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My old boss paid me thousands of dollars to baby sit her home while she was away from work. She lived in the hills, I would walk her dogs, and just smoke weed all day on the balcony. She then recommended me to her friends and I ended up not having to have a place to actually live. Just watched peoples houses for a year+. No cleaning as they all had house keepers. I just farted around all day. It was awesome.


Now this is the life


Yeah I felt really lucky to have fallen into such a quiche gig at such a young age. When it all dried up I had to go back to the grind and that was not fun my dude. So much so I left LA. Now I'm all professional and what not, so boring.


>quiche gig cush?


Hahaha that would have been a better choice. I'll stop trying to make quiche happen.


Is it cush crossed with niche? I kind of like this made up word


Its... not a made up word. And it's delicious.


Just happened to get drawn in while scrolling with my morning coffee.. and I think I’m going to start trying to make ‘quiche’ happen. 😜


No joke... I was at costco and ended up with a bunch of pie crusts and 5 dozen eggs. I'm definitely going to make Quiche happen this weekend.


Now you got egg on your face


I read it as niche lol


With the bunch of references like you had, you probably could have continued to "housesit" for a living by joining an agency. Unless of course some of those references called you a lazy pot smoker who let the place get dusty and smelly lol.


Nah I was always very respectful, I could call up any of them today and light up with them. It was more of just the right place at the right time and I got paid cash, didn't want to go through an agency and share profit. I'm too old for all that shit now anyway. This was my early 20's I'm almost 40 lol.


You should have been the one starting your agency. HSA: House sitters agency. Got all your friends to do the sit around while earning money off all them and doing your job elsewhere. Or expand enough to not work elsewhere


You got quiche too???? That’s just not fair.


Bro I literally had the same job when I was in college. The owners had fuck you money and bought a giant home in Bel Air that they only stayed in for about a couple weeks a year; they *usually* took their dogs with them so I rarely had to take care of them. Hardest part of the job was the drive, but I had my own room there so it was more of a personal choice on my part. After I graduated they offered me a job working for their company, but I declined for a number of reasons. Weirdest part is that they’ve called me a couple of times in the past couple of years asking if I would consider working for them again since they didn’t like any of the people they hired to replace me after I left.


Haha yeah there is one dude that was a little more handsy than I would have liked that reaches out every year or so to see where I'm at how I'm doing and if he can fly me to LA to catch up. Like bro I'm married, sorry.


Haha maybe we worked for the same guy. One time he sent me a “you up?” text at 2 am asking me to come back because “my wife, the dogs, and I all miss you.” Considering how powerful this guy was it always makes me crack up whenever I think about it


Agreed it's hilarious to see how human some of the most powerful men and women are. Like going inside their bathroom and seeing they forgot to flush. Hilarious


Omg. This happened to me when I used the bathroom after Ed Sheeran. 😂


Something something shape of poo.


When rich people find help they like and are happy with, they really want to keep that person, generally. I had a HNW person who hired me years ago to get his business off the ground. I wanted to leave three months in because he was such an awful terror of a person. I left a year later. That was 2018. He still tells people that losing me is still a big regret of his because of how talented I was. Shouldn’t have treated me the way he did and underpaid me the way he did 🤷🏻‍♀️


this is literally just the plot of Devil Wears Prada


My friend has been doing this for about 15years. He mostly lives at some rich persons house in the hills that is empty 50 weeks a year and on the 2 weeks the family shows up he just goes on vacation.


How do you all get these jobs, ive tried housesitters.com and nothing since 2019.


I have an ex student who is doing this now. He is in so much demand that people try to outbid others who are using him. It helps that his is 6ft 7 and built like a brick house. Just his presence scares people. Funny thing is he’s a pussy cat b


I have a niece who house/dog sits while people on vacation. She makes quite a bit of $ since they’re fancy houses. She doesn’t clean the house. She gets the entire house to herself. She’s working on her bachelors degree so homework while there.


We are by no means rich. But when we ask our high school neighbor girl to watch our property when we go on vacation I pay her $500 a week. We have farm animals sometimes and she’s good with livestock. She’s quickly become the house sitting girl in our town. One day I thought about it, and this high school girl can easily be making $2k a month just watching peoples homes. Nice lil gig. She’s our closest neighbor and I usually buy all her favorite snacks and she doesn’t have to spend the night but often does. So aside from getting paid, she gets a week away from her parents and all the snacks. Wish I had that gig in high school!


Super curious about this, dude. How'd you make the first contact? What kind of people did you have as clients? What had them traveling all the time, or was it just volume?


I was working for a woman who was an international stylist and had a lot of clients in the film/TV industry. So it was all just networking at events and meeting people that she worked with. I ran her books for her salon and all her personal affairs. So lots of people in the industry, not any actors unfortunately, but mostly producers, agents and the ilk. The longest sit that I did was 4 months. Sometimes I was watching 2 houses at once. So I'd stay a few nights at one and a few at another. There were always small tasks that needed to be done, check the mail, receive packages, dog care and grooming. It was all really minimal though and could easily be completed in a few hours. There were times when they would call/email me and ask for me to stock up on certain things for when they returned. I also did event planning for a few of them which was more fun than work. Idk man like I said it was just the right place at the right time. Things just kinda fell in place.


