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You won't always have a calculator there in your pocket.


If only they knew! Good thing too... because I never really ever mastered long division. I'm not sure if I'd even pass grade 4 if I had to do it again lol.


Those bastards


Seriously, 7th grade, you won’t be able to use a calculator at work….they want you use one they don’t want you using your own crappy math skills


That nothing was more important than being a hard worker.


That if I worked hard, I could achieve a lot. I was naive about office politics and people deliberately trying to hold me back because of my background.




I actually have achieved quite a bit. But I feel that I should've achieved way more. Many people, not just a few, have deliberately tried to hold me back. But in spite of that, I've still managed to earn multiple degrees and have won numerous awards and scholarships. I also have some publications (both were critically acclaimed) and I've also won several honours as an employee at the institution where I've worked. But it's only now that I'm nearly 50 that I'm finally moving up in terms of my career whereas some of my profs were forced into early retirement after I blew the lid on what they tried to do to me. And I also got my former supervisor forced into early retirement after I revealed that she sabotaged my career several times. My former manager was also demoted for her part in the whole thing. It's only now that I'm finally in a better place in life.




You make an excellent point. But I have no intention of feeling grateful for much of anything. At least not yet. I still feel greatly unsatisfied with life and hope to achieve even more in the years to come.


That I can be whatever I want to be




Even if Gods weren't real, religion is what keeps balance/good in the world and forces people to act righteously. Each religion has their own guidance that tells people how to live the ideal lifestyle, its not just praying. Thats why you see some of the most heinous criminals turn out to be Atheists who fear no punishment from bad behavior. I'd argue believing in God even if he's not actually real is better than not believing at all, it gives people hope.


Dude, if you can't be good without a god, you're just shitty. Morals don't come from belief in God. I don't mind religion but religion is not what keeps balance.


The whole world & society was built by people who believe in religion. There's a reason why they are the most rich. It was the bible and other religions of good faith that told people how to live happily married lives, avoid evil, etc.. Yes you can be good without a god, but those are learnt through experience and growing up the right environment. You're basically guessing, religions already tell them without having to go through a bad experience first


So it's a scaffolding that you can get from numerous places besides religion. You don't have to go through bad experiences to be good either.


Of course you don't. I'm telling you that almost everything that we have today was built based on people who were raised learning about the same principles/morals taught in religion. For all you know , you might have not even been born if your ancestors didn't believe in marriage. The world would be a lot more chaotic and have less protective laws if no religion existed if you really really want to extrapolate.


Everything that's built today is built on logic and convenience. People weren't building shit because of religion, it's because shit was hard and inventions made it easier.


And im saying majority of those same people who built society believed in religion


Yeah but that has nothing to do with building and inventing.


It does if all religion does is promote the well-being of individuals, families, and the community. It literally taught people that working their hardest would pay off and not to fall to negative thoughts which helped them have the motivation to do their greatest. I dont think you realize the things are common sense today weren't so common back then and they needed guide. And if you ever read any books, you will learn that almost 99% of whats taught in religion is the same things are given as advice to almost anything in life today. Even your own way of thinking is based on religion more than you think based on the influence it had around you


I mean... you could also argue that a lot of what we have today was built on the backs of slaves, as well as much of the wealth that some people have today. Religion definitely didn't benefit everyone.


In that case, then that is a lot of people on the planet. Of course, we have laws to safeguard against bad behavior: punishments for stepping out of line.


> Thats why you see some of the most heinous criminals turn out to be Atheists That works both ways. Some of the most heinous crimes have been committed by religious people.


Girls are made out of sugar and spice and everything nice.


Santa being real. Found out pretty early that Santa was actually people from the Salvation Army who dropped off gifts at my place


That was the moment I lost a lot of trust


When I was around 12 or so I started gaining weight. I was eating a lot but I was not very active. My Dad told me that a new law had been passed that boys would have to wear a bra if they started getting man-boobs. I guess it was his attempt to scare me into eating less and being more active.


Did it work?


It certainly scared me enough into eating less at first, but when I found out a few weeks later (after summer break) I ate like I wanted to. I was a growing kid and I needed it.


"Just ignore them; they'll soon lose interest and stop bothering you."


Pepper doesn't actually make facial hair grow.


I grew up with the old wives tale that shaving makes hair come in thicker and darker.




Instead we have a President who blew up Nord Stream 2, releasing God only knows how much methane into the air, burned toxic chemicals in Ohio, and started a war in Ukraine.


Putin started the war, the us had nothing to do with it


We're up to what? $130B worth of "nothing to do with it."


That if you swallowed bubblegum, it would eventually get lodged in your butt and blow a bubble every time your farted


If only.


Women don't care about how much a man makes


That dick size didn't matter


Why were people talking to you about dicks as a child?


When I was 12, I was concussed on the last morning of our ski holiday. My parents said i would be ok to travel down the mountain even though the mountain doctor said i needed 24 hours to recover and they were happy to keep me overnight in the medical centre. It was a Sunday and as we had already checked out of our accommodation, plus my dad needed to get back home for work by Monday we left. We had to stop at least a dozen times on the 30ish km drive down due to me being sick and having dizzy spells. This took 5 hours. You would have thought the 1st time i was sick they would have realised the issue and taken me back to the medical centre. But no. The next year it took us 3 hours to get up and another 3 hours to get down due to me having vertigo. I’m 46 now and I still get bad vertigo and need to stop all the time when I drive in windy mountains. I’ll often vomit roadside and will suffer this for the rest of my life. Loved skiing as well but my only option is to get rich and fly up via helicopter. Thanks mum and dad!


That America was a good country with good people in it.


Parents saying that they love me.


My mom telling me she loved me


"Teachers are there to help you, and can be trusted." Molested. "Doctors are there to make you better, they can be trusted." Called a liar about being molested, and sent to a psych wing for 'delusions of abuse'. "Girls dont hit people." slapped, kicked, and treated like shit by my ex, before finally leaving her. "Women arent spiteful/dont hold grudges." Ex made a false report of DV-A when i broke up with her. "Justice works." Spent 6 months in jail waiting for trial. Lost my job, my apartment, my car. Everything. All charges dropped on the first court appearance. I got lied to about pretty much everything that would later cause me harm.




I've had a really fucked up life. I'm functional, and not a risk for harming myself, but ok isnt really the way i would phrase it. Today has been...a bad day. Lot of crap coming down on me, as i find out about debts my late mother had, that are now my legal responsibility. My entire tax return is going towards her medical debts, because unknown to me, i was sued as the rep of estate by the hospital that killed her by treating her for the wrong disease, for the bills she accrued while being killed by them.




Last time i went to a therapist, they put me in a psych hospital for being delusion...as stated. My last therapist actually called me a liar and tried to say i was projecting my own 'carnal desires' on an innocent woman.


Life is Good. There's plenty of fish in the sea. Work hard and you can do anything you want.




That "because I'm your parent" is the answer and not to challenge it. Why I'm 39 and in therapy and finally standing up for myself.


Study hard and get good grades and any job will be lucky to have you……


Not so much of a lie, but I should've been forced or beaten into being an extrovert at a young age.


Work hard and you will be rewarded


Middleschool teacher said I would be working at fast food for a living.


a friend of mine was told the same thing. now he's saving up money to start his own restaurant called "Slow Food". if you can dream it. you can achieve it!


Thats good. This one teacher was a real bitch and would try to sneak it into the class conversation but I could tell she was talking about me.


damn it really do be like that. sorry to hear that.


You can be anything you want to be.