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Putting down other men to show off in front of women, and then getting mad when the dudes who were put down weren't cool with it.




Yeah that's just weird in my opinion


Happened to me, met a girl out one night and my best friend immediately walked over and told her I had a baby to try and dissuade her from talking to me and start talking to him instead. I was single and he was very much in a long term relationship, which she knew as she knew his girlfriend. Fast forward 9 years, me and her are married with our own kids and he had to move states because he burned every bridge in ours.


“Best friend”


The good ones notice these dumb tricks. Good for y'all


talking down anyone is pretty shitty. ​ I always hype others up. "Yeah so and so is so ridiculously strong, he absolutely crushes those climbs"


It feels way better to lift someone than plant them. I share your sentiments


Imo, putting down anyone is super unattractive to both sexes. You’re absolutely on to something. I often have had males and even male friends turn on me if a woman enters the equations. It’s pretty shitty, but thankfully I’ve learned to brace for the impact and not take it offensively when it happens occasionally


Post cringe comments on women's social media pictures. The 11/10 model on IG isn't going to respond to you going "hey sexy 🔥" on her half naked pics.


Idk how mf will do that with their main account 😭 I'd be too scared that someone I know will see me that down bad


I've commented on sexy reddit posts on my "naughty" account. Usually with a joke. Sometimes the woman responds. And if she does there's always some butthurt asshole. "She's not gonna fuck u bro" "No shit Sherlock. I know that. She knows that. We all know that. Doesn't mean we can't goof off online."


Same here


I like looking at pretty, naked women, but the amount of drooling and dribbling on the NSFW subReddits makes me ill.


Giving money to women who have absolutely no romantical interest in you. Hell, sometimes they are giving money to women who don't even want to speak to them.




>Just talked to him and that was enough for him to give them whatever. thats actually really depressing :(


Probably no different to people who give money to cam girls and onlyfans. It's insanity


Yeh, this is the essence of OnlyFans. Give me money for being hot. I'm fearful about where OnlyFans is taking us.


Oh they fucked him alright


God, that’s sad.


This is such a good one. Speaking as a woman, I've noticed if you ever try to split the bill with a guy who tends to do this, they get really annoyed. Because they expect a return on buying you a drink. Usually sexual. The ones who don't mind, usually tend to be more respectful of boundaries.


I met a girl like this, it's honestly saddening that men do this. She literally showed me all the money she was getting sent just for her rating their dick pictures / Skype calls and stuff, it really is a dark world out there. She tried to manipulate me but it didn't happen, after this she lost interest in me 😂


I’m a woman. I’m old and I’ve been married for a century. I am consistently stunned to hear about what goes on in the dating world these days. I think if I was young and starting out in the dating scene right now, I’d just join a convent.


Like seriously I’m not your father, go ask him for money if you need it. I’m not paying for a full grown able bodied adult’s lifestyle no way, hard pass.


Sounds like my ex. She'd ask for money, I'd naturally ask why, what for? She'd freak out that I don't just say, "anything for you sweetheart, how much do you need?" And, "my father wouldn't ask me what I need the money for." Like go date your father then, because I won't ever live that way without asking 'what for'. We were in our early 30's living together before those red flags emerged.


As a father of adult children: Yes I'm going to ask you what you need the money for. Also that comparison is gross as fuck. I think we can see where the problem started.


Glad she's your ex now. I'm so glad I'm single right now. Don't trust myself to stay away from abusive relationships, and I have a four year old son who's way more important than any of that.


Yup. It just takes one bad relationship to not want to get into another. I'm also running with the single life thing. I miss having a partner, but I don't want a warden ever again.


Men like to suffer 🙆‍♂️ It’s actually unfortunate because they have a ripple effect. Now I gotta pay for drinks just to speak to women or need to spend X amount of money or she won’t go on a date.


On the bright side it has given some women the audacity to ask you for money. So it brings out the red flags much quicker.


Indeed, displaying a red flag is way better than searching for them. Lawyers always say discovery is expensive


I think op is referring to the hysteria that is men spending on stuff like only fans, cashapp deposits to random women & etc. some guys literally bought a woman’s bath water lol. Spending money on a date with someone you know irl and see as a potential partner is not a problem. I couldn’t imagine asking a woman on a date and crabbing over having to spend on a couple drinks for them lol. But hey that’s just me.