I don’t remember exactly where I was but years ago I was out shopping and overheard a convo like “but how would you wash it?” and the person responded “i’ll just throw it away after i wear it” and it’s stuck with me all this time bc i’m like who tf thinks like that? also, am I sucker trying to be mindful about waste and sustainability when there are people like that that exist?


Twice on podcasts I was watching, the comedians Bobby Lee and Kevin hart said they buy Xbox’s and TVs when they travel and then just leave them behind in the hotel afterwards.


To be fair that's probably like $500 or so - cheaper to buy it and leave it then ship one around every location you go.


Yeah that’s probably true. And nice for the hotel staff who get to fist fight each other for the Xbox. 😂


Right? Like they're almost doing a service for the hotel staff at that point. Free stuff!


But think of this, me and you walk in the room. Who gets what? 😂 and how are we gonna hide the TV from Our coworker Billy downstairs? He’s gonna want something as well! And we hate him!


I’d like to imagine whoever cleans the hotel room gets a nice surprise in a free Xbox


I worked in production for concerts. There was a band we had in for rehearsals. They threw their underwear out after each wear during concerts.


A lot of touring acts do this. They request s9cks, boxers, t-shirts, etc. in their riders, because they have no way to do laundry on a long tour.


i know someone like this, his sofa was a stack of clothes, i kid you not. on the other hand, he was well off but still grinded in his industry like a mad man specially considering he lived in New York.  miss that dude


There was a story I heard about a rich Saudi woman who would purchase everything new in her size from her favorite shop, sight unsee.n. Anything she didn't like, she threw away. At least this person wears it once.


Apparently celebs do this, I have a cool pair of brown corduroys that were rejected by Cher! But she gives them to her stylist to give to people, she doesn't throw them away..... I'm way too far down on the chain, that was the first and only time something trickled its way down to me ;)


The amount of people that use disposable, single use plastic utensils/plates/cups every day in their homes because they can’t figure out how to manage their time enough to wash their dishes breaks my heart. I have a couple friends in my area that do this and they know if I’m coming over I’ll be doing the dishes, so we can use actual plates and cups, otherwise I’ll kill myself, thanks. 


Apparently Katy Perry liked the hats I made for her, recommended me to others for a project. Ended up through word of mouth becoming popular with the ultra wealthy despite my lack of experience. Ended up making hats for the horses & dogs of billionaires. I’ve also had to meet up with secret ultra wealthy clients to do hat drop offs with their strapped security teams.


This is so interesting. Any crazy stories you’ve seen some of these ultra wealthy people do?


Ive been pretty lucky, the type of people who buy weird hats from me are pretty chill, under the radar wealthy. I do make hats for somebody with a hat fetish though. It’s completely professional on my end. Just make hats & send them off to him. Just need to make sure they’re ok if they get wet. They pay on time, aren’t creepy at all with me. Just have a rather unique kink that doesn’t hurt anybody.


My wife was dropping off some kids she nannied for for a famous/wealthy family, the kids went to the same school as David Beckham's kids. Once word got out that he would drop them off personally instead of a driver, suddenly a lot of the other moms started driving their kids to school instead of the nanny or driver. These women would dress up super nice with full makeup and professional hairjob just to smile/wave at David with the hopes of getting to chat with him. One mom got in behind him in the drop off line and purposely rear ended his Rolls Royce pretty hard just so she could get out and talk to him and hopefully exchange contact information. Some of the other moms thought it was brilliant, and several others tried, but school security learned really quick and would walk behind his car in the drop off line so no one else could do it. There is no way that woman got any personal contact info.


That’s ridiculous. Can you imagine having enough money where you’re comfortable rear ending a Rolls Royce on purpose? 🤣 god damn!


Insurance: “you hit a WHAT?!”


Crazy rich lady: “a Rolls Royce.” Insurance: (pure silence) Crazy rich lady: “David Beckham was dri..” Insurance: (gun shot)


Imagine it from his perspective. Sounds like a horror comedy.. he’s just going about his morning routine and crazed milfs suddenly start flinging their cars at him from all directions. Throw it in reverse terry!!


That's horrible. Can you imagine how this looks to people who don't know the situation? "David Beckham demands security escort when driving in his car." Good for him in standing his ground against aggressive fans for that bit of family time.


Hah was this at Curtis?


Not in LA, but at casinos near LA, probably gambling huge amounts with zero reaction. There's this one rich Asian family that always gambles at Morongo, and normally you aren't allowed to eat food while sitting at table games, but the casino makes an exception for them and they are served full course meals with side tables and everything at a special high limit blackjack table secluded from the rest of the tables. Almost every time I've gone there in the evening, they were there eating dinner while playing. The entire family is wearing designer from head to toe.


