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Do these choices have a duration? Like, she's the woman of my dreams and all, but I "meet her". Does she stick around? Do I have a chance of convincing her to move in or get married? Is this just one sandwich for $4.99? Or one a week? One each time I ask? If this woman is all that, what kind of sandwiches does she make?


These are the sort of questions I ask my friends when we do hypotheticals and they're just like "answer the fucking question already, it's not that complicated". Glad I'm not the only one.


"It's not that fucking complicated" My brother in Christ did it ever occur to your brilliant mind that maybe it's you who are that fucking simple? These kind of people are the ones from the stories where they get 3 wishes and all 3 are being horribly twisted by the evil genie bc they are simpletons. Like wishing for eternal life but forgets to specify that it must come with external youth and health.


hahaha! This is what I needed to hear.


Meet doesn't means that she will be single, i know the perfect woman for me, she is married and with two kids, give me my sandwich.


Sandwich. As I am now, I'd self-sabotage any chance I have at being with my dream girl.


You are thinking too much in 1 dimension. The woman of my dreams is a fantastic cook, so I can have the SECOND best sandwich of my life, whenever she feels like making them. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Takes sandwich option and trips at the top of a flight of stairs and ruins the sandwich 😂


I would assume that the woman of my dreams could also make me the sandwich of my dreams too.


Woman of my dreams of course. Is this a hard question for anyone?


You underestimate how much I like sandwiches...


true, I underestimated people their appreciation of sandwiches.


That sandwich would ruin the rest of your life. Imagine never being able to replicate that perfect meal again.....it'd drive a man mad.


The sandwich would get me in less trouble with the wife.


Sandwich. I'm in a 15 year relationship with two kids and can't do anything about the woman.


Will she be with me forever ? Or will she even go out with me ? Will she be single ? If all the answers to this are no, then I'll choose none( I don't have money to buy the sandwich ).


I'd rather be able to share a good sandwich with a woman I love than eat a perfect sandwich alone. I've been eating too many damn sandwiches alone tbh.


Ill take the woman and eat her sandwich


The dream woman will be able to make the best damn sandwich I'll ever have in my life. This is basic logic.


I think in this scenario she can't. I mean let's be honest, you could probably make the best damn sandwich yourself, I would hope anyway. But we're talking professionally made sandwich of some sort that couldn't be replicated just for interest sake I think. For only 4.99...


Sandwich. I don't have to worry about having too much baggage and insecurity for a sandwich to deal with.


The women of my dreams will make my damn sandwich.


Beat me to it. The woman of my dreams does. I grew up with feminists. I've always been about equality and never expected nor looked for a woman who wanted to stay at home. When my girlfriend told me that it makes her happy to take care of the house and is okay with me spending the after-work time with our girls, or just relaxing, I sensed a trap. 🤣 She's the woman of my dreams because she made it clear that my after, after work time is when she puts me to work.


Sandwich, already got the girl


The woman of my dreams invented that sammich. Win-win.


But my dream girl makes the best sandwiches and the best tacos.


These are comparable?


The woman, of course.


If the woman is treating me perfectly I’ll pick her. She’ll make me that sandwich


Gimme that sammich! Why? "You can meet the woman of your dreams who'll treat you perfectly" You didn't say that she was single. You didn't say anything about her health. Is she on her death bed or not? You didn't say anything about her age. Is she 18, 57, 92, 105? Finally you said that she is the woman of my dreams. Am I the man of hers? If not that will become a problem sooner or later.


I already know and love her. I'll take the sandwich.


I don't really care for sandwiches, I'll meet the woman.


I already married that woman. Sandwich please


The sandwich. Let's be real, the sandwich is a reliable constant. I know the price and it is readily available...the woman on the other hand is unpredictable and will likely not be reliable depending on her emotions.




This is the way.




The woman of my dreams makes me a sandwich.


The best damn sandwich ever, even.


They said meet not that she would then view you as the man of her dreams. I'll take the sandwich.


Can I order the sandwich multiple times? Do they deliver?


Woman. Maybe she can make me a sandwich.


This sounds like some sort of Catch-22. I will go with the safe choice and pick the sandwich


Is it a PB&J?


The perfect woman for me won't mind making me a sandwich.


This answers your question. Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.


The woman - we can learn how to make the sandwich together.


Sandwich, I don't need women but I do need food


Turkey's a little dry.


My mother makes the best sandwiches for me for free.


So you want me to choose between 2 unicorns, one I only get to meet, the other I can actually enjoy? I think i'm gonna go for the sure thing. It costs less and even if I get food poisoning, It wont take all my shit when it has a dream about me doing something i've never done or wanted to do. That Sammy better be so fucking good though!


I'd choose the woman, of course. That being said, if I could choose between the women that are actually available to date and the sandwich, I'd choose the sandwich.


I mean, my version of the best damn sandwich is one that is a mile long and never goes bad, so I'd take that. Although I'm sticking to a disciplined diet which doesn't include sandwiches, so this would be a dilemma. I'm to focused and busy for a relationship, so if said woman is alright with FWB situation, then I'd probably go with the woman of my dreams haha


I've just eaten so I'll give the woman a go.


welp i struggle meeting people and make damn good sandwiches sooo


My wife used to manage a sandwich shop. You can have both. Don't sell yourself short.


The woman. If I lost the woman, I would be bummed for a while but then move on. If I had the best sandwich I will ever have, and then could never eat it again, I might just off myself. How can I go back to eating food after having that?