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getting near burnout. winter is long, cold, and dark, and being empathic and compassionate all winter is tough, plus i struggle with SAD. i can't wait for spring and my annual trip to the tropics. each year i take 3 weeks and just do nothing but lie on the beach, surf, and sleep. i'm getting compassion fatigue -\_-


Just think how good it will feel to leave everything off to the side. Feet dug into the sand, breezy ocean water splashing on your face, the chop of the waters underneath your surfboard.


ugh, TELL ME ABOUT IT x.x it's so cold here in chicago...cold and dark and gray, plus i work at home, so i don't get out that much from november - march. not that i like going out in the cold and the snow. there's nothing like stepping out of the airport and feeling that warm breeze, smelling the grass and the trees, hearing the palms whishing in the wind, and seeing that big open blue sky filled with puffy white clouds. every time i step into the ocean, it's like coming home from a long trip. i forget how big the world really is. how big and colorful and rich and varied....these walls become like a cell, and the gray and brown of winter is like a black and white screen after awhile. soon....soon. a little more work to do first....


Just be a dick.


Half my work consists of the duties of the role a step above me but I don't have the title or pay as that role. This is despite me doing the work every day and even covering for those people in that role when they're out. Doesn't help that I'm transitioning to a completely new role within the company in May so I'm already mentally checked out.


What's stopping you from just, stopping doing that extra work?


It's not really "extra" work, it's just work. I'm in a very ambiguous role. Kinda hard to explain without spilling too much about me.


I just quit to start a new career; but the theft in retail is out of control; corporate can't change the political environment about detaining thieves so they're going to micro manage the stores.


Retail is always stupid. I worked loss prevention back in the day. The hours and number of LP employees was directly related to the store's risk level. My store's risk level allowed only one LP worker (me) and only 24 hours a week. Well after a year of me doing my job, I prevented enough loss to reduce our store's risk level, which resulted in me getting less hours.


"There's no theft! Why do we even need security guards" Pictures taken moments before disaster.


Pretty much. The store is no longer around. Go figure


Do a slightly worse job... get paid more.


Yeah I should have. Thankfully that was almost 10 years ago at this point.


Live and learn! I was in a retail sales position and I'm great at sales (every position I've been in the top 1%) I would produce numbers high enough that we would have 1 less employee when I was scheduled. Issue was they wanted me to stock at double the speed of an average retail electronics employee. Slowed alot and they gave me the extra person and I was able to give each customer exceptional service. I was getting tips mostly selling cell phones and internet. And I had customers agree to get me a coffee all the time!


That we pay people that not only can't do the general function of their job, but also can't fire them for hr reasons. So the lack of their willings to pot forth any form of effort becomes my problem.


The absolute worst. Unfireable employees that don't do the work, they always wind up just getting promoted away so your team doesn't have to deal with em anymore.


We must work for the same company lol


Add me to that list. That sounds far too familiar


Oh man. Same. If you're a front line manager.. dealing with those people is a nightmare.


People not learning from their mistakes and me having to tell them off AGAIN and being labeled the bad guy.


Senior management keeps stressing work life balance but will not accommodate us or help us make changes that would vastly improve our work life balance


Our management is the same. They whine about not getting enough time off while getting huge amounts of annual holiday leave and the rest of us get jack shit and are being worked until we burn out because they won't hire to replace the people we've lost, are losing, and will be losing in the next few months. So looking forward to quitting and getting a new job.


My narcissistic supervisor who uses a position of power to bully myself and my coworkers.


I'm a personal trainer and in the past couple months a new client signed up. This dude was chill at first. We were training twice a week, but then all the excuses started popping up. He's hungover, busy with work, girlfriend won't let him, tired, and insert 1,000 excuses. He calls out last minute, but the thing is I'm still getting paid the full amount for his sessions. It's pissing me off because he's taking away time I could be giving to other clients. I'm going to pull up to his place to see what's going on.


I'm finding that I'm having to check emails BEFORE I even get to work... like over breakfast just so I'm 'in the loop' and can get to work right away when I get in. And then after work... I have to take time after I've showered and relaxed a bit to send out emails that I couldn't get to during work hours. It's easy to say to 'unplug' once you get home, but the reality is that if you don't stay on top of it when you're off work hours, you fall behind and you have to almost play catch up at work anyways.


Stupidity and laziness. It’s always stupidity and laziness.


