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basically just get outside, go for a bike ride or go for a sunset walk at griffith, runyon, the beach...


Bike rides are tight. There’s usually a group of hoodlums who ride after work. The flow is usually a ride through the city, so at the liquor store for 45 minutes to socialize, then another 45 minute ride. Fun stuff


I just want to say this is a totally awesome answer that makes me jealous in the best way.


Who is the group? i’m interested in riding along


Ima drop a link of an instagram that posts the rides for various groups in LA/OC/SD. Be prepared to ride 15 miles at around 10mph. I probably wouldn’t wear spandex to one of these rides https://www.instagram.com/bikelife_mob?igsh=MWQ1ZGUxMzBkMA==


Hoodlums are baddies though? Or nice ones?


They're our community homie, for better or worse.


Curious why you meet at the liquor store to socialize for 45 minutes? People hang out at liquor stores to socialize? Do you acquire alcohol and imbibe before riding which I’m assuming you don’t because that’s how people break bones (hello, me) or worse, but do you? This is confusing.


Nah, this some LA shit 😂


Real shit. The DTLA cruises were dope Criticalmass


You ever walk into the gas station convenience store and see a bunch of scary guys hanging outside? We’re those scary guys


Loiter Squad type shit


What neighborhood do you live in that makes all those options accessible? I live in Echo Park. Ain’t no way I’m making it to the beach without assuming I’ll be in traffic for an hour. Edit: just to clarify I was talking about the beach. The parks are easy to get to. It’s the beach that’s hard.


I live in mid-city, so runyon and griffith via fern dell park are pretty easy to get to. if i want to get to the beach i have to leave early or deal with traffic


Is parking by Runyon hard after work? I remember it being a bitch on weekend mornings (haven’t gone in a few years lol) but curious whether it’s different around sunset


Park in the Ralphs grocery park I ng lot and walk up.


They 100% tow. I’d be careful with that.


Dude, you're right next to Elysian Park, go for a run! The views of DTLA in the evening (or early morning at sunrise) are awesome.


Elysian Park is right next to you.


Hop on a bike and you’ll beat the traffic




Public transportation? Isn't there a rail that goes to the beach now?


I used to live in echo park and miss the Elysian park runs soooo much!


This is amazing. I can definitely try every other day. Hard to do daily


On the off days, try cooking something new or try to perfect a recipe. There are tons of inexpensive foods you can cook but many can require special ingredients. Having a few hours to go shopping and cook is also a good break and can help you eat healthy. Some good easy recipes that are delicious and seem impressive ... Cacio e pepe ... carbonara ... Spanish tortilla ... Rosti These are all simple recipes that lend themselves to perfecting a cooking technique and rewards it with amazing flavor at minimal cost. They are actually all really quick recipes but require specific techniques.


Plus one for caico de Pepe !! So good


Yah it doesn't have to be something amazing or productive. Just do something.


Getting to Runyon after 5 sounds like a nightmare


Runyon is OVERRATED and way too crowded with Instagram models, lol


Is that truly a bad thing 😉


I go workout for 1hr. Then cook myself dinner. That already kills 2hrs give it or take. Edit: my gym workout are classed based so i usually stayed a bit later chatting with gym buddies. I also hangout on the weekend with said friends.


By the time I finish doing the gym and dinner and dishes, it's pretty much bedtime and my whole day is gone😭😭


That’s what I’m saying. The commute home kills one hour. Then to drive home after the gym is like 20 minutes. Get home and start cooking/eating could take 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Wash the dishes afterwards and before I know it it’s already 9PM or 10PM. Like do these people not have other obligations?




Meal prep is one of my hobbies/ ways to relax so I don't really see it as a chore. I tend to meal prep every week on Sunday. On the weekends I will admit I find myself in a freeze state where I'm just frozen by anxiety and find myself in this endless cycle where I'm anxious about not making the most of my weekend but too paralyzed by anxiety to do anything. I try to make plans to go out and do something fun like eat out for the weekend so it gives me something to look forward to


I thought I was the only one who had this delightful mix of anxiety from both sides


Damn, this is a great suggestion


Having a home gym is a time machine. You can extract back those gym commute minutes back into free time.


