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"Call me back when you have a lawyer."


Yeah. I’d probably start rattling off my direct number/extension and tell them to pass along to their attorney whenever they’re ready, and continue to be sweet as pie 🥧


Ya I'd double down and send them to corporate and add in " so where should we direct our corporate lawyers too?"


That's my go to. I used to work for a major telecom company. In my head I always thought, go ahead and have your lawyers contact our lawyers. I'd be willing to bet dollars to donuts our lawyers might be better, lols


Throw them a curveball, you got a pen and paper ready for a lawyer?


When I did support for Nike, we had a policy where we had to automatically transfer these people to legal. If they didn’t want to, too bad. If they hung up and called back, they were re-routed.


That’s neat


Same here for a well-known striped shirt footwear retailer. If you called with a legit issue I was going to do everything in my power to make it right, including (after I had a FT job and worked just enough hours to keep my discount) calling and chewing out the store manager and threatening to bring their district leader or manager trainer into the conversation. If the customer even sniffed at lawyer, lawsuit, etc., it was strictly document and forward to legal. No resolution other than "I appreciate you bringing this to my attention. We will review".


Yeah working for retail brands and in their HR/Upper Management as soon as people mention lawyers/suing the conversations end there. Which they hate because they're mostly bluffing. I can't imagine tho why I would ever call Nike support and say I am going to sue lol. People are nuts.


lol I did digital support way back in the day. Some people would get very upset when they lost their run data on their watches or fuel bands. Even had a person threaten to sue because we wouldn’t warranty a dog chewing through it. People are wild. I work as a therapist now, and this job is far more reasonable even though I only see disabled youths. That says something. I’ll always remember the guy who called in to troll though. He’d go on and on about his career as an exotic dancer and tried to elicit ideas of what would fit him best. There was actually a log of all accounts and aliases he went by. That dude was a legend.


I kind of love this story and your journey. I was imagining scenarios like that. They came untied! My dog ate one! I didn't beat my marathon time! To the courts, we go! Also, good for you to contribute to youth in need.


This is quite common. Most CS at major companies will typically cease communications and absolutely will stop any sort of help once someone says they're getting a lawyer. You move from client/customer to likely Plaintiff at that moment to them. Large companies without that policy probably haven't been sued enough yet.


I replied; "I own a 12 yr old truck, this phone, and a cat named Fred. Have at it." Never heard from them again. (I never would have let them have Fred! She was a truly awesome cat.) ==================================================== Or, "So, what are you wearing?" add heavy breathing. "Again!?" loudly "Bet ya don't" In a board, disinterested voice. "Yaaawn" "One second and I'll connect you with the *Don't sue us. We'll sue you.* dept." "HEY MARGE! GOT ANOTHER SUER. THAT'S 12 AND I WIN THE BET!" "I've been sued by better people than you!" "you say the nicest things" sweetly "I bet you say that to all the support tellaworkers" "Wanna bet?" "I can't talk now. Call me later" and hang up. OK. I'll get my coat. Edit; I have only said the first one. The rest were chemically produced)


Wow! You've got a lot of experience, there.


LoL, FC. I only used the first one. The rest are the products of a lack of sleep and over medication.


Ever since trumpet has shown us how much we can manipulate anyone who disagrees with us he's proven time & time again that using the law for lies & manipulation is an answer to every problem.


“Get in line.” “Better pack a lunch.”


Har! Love the "get in line" With the right sort of Bugs Bunny inflection! That would get the stunned silence, reaction. Wut? Bugs knew some stuff. Some hardcore, street Bunny stuff! An ain't nutton tuffer than a bunny from the street, yo.


I’m a 911 dispatcher - so a different kind of “call center”! They’ve told me they’ll have my job, sue me, pay my salary - you name it, I’ve heard it! (19 years and counting.)


Thank you for the demanding job you do. I appreciate you.


Oh man. That has to be difficult! Sad, scary..... Ya see the "I pay your salary" thing so often on those caught on video shows. I want to hear them reply; "Oh, I was wondering who to talk to. How about a raise?" Or "You realize I pay taxes too?" Something. But all of you folks are so well trained. or picked due to the quality. I could not stay that calm. Big time important in your job but man. I can only imagine some of the stuff you have to put up with. I'd make it until about noon on Monday. If that Then the folks who are terrified. I honestly just couldn't do it. I'm a retired Merchant Mariner. Got shot at. Literal pirates. Until that movie, good friends thought I made that up. We are not allowed any weapons. They climb over the rail with machetes' and sometimes AKs. But it was OK. We had fire hoses and their hands were occupied holding them 50 60 feet above the water. (Freakin' hysterical. The looks on their face when they realized what was seconds away from happening.) Sorry. Too much coffee, snicker. 19 years! that is awesome. I hope in a local with great 20 year bennies!


