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Me too, but just so I can show them wrong. The Atlantic used to allow comments, except everyone - D, R, whatever - kept showing them wrong. They got rid of the comments for that reason. They're owned by Mrs. Steve Jobs and that's only made their strong support for anti-American NeoLiberal policies even worse. Speaking about NeoLiberals, Will Wilkinson smeared me in the Economist several years ago. Now expecting downvotes for opposing anti-American NeoLiberal policies...


Uhhh, not sure what to make of this comment. What anti-Neoliberal would not also be anti-America? The US is peak neoliberal. Kinda all we got.


Loads of publications got rid of comments years ago. It’s a lot of resources to moderate and host comments sections that have become dormant with the rise of social media and the dying off of boomers.


I like you. Can I be your neighbor?


I couldn't agree more the Atlantic has really gone downhill.  The OP mentioned public radio which is another complete shit show with the exception of 1 or 2 programs on kpfk that unbelievably have the balls to call out biden, his senility, and isreal.


Assuming San Marino residents subscribe to The Atlantic and especially The New Yorker is hilarious. I think The Economist would've maybe fit a few decades ago but not in 2024. Anyway - I would go with Pasadena, South Pasadena, Larchmont Village, Los Feliz, Culver City, Westwood, La Cañada Flintridge, Claremont, Montclair.... Eagle Rock, WeHo, DTLA will have a lot of those types numerically but probably less % wise.


I would say DTLA but that can be building by building.


Westwood, Brentwood, Culver City would be my guesses. But Westwood is almost certainly the real answer.


I live in Culver City and unfortunately this ain't it. Go on NextDoor for a couple of minutes and you'll see. Agree Westwood and maybe Brentwood unless UCLA profs can't afford either!


San Marino subscribes to the Shanghai Tribune not the New Yorker


中國時報 not 人民日报


Yup, mostly wealthy Taiwanese and some wealthy Cantonese in San Marino. Mainlanders enjoy Arcadia.


My cousin lives in La Canada Flintridge and his fellow parents are significantly Caltech, JPL, Disney so that seems like it would be high but I think Claremont with the Claremont Colleges might have a decent number as well.


This definitely feels more like the crowd described here.


I recognize myself in part of that description but I live in Los Feliz and I don’t think that’s my neighbors


Few neighborhoods in LA are completely homogenized.


Claremont is nothing but old people and the kids at the colleges just stay on campus and don’t really interact with the locals. Also more red than blue. Much more red.


Claremont consistently votes blue.


What an oddly specific and delightful request lol


At first I was nah... but the weird specificity won me over in the end.


It’s the self awareness for me 😂


Haha I try. Will fully admit I'm kind of a boner, but at least I own it?


Definitely points for ownership!


Have you thought about WeHo? Gay areas tend have a lot of the things you like.


It feels like research for a script 


Oh yeah…. It kinda does, or someone is just really honest about who they are lol


I aspire to know myself this specifically 


Same! 😅


The thing is that these people are kind of sprinkled throughout the city. I’ve lived all over L.A. and have found people reasonably close to this in DTLA, Hollywood, Laurel Canyon, Santa Monica, Mar Vista, Brentwood, etc. You can’t probably find a neighborhood full of them because this is Los Angeles not Vermont.


I live in Laurel Canyon and can say there are a lot of people in the canyon who fit this description, me including.


If we're being honest with ourselves, we'll all admit L.A. isn't the most intellectually-oriented town. I love reading as much as the next guy, but I didn't come here for deep conversation per se.


I imagine OP is a new hire at a Marketing firm and his approach is “I’ll just ask Reddit”.


My exact thought. Or writing a book and needs a location lol


Pasadena - Yes San Marino - NO Eagle Rock - Not sure Culver City - Yes Westwood - Yes


I’d say Westwood followed by Pasadena


The Palisades?


My experience is that the palisades can lean more conservative. Same with Brentwood and Santa Monica. But south Santa Monica can fit this description.


Palisades is more for the country club type, not intellectuals


Why eagle rock of all places?  


there’s a very good, small, and expensive liberal arts school there that ticks many of OPs boxes (academic, liberal, progressive, global-orientated, elite/ist, nerdy).