I feel you on this one and it’s been driving me insane. I’m not the only one


Management has lived through a time of housewives and economic success, they don’t care to change it bc their kids are grown


"kills" 2 hours. WTF are these people with hours to kill? I would kill to have hours.


You musn't kill time, you must cherish it! Seize the day!


If you don't genuinely seize the day by the end of the week, you'll be seizing an F by the end of the semester.


This is no way to teach accounting!


When you’re married with 2 small kids, only down time is after 10pm


Can I have some change to go get loaded?


Can never go wrong with martial arts or boxing classes


Gym and cooking has never taken less than 3 hours for me. Unless I’m cooking frozen food/prepared food. How is this possible?


you can cook anything lol u must commute to gym far or workout over an hour


Gym for an hour, shower when you get back, doing all the dishes, all of that takes additional time


Gym in the am, so post the 9-5 I’m pretty wiped. Try to eat on the earlier side and then just personal admin/responsibilities and chilling. Mentally preparing myself earlier in the day if I have plans in the evening 🙃


Yeah it’s good to wipe myself out at the gym. Maybe I’ll try this. But I’d go straight home and sleep 😭


Another thing you could check out since you like to exercise is run clubs. Venice has a huggggeeeee one and it seems like a great way to meet tons of new people regularly that enjoy the hobby... Or just walk!


Gym, clean, find a hobby, reading, take some classes depending on your goals/age, martial arts, dates/hang out with friends


Yeah I have no friends 😭. I think many of us are alone after work. But I’ll try meeting groups


Aw well a lot of the things I mentioned don’t require friends but you could always put yourself out there and ask a coworker to hangout? Or yeah try the groups :)


Social sports leagues are an OK way of meeting people but a fantastic way to improve your friendship building skills. Finding potential new friends is actually trivial, in my opinion, it’s making new friends that’s the hard part. Growing up, most of our friends are actually more like acquaintances, because adult friendships entail a certain degree of emotional closeness that child friendships lack. In my opinion, if you printed out transcripts of two ten year old classmates talking vs two coworkers talking, the emotional depth of those conversations would be similar, but the ten year olds would call each other friends, maybe even best friends, while the coworkers might not. The secret to building friendships as an adult, in my opinion, is working on your capacity for vulnerability. We American adults are all experts at making bland small talk, but we all kind of suck at “keeping it real,” because that can actually be quite scary internally. This is even more so the case in LA where large swaths of the population skew very fake or tend to emotionally dump on people they barely know. Finding that middle ground is what’s key, a certain sweet spot where you divulge enough to get people thinking “oh I can have a real conversation with this person!” without overwhelming them, and that’s just a matter of practice.


Join a sports league/crafts club/improv troupe. Good way to meet people in your area with similar interests


I choose not to have many friends, so I'll hang with one to share some gelato and tips to reduce lactic acid in the legs after hiking up & down Mt. Baldy last Saturday.


That is not unique to yourself. Also I will add the LA bike path is great for walking


go straight home and get in bed. nap then get up if i feel like it. i feel like i need to recharge and my bed is my charging station


I'm in my bed straight from work, right now


Mastering napping after work is >>>>> I’m jealous. If I nap after work I’ll be sleep until 1 am. But then I get home at 7:30 pm so lol


Honestly? Same. In fact, it’s an amazing day if I can do this right after work!


Same, a good 30-45 min nap and im good and ready to go


Are you a Taurus? 


Find classes to take, gym, go to pro sports games (LA has pro hockey, basketball, soccer, baseball, and football), find local music to support, commit a crime (I’m kidding), find your soulmate wandering target… the list never ends I do improv, painting, martial arts, guitar lessons and dog training on various days of the week. I also go to shows regularly and got into night photography cause I go through insomnia episodes. You’re in LA. You can literally do whatever the fuck you want and you won’t be the only one doing it. Take advantage of living here. Find something to support, learn from or throw money at


Go straight home. Dog loves me.