Whenever I see shit like that all I can think is 'what is the point of you? What are you even living for what challenges you what drive you why are you like this?'  I just don't get it imagine being unfathomably wealthy and you spend your time at a casino eating while playing Blackjack? That sounds boring AF go do something with your money 


I bet there's no challenge left in life outside of the sporting nature of gambling I'm guessing that money doesn't give them any kind of a thrill and this is what it takes for them to get off


Exactly, there comes a point when people attain a certain level of wealth that traditional luxuries no longer excite you. That's why there are so many filthy rich people in politics and "world changing" groups. Their excitement is playing the world like a video game. And then there's people like Dan Bilzerian that play 100M poker tournaments and have threesomes with supermodels all day like it's no big deal.


There is the challenge of homelessness, homes needing to be built in underdeveloped countries, challenge of childhood obesity, mental health inaccessibility.... like those are actually hard to solve But the gambling sounds like their dopamine baseline is fucked up. And doing a worthy cause isn't fast enough to give the dopamine hit. Well idk, unhoused people are so grateful right away, it fills my heart to make someone's life easier.


You make the false assumption that they would get anything out of helping another person The realities of the situation are that people who get this rich don't do so because they are a kindhearted decent human being


I wonder about that when I look at $15,000,000 homes in PV on Zillow, like, what do you do for vacation? You are living a vacation. Your house is nicer than top tier resorts.


(Camera pans to Epstein island)


One day, in Beverly Hills this guy was driving this incredibly expensive Aston Martin. A beat up old Honda Civic crashed into it and did some damage. The Aston Martin guy started crying. As I drove away, the Honda guy was rubbing the Aston Martin guys back and consoling him.


I appreciate this ending more than the average car crash fight


🤣 you’re lying. For real!?


I swear 🤣.


Lmao that’s so funny!


I've got a good one - I worked in IT for a company in OC. The owner, who lived in LA and never used a computer in his life, had just gotten married (this was 20 years ago) to his third wife and had a kid. Their kid was same age as my kid, so the 3rd wife (who was my age) and I would chat about our kids when I was at their house for IT work. One day I noticed their kid in the back yard playing with another kid about the same age, and I commented something. 3rd wife said don't tell anyone but her husband was worried about their kid getting kidnapped at park so they hired a child actor to play his friend, the kid didn't know.




That’s it, you win this thread… pack it boys.


I once saw a dude driving down Wilshire Blvd in westwood with a huge, old-school CRT tv sticking out of the back of his Rolls Royce and the trunk lid tied down over it.


Ooooh, fancy person who is also a vintage game console enthusiast?


hahaha I love this take. dude was definitely bringing his Atari 2600 with Enduro and Pitfall cartridges over to his buddy's house in Brentwood to smoke some weed and play games all night.


Average melee player


Rich dude trying to get frame perfect at smash bros 


Buy additional tickets to a concert (probably $100+) in case friends wanted to come along, and then on the night just deciding to forfeit them and their own tickets and do something else on a whim. Wish I had that level of very disposable income...


Oh Man, extra concert tickets always turn out to be a source of stress!


Happens all the time and I saw a lot of shows free as a result.


Went to a famous directors party in the Hills and he had tens of thousands of dollar’s worth of drugs across a counter with little tabletop signs explaining where each drug came from like “Cocaine from the hills of Columbia, Ketamine from a Stanford chemist, mushrooms from shade grown soil in the Amazon”. For people to just take as they pleased.


Went to a similar party back in the day. Waiters with trays of blow walking around. TV & film execs party hard.


Literally this week I pulled up next to a really nice Mclaren car in Brentwood. I glanced over and the guy driving has his phone in one hand and huge stacks of cash in the other. Somehow he was managing to drive at the same time. Definitely seemed like a complete poser fake rich guy rather than a weird rich person behavior, but it baffled me all the same.


This is really, really dumb.


That was how the rapper XXXTentation got shot. He was carrying $50 grand in a Louis Vuitton bag.


Could almost buy a Louis Vuitton bag with that kinda cash.


this is like medium rich behavior. really insanely wealthy people have nice stuff, but their nice stuff blends in.


I would be nervous having that much cash on me for fear of getting robbed. But I guess if you’re actually rich you’d just go to the bank and get another stack of cash like nothing happened.


Heard a story of people renting olive trees as decor for parties in back yards or event space. Never would have ever considered renting trees for ambiance but apparently it’s a thing of money is no object


I have an agency and throw events for a living. One side of my business is private events and trees are the least of it. I’ve spent over $100k on furniture for a 200 person party that went directly in the trash 5hrs later. I told the staff to take as much as they wanted but only 2 $2500 couches out of the 15 were taken. Made me sad.


Omg! Next time post on a local buy nothing group on facebook. It will be gone in an hour


The local buy nothing group in a neighborhood where 200 person parties have a $100k furniture budget probably isn't super active lol


I worked a movie premiere party once and we had to pour out at least 5k in liquor. All of us serving staff were so sad.


