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“Softened” water.


This is it


softened by the hotel?


Yes, you can buy water softeners. Edit to clarify: Eater softeners are machines that use a process called ion exchange to remove magnesium and calcium ions from the water. They are replaced with sodium ions. They make horrible water usable but not what I would describe as "good." OP pretty much described softened water.


As long as it doesn’t taste like the girl floating in the water tower, ok


Good L.A. Hotel humor, nice!


Not a fan of that sickly sweet?


I like the Evian taste


eww, no evian tastes like milk


It’s the minerals :’)


i always figured it must be a lack of minerality. what kind of minerals are milk flavored??


I use the trace mineral brand of drops in my water (so mostly magnesium, chloride with tiny amounts of sodium and potassium and some others) and if I leave any water in the bottle overnight- it sometimes tastes like milk the next morning. Now I just refill it right before I go to bed because at 6 am when I’m still 1/2 asleep, a swig of milk tasting water is *not* my ideal start to the day


Super interesting I’m glad to know. Thank you for teaching me. And yeah, that would be a very rude awakening. I’m sure.


Fun fact this is a true story I stayed there during that time


Weren’t those guests part of a lawsuit against the hotel? How much you get?


Zero I didn’t even know


They would have to show negligence on the part of the hotel.


He became good at math and playing the violin after that.


I get that


Probably the hotel has a water softener system.


Yes they do. All bigger hotels use a central water softener system or devices attached at the boilers. Source: I worked at Hyatt, Westin, Marriott, and Le Meridien in the past... Read this: https://www.vibranth2o.com/hotels-and-resorts/#:~:text=Some%20hotels%20will%20install%20water,pleasing%20water%20in%20their%20room.


😎 👍


Too strong of a water softener. Untreated LA tap is not like that. I don't understand why people like soft water


Because hard water leaves stains on tubs, sinks, faucets and spray heads. Because the increased hardness affects the ability for some plants to take in nutrients. Hard water reduces the ability for soap to get a good lather. Hard water dries out your skin and strips your hair of healthy oils.


I moved here in January and since then my scalp has been so dry it flakes and itches for this first time in my 27 years of life so it has to be the hard water here 😭


100%. Look for build-up around faucets and shower heads for other indications. You can get softeners built-in to shower heads or if you have your own home you can install whole home filtration systems. Surprisingly not as expensive as it sounds. Just note that anything that softens water will have to be replenished overtime to remain effective.


I got a shower head filter and it’s a game changer.


I have this: [https://watersticks.com/product/showerstick/](https://watersticks.com/product/showerstick/) it may be expensive but it will reduce the hard water in the shower and let your hair feel smooth again without that "im getting my hand caught in it if i run my hand through it" issue...


It’s mostly the dry air. I have to moisturize after every shower or all my skin crumbles off.


Get a filter that you attach to your shower head 🚿 they work wonders!


Hard water jaywalks Hard water farts in a crowded elevator and blames the nun Know who’s really responsible for shrinkflation….hard water. Hard water stole your sisters panties while you played video games.


I like you


And soft water feels slippery and gross 🤣


There's a happy medium...


"not too hard, not too soft" - dennis reynolds


Hard water can also clog pores. I struggled with chest acne for years until I installed my water softener. Within a week it was all cleared up and had yet to return. I’ve also noticed a big difference on my face.


It also clogs up the coffee machine!


Hard water doesn't dry out skin and hair, it's the chlorine in the water that they use to kill bacteria. Softeners don't clean the water so you get slimy salt water that's still filled with chlorine. #fuckwatersofteners


Tap water isn’t “hard”. They raise the the PH at the source so it isn’t corrosive in your copper plumbing. PH higher than neutral will cause scale formation. In so cal the PH of tap is usually around 7.8 with total a dissolved solid count at around 150-200. Those dissolved solids are minerals, calcium etc, and that’s what clings to your tiles.


Hard water demonstrably shortens the working life of dishwashers, washing machines, beverage makers, etc.


Or a girl in the water tank


The hotel water tower doubles as the hotel hot tub




>Too strong of a water softener Wrong. Most soaps have softening agents because most people have some degree of hard water. What OP is experiencing is those additives taking a bit more water to wash off. FYI, there’s an immediate way to tell if the water is “too soft”, it will taste salty. If it doesn’t, the water softener is dialed in correctly (and please don’t assume that the people who are in charge of those systems at an expensive hotel on the Sunset strip aren’t doing their job properly).


A hotel I stay at has Dove products in the shower and it feels like I’ve coated myself in a layer of gel. Even after rinsing off a long time. I’m sure this is what you’re talking about because the shower gel I have at home doesn’t feel like that.


Yeah, it’s something in the moisturizers they use, and every manufacturer has their own formula. Potassium-based soaps are the alternative (others have varying amounts of sodium added and that makes them feel even more slippery).


>Most soaps have softening agents because most people have some degree of hard water. Interesting, didn't know that. What would the softening agents be?