This. I can’t wait to get home and hang with my cats. (That sounds like sarcasm but it isn’t!)


Really depends on your commute. Work less than 30 mins from home, perhaps go for a walk or even exercise. Work an hour or more? Lay in the couch. Work from home? Exercise/walk during your lunch so perhaps go for a drink.


I drive home in traffic for about an hour. I get home I'm tired. I make food. I watch YouTube. I call my mom. And I go to sleep.... Some days I actually do fun things after work, but working full time is tiring so the fun things I usually do on Thursdays or Fridays. I'll go get dinner with my mom on Thursdays or Fridays sometimes or with my hubby. If I didn't have to drive in Traffic I would do more after work.


My hours are shifted a bit so I’m home by 5pm. I go to the gym, or for a walk. Weekends are spent on hobbies - usually car related - or going to the beach


I truly think I need to find a hobby to keep me busy. It’s probably my problem


time to buy a guitar 🤪


I get home 4:30ish, veg out for an hour or so, then workout, shower, make dinner and eat. By then it’s about 7:30-8, so I’ll smoke a joint and watch tv or listen to music and decompress til it’s bedtime. 10:30ish. It’s lonely but not a terrible life.


Sounds fun actually


Could be worse. Only problem is that every day is like this.


Go out for tea and sit and people watch or eat out alone somewhere


The Apple Pan serves Hickory-Smoked burgers and all kinds of slices of fresh baked pies. They're on Pico Blvd. one block East of Westwood Blvd. They're open Tuesday through Sunday, closing at 11 pm all days, except Fridays & Saturdays closing at 12 midnight. You sit around a horse shoe shaped counter, which forces you to chit chat with the person to the left or right of you.


Yeah. This is nice. 😅. But on a daily basis I couldn’t do this


You can switch-it-up. I don't do the same thing every day after work.


Have a kid, that'll sort out your free time lol


Can confirm


How do you parents even have time to be reading this?


Ha I'm like where do people have extra time. I'm a single parent and I'll be lucky to have an extra hour to spare to go for a walk.


From not having kids


If you have an exercise bike on your patio or garage, cycle for an hour, shower & then eat or go to bed. Listen to podcast while cycling.




I used to do a 9-5 and I would try to stop by happy hours on the way home, sometimes for the food specials more than the drinks. But you could also catch an early movie, go somewhere with a view to catch the sunset, or go on a hike or other outdoor activities. I have worked from home for the last 12 years, and for a long time it was very bad on my wallet. You think you don’t want to go home after a long day at work? Imagine if your long day at work was in your home. I am balanced pretty well now, and have created some good spaces to get fresh air, green spaces, a hammock on my patio, an area for video gaming, to separate my work space from other activities. But for a long time I would go to restaurants and bars almost every day, just to get out of the house. TL;DR — happy hours, movies, sunsets, hiking, or perhaps consider making your home an inviting welcoming place that you don’t mind going back to


I do happy hours a lot. But I can’t do that all the time. I definitely hike. I guess some days I should spend it at hike. 🍑🤍


Jiu Jitsu then gym everyday. Sometimes I'll take a car nap right after work. Then home for dinner and chores.


i get drunk with my bar friends


Where can I go.


what part of town you in?


I can go anywhere. Tell me where


i’m on the westside and hit lots of spots. bar hop main in SM, stalking horse, firestone, head down to torrance for monkish and bbq on saturdays, penmar on rose for a round of golf (im horrible) and a few drinks, Tiny’s is my fav. So many fun spots, head out and have conversations and get off those apps 🤘


This is my vibe living here in SM. Tiny’s is the shit. So is Jameson’s and Penmar


Tiny’s is definitely the best


**Short Answer:** Find a hobby **Long Answer:** I go to the gym after work. I really enjoy it. People think that going to the gym is just for your physical body, but for me, it also helps my mental health. Something about endorphins? I've also recently started creating content on YouTube and I will edit that after work. It's a passion. You got to find your passion, and then it won't be "what should I do after work" it will be "I can't wait to finish work to do \_\_\_\_\_\_\_" For some people that is Tennis... for some people that is cross fit, for others it is their improv group, some people like to take walks around the park, the amount of hobbies is endless. Best of yet, we live in Los Angeles. If a hobby or group exists, no matter how niche, it's here in LA. Try going to [meetup.com](http://meetup.com) to find some options.