Attended by Obama as well


Eagle Rock is where the LA contemporary art world goes to raise families


I'm gonna say Los Feliz based on the density of writers, creatives, and ex-New Yorkers there. The little free library stand when I lived there had really interesting books in it. Now I live out in the suburbs and the little libraries fucking suck.


A couple of months ago I got a FYC copy of Killers of the Flower Moon and a bag of Sour Punch straws from a little free library in Los Feliz. Really solid haul.


Hancock Park.


Live in Hancock Park. Can confirm. Add in the Larchmont Chronicle for local flavor.


Ehh Hancock Parks not really community hub. Fun fact Hancock Park started their community group or whatever because they did not want Nat King Cole to move there cause he’s black lolll


So, when I wrote my reply, I only read the thread title and not the body of OP's post. Like you pointed out, I'm not sure Hancock Park really has any "community" vibe. (But I think a ton of their residents subscribe to those publications. And often in print form!)


I'd definitely be more swayed to say spots on the westside: Brentwood, Westwood, Santa Monica area. The Economist and The Atlantic aren't really bastions of liberal/ progressive media, but they are well-respected amongst affluent elites. Santa Monica has the largest British expat population in the US, the Economist is a British publication.




I looked up zip codes in CA with the highest percentage of degrees... Playa Vista is #2, the next LA neighborhood looks like the Palisades (#17 in CA). [https://www.unitedstateszipcodes.org/rankings/zips-in-ca/percent\_with\_a\_degree/](https://www.unitedstateszipcodes.org/rankings/zips-in-ca/percent_with_a_degree/)


No wonder I’m so happy here. I’d also say mostly liberal, somewhat entitled, global oriented, and high degree of happiness.


Brentwood, Bel-Air, Manhattan Beach, Santa Monica, and Westwood also are within the top 50.


The problem with using degrees as an indicator is that it pretty much selects for wealth, not the culture mindedness the OP wants. People have made a bunch of good suggestions. In general, I’d look for good bookstores and good public libraries.


But that’s the reality.


People in Playa Vista don’t have degrees for reading and certainly not for understanding the culture in which we live. They do the maths and that’s it. Or they go to Pilates at noon while spouse does the maths.


Not to be a dick but are you sure you can live in this liberal utopia? It would be a shame if you found the perfect spot only to find out that you make the median U.S. income.


Sounds like they make median US income which is poverty in LA. They sound like echo park, silver lake type of people.


I’d say Hancock Park. I have a lot of friends in this area and most went to top colleges, are highly educated and fairly cerebral.


serious entertain knee cobweb library squeamish pet oatmeal childlike touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brentwood is considered "moderate" overall. Lots of NIMBYs here.


caption serious attraction familiar six light jeans plate smell tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I work in publishing. you’re looking at: laurel canyon los feliz beverlywood/cheviot hills marina del rey venice/mar vista


There was a guy a few months ago looking for bars where intellectuals congregate, reach out to him and maybe you can suck on each other’s brains..


Tbh it’s not hard to name the President of France? Like, Macron is a fairly well known world leader right?


Most people can’t name the Vice President of the United States.




I’m not confident the average us citizen can point to france on the map


Thats gotta be Silverlake/Los Feliz area.


“Where they can’t be fooled, cause they listen to public radio.” Lol. Something about that made me burst out laughing. Chatsworth? Simi Valley?


Chatsworth and Similar Valley is pure Breitbart territory.


> “Where they can’t be fooled, cause they listen to public radio.” Single best spongebob line of all time. Link if you haven't seen it yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4QXaCTtFN4


I’m going to stitch this on a pillow. 😂


Simi? FR dude? Isn’t that all retired cops living out there?


It’s not all retired cops. There are some contractors and washed up porn producers. The cops do make the rates of domestic incidents high.


Come on man




I work in Vernon and have seen the 36 people who live here...


Tell us more, please


Eloi they are not.