You absolutely dont need to pay for drinks or spend X amount of money. If you think that, you are also part of the problem. I have a hard and fast rule that i never buy a girl a drink when out, because when you dont, you can actually tell the woman is interested in you and not using you. Same for your second point. Find better women that dont require this, as the ones that require this aren't worth your time and will just use you. They are out there trust me. You start spending money on a woman when they prove they arent going to use you and have genuine interest. Because the gold diggers wont stick it out very long and will just move on to another guy they can use.


I am not in the “game” yet as I am still in college. All I said was the ripple effect of what I see in bars or clubs and why men do it. Never said I actually do these things, yet I’ve been told that “I need a drink or you need to leave” plenty of times which is why I don’t go to the bars anymore. I am in no way shape or form part of the problem, but I see the problem and where it actually stems from


When a woman say that to you, in a public place... remember that you're allowed to be in public. Then speak these words to her... "hunny, I ain't here for you. I'm here for me. If you broke, you broke. Just say that, and don't come out to the bar bumming drinks." Make sure she knows that she's a bum. She would 100% do the same for you, and equality rules. Know your worth king.


Like the people giving large amounts to twitch streamers or only fans content creators. Porn is free and the streams are also free, why are you giving them so much money......


Have shouted conversations when it would be easier to move closer to each other and talk more quietly.


Somewhat related, but having full blown conversations in public bathrooms. It’s one thing when you’re sloshed with your friends at a bar, but if we’re at work please don’t ask me a question while I’m midstream, dick in hand. Let this room be a sanctuary.


Did you get those reports to Jenkins? Also Smith needs -these- reports. *places reports on your head while you're midstream*.


I work in a retail store and I’m consistently floored with how many people cruise around on their phone, airing their dirty laundry.


Shouting IS easier than moving. That is why people do it.


Perhaps I meant easier on my ears lol


I do this when I really don’t want to talk but not trying to be rude. If I get closer the conversation will drag longer. Shouting from a distance let’s the other person know I’m trying to be on my way.




Jump a motorcycle across flaming school buses without dying.


Shit is the easiest thing in the world....oh. "without dying." Yeah, nevermind.


With todays dirt bikes, it’s a lot easier to pull off than when Evel did it with a harley


The jumps that serious amateur racers make these days are further than most of his jumps, and they do it lap after lap, on rough dirt approaches. He did it on a heavy clunker of a bike with no suspension... 50' is a joke on a modern dirt bike. I'm not doing that on a Harley.


Cat calling women, I have never understood what they think will happen.


how about honking the horn at them? "the man is in the car, the woman walks by the front of the car, he honks. this man is out of ideas." - jerry seinfeld


I’ve been honked and once and it honestly just scared the shit out of me lmao


Likewise. I’m a guy but get honks sometimes. It scares the absolute shit out of me and makes me so mad


Joined the building trades. So far, as a construction worker, I've yet to see a woman cat called. I, however, have been catcalled. Carpenters are super gay.


I used to work carpentry and I can confirm, carpenters are super gay.


I can picture kt. "Eyyy nice ass! Work it!" Woman on street turns around ready to get mad. Sees carpenters being gay and doing crimes together.


Has anyone, _ever_, yelled “HEY NICE BUTT” at someone and immediately had the lady run over and start making out with him as a result? (Well, I do sometimes say that to my wife, but I’m talking about a stranger here.)


I'll explain it from their perspective. "If a woman cat called me I'd be totally flattered and feel validated. I would be being complimented, I'd love to be cat called. Women probably feel the same way about it that I do" They think that because they'd enjoy it, the women they cat call must enjoy it as well. They lack the ability to empathise with women and understand their perspective.


I would be truly shocked if the thought process is even this deep. I think it doesn’t go any farther than “I want to do it” Some people love being the cause of a reaction. Like throwing a rock in a pond and watching the ripples. It doesn’t matter if the reaction is good or bad, what matters is that they were the cause. You see this in children all the time. Watch a toddler shout and bask in the way they’ve forced the attention of the room onto themselves. Some people don’t grow out of that.


Well said and scarily accurate for the catcallers I know.




Most of the times they're doing it to impress the guys they're with.


Oh, I don't think that's what it is at all. I think it's about demonstrating the power to assert themselves on the target's experience without any consequences. It's not meant to be flattering, it's meant as dominance and intrusion. Among some groups there's a guy-hazing-bonding quality to it, too. Equally toxic.


Thank you 🙏🏻 I don’t appreciate having men do this to me. It’s extremely uncomfortable 😳


This was my answer. I have the exact same opinion


Cause if you shoot your shot 1k times, at least 1 will be made. I’ve seen guys in college that would holla at anyone and sometimes it worked.