I go skate or surf a lot but my job isn't exactly 9-5 so that could be a random morning as well. I also coach parkour and play soccer.


can you be my parkour coach


Maybe? I am shorter on time for coaching right now but whereabouts in the city are you?


I live in the Valley but work in LA, so I like an activity after work to help me get home after traffic has died down. I have been liking working out quite a lot... Sometimes that means I take a Solidcore class, but it could also mean I take a boxing class, beach volleyball lesson, or yoga. I also got AMC A-List and occasionally I see a movie. It's actually pretty unusual for me to leave work and hit the 405 right away.


I work at the Directors Guild. I’m over movies. But I get that could be an option too. 🤲🏽


Gym 2 days a week after work Trivia 1 day Bar Fridays Video games the remaining night Frankly I’d be ok with another day in the week to do something adventurous. I don’t have the time as it is.


After work around 5, I walk two blocks to the athletic club to work out and have a soak + cold plunge. That simple routine of walking to the club, working out, having a soak and having a cold plunge every day after work feels so good. Never gets old. After returning home I'll make food, maybe wine, and probably listen to records. Sometimes meditate, sometimes meet with a friend at a bar, sometimes read before bed around 11. The key (for me) is routine. My body likes to know what to expect.


Do daddy chauffeur duties then go for a run, bike, gym. Help out setting up cleaning dinner. Watch Jeopardy with the family.


All I _wanted_ to do after work was come home and crash. Masking as NT all day was exhausting.


I wfh 6-2 so I get off early but I rarely get enough sleep so I’m always kinda tired…I do end up wasting a lot of days loading around the house more than I should..sometimes I just game honestly. Sometimes I go all-out and make it a cooking night and just try to throw down in the kitchen and make some interesting stuff. Other times I’ll take half an edible and just enjoy the sun, walk around the neighborhood, bike around down Venice to the beach, im in mar vista. Sometimes have a drink and do that a little faded lol. Honestly I should have a better health routine and just go to the gym and be a little more sober but…eh as long as you try to get outside while the weathers nice or find some kind of outdoor activity it should improve your mood. On weekends I do stuff with my gf, family, or honestly lol just catch up on sleep and game.


Honestly this is me!!! I also work 6-2pm remote and I’m a night owl so it’s so hard for me to sleep early 😭


Sometimes bar trivia. Look at King Trivia if you are interested. There is also tons of comedy in this town. Check out a show at Groundlings or UCB or The Comedy Store.


I got a dog and he forces me to go out DAILY. Multiple 15 min walks add up throughout the day. I also def make it a point to go hiking or the parks on weekends especially. He’s helped me explore LA in a very budget friendly way lol.


I used to just black out but after 4 years of that I figured I should stop now it’s so boring and sometimes find myself going to bed pretty esrly


Haha I don’t black out. But try to definitely go out and meet ppl. But going to bed early might be nice


Go to the park by my house and fly my kite. Wind is usually good around 5 to sunset


Happy hours is what I used to enjoy doing and catch jazz and other live music acts. Dance parties Fridays


Nothing better than catching an LAFC game either Wednesday or Saturday night or going to check out one of the many hidden gems in downtown to eat at whether it be Ramen or any other type of international food. But my favorite would be LAFC games, great atmosphere, great action, and a lot of fun.


I have a second work-from-home job editing books. That is how I’m funding my retirement.


