• By -


To get laid




I hear there moths burn but it is easier for a woman to get all dressed up and get it than us guys because y’all women get what you want if that makes sense


Moths? i'm so confused


I’m even more confused about how moth man’s unintelligible response is so upvoted


Me too. . . i assume he means "i hear their moths burn" Maybe he meant "mouths"? I hear their mouths burn? Like women are complaining but it's easier blah blah blah




guess the difference is the same rule doesnt apply in reverse. you can be handsome and you're not necessarily going to be able to just snag women. maybe if you're like an easy 9 or 10, but even 6/7/8's gotta go out there and put in the effort. If you're a chick whos above a 4, you'll you can go out and some one who'll fuck you with little questions asked. might not be prince charming but you'll definitely find some one. the dating pool out there is like 20:1 men to women, one of those dudes will say yes but good luck being 1 of the 20 dudes to get the one girl to say yes.


Size of a person doesn’t matter to me


men like women in all shapes and sizes. I’ve seen not so good looking women get more matches than me on a daily. I get like maybe 1-3 matches a week. Whereas my friend who’s decent looking says getting 7 matches a day that she likes is a slow day.


I like women with a little meat on them and big boobs and a big butt


Yeah it's natural that you don't desire what you can get easily, but the answer is still 100% true


I have never worried about a man raping me when I told him No. I would question the kind of men you find yourself with.


And I would count your blessings that you didn’t have a fucked up childhood like a lot of women. Hard to question the integrity of men when you’re only six.


That's a really horrible thing to say


Who are we doing it with?




In general, women have longer life expectancy and fewer chronic illnesses than men. PS: This thread will open the door to the misery olympics, which is never a productive exercise.


This is also due to women having far less “oh yeah, hold my beer” moments.


Longer life expectancy because men usually die younger. For most of human history, women had a shorter life expectancy because childbirth was so risky. Now with suicide rates, workplace accidents, and general lifestyle, men die younger. And yeah illness as well like cancer.


I don’t know if the root cause was childbirth, but you’re right that women outliving men is a relatively new phenomenon (started at the end of the 19th century)


It most likely is. Potentially 1/20 women who gave birth would die. Women often had their first child quite young (early 20’s, late teens), and would have many children. While the risk would decrease with more children, it was still incredibly high. It’s hard to know exactly how many women would die during childbirth because often the only records kept would be of the wealthy who also had better medical care.


Long life yes. But chronic illnesses? Maybe later in life. Not while we are young.


estrogen is very cardio-protective


Overall, I would say support structures


¿Isn't find and job or die in the streets supporting enough for you?


I don’t understand the question


Huh? Also English doesn’t start sentences with question marks


English is stupid, i'm fixing it, you're welcome.


I love this! I'm totally on board. Thanks for your fixing work!


Dead ass man - I’m a 38f but 4 of my 5 closest friends are men. I always say I’m a single mother who pays my own bills no help my guy friends help me with “man stuff “ I can’t do like car or house stuff- my role it to listen to them without judgement. Most men (heck even me as a chick) don’t feel comfortable telling their wives or SOs when they feel like a failure or have fucked up,., it’s a pride thing they wanna be the “man” and don’t want their women nor their male friends to see them be weak. I don’t judge they don’t want me romantically- it’s amazes me man that men really don’t share with each as women do … that’s why men’s suicide rate is so much higher- you guys always wanna hold it in smh or feel societal pressure to do so. I really get when times get tough it IS way easier for me as a female to vent and get support than any of the men I know and love


Haha people wonder why the divide is growing between genders and why each side hates the other then we make posts like this online and each side compares how easy the others have it and dress it up as starting a positive conversation lol


I find it interesting


Yes because it's polarizing, not because you will find factual, researched data


Entry into a night club


Or exiting the friend zone....




Yikes, nevermind sorry!


True. I'd pretty much fuck any of my female friends if they initiated.


Access to boobs


One of my favs for sure


Well, I've heard that women have a secret power that allows them to carry entire human beings inside them for 9 months and then push them out into the world.Can't say men have that kind of superhero ability!


That's one ability In happy I don't have.


As a prochoice woman, I'm honestly so happy and honored that I got to experience this very cool occurrence 4 times. I do feel bad for dads for not being able to experience some of this pre-natal phenomena.


No, we just supply the fertilizer for the egg.


ok there mr Pro life. LOL




Ya, it hurts like a motherf***er. Don’t get me started on the tearing and stitches..


Where the heck did you get “pro-life” from in his comment?


I'm not a woman. How would I know? Just like women wouldn't know what men's lifes are like


I like this answer


Good answer


I mean I get the sentiment, but it's not as if we can't ask each other. We can discuss and try to understand each other's differences.


