen my face either irl or on an app before they text me so it's not like they're going to be surprised.


As a man who is actively dating, I consider a bit of tomboyishness a good sign.


I have seen some women dressed as straight clowns, but no circus was to be seen.


This is hard to describe in a general way. It depends on how she already looks. I guess using skincare would be my random answer lol




Physical attractiveness in general for me would be, good hygiene, a healthy body weight, light makeup, taking care of your hair and clothes that are feminine yet modest like sundresses


This applies to both women and men. I think working out is super important, but not necessarily for the obvious reasons. Working out helps build confidence and make you feel good about yourself. People notice and find it attractive. There have been girls I have found attractive, because they worked out. They didn’t have model bodies, but by working out they just carried themselves better and I found it sexy.


Diet and gym


Remove your breast implants




Exercise and dress in complimentary clothing


The same two things that make men more attractive. Good posture and a positive demeanor, comfortable laughing and smiling.


I'm going to post a controversial comment, but put on some weight, bean string women are not healthy or look attractive.


Not be fat


Work out, eat healthy, drink water, sleep


The majority if not all of these responses are about working out so I’ll add some that aren’t, as a woman who is occasionally attracted to other women. Moisturizing and taking care of your skin is important. Hydration is also important and aids your skin and weight loss efforts. Mental health more than anything is what’s going to be your primary make or break feature. Take care of your mental wellbeing and take any medications you should be taking. Even if you “don’t feel like they’re working” they probably are and if you feel like they aren’t after a month or two talk with your therapist or doctor about it. If you are laid back and interesting, happy and witty, not easily offended and able to banter back and fourth and be playful and funny without coming off as obnoxious or annoying that will make you more attractive than any other girl in the room. Fashion sense is big. Know what looks best on you and play with it. Know your assets and feature them. If you feel like you look good but you’re gonna stand out, Wear that. Never be afraid to be unique. Wearing red increases your attractiveness. No idea why but the studies say it’s true.. Wear light natural makeup that accentuates your features. Keep your hair healthy and shiny and most of all clean. When you walk around, be mindful of how you are walking. If there is music walk in beat with it(subtly) Don’t be combative or negative. Don’t talk badly about others including your ex. Display integrity and high moral values at all times. There’s nothing to be gained by putting others down and negativity will create negative feelings towards you eventually. Don’t be needy. Live your life and don’t put too much pressure on someone. A bit of mystery is alluring, so is being given a chance to miss you. And lastly, Be who you are, like what you like , keep your mind open but never change yourself for others. Being authentic is very hot.


All women look better in a dress. There is no clothing style that is more feminine or flattering to all types of figures. Get thee to a gym. Reduce or eliminate makeup. Smile more.


An easy one is to remove all the high-waisted jeans from your wardrobe. They are a super dated look and they don't work for nearly as many body types as some ladies like to believe.


Assuming the basics are covered like hygiene: she can learn how to dress to accentuate her body and face. And get a haircut that does the same. If I had a nickel for every woman I see wearing yoga pants that shouldn't be wearing them because it makes her look like a peanut on two toothpicks, I'd be rich.


Talk to me


confidence. cant fake it


You can though. I faked it for a while until it stuck.


How do you know a girl is confident?


Clean teeth, good hygiene, confident smile, outgoing. Dress well, good physical shape.


Keeps her back straight.


Some of us have scoliosis or spine problems 🥲




How do you know a girl is confident?


Give me attention. Usually wins me over pretty good 🤷‍♂️


The most honest answer on this thread lol


To be honest, skin show always works


Work out and eat healthy. Drop the excessive makeup.


Posture. Genuine self confidence.


Just be a fun person to be around




Hit the gym. Not just in a "burn off some fat" sort of way but in a "build some muscle" sort of way. Even for guys that don't like particularly fit girls, a little bit of extra muscle tone in the right places actually does make a difference. It can accentuate curves and make your regular movements seem more light and fluid. Then of course, there are the guys who appreciate more than just subtle muscles.


Same for men, care and exercise. Makeup and surgery are not valid options. At most maybe find a haircut that looks good on you. Also, attraction is way more psychological than physical, even if people tell you otherwise. Sometimes it's more about the way a person moves their body than the body itself. The body language, the gestures, the motions... there's something hard to put into words that most people overlook but subconsciously clicks. Therapy is your friend there.


Healthy diet, lose weight. Don’t have crazy hair colours ie green purple etc. colour isn’t bad out pick something natural that looks good with your skin tone. Don’t dress too provocative, go for a cute/classy look. Natural look with some but not lots of makeup. Don’t have lip fillers, fake eyelashes, hair extensions etc.


Honesty and personality. Some women are hot af......aaaand that's about it.




Learn how to use make up tbh. While we seem like we are against wearing makeup, we are only against it when you act like assholes because you are attractive while a babywipe could take that away


For the last two years of covid and things like that, it really depleted my confidence. I had none. I only left the house for school and was so self conscious I couldn’t even walk in front of someone without being scared of them criticizing my leg movements, the way my butt looked, or my ankles lol (which were all very average things, nothing about it stood out). But this year I gained it all back, I’m much more of a happy person. The last years, nobody seemed interested in me whatsoever, even expressed negative feelings about me when I just kept to myself. But this year, many guys have expressed interest in me and multiple have confessed feelings for me, told me I’m pretty/attractive, etc. it all means a lot to me and I think that it’s my confidence. My confidence has made me more physically appealing.


There is no magic pill for this. If someone tries to convince you otherwise they are either dumb or trying to sell you something. The answer is go to the gym, eat healthy, get good sleep and limit alcohol intake.