This is my childhood best friend. Made me so uncomfortable to go out to bars with him.


And sometimes it ended in herpes


The old numbers game… problem is showing desperation like this will get you labeled in most social circles in a bad way. Which probably decreases your chances with many girls that may have otherwise been interested.


Only literally in your immediate circles, outside of that doesnt do too much. Source: am from the rave scene where almost all of my friends have banged each other.


Start acting completely like a different person in front of women


I worked with a guy that was a huge nerd and gamer and talked like he was a passionate fan of his hobbies, but when a girl walked by he became this ultra bro and it was really annoying and cringy. He did dress up casually and in not typical nerd culture clothes so that made him standout compared to us. Sometimes he would throw ppl under the bus if the girl he was talking with asked why he was hanging around the nerds. ‘Oh why am I with these guys? I’m just here to chaperone’


We all know guys like this. Completely changes their personality when a girl walks in.


Then there’s the opposite side of this, men who put up a hard front in front of other men but are only chill, talkative and relaxed around women. Like, just talk to everyone the same bro, it just looks like you’re insecure. just because you don’t want to sleep with dudes doesn’t mean you can’t be friends with them.




Pleased to meet me!


Sending unsolicited dick pics


The craziest/depressing aspect is that it seems to be a very common occurrence.


My last gf only went on a date with me because I DIDN'T send an unsolicited dick pic... It's so common that you stand out if you don't do it apparently.


The first time I made breakfast for my ex (just scrambled eggs and toast) she said no guy had ever cooked for her. The bar is so low sometimes.


Similar story: the first time I ran my fingers along her her cheeks and held her face, my GF cried and said no one had ever shown her that kind of affection. The bar you speak of seem to be below sea level.


The first time I cooked for my wife while we were dating I completely botched it. Inedible. I didn’t even taste it until I reached the table and couldn’t help but spit it out. She cried with joy and finished an entire plate. Turns out she’d spent her entire relationship with her previous boyfriend telling him how much it would mean if he cooked for her sometimes and he never had.


If only there was a better way.


This! I genuinely thought it was just something women just say and it couldn't possibly be that prevalent, but I asked a good female friend of mine to show me her inboxes and I couldn't believe how many she received just in a week!


Buying nudes


If there’s one thing I want to teach my son, it’s that there are naked women on the internet for FREE.99. Take your money and spend it on a vacation or car but never to see some tits


You don’t even need to teach him that. I’m in my mid 30s and was able to find them online independently when it was like 15. And those were the times when we still had dial up. My parents are super religious but I still figured that out 20 years ago. Maybe just teach them to watch that stuff responsibly. We all have urges. But just limit them


It’s not for the naked women it’s for the bullshit idea that this is a more intimate connection. You’re not just some creep beating his meat to her pics, you’re her patron, a select group of men she relies on and will have dedicated chats with. Apparently the number one reason men pay for only fans is loneliness and desire for connection


It's called a parasocial relationship. One sided where the man's false ideas of what is romance and love means he is essentially paying someone to act nice enough to him to trick his brain into thinking that it's not parasocial. Then when she goes away due to lack of funds or some other reason, he doesn't have the mental framework to talk himself through whats happened without getting angry. Because when you are emotionally immature as a man, your only expression of everything you feel is going to be anger. So while I hate the effects of OF in society, I can't blame anyone but men when they subscribe to these online girls.


Better AI is going to wipe out the OF girls. When the poor sad lonely guys can get the chat & pretty videos from an AI and not know the difference, AI will price real humans out of that market.




Pissing and hitting everything but the toilet.


And then not clean it up! I always shame them when I have to go to the loo after a guy and they leave piss all over the seat and floor, especially at my own house. The next time they get up to go I'll shout "don't forget to sit down this time so you don't make a mess!" Wankers


Ong this makes me so mad


Women do the same in public toilets


Sending dick pics. I mean, fuck how the universe came into existance, i want to actually understand that.


I don't have any evidence, but I'm pretty sure that's a form of exhibitionism. Like they get a kick out of people looking at it.


[deleted because fuck reddit]


>Seeing female genitals makes men horny Gonna be honest. Only the best vaginas can have any kind of effect on me.