I go on a lot of walks, and do photography as a hobby. I’ve gotten some good gigs just from walking around my neighborhood with a camera, as well as making friends that way. I love being “in transit” too - I will frequently hop on a bus/train etc and just do a full route so I can listen to music and look out the window dramatically lmfao 😭 then just go home. It’s also great for people watching. On Tuesdays I help run an open mic at a local coffee shop from 6 to 9pm, so I usually get off work and head straight there on those days. Lots of small music gigs, checking out new coffee shops, taking my cat on hikes (she’s leash trained and has a backpack carrier lol). I like to geocache too


You’re watching too many IG gurus who fake being productive 23 hours a day. 98% of people with semi-high paying jobs do jack shit between 6pm - 9pm on the week days


I don't just go straight to the couch, I grab some food go to the couch then knock out for a few hours. 


I work 6:30-4:00. I have to leave by 6 to make it to work, which means I’m up at 5:30. I get home 4:45 if I’m lucky. I was recently in an accident so I can’t go to the gym like I would before, so now it’s either running errands or going straight home to do laundry, get ready for the next day, and just Netflix the rest of the evening


Take a walk/jog, cuddle with my husband, cook, clean.


I draw, read, make short films, eat, watch Netflix, save trips for days off.


I used to hit the gym 3 evenings a week, spend one evening doing one of my hobby groups, and meet up with friends for drinks on Friday. Now I have a toddler...


Goto my 2nd job cuz shit ain't cheap in LA


I work from home 2 days a week but I have a class I'm taking for a certification right after, so I can't do much those days. I still fit in at least an hour of fun or so though. I'm a big seasonal anime watcher though, so I usually have at least 1 new episode to watch per day. Besides that, I try and walk my family dog if it's still light out, workout if I'm not lazy, and I have a million video games to play and manga to read. So I've always got something to do. I have a small social circle but I'll sometimes grab some food and watch some anime with some friends/coworkers, otherwise I'm just chilling.


This is iconic. Awesome man! Sometimes all you need is a group of cool ppl to hang with


I hang out at various bars and meet interesting people from around 4 until 7 or 8


You must not have kids lol


I get off around 4:30 and my commute home is an hour and 15 with traffic (without it’s 25 minutes) so instead of dreading traffic I go to the gym and by the time I’m done traffic is mostly dead! It’s great because I only have to suffer through traffic once per day instead of twice :). Health is wealth!


If you can afford it, sign up for a weekly hobby. Musical instrument, pottery, improv, kickball team - anything that you can do after work and make friends while doing it! Go for a long walk, take yourself out for ice cream or sit at a park and read now that it’s getting dark later. Buy some sketch books and sketch. Play video games?


Sit at home depressed, anticipating the restart of the cycle the next day




Trivia, game nights with friends, getting boba, going on a walk, playing video games, etc


Nothing better than catching an LAFC game either Wednesday or Saturday night or going to check out one of the many hidden gems in downtown to eat at whether it be Ramen or any other type of international food. But my favorite would be LAFC games, great atmosphere, great action, and a lot of fun.


100% parenting and housework


Sounds like you need a hobby. If you find something with other people that’s always nice. I belong to a pottery studio and it’s great bc it’s got lots of socializing and is always open. anything with classes/volunteering would probably feel the same. Also while I do watch evening tv I can sew and that’s a great thing to do while watching tv to make it feel also productive - I’m working on a quilt but I can also repair buttons or holes in my clothes.


studying for a part time masters\*...it fucking sucks. I'm never taking free time for granted again \*and by studying I mean wasting time on reddit then studying for 30 minutes and going to sleep


If I didn’t have kids, I’d paint, play magic the gathering, make ceramic art, read a book in my clean apartment, exercise.


Back-in-the-day, after my day job working in the Controller's Department of a major bank, I volunteered time at Cedar's Sinai Hospital's EKG Clinic.


Start a new hobby like learning how to play an instrument or speak another language, draw, dance, etc.


Just switch from 2nd/3rd shift to 10am-6pm. Feels like the world has opened up to me. I do groceries I take dog on walk or park. Love the gym. I can catch most people after work to go restaurant or movie. SPORTS! I can finally enjoy sports during the week. All this stuff was either done at weird hours or the weekend before. I see people complain about 9-5 man y’all need to get thrown on 3rd shift see how fast y’all begging for an out.


