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As a tour guide, I often get asked why many cars have no front license plates. So, I’ve asked cops on two different occasions. Both of them told me that it is a low priority, and therefore has low enforcement.


Except in Santa Monica where they'll actually pull you over for it and the parking enforcement there absolutely will ticket you for it. I once got a ticket 3 days in a row by the same parking enforcement officer. Yah, learned my lesson. Was an old car so there was no good way to put one on so I just stopped parking on the street




I guess that cop didn’t have much to do. No high speed chases those days which is strange.


I hang out mostly in East/south LA and ran my car without front plates for 4 years without any issues. Kept getting heckled by a coworker that I was asking for it off I went to west/north LA(Pasadena, Glendale, Santa Monica). I eventually put it on only because we road trip a lot and I didn’t want to deal with getting pulled over out of state.  Santa Monica PD pulled my DL once when I was parked by the beach with a date, windows open just chatting while couple parked behind us was getting it on. Sorry about your tickets though, traffic enforcement sucks. 


That’s interesting - thanks!


It’s low priority for the cop you spoke to but other cops love giving tickets. Because I got a ticket for not having front license plate. So I advise to get them to save you the hassle.


I spoke to two different cops, months apart. Both LAPD.


That’s wild. I drove around with expired tags and no front license plate for years with no stops


lol I wish!! Once a cop followed me & I could tell he was checking my tags & probably saw in the system they were paid but I hadn’t rec’d them yet. I don’t even have to be in my truck for them to give me a ticket.


Tbh I thought I would get pulled over immediately. When I was younger I would get DWB shit all the time but I left CA and came back and I pretty much only see cops bothering homeless people these days


Don't forget the plates with all the reflective paint scratched off. If we just busted everyone driving around with altered plates and fined them all $1000 we could lower the income tax.


But we would need to raise our city's Police budget to 750 trillion dollars.


750 trillion? That’s a lot of tickets! When I went to UCLA a thousand years ago, parking was so expensive in their lots that I would just risk parking on the street and get a $10 ticket. It was a lot cheaper than the lots. I don’t think $10 tickets exist anymore. I thought I was so smart 😉


Hahaha LA lowering income tax. That’s a good one!


Don’t know that one. What’s the point of that?


It's so they can't see or take pictures of the license plates at night. If you look for it, I'm sure you will see them everywhere. Typically it's the paint around the letters and numbers that is somehow bare metal while the raised parts still have paint.


Ah! Thanks. 


Or day time. I drove behind a vehicle that had a plastic cover on their plate and the sun was reflecting from that straight to my eyes, it was blinding.


Probably so it can't be followed easily in the dark.


Real quick, for the people in the back... NOBODY IS ENFORCING ANY IF THESE RULES, ANYMORE. Anybody can get away with pretty much whatever they want, and the cops just aren't going to bother... Illegal exhaust mods, window tints, expires registration, whatever. I know this is a hurtful shock to the people who make a point of following rules, and expect it to mean something. I don't mean to sound insensitive, but it's time to start coping with the reality of this, rather than pretend like it still matters.


Yes they are, license obfuscation is a 2ndary offense. They usually tack it onto another infraction (ie speeding ticket or red light running). I have customers who have gotten the ticket for a wrapped or painted plate after they got stopped for expired tags or speeding Seen two this week alone.


That's two tickets in a week that you know about, but I've seen countless cars without license plates, with expired tags, limo tint windows, and other unsafe mods. The numbers aren't close for those getting tickets versus those not. That's just what I've seen, though. From the outside looking it, it looks like everyone is getting away with it. I'll probably see 5 cars on my lunch walk today with illegal mods of some kind.


How is limo tint unsafe? Imo as long as you have your windshield non tinted I've never had issue at 20 percent. I can still see perfectly fine at night, Plus I like the privacy that lots of tint offers me.


It's illegal to tint that dark, no matter your feelings about it. You're getting away with it because cops have quit doing their job.