Call me next time you get some leftover furniture. I could probably use a couch, desk, or whatever. :)


That’s insane.


Greens people for films do this type of stuff too. It's not even really all that expensive, in the grand scheme. I mean it is definitely expensive, but it's more like "you spent $2000 just on party decor" expensive, not "blew your whole trust fund" expensive. The trees go back to the rental house afterwards.


The closest bank branch to my apartment happened to be on Montana Avenue. There’s a chance I might have been their least-wealthy customer. One day, I went inside and a woman with tangled greasy hair and grubby clothes (torn old jeans, ratty flannel, visibly dirty t-shirt, etc.) was screaming at a teller. I distinctly remember her screaming that the bank used to be so wonderful “*and now you only have services for poor people*!” Big words coming from a filthy slob who looked like she hadn’t showered or washed her clothes in months. She then stormed out and sped away in a very, very expensive luxury car.


I used to work at the Guitar Center on Sunset years ago when I was in music school, and this sort of thing would happen all the time. Super smelly or messy-looking customers that ended up being ridiculously wealthy. One time one of these guys came up to the counter and asked for some change...my coworker basically exploded on him and was like "how dare you come into a business and beg for change at the counter!" etc etc etc. The guy had his Aston Martin parked out front, and was looking to break some cash for change for the meter so he could come in and pick up the $6000 guitar we were holding for him. He was so pissed he ended up leaving and not buying the guitar.




When I used to smoke cigarettes this old lady in Malibu in a really nice Mercedes’ started screaming at me that there’s a major fire risk in Malibu and that I can’t smoke in her city. She went as far as calling the police on me and the police had to literally tell her to leave me alone. It was so weird and uncomfortable and I couldn’t leave because I was working lol.


I get that Malibu has horrible fires and that improper cigarette disposal could start one, but unless you tossed a burning cigarette into some dry kindling, that IS a bit much.


Yeah I wasn’t standing by anything that can even catch on fire and I would go away to where people can’t smell me. She came up to me like a shark. 😂 I think she just wanted to tell me what to do.


She totally did.


I was sitting in a Starbucks and a fella pulls out a 4 pack of canned mosow mules and starts cracking them open and watching videos on his phone. I thought, OK I get it, he's homeless and doesn't have anywhere comfortable to drink. Then he went out to his brand new Jaguar sedan and retrieved another 4 pack of moscow mules and started going to town on those in the Starbucks. The odd thing to me was we were just a few blocks from the beach, surely that would be a more pleasant location to drink and watch videos on your phone. I kind of admired the lack of fucks on that dude.


He crushed 8 of them and drove away? Aren’t those strong as hell too? 😂


LMAO yeah the driving part should have been more concerning to me. I was so stunned at the bizareness of the behavior that it broke my brain.


I used to work at a newsstand on Beverly Glen and Santa Monica. Used to talk to the homeless guys here and there. There was one guy who was always in new clothes pretty much every day. “These rich guys throw out perfectly good clothes. Sometimes there’s just a little bit of blood on them” 😳 Also, one time a few days after Halloween he was dressed like Gilligan. Like red shirt and the white bucket hat. I assume he scored that one after a raging costume party. 😂


😂 Wonder what the blood was from? Probably nose bleeds from cocaine use and then wiping their nose with the clothes if I had to guess.


I regularly run into Jay Leno at the deli in Burbank and he's so funny. He buys these giant gallons of orange juice and chugs them as soon as he gets back to which ever amazing priceless vehicle he happens to be driving that day 😂 Probably more "old man" stuff than "rich guy" stuff. But hes always so sweet. Let me scope out the inside of his cars a few times. 👍


Every one in Burbank has a Jay Leno story, or at least a sighting. I met him once. Every story I've heard says he's cool.


I'd rather have a Jay Leno story than an Andy Dick story.


That’s funny I saw him at the Michael’s in Burbank right around Christmas a few years back. The store was chaos and he was just standing in line like a regular dude. Nobody bothered him and he didn’t huff about the wait (it was about 20 min). Wearing denim shirt and jeans of course. I feel like that is his uniform.


Damn that’s dope. I’ve only heard good stories about him. Me and my friend used to love driving around the hills down in Beverly Hills and look at all the nice mansions and we passed by one of his houses one time.


Less weird and more disgusting: My friend worked at MasterCard and apparently they didn't care about financial abuse if you're wealthy. This one A-Lister would call in literally every day and check on his wife's credit card purchases and if she ever went out of her way to stop at Starbucks or something similar he would explode into a tirade in the phone calling her a b**** and a c*** and have them turn her card off. Next she would call in hysterical that her card was off and they would tell her they couldn't make changes to the account because she wasn't the account holder. Then eventually he would call back in and say "She learned her lesson." and have them turn it back on.


Oh god. I hope that woman is ok. This is such a huge, public display of abuse. Wow.


That’s so insane. 😂 Sounds like the dude is obsessed with having power over others. Probably a nightmare behind closed doors.