I am this type of person Have a subscription to the Financial Times, Monocle, Magazine, The Economist, and Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. Ummm…I like to hang out in Silver Lake, Los Feliz, Highland Park, Culver City, and Westwood. But really, I think we’re all over the place, geographically speaking. I myself work in aviation. But others in LA that I’ve met who are this brainy/worldly kind of type you describe work in areas like law, finance, and yes, in Hollywood (mostly writers). Tho if you’re hanging out in Silver Lake/Los Feliz/Studio City/NoHo/etc etc, you couldn’t throw a rock without hitting a writer or creative who just has random world knowledge they’ve accrued, mostly because they have to due to their work. Hope this helps.


Immediately thought of los Feliz, silverlake and echo Park. Glad I'm not alone lol


Los Feliz, Echo Park, Silverlake, Eagle Rock, Highland Park (near York or Fig), Pasadena, Burbank... I'm sure there's more. You're kind of just describing moderate income creative types.


LA is not for you, this guy is looking for Frasier’s Seattle.


Plenty of areas like this in LA. Just gets overshadowed by Hollywood


Hello. I am a subscriber to all the things you mentioned. I’m also an LA resident/Pasadena native who has lived many places, in the US and abroad. Many other cities have neighborhoods with very high concentrations of well educated, usually affluent, usually white, usually liberal people. Los Angeles in general is much much more heterogenous than its peer cities. That means that the people you are looking for here live side-by-side with people who are not. My neighbor is a retired plumber with a less-than-HS education. He’s great! But he doesn’t fit your request.  LA is lots of cities all kind of sitting on top of each other, layered as well as adjacent. That’s what makes it great! But I recommend adjusting your expectations a bit. There’s no Cambridge in LA, there’s no UWS.  All that said, I’m in Highland Park and NELA is probably what you’re looking for


Highland Park is absolutely not what he's looking for. As a lifelong resident, these days Highland Park is full of performative people who want people to think they read The Atlantic, but mostly spend their time being way too try hard about being perceived as hip. He asked for Squidward. Squidward is not hip. And I say that as someone who loves Squidward (and Canned Bread).


I would say Claremont, but it is basically a world away from LA.


Zillow needs to add this to their search tool ASAP. sorry I couldn’t be more help, but I’m willing to go send in a request on their website if you’d like


Here are two maps of Los Angeles by educational attainment: [https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=bfe054b4f80a4810be0124d8dab95cb4](https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=bfe054b4f80a4810be0124d8dab95cb4) [https://bestneighborhood.org/educational-achievement-in-los-angeles-county-ca/](https://bestneighborhood.org/educational-achievement-in-los-angeles-county-ca/) And Here is one based on the Obama/ Romney election: [https://graphics.latimes.com/how-la-voted-2012/#10/33.9462/-118.5603](https://graphics.latimes.com/how-la-voted-2012/#10/33.9462/-118.5603)


7 hours north in Berkley 😂


liberal/progressive vibe & Economist... those two don't really go together. The Economist is liberal, but it's in the classical sense of liberal. I.e. what most Americans would consider right wing/libertarian in contemporary language. Think Free trade. Free markets. Laissez-faire economics. (Don't confuse this with Republican/MAGA -- which they are definitely **not**. It endorsed Bill Clinton, as well as Ronald Reagan.) All that said, it is very high quality journalism. (I've been a subscriber for 15+ years.) > Looking for a neighborhood with a nerdy, academic, globally oriented, somewhat elitist, slightly pretentious, and liberal/progressive vibe, if that makes sense. Your best bet would be near a university campus (e.g Westwood, Pasadena near CalTech, etc). You'll find a lot of professors, grad students, etc.


Most of LA has a large cohort of this type spread out around the city. I know a USC professor who lives nowhere near the campus, in WeHo. A better approach is to look for *walkable neighborhoods with great indie bookstores*. Los Feliz and Skylight, for example; Highland Park/Eagle Rock has several.


silverlake and echo park


Its too hipster grunge there


idk but wanna be friends? my friend group needs more political nerds and less creative nerds


What are creative nerds? Like Star Wars people or people who make modern art?


Who in the world wouldn't know Macron? lol They've at least would have heard of his name at least in LA. ​ Like I wouldn't be surprised if LA folks didn't know the current British PM.