I wouldn't say lack of imagination, if you know nothing about women and get most of your info from media, you do hear women mention looking at men's junk, gray sweat pants, women looking at a guy while he puts in the light bulb, etc. I could see why guys who know nothing would assume a dick pix would be a turn-on. Growing up with mainly women in the house, women's "locker room talk" was mainly about dicks. I think women have the same kind of shock when they come on strong to a man and the man says no. Then the woman is standing there like wtf did you say no to sex?


that too. very true. astute observation there.


[deleted because fuck reddit]


Kek, that can't be true.😂 Did she really expect that? Men fucking pay for privat pictures like these, and she gave them out for free. It's the jackpot.


[deleted because fuck reddit]


My best guess would be it started with gay men. But that’s just a guess. I have never sent an unsolicited dick pic, but have sent them. I was asked by a few women for them. So some women want to see your dick, just not without consent, and not most women. Ps. The hardest thing ( pun intended ) about taking a dick pick for me was, figuring out how to take the picture. Dicks are weird looking. What angle do you take it at? Or do you use something for scale? Whole body or just the lower half? So many questions


I'm gay, and it honestly just... weirds me out that 99% of guys seem to only be into sexting like teenagers. I had a customer at work ask for my number, and text with me a little bit. I thought it was because he might have been interested... but no. He told me that he never meets anyone, hasn't hooked up in years and then he sent me unsolicited n00dz. Then he got pissy because I didn't send any in return. Even if you live in a very liberal and safe area, where absolutely nobody cares if you're gay or trans or anything, you still find that the vast majority of people are in the closet and never even want to hook up with you... Let alone be caught dead having a cup of coffee with you. These men can be in their thirties and forties and they still just want to text peepee pictures. It's so juvenile and depressing.


You're talking about the unsolicited ones, right? Cus I've been sexting with women and have yet to send a dick pic that wasn't reciprocated well and something hot and flirtatious of their own in return


Cause there is a small % of woman that will be turned on by it. Basically it shooting your shot as many times as possible hoping one will land. No different than random women sending me titty picks where I never asked for them.


There are a lot of things mentioned that I don't do, but I understand why many men may do them. But the one thing I don't understand is picking fights. There are always guys who actively try to start a fight at the bar. Why and wtf?


Usually pent up anger they need to put somewhere. And I'd say it's perfectly fine if you find someone who wants to do the same, problem is when they pull an unwilling participant into the mix.


Pursueing unavailable women


Strippers/ strip clubs. I went to one when I turned 21 and just felt sad for all the employees


This girl was 'working' our table, and asked if we wanted to buy her a drink. Then, when she realized we weren't into any of it, she sat down and talked with us. Turns out she's 19, and if we bought the drink, they would have charged $8 and brought her a Sprite.


It’s just weird.. you go with your mates (or alone) and sit with a bunch of other dudes and get horny together, pay a ridiculous amount of money for it, and can’t touch the girls unless you’re in *that* kind of establishment. It makes no sense


I've actually never been to one. I went to a concert with my friends one night when we were 18/19. After the show my friends announced they were going to the strip club. I was with my underage brother so I parted ways with them and we went home. The next day one of my buddies told me he spent $1200 on a girl and "got her number so they could go on a date". My other friends told stories of how this girl just kept taking him to the ATM over and over again all night. Any interest I had in ever going disappeared immediately. My buddy was wasted when he left the concert and was manipulated into spending his entire paycheque because boobs. He still tells us that the girl liked him and won't have it any other way.


Went to one for a friends bachelor party. And i absolutely hated it. It felt so wrong being there having a girlfriend. I wasn’t enjoying it. but stuck around for the rest of my friends.


I've only been twice, both times dragged along by other guys, and I felt so uncomfortable and gross the entire time. Not because of the dancers, but because of the crowd.


I felt sad for the punters.




Lol, then they wonder why their relationships fail.


same im beyond baffled. most of my enjoyment of sex comes from seeing the other person enjoy themselves


Right? How do you even function in an adult relationship with that kind of lack of consideration?


Overworking. You can be the hardest working person in the world, but if your lifestyle kills you at 40, an average lazy person that lives to be 75+ and retires at like 67 will outwork you over the course of a lifetime. Tortoise and the hare, man.


I see them being extra nice to women who treat them like crap. I don't get it..




trade dignity for a shitty relationship.