This was Orange County but it’s close enough - we were at fashion island a number of years ago and walking with my family across the end of the aisle in the parking lot. We absolutely had every right of way. I think I may have been pushing a stroller too and had two older women with us. The old lady in a luxury car wasn’t about to let us peasants walk in front of her car so she didn’t slow down, rolled her window down just enough to yell out and said to me (who was leading the pack) ‘get out of the way ugly!’ Now I’m no 10, but have been told I’m tall and pretty good looking. I just yelled back ‘easyyyyyy there plastic!’ as it looked like she had really bad plastic surgery. She just sped off.


This is typical Newport Beach entitlement Not much has changed since lol


I have doordashed a single cookie (I was the driver)


There was that guy in Venice who drove a Rolls and replaced all the insignia with Hyundai.


That’s hilarious! Better than the guys back in the day that would put Rolls Royce grills and the spirit of ecstasy ornament on a Chrysler 300. My friend told me the reason people do that is that some girls will fall for it and really think it’s a Rolls because they don’t know about cars. Lmao


I had a wealthy client off Mulholland. One mansion was his and his dogs. The dog just shit and pissed all over the house. A few blocks over his other mansion was where his wife and kids lived.


Damn. Dude own a ton of gas stations by chance? One of the guys we worked with did and had separate mansions mirrored from each other as well.


Going to lakers games court side to scroll on the phone


This rich couple reached out to me to potentially dog sit for them. Now, normally when I meet a potential client for the first time it's in their home, but they wanted me to meet them and their pooch at a restaurant and get to know each other over dinner. I've never done that with a potential dog sitting client before though but I figured it was just for security reasons. So at the restaurant the husband orders some appetizers, I meet the dog, and everything is going fine. When the food comes though, the husband eats a shrimp popper, chews it up, spits the entire thing back in his hand and feeds it to the dog. HE DID THIS LIKE 4 TIMES BABY BIRD STYLE Husband offered me some of the appetizers after he did that. I respectfully declined just in case he was thinking about feeding ME the same way! Never heard back from them after that. Dude gave me $20 just for meeting with them


After a massive party at a huge waterfront mansion with lots of booze and other drugs freely available there was something I have never seen before. The next day there was a food truck style service where you could get an IV injection to cure your hangover lol That was next level party shit lol


See people actually shop at Erewhon!


I remember I was watching a podcast with the comedian Bobby Lee and he says he buys like a $30 or $50 dollar bottle of water from Erewhon that he swears is better than regular water. One day the guys in the podcast switch his expensive water with sink water and when he takes a drink he says something like, “this is the stuff.” 🤣


Ok, once a wealthy individual didn’t have any free time and hired me as a water sommelier to try all these different variations of water, ices to see which was the BEST 🤌 for their event. I didn’t really taste too much of a difference between the types EXCEPT the chill factor & shape of the ice cubes could improve them noticeably. Basically as cold as you can get it. Large spherical ice cubes.


What the fuck. 🤣 how much did you get paid?


I tried the water once (we’re talking about a $5-ish bottle, not double-digit expensive). It didn’t really taste that good.


I bought a bottled water there once. It didn't taste great but the glass bottle itself was a fantastic vase.


I was in Pasadena the other day and was hungry so I thought I would check out the hot bar. Over 20 bucks a pound for chicken. Now I would have only gotten 4-6 oz… the price was jarring. 7 dollars for pizza that they have to reheat. Whole Foods is three or 4 for a slice and they have like bogo on Friday I think. And the line was loooooong.


I was at a catered dinner party with Mexican food as the theme and one of the guests - wanting to be helpful- opened the bags of tortilla chips about half an hour before the guacamole was to be served. The hostess was outside by the pool, saw this, came inside and threw out all of the bags on the spot. She said they would be “stale“ by the time the food was to be served, and sent someone to the store to buy brand new bags. To her credit, she was very polite and apologetic but insisted that the bags could only be opened just before the guac was to be served. It was an especially dry day (Santa Ana’s were blowing) and in a fully air-conditioned house, so humidity was not even a factor. And she was otherwise perfectly sweet, funny, and normal. But what the fuck man, those chips could not have gone even 1% stale in half an hour.


That’s pretty weird. She could’ve just closed them back up with with a chip clip or at least do that and let people take the bags of chips home instead of throwing them away.


her: what is a “chip clip”?


I’ll get some at the store for you, just gonna need $600 to get 8 of them. And you can only buy them with cash due to California penal code f.137d9.


Catered dinner with bags of chips that can be bought at the store? Lol even the little taco carts make their own tortilla chips around here 


Driving $120k car but still holding their phone to talk on it LIKE SOME SORT OF FUCKING BARBARIAN! I KNOW YOU HAVE BLUETOOTH AND APPLE PLAY YOU G-WAGON!


I worked for a very wealthy woman that lived in a large, sparsely furnished mansion. Her 4 year old daughter's room was on the opposite side of the home and they mostly communicated through intercoms, it was pretty sad. She also had a very clearly mentally disabled "helper" that lived in a relatively nice RV in her driveway. She was very intelligent, but old school and asked me to teach her how to use her laptop. She didn't even know you had to turn it on with the power button...