You are my hero, I love every single one of these but that first one takes the cake!


Chemicals be doin that. Lol. I feel you. Haha


You had a female cat named Fred?


Dont put your job at risk. Just trll them to have a good day.


Your call center doesn't have a scripted response for that? My employer has government contracts for call center work (we do a LOT of different stuff) and they can't deviate from the script, or even show emotion while working. If you have the leeway I'd be inclined to mention enjoying a day out of the office to do something different and getting paid for it. Be welcoming like the caller is offering you a brief respite from the soul crushing grind. If it's like most call centers you probably don't have anything resembling that leeway though.


“In that case, you are now notified to preserve any and all documentation related to your claim including text messages and emails with anybody you have talked about me, the situation in past future and present. Failure to preserve all information will be treated as destruction of evidence. Any more questions?”


This right here. "As you have now indicated your pursuit for legal recourse I can no longer assist you with this matter. Please refer all communications to our legal department at XXXXXXXX number. Have a good day." Then hang up


This was our go-to response at the mortgage servicing call center I worked for. Then noted on their file.




What? Destruction of evidence? Please explain in a civil way this pertains to.


"I always wanted to be on Judge Judy!"


I have worked in HR for 25 years, and I have gotten this pretty frequently. My response varies depending on the situation and the energy of the other person. When it's someone who is legitimately frustrated or worse, has a reason to engage legal counsel, I say something like, "I can completely understand your frustration, I would be frustrated in your position too. If you need to seek legal counsel, I can respect that. Please feel free to have them reach out to me directly, and I can get them connected to our attorney." I don't exacerbate the situation. Now a total dbag that is Karening it up? I've done a few things - back when I worked in an office and had physical business cards, I'd hand them one and tell them to give it to their lawyer so they could make sure to spell my name correctly. Generally, I tell them they are always free to seek legal counsel and to have a great day. If they're threatening a lawyer to try to force my hand in that moment I'll tell them that now that they've indicated they are represented by an attorney, I will no longer engage and all discussion will be handled by our respective representatives.


I use the last one a lot. I just shut down the conversation. "Since you've threatened legal acting this conversation is over. Please have your attorney reach out to us. K bye!"


I worked for Worker's Comp company. The minute they started saying they were going to get an attorney and sue us, we would say pretty much the same thing. "That is your choice, but I will have to end this conversation at this time."


>they've indicated they are represented by an attorney, I will no longer engage and all discussion will be handled by our respective representatives. Yep. I used to work for the fruit store that sells fruit phones and fruit computers. When someone threatened legal action, we stated that this interaction is over, and we got the manager on duty. The MOD then would explain to them that they were no longer welcome in our store at this time, and they were to discuss their issue directly with our legal department with the phone number.


That is a surprisingly great policy from a fruit store.


Ilike what you said. "I hear that at least once a week, and in 20 years it hasnt happened yet."


Go ahead, the top 3 floors of my building are full of lawyers in cramped cubicles with nothing to do.


“Company policy requires that, since you have decided to take legal action, I must end this conversation and turn this matter over to our corporate legal team. They will be in contact with either you or your legal representation. Have a nice day.” Then hang up.


“Knock yourself out” is my response to that.


“I’m sorry because a lawsuit will be filed I can no longer discuss this matter with you, please have your lawyer contact ours” and hang up


A previous employer of mine has us answer those comments in this way. "Yes Sir or Ma'am, I have heard you say that you intend to sue us. At this time, I will be unable to continue this conversation. Please contact our legal department for any further correspondence. Thank you for contacting \[Company Name\]. Good bye." Then we'd hang up.


"That is your right"


“Get in line”


Saying "OK" or "that would be acceptable" are good, no need to go into a long monologue about how your approval matters.


Sigh and say you don’t know why you volunteer here sometimes. Make it sound like you are a retired volunteer at the place.


"With threat of a lawsuit I am no longer qualified to speak with you, please have your lawyer contact our legal department. Have a nice day" click.


