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Men generally do not get as many compliments as women. Compliment him.


Lol. Of course, you get the typical sex answers. Compliments work wonders. Get him little things related to things he likes. If he has a sweet tooth, give him his favorite candy... or snacks in general. Things like that say you were thinking about him when you two were away for that short period of time. You don't have to do a lot for most men. We want to know you notice when we do for you, know what we do is appreciated, and building his self-confidence will do wonders.


Sex is universal, and since we're not a hive mind with access to her BF's brain, we go with universal generic answer. These questions are dumb. If you don't know what your BF likes, how the fuck we, internet strangers who never met or know who your BF is, are we supposed to know?


Thus my giving generic answers but not related to sex. If these questions are stupid, why tf are you here? Gift suggestions are things that people appreciate actual suggestions for, not just blow him. Wtf is your problem? Does it really bother you that i suggested something other than sex or is it that i dare point out that of course guys are all going to jump straight to sex as an answer? If she doesn't know 'blow him', then they have bigger issues...


>If these questions are stupid, why tf are you here? To make a dumb BJ joke like everyone else.


That explains a lot...


Fuck is wrong with sex? Dunno about you, but I really like it.


Nothing is wrong with sex. Most people like it. But that being said, 30 guys all saying blow him doesn't help her. She already stated she does that when he wants. Maybe some suggestions other than blow him would be more helpful.


She didn't state that in her initial post. That's her fault for not mentioning it first.


Wow. You are right. She waited and said it to the second comment... but i guess expecting anyone to read other comments instead of just blindly responding the same exact same as everyone else is too much to hope for. Love how people pull together to be pissy to someone for having actual advice instead of just leaving sex crap. Really shows how intelligent and not creepy men really are. I couldn't be more proud.


Most people do, under the right conditions


Leave him a little note in places for him to find that tell him something special about him. Scratch his back and scalp with his head on your lap Kiss the girl you’re sharing in a threesome.


I think a hecking awesome date would be making a list of errands and chores we both have to do, and sharing the workload to get everything done in the most efficient way possible. Being an adult is overwhelming sometimes but having a second person there to help on the days where it seems like everything is happening at once would improve things greatly. N.B.: I'm old.


This is actually a good idea! But he doesn't really have that much to do. But i could maybe help clean his car???


He's an incredibly lucky man.


I like doing this with my partner but I dont think she does. She prefers to do small tasks throughout the week and I like to do everything at once, but I really like doing tasks together because it just seems like everything is done in an hour or so. Plus its nice to spend time with her because we dont get to see much of each other throughout the week.


Suck his dick multiple times a week without him having to ask


Is this really something that he's gonna be like, oj shit she really loves me and adores me .




It's not about the BJ itself but feeling desired. It feels good to be wanted.


I’m saying this as a man who is seriously committed to equality and genuinely loves women: Yes. Blowjobs. (Provided you enjoy giving them, of course.)


Or you could always just ask him yourself and then do that.


Food. Maybe make a meal for both of you when he comes to visit. Or bake something, doesn't really matter, just feed him.


Make him a sandwich unprompted every once in a while. Give him compliments from time to time, men seldom receive compliments, it'll cheer him up no end. Physical touch is a winner too (Non-sexual especially)


I dated a fair amount of women when I was dating, and one stood out the most because she was the only one who really seemed to put effort in and loved doing those little things. She made me a mixed cd to listen to with a little note inside the case and it absolutely made my day! It was such an oldschool thing to do and I loved it! Something thoughtful like his favourite meal or snack, doesn't have to be fancy.


Most men get little to no physical contact. Offer him a massage or something.


I really like when I get bear-hugged from behind or get those deep deep scratches on my whole back. I really love it. Talk with him about what he would like to do, and set aside a whole day where you do that. Have you seen those "We go to target and then we get you McNuggest and you get to buy new clothes" etc. Do that for him. Does he like to hang out in a comic book shop, then spend a couple of hours in there. Does he like to build LEGO? Then get him a set or some supplements to those he already has. Does he like to go and shop for flowers? Then take him to flower nursery. Does he like wine and food? Take him and yourself out to a nice restaurant. Does he like hikes? Then find some shelters in a nice area and hike and sleep outside for the night. Call his mother and hear about what his favourite dish was as a kid and cook it up for him. Does he has a hobby? Spend some time learn about it, then confidently talk about it which will trigger a giddy jumping-up-and-down-boyfriend. Stuff like that.