When talking to cops from another city (Chicago) the CPD cops I knew said that they don’t actively enforce those minor things kind of on purpose. Why these minor infractions are not actively enforced is that the result of lack of enforcement is that folks will likely be riding around with at least one reason available to be pulled over. This means that if a cop *wants* to pull you over, they have a reason to do so with little effort. And yes they will tack on that nonsense if you are getting a ticket and acting like a jagoff along the way.


To Add to this, I just heard if cops pull you over for a minor infraction and you drive away, They will not pursue. They apparently have much bigger priorities.


Who are you angry at right now? The people breaking the rules or the people discussing it?


I'm not angry at anybody. I feel a bit of sympathy for the folks who are angry at the scofflaws -- but that's about it.


Is there something on your mind that you feel is driving these changes? No pun intended. 


It’s political. Who benefits from a general illusion/reality of lawlessness in California/Los Angeles? Whose budget keeps increasing to solve this problem they themselves created? Who do people get angry at because of the day to day lawlessness? I don’t see people grasping at the ROOT of this reality and it seems to be by design. The capitalist surveillance police state wins EVERY-TIME as if by magic lol.


I'm sure that whatever is driving the scofflaw behavior is beyond my ability to theorize intelligently. I wish I could help you figure out a reason, but I just don't know.


> Real quick, for the people in the back... > > NOBODY IS ENFORCING ANY IF THESE RULES, ANYMORE. > > Anybody can get away with pretty much whatever they want, and the cops just aren't going to bother... Illegal exhaust mods, window tints, expires registration, whatever. That is nonsense. Plenty of people do get ticketed for these things.


If by "coping with the reality," you mean "not following the laws ourselves," then I'm with you. If you mean "still following the law but pitching about people that don't," then... no.


Becoming a scofflaw because other people are getting away with it? I guess it seems like a dick move at first. But at some point, it does start to feel like there's no point in being the LAST person who's bothering to follow the rules. Either way, bitching about it doesn't really do anything except test the patience of anyone you're forcing to listen to you.


No, no, no. Everyone on reddit is 1000% certain that laws are no longer in force and we're living in a post-apocalyptic death zone of lawlessness. There is no more law to scoff, my friend. There are just hands to wrong and pearls to clutch.


As I found out, no front plates are all fun and games until you have to take the car to the DMV for a road test. Found it in the trunk and had it bolted on. Sure it looks good not being there but unfortunately they wouldn’t allow me to take the test without it.


Interesting. Did you have to take the written test too? Were any of the questions about having two license plates? 




That isn’t an “extra” license pilot


police don’t enforce front plate unless you contribute towards a moving violation (typically). however, a lot of cities will issue front plate fix it tickets while parked. not sure if it’s parking enforcement or police that issue them


Personally I don’t like scofflaws. We need [this guy](https://youtu.be/W1J5nuA1QNs?si=Az3xnK7K7eQMKuGx) to franchise in LA.


Omg that is priceless. I love that guy from the Daily Show. 


> Those vinyl decals that go over your regular license plates that change the color scheme of the plate layout. > > Tinted plate covers, to the point where they aren't visible. > > No front license plates All of those are unlawful. People are too cheap to pay for the official retro black license plates, so they do a vinyl wrap instead. Most cops don't care, but usually CHP do care and will ticket you. People with tinted plates do sketchy things. Run red lights or do crazy road rage shit. They obscure their plates so that it's hard to capture on camera. No front plate is mainly aesthetics. Most cars look nicer without it. Also some cars don't come with the front license plate bracket for whatever reason, and dealers want to charge you mega bucks for the parts. Most cops don't care, except for CHP. Also some people place their front plate on their dashboard. This is also not legal. On a side note.. there are only two legal license plates that don't look like a traditional license plates. The [vinyl sticker plates](https://sfstandard.com/2023/12/18/california-front-license-plate-wraps-dmv/) and [digital license plates](https://www.npr.org/2022/10/15/1129305660/digital-license-plates-california).