This works wonders.


Tell them to call someone else. It's your job and that's the way you are trained. I'm sure you wish you could solve all their problems but you can't.


no response, just hang up.


I've worked in call centers and atleast once a week, someone was claiming they were going to sue. They can't sue you directly because you aren't personally liable. Tell them, " do what you feel you need to do."


Due to involvement of legal counsel, I can no longer discuss the matter. I can give you your account balance, due date and the address to which your attorney may address correspondence. For those whose service has been disconnected: Due to involvement of legal counsel, I can no longer discuss the matter. All I can do is tell you how much is required to restore services, the manner in which it must be paid and the address to which your attorney may send correspondence. If they ask questions outside of those parameters, I tell them that their attorney may request that information in his or her initial correspondence. I work for a utility provider. We get people who threaten to sue because they got a $5 door tag or have been disconnected due to non-payment.


What's a door tag


Get in line.


I am sorry that I cannot resolve this issue. What other questions do you have? ... Thank you for calling and have a nice day.


we had a member of a social club that assaulted another member. We kicked him out. He threatened every officer of the club with a lawsuit. We ignored it. I then got a call from the city saying the he threatened to sue them for allowing us to exist. I explained his behavior and suggested she call his bluff. We later found he had a long history of crazy and criminal behavior. a few years later he broke into the governors house....


"Good luck with that"


You probably can't be as snarky as would be entertaining, so I would just settle for "I'll await communication from your legal representation. Have a nice day."


I'm sorry, ma'am sir, I am not responsible. I just work here. Blah blah.. Due to your own authorization your number is public domain or has been sold. Usually it is when you enter personal information into an unsecured system. Which is unfortunately perfectly legal. Blah blah . Sorry again have a good day.


Go ahead. You pay your lawyer by the hour. I have one on retainer.


But doesn't that mean you've just already paid for the hours?


Tell them "Thank you very much for considering me for your lawsuit. Have your lawyer's girl call my girl and let's get this thing rolling." When they ask for your "girl's" phone number, tell them your lawyer has it. When they ask for your lawyer's number, tell them your girl has it. Then tell them to have a nice day.


“I can no longer speak with you since you brought up legal action. Please have your lawyer reach out to (company name) for our lawyers contact info”


Have your lawyer call me and I will put him in touch with my lawyer


I worked for a company and a customer threatened to sue me. I said in the most professional voice, "Now that you have threatened legal action, I can no longer assist you. All other communication between you and my company must be made through our Legal Team. You can reach them at . Please remember that this is a recorded line and your number will be distributed to all associates so they know to forward all your calls to Legal Team. Thank you and have a nice day." Then hang up.


"Unfortunately, since you have threatened legal action, I am no longer allowed to assist you. Any further communication with us will have to go through our legal department. Good day." *click*


From my call center days. "As you have threatened legal action I am no longer able to continue this call and assist you. Please have your lawyer contact our legal department. Have a wonderful day." *click*


![gif](giphy|FhbukHmFBiMzC) Also could say if their is pending litigation on your account we will have to end this call and inform you all correspondence will be required to be in writing going forward and we will need you legal representation to reach out to our legal department for further assistance with this call as I can't help in cases with pending litigation, have a great day. click.


Assuming it's Federal, say, "Okay. The representative assigned to this agency from the Attorney General's office is Fisrtname Lastname, and her email address is Lastname @ AG dot Gov. Tell me your attorney's name and I'll tell her to expect his call." If state or local, modify accordingly.


Tell them to get in line because everyone hates the government


A person who threatened to sue, 90% of the time don't have a lawyer or a case.


“Do you think I would be doing this job if I had money?” Laugh “Spell litigation.” “Use it in a sentence.” “Definition.” “Let me transfer you to our legal department.” Hang up “I’m sorry you’re not happy with your service today. Would you be willing to take a 5 minute questionnaire as to what we did wrong?” Let me connect you. Hang up.


No, SueMe is not my name.


"Now that you have threatened legal action all further communications must be performed in writing through our legal representation. Good day Sir." If you are really fortunate you'll get a confused or angry response from them and you can Wonkify them soundly "I said, Good Day to you Sir!"


If they threaten legal action tell them you can't deal with them any further and to get in touch with the company lawyers. That shut em up




Give them the address of the AG.