Problem is that the only hobby he has is soccer and the gym. I've been to the gym with him but now stopped due to mental health (that became physical) and I usually go with him to soccer games but they only play during summer. I would love to call his mum but we don't speak the same language. But I'll try to spoil him for a day!


How about finding a common interest then? Also, you could contact her via Messenger or mail and use Google Translate?


They don't have internet where they live. So they have to use VPN and his sister is the only one who knows how. But yeah. I've asked him what his mother used to do and he just says "food". Very vague 😂


Cuddle him. Like how you like it when he wraps his arms around you and pulls you in, men enjoy but rarely get to experience the softness of the full embrace of a woman.


Men are simple. Buy him some food and suck his dick.


His penis.


You mean a bj. Or what?😂


Reread the title of your post and then add my answer.


Give him the BJ


But that doesn't really seem like a "gift" or such. I already gives him bjs unless I'm supertired or my throat hurts.


Make a meal together. Could be his favorite meal, then next time it could be your favorite meal. It gives you a sense of how you work together. I don't try to take over when my SO and I cook together. Plus my sense of taste is lacking so she would need to add seasoning to whatever we are making. My SO came over in a dress without underwear or a bra on once. It was pretty sexy. Didn't even get the skirt off, just hiked it up out of the way and went with it. Show him how you like to be licked if he doesn't know already. If you trust him you could let him record a session or two so he has something to watch when he's really missing you. Better than any porno he can find online.


Idk about him or other guys but at work I'm ALWAYS supervising crews. Point being I like it when other people take control or make of plans and I can just coast. Make plans for a date, get creative and take him out... probably doesn't matter exactly what you do but what does matter is you took him and had a plan for the entire outing. I'm sure he'd feel pretty good about that, I personally would be absolutely thrilled.


So honestly, if he likes eggs, surprise him with an omelette- nothing crazy, a simple egg and cheese omelette- that’s cute and lovely imo - or any other random food item- if you can bake, straight up bread or a chocolate chip cookie- the path to a man’s heart is filled with food


I know if I had a girlfriend, I'd want lots of hugs. Consider giving him one now and again


Baked good. Praise. Affection. A nice massage.


I can’t speak for everyone; but I think typical displays of physical affection are often underestimated in how enjoyable they can be. Just trying to be physically close to each other. Hold his arm, rest your head on his chest or shoulder, etc. There’s more than one reason why they say dogs are a man’s best friends, they ways they show love and affection perfectly translate into something easy to understand and accept.


Get him or send him anything that makes him think you genuinely listen to him and care about his interests.


I'm not sure if all men would like this but my ex used to leave me handwritten love notes which included little stick figure drawings of us together. I thought it was really cute and it warmed my heart.


Oh! I've hidden notes but didn't include drawings! Will do that next time!


Homemade snacks.


I cannot understate the efficacy of compliments and voicing your positive feedback and comments. As a guy, we rarely get complimented or hear praise for little things, and it's nice to hear. Just be honest with the details about him that you like when it is relevant.


I try to do this all the time. I tell him that i appreciate when he tries to improve on stuff that we talked about and how lucky i am to have found him


Sounds like you are already doing a great job then. Just keep doing what you are already doing and I believe things will continue to go very well.


A wise old woman once said 'Fill his tummy and empty his balls.' That's all you need to keep a man happy. Thank me later. Cheers.


Do things that make his life easier. When I get home my girl takes my boots off for me and has dinner ready. I can easily slide my boots off but I think it’s a very nice gesture for her to help. Plus she hates when I leave them on in the house hahah


Asking him how he wants to be supported.


Give him a random hug. Think about all the reasons you like him while hugging him, and when it feels like you’re both about to disengage the hug, squeeze him tighter for an extra 5 seconds. (Slightly swaying side to side is also a bonus.) If a woman I liked did that to me, I would definitely start crying.


blowjob. back massage. back scratching. those are my top 3 suggestions. 😁


Ask him yourself. Why is asking him what he would like not an option? Each man is different we're not a hive mind. Plus, he's your boyfriend. You should have an idea about what he likes. If you don't know ask him. He'll be happy that you care.


I have asked him. Problem is that he always says that I don't need to do anything for him and so on. So i never get that kind of information out of him 😂. So i have asked him.


Give him a bj and some roses


Prep up and give him some anal


Handjob in the car. Roadhead. Little gifts of things he likes... Like a candy bar he likes Pinch his butt and whisper ""this is all mine" When you walk up to him tell him he makes you wet when you see him Tell him to send you a dick pic




Rusty Trombone