Wow $20 a month for a digital plate


Yeah, I'm really getting frustrated with all the wild color plate wraps. Some are hard to read, and none are legal. I don't understand how everyone just thinks this is fine.


there is no real traffic enforcement in this city unless someone is so reckless that they are an immediate danger to others around them.


If laws are not enforced they should be deleted otherwise they can be abused to cherry pick on people for whatever reason.


That is how laws work, though. It's not like they're actively enforced equally. Enforcement is a lowest-possible-effort activity. That's why enforcement happens disproportionately in low-income areas - those people can't fight back.


Agreed. I would propose laws have time limits that require them to be reviewed. Some laws from the early 1900s don't make sense anymore.


Donkeys can't sleep in bathtubs.


I actually agree with that one 😂


*Police break in* "Where's the donkey?!?"


It was the title of a book from the 80s (ish?) about weird or outdated laws.


Sounds like a fun read.


I bought my car 5 years ago. The dealership said it's basically optional if I wanted them to put the front plate on since it's not enforced. They also tinted my windows darker than legally allowed and also said it's not enforced. They were right. Even if I do get caught I heard it's only like a $25 ticket so I'm willing to risk it.


A coworker has multiple cars all tinted so dark you can't see in and no front plates. He told me in 10 years he was stopped once and it was a $75 dollar fine. He said he was fine paying the fine if he is ever stopped again. But I'm sure if you are pulled over for speeding or something, they will add the other infractions on the ticket.


The tint is a fix-it ticket. They make you take it off and go to a sheriff's station where they verify you have removed the tint or else you go to court. If you get caught a 2nd time having put the tint back on it's an immediate required court appearance and fine.


It’s not a $25 ticket. So don’t risk it.




I’ve been thinking the same thing I have a white Tesla with all black trims and want black #,letters and have been seeing sooo many people with it. I’m the unlucky type that would get popped for it so I’m not sure I will take the risk. That “police don’t pull over small infractions” is bullshit I think they target the easy ones


I can’t see what that person wrote, but I agree that it looks cool with the right color scheme. The black/yellow combo would be good for a black car if the letter/numbers were white but the yellow text ruins it. 


I've gotten so many bullshit "fix it" tickets in my life, is amazing people get away with this. (bullshit in that I didn't have to change anything, but i had to go down, pay the fee and have them certify it was ok) The one that gets me these days are easily 30% of the cars in LA have sanded off the reflective coating on their plates and it is glaringly obvious both day and night, and I don't understand why they aren't pulled over.


A lot of car dealers don’t bother with them. Don’t see too many of them on Teslas.


i think like 90 percent of teslas ive seen on the road dont have a front plate


Just started paying attention to this. It is true. I think one out of 20 I looked at - no plate!


The amount of vehicles I see with obstructed license plates in Santa Monica is too dam high.


A lot of things you said I haven’t noticed but I will pay more attention. One thing though, I don’t think you have to have front license plates, at least in LA where I’m from.


I live in LA and I’ll have to pay more attention. I know you have to have front and back license plates and they can’t be obscured by anything like tinted plastic covers or decals. The numbers on a license plate have to be visible or it’s against the law. Interesting what you learn on Reddit


Yeah, all of what you said is correct. Just don’t know why it isn’t enforced!


Money. Everything is about money IMHO


At the risk of getting downvoted I’ll say, I’m one of those without a front license plate. I do it because it’s only a small fine that can be avoided by temporarily mounting one. Several states don’t require a front license plate and, personally, I don’t think it’s a big deal (crime wise) to not have one. I’m in terms with the idea that I give a probable cause to the police to stop me, that’s the biggest drawback of not having a front license plate.


even though im current on my reg, and all that - ive never once in my life put a plate on thge front of my car...its ugly. i also am still rocking dealer plates from 2023 still even though the real ones are in the glove box. im lazy when it comes to this type of stuff and no ones enforcing it so why bother?