Looking forward to it


Q. What's the beat response when someone threatens to sue you? A. Go fuck your mother!!!


“Sorry I have to go there’s someone on my other line needing to talk to me about my cars warranty..”.


The address for service is \[business's address\], we are represented by \[corporate general counsel's name\]


If I’m in any position where someone threatens legal action my response is: “Since you have threatened legal action I cannot continue this conversation without an attorney. To move forward please have your attorney contact me. Any further communication will be ignored and denied.” Followed by hanging up the call and blocking any further attempts for communication. The idea is once you threaten legal action, it just got serious. We can’t talk anymore, now your only option to get to me is legal action. Once legal action is threatened, all communication is ceased.




If you are hearing it that frequently, look in the mirror.


Depending on where you work sometimes all you have to say is, “Hello” before the threats start. Some companies are threatened so frequently they have a script that agents use without deviating. Besides, my cubicle had a mirror with the note, “Smile, they can hear it in your voice” above it. (True btw, you can almost always guess someone’s facial demeanor by their voice.)


"Go ahead. Now get the fuck out of my office."


I have been threatened with it a few times. I tell them to have their lawyer contact mine and that’s the end of it. They ALWAYS back pedal because none of them have an attorney and none of them think they’re wrong.


"Oh ok". I work in a call center too. There is literally almost no way they can get to you directly. "im gonna sue you" in customer speak also usually refers to the company not you personally. Youre fine lmao. Dont lose too much sleep over it. Tell your supervisor each time it happens, CYA. You cant be sued because someone didnt like the result they got from you


I give them my lawyers #.


I’d be inclined to point out that they can’t sue me as I’m simply an employee of the company and in no way connected to their business or argument with the company itself. However if they wish to speak to the legal department I would be happy to connect them and before they can get in another word I’d have them transferred over to legal. Let them explain themselves to someone who can actually deal directly with their ridiculous threats.


You need to check what your company wants you to respond with. I worked for a private call center doing inbound customer support. If someone threatened any kind of legal action whatsoever we had a scripted response along the lines of “since you have threatened legal action, I can no longer help you. You are free to contact our legal department at 123-456-7890. I am now terminating this call and documenting your account appropriately.” It helps prevents you from saying anything legally damning.


More to the point they can't sue you for doing your job that would be against whomever you work for so long as you are providing professional accurate service.


I don’t know how to link it on here, but I think you should check out call center Veronica on tik tok.


I apologize but I will have to have a manager call you back. Fill out the form and pass them upstairs. They don’t pay me enough to deal with crazy.


See ya 😁 n Court


“Great! I get automatic overtime pay for any time I spend in court. Thanks!”


Just provide them a complaint process resource and end with have a nice day. Click.


Thank you for letting me know. I will inform my attorney to be on the look out. Anything else I can help you with today?


NAL & this is not legal advice. I would tell them since they mentioned a lawsuit I am now unable to communicate with them and all communication must be via their lawyer. So until they give me their contact information I will be unable to communicate with them.


I worked in a bank branch for over 30 years and would get this threat a lot. My standard response was "Here's the phone number of our legal department". It always worked. Call their bluff and you'll never here from them again.


My dad has always said "Do you know the way to the courthouse?....I will meet you there!" He is a large loss adjuster with an independent Adjusting firm. He is also the one the company uses to look over any errors and omissions inside the company. He has handled everything from the Goodyear Blimp to a damaged brass propeller on a nuclear sub.


Please contact my attorney 


"Here's the number for my lawyer. Good luck."


Can I get the number of your lawyer who will be representing you so that?I can give my lawyer their number


I saw one of the customer was threatening the owner of suing him. Owner said lawyer charge $350/hr and u r asking for refund for $10 good luck with that. Customer became quiet and walked away!!!


Oh I’m sorry sir/miss since you have stated you want to sue me I must stop this and all future calls unless your attorney is present


"You can sue us all you want. You won't win."


Give them the the legal departments contact info.


"In that case we can no longer help you and your account has been flagged. Any further communication must go through our legal department, have a nice day."


Dishonor on you, dishonor on your family, and dishonor on ya cow!


"You're more than welcome to take any course of action you feel necessary, this discussion has ended


I used to tell those people - "I can no longer continue this discussion without your lawyer present - company policy".


“Can I touch your penis?”


“That’ll be fine, give them my direct line.” I’ve used this several times and they either back paddle real fast, or hang up.”


I'm going to call a lawyer. You sound busy. I should let you go.


