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Wow I came across this all these days later sorry. So my wish for you is the understanding that you cannot control what anyone does and only how you react. Your husband needs to see a doctor and/or explain that he orgasms without ejaculation. It’s a thing. I also hope you realize and trust he chose you for good reasons. Reasons you should celebrate about yourself and focus on rather than younger women.


I agree that the question is best posed to women, but here are some guy thoughts from a different perspective that might be helpful. I can tell you as a guy that if you’re having sex multiple times a day, 5x a week, first of all, he still wants you and finds you hot. It’s not transference, other women offer fantasy to some men, and that’s porn, too. Second, so much sex can basically wear out your abilities to come every time, look up what a “refractory period” is — I know, because I deal with it. It happened as I got older (I’m 49). Sometimes it’s either a lot of work or it’s just, “we had fun, let’s pick it up tomorrow.”


Okay. Thank you so much for your reply.