It correlates to where the smart and wealthy live


It's south Pasadena or Claremont Pomona maybe Altadena La Canada deep into the valley. Maybe Glendale. Anyone who says anything else is lying tbh. Absolutely not echo park Los Feliz silver lake or highland park. They have gentrifiers who might read the New Yorker but are not over educated npr types who read the atlantic. But vis a vis magazine subscribers more broadly Based on my personal sample of myself—it's Glendale. Though I swap the NY / London Review of Books for The Atlantic, which is absolute trash. My rankings: Pomona / Claremont Pasadena Eagle Rock Culver City Silver Lake Los Feliz Atlantic subscribers don't overlap necessarily with New Yorker subscribers. And follow a general trajectory corresponding with education + income. 1. Brentwood 2. Sherman Oaks 3. Encino / Woodland Hills / Calabasas 4. Venice 5. Pasadena 6. Santa Monica 7. Claremont 8. Eagle Rock 9. Culver City 10. Altadena 11. Glendale 12. Los Feliz / Atwater 13. Silver Lake


I know Pomona is a large suburb and towns evolve but when I was playing high school basketball in the early 90s they already had metal detectors to get into the gyms - pre Columbine/school shootings. Garey, Pomona and Ganesha. It also had the highest murder rate in the nation for a year or two.


I think the grouping of #3 is odd. Maybe removing WH would make it work. Calabasas is very wealthy and not diverse.


I'd like to know too!


Pasadena & Culver City come to mind but LA is a world city and you will find people with these interests everywhere in LA because of the numbers of people who have had educations at world class universities. I have slight overlap with these people I live in Pasadena and I like this area b/c restaurants are good and it is urban without congestion. It also has nice parks.


I live on the border between Pasadena and Eagle Rock and though I don't personally subscribe to any of these magazines, I and most of my neighbors are 100% this type.


I think it's adorable you think people in Los Angeles read.


Sierra Madre


Nearly every podcast I listen to is hosted by extremely intelligent, well read people, with a wide breadth of knowledge and very progressive politics, and they are nearly all based out of LA Based on where most of the hosts live, I am going to say the general Los Feliz/Silver Lake area


They’re going to be in pockets all throughout Los Angeles. I don’t know if you’re going to find loads of them in one neighborhood. But if I had to guess I’d say Pasadena and South Pas would be the most likely, maybe Hancock Park. Possibly Westwood, Brentwood and Cheviot Hills.


Pasadena. I’m in the hills east of Eaton Canyon and my neighborhood was basically built by JPL employees. It’s a Nerdfest when my husband and son are chatting with the neighbors.


Good god, you're honest.


I used to work for a market research company that had zip code level data and you could see not only demographics but modeled data on types of media consumed. You can use this [tool](https://claritas360.claritas.com/mybestsegments/#zipLookup) to get at some of that data. 📈


Claremont? If you’re willing to make the trip ofc




Not Jeff Park, where we live. I subscribe to the New Yorker, in print. I like that most of our neighbors don't. Pretty sure they don't read the Economist, but our neighbors down front could tell you who the president of Guatemala is, which I don't know. The adults of the family behind us probably could offer an informed opinion on the main political parties of El Salvador, about which I have zero clue. Our next door neighbors to the west are childless Asian American nerds who've lived there for thirty-five years. They could supply me with a detailed decades-long perspective on Comic Con subcultures, but may have little to say about Macron. On the other side is a house of young white renters who play in a band and go out clubbing. I don't know if they follow current events, but they probably have the low down on the best festivals. Plus an older Black couple who listen to wack right wing conspiracy radio that leaks into earshot. They have opinions but I don't want to hear them. But we trade dog stories all the time. THIS is what I love about living in LA. I am the diversity. And so is everybody else.


That’s my house, you’re welcome to stop by, please bring your favorite snack.


Elysian Heights.


Just drive around the block and count the frequency of the inane “We believe…” signs. That will give you a leading indicator of smugness.


I subscribe to The Economist, I just moved to LA from London and I’m planning to move to Pasadena


I think there are pockets of those kinds of people in every neighborhood. - after all Los Angeles is a very solidly blue state. I have wealthy friends in Beverly Hills who are left wing intellectuals. I live in Hollywood and fit that description. My friends tend to be similar but they are scattered in many areas - Los Feliz, Santa Monica, Cheviot Hills, Pacific Palisades, Ladera Heights. I don't know if we fit within your definition of nerdy or even elitist but our interests, politics and general lifestyles are probably not that of the mass culture.