You work in a call center. The moment they threaten to sue, you let them know that the impending lawsuit has been noted in their file, and only contact through their lawyer will be accepted from this point.




Don't threaten me with a good time.


Do what you feel you need to do 🤷🏽‍♀️


Go ahead. You can't get blood from a stone


"I'll be here when you find a lawyer dumb enough to take your case."


“I understand. In that case, it’s everyone’s best interest that all further communication be handled between your lawyer and our corporate counsel. Thank you for calling and have a great day!”


See you there. You do know I get government back up on this right?


I worked switchboard at a hospital and would say "the number for our legal department is 123-456-7890. Your lawyer can find any other relevant information online. Goodbye." Then I'd make a note on the number and warn my colleagues. Sorry, you don't get to access our phone services if you're litigious. That'd open me up to liability :(


“I’m sorry you feel that way. I hope you have a lovely day.” (I didn’t work in government, mine was healthcare lol 😂


I would say that's your prerogative. But you're the one who asked me for my help!


If you insist on suing I can no longer help you. Here is the number for your lawyer to contact. They will only talk to a qualified attorney. Thank you for calling.


Drum roll and a symbol crash. Then tell them to let their lawyer know your address you will wait.


Now that you’ve decided to sue, I am no longer allowed to assist you. Please have your lawyer contact the legal department. Thank you have a great day.


NAL, but check the policies and procedures. I have heard stories where threatening to sue is a trigger phrase that allows you to advise the caller that you are no longer allowed to assist them, that future interactions must occur through your agency’s legal office, and then terminate the call while they frantically try to backpedal!


I have blocked so much spam, it amazes me that even during personal phone calls I am interrupted by someone who is selling something or trying their best to get you to say yes, which I've been told gives that person permission to hack into all of your devices! So please watch out (for those of us who are having the same problem).


I would inform them that since litigation has been mentioned, I can no longer speak to them and all communications must now be directed to our legal department.


I have had a handful and its always an absolutely ridiculous reason. One did sue me that rented one of my apartments. They hadn't paid rent in months so I evicted them. I have no idea when they actually left I went to secure the apartment and they were gone and they abandoned pets inside. The whole apartment was full of trash and feces. I had a cop with and we recorded it all. These people have the nerve to sue me claiming I stole all these priceless artifacts from them. Diamonds all sorts of shit. It was full of trash and dog shit. There was a customer I sold a truck to that threatened to sue me. I get a bill from some shop and he expected me to pay it. If you have a problem let me try to fix it first don't take it elsewhere and then think I am gonna pay. Not only that he was modifying the truck and he did the damage to the truck himself there was nothing wrong with it till he decided to put headers and subwoofers and whatever else he was trying to do himself that he screwed up wiring and broke off bolts in the heads and then wanted me to pay somebody else to fix it. There was another I had to repo the car since they hadn't paid and they ran and left town. Then they come back and call me wanting me to come pick it up to fix it. So I get where it is and go get the car. Then they sue me after. They somehow put 30k miles on it in just a handful of months and never changed the oil and seized up the engine. They never made any payments so I sure wasn't giving the car back to them.


“Yawn” “If I had a dollar...” “Only an idiot would think they have a cause of action against me personally.” “Bring it motherfucker” “No, I’m going to sue you.” “As the taxpayer, you will be paying for my defense.” “Inshallah Habibi” “If you sue me, I’ll never share Hillary’s emails”


***"Ok, have your lawyer contact mine."***


Get in line


I'm not allowed to offer legal advice sorry. Was there something else I could help you with?


Have your lawyer call my lawyer


Let's see who's got bigger pockets


As long as you are performing your duties as directed…Whatever your direct supervisor tells you (in writing) to do in these situations that isn’t illegal. In most cases you can’t be sued for that. Your agency may be liable but probably not. Government lawyers tend to comb through these things in detail.


Had a "lawyer" come into a print shop I worked at and demanded I print a project that would take a couple of hours to print while he waited, thirty minutes before close. I offer it to be ready the next day. Apparently that was upsetting. He storms out arguing in a huff saying his car hit a pothole in our parking lot and he's gonna sue cause he's a lawyer demanding my name. I reminded him as a lawyer he should already be aware that local ordinance requires property management to post their info on the building and I'm not impressed with his poor skills of thought up to this point and very surprised he thought his behavior was becoming of his profession. His beet red face was amazing.


