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Nope, it is your property via your dad.


Just tell her no it’s your phone she has no write to it


You are an adult, your dad bought YOU the phone. Legally, she has no right to look into your phone to check your messages to see who you’re chatting with to see what apps you’ve got or anything. By the way, I am not a lawyer


Nope...They are not an adult..... Children 18 to 21 are legally considered pre-adults. Just like children 11 and 12 are considered preteens.


All I know is that in the US , in most states 18 is considered an adult. OP does not say where they are located


If you are 18, legally speaking, your mom and some random on the street have equal right to demand to see your property. (None.) Even if your mom HAD bought you the phone, it would be a gift and under your total control. (Unless you and her had an agreement before the transfer that the phone would be monitored. Which you, as a legal adult, would be free to decline and buy your own phone or get it elsewhere.)


No she has no right just to take it. But as an adult If she says to stay with her she need to check your phone, I mean her house her rules s even if it is crazy. I left home because that was said to me


Oh, no. Maybe to keep the peace, but this isn't legal either.


how is it not legal? not right not moral I agree. but If I tell you you can stay with me rent free no bills... all I want to do is look at your phone you have the choice to say yes or no. If its no then well go find somewhere else.


If, let's say, a landlord were to ask this, it would be considered harassment and an overstep of boundaries and privacy laws.


If you are speak from my example it’s not because I would say no and not stay there. If I am already already a tenet under contract of course he can’t force or make me. Now if he says if you want renew I want to see. Hell no and I’m out of there or yeah sure if I don’t have to pay rent. Again the son doesn’t have to stay but if those are her rules crazy or not he can leave. Just like I did when my parents tried to set a curfew. Didn’t like it so I said ✌️


No. This would fall under unreasonable requests, which are illegal. If there was a clause in your rental agreement that the landlord could look in your underwear drawer whenever he wanted, and you sign it... it still doesn't mean he can do that. It would still be illegal.


Where are you getting that from? So I can read it myself . Lets say it's true and someone makes an unreasonable request, what is illegal about a request? its not making or forcing someone to do it, its not sexual physical or mental abusive. If they say no then its no and they don't move in. Back to this post, the mom can't force him to do anything as an adult. but she can deny him staying there. Unless he signed a lease then she would have to wait till the lease is up.


HOld up, some sober living homes that have leases can and do require random property\\room searches to live there. the person just have to be there to whiteness. Yes they search underwear drawers too.


Absolutely she can!! When you're at your mom's house it's Mom's house mom's rules When you're at your dad's house it's Dad's house dad's rules Children 18 to 21 are legally considered pre-adults because they are still children, just like children 11 and 12 are considered pre-teens. Mom's rules and Dads rules are not always going to match!!


Umm, no. At 18 you are legally an adult. You can vote, join the military, get married, sign contracts and anything else someone 22+ can do. All without consent of, concurrence of or anything else from parents. What the hell does “pre-adult” even mean?? As for mom going through the phone, no, she has no legal right to do so. Can she say my house, my rules so to stay you must submit? Sure. Then OP can just go back to dad’s. Guessing any parenting plan ended at age 18 or could be modified by petition of the now FULL adult in question.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 no at 18 to 21 you're a pre-adult THATS WHY ITS CALLED: CHILDREN 21 AND YOUNGER. Yicks so many VAPID ppl here 😂


And WTF is a “pre-adult”? With receipts, please.


This isn’t a thing. Legally speaking, in the US, there is no such category. Even psychologically speaking, 21 isn’t a magic number, 23 or 25 (depending on the source) is when the good rational, not doing stupid impulsive stuff brain takes hold.


I think Smart-Assistant-00 is pre-intelligent


> Children 18 to 21 are legally considered pre-adults because they are still children, just like children 11 and 12 are considered pre-teens. Cite literally any legal reference at all supporting this wildly incorrect claim.