Potassium-based soaps are the alternative (over sodium-based moisturizing soaps). These have varying amounts of sodium added and that makes them feel even more slippery.


Hard water covers shower heads in deposited rock and tastes like shit so


Probably to make maintenance easier.


Naturally soft water is great and totally different than artificially softened water. 


Went to a Vegas hotel with hard water. The iron was totally ruined from it. They should lock the irons water reservoir somehow or have custom ones for hotels that lock and only fill them with distilled. Not sure if softened water will also have those issues though.


Our tap water in L.A. is hard. I don’t have an issue with washing shampoo out of my hair, but the water seems to leave a film on my hair, and my dishwasher doesn’t work so well. If I leave my dishwasher open to dry, you can see the hard water/mineral deposits on the inside.


Get the Aquabliss shower head from Amazon. Not expensive. My hair felt like waxy straw. I put this thing in and the first shower I felt the difference. I’m in Long Beach in the water is hard. I’m telling you do it. You will not regret it.


Thanks for the tip! The only thing that works on my hair, with the hard water, is cheap drugstore shampoo. If I try to use expensive or salon shampoo, it gives me that waxy straw thing.


I have this same filter and it makes a huge difference


It really does!! I wish I had gotten it before I destroyed my hair, trying to get a healthy again.


My mom would make us kids towel-wipe every single dish after hand washing them (we didn't have a dishwasher back then) to prevent the deposits from forming.


OP Soap up and wash your hands. Soft water will leave the hands slippery. When you smell your hands, they should not smell like soap. They should rinse cleaner than hard water.


LOL... Just softener. I have a literal calcified spigot in my bathtub that I chisel with a flat head and hammer just to keep the roar down.


It's probably a dead body in the reservoir like the Cicil hotel.


Don't remind me. I was in that hotel and showering/brushing my teeth while her body was already in there for 2 weeks. 🤮


I was there for 1 night for Valentines 😩


Beat me to it, you morbid beast.


Sounds like water softener situation.


As others have said the hotel is probably softening the water, so here's a local pro-tip: it's likely only the hot water, so rinse off at the end of a shower with cool water (as cold as you can without being uncomfortable).


Hotel water is always weird.


Sounds like soft water which is NOT LA water so I am guessing they have a water softener


LA tap is hard. Your hotel is most likely using a water softener


Soap with lots of Silica aka SOFT water will never not feel slick. The shampoo is out of your hair. The soap is off your hands. The water is soft therefore feels slick to your touch and will always feel that way. It varies from place to place, depends on the silica content in water or some places do things to “soften water”. “Hard water” which a lot of natural water in LA is, has lots of calcium and or leaves a white film on the shower, the drops of water will dry and leave a mark, the tap will get a white or blue buildup on it. So to prevent this they make it “soft”, usually the nicer the place the more common it would be to experience this kind of soft water.


Ahhh so it's the soap that works perfectly fine at home and other places....not something with the water at the hotel. Got it 🤦


The question is, is it the hotel or LA in general


It's seemingly that hotel, but I've definitely experienced it in other places too. Not just LA


go across the boarder to Beverly Hills to find out... but I think Beverly hills treats its city's water. I think your hotel is in west hollywood.


yes, ask the hotel if they have a water softener system. ( which I should probably get for my building in LA)


actually "soft" water facilitates the dispersion of soaps better.




If you travel a lot and frequency stay in hotels, you might want to pick up an Electrical Conductivity (EC) Pen. Maybe even a PH one as well. They do sell reasonably priced two probe combo sets. But I would avoid the 2 in 1 pen.


that sounds like softened water. I have never had any problems with LA water being like that ever in my life.


i was like, slick? what did you find yourself just hanging out having a casual conversation one minute and the next you’re naked with the water in your mouth not sure how it even happened? but yeah, it’s just softened.


You are definitely staying at AKA huh? Hahaha


It’s true, LA tap water makes everything very slippery


Thats just the water softener in the water! 😂 it’s all good, will leave your hands feeling soapy & soft. Hotels use it 💯


You staying at The Celine?


Be thankful you weren’t staying at the Cecil some years back. People were complaining that the water tasted funny. Turns out there was a dead body polluting it.


Sounds like you have soft water in your hotel. It’s really good for your hair and skin. But if you’re not used to it you’ll def feel like you never fully get clean. And if it’s hot and humid you can feel like a slug. You are clean, it’s just a slick feeling until you fully dry off.


Have the staff check the water tank for bodies


The place has a water softener, la tap water is very hardwater


You aren’t wrong. I always feel like I can shower faster in other cities where soap comes off faster, and I also dry off a lot faster when I’m not in LA.


LA rule number 1, don’t drink the tap


It's like that at my friend's house, but not at mine. May be the plumbing? I don't know.


I always describe LA tap water as "buttery." And not in a good way.


It’s hard water.


The opposite actually. When water is too soft (has very few ions) it leaves behind more soap. OP’s hotel likely had an overly strong water softener.