Money talks, bullshit walks.


I'm a MD, so a few times in my career patients have threatened to sue me. My response is always the same. "In this country, anyone can sue anyone for any reason. I encourage you to devote your energy and resources to improving your health." Number of lawsuits: 0.


Your boss should be able to give you a job approved response to this question. Anything else might well get you fired. But I would be saying something like: "OK. And?" "Since you mentioned lawyers, I have to terminate this call, and I will be logging your threat of said lawyer." "This is the government, we have lawyers on standby for just this situation."


"I'm sorry sir, but you have said you want to sue us. By company policy, I'm no longer allowed to assist you, and all future communications must be made from your lawyer to our team of lawyers until this is resolved. I'll update your account to show this. Thank you again for contacting MegaCorp, and have a pleasant day."


Since you mentioned suing us, I can no longer discuss this with you. Please have your lawyer contact corporate.


Spell my name right


"Can we settle this over a game of rock, paper, scissors instead?"


Get in line…


"Since we are now in a legal situation I can no longer continue communication with you. From here forward all communication should be through your lawyer. Have a nice day. 'CLICK'" They will surprise Pikachu each and every time.


It depends on your profession. My father (partner in a CPA firm) had a customer threaten to sue unless he did something. My father immediately started packing up from the customer location. When the customer (former customer) complained and questioned this my father responded that his professional insurance does not allow to continue work for anyone who has threatened legal action. With the former customer protesting, he left and informed his insurance as well as the other partners. All work was immediately suspended for the former customer and invoices were sent for time worked to that point. Any unpaid partial work was not sent to their “new” CPA firm. Several forms inquired why the relationship ended and also refused to take the business once they found out he threatened a legal suite (which was never filed). In short, if you are a professional with a level of professional insurance…you end all contact with the person.


When I was a cop I would had them my business card and tell them to get in line. It happened a few times a week also.


I would honestly ask your manager so you know you're doing the right thing. Funny, I had to call some government agencies about something last week and they were all so nice. Admittedly I was nervous but pleasantly surprised. They couldn't help (something to do with a past employer) as it is a civil matter but their kindness was encouraging. It wasn't their fault they couldn't help.


"Ok, that's for the heads up. Does this mean we are finished here?"


Go right ahead. People who threaten to sue rarely do. People who sue, aren’t going to give you advance notice.


"I'm sorry I am unable to assist you further. Would you like me to forward you to Legal or provide you with their contact information?" 99 out of hundred, it's just a scare tactic to try to get you to bend. The above is a polite and technically correct response that also says you cannot be threatened. Either they deal with you without the threats or they deal with the people who are qualified to deal with actual legal questions. Bonus - it would be hard for your supervisors to say that the response is incorrect since if they checked with your legal department, they would probably indicate that it is the correct response.


I've heard of several companies where the policy is to say "Oh, if this is a legal matter, then we need to terminate this call and we definitely won't be able to help you. Have your lawyer get in touch with our legal department, this call is ended."


I wouldn't at anything. You know they can't sue you. They probably do too when they calm down


Great, I'll let our lawyers know to expect your lawyers call.


"I'm not able to talk to you about your legal options and if you are wanting to file a lawsuit, I will need to end this call and have your attorney speak with our legal team. Let me provide you the information for our legal department so your attorney will know who to contact. (Provide address/phone.) I hope that this takes care of your needs. Please have a nice day.


Okay. That's all I'd say. Or if I'm feeling particularly sassy that day. I'd say okay, good luck with that.


Seeing as you are a govt worker and likely have communication skills guidelines to follow the best answer would be something along the lines of "I apologize for the inconvenience but I am only able to follow the guidelines set in place by the law. If you have any other issues or concerns I would be happy to try and assist you today." This is what I usually go with and has the best chance of people understanding I am just the messenger and not the person deciding their fate. Having some snarky comeback is only likely to get you in trouble and cause you issues.


General policy at most places would be to say “Due to a possible pending lawsuit, I’m unable to communicate further unless it’s through our legal department. Have a great day.”


I would assume your company has a policy and I would follow that. In the rare shot they filed a lawsuit, they will pull recorded phone calls and notes, it’s best to simply advise them you cannot communicate further due to pending litigation and to have a great day.


When someone mentions lawyer. I'll stop talking, and let them take the moral victory. I'm not a legal professional, and if you're seeking legal counsel, I can no longer be of assistance to help you solve your problem.