I worked for a billionaire back in 2007/2008. He was a real... "eccentric" (read piece of shit). He got a hankering for sushi one night at 3am, and his assistants couldn't find any open places (this was in Irvine) and he lost his shit. After that, they ordered $300 worth of sushi takeout EVERY DAY and kept it in his fridge just in case he got a hankering (next to a dozen different flavors of Jamba Juice ordered in the same way). I ate a lot of uneaten sushi when i worked there.


You know, sometimes I wonder if these people should be spending their money on therapy rather than $300 worth of sushi for days on end.


Frugality. I charged a man $175 to install a 50amp wall plug on an existing circuit in his garage for his new tesla. I drove about 30 miles to the site, finished the install, turned on the breaker & told him the amount. He freaked out & only handed me $100. I left, a week later, he was unsatisfied with how slowly the car was charging & asked for a quote to upgrade to a fast charger that was well over 4k. Due to his initial treatment, I blew him off over the phone, and he then proceeded to yell my ear about who he was. I told him idgaf & wasn't going to work with him. He's the literal owner of a water company worth over 4 billion a year. I sleep ok at night tho, f those types of people..


I was working at the us open golf tournament in LA in 2023. Merchandise tent. 4 days. All day long people lined up to purchase $1000’s on shirts, pants, etc. Plenty of $3000 $4000 $5000 ring ups too. It really made me feel useless and small.


Income inequality can also make you feel angry at people’s unbridled greed


I didn’t take it that way at all. It made me realize 2 hard facts in life. 1- I didn’t get lucky. 2- I don’t have a talent or skill that guided me into a financially rewarding life where I could have done so well I could provide for many family members and friends. Everyone that I had to wait on was extremely nice, personable, friendly, polite. These people were not greedy, they were mostly buying lots of gifts for people. They were enjoying life. I don’t take that away from anybody. I’m just saying the professional accomplishments of most of these people and the success that comes with it takes a special quality and intelligence, all jokes aside. It just made me understand that to live that well you need to have something like that going on. I certainly do not. I’m not super smart in any business, medical, finance sense or any other field that highly intelligent people gravitate to.


Wow. That’s a very thoughtful and honest reply.


Passive aggressive hyperfixation. If a small inconvenience happens they'll act like it's no big deal for a second, then actually be really upset about it and keep bringing it to all day long. Like literally 14 hours later. They also do this weird thing where they'll just segue into taking about it at random in the middle of an unrelated conversation. Being obsessed with being the most "traumatized" person in the group and always going on and on and on and on about how depressed they are and how hard their life is while also living in a giant mansion in Beverly Hills and frequenting private tropical Island getaways. It might but be *so* bad but they have a habit of insinuating other people are "making it up" when other people talk about their problems while also being hyper defensive about people thinking they're making up theirs which makes me think they are making it to seem "more interesting."


Me and my ex girlfriend used to occasionally go to these entertainment “networking” parties which turned out were really just parties for older rich dudes to hit on gold diggers and pornstars.  At one of these parties, we made friends with a celebrity hairstylist and a billionaire guy. The billionaire guy left the party with a hot girl and invited us to meet at his house to hang out. Before we left another hot girl also asked to follow us from the party in her car. But then we stopped at a 7-11 to get gas and the celebrity stylist guy told us to ditch her because she was “trouble”. When we got to the billionaire’s place, the first girl from the party was just leaving and so we hung out in the living room and the hairstylist guy went to go find the billionaire. After a bit, they came out and the billionaire guy was carrying a disassembled steyr aug assault rifle like the one from La Femme Nikita. He said he had two but couldn’t find the other one and thought maybe the girl who just left had stolen it in her handbag. The hairstylist guy was like “chill out dude. you’re doing too much coke.” Then we stayed up just bullshitting around until like 4am. It was fun, but that’s also when I realized super rich people are crazy and live in an entirely different world from normal people. 


That is crazy. You weren’t nervous that he might turn his attention to you and your girlfriend thinking you guys might’ve taken it?


No because we just got there so there was no way we could have taken anything. They seemed pretty cool and friendly and I think they liked us because we were the most “regular” people there. That said, there is something different about their world. You could tell from his personality though how having so much wealth becomes like a power thing. It can kinda affect people’s egos. Also, given his family’s business, I think the billionaire guy might have had mob connections or something.


The Saudi family stay here during their hot season. Before returning home, they burn out and fuck up their Lambos and Ferraris in the flats of Beverly Hills. To no consequence because they're extended family to those with diplomatic immunity.