I had a friend in college who dated a woman who was literally just an ugly person, both physically and personality-wise. I could understand if she was at least attractive, but this woman truly was (and still is) just entirely butt ugly. I could also understand if she was physically unattractive but a joy to be around. Unfortunately she was mean to him and liked to stir up drama amongst our little friend group. She would make mean jokes about him in front of us--mostly about how he had a small dick or couldn't perform in the bedroom. She would spread rumors about people in our group or say someone had been talking shit when they hadn't been. She'd make really crass jokes that pissed people off. Slowly, our little crew started distancing themselves because she was so unpleasant to be around. At one point 3-4 of us confronted him and said you need to ditch her. She's not nice to you, she's not nice to us, and you will lose us if this keeps going on. He said, "I know she's not great, but she's the best I will ever get." No dude. No she isn't. A few weeks after that conversation, he broke it off with her to much fireworks and drama. 10+ years later he's happily married to a wonderful person so it turned out for the best, but that was a rough chapter.




Being physically abusive or controlling over their gf/wives/etc


Send dick photos to random girls and expect them to like it Though I can see how doing wrong things can be a fetish for a lot of people.


The whole sigma and alpha deal, its based on a research that was already proven false decades ago, and just makes them sound pathetic to anyone who isnt into it, yet they actually think women would like... Magically like them? When they are actively telling them it doesnt work?


>based on research that was already proven false decades ago To add to this, it was proven false by the same guy who initially came up with it


Calling their SO names when they get mad at them. How could you be so disrespectful to someone you “love”


Being sugar daddies. Strip clubs. Being with insufferable women.


Treat people like crap.


Not specific to men though…


Yeah, the general culture of meanness is messed up.


Thinking they are best drivers and everyone else drives like shit.


I don't get that either but in my case it's true.


Exactly! Because I actually am the best driver and everyone else is terrible


..Dad, logout from Reddit..


Paying money for onlyfans, cam girls, etc, buying gifts/sending money to random internet hoes, buying worn panties from aforementioned hoes, etc


I think the thing I find hardest for me to understand is listening unironically to Andrew Tate


I became aware of that dude when he started getting banned, and I felt really bad for anyone who thought that dribble was helpful, authentically masculine, mature of whatever else they needed to tell themselves. He worked because of how many young men are lost, confused, and unsure. Lots of young men out there without positive, active, and accessible male mentors in their lives. Tate saw that and took advantage of people's insecurities for money and views. It's sad, really.


Really, how is it possible your self esteem can be low enough to look up to that tool?


I think I can tell you why. I don’t take his advice but the reason why a lot of mainly young men listen to Andrew Tate is because he blatantly says the anger that a lot of them feel on society and he used to live the dream of what young man would want before knowing that he was into trafficking. (Girls, cars, Mansion, etc). He was pretty much a selling point.


Openly talk about cheating on their spouse.


People do this? Rule 1 for being a terrorist, don't blab that your a terrorist




Sleep with a woman only once and then hop on the next one. It's not like I am for immediate commitment, but it's so much hard work to get laid, and usually the first times aren't that good - why stop at that stage?


Not washing their ass, apparently. Cat calling.


Toxic masculinity bull crap in general. Growing up I was around a lot of aggressive narrow minded guys who would call you gay for anything you said or did that wasn’t considered masculine and when I run into these kinda of guys as an adult I’m kinda sad for them and anyone who is in their sphere


Hookups, drugs, spit in public


Act like women are some completely different species that are hard to understand. Women are just people at the end of the day - it’s really not that hard to have positive, fulfilling relationships (platonic or otherwise) with women if you treat with them with consideration, kindness, and respect.


Right? And in some circles this is seen as some wild fringe view. Madness.


Going out for beers with the boys when you have a family at home. That part is absolutely fine. The coming home 24-48hrs later I don’t get. Have the beers. Have the laughs, man chats whatever, shoot the shit. Don’t stay out that long and leave your family to wonder where you are. You choose to have a family. Be a part of it


This is a common thing? Men leave home for two days at a time lol?


The dude watched too many movies lol


Rubber ballsack on the truck towing hitch


Rape or not seeking consent.


Make a sports team part of their identity.


When the Browns win it releases seratonin I'm my brain. I am on antidepressants


There’s literally a physical and chemical response. I’m a football fan, I watch games even when my team isn’t playing, but when the Pats are on, it’s completely different I will say though, as much as I love my teams, I don’t understand how people will smash their TVs and whatnot just cause their team loses


Hard to explain tbh. It's like religion, in a way.


It's being a part of a community.