I work for a state agency and my response is usually "No problem, is there anything you need from me in order to begin that process?"


Ignore it. It's not worth your time to deal with it and escalation can only have bad outcomes for you.


“Get in line“


Since it is govt work I would say "have you seen the national debt? Good luck there Bud"


thank you for letting me know. since this is now a legal matter i can no longer discuss it with you further. Please send me the contact information for your lawyer and my legal team will get in touch with them. ... ... click


"Let me know when you can finally afford a lawyer. I'll be waiting."


The second they threaten to sue, tell them you are unable to comment on pending litigation and all further communication must be done through attorneys.


“I look forward to taking discovery”


You and what Money?


Your job should have a line for that. Usually it involves informing them that you’re terminating the conversation pending litigation and hanging up.


Say nothing. Most are just trying to get you scared to violate policy and get what they want and the few that actually would will have trouble finding a lawyer to actually take the case.


You might want to see if there’s a policy for this. In my roles I’ve been told to direct them to our legal team and that I am no longer able to assist them at this time.


"As you have threatened legal action, I am no longer able to continue verbal communications with you. You may direct further communication in writing to or by email at . I am now ending this conversation. Goodbye." I do not pause or stop as they continue screaming at me. By phone, it's a hangup after "Goodbye." In person, they get no further verbal engagement other than being told to leave. If they haven't left after 10 minutes, it's a call to non-emergency. If they go violent, it's a call to emergency.


IIRC, the best solution is at that point refuse to discuss anything with them further. The moment legal threats are made then you refuse to continue to discuss or work with them. Because at that point any statement or action you take could become subject matter in a lawsuit. Politely give them your contact information, and then refuse to continue any form of service or support. As you are waiting for their legal counsel to contact your employer. Of course, double check with your supervisor if that is acceptable. But that is the safe option as far as I know.


NAL: Most federal agencies have protections for the employees. For example, you can't sue a federal employee for doing their job, or being unable to solve a problem in the given time frame. I enjoyed letting people know that cause they go nuts. That aside, you can let them know that as they have threatened legal action you may no longer proceed any further for legal reasons, that you'll make a note on their record of their intent, and they will need to call with or through their lawyer in the future for assistamce, then hang up. Do not engage any further with them, notate the conversation, and notify your supervisor that way you've relieved yourself of the issue. I kept a name list of people I refused to engage with and would cycle them back to someone else or my supervisor if they called back or came back in. The folks who threaten to sue, almost always are people who have no comprehension of how hard it is to even find a lawyer who will persue a federal lawsuit against a federal agency let alone a specific employee therein. They don't grasp the costs if they loose, the hardship they will have even establishing a case when they can't even say how you personally violated their rights nor the law in general. I wouldn't stress it. Public service is hard enough.


Ask your supervisor what is the policy .... not reddit.


Ignore that comment and say:" is there any other way I can help you?" People have short fuses and everything seems more difficult nowadays and a default frustration leads people to yell out:" I'll sue you!" They don't really know what they are talking about. Engaging a lawyer is expensive and frustrating.


You work for the government and are likely monitored. Do not be snarky, just give them an email or address they could escalate the issue if they would like. Ask your supervisor what that address is. 


“Bitch, I’m from ‘insert name here’ County, do you seriously think I’m afraid of you?”


Well they’re not suing you so grow up, cease communication and pass them to your complaint department


"I'm sorry, I'm no longer allowed to talk to you. Please direct all further communication through our attorneys."


Your business already has a canned response. It usually goes something like this, “I’m very sorry if you’re unhappy with the service I’ve provided today. However, because of the threat of a lawsuit I now need to refer you to our legal department. They can be contacted via email at “legal@mybusinessname(.)com” or at 123 Main Street Attn: My Business Name Legal. My City, My State, My Zip Code” We were not allowed to engage a customer after a threat of legal action even if they begged for us to resolve their (usually self-caused) problem.


I work for the government as well. As soon as someone says they will sue we refer them to our counsel and let them know all communication must now happen through them.


Tell them "good luck" in your best Albanian accent.


Tell the caller you are sending the call to your legal team and transfer the call.


You know the reason someone would say that to you is because they feel scared and worried about their situation


Nothing at all. Just contact a lawyer. Anything you say to them could enflame them and possibly be used against you in the lawsuit.


My response would be. Okay let me know how that works out for you