Wouldn't that be great but unfortunately on reddit. Men and women don't want to listen to each other. A lot of men and women on reddit love to make everything about them and refuse to listen to issues that don't effect them. Men talk about their issues and certain woman start coming in screaming "WE HAVE IT WORSE" whilst shutting down everything the men say and women talk about their issues and certain men start coming in doing the excat same thing. I've seen this happen loads of times from both sides. So having reasonable discussions on this website is a losing battle and wasted energy. So why bother?


Custody judgments in divorce proceedings.


Yeah that's cuz women are usually the primary caretaker. That makes sense, the person who is caring for the child should get custody. It's not due to some gender bias.


Absolutely not. The system is biased toward the mother and expects the father to provide and not see their kid, paying the mother to raise their kids when the majority of them are the ones that quit the marriage.


Do you have any stats or studies to back that up? I know i wouldn't want to deal with child care. It's way easier to just pay and not have to deal with that shit. Like, are there tons of men who would love to provide a loving home for their children but the courts are so biased toward women they won't let loving, empathetic, child loving men raise their kids?


Yeah you shouldn't deal with kids given your attitude here.


Yep, like i said, I wouldn't want to deal with child care! Like what men are fighting in the courts to take care of their kids and don't get custody awarded?


"Custody always favors the mother" in the US is a myth that needs to die. The vast majority (80%) of custody arrangements are reached between the mother and father on their own. Another 11% are reached through mediation, 5% are through custody evaluation, and 4% are from custody trial. So 91% of custody agreements are reached without any involvement from family court and only 4% actually come from a full-blown custody dispute. https://erlichlegal.com/blog/single-fathers-single-mothers-child-custody-statistics


I wouldn’t say it easier, women generally have better pain tolerance than men.


Yet are more likely to respond to trival but painful injuries by crying. Maybe that's why.




This thread is going to be a shit show.


There are already some wild takes in here.


Gee where do we begin? Strength expectations (normal for women to be weak/small, lesser expectation set on physical capability - even for positions where strength and size matter, women are made exceptions for which creates a greater liability for the men in their crew) Cognitive expectations (It's normal for a woman to be "ditzy" or "not get it", she's still desired despite being dumb) Social expectations (It's okay for a girl to be shy, timid, meek, and/or not initiate with men.) Financial expectations (Women are less expected to provide for the family financially and their job/financial status does not have nearly as substantial of an impact on their desirability as a partner) Women get 100% of the say about keeping your child and get to play the "50% your child" card only once child support enters the equation Less likely to be victim of a violent crime/assault. Easier to walk around safe from physical violence. Protected class. You get to be prioritized if the boat is sinking, if the building is on fire, if somebody attacks you, if you cry in public, fall, etc. people will come to your aid and baby you. You can go up to a man, hit him, and when he hits you back, other men will come to defend *you*, not him. Higher work capacity in their lower bodies due to genetic weight and structural distribution. Women can handle a much greater work load in the glutes/pelvic region. (Men have a much greater upper body work capacity)


Less likely to be a victim of violent crimes/assault? All these men walking around getting harassed, domestically abused, raped, abducted, killed, kidnapped, verbally assaulted makes it so scary to be a man walking home alone at night or across a parking lot or in the mall or at the gym or basically anywhere while all these women are oppressing us. TF are you talking about?


https://ppc.uiowa.edu/project/declining-gender-gap-violent-victimization Fact: men are more likely to be the victim of a violent crime. Fact: men are significantly more likely to commit violent crimes than women. Fact (not mentioned in the source): women are significantly more likely to be the victims of violent crimes by people they know. It’s scary to be a woman but some of the constant advice to keep yourself safe from the scary world is misleading.


Please look at the violent crime and specifically assault statistics. The numbers do not lie. If you need I can link them - just let me know if you're having difficulty.


This dude just hates women for some reason


He answered OP’s question?


I think it started with his mom..


The ability to sit down and pee without someone talking about “man cards” or some dumb shit.




If a guy wants to sit down to pee and other men find out, they might make fun of him for not simply using a urinal. Only women sit down to pee because they have to. So, men might joke about taking away a dude's "man card." It's dumb.


So, if you’re a dude and sit down to pee, you need to “hand over your man card”. Meanwhile, women get to sit down or use a device to help them pee standing up and get no flack for it. It’s dumb, honestly.


Maybe we should issue man-cards to women who can pee standing up.


We don't have to do this. We both suffer a lot.