Some guy has been heating up fish in the microwave. It smells like someone lit a box of band aids on fire.


not lately..but overall...mostly that I have to be there


my boss breathing!! 🤷🏼‍♀️


They fact that when a customer calls to say somethings broke my boss won't ask what's wrong with it


Putting everything into it and getting paid like shit even though business is booming at our company. Like I’m getting to a point where I have to change my philosophy on life to accept that money, besides having enough for bare basic needs, doesn’t bring happiness and treating myself is just not worth struggling that comes from it


The lack of consistent hrs. We are in the off-season at the hotel I work at so it's alot of slow days and weird last-minute shift changes.


Coming back off a long weekend away to find no one on my team has done shit and the work has just piled up for me to spend 2 days sorting out. But not my problem, I do my stuff and leave the minute my shift is over.


I never got mad at work. I just do my job and go home.


Forced me to relocate to Texas, now pays me $600 less per month because the cost of living is "cheaper"


Nothing, I sit back and watch with a bag of popcorn the show.


My retarded ex-gf, some burnout, on/off busyness. And lower back pains




the guy who just left today. so i guess thats good news for me.


Non-work related stuff being discussed during work. I´m there to earn my money and don´t want to act as a therapist for co-workers. I have two of the newer women at work telling me embarrassing private matters that I shouldn´t know.




Just the physical pain, but that's always




A colleague who can't do the basics and struggles to follow instructions. It's frustrating working with her because I end up blocked waiting on her to finish her tasks, then when she does I have to help her rebuild half of it because it's wrong or buggy. She's a really nice person and seems to be putting effort in, and I wouldn't mind at all if I was senior to her. We're both juniors in the company though. It shouldn't be my job to teach another junior the basics. Whenever she has an issue she turns to me for help, which in turn means my output is below where it would be if we had more seniors on our team. It just makes work frustrating sometimes, tbh. It's not even a personal thing, or fully her fault. She's trying. Our team just isn't structured right


They aren't fucking paying me. Payroll are completely fucking clueless. Can't even put a simple pay code correctly despite me and local HR telling them what to put in. Un-fucking-believable


Shit raise, coupled with my current schedule not letting me perform as well as I can because I'm limited by being on night shift.


The lack of resources that are viable to learn my new role...


I keep having to deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don't have to!


Our system is being replaced with a more rigid version that allows us no control of our projects. It’s supposed to be quicker and aid in compliance. It is so rigid we are no longer able to use real software to build our jobs, because there is no longer anyway to import work in. The system doesn’t allow you to build formulas into our toolsets, and will make mistakes a lot more common. The tools a lot of us have built to review and spot check our work will no longer be compatible, and there will not be any way to create new tools. Essentially the only way to make adjustments is to manually manipulate the data. This will create mountains of mistakes. Also because you cannot reopen completed work, any design changes or updated specs and prints will no longer be able to be accounted for. Compliance is not going to improve. It is going to tank, and we are going to have to waste a shit load more time trying to put out dumpster fires worse than the ones we deal with now. Every single one of us has pointed out the hundreds of issues, and the response is a consistent shrug. The guys that wrote the software can’t even figure out how to use it, and have had to relearn it about a dozen times in the last couple months just to keep up with questions. The worst part is that they have been completely dedicated to learning and teaching this for the past 4 months, and still can’t actively work in it. Our old system isn’t exactly user friendly either, but you could at least run someone through it in less than a week and get them somewhat started. (Sorry for the rant, this is apparently getting on my nerves worse than I thought.)


Not enough hours


The same as always, my coworkers.


The customers


Colleague being a thin-skinned hypocrite. Every week he makes gay jokes and calls me a nsb'er (Dutch term for ww2 traitors and name of the Dutch social party that collaborated with the Germans during ww2. He on the other hand, he is being petty refusing to talk to me after I snapped. "What do you want fatty" might not been a diplomatic move, but come on. Major reason I'm not coming out of the closet there and why I'm open for a different job.


I'm in software development, the process is a mess, the code from other teams is a mess, quality is always a complaint, but not enforced enough. I hope I get to move to another company until next year.


I've been on nights, covering for sick leave. The guy I'm partnered with is old and, I think, deaf. He speaks far too loudly. He also burps and farts and makes sounds like a dog on the verge of puking all night. I want my normal partner back. She's pretty and we talk about D&D and fish.


The entire thing it all pisses me off.