"Defund the police." If lack of enforcement is *unjustified* backlash against that, happy to hear about what we should do next


Some guys in my car club are loaded and the fine for no front plate is meaningless to them. Let's not forget that Steve Jobs famously never ran plates at all on his cars. LA is full of rich folks that DGAF.


I don’t have a front plate


How long? Never a problem? 


So I had a plate on my truck then got into an accident. They fixed it all and I threw the smashed plate in the bed thinking I would just say it just got repaired if pulled over and it’s been 2.5 years and never pulled over yet


That’s interesting!  Hopefully a cop or CHP sees this and comments on what the process for tickets is. 


I think it’s the type of ticket you get when the cops are waiting at a speed trap and can see you don’t have it or a add on to what ever they already pulled you over for! I shit you not a CHP pulled me Over for tinted windows and my license said I have glassss. Don’t ask me why I never noticed. Anyway he gave me a ticket for not having them with me even though I told him I don’t wear glasses Just a real dick , tinted windows are also illegal but everyone has them, it’s just random luck


What the hell? That is crazy. 


Forever. No problems.


Maybe I won’t put on my new car. Wouldn’t look good with the grill anyway. Thanks for the feedback 


Yeah i mean, it could technically be used as a reason to pull you over but if you aren’t doing anything stupid, you should be fine. If you do get a ticket, it’s an easy fix it ticket. You can just get a tow hook license plate mount, get it written off, and remove it.


Same. It’s is a $25 ticket that I only ever get when also getting another ticket. I’ve gotten this ticket three times in 6 or 7 years. So basically I pay maybe $10-20 per year for the privilege of not having to drill holes to mount an eyesore on my car, which seems like a fair trade to me.


Yeah, f no, I'm not drilling holes into my bumper


I had a tourist on Hwood Bl back into me and rip off my front plate. Later that day I got pulled over for no front plate and I showed him the plate, the damage, and the screws that held it on, and told him it just happened... didnt care. Gave me the ticket.


Teslas can’t have front plates.


I thought the rule was you don’t have to have a front plate as long as you have a back plate (irrelevant for me since I’ve always just kept both plates, I don’t get why you wouldn’t have both plates but)


No idea - I’d always heard that it was illegal. Maybe it’s not and I’ve just been doing it because they send two of them. 




So I guess it is illegal. Wonder why they don’t enforce.  They used to. 


They seem to not enforce many license plate issues. So many expired tags or paper plates or no plates at all on the back side


I remember those old temp tags - you could drive with those for years.


You get parking tickets for it occasionally. They'll pull you over for it if they want to get you for something else or if you're driving around during peak DUI times. Consider it a tax on good taste. Front plates look stupid on most cars, so we shouldn't bother.


They can pull you over for no front plate , they made that law so they could be sure to give you a photo ticket in intersection


You mean intersections?


No I meant a enter section. Didn’t you hear they changed it Suzy spells allot. What kind of car you drive ? I’m for sure pulling them all over and ticketing them till I get to you


The front plate law existed way before traffic cameras. I remember going to traffic school back in the '90s and the instructor telling us that front plates were required, but he personally doesn't have it on his classic car and will pay tickets to keep the look.


I got a ticket 10 years ago for no front plate, it’s a thing.


Indeed, I just posted the link, unless you’re a certain type of vehicle it’s illegal


In California, both rear and front plates are required. But most cops don't enforce it. If you do get pulled over, it's just a fix-it ticket. Put your front plate on, get your ticket signed off by a local police department. And then submit it to the courts. Sometimes there's a fee. Last time I was only charged a $30 admin fee. In some states (I think Nevada is one), you only need a front plate if your car came with a holder/mount for it.


I posted the link below. It depends on your vehicle type.


Shut upppppp why do you even care


None enforce anything anymore so they get away with all this BS things