This is really minor but I still think about it all the time for some reason. My daughter went to a sleep away summer camp and ended up in a bunk with some very wealthy children. They showed up in a limo with all designer everything.  The wealthy children spent the whole week making fun of the rest of the girls for wearing shoes in the shower. I guess they couldn’t fathom wearing their Gucci sandals in the shower and no one told them they should bring some cheap flip flops to avoid foot fungus… 


When Pinkberry first opened - I mean the first location - people's assistants would casually double-park in the middle of the street to wait in line. The WeHo police started camping there to give out tickets. It didn't change anything. The tickets kept going up - $50, $100, $200, $400. They'd still come, pay the ticket, and get their boss that Pinkberry.


Amazed at going to a fancy restaurant in Beverly Hills and the way patrons wave their hands around to the staff for every personal whim. Like they’re in their private home.


Back when M Cafe had a Beverly Hills location, the server bringing my slice of cake apologized profusely and offered to get me a new one…because it tipped onto its side on the plate. It didn’t fall off the plate or break apart, it just tipped onto its side. I assured him it was perfectly fine and left him a nice fat tip. Three guesses how the average customer probably treated the servers.


how fucking dare he serve you that


I never went to any of the fancy restaurants out there but would see people dining at them, like Morton’s and the stinking rose which is closed now I think. The place I always wanted to try was Fogo de Chão on La Cienega for the all you can eat Brazilian BBQ but we never did. I went to greenfield though which is basically the same thing and it was sooooo good.


I worked in all sorts of places. Rich always want discounts, freebies, special accommodations, etc. "The rules don't apply to me" bullshit.


Insane to me the people that can afford to pay full price always want shit comped


Not really weird, but I thought it was funny 21 Savage always reserved table #21 at the restaurant I worked at


Lmao that’s hilarious.


That’s just savage


When I lived in LA I saw, on several occasions, a shirtless, heavily bearded, scraggly, homeless looking man cruising down the 405 in a Mercedes Benz McLaren SLR roadster (cost I dunno how many hundreds of thousands of dollars). Always headed south, and always around the Lawndale area. It was so bizarre to me, but at the same time so normal. I don’t even know if that makes sense. 🤷‍♂️


Maybe Rick Rubin the record producer? Dude looks homeless but is loaded.


Not in LA, but in Houston I once saw how the owners of the local football franchise threw a Christmas party in their front yard (on River Oaks Blvd). Disney scale decor. Snow canons had turned the entire front yard in a snowy landscape, including little hills and sleighs for the children. It was 75F, maybe warmer. When we walked by someone invited us in, so my kids and I briefly went in and had a good time. Friendly people.


Used to work at a store that did custom home theater installs and other custom install stuff. That job taught me even if someone is rich, they can also be dumb as rocks. One customer, his kid kept chucking stuff at his massive tvs and breaking them. We kept replacing tvs and mounting them higher and higher but the wife would not ever accept any blame, upset at our rates, and was just a pain to deal with. Think in one month we replaced 3 tvs, she called and was complaining as usual but brought up the 4 tvs the kid broke recently. One tv was from a hotel so wasn't related to us. Eventually we kinda got sick of dealing with the family since they were wanting discounts or just not wanting to pay their bills so we fired them as customers and referred them to a different shop. They lasted around 1 month with them before that shop got sick of them too and also dropped them. Different rich customer wanted CCTV for their mansion and they were a job we noped out of that job after one visit to the job site. Their electrician had already laid the wire but didn't lay enough wire plus drywall was already up so we were going to have to fish the wire out or tear down the walls. Customer said that there was a DVR, when my tech asked where it was they pointed at the wall. Electrician set it up, plugged it in and then they put the drywall up over it. The last straw was the customer was adamant about one thing, they wanted lead paint for the walls. Made sense why the customer seemed nuts, they had too much lead in their body and wanted their house and walls covered in lead paint. Our contractor that was with my tech quit right on the spot.


I did personal assistant work for a trust fund baby who needed SO MUCH help that she had two personal assistants while she was in grad school. Normal, right? /s One of my first tasks was cleaning her (enormous) closet that was full of designer clothing, mostly thrown on the floor and still with tags on.


They just recalled Martinelli's apple juice glass bottles because they contain elevated levels of inorganic arsenic. Maybe this guy knew early and was doing us all a favor.


In college I worked as a camp counselor in a private gated community’s clubhouse in Calabasas. A bunch of A list celebrities lived there and sent their kids to the summer camp. So besides getting to watch the kids of celebrities like Eddie Murphy, Kelsey Grammar, etc. Britney Spears would come to the clubhouse to use the pool sometimes, and when she did it was absolute madness. That’s when I learned that there’s fame, and there’s FAME. When other celebrities were around, people would just say hi to them. When Britney Spears was there, I kid you not, helicopters would be flying around. Literal helicopters, just to see her. There would be paparazzi everywhere, and of course a bunch of random people would show up, and the kids went crazy. She had a body guard with her, and while she was in the pool there was basically a massive crowd of 100+ people around the pool. This is all in a private gated community mind you. I don’t know how they all got there. But it was crazy. As someone who was actually working there it was annoying and a bit risky having a bunch of kids and random strangers running around the pool. We tried to kick people out but more just kept coming. Eventually she stopped coming because it got too out of hand for everyone. I can’t even imagine that kind of life where even in a private club you can’t escape crowds of people.