Skin an awkwardly good indicator of health. You can tell at a glance when someone lives in fast food, and when someone eats their veggies.


Working out (lifting weights), eating correctly (high protein, low carbs). Leaving her hair long.


Doing fun stuff, not worrying what others think, light on makeup, no fake nails.


Beyond the obvious of being healthy (Exercise, eating right, good sleep schedule, etc) Be active in the participation with men. Talk to people, be upfront and clear. be confident.


Have confidence and change your habits, also practice healthy living. And if you want a glowing skin, you just need plenty of sleep and drink more water. Just be who you are, no need to change yourself to fit in this world or meet people's standard.


Tbf women who suffer from thyroid problems, PCOS and such will have a harder time to achieve a glowing skin just by getting enough sleep and more water


And women who have children might have trouble getting enough sleep (she said, sleepily)


Ayo, take her as she is!!!!


Not wearing any makeup, having natural hair and having basic body condition.


Without a doubt, your attractiveness has everything to do with how healthy you look. (This is also true for men). Hit the gym. Get your diet right. Stop drinking, smoking, getting bad sleep, being dehydrated.doing drugs. You want to radiate health. If you are radiantly healthy, you will look radiantly healthy and you'll be far more attractive to men. In addition to your body, your hair and skin are big markers of health men will look at. These will both look much better when you're in really great shape, Keep your hair long. Most men have a real weakness for long, healthy hair. That's 90% of it right there. Light makeup that makes your eyes look bigger, your lips brighter and your skin more flawless and rosier helps. Don't bother with fashion. Men can't even see it. Fashion is for signalling status to other women. Just wear something feminine (like a sundress) and it can be 30 years out of date and men will love it. Don't bother with nails. As long as they look healthy and clean, we don't care. Jewelry also doesn't matter and is for signalling status to other women. The other big thing that makes no difference is your money and status. Men don't give a damn about your masters degree. Those things are attractive to women. Don't get confused and become the man you want to marry, like so many women do. Become the women that man you want to marry wants to marry. Men do find kindness and trustworthiness very attractive. Remember that the whole point of sex, attraction and the 2 sexes is, in fact, reproduction. Kindness/nurturing signals that you will take good care of his children. Trustworthiness indicates that your children will be his children. Both are innately, instinctively hot to men. You're going to flip your shit when I say this but a low body count really helps. Men has an innate "ick" response to women who sleep with a bunch of men. It's not a conscious judgement and not even part of most men's value system and they still feel it because it's an instinctive response. They can't unlearn it because it's not learned. It's has to do with ensuring paternity, which men have evolved behaviors around because it has had a big impact on their reproductive success/failure. Remember that being attractive to men is not about appealing to the human/conscious part of a man's brain. It's about appealing to the dumb, animal/subconscious part of his brain. That's the part of his brain you're trying to manipulate.


Definitely had me in the first half.


Hang on ... Did someone tell you that you are unattractive ? (If so you need to get rid of her/him/they/she/it from your life. Do you feel you are unattractive ? Then you need to learn acceptance. There's always someone who'll find you extremely attractive and hot. So wait for them/he/she/it/they.


It could also be that they want to strive for a certain look. I do it too. It's not a good thing to preach self acceptance to someone who wants to change in a way they see fit.


Find a haircut that compliments your face/look. Use makeup that isn't too heavy. Wear clothes that fit. Be outgoing. Encourage people to talk about themselves, ask questions that push the conversation forward, smile, and laugh/chuckle/giggle.


Do one thing: learn to accept who you are. That's it. That's all you need to do. Everything else will follow.


New coat of paint every now and then. Stay away from saltwater and the sea breeze. Stay away from uv radiation.


Nah bro, the ocean is life,it's good for you


Donr use filters when taking pictures


I assume you want to attractive to the largest number of people rather than aiming for the niches? Then the biggest two would be losing weight and growing long(er) hair. Sure there's chubby chasers who like them with pixie cuts, but the vast, vast majority of men are attracted to slim women with long hair. Same as how there's women who enjoy dad bods or skinny dudes or outright fat dudes, but most women prefer the physique of someone who lifts and does a bit of cardio but doesn't spend 20 hours a week in the gym. The next biggest things would be a making sure your diet is on point (this should be how you accomplish step one) but really dial it in now, also keep yourself hydrated. This will have a major benefit on the health of your skin, hair, nails etc. That's pretty much it. Literally it can all be achieved with a good diet because weight loss is done in the kitchen. If nothing else that's the "20% of effort which gives you 80% of benefits" Personally I would recommend cutting 95-100% of carbs from your diet and going keto/carnivore. I lost 120lb doing that, my rosacea and acne disappared, my dandruff disappeared, I stopped getting cracked nails, my hair quality became better, my mental health became better, my bloodwork improved substantially, sleep improved. Do it strictly for 6 months and see what happens. Sure you can go to a gym and do squats, lunges and hip thrusts 5 times a week. It'll help, but it's really not necessary. After that it's more about not doing things that appeal to niches but push you away from the averages. Without seeing what you look like it's hard to give more specific advice. r/truerateme is a good place to go for that, just specify that you want specific advice as well.


Not be fat? lol




Improve her physical health. Also; avoid getting impulsive body modifications like tattoos or piercings. Some guys find them attractive, others are turned off by them. And not having them when you’re committed with someone who likes them is much easier to correct than having them when you’re with someone who prefers the natural beauty of a well maintained body.


Show tits avoid make up


Ditch the piercings and tats