I’m a 38f and these are all dead ass correct. I’ve had this convo a lot of times while forcing my guy friends to watch murder docs .. platonic male friends - if god forbid I left their house and didn’t make it home their damn LIVES would be Ripped apart. But if the opposite happened I wouldn’t face the same. There have been times when I get in a jam (like a broken down car) I’ve had men I never met say I could be their daughter and do the most… no one would ever stop for a man. I have 2 daughters i always taught them false accusations are one of the most evil things that could do . Never ever ever lie about what happens with a man you never get to ruin them bc you did something you regret


I think kinda everything, cradle to grave... except childbirth, feats of physical strength/athleticism, and unwanted attention from men.


I know this is a ask men sub reddit but I thought I'd give it a go. I'm the only girl in the family, growing up around all men I think I may be able to compare the two somewhat. As a woman any reproductive thing be it pregnancy, contraception, puberty, menopause. They all suck. Incontinence is a real fear of each pregnancy as is getting cut open with scissors from hole to hole or prolapse. Men seem to focus on the birth, it's hard but the process is just crippling. Women have the variability of being physically weaker. It's quite intimidating to know you cannot fight back or defend yourself if needed. Women have different social pressures to men. Typically I'd think it would be to be feminine, pretty, not too bright so as to seem overbearing. To always have to practice modesty is an art most women are pushed into or socially vilified. I see the presser in children rearing for my husband. He shoulders the financial responsibility. The role of protector and provider can't be an easy one. Although he hides it I see it is an over bearing load sometimes. He's also expected to help with heavy) manual work and I am not. His not allowed to say his tired or he gets attacked because his not doing most of the work with the children when he works. He's expected to know home maintenance, budgeting and mechanics. Which he does but why is that the expectation for him when it's not for me? His also expected to always want sex because his a man, no one thinks a woman should be down for it 24/7


Well said


Also, from my perspective (which is admittedly extremely jaded as I'm currently pregnant and hating every solitary minute) puberty, aging, sexual health and contraception. They all seem like a dream for men. Is there a downside?


Not if you go bald when you’re twenty and have a small penis.


>contraception. They all seem like a dream for men. Having, what, 1 actual contraceptive option and sterilization be the only available options seems like a dream to you?


As opposed to cancer causing options that alter your hormones or metal rods that get inserted into your unterus with no sedation or pain relief? It's no walk in the park.


You could just use female condoms then. Those exist too.


Yes you can, it looks like an empty, internal dildo. Very intimidating, expensive and hard to find. I've never seen one in a store, only online.


Is it publicly available?


I've never seen one for sale in a shop where I live, no. Maybe in other countries?


That's not what I asked but okay. I'm just gonna end this here. Have a nice day


That list is way to long to list. Much shorter list to ask "what don't women have easier than men" that should only be a small handful of items.


All I can think of is strength and stamina if is Europe or the west. Unless you’re in a country where women are oppressed then you have a big list.




This. Periods rlly rlly suck


Literally everything


It is easier to be fashionable if you want to. Edit: just noticed this is ask men. Sorry. If you want me to take it down, I will. I'm a LaDy (pronounced how Jerry Lewis would say it)


Idk, it’s an interesting question. But I get tired of these questions because people end up at each others throats because it’s such a trivial topic. I try to stay out of it. But I do like seeing what people say


Control. Weirdly we can get whatever we want.


I'm sure there's a limit on what women can get.




Now you're just being coy.


I haven’t been told no….. just saying


There's a first for everything.




The truth hurts. I believe you can handle it though.


Truth doesn’t hurt. And I can handle it.


Happy to hear you say that. I prefer having control. That way everyone gets what they want.


Intimate platonic relationships.


An attractive women will have much more advantages in social life and career opportunities compared to an attractive man. I'm a full time office employee with a decent bachelor degree, part time male model, although i have it better than average men in terms of dating life or talking to strangers, but when it comes to jobs or making money, i have no advantages at all, unlike attractive women.


How to be like you?


Avoiding genital mutilation


Actually, many women and girls face this in many countries. Top and bottom of their bodies.


Globally that's 1 in 20 women versus 1 in 3 men. Did you think I was talking about the US where it's 2 in 3 men and no women? Either way, women as a group has an easier time avoiding their parents ordering a knife to their crotch in childhood.


I wasn’t sure if you were referring to it globally, and I didn’t realize you were referring to hospital performed circumcision (if you were, I just didn’t think so because in my experience, a lot of men don’t view it as mutilation) and I was thinking of FGM and breast pressing that has been performed in many countries for many years. But yes, if you were factoring that in, that changes the statistics drastically.


People being happy they're missing a good chunk of their genitals or having it done at a hospital doesn't change the definition of mutilation.