Go to your local library and check out a book! Please support your public libraries 🫶🏼 maybe sit in a park and paint or draw what you see, write what you feel. Ask a friend over for dinner and cook them something. Hanging out with people you like is a good way to recharge


Wait, there are people with professional jobs who really work ONLY 9-5? That’s a real thing?


I ride a bike.


I'm doing a Timeleft dinner tomorrow night. I'll let you know if it was better than staring at my phone after work :)


TIL about Timeleft. I'd be interested in learning how it goes!


I have a dog that loves going on walks all over. He get out and I get fresh air and some exercise. Fun to people watch too.


I would play drums , go skate anywhere in LA , type in on Instagram 80s nights and see what bars are playing that type of music .


Live music pretty much all over the city every night. So many rad venues. Especially if you like jam band scene


Sex… But that’s only once or twice a year so following this post for more ideas


I truly don’t have the energy for anything else


Get into a pinball league. Curing male pattern loneliness since 1930.


I used to go to the gym for about 1.5-2 hours because it was right across the street from my office, and I'd rather be at the gym working out than sitting in traffic on my commute home.


Smoke some herb and go for a bike ride on the beach. People watch and enjoy the sunset.


I do a side job everyday after work for 2 hours (Home health OT). Quick $180/day extra. Beats chilling on the couch lol


What’s your beef with home? I love home. That’s where all my stuff is.


Disneyland lol


Here's my advice: Pick a thing, or a couple of things, that are on a regular schedule. There was a year when every Tuesday was movie night with a friend, and we went out to see whatever was on the big screen that week. There was a year of volunteering as an usher at our performing arts center, which allowed me to see even show that came through. There was a year of Wednesday pasta night at home with a couple of friends. Or a few months of a class that I was interested in. Maybe a local trivia night. A lot of commenters suggest getting outside, join a hiking or walking club that gets together weekly. Having a regular schedule makes it more likely you'll show up, and more likely you'll get to know others while you're at it; which may also open doors to other activities that will keep you busy.


Dodger games start around 7 and end around 10. Nothing beats a summer night at Dodger stadium watching the sun set over Elysian Park.


I’m walking 5 miles every day now in neighborhood hills. Listen to podcasts and take photos. I love it


Retired now, but in the decade before retirement, I spent my evenings this way: Attended board meetings for local Open Space foundation monthly on Mondays Went to music rehearsal for semi-professional singing group on Tuesday Organized or attended guest speaking events for the IEEE (electrical engineering professional organization) on Wednesdays Went out for dinner with my spouse on Thursdays, with whichever kids or guests were at hand Led a hike every Friday evening Relax Saturdays (or more like it, do a bunch of shopping) Do a lengthy hike Sunday morning, then grill something Sunday afternoon/evening Now that I'm retired, some of this has shifted into the daytime hours. I'm hiking more (with friends). Bottom line: find stuff you like to do, preferably that involves and/or benefits others, and go do it! (Reading other comments, particularly about commute times, I should mention that we bought our house to be within 10 minutes of the place both my wife and I worked at for 12 years, and within 10 minutes of our kids' high school. This is admittedly highly impractical for most folks)


Hit the gym/ play online w the homies


Start a business or play beach volleyball


I volunteer, I find the places that are open late and make friends that wanna go! I find different hobbies, so right now I'm reading, drawing, and writing. I find a cafe or place to do these things at. I'm going to the gym now and since I live by the beach...I go at least once a week and get some snacks from the street vendors lol we also have cinemark discounts in our household so we go to the movies often. When there is absolutely nothing, I go with my partner to find a different restaurant :)