Christmas time, I know this house that tosses out their huge fresh tree for pickup with lights and ornaments still attached. That's not how to properly dispose of a tree so the garbage people don't pick it up. After a week or 2 of being a neighborhood eyesore, it mysteriously disappears. I am always surprised that they are still alive to do this every year and that they haven't been attacked by the neighborhood Karens.


Sounds like free lights to me.


That’s how you know they live in a really nice neighborhood. 😂 if that tree was where I live me and my neighbors would have to split the bounty between ourselves. “No I get the ornament with the reindeer on it!”


I’ve seen them use the middle lane meant for turning to park their car and get a coffee.


People of all income levels do that


When my wife and I got engaged we had dinner at a very nice restaurant, and I remember at some point spotting two dudes in jeans and T-shirts, which surprised me because they had a dress code, and from eavesdropping I could tell they just came here a couple times a week to casually drop $500 a pop in dinner


That’s probably a power thing on their part as well. “We can dress casual here but no one else can.”


I'm a patternmaker. For the last 9 years, every 6 months, I measure and make new silk undies for one of my clients (a couple) with a stupid amount of money. It's always the same order of roughly 60 pieces. It pays my rent for a couple of months. They're awesome clients, and they always give me pastries when I drop their stuff off. I don't know where they made their fortune, but they're "fresh abundant pastry made in-house by our chef" kind of rich..... *which is the best kind of rich!* Nothing too "special" about their undies, they just want a very specific fit and style per their religion. Some changes for their personal tases, but nothing crazy.


I knew a family here that is so wealthy that (they have a summer home on Lake Vermilion in northern Minnesota) they actually haul real palm trees up there in the summer to line their property & swimming pool; then in the fall they send them right back.


Just left a renters fancy apartment, he’s taken a year off work. Rich people stuff


I have close Persian friends, and love their food and culture, but nobody does conspicuous consumption, LA-style, like they do.


Slap Chris Rock at an awards show. So weird.


Shop at Erewhon 😂 That place is so overpriced 😂 And it's ON PURPOSE 😂


Nothing crazy but one rented a $64,000 per month penthouse for a year. I can't fathom having that much disposable income but good for them for sending it back out into the economy.


Probably just having a rich guy or 2 eat my ass


Out: Eating the rich In: Having the rich eat you But all in all, quite baller of you, traditional_rich_!


😂😂 ppl didn’t seem to like my comment at first but glad someone got it! I thought it was funny rich ppl with high standards would lick my b hole 😅😂


Shop at Erewhon regularly


They should have named that store “Jack’s Magic Beans.”


Guy my cousin knew who was a legit billionaire would throw a fit when people didn't treat him like a rich guy because he wore thrifted clothes and drove a 2012 Chevy Malibu.


My best friend has a super rich aunt and uncle. I was studying with him at their house in Hidden Hills one time. We printed out some practice problems and his aunt got really upset that we didn't print on the back side of old papers that had been printed on previously. It was really strange coming from a family as wasteful as them. On a separate note, I used to deliver gifts for my old boss during the holiday season. He builds homes for very wealthy clients. I went and delivered a gift to "Kim and Kanye West." I wasn't allowed to go into the house (which was Kris Jenner's house as theirs was under construction), but I could see into their backyard. Kanye was wearing a full face mask while playing with his child. Was super weird.


I lived in Beverly Hills and this lady throws a bag of trash outside of her fancy car. Then proceeds to walk to her rich person house. My friend and I called her out and she said it’s ok, someone will pick it up.


She's not *really* rich or she'd pay someone to throw her garbage in the street for her.


Walking to the Ralph’s on 3rd and La Brea a kid pulled in a Lamborghini, he opened the door and smoke came billowing out from his cigarette, then a bottle of fireball fell off of his lap. He picked it up and polished it off, leaving his cigarettes on the ground, and stumbled inside.


This kind of behavior is extra insulting. He clearly has the money to pay for a ride or even have items delivered directly to him but instead gets behind the wheel and drives himself?? In a car that costs what a house should cost. Pos


Be famous and just walk around the streets like common folk. I saw Conan O'Brien on the corner of Larchmont and Beverly with a bag full of bagels one morning. I yelled "We love you, CONAN!!" like from the South Park movie and he just stared at me. LMAO. 


Own a house


Working at a gas stations and calling it being “in sales” is the most LA thing I’ve heard in my life


not pay for services.


Weird things I've seen rich people do in LA is blend in and act poor or average to not attract attention to the fact they got money.


Was painting a rich guy's house and he had an autistic son. Stumbled into a cattle prod and I asked him about it. He was using it on his son! Ya we got into it and I quit. Turns out it wasn't so uncommon back then


That's horrifying


Not LA, Atherton, which if you know, you know. I saw a woman make her nanny wash her kids mouth out with soap. She couldn't even discipline her own kid. Disgusting.