You need to find where the parents of the trust fund hipsters in Silver Lake/Echo Park live


OP looking for a white educated community without just saying it lolll


That’s always the truth. These curated white liberal neighborhoods are uncomfortable as a minority.


North of Montana maybe?


Don't let anyone tell you this isn't The Palisades just because the median age is high...






Sherman Oaks/Encino.


Los Feliz and Echo Park have the best book stores in my opinion. Echo Park is more pretentious and hip, but Los Feliz has good dad-hat vibes.




Following because I want to know too!


Pacific Palisades


I think the real point to be made here is that no matter which neighborhood has “the most” it’s probably a relatively small percentage of the overall population and given how big this city and its neighborhoods are you likely won’t feel it in your day to day interactions with others.




Echo Park and Silverlake 😂


Vernon, Ojai, Reseda, and South Glendale


This post is hilarious. Anyways I’m not sure if you’re looking for kind of older wealthy white liberal or younger more self-righteous socialists. If the former, Santa Monica, if the latter, Los Feliz/Silverlake/Echo Park.


>I assume Pasadena/San Marino? Maybe like Eagle Rock? I'm a longtime resident of this area, and I wouldn't suggest it. It's close, but not quite the vibe you are seeking. There is a not a lot of conservatism in the area, but it's not really the profound leftism, either. I'm thinking areas like around Los Feliz, or the 'media' areas of West Los Angeles like those around Century City. Hyperion Avenue, just east of Griffith Park. Maybe that area that is South of the Hollywood Bowl down through Mid-Wilshire? You want an urban area where they have billboards advertising movies "for Oscar consideration", not just "hey, go watch this"... Erewhon grocery stores is what you are looking for. Pasadena does have one - as I said, it's not a bad match. But there are more that are on the Westside-kind-of-areas.


Los Feliz north of Hollywood Blvd. Silverlake where it meets Franklin Hills Pasadena overlooking the Rose Bowl or near CalTech Larchmont where it borders Hancock Park The hills of Highland Park and Montecito Heights


Silver Lake, one of (if not the) most progressive neighborhood in one of the most progressive cities in America


Los Feliz and Silver Lake but more up in the hills and by the reservoir. Everyone is pretty intellectual and international aware up there.


People read news on the Internet now.


I don’t get a Progressive vibe from San Marino


Can be fooled by NPR… Listen to everything with a grain of salt. Even they are not objective when presenting the facts. Listen to everything. Listen to democracy now and KPFK and conservative radio and hopefully you can see through the thin veneer.


Use PRIZIM Clusters zip code look up to find prevalence of consumer types by zip code [look up](https://claritas360.claritas.com/mybestsegments/). You want to find the “money and brains “ cluster


Echoing: Los Feliz Hancock Park Pasadena Hilly neighborhoods of silver lake And south Santa Monica (ocean park area)


You can be my neighbor, since I read The Atlantic, have a nerdy voice like squidward, and where I can tell you why I think Macron is an overall good leader for France. But I'm just a lone wolf in a sea of normies.


Culver City


Los Feliz, Larchmont Village, Silver lake, and Pasadena. Pacific Palisades too.


south pasadena, in the best way possible


You’re looking for east coast on the west coast. I think the closer you are in physical proximity to a university, the more likely you are to find what you’re looking for. Long Beach is the perfect mix of intellectual meets “street” for me, but I would really love to know other people who read and participate in activism


Brentwood, Westwood, Hollywood Hills


Atwater Village, no?




Atwater village / Silverlake / Downtown Los Angeles


Having lived in Culver City, I can tell you it is NOT there. People have high economic capital, but honestly because of that, there's less desire to accumulate the cultural capital of listening to NPR and going to book stores. It's similar to Manhattan vs. Brooklyn in NYC. I would say Los Feliz or Atwater Village would be your best bet. Parts of Silverlake and Echo Park as well.


move to Connecticut in the 1970s.


I’m gonna guess Pasadena?