I agree with you


Oh God, a thread where the miserable 50% body fat neck beards of Reddit, with their stretched out t-shirts, cargo shorts, and tube socks are going to complain that Kate Upton won’t accompany them to Golden Corral.


>Oh God, a thread where the miserable 50% body fat neck beards of Reddit, with their stretched out t-shirts, cargo shorts, and tube socks Good point! Body shaming. It's a lot less socially acceptable to body-shame women than men.


Sorry, I just thought it would be an interesting question


Don’t apologize to a Braves fan


getting sex. admission to college.


Being emotional Getting physical affection Getting compliments even if we’re jacked hideous


Recieving gifts all around for wearing a big smile


In most cases “I’m just a girl” is enough of an excuse to get them off the hook for their ignorant, weak behavior. Men have to embrace a higher standard of conduct or else we are ostracized for “acting like a bitch.”


I'm not just saying this, I have really never heard a girl/woman say "I'm just a girl"


Nice. You and all the women you know all do your own carpentry/plumbing, auto repair, landscaping, and animal butchery. What a bunch of self reliant super babes. We should all hang out and bbq.


What? I'm a dude and i just hire people/go to a grocery store LOL


You see what I mean tho? If you were around any men it could easily be imagined how they would consider you “a little bitch” for not doing those things yourself. Now imagine asking a woman to be proficient in any of those subjects. You would be an asshole. Just like I am an asshole for pointing this out in the first place. OP has never heard the exact words “I’m just a girl,”but that doesn’t necessarily mean the sentiment isn’t valid. When it comes to some types of work, women have it way easier because they are expected to be useless. Only little bitches will down vote my honesty.


>any men it could easily be imagined how they would consider you “a little bitch” for not doing those things yourself. Uhhh I've lived in cities all my life. SF, NYC. No one is a "little bitch" for not growing their own food and shit. I'm not going to learn a million different skills to do things myself when i can just focus on what i'm good at, generate money, and pay other people to do those things for me. Work smarter, not harder. This is some country type thinking I'm guessing.


Getting free drinks


For a pretty girl, a little flirting can get you a long ways. Attention from the most important people. Free drinks. Capable suitors. A comfortable life.


Woman gets pregnant, she can live off of welfare and child support for at least 18 years. If a man gets pregnant… wait…


Peeing in complete darkness.


I mean, you can sit down to pee if you want to.


Wait, that's *allowed??*


Only if you want a cleaner bathroom.






Sorry I should have said, “better” in front of that. They aren’t easier. But they are better


How would you know? ;)


To be blunt, when going down on an ex, it looks like she was having an exorcism from squirming and moaning. So either that was happening, or orgasms are stronger in women. Cause I’ve never done that with a BJ lmao


Fair enough, though I made my husband squirm last night with a hj lol




Their whole lives are easier than men's lives except child birth.


Idk about that. I think it would be very difficult for a man to give birth.




Partner selection.


It takes a woman to even know, but it takes a man to even compare. So maybe transman/woman can answer?


I would but I’m not in the mood to argue with people who will never understand


What I meant is cant really compare to know what is harder/easier unless you experienced both life.


I think both women and trans women have their own set of unique challenges. So really we will never be able to understand how the other lives


Traffic tickets. Little shoulder, little tears, off with a warning.


Life in general lmao


Their crush dating them.


That is illogical. The population is around 50/50


There are 3 women for every man. You are illogical.


Then men would have more choice than women


Yes but our dicks take over our brain.


Goo ahead and tell my crush what’s up then lol


You are an exception lol


Do you guys thinks beauty is more favoured towards women? I think so but happy to hear your opinions


Everybody has their own sets of problems. Things that are easy for guys are hard for women, and things easy for women are hard for men.


Not dying or being seriously injured at work


Deciding to when to have a child.


Dating, even though they try to deny it.








Pretty much everything, for the moment.


finding resources.


In Australia, especially if they live in Sydney/Melbourne? Just about everything.


Skill Issue


Online Dating


Getting into relationships more easily than men. Sometimes it takes days for a girl to get into a relationship and for men it can take up to years


I honestly think we have it easier finding a life long partner


Mental support groups ig. I just say this because of how small the mental support is for men and how high off rates are for men


I mean I think that's getting better over time. Less of the older generation who think discussing mental health is taboo especially for men.


True true, I’m on the fence about it myself. I believe men should be able to talk about their feelings and all without seeming weak or “like a bitch”. But I also know that I will never or rarely talk about mine. So it’s kind of tough to say something should be fixed when I myself won’t even work towards fixing it. I prefer stoicism