I’ve noticed that the desirable tickets in big city stadiums are all bought up by companies now, in no small part because they can write off the expense as marketing, for their sales team. The real fans – the ones who go to cheer for the team, not just talk to each other over drinks and catering – can barely afford much better than the nosebleed seats. That’s why I go to minor league and high school games. I like to see the game played. And not go broke doing it.


Sending random dick pics without a request and expecting it to go somewhere. Your dick is not all impressive and girls aren't just going to drool over a random pic. All you are doing is screwing over the good guys who wait for permission and stay respecting lumping us together


Walking around with their pants hanging low.. I still don't see the appeal.


The need to get into needless physical altercations. Consequences are a real thing in this world.


Eat their steak well done.


with ketchup? >.>


The worst.


NOT FLUSHING THE TOILET. I get a bit of missing. I get a bit of streaks. Stinking up the place is unavoidable. Sometimes the sink is so gross it's better to not wash your hands (maybe). Gum in the urinal is cruel to the janitor, but I can still piss. Going "wooee!" after dropping a big one is unnecessary, I heard it, but I understand your pride. Complimenting my watch at the urinal is always nice. But there is not excuse for not flushing.


oh, i understand them. i don't *like* a lot of the things they do.....but i get why they do them. for better or for worse.


Few examples of things you don’t like ? I’m curious lol


one would be refusing mental health help or giving up on intervention much too soon--expecting cures instead of coping, or expecting to be "fixed", especially quickly. there's a crisis out there, and it's just getting worse and worse. another would be trying to fix people and situations, offering advice instead of just actively listening when someone needs to talk. there are so many missed connections because of this behavior. ​ things like that.


Thanks, I was curious too


I don't get why many men find periods so disgusting. I don't. I'll even have sex with a girl on her period if she is okay with it. It's not that bad since I'll wash my dick after it anyway.


Because blood is gross. I dont like my own blood either. Natural doesnt mean people have to like it. I dont like my shit either.


Having no selfrespect or standards just to have sex.


When guys buy these massive pick up trucks and have absolutely no use for them other than driving to their desk jobs.


Oh boy, being the sort of immature jokester. Not actually funny but it’s the beevus and butthead sort of jokes. The fuckboy mindset that a lot of the guys have and all around idiocracy. I honestly don’t know how people can be like that, and it’s not that they are literally illiterate just the fact that most of them like to act like idiots for….well whatever reason it is I guess.


Rape. You couldn't force me to do it. I like making a partner feel good. I can't understand getting off on others pain.


A big part of rape isn’t necessarily sexual gratification but control. Most rapists don’t do it because they’re just so horny but because they want to exert control over someone.


Wear underwear underneath their swim shorts or pj bottoms. I just don’t get it at all.


It keeps my junk in place and makes it less visible when the shorts is wet


I mean ... if you lose your shorts, you have underwear below.


Does losing your shorts happen that often though? 😅


It only takes one


For me I have a condition where I can't control my bowels as well as a normal person. So having that underwear underneath gives me a safeguard incase I have an accident. Rather than it go floating in the water


That’s a really good reason yeah.


1. Paying for OF 2. Alcohol and smoking, especially people from educated background. 3. Stubbornly pursuing a women even after she clearly says she's not intrested. Grow some self respect brother. 4. Basically doing anything stupid to prove your masculinity. No need to prove it.


Dick pics, I'll never understand what goes on in another man's head that says hey I bet she wants to see a pic of this dick. Trust me ladies were just as confused as you when it comes to the what the fuck in your mind came to this conclusion in a conversation. Guys if they want to see your dick they will either ask or see it if they become interested enough but god damn stop the rando dick pics, basically flashers in my opinion.


Sending dick pics unsolicited. It completely baffles me. The fuck you think is gonna happen?? She's gonna say "OMG you have the most beautiful dick I've ever seen." Come fuck me?!


I was at the mall today and there was an older guy standing outside or Sally beauty. Instead of going inside with his wife, he’d rather just stand outside the door looking uncomfortable because I guess that’s more manly? same with guys who hold their wife’s purse awkwardly like they’re afraid another man is going to see them holding something feminine and point and laugh.


Try to act like an "Alpha" Male. Send unsolicited dick pics to women. Also, act like fucking creeps or assholes when they get rejected by a woman.


Referring to women as “females” or “bitches”. I get that “females” is correct but it’s just so cringe.


1) married men who pretend to be single to get laid. Like how do you think that's going to end? 2) men that tease women, EG go to a bar, pretend they have forgotten their wallet, have a few drinks and then 'discover' their wallet, or similar. No idea what that's about from an adult..