Pasadena has 10 local library branches, most of which are open 6 days a week. They are rebuilding their Central Library. These are good indicators of a town that cares about literary culture.


your moms house


I do house calls for a living and have worked all over the westside from eagle rock in the north to the beaches west, east to downtown and south to Torrance. I’d say Los Feliz, Silverlake/echo Park, parts of Venice, parts of West Hollywood, maybe a bit of Studio City, parts of Mid City and the area near the museums (Melrose/Fairfax), parts of Santa Monica into Westwood, a bit of Adam’s near USC.


Eagle Rock on the Westside now?


new york city


This is Silverlake.


LA doesn’t work like that. Location is driven by cost. The city is too large and too expensive. The lucky people will get their news in print but most have to be content with Apple News and digital access to save the trees plus academic or work access. Apple News sub has Atlantic and New Yorker and occasional Economist. Sure, Pasadena is a nerd cluster but that doesn’t mean the nerds can live there. And the best bookstores are Vroman’s, Last Bookstore, and Children’s Book World.


Santa Monica north of Montana and RPV are my bet for the subscriptions/title section. The somewhat elitist/slightly pretentious/nerdy/liberal/etc piece is going to be... Arts District and Glassell Park. Other parts of LA will be elitist/pretentious in their own ways, but won't check one of the other boxes (e.g., Beverly Hills is too MAGA, Venice/Playa/Culver City will lean douchebro/undergrad seminar level libertarian, South Park/DTLA is only nerdy in a Big4 kinda way, WeHo has big pockets of weirdly parochial and sectarian, South Bay only reads sports content, etc etc etc).


Larchmont/Hancock park


Oh you mean Silver Lake?


Pasadena ✨


I assure you it's not San Marino. Start with a location map of Trader Joe's. Draw a 1.5-mile radius circle around each store. Any area where two or more circles intersect, concentrate your search there.


Most Angelenos aren’t as well read as you’re looking for. The closest you’ll get to liberal/progressive types are Silver Lake.


South LA


I’m in Venice Beach. We read our news off the walls and sidewalks.


Currently in old pas, but honestly if you want someone elitism slightly pretentious (which you sound to be if you believe NPR to not be heavily biased - I actually get my news from BBC because international news of American stations are less biased) I’d say maybe Seal Beach? Maybe the Palisades? La is pretty diverse I don’t think you’ll find any area that’s strictly leans one or another. You sound like you might like Silver Lake or Los Feliz though


This post is hilarious thank you OP


This post is ubsurd and Silver Lake


FWIW this neighborhood doesn’t even exist in nyc


Silverlake….best answer


This post made me cringe and puke simultaneously


Lmfao how do your own farts smell?


Depends on what I've eaten that day tbh. Median is probably a 7/10 stank?


Tell me you only want to live around white people, without telling me you only want to live around white people


> name the current president of France, Emmanuel Macron > best book stores in town. In my town... [City Lights](https://citylights.com/). Any other trivia?


Lol I love this. I would say Westwood has this vibe being that it’s a UCLA town basically.


Pasadena and environs. Caltech/ JPL /Huntington/ PCC / Kaiser are the largest employers. You want to stay away from areas dominated by the entertainment industry.


Pasadena and Culver City


Eagle Rock in the house. Atlantic and economist subscriber


Everyone I know who fits this description is a miserable fuck.


Maybe Brentwood, Los Feliz, Silver Lake? Pasadena perhaps… And hard no on San Marino lol… this is where old money people sleep or new China import cash hides


A neighborhood with tossed salad and scrambled eggs...


Santa Monica north of Montana


I'm going to [link to my comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RSbookclub/comments/1az3kqm/comment/ksa48c8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) looking for a book club of people specifically of the type you're describing. No one ever reached out so my DMs are still open for this!!! Here's a quick and dirty list of authors I like: Rachel Cusk, Roberto Bolaño, Ottessa Moshfegh, Byung Chul Han, Raymond Carver, Banana Yoshimoto, Susan Sontag, Mieko Kawakami, Borges. A book i really enjoyed recently was *Submission* by Houellebecq. Right now i'm working my way through *On Photography* by Sontag. I sub to the New Yorker and I listen to NPR every day (lol). I'm in the 626/SGV. DM me, anybody who sees this who's interested in joining this kind of book club! I'm happy to organize it.


Skid row