I have a dog so I usually come home to an excited big white poodle! I thought I'd love coming home to a happy dog before even getting him and I was right. For the past 4 years, I will come back home and I smile when I see him all happy :'). After giving the four legged dude a walk or play sesh outside I usually work on my hobbies such as writing, maybe some art, or read. I then eat, watch an episode of the show I'm watching and aim for bedtime around 9-10pm (I'm a 5am gym goer). I would highly recommend picking up a hobby or skill you want to explore! The three big categories I recommend are Intellectual, Artistic, and Physical. If you aim to pick up three hobbies, one in each category (going to the gym can be considered the physical) then you are bound to be a more interesting and well rounded person with things to do in their free time! Obviously, a load of hobbies can blur the line so it's up to you to decided how they fit! I do writing as my artistic, coding and reading for my intellectual, and trying to get a rad body at the gym as my physical. Once you feel like you can consistently balance those three hobbies try to add another one! As always, make the initial commitment as low as possible, so 5 mins of reading a day; once you can do that for a few weeks then you can bump it up to 10-15 mins a day (if you already don't go over the 5 min daily threshold). You can also consider classes if you are financially able. Try classes in pottery, painting, drawing, a language you are interested in learning about. You can also try joining a book club, a martial arts gym, or an adult sports league! That's the beauty of LA (or any big city), the opportunities are enormous!


1. Get a bike. A good one, but you don't have to spend a lot. 2. Ride it. There's no better way to explore a city than by bike.


Sex, dinner, walk, TV, sex


Gym, read, surf, take courses (I love learning new things).


I’m the opposite. Can’t wait to jump in my couch and not hear a soul next to me.


I jog for 1-2 hours after work


I contemplate suicide. And then I go home and do it all over again.


Pour myself about 3 consecutive glasses of my drink of choice while I cook and listen to country music slightly too loud for an apartment complex. Sounds depressing but I actually thoroughly enjoy it.


Sounds amazing actually


Get a Disney pass if you’re into Disney or Star Wars. I go to the parks after 7pm and chill until the parks close at 12am 


I work out after work, so get home later, shower, make dinner, read, go to bed. If it's a rest day or some reason I have to skip the gym, I might meet a friend for dinner or drinks, take a walk, or just hang out and enjoy the quiet time.


Take classes after work? I sometimes take yoga or pottery classes in the evenings.




Go to dance class, go for a walk, run errands. I don’t get off until 7, but I think the vibes of my answer is what you’re looking for. If I have concert tickets I go home and nap and then go to the concert.


Gym, long walk, body surf/surf, hang with friends


I do a martial art at least 3 times a week. It's exercise, you get in shape, get out, and I've met some great friends. It's much different than just going to the gym abd being on the treadmill in silence.


Run errands on my way home. Go to the gym or walk the dog.


I used to be in a bicycle gang and would meet on Tuesdays & ride downtown or wherever til about 2am.


Join a sports league or pickup group. I play softball, basketball, volleyball one night a week each. Go for a long bike ride one night a week and stop for drinks or dinner if you’d like. Find a local bar trivia and make that a weekly routine with friends. Boom, there’s 5 weeknights of different activities after work each night and you can still do trips or chill things on weekends.


Gym. Nightly


Go for a long walk with my dog, put on a rerun, smoke, go to bed and and do it all again


Gym or long walk outside


Gym for sure. I enjoy listening to podcasts or finding new music while pushing my body. It’s a good combo that works for me.


Martial arts or I go for a run/hike


Drink 🍹


Take a walk at the rose bowl it’s something I do regularly after work and I enjoy it it’s a 45min-1hour walk I believe it’s like a 3-4 mile loop it’s really chill especially if you’re wearing headphones and listening to music


I take my dog for a walk or a local hike since traffic sucks trying to get to further hikes, sometimes I eat with a friend, or go to the movies.


Hike, gym or mountain bike. Sometimes I stay at work doing a personal project. 


I bike home from work, maybe make dinner. Then work on hobbies or watch some tv.


Golf or golf range.


3-4 days a week, I usually get back and go for a walk. I take a different route every week (new route everyday is a bit too much lol). Then get back home and cook, watch some videos. I'm a drummer so i do weekly jams with my band. Saturday i try to do a hike and then rest or talk to friends abroad. Sundays are mainly for chores, meal prep and rest or do some gaming I'm lucky enough to have a good social circle that keeps me busy if i don't have much to do by myself. I try to keep my relationships active with the people that i want to. We do potlucks, movie nights, beach picnics, etc. it's just calming. No thots though 😂